HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-09-09, Page 24 • 7-4 f• •••••' • ` • I . . 1114reeigerieriir4prapreerir$147144•-,1-V-4, • •••••••••••••••Vilteree+"•3tererges`•••••*•••'•,,i. . • , e. ott 1,1 oo • , A' •11 • 4-4:0201.4.7.0:4::•:.•:•:Z.+X•X•PX•X•40:":•;::.•:#"+.1":•-•••••••-•-•-••••••-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•i4 AGENTS WANTED OOP PROFITS ,EY.ER: DAY SPte .,. ling our guaranteed hosiery.. P1 47 erderaz 'Protected ter,rt-', tory. for producers.; ,-Clarjen 'cpanYk, • PoSt. ,Offtee. gattlariees... Ont. • ; - • '" WNJ 15-010r$ ing;'•Supercreft'cliathest,5y414:...S renc Montel t,, ra• 91.29°?c , , 7. • • ; SEND FOR FREE KIT.' SOBIE'S, MenufacturerC•• for, Alieir Own 24 eitY,ISterea *cress Tan, • ada, Want ;,agents to eeeme .eXclus•••• ave factory repreSentatfves: `Menand- • wornen, earn 'big•trniney!'", Sell. Sable's, „guaranteed LingeOe and fine Hos- iery, intc . tliis profitable bUSin- • ess now. Write today for ffee. outfit. Sobie's SHk ;Shops, Department $.T, Farnham, Que: , • ARTIO•ictAL • HANGER STANDARD iLIMB CO., • . 126 Wellington' Sti'eet West, To- ,ronto. Improved light .metal and low artificial limbs without shoulder 'straps. . BARN ROOFING •-• FENcE posTS .1 DIgEcT. •F.AQTOR,Y PRICES. , eaVe• yownioneY on ShPertite gal- . Vanized roofing,' Superipr Fence ' :Posts and steel granary. lining. Super- ior Products:, Limited; Sarnia, On.. , , HIGH CLASS SCOTCH, ENGLISH 'Collie/. Pups, 'natural fborn -k low. / Ite,elers, Plod watch dog. Males, two months, $3.50. 3 months $3.75. Females $2.00. Failures replaced .free, Trained cattle dogs, trained fox,'corin end deer hounds. •Rapidview --K•annels;•--Morris= burg, Ontario: ' - • FILMS AND PRINTS ENfArsg_,NTs'•F EE .WITH ' everf-28tediek;fs- de'veloped ;and eight.' prints 25 .cents, reprints -3, cents ,eath. Brightling. 29. "Riehinond: Street. East, Toronto., sPARIMINO, HIPjJOS.S;1-"C1tLE „• •edged „prints; :threw extra .'Witli •. elt y911:finished 25e. Twelire reprint's• ., 25^ WebbWood, oat:. • . . .. 17POLLS,..• DEVELOPED;. PRINTED, , -`''' , one tree enlargement..25c, •• Re•. , •arints 10 for 25c.: Photo -Craft. 1833 7-cIng St., E.,Toronto .. • • -.. • .7.7)OLLS , -DEVELOPED AND: EIGHT... •prints. with .frae enlargement; 25c.• , Reprints' ,3c each. Commercial ,Photo • Se'riice„ Dept; Outremont. 'Que. ROLL DEVELOPED AND' min deckle 'edge 'print df •each.. • Reprints' 3c,,10 or 25c. OneFree' argement with .each • 'order • , Snanr Photo •SerVice,. 'Box, 72, •Station K, TOronio.:, •.` ‘". ' RNIT•URE • . . Free deliyery to:nearest freiglit depot if s, you .enclose".thid ,advertisenaent. Or •tresent at onr AeWroOms if, shopping. • • TRADE-IN FURNITURE Eiery• ,artiele completely 4,reccindit.. ioned and sanitarily .treated. in Tor- • onto's largest used furniture Market: Special attention, given. to. Mail • orders.' • • • • • 6 95 DresSersi exeellent Condi, • tion, all finishes. • ' • • ;10 50 Singer, drop head Sewing , •machine, perfect' shape.. - 8s ..g. DaSi=beds, • complete with ".7-• • new mattresses. , • 11495 'Kitchen . Cabinets; • perfect• . • shape, Porcelain. top. • 7,98 .3 and' 4 burnerGas Stave•s , per ect condition. • . 14,50, Breakfast:. Room' $uites., '6- • Piecei. complete •'includes Buffet,.. several colars; enamel finish. • 2' 95 Bed Outfits; walnut finial:1; , • :all steel panel beds, way- • sagiess springs, ;brand new 'mattress: • 19. 