HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-09-02, Page 3/
park, after I ,settled.• With !the • .
7. ..erenlie. knw To.i.ed,' ',doped It aU.'
10.0t..4 „ ,
41,1,00 'SOO 'Redl?9)19; • et 8 288
tle tiP seine, .rape, S,omera, and tie, UP
• tafsliAby. 1. guess. we'll. , he getting
ef. here 'la thillerning-"' • , •
.Ntel strand ipo may. pataiflp,
"Yul; iu,ut that, •dreaclful fm:mula• ,
the• while" •she breathed • 'reproach-
• . f.0/I:Y. /oohing: PP Into his, ere&
go to *Washing:
' iiinrwhere Trump was ak$ngjt, .mut.
`.darting."—be dreW "her :Into his
r'struis.-"we'lt 'Make tracks for the
rriage-license bureau": •
MaY.`r4,14xed *4gattlst., 1111., drew:"
long happy breath , ,
to ' •I - • • •
' •**„.' *"• •gXP),..
• Threebandifs a ,' transLcon.
• tinental 134, and for0e...iho'4144"er: to
guide it up a:mountainside to a lone.
• ly'log .shack. They, 'Want 'a valuable
Secret:. formula believed, to be its the'
posaersion 'of one of the passengers,
Meolow/sile,', a raging
forest fire, creeping up the.. snouts -
lain, traps the group.' The first night
no. of -the banditi is mysterionity
• Wangled ',with' his, Own. bandana, and.
tbe next night, a second lino meets ,
• 'the same fate. "Despite; the 4.'1104'
• .. Alsatian, Maz' Lewrence, pretty
' ' and ...yinitsg Dr. Nick: "Strand
•Ind Hine, to, become engaged: Then
Palley ‘Tiusnp is • found strangled;
nid Kenneth Jenkins, , browbeaten
. vap through the fire, k .overcome..'
.When' he regains eonsitoilsnesS,"Maq,
rho' has ben 'attending him,:exeit,
Announces that .Tie.'knOWs, who
•-the murderer • •" '
Mrs, Jenkins.. stead: in the middle of
, he living room and, screamed.
ny •Archer, startled from his -slumber,
. was dancing about in excitement.
'Gosh!" hgaaped,asthe. prisOrter.
„Misa Bango• r"% • ' „
klVtigq•Jories felt her threat and,. when•
. she Spoke; *her': voice :cracked, but
• , managed te make herself understood.
.""It'a • itet-'4.not*.iViiss flantSK�
::.it--he'S• a Man!". ;••• , • • '•
I..umbling. in., her bosom, she pro-
duced the newspaper blipping taken
, • • • .
7-froni Finley TrniriP's, lUggage.. . •
'Iiereh;1s!".she cried trininpliant-*
ly, paintingte,to a photograph * On the
e1ppIng'1'mas Astroft., InIssIng
• San *Franeiecobank teller missing
With about • tairty4lye thousand .dollars
• of the bank's funds! Here'eall about'
. .
• ' •The ' storm stilt.' bonibarded the 'log;
• , house aa,tho.,little group', assembled in: .
.ibe liwing „rooni Id hear: Aetroft'S brief
confession.. Realizing the lioeolesines'gi
of his ,position;:bi• Was ,readyr.enough
to taik
"1'W/irked Ifor Trucnn In his
labOrateries'-fifteen •Yeare. Age:" he be
an cHewas wring on't,h10',.:?1e7
•• ?Xplesivethen.. 1eanr,e7a1Ongt-nn.-.1hie
- ing to „Wathington:. 'He bred me fit.'
,e,en„ years ago and so far As „,1.. knew,
'le „hadn't •' seen me „Since., 'fie •clidn't,'
ecognize:•*mo,,,anyway.,„in the. ,charic-
'er'of.' 'Ainelia-Bant3or-: • .
