HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-09-02, Page 2•••,•-••• •••• ••• .7,777,12rIPMPIllarri.71111,1111Wilig, . • . • •P'IMWO .1) -04•1•.ftw'AINP07!m.-4.”;.•+.0!t4; • "• , ESSON. X • 094 RQUIRES. QgIAL JUsTicg kmvitlet$1.' 19: .08, 3Z-37. '- .Printed Text: Leviticus 19. 9,18 32-37 -rrtm- .00)43-0‘ith'Ih'ihYr40-770:4*I0 •,".itliewiSe4=1.4tke 6 ai T.11 gLESSON. IN,: ITS SgT.TI.N,4„ ';• ,:r 4.• • '!° 111.4 e :these- Words ; •:•were: utteredi''..hy the 'Lord., to' *oe'se .frein the, :,tahernacleo the..eptigtOga• ltion legated not,tat ay.vai•?treirt.lgount Sinai Where • the: Israelite's Were 'ett.,".. Xsee• . • • .• "And when„. ye- reap. the horVest of •Your loud, thou, shalt dot who* reap :the. corners Of by •field,. neither 'Shalt thott:gother 'the ,gleaniog.:Ot thy•har, Neat." . "And then shalt not glean thY vineyard.:neither - shalt, thou gather • • 1 the. fallen: troll of tity. vineyard,: thou Shalt lea$ the* for the:, poor and for 'the' •sojourner: I am Jehovah your There Is no 'book in ell the wiqulkR':Ond.erl,44'and justly, the Condition • .01 tba-.POorf..as: do', both the ',Old: and , • „14.eliTeateinenta.' (ape Om • Dent. 15,:. 4,14. 14.45;, Pe.. 41; • 1; 72.: - 13; 82:: '8'; ,4;;. prof, 29; 3,8, 11,.,1S;' Ida: A1t.4.5; :44; ,A;; -22), ''• "ti• . Ex. 20 •• ' ' '.,-.•:!-Weither :shall Ye 'deaf fayteiy,; nor 1$e one to .,Ocitliei." (SeeTpx:20 16 40,i.:6r 2 ,;',.El!it.•.•f:.2,5 0•;v:6•)•gt,ea1, lis Oen f011Ovied iyitig,,'PeCanse.: 716)01130417viliii7,*.ilt;'"Fiteir,*111 altentPC '.•tO,:::.VOrer.•, UP the theft. .0..untritthful. , . . words. • -!!Anctire-shall,,n0t: Swear by my'neMe' taiselyi.::find,,prettanethe•:••namo.",;of thy God 1 am Jehovalti..r This :adttionitiOn„:- riOesPonds,With the 'Third 'COmainnti. ."Thou .ehaftriot :there.are 80 inany was 01 fipPresaing, , One's • neighbor -7',„ Ittip,Oooveiliont ler; ItiM to .hatro: packages„aeliVered to his door :tie,Canite a4eesS.,1,o his, home is across, piece ' ot, property: tbat'anothenowitti ; , m'ocing,tilso,disigreeo:ble 'far one . '1,....,heigbhon'thot•IO'„Wilt be: eoinnelie'd.te • 'froto',. the; community. Wages' ok a hir74(1'. rs07irti-tit :then no,t Wilde with thee -,all :night .until tle „morning.," While: the leteet o his. •co.*Egand •compt. be ear7i4, mit' in most..,cases...todaY1_1„.e4.....the :p.yment • oTarp- ot it. can be carried 014 by 'Pa.)Ing: lab-, ,orprs'• ntthe• Woe, hen. an "employer enters•latA AP Agreemdntfwith his, eta,; Ployeee, 1;o, tbenl.. • • , , • , . .;!".01014',A.balt. not Ctireo.lbk deatinr ottL stotrailinglitoelt, before ,the' blind; Jut thou ,phalt.'fear.tliY • • '*Ye than ,do no,' unriOteousnees In JuOgMent: then. %belt nnt reAPeel the person of the' poor, nor ,honor the per- son..of. the. mighty; but in righteoui.- • ness shalt thou judge .thy neighbor." • In this 'verse .God turns our•attention „ , . • away from personal wrongs, toofficial,' wrongd giving a. ,coraniandment in- • tboded t� guard men agaiosttinjUntice, as. they stand in out of . „ , oThoh shalt not go up • and down as'', a talebearer among thy people. ,,,."The. • • original word from: ,which tale-bear7.. •erk. is translated, literally 'Signified 'A', • traitOr,..a peddler, and le here applied to on whotravels up and ,down •deal - 'ng in • Slanders and,"detractione an a. merchant does' in wares, .posseasing himself. 61 the secretsof individuals.' -and otelainfiles,:andtheit blazing, them abrad.'usuallY 'with' A' 'distortion or. dtiVeltTar1d7faets:" "Neither shalt ,thou 'stand • against' •the • blocid:lof thy. neighbor ;1 ant hoyoh."