HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-09-02, Page 1P
$2.09 A YEAR -41 50 IN ADVANCE.., --500 E)6TRA TO, U. :
, ,
Residence 53J
Office 53 W.
°lie Killed Driver
,Dr. :rni .Fowler
•,./.(lffice • Hour's:
.110.3.30. P.M. • , 7.00-8.00
•• • Sandaysil. 30-2 00 ,P M
.BY Appointment ' • "
Thane 864
?OA: ..SALE -No. • 1 'potatoes, ,at
-• Mary Ianel.Darrow's, Litcknow.
' •
TO , RENT ;- A . comfortable,. •six-
. •
„rem house to rent town • Water. -
'Temple Clarke; •
. „
7-raorn house,. on IlaVetoetc
St. Pos-
I:e*:jo :after" first. of September. AP-
PlY• at Sentinel Office.. ". • .
NEW OSTREX Tonic Tablets contain
raw oyster invigoratiirr. and other
stimulants - One dose pens •UP organs,
glands. .1f- not .0:Plighted,: Maker
funds tprice Call, .write
• MCKIllal'S pliUG. STORE, ,,,
, AND, TO BuY,
Llave_forr_sale_,_s:onle_g99.0: farms'
Culross Twp.; one in Xinlos&•
Twp,; one in Greenock Twp. Also
• different properties in. the. Village of
1' also have clientsinqtliring for un-
cultivated ' land :witlunit
suitable for reforestration' or .plant• -
ing apple and fruit trees. . Also
wooded; lands withOnt . buildings at a
• reasonable price for holding', purposes
* W. H. .Logan TeedVater, 'Ont.
, -
For. the month of !September,. dan-
ces in Paramount :Hall, each Friday
night Will be discontinued.
. •
, -
There was -a large congregation' at.
St; Peter's Church on Sunday, evening
to hear Rev. J. II. Geoghegan preach
' his farewell- 'sermon in concluding a
five-year pastorate in Lucknow, •
• Rev,.. S. T. Tucker tot* the .Serirri.
ture reading and spoke of the co-op-
eration and -good fellowship that had
existed: during. Mr::: Geoghegan's term
here. !Mr. Geoghegan 'Spoke • of the
figendliness.'of the People of. the corn--;
from whom he. said, :they
: ,ivere•-•not4entirely:--Separtiting-the,m-,•
Win.',l‘lactlierson Saffered. Bad Leg'
traeture Arid'Horae Rilled•In Head
Collision. With.; MOtOii4.•.Komi,
daY. gYealag • . • •
• 1*. 'WM. MacPherson,. Con. 10,
is in, •Winghana-
'With. h badly, splintered leg ' fracture
and knee injury received in a -highway
accident two miles north Of town on
londay evening about nine
:Mr. MacPherson's driver was killed
OVtright and the buggy reduced to
"ritatchwo9d7, in tbe head-on .colli-
'aionwith a car driven by.' Harold
Oinigrain of HolYropd.::
. •
• With Harold, was RuS*1
%vim was returning fromworking at,
Congram's 'Term. Russel received ' a
deep cut over the cheek ,bone and
other scratches and briffse. He: was
Week froM loss nt blood, --but was Te-
tpased' front Wingliam Hospital. 'on
WednesdaY;•+ when it, was ,deternifned
he had no • further injuries. Harold
Congrant escaped .with, minor cuts
and •scratches.
The accident ,occurred when ,the
Contralti, 'car passed a car driven by
Miss. Blanche MacDougall, who later
brought the injured men 'CO. LucknOw
and..on to Wingliam:: In the impact
With the horse, the front of the car
was badly-. daniaged. The ,buritper
Was bent in a half Moon shape, the::
radiator drivenhack and perforated
shat- •
(erect and .a deep dent driven in ..flre-
front of •the top. . Fenderlights and
hood -also were damaged.
Provingial '..ConStable :McClevis• in
:47U,CKNO,7**.,;...,-ONT!)..170.00.4DAIG.SEPT...EmpiskOnd 1037.
L)R. If'. MeicEE *DIED •
Auglist, ,6,t1r;',at Thornbury,„ of
James „Preebhiqf' McKee,' dearly,. be
loved .-lat'Shanit-Of °A10,,caridria
daughter., ofthe late Mr. and
,Mrs. pen, MacDonald.of L,ucknow..
