HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-09-02, Page 8TY"'
ec- -�+^�s . T-1"rIn' ligror 707-.. `tel
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URSDA,Y, SEPTEMBE& 2,-:.-;931:- -
Afr. Weston and childyen Tor,:
Onte are visiting at R.` j. Moore's.
MisS Myrtle Webster has ,returned
[Mr,. and Mrs. 401p. Slin-ithfDorothy
.and Jean were Yiaitera at Weat2 Man -
went a tonsil operation in' Wing4aln
latt,er' part., of the ',week Ireln 'a two
.wir ::(1):ws. :ithtvii:dilotiee'llanid'oGf.4:);Teinroe.sib:0;:t:0,. :7? '
••• Mrs, 'J.' G: Murdobh and, Mrs,. fWif-.
.gueSt,of :ter nephew; jolia
Murdoch fend Mra. Murdoch:
,eommenced he!, teaching duties at
Lois have returned to. S.trat 'f:rd after
'Mrs. George; Agar- and'' daughter
,a, tvvo., Weeks' visit with : Mr.,; and
;Mrs. Phillip Stewart., •
HOw wofild you like to be one of the victims in.this horrible smash ? How wo‘uld you
like to be straPped to a cot in some emergency hospital ward writhing, half out
of your mind with pain. These ghastly tragedies are caused by thase ot you
who,drive recklessly—who take chances—without regard for the safety "of others I,
You know in your own heart whether or not you are a reckless driver. If you are
Stop cutting in, passing on hills or cUries, taking chances of any kind. Settle down
to safe sane driving—and avoid trofible You know the rules for safe driving Stick
to them --- cir run the risk of 'laving your license suspended or cancelled: We are
going th put reckless drivers off the road an keep them o . ,
. publie, take hie *nutter; niake a careful note .of the.tctial thne
and place,'-itio when you Teach'. your .ileetination Write tO
the. Motor yehicles• Bralich, Deptixtinent Of Highways, Toronto, .
irifringemente of, the traffic laws; you. are „requpeted to pee'
: sOund--judiMent: We, Will: .deal adequately, with offenders! 4
Mita' 'Vehicles Braneh
The Arena. Chit, is: 'heartily... an-;
„theiie t;aOk part in any :.waY, to
• •-11e)ifoi:d 'Ostrander Who Spent
this community. the latter part of tlio.
'malady, .The Youngster diet) ...earlY
SaturdaY, 'half •ari, hour after being
,SEE NEW ''GRAND.D.A.yce•111'Eli
year -Old' ,Asliffeld farmer, on; receipt
-of, the news, that. his 'daughter;
eileh, had giVon birth, to a 10 -pound
,see the Two miles ;dr,*
iiiiito,ristA. Ile: spurned
effects freid: the
Flower Show in•• the Town Hall;
thiS Saturday evening, September
4th, S00,11oied ;by :the Lucknow Hart -
'cultural Societ3N No adirtissiori.:.fee.
tie of London, ':::has returned home,
after :Spending two Weeks with Mrs,
Matthew's Parents; Mr. and 'MrS.
' MISSES"' CREPE DRESSES 'In the new ,dark•. s.ha4
Sizes 14 to" 2(1 yearti. :SpeCial for' Friday. •
are smart styles, '410k calara;' Reg. $4.7§: Sale Price *
Mrs. Borst of Grand • Rapids,' ,
sary of •lier sister; Mrs: payid, Ha'
ton: ahd Huston.
Francii• Buck and Mrs; A. C. Bar.
Armstrong. •
',and 0-•MiSs, Lila 'Taylor 'returitd.,
Detroit on ,Friday,,,atter vinitin here -
,at the 'home Of Mr. -and Mrs.- D. C. "
Visitors „with 1Vit. and, MIS. Jame§ t; W.*A:. Meeting ,
rearlmari's. have now a Complete stock: of New Fall : and
.Wieter7Dresses' and Coatii.-Th e-ifaiii7lieen:,earefillly seleetedr-7-
'front' leading ' Mikers and a,re inire' to meet , your approval.:
There . are various styles and .peices 14 shit everyone. Call in '
ind: see them.
:Webster were Mr. :Belt of PaisleY, ,
:Mr.: Erie Nicoll,',OttaVea and Mr. and
Mrs,' Jas. .Taylor. and daughter, Lil,
;Trine; Sarah Jane; James. :and . DOD -
Ad MacLean, and Gardon, Grant, are
,visiting I With Miss Marjr: arid MeSsrs:
and 'Donald 'MacLetn „
Binid of :Mt. Brydges, are • Visiting
f..his week with their, sister. • Mrs-.
AiniStrtnir,, Jr.