! This: command 11s Aimply t� further nroteetthe liteof Our neighbors •Joy:forbidding tha children of Israel to', lir'aifd while -7th° - -life': if -..any.;,, neighbor was hi 'danger, drown - hoards. "Probably els, it means, thitt,,,, -if .we•.have knOWledge,„ ,another'is , • , , , 311m,e ig the shec.11ing• df7tho blood. of ome,; person, wee: not • to keep • -silence 'when lacisseseing: Such Thou Shalt., Net, Hate , , .",Thou,slialt not hate- thy brother.in thy, 'heart."' 01.:',courie it is in :the heart 'where hatred •lives.., Hatred can quickly' grew se powerful In one's 'life' that It can .ipEidto almost' eVeri., including Monier: ,,IfThou, shalt'Sorely rebnke thy neighbor."' We.. . . . . can ,properly ober •tiats command. only' • ' . • . • „ • . • r • • f19.4_1s. woo, in Atit,');14*.ci:Ar• the HolySplrit, and In love. "And not ; heat; bena*.iP 'Or hifiV•149:. ttOt, warn :xtf.).r." brother whenthc OpportUelty..of- fersant. to 'bO‘blaMed: .fpr mutt of ,truth and love!". ill -tot; shalt not take, vengeance, per ,hear, oor the,' chilPdren but t4Pa. shalt love thy neighbor as tlgPOlf: ,1 am 401foyali:•,r,' This Is the first time inthe, l3Ible that tirecomMand teArive one another: IPVe• Incorn- lhlUbIe meiPliera,, of tlid'fAMIllen 014., with which we are.,.associat, and VorhaPe..I.Ite.r: ore.' oPca'sfroeo.;et,,, °e91,:e-49040;t14§. :4„.644...;'',1,1,°':•:,471!e..a..1r4) It ‘: P0.0.11 •the. hoary head, and tuotmr.1.10,14:00,Alt: rnaii,, ani thou '444 God: •, you meet (hem fii 010 'Places; or..,:theY'come to v'tioro....yetr;ere."ehity;!,..thera. revereitee.' *iac1010. PaY.. Aga, ',in; •haro ittAgit. a, :claim, on •,t1S, , "And it g'str4gger' SoJeury... with thee, • Iiill;otkOyt,.: !Tub' • . , "The stranger :that: soionrneth, with , you shall . be mite you as ,the home-. horn among yoti;,•ntid thou shalt love him as .thyself; • for ye .:were • BolOorn, era ih, the ..land 01 Egypt: J 'ant '.1re,...f :hovob your .God." The law command- ing the Israelites to :be kind in streak- • 'ere ie'frequently rePeotedin the; Pe*: 7 tateueh., ,• • • ' shot 49. no ''Unrighteotianess.,in .in•ntecauresoflength,' of ,w41614,.; or , Of . "Just -,'atices, "just .-weighttlita.„,justr'ephair,--atiodH )nat hin. shall ye, have." 14..o1060,...., acceent to 'keep the , way—andreverence outwardly ;the •-8nittlietri4ind4the*.`-`011-4111,:::iveelt-.da ...Water .nillic...adulterate.MedleftieS. and". pod*, sliti the Yaidabick14 P1Pri9qing, rtilt....tbe :balance,' in Woighing,' and buy • ,with One weight' or. measure : and Sell: with another, and "'Water': iitoOks; as • the ,miteraltr,,er....Many is. God hates, and even honest atheirdir, despise itgion of' this.' kilici;-.A religion which.is- only' -used on Sundays-»ha-no-holi. Iiess In it• • ' ' •.. • "i am Jehovah your' God,who brought you out 01 the land 01 Egypt." .'!.4oct ye shall observo all my. statutes, and all mine Ordinances4nd do them: 1.4to.--Jehovotri7Thwe7iii-3..three- damental:readOna ,here .given. to :per-, suade, and encourage, , and: everr'com- pel Man tO Obey, tlieee and other .1aVea: whichGod has : given:"the-, foot :that, the, One who gives these 'IhiYs is non4. .,other than Jehovah, the einntroteet,„ ,th, only itrue •):1„nri:•. living , God ,that this Supreme One ,beside., whom 'there is: no ;other, though exalt- • , . •• - RADIO HEADLINERs • or THE VifEEK MUitRAY • ,•Eddie Cantor's efforts tO get him:, self elected . President 'a short time 4 ago .has Seemed to work. He isnow: President, not of the. U•8•4• however 'but Of. the American 'F'e,deration. of ,Radio Artists, , He was elected. to. this post a Short time • ago when' at • meeting of:the 'fOrmed poesty he • was'chosen bead ,of that otrtfit.. /Giber ,officers are LaWrene...Tibbeit, Helen Hayes,loadha, Heifetz, Norraan 'Field- and Jimmy Wallington,/,. vide - presidents; Luciller-Wall,-...recording secretary, and George Heller, treas- urer•• .. . . . ,Rl Year at Ex.