'1 iesumed .that'...charcceter ,after
• ;obi( the bank .cash... Themes, Astreft
.:Taniiked., and :TAMella :Bangor' .Came
Into 'being: At the, house 'WhereItook*
room, :they never'. deubtect :that l' was
a Wornan• . .* ' • .• ''•••'' • ,..•
*••'llien.,1' read anent '.this ,secret for-.
....Mille -that had been Perfected in Old
••Tretnn's*leberateries, 'and: I -.figured
• kne*.'whcit :it was. If •I COnid: get thy
' hands ' on. it; '1 had ehannels,. through'
Whionl,cefild dispneepf'it•Outaide this.
.:05untry.' ,have got r Pretty penny
•for-"it••fronf thelicittie.e;whe•einploYed •
these three', thugs, but I. wasn't in with
• them, :yen bet • I Worked *alone:, I had
no Intention Of' lettingthem,: get IL";
"So IrnrOP, recognize
Unti• l': just .betOre he .`died,"
.'!•eaid Astroft,. •didn1 *alit to .kpr.,,
hitt, hat.1 had •to when he recognized"
, .„
• ' If,, be hadn't Walked • cirOlind
tight • and . canght'aie examining' hie .
be alive,: I'd like to'
• kilo*. Where th.e. devil he lild that for-
mula.', I . went. through , all * his•mtuff:"'
' "I had ,it,"•etild. Dr...Strand, quietly.'
was'. an ..old friend, 'of • Tr.ump's:
• happened Of: he coining. East.' at: the .
,same' bite and,..When be told me; that
• feareethe „ter/mita Might be Stolen
ekt'Week •
film; iiinii fteree.to,..NarrY It for'
' • •.!
• *There- ,waB an .amazed biteaCe;,
May • Igave.. a little' gasp, • •
you've got it!".. snarled •Ad••
troft. !Where Alio is „it?"
' "In .mY, gun,", said StramL
"Your gen!": '
• Strand. nodded, "1 had two Small:
• ones conegaled. under! the cushion of
My seat* the
,"Then When you. gave' one
you kept the Usblegi gun?"' asked lila
"Yoir•Coiild .not liave fired, the .one you
•had?" •• . . •
• ,. .• ..
IINO,"• 'grinned Strand. .."Ent • „ ac.
quired .ariother. later On."• •
'He turned back to Aetroft. '!What
about little. 'Jenkins?' Did • he :Boo. you'.
'as inuctr:
• as. Miss .Lawrence • suggested?" '.
. ; . ;
' Io77he .Came around' the...house.,•
VIA he never even Saw .us'inthe darlp*.
He went off down'. the*I.read, 'like. 1
'told you., and :1 tpliOwed. 'him, to: see
what he ...was Up to,. Ite'vitts evidently
Irking to see if •tlie;e ,Waa a Way aut.::
When I:.loSt.:1 sight . of ..him, I* came'.
back."- •,. ' . . •
"EOw•diel, sticeoed-,iii: Strangling
ike and-'later‘,•••*.:kirooking me „out'. On
the,. nig it you were,., rogg9c ."*•48 e
Strand, : "And ' ;What did :yOU'''''hase'
against the, bandits; anywayr .
wasn't !drugged., • brother. - That
wascani�ufla'ge. I had te*kill Ike be,
..eatigebeettenected.thatl _Wee' al, man
and • had letin know • it.. 'And it. was '
an even chance'he'd • tepid 'his fellow
• bandits, ,*I'*•,Wasn4 ;letting them loose;
with that. knowledge:'.'•
' 'Yen:s,earelied:ree'iottst taorrhighly
• when you •Itnacked mg out and dipped
Mr. 46.4..*.inavtt . My arra," 'said
Strand."•13ut the important gunWag"'
hldden In the,house,then," '.".:
• *"Ohi'.. yes, you were: all .teo smart
• for me." sneered. kstroft,
"Especially MisSo.j.a.rics." *Said Doyle/
regarding' the .s.:.!-•ool tcrcIer wlth re-•
spent. '".Flow fait ,e•Ver guess?" •
Bangor ,seentied..a strange •
, •wcfitian' -to • mei"' aid. Miss
JoneSfov.rnng thoughtfiiily,''
gan•to watch her:out Of idle curiosity.;'
For instance....1 threw her 'an.•anpie: yes..