• 'Mr. and ,Mrs. John T. Carter, Dor-
othy Brown and. Mr. .LloYd , W...
liott. „were "visitors': at' AtWood, 'With
:Mrs. Carter's' cousins.' . William
_ThinIsday tO :renew., acquaintances
F.lhoebettorn of Lucknow. The 'three
itters paying a flying ' visit . were,
' Ag nti:AYRD. AT JAPAN:
Prom KWanfei, japan; ,MY. :and,
Mrs. W. A., Mackenzie,- Kincardine,.
Word • that their daughtm,.
,Dorothy 1VIackenie, en youth
to' Czengehn,- West China, .is being
temporarily. detained;.' along With
other , rnitisienaries, until it . sale
for the p4ty to proceed...Miss, Mac-
kenzie left Kideardine last 'Month' fin
Wies.t „China. where sbe•,-waS to join.
the. staff of the Canadian Mission'
Mrs: H.' woton (Cora); Mrs.' Shell:
don' (Mena): of Detroit,', and. , Mrs. •
Rol,iiuson (Vera) of "London:,
Geogheghan,. during the. peat week.,,
Were Mrs; Gorge Hamilton.and Mfg.
R: E: Geoghegan, Listowel; Mr. and
Mts. Ed. • Hamilton and daughter
Anne; MisSeS Mary and • ;Margaret ,
Hamilton, Trowbridge and Mr. and
,Grimsby, Who ate , summering • at
. The regular : monthly meeting of
thd -Was held in -the TociMii
evening, August g4th.• The Meeting
*as in charge of thejpresident, and
opened with a hymn and the ' Leid's
pray,et in unison': Seripture reading
from the: 96th Psalm waS: read.. 13Y
Sling, After, the minutes' of last Meet -
mg' were re01, the, roll was called and
offering, taken: IIible study Was taken
Horace . Aitchison 'aaag sole The
:topic 'on the 'Indians our .country
was taken Misi Itiariort ',McDou-
gall and, Mrs., Dr: Little gave a read-
ing. After the 'ehiging of another
hymn, MrS. Yoven.,closed•the meeting.
with prayer • '
The: next meeting will. -be he d. on
September -15th, In. the. „roomi. liboie-
LADIES—If 'You want a Manish
elicited suit .or .,oat, we 'have' , a
large range of samples—blue serge,',
fancy:, worEiteda-
chOose front. The suit:. and tcip coat
ate made to Your Measure arid are
perfeet fit. We invite. You to call and
look over our style book and samples.
TtivrpLE. CLARKE, Merchant Tailor
Grand Bend ' Tuesday, Sept. ,14,
Ilensall. '„.Wednesday, Sept. 15.
Carlow ' .Friday, Sept -17.
Fordwich ....Wednesday, :Sept. 22.
Notice is herehY giVen as ,directed
by• the Asseasment Act that a Sale of:
lands for arrears .of taxes. he
held at the' Towu of- Walkerton,: Fri:
daY, Septernber 4937,, !at my
oftice in the, County-eBitildings at the
Will lie offered'10r . sale by, Ane -
tion, unless the Taxes iindUarges are
soonee %Paid, the following described
, The adjourned Sale; if necessaiy;
will be: held 'two weeks'. later ,at the
saine Mitt ,heur; at which' the
SOI GE1VERAL STORE 'Municipalities: interested. will be Per -
Mr. liar. Lot--oiparl ton; pat'd. Ad. ,. . •Taxes .'Costs total; ' , Namp
general `4tore at Kinloss to '1 ' 50 , . 104.58 4.A66. Nei4on109. T.2rtasD•col.IoBurslitoene-..
of Duncan MacDonald, who departed
this life 'On September 7th; 1.936.
We, Ofte,n 'sit and think of you
And think of how You died,
Td think You cbuld,agesay goOd-bye
- Before you closed your eyes. '
Wife and. Children
n • he 'Matter of he Estate of
Donald McDonald, late of the Town;
Ship of 'Kinloss in. the 'County of '
'Bruce; Farmer, deceased'.
„Notice is hetet* given Pursuant
to •the Statrite in that 'behalf that all .
Creditors and others having' claims
or demands against the Estate,' of the. ,
or about the: twenty-eighth_ iday:. og
Or before
tember A:D. 1937, to send by, Post
prepaid, Or' deiiyer, lo. 'Roderick Ross.
execator :of theAttst Mill and _Testa-..
names. addiessei • and:. descriptions,
;the frill, particulars of theit claims,
statement of their accounts, 'arid.,it
the nature Of-. the Sectirities •(if any)
held, by them duly' verified by: '11111-'.'
And take. notice that =, after Such •
last- mentioned .date the Said--,:execu,
Sete Of the said deceased among 'the
persons entitled theretc4 having re-
'gard Only to the' clahne of which he
shall then' hav,e nOtice; :ana that .the
Said executor will net' 6'e liable for '
the said asseta or 4: any, Jatt thereof. --
claims notice' shall nut have .been.,
received •by, Min at the time, of such
Dated the 16th ,day ,.6f 'August.' Ar
Roderick ROSS. E. R.' 5, Ludknow;
4 n4