• • 1 Weiffrollis:the "EX" is on ns itga!n• and this year. is . going, to: bea ban- *er • year as!'fir • as radio in egitcom•, e(I.: They May call. it something else butIo...nie,•it' is going, to '!"Radio • Ti'ear.?' '-',very: possible avrangemeo • 11es,'beeit•wiiide::t'o.• broadcast all -the' • • •• . in.heaven and invialble to' the na.15.; ed eye, is yet: "diti .God"—ours ifl • leire,Oitiete.golOe :us, Mira to.prity".1to, the ..God .betorewhOin, some day, We . sham stand :anti. the' God kn�Ws all :that. we. 40. ,Pinaily to Israel, • Je- hovah, wan the. God Who had redeem-. 'ed them' 'trent: the %bondage Of Egypt, . .anilif,tO on, the Father. Ot Out 'lt.,ord and': Jesus Christ, WhO Sent his • sonthot„,w.e, should beredeemed .frona tin" and the ;power Of Satan, and that • We, ihoitht be :brought into the Very Preee'nee of God by his love and grace.. OXFORD • Basket Weave' • , • • Attrictivly tic:41nd in .dark ' • • prown, leather, witO the new • bltaket• ioeave grain. V r rown edges • ,, and Venlapping cover. Con- , taina, interenting helps, bean- • ilfully coloredpictures, liras, • ehtation pag; and 4,000 .Bible, questions and, an. pare. Printed *With .blaCir• ord ,type. Size i3% rt '1 in, • , • • S" Add, 15c postage i • • • *I. -c) eautifu er x or - es ttractiye. Prices Following .the. Most distressing Period'of unrest the world has knOwn, 'comes a world-wid revival of Bible leading, which must tend to ameliorate the unrest--.. , ful conditions of mankind. To ncourage such an end; leading , newspapers ,•throughout this Conntry, have joined forces to promote the distribution of the- . great Book of Books, and have ' adopted a plan, that 'should readily. place the Bible, in the hands of 'every .reader. Two exclusiveeditions have been chosen for this • purpose --first tie beautiful Oxford Basket Weave edition illustrated,' and a new. reference. Pocket Bible, at nominal' prices. Both editions are produced by Oxford- ' University Press --the lar&est distributors of the Bible. , • kis Question oF t6iwniverse This Bible—this miraculous Bible—this Book of Alt Books—luminous with the light' that. dwelleth not on. land or .sea--r-this noblest and most beautiful ' Thing in ;all the worldwhatis it=3v,Ilence_conteth_it--.:what-means,..ifk • • • . , . r It haS made and • unmade Nations:, .It has uprodted, Kingdoms and Empires It has diverted the mighty tides of History, If has crumpled ancient FaithS. and Sup:, erstitions. Because of . it •f ell .Pagan, . Rome: The antique iSystems,. of India' and the 'Far 'East have. bowed their ',heads to its enlightened swy ' China and the Orient now first awaken from their sleep of thrice a thousadd years, and 'follow' their sister nations of the Occident—whose feet are guided .by one sole , ,IiMp-z-the sacred flame of whiclf was kindled by the inspired Hebrew Prophets,• '• .and fed .for all:time by the Lord .and Master of the/Golden Rule.' T. _. , . ,Only., ignorance 'sbcIffs it flie "Bible! The..., 'greatest. rulersthe'greatest .stteSnielithe greatest scholarswriterSoratoiSaciell_;. tiSts-SOldiersand...-the, untold niiiions Of., -- the ConiMon People,., Whose onteighs them 'thrilled to , •Divine WiSdOm. Its lyrics „of iinfathantable. 