,terday.,,.,and she Caught .it ' a. man.
rt-han cliff eren try.-
dere.r., ninst feel ...Sure we'd'get out :031'.
the 'fire=totheriviSeithere, WAS. no ',Petal ,
•the murders.... l• tholight: abont. this',
for a, lentgtithe. jAnd then I reinetn,•:
•,bered Azie1fa Bangei'il biziOculars:
looked through them_ and • saw how
powerful- they weie Bain. •: was:.the
only thing :that could save usy and
wandered whether. Arnella cpuicl tell,
by looking .through theeePowerful,
• noculara; that a' storm Was. On the, WaY:' ••
• "Then, When' .1", ;searched Mi
Trump's belonging/lc:and fund thiS
• newspaper ;picture of the • missing bank:
teller,'I had grown SO Suepielone' of '
Anielia that, I ea.* thelikeness
at once„despite Amelia's clever:” dis-
gulse I ktieiv• then that Amelia'• and
.tile bankteller were .erie* •and.', the .
.sEinte .person and • that he was after
that .ferinnlas to add t� big., other 'loot.
I supnose Mr.. Trump .had. • cut'the•
eliPPiri,g ;mit heCaiiee'Astroft had' once,
•riritect for bifil-7 • '• :0 •
• She turned to Astroft; •
"-You were very, 'stupid not: to des -
troy that Clipping if you 'Saw it when '
you. Went' through .thinge*
She-paused,..then said' tartly, :"I
you Wonlet,:be, coining ,after....rae.•next.:
was Waitingfor yen", tonight'. YOU
nnitt ilaVe • Crept ilk thrOugh . the win- '
dew," . •, •• •
• . "I .did,,'•'• Said Ailtroft shamelessly'.
found '• the .'dreasing:.goWn right tin-
der: the Windew.. I ;hid irader it ,And
Moved• a...hit at A tittle. you
, •
Ily*Dayid .Dresser
Exciting" rale 'of. a MillionairOis
Held '..*:aptive ' on . a yacht;StAls
Next Week in Thisyaper—Wi7tch
FOt It. •
legy: Ft)! 4. River .
• Francis' Sweeney 'in, the New
, .
• York Times
thing, • ,' ,
'Boxed and. •bridged and hurried,
-*he would know these "currents. once
. could' :sw:ng •
• In gentle eddies where the deer come
In this gray waste ef ,water whe.dari.
The. hill -born -,Straiiiirete'.
clonds to, trace•. •• , •
• • . •
• ...«t1e iver'eou1dbe' ,
A :brook again, With brown leaves on-
. .
. on its face.
rk Provide
For '7
41.700,000.09coicitructioP in Lea-.
Cood • new's •for seasonal tehaceo,
•WOrkers and their fainilies, in the VicL•
initof Pelhi 4/10, VOliqingtpri, Ont.,'
is prOyided• in an, annonncement•
weeb by.. the...Imperial Lest ,--Tol)aeco
()oniony. 'cOf- Canada,' winited. New-
conetructiOn costing In the lmizr,•!
hood. of $30Q,00P.�Q, nov tinder 'way
; • : •
;foras Many, as. 2',/90.emplo,yees, which .
ig 760. More than fortrirly
the • *IS of, this,,Yearg. tobacc ci op—
and 11"repult;.in better werking, eon,.
ditions, and iinproved, facilitiesfor the ,
. handling': itpit, sterage ef:Anhaec'e .after.
t: it iS..FeelVd ,frci.01 44c:growers , ;
; A new three ,etorgy- building! 88'x
142'' IS being constructed at Delh121t
will be of reinforced concrete through.-;
out, and tiie up,Per-, floor „win have
glass 'bricks th." place Pt. windows, '
Through , their northern exposure will
. come an even' and abundant distribu,..
tionof . the Precieua 'nortli.• light,. so
coveted , by, artiste .and ail those :who
work in colour:Es,tO insure- greater ,pre-'
cleion.and uniformity' inthegelettion.
of: the different .colo'urci and"grades, of
tobaceds. •,• ,. • . .