Dr. '•McKee .•has','nOt;lieen in, good
;health for some .tiriae; • suffering from
a heart; condition,' and his death 'was,
sudden. : ;•-! •'
'.• ;Funeral:. iervices':,: Aveier ,41‘Pla on
Sunday • evening in ,Thornbury
ed ;Church, tIA :funeral: leaving.. on
1VIenday morning for the home of his
hrother, William. Mcicee of Toronto -
'Where service. Was held at three.
o'clock, with interment in 'Mount.
Pleasant Cemetery..
A• longtinie and respected resident,
of the • Lochalsh district, passed away
on Friday. last, iii the person -of Mrs.,
kn., M. Stewart„ -formerly Catherine
MaeDonald. /
• Mrs; Stewart; , Who. •was ' seventy,
seven years of !age, had been in fail-
ing health for' a time. The.' funeral,
waS abeld fromher'late residence:
limeon Twp.,, west of • Lochalsh, on
Mon'day.'. afternoon; with interment
• , .
inKintail eerneterY. •
.SUrviving • are -one, diughter,./.,krs.
1)azi :Rose; of Ashfield‘ and two sons.
Dave at home • and Rain of Okange.'
.! 'There was an aliSerite, of any 'cel-
ebration ph. Tifesday, night • to.. •mai,k
the, arena success, but :sorne of "the,•
boys" ..inade.''use of 'a proposed cele-
.bration*, to bring Hugh .C.inning. front'
Winghain .S0 .:they'conlit,„,giye
• 'lleetirig.. -at the Orange!, Halt, Dr,
Johnston ;presented Thigh" with a, sum'
of ,rneneY., and. 'made 'a few approp-
riate remarks. ' Mr, -W.' E :Treleaven.
. , E. . .
Was, present', '..,and was ...called•.,On•Yfor:
o feW Words, . . •
Hugh,' who has been an . energetic
Member of the :Arena: Club, left for.
Wingham the first • of the Week, and
hisdeparture is : 'regretted..hy,,:inany
friends .here.., AlthoUgh:.' completely
iurprised by the gitt, Hugh ' Made ' a
5nittible reply: • ' •:. ."
The:-,theeting, also recorded a vete
.mf...appi•eciation to the ladieS.•of.sthe
Aillage„Aupartieulat who...so defirnte.„
Ay, supperted the arena vote on Tues-
• •
• Mrs. Phillip, Stewart and Miss Vera
Sheriff were guest '' solpists • at; tha
Rexford Ostrander pre-
- shill at: the organ. ' • •
, The annual flower, show, sponsored
by the 'LOcknew• Horticultural Soc-
iety, will 'be, • held' in the .Town Hall
Saturday 'evening, ' September - 4th.
This is. always a display, that flower
lovers 'should not .misS. and this ' sea .
. son -there should be -some, .ekeeption
ally good bloOnas exhthited. There is
. no admission fee, •
imely Assistance Saves
Ashfield Barn Sunday
tar ,Of ;g0erie0.'i:PvinAiestr(Weil
Fire' When; .It. Became ,Stuelc; ;In
• Straw Pile -„-Tiniely, ' AssiStance
• •Saves .Twin Barns: •And ' Season's
, Crap .
SPenee ,IrWiti • of don. 10; *Ashfield,
had his '.cheVralet•••• Car „destroyed in
• a straw :stack lire about 8.30 Sunday'
The .•- qiiick .resporise, of
neighbors ••itna. Many .others' from a
distance to a ,general .fire• alayilTh,
saved his large, twin bAtll jile
• Season's crop•-frOrn fate, '.
The fire 'originated in an rinsuat
Way. :A, pile of Wheat strew' was
the barn yardand to reach his kg'
•• age from where his 'car *as Sitting.,
Mr: Irwin-. had to , drive through
yaorrie• Of this StrOW at the edge of
the •;pile. :Deeper than ;what he px.,
peeted ;the ear . stack in: the • straY
'sncl as he made an effort ,to • 144 up
fire 'broke out :under • the -engine.
Irwin .reOeived, bitrita ' to, his • hand
trying withontsuccess to extinguiah.