'tender ess 1 ions .0 compelling 41OtenCy, its',COri- teniplative prose of ,preternatural grandeur never been, equalled : "RS etinottonal depths, 'and its fotellectual .heightS 'inalce it , ...the One and only Book of 'Books, Votichi, S'fecl" for the guidance of;.*.niarikind througli- out the as, ••- 1 New Oxford •Refertnge Bible • , • Printed in England in a new aid beautiful • clear - face type specially cut _for this edition. Printe& On , • ' Oxford-Ilible--Pape gr:—Siz4' of p'a'ge 7" ; nest' .%". ;Cover is mor-• occoette, over 'iping • edges, round corners, gilt? edges, *Remarkalt_value at $1.24. Add 9e postage. At the Very special ptice Offer, is. fora limited hint: afid6titkyi 1311ile. he -ab. so - 'lilt& guarantee :(if satis'fation orrnbney refuoded,, triti,St. At Dar in Tc)ront0 • — tie 'sure to' inClitd6 postagee PUBLIS 4 _ • : ,• • ' Torptitoi •F -room • swill.), the bands, • dance' oreltestrae. -Athletic events, even , the' good old, • hog is..coinIng, in for its OWnip tbe f.ornif Of. a ;broadcast from the judg- ing pens. . There will be all the;,new • radio „set's on :Asp* ..and_this afford all ,'the Prospective buyers a chance tO:jndge.,both from looks.and " • , This girl ,Deanna l'inrW.N.i's really. going...places: *mit in Winnipeg 14' yea's : ago she talk part in:all the aniateur .shows and, finally was • covered!' by Eddie. Cantor. She has A 'reMarltable iroiee end is just. an 'pretty as her voice sweet. She • starts' her program: With Cantor this ;coining fall, September 12th to be exact; and we wil barb:or a .guess' • that she Will be the hit .of 'the; pre-; ram.: •• , The Bi e Fight' t, Well, all the arrange/I-Milts.: have • been made, for .the big, fight en the . 26th. Cleni 'McCarthy is, to be„, the,. °Metal -annOinicer at tile ringside and his Mile-a-rninnte description' will • surely' give .1iithe ,radin. fans: their, • money's 'Wciertli. , He is recognized as the: leading , sports gomment,ator '�n events such as this. The.fight'vvill be btoadcast:v* •short wave to Britain, -.Mexico, A-rgentine;--anth-all-Spanish' -speakingcortntriee-With-Alonso riegacrii7,07Julian Muriel hi:4h hand- ling , microphefies ' for the foreign eountr!es. • • -- ,'Ittat about the only musical instrul • ment in the Norio, on whielt one could Wash one's 'ilt.rt is ,the Wash, beard. used by, -Paul Trietsch on those Station EZRA broadcaets• over the networks.. The :gadget IS 1.7 years .. -'old' this inonth. 'It was away back in 1920 that Tiietsch designed end: built the freak apparatus ,which since has 'reclined his-laundribill-and-help- • edlinf, earn, his living. The ,riursic!- an'S washboard it8. equipped with ..six auto horns pitched to different -tones, .one weed .blOck,: twO .cow bells, one • studio auto horn, two piepan• cymbald ' and six "stop and go" 'signs which...._ light up when Irk plays When Kate • Smith :returns to the: air on • Selttem- ber • 30th,, she :will ,lui've Jack Miller again with his, Orchestra to sup - _ply the'musical, 'background. 'Like ,Kate, Miller', was , discovered bir Ted Collins, ' Agaio•Jike. the •famous'Seng-i 'bird; he baS never taken a mimic les• sOn. Ile learned, !mile by eat and discovered his .s:Tiging ability by ac- .