, Additional , Improvements te'be
;*eorPoratedlii the new building include
• a; deprgeaed 'road 'which • 'Will . a1Iw,
easy handling of tobacco trona the far- .
mer's truck to the, basement/
7From the tieseinenftt will be enifeyed.
vertically to the: second, floor where
a continuous horizontal conveyor, run-
-bilrg76:117around7the-roem-,-,--will carry:
bUndleg, of:stobaget to those TAO grade.
it for • coleni“ and • quality. After, - it
• leaVes the gradere„•thetobaceo • will be,
•gathered: on it:central•!co,nVeyer' which
• Will discharge on,•the first'. or middle
floor.* ;Here, -the.,tobageO,..now,.graded,'
*---Will ",be-tied,A.RtO7bantig.and-..placed--. on -
ready; to go ,Into the .'dryers:,
work:Nin smaller scale, 'is
• Where alterationEi costing?in the neigh;
• bourhood. of :$51:),000.00 are .taking•
• ,
place.'. ,• • ,..•.
Hostess Makes Own "Aid" To Chic In Laura Wheeler
Easy to make—fun to wear—is. this Hostess aPion of the Crossed
straps and brightly appliqued "flower -pot" pocket! . Pattern 156,3
tains a transfer pattern of the aPron Motif 51/2 x 71/2 inches and .ap-
,plique patch pieces; illustrations of all stitches used; material require -
2 ments, color suggestions., , • , •
'Send 20 cents in stamps or .Coinli.(coin_preferred) for .this Pattern to..
Wilon Needlecraft ;Dept,' 70 West Adelaide` Street-Torento: White
, plainly PATTERN NtIMBER, Your NAME and • ADDRESS.. .• • •
Chinchilla Foe
Hunted As Gold
!Ur, for c• enntner,cial.
purposes -*-are :beingkept in an • flip;
'COnditioned• garage in. a pt. Louis :sub,.
.urb. ••• •
Thebe rare rodents,: Which are nal
at $3,000.a breeding pair, led their cap-
tor -Bob Urian a: seven 'months' chase
•before :they were finally' captured an
brought. here. ..'•••• • .
. rmeeptible itre • the 'Mice -like
creatures to 'Varying ciimateS,'' that.
auciese iii importing them.frora South
• America' has . been. ,silght. Several
Yearcl., ago a: caufotataa, did iiitecied
• intransporting' thirty ot..theM. Erotir
'Ithcit• group three or fOur other , Chin
'chills.: firing Were started in the Via,
., • .
,ed States, •• ,
,Hatiler even than tranaPerting the
'deli:Otte Chinehilia. IS catch or find'
'the rodent '
Richer 11Ut'',Obleie.
v " v
iiCauie 'he is a Cattietut as Weil as
an' honest Man,: a resident of South.;
/Minton worried.' It lieerod that 'Mit.:
Stanley' Mortimer lest a $2,006
and dittlisend ring itpd reported,
It that the reig4 have lest It in the• "
Southampton th-iatte. 'So Gilbert By.
. A •
"roil; theatre Manager? ordered Mr.'1
. . .
Moynihan, , tho janitor? , to •-,search• •
thrOUgh the ,'sweepings Awn the the.'