50 ' • genuine 'F'rench l .Jaequard Covering, Marahall cushions,, a snap. • 29 00 3..plece Chesterfield' Suite• ` in 'heavy rept> cover;:_hsed •• than 11 year, reversible' Marshall •• v,tusitions,.: a dandy.. '•' '•• : 3500 fi-piece - ChesterfieldSUite, i onverefl, finest. 4nality,Ino • lair, *slant; Ma.rshall'isPrings through „ • out,. i*eversible C'ushirnis. rik ' new,- .beautifhl. • • , 190• lid .611ifflng • 'room' 'Solte, buffet, table. • :arid "6 leather. seat. Chairs in, :perfect • Aane, •• "- ; • • • g9 no Mode'rpiece • Xed.-roarc?' ,"• Suite, large. tvanftY ' with Venetian. rrtirrerPt chillarlierjand , full •Otze hod' .10,th kagleSS qtrtltig: atyf • new ItAtir(Md, .tOMT)jr.it_e4Y 89.00 B ffti • • large: buftet, ebhig eabiriet.' eXteriS-. ion table, leather, 'upholstered eotiL r‘eW eVer ely refThislIect.: • ••. - 49 00 wnlnift •fintihed •'4.Tlnfsgtni Suite, btiffet'. ' tiare evtension table, thina, tabin- • et and, fi leather upholstered' ehatrS, perfect eanditlen. , • Send .rnoree „order •foe ' easf.,Ylete • 'Price of 'god, .'Mertey 164k: • LYONS CHESTERFIELD MFRS. • y. Trade-in DepArtMent Yonge Sti,4'reennio FUR -FARMING 40SE MINK PO.R PEWIT •-• GET' ' started .right with. Mess "Quetta)" • strain mink-gaarantetopit. Write for fiI information, Moss Fur Farms, Limited (mink breeding ape ialists). Sapawe, Ontario., . •, WICtff irl5rOvela - Pelt ieCord; ii the ,,,taine strari which averaged .36,5() V*71936:4114' $4.1.50 in, 1337, •cand that after -the best have been sold 'forbreederi. Lee, Faust, Alberta.,,, EL,ECTRIO, 'WELDER' The :Trindi ElActreWpIder - WONDH#FUX.J.i.N.EW Operates , froni 6.4.volt ' battery. Welds=Solders-Bra.zes. $•4.:50 _ de- livered: , Ailders.911,, LindanYi Ont, • 9. BULKS DLANT LILIES NOW •ADD TO A. brightness of your garden. with Lilies •from home-grown bulbs of re- liable .varieties. Also other perennial, •flowers -and flint' trees for northern "gardens; all of the hardiest •strains. ., Send for ;Autumn- Catalogne .with structions or Lilies, etc. Arrival et all plans In good condition guaran- teed, The Manitoba Hardy 'Plant' Nursery F L. •Skinner Prop. -i, Drop- ' -more, Maniteba., • MACHINERY: . • 'GET ' OUR NEWPRICES 04N: THE . . . - ., Geoid,. Shapley: & 'Muir gas, gaso- line, nxidTfuel-eirengiiies-and:.'griedera.' Alag i'aPairs.: for Brantford ',engines, • pumps, windmills:. J. A. Fellows .& CO:: Iliantford;,OnL ' • ' ... . • ..: •-. VANNING- MILL ''(KLINE)- 'SEED r . Grader, .guaranteed increase 'erotoi.. -Kline-Mfr1-217Empress'.-Ores., Toronto. MEDICAL• , Iminedates Re. .:1-"feact,F.:-rguar,anted:17 Perf.ect (brand) Laxative Pills, 35.e ' • box, 3bpces $L00, Mail o der in-, • vited; Perfect ••••Chernical,• 460 'Rieh..• mond W.:. Toronto.' • -•• MUSICAL,.:INSTRyMENTS •• :I_EARN.TO, PLAY A SAXOPHONE, •":Trumnet, Trenibone. • Become ,a : Musician„..:Send• for Forth, six(tlays' PreeeTrial: Ten terms -no In . terest. •Literature 4ree,'.Greerie Mu* Company,...57 ,Queen St. East Toronto.. • 7' ^ pERSONAL KING'S Own Scottish BOrderir's • veterans desiring Berwick -upon. Tweedeards 'and -re-unipn infornia", .tion. Send natnes, aadress .to Box' 9, Room 421 Wilson -Bldg., Toronto. • ROOKS EVERY MARRI:1D`COUPLE • "-7• e.d those contemplating marriage ;Should reed: tering Marriage," 24 Pages,.postpaid, 5c."Se and „Yonth,"! 