•••••• - SikicLanguage The 'radio ;orchestra • leaders" ac- cording to observers, have' a sign system Ali their ovvn.for use in broad- ., cast'ng studies' where, 'owing to the 'sensitiveness,of microphones, itis liti- possihle instructions" to .members of the orchestra. , The 1VItiestro for -example, stands like the a e .o -ed high with one Anger pointing:to. the sky, That,: believe .ft. or net:tells, tion. If :the' leader shOulkaSsinne 'a droopy postnie and. point:a digit:to' ginning of the•Score-;-•,at the introdue- • the :orehestiii to sturt right :at ,the be- . the floor it means the musicians start • 'playing right at; the cherus'. . You just' watch: Oeeitrey „ W.addnitoni • Percy Paith: Or jack 'some time. And if'you u should • See thein , close o fist :and sha'keit vigorously ...befOre the orchestra lumbers, do not think they are ,planning to start • a fight, #ey merely, are ;toting, the • orchestra to "Sto—Vp here: you are.". This of ,•course is only . When :time ' necessitated cutting the ,intisic intme diately. It:Speeding 'up is n11 that's • iequired the leader,:drawa his finger • a'crons his threat as if to,e.lit it tiein dicate' that: rnebbe he'd Slit genie - body else's, not mentioning,. any natnes:,- •„ News Now to .television ,•technician :,. Albert 'K. Murray' of 'PhiladelPhia,.. who .fs "j).4i back :from.' :"there, is no rush to, htiy• vision receivers at $359.90 each.” •, AlthOugy television' across:: the:border has not reached ,the Corn • niercial stage;, stated'Murray, "from: . the. :Otandpoirit -of technical ,develop.,:, merit; • th'e' U.S," leads ',the World frill • television and the: hub of itq develop.; • nrient , Three prnci- . pal vision loboratories are located In •that city., Itis estimated -Hutt there are . 5,000:', television receivers' in . England, Most of them owned by • dealers and rented out,.4tccording to:. Murray.' SIcingFaw .DIJSLIN..L.-,Mary Duffy'. Sathp all. night ' With her • four :children, Who Were sick w:th, measled. Early in the morning, #ith all the children imiet,. she fell/asleep. for a While. Eight-' . year-old Seopus had, been lknown:.to vvalk in his :sleet).. , - •• , Neighbors saw 'him_ during. -the in ilk nightshirt at the third- • storey window •. . • • He ‘.icf1=1.t�. his death, , . ,Accidental 'death 'wad recorded. lanes Attack Artillery "Eyes' s.1190,41;•••••/, earn.' Declares,• No Offeilse Oalre. 'Fa5PI9t; Salute at the,. • Australif*....COnePtts.. . • . • • . pijest1oday lie niaat :110, ofcen.oe, te..the1ritish goiptilh,194t:! f40„, li:434,tratign goy,ernmerit, ,thiLseenle, 0I, • Ahsttalja ind li over '0,Mtneciacy,, 71;47,144•1;••IFI;i4474.,. ,11,6.14:°;74„1$11:1!141;1:•tt!e:;r.1":.. 'f eatfinyfi1fl'$'am rest, . tet toutiCfoUt,!'.1q,-e.1ralloc, ,4T Pik clt : .,.litt‘inds."'our,194;':.1,Mvarriyi • ,and bent •a,.• WIPP', tattoo .0'P 11:14:brPattk .chet 1114 ha.1l Wag,04., 41orly: (rem side to side and 0.er his te.co ,e0rerat.:: ,a. 1<yeet::010P, , • ° ' he. oiou,'. "Out, 47, • he stretched • an arm 'free from. ' his, black and green 'Oressihg. gown; . love ny patrie, my country, am 1 love, He id: what you..eay, Olir, .84i" hint', and 'When Liay..i nO,,.giye 'Fascist salute,: I 'say, Tito, will •• Pfilet,fs. to ".threleed ArM, _ ,Tito; it. appears, gave three recitalii• -.. In Perth, 'eight ,Melbourne and ont• , nial4Y11oy,t. eachge o ttni ee. un • Was. not untli.atter %bis .fifth concert' in 'Sydney. with, one to g� before • Wind- . • Ing 'up the, Auntrallan engagement, ac. Oiirditig. to Tito,. that Alderiaao Ronald • Lan4....canetl. Tito ae_Agent stiblirbarle ' ..101e-raLtonott'i'soplhi..e, este, u. the' s,.r.a,ised,,, :arm, *- 01 give thees salute When 1.• e'omit . here' in 1919. IV* how ,You say •rarvidy OrSay1ng,--.“Thaiiir4-youTthank---youtt :When applause, is sweet anct'gerierons. •• • I ao So. -when, thee*. Man • say, .he Say to myseig;•1,.give anyhow; But am singer;:arteeit. And • theoandience.likes anyhoW.''• , , Tito arrived here, yesterday entente ,. -,tO:Itall--F'to; Make -his third -Movie.: ,44 clles In Size 4 •.