, atre's, 'cleaning' system Mr Me'wni,--
• ban fotind the ring." Mr.Byron asked
•hini to hand iteVer far-Stife-keepinig. '
• Mr. .Moynihan *said be preferred` to
- deliver th•ring himself. t� the
ance 'company',,The eonipany paid
'Mr. Moynihan te , $200 rewkril And,
• then' the management fired bini, 'he
touniAkOrok,, Eng. Comm
C. Q. Luicnioor, •and Robert
Stewart Plan a voyage to Cape Town
in a 10-font;!200 horsepower -speed-'
boat; exPecting to do: 300 miles' a
day in eight-hour,!shifts. ' 1:!istance
• is about 6,090 miles.
• .
TotrainforDoininion doverament
• Certifisiate In AVIATION and
• Two years high' school desirable;
'previous experience not minutia. •
Fall,Reeident Class opens early in'
September. Write today 1 . • •
WIllkusson Rims TORONTO
, A-4
, „,„.. •
- • 1i
•••••,• .
.„ • •
• •
„ .
.• Is, there- a. member of, your 'hOuse-
hold who 'is just turningSeVenteen?
:Perhaps it's a' Stalwart ken'. Who is
reaching this ageand making his first
clateilsith girls ,or Maybe :a tie:lighter
who' is sweet.•seventeenarid: all that"
' goes with it , •„, ••.
' • :Whicheverit is And 'whatever .., the
.age, there, Will be a party to ,coohratio,
• the 'event and no, birthday 'party •„ is::
• complete Withfintthe most. scitirapt-•*
ious cake'you can ;Possihly• balte.,,The,
.• cake is the Center -piece of
• day; party ,aind the rest 'at the .re7
fresliments'inust WALL. -
•'Here i 4 grand ealte:tii4egir.:i
ex--; • •' r•
• • . "
large, : it looks.' beautiful. and
tastes—well, the young •gr...egts.will
• have the right word for '
Don't' Whit yourselt'hoWever,to
jiist,makinethis cake. fora 'birthday
There are' lots Of •eccasionsr
even ,witheut, the, birthday r..Candies,:,
Foray time and place:.where there
are young people; this, cake will proVe.
to be a big attaction. The teen-age',
crowd 'love geedfood and ..rich, •fia- •
viireorne• cake with, lots of 'Clioeglat-e*
•And• here is a tip' '044 ,teen-age
• :girl .who likes to ,bake the -•6ccasional'
.cake herself., The 'bpyi will find. your
'Inerch sa very attractive place to spend
the evenings. when they Ven eafi
bake adeice like this, But 'don't: lei.,
..anyone' knew_that,:it easy thv
•°.1a&lcel '. ATE FPOGE CA
2..;.cups feel „cake flour
• .2, • teaspoons,. haking. Powder.
% teaspoon salt.,
34,,,cup ,butter other .shortening'
• §ugdr • •
• :1,•ege, 'Well beaten... , ,
• •2 squares :uneweet'ened;•Chocolatie,
• *: melted . ' "
"4- oir, iniut
• i 'teaspoon. vanilla; , •
Sift flour'onee, measure, add:130c,
ing'poWder end Salt, and sift together
three tinoes. Cream butter, add sit,*
lghr gradually,: and cream together
Until; light, and fluffy. ''Add egg.and
best Well; 'then ehoeolate and 'blend,
Add flotiro alternately :with milk; a
small amount it a lime, beating after •
each addition until smooth. ',Add vii-•
•nillei.!. Bake in greased pah, 8x 8x
Inches, ' in 'ineiderate- Oven.; (325 deg,
F.), about. hour. Spread Fudge
• Frosting over, cake, And: between
3 squares "iinswoetened. chocolate .
• ,13'qaticupPs,SeiuMglEtik.r,, '
'Dish Of salt •
3, tablespoons:light eern:, syrup•
3 tablespoons butter
134, teaspoons
• .
Add chocalitte, to intik and Woo
•,Mier low, •flatue,.. Cook until naixttire id
'"snlcieth• and. blended; 'Stirring Con,
,stantly. Add: spear, salt, :and. corn
'syrup, tur eyitit segar ie dissolved
and: MiXtiire boils. Continue boiling,,
withinit Stirring, until a small aniount
'Of mixture forme a very, soft, hall in.
cola. *titer (232 dee: F.). itetiniVe
from fire, Add. 'butter tin& Vanilla;
CoOl .to hiltewarrn, dog:
-Beat 'until 'of , right toniistency, to •
/spread, It necessary,: Place pVer hot
'water to 'keep Sett whine spreading..