104 pages. postpaid, '25c. Our 20 Page Drustrated CatalOgne of books, drug suPPlies,. apt] hollsehold noveltiee, free ":upon, request,SuprernemSpecialiw-4-63--tr. )(tinge. Toronto. • YOU. RDP.TURED? RELIEF, •Comfort, PositiVe Support •,With. our advanced inethcid. No. elastic or • understraPs or steel. 2 Write, Smith Manufacturing Co'..'1Dept. 219, Preston,, • • • POULTRy AND EGGS ACT QUICKLY YOU: WANT. • ' TliESE PULLETS , AT RDCK ;: • BOTTOM PRICES • •: All heartily lilrds from GoVernment 'APProved.'' bloodtested „stock. Barred. Rocks, White- Legliorns; '6 • Weeks old 18c, 7 weeks 22e, 8 weeks 26e, 9 Weeks 28c, 102, Weeks 30e. As- sorted breedS,, 6 th 7 vveeks old 17e, ; to 10 weeks 20c. - ,Super • 2c per pullet more. • Write for prices on older 'pullets. Terms; • Shipped C.O:D. anywhere, 100' per cent. live , delivery guaranteed.BADEN Et- ECTRTC CHICK HAT(tHERy.• Baden ' Ontario.• ' • CEDOBROOK GAME OARM fi' FFERS, AFTER SEPTEMBER %.• , ' first,. large,4, hardy young .Iting- ;necks, all -•,:breeds: -'fancy- Pheasants, .Wild Ducks, ;Geese, Wild Turkeys, •hundred hingneek breederS, lated, imported , stock.. 'Wr'te for price !1St. •• 246 Jarvis .:Street. ( De- partment C)",' Teronto; • RADI0777 PA1-CIT,Y :RADIOS $1•95,.' COM- • ' phite: Save hIt. Agents free, offer. Amazing,„prices windelargers. newer Plants: aecessories, ,Mareo,1243X: Mc. Gee,. Xansas: Cityp \Sio, • ,' ; sTmos IANTE:JX' CANADIANeSTAM,PS 'coranfity• Pest Priees 'for aeCtirrill; • lations and, nollections,'.Queen Stamp „Co.,, Toronto.. ' • ' ,S.ALESMEN WANTED „SALF.SME,N, EASY:TO EARN $25,00 Sett , pYlatilas; niadetg.inciasure,""Digtiffled. iverk, lv- hry 'Than ,Intere:4ted, WriteI. Stetson, fl .1,TVIontrea1: ' • • TELEVISION •AND.RAblcis' ..ENO/f4tEttINQ TADORT::,'PRACTI- '," "eallY,. 'Motors, generator's', arrifa.' 'thre winding, • electrleal-draffing, Ote; Day and eVen fag .elasites,, • SP Odle' tov -IrespOndenCe4,egarse.. ErnpleYtriont cO gtarariteed, Canadian .School Of `PlthetrieltY, tiJg Ontario titeilt; M�nt- • • • . • S'wne00Ple Thrke fr!rri,..4 anclPivorced 'WORCESTER, Mass,---ntte . was tinite a hi.t o “ina,Ylse'"ahent • Mae K Hall, E40 (fiyarce4 and Mar- , ried the) earOe ulan three tinleei in 16 Yeaka; • •. • • Her first divorce, was granted .eig t ',years Ago; ;She remorried her fen.- • . merat:191:, 13 •* In 1931 ti she was :vere,edt ,and•7tw , years. later, Hall again ,"pepped" the 9: Mrs; Hj1 itYs that.•,the. last time he:married' Jr .for "spite" and she • No man is SQ ignorant that he does- n't. know what„he wpuid do if •he were, in your piece. . • ,Friend-71See that fellow giving Rations• over there? What 'does • he •aliVays,:remind yon of?" . .• • Man --"The $10 I owe, him!' A free cOuntry, IS one that doesn't • Id any political or socialgroup have things entirely its, own Wel'. ,Harris -'When thehouSellifeekers •toreldown Brown's house they found a collars' button: he had, lost .twelie Years ago?' ...--Krariter7,-‘11d-think.-,-It---would' have' been; cheaper .for hike to:ha:vie bought • another dollar, button. . If lyou Would know •the -Value • .of health go try to buy 7,onrieli .visitor at 'the insane ' asyltira was Watching one i$E the inmates pushing „ a wheelbarrow.-4unside..-:down., . r. ViiitorThat's •nclt:the Way to PuSii. . That t in o ' own." .