‘ InternatiOnal Event!' • Shiinksijo' '.,Routine' PARIS; r• --The muCh publicized' Is- tresDarnascus.P4rIs, air Tace 7-7-, • the '.„lateSt..attempt •of ;France te. Stage an ; international; .event wlth h .worlerriu• :z•leatting flyeis ,parttcipating.17-..shinnk .to a renting trial. betv,!een nine Italian '..' stoct•live.Fre„neh, machines., : • Despite" the :3,000:009 frates • •($112,--,,, 5:90)Aii ,prizes • offered. by; the Air Min, • . istry nine piiots including .three Am. pigeons: faiiells,tn Indicate ,their • tion . of 'entering although' they. ally:. were,. liated,:, for/ the 4.‘.4linlb,ergh: anniver'sarr::trand'-Atiantl e race, ' caii- celledbecaijse'-of •Americati..oppositiOn. • • ,.,Ali;or the 22 ,:pileta: Who ,signed up)... for .the.trene:i.Attantie,.ait ;derby Were eligible for the. l=tamascus race, ini•the rliertrate such..ktrchirinent. filers. • as '-•,-Antizatolition;,d'airte5' itattertrund;-„the ; gutilanian :stunt Pont, wete;dilierad. , • , . Thepotirse spanned 3,714 miles -7, 1,752 miles from IStres'oth .bamaschs, ;Syrio„ and,t,962 miles from bathe:semi: ' to Parts,' Le limit:get' AirdroMe The •, • , fliers had, to ,ntake,ijantaaetts without . • '- .•a,..stop 'but Were .,paratitted to land on fight'. Total ''etaliOedtime nOt exeeed. 48 .1.ouri. 1. • '"" atlier'vine • ci....`'Eiraporate „. , :Weary of Discord, .Negro Roach- iracle"tO PlanS M End All . -Miracles ;NEW YORK.o. ath r' MajorD • .vine, Harlem's dusky little "god' who his been :hartisSeit'.bY lawsuits -,and ,werried by defections ot 'some of his tintat trusted "angel's" the 'Past feW• , months, 'hos decided to pass a "Mir,' • acle,'tO end all Miracles." ,going to evaporate. a , The decision vas' arrived at --cording:10 this -ciftidial sPokdanfaii;-.01 ter ;the 1)414 Colored! ' 0.`r,neselith" had been ';Sticid fer• iipWard Of '$20,000,by disgruntled ex•angels; who wont ,an •, aed ounting of the' prefits 01 ibeiVert," "Fathers • disgusted,' OrPlalped Ar- thur A. 'MadiSon; his :laivyer'. and:. moahPiecu.'‘`iie figures he's too soon• I , . fore...this' world .and,.'is going to. O'irn13. . . 'Otate, „and rttllt`il again, •BritIsli• pursuit laiid$difl t&1b� ysLtaiht !lite o captive baileeO tie •ft:11(k- attempt, to "Clesttoy°. it during" therecent joint inunetiVie$ of • the Hritisli Air itirce and teh Art) lcry. • • , itt 4.1,",900 tietnis • . — ' " : —• •. •',EX•Angeld• Are, 6.uirtg• ,' 'The' 4eciSien. was Inade knoWn at a , inbeeting. in thO No...1"heaidn''.:. in 'tier- • lent; and' pa: the reportleaked. out t' . sent' shivers ,701" do.fisternatitili , hp ,titid *:dOWn: ',the ranks. or his "angels" ant!: . ' also. sent:: AttorneY William, •Lerisol- hanift, into,,6ourt te ,derriand , that"hea- 'tviitoxn.,''otlisrshooe,ti.i.ta,lit.iii.loliht?ielwx:iii.n4o•ote4reotf'..ereei,esiev, it:ss:i.,v1:611.'ilihillit, . ' said. tho, receiverShiti was need's:SOY. 144 •Pother. pivine, Or '',$4,60e ,'Whicii, she saYs. :Site poured into the: c!•,:deets 'et., _ “homien" Withintt, rink , tangible retitrit :. inview or. the 'rat., that Father btilit, • . liail, no tiosicd 4 ().,thiti borat, asked bt . W. No,,W 'YPrk, IttalO :lox juue. • . Some ..verY, surprising •disseritilona, •. tetitotov;,6•d(.:,:i.poflii,):::::11,',#: 1,.:Osew• idliamtint, , afti,itiotyub:Cd-.' : fie ge:r(i. 1.10'. fo4i,ed.'. if cher 'pivihe • Sond: 'Om rea6 otbia ''atigkia'rruniiiiig . RV :•covd r a nd. lite suing .'"eit....x.ingele Might lint' Inote -431Yolie ' to ette, : ' It viiccin6s old .`Stroys haVe to 'relieve the hoy fever in&tryt,, tho might:try hiding the toteratar. (,)