• •
'Warin'o'oeaings in the eitY or
.yotir kupluier him» ad!, 104601 foods.
_ • •
arling Pest
-liere To Stay'
• Nt.44MShort.F9f ColPtiM/Qus Wat "2
'Will ItethiPe Their Nip*:
hers Says Report
The starling is here te'stay gte-
, ;cordingto, a circularrecently .
buted by the Royal 'Ontario MuSe*urrk
'.ZOologYi 'TerPnto: redugtio4
•in numbers c�uldM undoubtedly be
brought about by .the continnous Ilse
• oil, sonie effiqent segcle., tP•1) •
tmculaz xervogtfett-Orr-4-wai'liTara-..-
sSctionsy. "unless" 'continued •
• year*.after- year,- will MereiY offer ep•
ing areas to move loto torriteries",
:where competition'. would be -less •
.*.IPeen.•••, is improbable, that every
• 'commu,nitY, 111 t'ne province 'conk) •he ,
in'eluceel to wage a cdzitinuenewar on • .
starlings. 'Y; effort short of this -
• will give only -partial and temporary :
• relief- •1 '
. Only time will tell Whether • star-'
lings 'will continue , to.;.• increase in
Southern Ontario; although the num-
ber' of resident birds must be nearing '
,the .inax:nriini, that can find a living • •
'in that part of the province.
The natural enemies of starlings.
are he bircleating !hawks. . In this"
'country,. Pepper's • hawk andthe
sharp shinned hawk are known to..
, •
turn to tile starling flocks • as ,a ,con- •
'Venient l�odT supply. These bid-':
eating hawks take .the prey ;which • '
they can catch most easily,,, and when
starlings ,,.are •Inare ,,abundant thin
other birds, more Of ...these' are eaten.
--than--pther-gteCies .
.• Not a Native
The etarling.ie not native to North. , •
America, but -waS,'Introdueed. from
Europe in ipsp and 1891.. On March::
* 6, 1000; eighty Starlings Wbre
--oted in, Central Park, No* York'CitY
and, • or April, 26, 1891, forty more
..*•ivere released',', at • the same 'place. •
Froin -these jga birdg,:origipated
o er ions. o uropean7star ings,
• now found throughout Eastern Ain-
er:ga. For siX years thee starlings ;
•and tlie:r :.progeny remained abPnt '
• the point of 'introduction. ;,.Gradual-
ly hewever, they Spread farther and
farther • front,: Nei, Yeric and in: 1919,
• 29 years. after, Jzi New
York, the Starling r eaehed Ontario., ;
t the present time they • are numer-, • • n'
ous. in . the' southern parts of •the.
eritinie Provmnces, Sonthern:.On-
tario - and Southern,: Quebec: 0,c;;
casional specimenS,bare:heen:.seen as • 4
UrweSt,;. as Alberta• . • • •
_The ',nat.iven 'hoine of the comMon•,..
'starling- (Sturrius... viflgaris) is.
terinerate ,region of Europe and cor-
responding i latitudes „. in ...'West,ern
, .
Starlings • feed on a wide variety • ••
of I feed.' materials,' ' Both animal and •• •
'vegetable- matter is taken,. the 'pro- •
portions' varying according to, avaiJ-.
turn depenclane-' , •
the' :season ••
' Singe '..the starling selects:: its ;ter-
ritory, early,' several. native' species
occupy situations
• ,.
identical those' selected 'by. • star-
lings. are crowded out ,by '
eoiner. Birds whieh nest in' caVities
and creV`ices:. suffer, . most severely.