• :,'Lunatic. -_"Oh,‘ have „1.1 I used to: push it the -other way,' and they put : bricks • '•• There are People' in ,every eemiiatin, :ity that Would. get •a•monOPoly on tor I • if they •cauld. • . , Mrs., A.-Jirriraie been :In • the • third grade •for two-yeara. I Wonder .,heW he will ever 'get ahead?" A. -".Don't. knew, if he. Wasn't born with one, .he never will:" We'e the,r listen to the story of.,a • publia enging than, hear the. details: 'Of an unsuceeesfni spectilation in ,real. estate. ••• • ' A Prayer! . "May every soulthat tenches mine, • • Be it the slightest contact, • Get therefrom sOrae geod„ Spmelittle grace,.'one kindly tholight, • • One ,aspiration yet, unfelt, one bit of For the' darkening Ay, one gleam of . •• , • , To brace the thickening • ills of. life; • One. 'glimpse ef brighter Sky beyend the gathering mist, Tc'r make. this life worth while,' And heaven. a lefitage" • Mrs: R91,3et Katz •teioholied „she', -husband that she Would call foi4 him 'at, the office. • Not finding him there,. she booked ,in at •the barber's' •ghop on ..,the floor beneath.. 'Bob.'Katz here?" he askea. madam," replied the indignant barber; ._."We. •certainlly do tier -bob- •eats here." ••• • • • • .. Reed Its Or' Not7-Ahoolutely pure., , gold Is 24 ..carats:" fine. • • ' , It is because there- are so • Many fools in:the...world_ that the:.•wise•nian -gets 'an..oc.casional-bre• alt; •" •• ' . - / '44 • Wise WS.s, evidently,nOt, feeling In thejolliest of.tnoods. "Just 104 at that 'notice," he • Said; indicating the the. liusiness 'sectiOn •!of his• 006 City. Whatjthe use of. that uj there ?" he • 'continued, "Whytdon't •they' ,put thes things In.' the. right Placelo' ' • •,"••• • • ''Where Would !, yea. irtit . 1t?' 'asked . his friend t.' • •• ' "oyer•every letter ,boic. In the coini,'• was the eendhl reply, , • • • , • • . :1 • animal may go.About aftrsun- dowl Withont a tail light, in. Berea; • 0,, atecirding.to eit'Y'' ordinance... TRAPPING ICAP01-11".16 FOXES IN 3 DAYS: You can do it. Particulars freeZI yVells Radice, Stan:Aced; Que. ' •• TIRES tig8i)! $2,6'S UP' • . or . FOrd, Chevr8let, Plymouth todg,e, .13utbk, Oldsmobile, Packard, Cadillac and •till• Other cars 'and trOcks,.. • EvenY tire guaranteed, 191 King West,-, • .trO. • • ' WATCH REpAIRS . 30 YEARS' EXPERIENCE • ' 00 rePlaCei inainsPring, jewel " • Cleaning, hands,' , crYstala, dial 'repaired.. Previding . no. Parts nil:Ming; 2 -years gthiralitee. • . Re- turn •PoStage paid. Pormeriy with. Hamiltett Wateli Fattory. Amerion WAteh, 81)&1E1110 Beg% Dept,' N., 4311' prOqufe ?,,tentreat. •.shortilY to be Ogeo0d,_;W141Put AlkEnd* *to Line •:01 'LivOs., on . Dangerous :Stiotch. of Trck, powNIA B.Q.--As an aim, to great.. .safety two and a bait.mile Otj rU- waybinepear thiS.,,station. high, in. :the ° • SelkiritIRauge 'pf the Rocky, Mena: aina Is gOIng. to 'be .ahaM1,94ed'' thia fore ..the snow' hegins..te fly tzOitis will: he travelling ever a flew'IfGtt •th'Caria004 than. they.. think it hewell werthit,..., or oye th*.t; Z mile.13traten at leaalives•have been teat in ',recent yearefend,;:tiftnisands ot doflaxs have been spnt in ci.oarineniv,e7,reelt !and. '101-0W.'silaes'and'in,relialiIng 'trackage. damaged 'by then). • • ." • . The new track' • coafmences' half a ...rano; 'from Alberta "Canyon • Gorge. aliont 25..miles. east of RevelstokeAt the gorge trains. regularly stop t give passenger§ a Chance to 'yievi•the nag' nilleent scenery And „the 200 -foot de. • cline to the Coarse Of the small incrttn' • tall .stream. •: • Where 11 •Were. 