. the 'blaze, and in a- few' i•noinents
, . Batten were shooting high above
',the •Ektrn,W pile. '
A Illighbor.,sighted the elate and
turne` in an alarm ; before Mr. Ire:7in
• had- time' to, -arid' in short order mall')
13a01fde ,wete battling the fire. , '•
•. With the. water diipPlY at the'. barn
VerY •,loW, Men, Wenien and „children
rntidense'•of SOniO tO or 80„,Sap 'buck,
etS, to carry Water from the Cistern
' at, the 7.Irwin .'horne. ,,Diake. 'Alton
brought g Water' tank to. the scene
' to help extinguish the biato. Mcan
While; several ,ineri. forked awaYAlfe
:Atrawlying tigairist..the, ,barn :foitti-
, *diem ,There 'Was scarcely a breeze'
but What there was fortunately
ted .sparks tiWaY from the barn.
The nietal frame Work is all that
ternains,, of 'tlie tar Which, Was not
insured. Seine Wearing apparel that
was in it. was also burned.”
Me,..,fekin, however,. is very thank-
ful to have saved the hnmn 4.44 -'is
• 'deeply appreciative of the 'help' • of
• scores Of ISestMleo: Who, knight the
'blaze to, Save,
Cleating:. lines, in 'Men's/ WOrnen's
, . .
and '..Children's • Undergarinents,
, •
Conservative Leader
Declares Liquor Policy
Also :. /tiinOulicen, Acceptan;ce, •j; Of •
*Challenge ::Te•-:COntest: Sim -
COC ..'':1••;..S11.1,10soni;•..
•".Grceted ' ringing oVatiOn;.'Earl,
,RoWe,,,CopSer.iatty-e- leadei.,''addressed.
lat.ge tethering at Port' Elgin last
Wedilesday.,.. :when he declared' till
the party. , •
.4`AS,;: leader- Of the. Conservative :
Par-ty 10 Ontario,' stated Mr: ROWe't
' mYself, first; to .rerneYe'pat,,,
relieve, ..and to enforee' :vent. Will
concern 'pg. „ liquor • control..-: Second;'. I
xill return • to a policy 'Of control 133,:r
O vcsphosible heard,: 'free, fixind. ;p01-
tical :patronage.. Third, ja.• survey Will -
be made by the','neek{ Board • ,of all
lieensed' hotel,, .1.!et ine',.asSure
the Se "rotisliroarn;dives' Will' be closed,
. and stay. :elo.Sed. StalidOrd. hotel 6P-
erating, .within the law • and • lming..13P
.te- reqUirernents and . 'respecting the
and giving 'adequate. serViee. to
he travelling public; ill receive ',the
fuJi consideration the; Board,- and
general-, •:asaiSterioe' to Maintain 4
'higher ..statidald :of kietornMedation
:Which Will encontage. tourist ',trade
jn Canada; • • ' • -• •.'"
77%e, 'Conservative :leirdek :dfate'd his
intention to abalidon'hiS Safe seat :of
DufferiniSimeee; -which has .elected
hii to both"--,Federat ,and.;ProVirlial
'It:Mises „for fouitcn years. with an
'e,verrinerealitig majorior,to accept
the rionainatiort 16r. centte Simeee,'
j where .he Will, oPPoSe the .1.-IOntlitable
10r., L. J. Simpson; Minister of!Edu
cation .in the UIePbint GdYernitient,'
Roc waS 'acceinijanied: On the
, platform bY Dr. Jas. 3,11cOnibben „Of
'Elmira; 'brother of the late Dr.
George '...Mcqiiibban, Who; was
j !louse .Leedet under' Mr; Iiepliqn.
•MCQuihban is the .CdrigerViitive
candidate for North 'Wellington, Who
-111 his nOtnination•
"I :refuse to become a ,servile', Hep-,
bura slave," Dr: McQui ban address -
0(1 th.,.gatheriug he re • Mr.- :Rowe.
d ai With different
phasen• 'of the.11, Or...questiOn 'and
'closed. a ;fighting. address 'in *this,•
nitinner„. '''"Throw: ant the Tlepbtn'ii
'Governritent,:"' urged Ir. Rowe. "Let
its retkirii to! fl system 'of* kolvernnacht
that :stands' for .Liberty, not Litense.