, . , ,
Such' speeies. irialude bluebirdS • crest- s
• ,ed flycatchers, 'tickers, house wrens,,
'tree swallows, 'martins, nuthatches,
chickadees -screetch owlso' sparrow
hawks and downy " woOdpedkors'. The
stalling. is 'ale() a coMPetitor of many,
native .hircis•.'in ,the 'matter of ;
The seedi;and.' fruits' "of Many trees '
and plants are consumed. by 'the, fall
and Winter population ' starlingg. •
\This •food Would' fornierly have Seri:, •
'ed as food Or • native species. ••
a'nd nouriebingzdishes. . No pile *Anti
to stand over'a 'het Stove' to• prepare .
meeaallss 0.aday..ndyethere have to. b.. three
. •
Here., is a . perfect •supper salad
which'. Will relieve' .tlie. homemaker 9:
. tedious. work and Will 'certainly' sats -
the family's, demands, fer''n .csoi,
'ildliaragme:'and; nourishing meal: •
Thissaladadaptsjtseif p,articularlY,'
..well to, a • buffet supper. when there
„. are mOre guests 'than yOu Can collie:: •
nientll 'seat t1aunty niPpy.' cheese
• sandwiches or minced ham ,sandwich-
es coraPlete.the bourse.. :." •
'. 1. ,package •leinati jelly." • • •
.1' pint warm water
/2 1; pinegar •
•2 or 0",pirnieritos, finelY,ehOPped• .
Tifi. Cup `white'cabliage; shredded fine
1 &IP celerY. finely 'Chopped •
34 cup pickles; .finely ,chopped ,
-,Dissoivelellyt°fir warin'ivaterAd d
• vinegar and :fi...rt:''--chiur.7,r(5-m-hlae..
pimientos, cabbage, ceiery',. and, triek-
When jelly is s4ghtlY thickened,
addvegetableS. 'urn into. ring mold.
ChiIl"uinti! firm. * .ori crisp
lettuce: 'it deaired. For the ' center;
fiulth'.qreen Vegetable Salad made
by combining.' cbolled :Siring beans,
new peas, diced cUc.uniber •and minced
onion,” marinate,top:- with? • French
' •
• .
.• I .•
Spectamilar performances
y moun ed—Officerwlic
commissioned ofAters and, ;
•.troopere .'to4ch-on4-Out'
stakes $1000 open Sweep.
•.stoke for Jumpers—other',
sensational, compfititions.
Adrtiision 42‹: Resr,;ed
seats 50c. Mali, .reservati�ns
tion tidta office .-.. 8 icing
• Street West, Tonto.
nuitits.AJ Itogers 'woocienerat milunaierabak
o ,
'Voice 'Opinions Abut the Coun-
try—Say Trains AreSIo• '
LONDON Ont -7,-,"Take it
• grenri' Cif -16 English and cottii.i
' :rigging tendon .-- -Canadian food Is
eXeiting'.''.. • • '
The girls arrived here this • week;
guents: Of London •girls who Wined' the , •
.British isles IX Year ago, ,`They. I1l re-''
Mein in,Lontlonflve days, A , pally
. •
• While some played, tepnis and oth-
ere golfed,: the remainder jut "loafed
• aratind". and ttiok "things ,eagy".
. ,
papitdian. girls dressed, better,: they
admitted, "but will' theY't
'Clothes hero are one balf the Price ;
they are Dr England." •• •
eancidiart*boi's also had .their ged:d
pointe; especially 0.*thotte nice sPrench.!.
. Canadians in' Montreal." ' "
'The •coinitrY,. )they safd, was clean
•and the•,buildings'clean bat..Canadian
• trains came' in for tritieisin, "They're .
so' slow, dreadt.nlly. slew. They aro
'dirty. tee compared to our .tre1zis,'.1. •
tobttAt„ parasitea '
called "mitei". are reported destroy -
lug' grasshoppers hi thli district '25
Mike ,ionthwest. •ReginA. Tha
"nateli"-are. bright red fi. color and
about the ot a,pinhead.