'Killed.. • It•:was onthe doomed. Stretch that 17 men were Wiled a year. and a half ago while they. . were clearing, a..anow The .tender of a railway :engine broke aivay; .hurtled' into life cut, and amaShed.:'th,ein like flies , 'against, 'the. towering banks of' snow.. sirmi,e and double accidents' have : added the Oth- ersto ,the toll.' • • • •' • But now, the ,rumble o trucks the 'Brat heard thee .mOunta.ip. fast-. riesses,..7:lenaving.:the,iway..for-the„new route, 1u:eying' material,for... a . huge ",d•Ily. at the • v.veat end, It s a far. cry • from the 'equipment used , when the. route was Spurring, the workinen to' their tasks IS 'Mervin "Red" „Dutton, • the. I] faintArs-liaeitey, player whonow man,. ' :ages. New York Americans•ef 'the League.. 'Dutton . is . one of the ,partners. in the .Winnipeeeontracting iirin'(Dnttanand'toraileni).Which.tiw- ,c pirg-e . . ... '1 :• Prehlern,•Child. • '"qted," whose l hockey' club last -Year became :the N.0.1;.'s•.4`problem .child," has -found- Plenty of :diffidultieS tirover- c�me-but he las proved, a mateh.for thrfl'H,e has had t iteh bbs ten' abity' against the 'tiete.rtnination Of tile. 'roaringillecillovaet river, battle with,1 • the, -,crinxibling ehOle: and: . theile with the: smeller freshets: .". that. nibbled atIiis. :".• • • • The hu,ge..expenditure, is the 4.0:c0pd taken by the railway,' in a if diversion.' to eliminate slide condition.a, Thetirst was. the . constructiOn..of the lengthy .Connaught'.tintriel, a sten, that allowed therailwaY 1oiklp the hazardous ers, ;Pasts, ratite, On'' that etreteh ' 67 men' lost theirlives on March DIXIE P:14§' is fresh when you buy it. IfiCcellophane, -wrapped with the &y opening ribbon • for your conventi , ICED VERY. : I - By gizbits "No •Malt41-jimy Thin YOu Slki It ..-•:It's Still. BolOrteY" a . , What seams .t'd hii the Crying need in sports circles at the ;moment . *ould,spern to•be,sorne sort•of aisehool oreducational'eourse for' box- fi ht 'tid e art • refere S. -. _ eile---0.1. armeny. in. -heir-decisions: ,• oil Drifting BeCan Stoppe SLrip Farming Does It— pe. I. ' ment ..Conducted •• . katcheivan.Areas•• • „ SWIFT CURRENT, $ank.: .stiltioti, OPOrAters'•Itt)(1Or dJrectln at„I)nwihlott .I,Upeit'Itimotal- Farina'. sys. • striP farming, ..1 ,com1,1MNI: it It suitable:cultural.prae .tices. li offecilVo•contr.FEng (14100..• • • 1Ttuler• direetion I .13.. Thomson,. • - 0011 ,ape rat ors, ar in jig 'en, :se.' its ‘•• • periedS' ofiaiviyht,::.!Fott-kteon 'an ki•-st°4*- Act 'efforts 'NV hiel)"` arese.'. frnin 'IPtt Idain,.••altnoC't, 'effectiveness of -.strip :farming and suitable' cultural'..practices. • " Ex.rieriniental .sub..stat ion s ue realty • tposta Of 1 he ex peri ental• arms;f• , and serve •th carry oxficrimeetal .. sults to localities. Of different Soil and ...climatic:, Coddl'iions to deterniine • then', The P.' F. R. A. : las been the Means of:extending. this', information' in an-iit:&,,tujitie,d Way .on • li'llealte.1111°iiiiieriRiahna.C::.bee:n: eat tip. .• tdr.:far- niers t� organize •themselves into ag.• • • rieultural. improvement associations:. • The ' objeet•jof these• associations 18 to stud,' all:. phases of tlie drought • problems: .Over 5,000farmers are' or- ganized . 30 associations. in •Soutia. .. western Saskatchewan. .' •• ' 1/45o11. drift Control is the ;major prob7: -46111.arid efroe • •• ,.tive measures:taken by •the farmers . themselves to change .their prae•tleeS ta cope with the:Problem w,itjiil, view to a More Pertha:nont . t.he future., it Was indicated in repoits tp the station • • ririii(iOg Piet: Urged ForAIO.derne Dr. Wetton turning this .week - from two menths'. :studying. of Indians' • in Peru. said modern:civilization is. slipping.jarge- • ly •liecanee4ieonle don't eat the .right •foods. •' . •:The specialist analyzed foods eat - ,en by pine -blooded and •half-breed Indians and said those who lave re- tained their 'priinitiVe.. manners of. 4het are ,splendid .physicat specimens While those WhO have •gained 'the: habits. of Europeans have deterierat- ed physically end 'Mentally. • 'Poem Long' 'Speakers Pied. as Ptanh 'on MO.rot of :W4I1- . , aceburg Who ,Takes Eliot; '..M4yhe the following, Httie four -line • song; introduced last 'evening at aeeburg at the „ testimonielbanquet ...lendered_to...Donald-Larriorit;--0-anada!B oldest: active employee . of the industry, 16 approririate , time: • „ • . "Give ..tni a'speeeli, Make a peaeh; Let it be brief brother, let it be bright: But be a sport,' d.cut 'it short; Tomprrow' Ave We'Must 'sleep to4.. • • Set t� :the tune of !Were Cornea •the :this ' little tonglet ' was lirst used Juni prior to calling .011;. Mayer V. Diakeitanilv.ho aPpreeiated the Joke .on'..himeelf; The Aerie la a eoni,• • Pointiort Of Song -Leader 1ar�1d Prost:. se 'well *ea it received that sib seqUent SPealers.''Of. the:. evening be 'greeted •hy,it,.aih4 prided by 'Mt"' WIndaer' Daily Starr ' • . • • 114odtkrt Bagpipe Mtthiq • . The liiitiaave is being' taken' by' a. Well-knOWn: London Highlander and, -exponent ,Of the lagnipes to:Ante:teat! , rintheSiasta . far the. pipoii: licAtion' of modern ImOirie••composi ,tions. • 'Many 'VW 'iiiping .are coinpoSed 13y pars 4n! all. parts of. • England bis 'well as' Seotianti, but they are not ,Dablitheit• *Or,"'C011eeted antt.' Made AVailable to :MiPerierita..ofT the • Apet !generallY. • The peottfili ,Piplog46ditty. 6f ttin4bn hns 'many Meirribtia wh'conipose 'Original tunes,: And.: they, .eJtclitinge, thorn among, weecistimir 'zees Sacred Dance • . • . •• • • • When,iii, an ireportantitangle like. the Farr -Louis affair you find the referee scoring only two rounds tor the Welshman, while other : . Alleged: experts, gave lum as imany-is sirfor .Seven, it Wow& certainly •Seem as if they hadn't learned, out of the same bodk. ' • •cWe ;don't 'think that Farr Wen the dian'ger's ad- ' m°saiOn i;hat Louis had been. the 'better being pretty ClemMeCarthy's:`vision doesn't, need plenty of sharpening; it certainly:. was a Whole lat' closer than any thirteen 0 two. . . . However, Mr. Farrdid, real well fei.. hiinself-,-muclf: better than ; . was expected by anYbotle exeepting; possibly, birnself., -•He is in asimilai .• pasition, .to the lucky gent Who fell,•dOwn the 'c.:•,•er and came'', .up with a sold watelvend'ehary and if he only watches ' his Step sloes not need to worrY. about ever %I;aVing to go back to the mines pr the tent shows either. • •• •• ' •• • . , . If TorninY. only .paeked a Wallop in . keeping with: his »ioxic .6.0(1 fighting spirit he 'would be than -mien of the world right neWt.and theY . would probably be trying to prove that he ' Was ,realIy• an drisher,, . seems to • be the cuAom. when a new champion crowned,. although as far as we know, nobOdy.has yet tried to claim that Joe Leta has any • hlood for some reason Or 'other,. " But Farr....Ceenis_to-lack-that-Old--lethal,-..larrun---wth-Olther-fist- Which seems a pity, ,,Althongh•-it is'perhaps tee much t� expect. real : • per-feetiontriarn-any4ribrta • Like the ancient one about the two street' sweepers who were ' standing' talking about one of 'their ftirMer confreres...0o had re-' centlY Passed on to his reward., . • . "Poop Mike," s!ghed one 0"Tis certainly a Pity. •He• sure used .'• . to ,swing a mean broom.'" • ''• : • `.• •• • .4.1.1e did that," . replied the other. "And .yet, do you know, I • Sometimes thought•that IViike'S technique Was just a bit' faulty: areunil he lamp -posts. :As far, as the great election brawl i's,'concerne.d-L'w 1, the geneial the Immortal plagite.pn botk, your 'houses."' .It's tog hot and, there :are AGO:many:ether thing's' tO-worry about-- . for mast people to bother, their heads ever an election Whlch nobody ; cansee any real . reason for holding; and the electors appear to be , ,.:taking the atttude of •strict impartiality: Shovvn by the:dame' who was , watching her husband fighting..a.'bead. "Go it husband -go it 'b'itr." ; But from the :•• financial.statistics being published and 'broadcast , by both s'deS it ,Would seem as if there, Was Still a lot of trAth,in the • old saying; "Figures ildn't lie-but!some liar§ 'certainly,de=figure.V. 'feeling seerna to be to echo the/line President Roosevelt errewed'froin 4 members. ,of their own aoCiety. • •It has 'not • yet 'reached. the stage when it 'can -afford, the fends to print new pipe--Musie, A list -Of 'the .compositions 'set in the last_ifeW yearC in: this Cenntry ' wotild" •inake, -up ..• InanY. •volumes. Many of the marches and • other. tunes ere 'dedicated to, individu-, 'als,;:and are only heard at the Seot- tish 'Society gatherings froth the • cOmpoter himself, 'It is felt, that Modern Music ought to be given in Competitions, at, Highland gatherings ' ' in preference to the older tunes. -: 'Edinburgh Scotsman. , Postcard Delivery Took 26' rears 'BRANTPORb, Pith— A ;postcard maileti here 26 years age was deliv- ered•in Cleveland two Weeks ago, ac- ' TREN'CH'S 'REMEDIES. • . . , .v.therhy. hi)iwing,,,,ToNic , l'A.BLETS, ' STo;viAcir tAgLio.„TS• to .r.d,iled dom.. , ach "troubles, mit:motesR4M2t)Y,.• tfee •Beoltiot on 'reque4t, WrIte. todity: •TREN.CH'S Rt MEDItS LTD. • , . ilf . . onirr;',W,,• lie iinurt9iP'Str -,•,- tertottro - NO, SI...L-1 cording to . Mr's. Charles. Norris, of Brantford: • There was,no indication 'Onthe card. .why it was delayed , long. .• The card vvas ad.dressed' to' Mrs.W. C.' Penfold, CleVeland, wha'..died ;four . yea.rs ago. An alert postman re- ' Called the:dead wornan had aIatigh- ,ter residing •in the ;city. The card • finally was deliVerecl to •Mrs..Julins Eastman. • Veteran toCoinotive Valnebie NANOQUE,..Ont.-The 554ear... old, • loconiotiVe. of • thb . Thousand Islands Re,ilway..CnrnPanY has been' •• . ''sold :to a Kingston firni or Set:an, j • 'Number 4.4. --rout of commisSion for ' several years.-vvill dismantled . 'Where she stands and•oarried ignom- inottly to' Kingston. by truck.. •••• ‘17.0U. RAISERS 'Check, IRQUP; Phi), With .6, Feib:D!,6ps qf,86 • • Frit -Tithe hi 4„44 itears.lt Ha.r:, . . Been' .Peficrltr.4 . Be:4,:,!e: ' White Cenerir"y* . .SI.IITO .1.,o'ipa2:, ii.C.,-;SaPred then..., • • der.bird7tianee.Of the British CofinaLia •• • -..'. . coastal Indian S ..'iva.s prij .i:f, . ,d' this,`• . e,n, '. e week for" -the GovernerGener l's partV. . , • • .•-••lirst .time it has .been staged in .iis ntiretYbefere. white cpmpany i 144 ' Not iitice the, great otioloret;. ander 1:Mackerizie, -.tasted -Salt. :Water near the •present'site ..of • .Belle 40 m11�4 wct of, 66re...0:turd. knew. he • had reached • the Piidifi.....00eas; ha's, ."• the •ritnalidie dance ,beeii. Performed': correctly'for white peoPhi; , The Once: Was, the highlight- of.,..a program 'at' the ,Bella •Coala Indian :re-.; serve in • honor of Led Twce,Lmtii''. ...,The.4:GoVer iior.Getierel.---..;.--ohner year...44s G2nd.birtbday. . in the :i..eserii.e.'s-...celsirTid .Currouniliirg . • Their •Exceileireles,,Were visited bY.'Prerider;Pittello of British Deininion. Defence Minister, Ian- .1Via:Ckenzie, • who. stopped off wlifle,- hound. far''Prinee, Rupert:, 13,0., ,ntoarti the' deStroYer .Fraser. • .." , • The • '• Governor.G:ezieral spent . Mott .:of the ,(Igy reeding and lookieg., froni • . „ . ..the ,.verandah tit the great.' 58004Obt. • ,sirow.clad peak iiameeMount'Siupend Qua ..1V1aCketizie;*-11Sn•he .passed. . that intide•hinilhe first.wiiite' • MU:xi:gob:111e valley. at •••thg: end • of man to Orciss, No-th P.m:el:1,6 ...north et • cketiiig .C, 40E41 . . 1--leaLth . Exthcs. ttEDs;:. Etig;-,-• "If mere •pco;ilti .cyCle'd today: than rode cars and, . on .niotor-eyeles ' there. ivotild.'1:16..leSS .:- .feehlenesS,Aess fat, le§§ :fatigue and less fear:in mday. lives."VVIten° peat:le reach the ..car7iltiving'etage'l they' cerni all.liVer and-h10.;_legs." That is, What a' Leeds doetor wrOte in,. 'response tt), the,. recent mcd .,.. •referendum taken,: by the' "British • Cycle. ,and. Meter' ...Cycle' llagnufaeltir- erS' and. Traders': Union, 'irf,"' Coventry.!. ih , England, ,Scotland • and WAles, on cycling in relatiOn. to :1F3ritain's: keep - fit Campaign., • • Nearly all,the 3,500 detiters,:•W .tejA:e(i, StrOligry'sratiOfeti .11tInt. Pdonieslo , r I •• PechieS ,shoUld 'be planted in Sep..• : ter:Ober; Dig the lied Li:VP feet deep, : ref:novo stones and2oller 'trash, and. , mix in plenty ofwell decayed' stable manure., The soil •shoitld he" alloWea , to sattle,for tit leaSt two week,s,'. mitt." rocire cobipeeL • rylcli,(1 if ' nt isolify..: Whennlantint4, hav:e tha., int e ' onlY **an 'inch hclow the :;surrtice of• •, E.,icijoite To U.g., , • •The„ intirkeg thr'Catiadiari ' t:tc!Ote 18.. the •Ilnited•KinVorri.,..6,,ti;., , aria increased lici,'4i,oesb..eilibrts'.14, Ilritain 41403'0 by 29. Per, cent: tIOW,. 'ever,. these export's to Britain 'Priada OfilY, 03 per emit Of the thtal: Canadian: ,heso shipmcnts'as' against SS' 1)61, .-cont. hi 1685 'bittioilit • haVing supplied' the, thlite'dSttitet14•:, 1936 With 106,000 nt''60t$30 a :• aohnit .4,tm ,e*to, In 104$;• . •. .• •