Let. esrettirti.„.tO n'"CentserVati'Ve'
stem of control,„tvhere the will of the
peO,D16 regi)detdd a,h(I upheld',
Hfrothidd you :that. the ,Liquor
•'00,1136attl,k::' melt objeetlye, will net-
tle profits., ,bift.'control„..tet deed:
'the: MUShrooni. festabliShiliplita that
IUi out yOUt10.,. '
r V 1
and 'MrS.:*Jaines Reid Hackett
LocknoW, 'Ont., announce the ,engate:.
Isabel, to Mr. Wilson .T. Woods, B.S.
A., ,of Dundas, . on of. Mrs.; Weeds
and •:, the late Mr.. /r. j. Woods pf•
.Lucknowi, Ont., the marriage to take
HUGIIplade, quietly early' int;September.
Premier Hepburn Addresses
,Vast Crowd At Kincardine
GiVen Warm di -eking : By Electors
9r;Twpri.:7113rne% ,Arid .Bruce Rid-
ings Who Packed Kincardine Arena
On Saturday Night'
, 'Annealing .for support on the
eord of his ::'Government, ' Premier
Mitchell 'Hepburn in Kincardine Sat- .
urday night; reviewed his adminis-
tration and compared it With, that of
his predecessor . and Promised; if re-
turned- to: power, to • continue :.the
policy ,adopted 'during the past three
lnd, a; half: years. • . • . rt
.11e 'spoke, ,befiii•e an Audien4"of
300,, whiek.;filled,:-Kmeardine-arena
-representative-7-ot-the riding of
Bruc--and--Huron-Bruee,- -He was:
loudly, Acclaimed.' With Mr. Hepburn
Were °' John Sinclair, j •for:
*ilrtice-' and C. A. Robertson; M.L.A.:
for Huron •Archie McKay, Under-
wood, president of Bruce Liberal
sociation, and ReeVe. J. D....MacLeod
of Kineardine;, :who • spoke briefly*,
. In a, town in which labor., . organ-
ized,..the prendet'dealt at some length
with theprobleni.; of , C. I. 0: and • de -
cleared, !"John L. Lewis', lieutenanti.-
Horner Martin'had said the C.L0i
will • contfinue its -polity - of I illegal'
-possession. • .
• .1q.,et me. • tell -Yen," be continued; •
*"there will be mine of 'that. here so
hing. • as T. ani premier:, 1 am deter-
mined to abide by niy Oath* of •officc
and preserve 'Jaw •and order. If you
'dprirt agree, vote for .Earl Bowe;
that's'. where you belong." . ; •
Bruce and Huron -Bruce being
:mostly drY",-,•.. the premier . discussed
at length, the adininistratiOn of the
Lionor: Control Act., Ale claimed- the
Canada •Temperance Act to, be ultra
vires,, in:the .opinion of the Supreme
.Court of NeW•iBrunnWitk, and de-
clared:, "If , an One wants' to.. test
the ,constitutionality of .the C. T. A.,
read.Y to .nUbinit: to the Sun -
reline Court to test the. act's consti-
tutionality." ' ..t
• He rapped Leopold7°Maeaulay• for
posing in dry. ridings as a -dry ad-
vocate,. after .helPing ;frame the .beer.
.and Wine bill a the L.C.A.*",lt wasn't
Otir baby," Mr. Hepburn slid," it was
lpft ,on our doorstep by the Henry
!administration,: ' • , • • '
This Year vital hydro had.conieto
BriMe,' no that the premier's *explan-
ation .of !hYdro, 'contracts Was atten-
Oral users, the Prernier. 'pointed 'Out;
service charges • had been reduced
front,$39 to $12 per annum, as .4 ta-
stilt Of 'the Government policy. More
than • 2,2601 ntileS' of ,,hydro; had been
extended, bringing hydro te440,000
farmers.' , "We'. , are --,trying to ' make
hydro so Cheap every farmer may
enjoy, and benefit its lie should," :the
premier announced. •, '
• "There is no fear of a power short-
age, 10 Mr. RoWe. Would have you be -
Mr; Hepburn said, He review-
ed, .hydro contract cancellations and
after nakning Arthur Meighen; How-
ard Ferguson and George S. Henry
As rsig.ners cit.'the cancelled tontratts
Said ."if Men of that calibre can blind
the penile, without recourse by suc-
,ceeding governments to; such • con-
tracts; then ,.democracy is".rahl<
farce." " , , • ,
' For a morrient, Premier Hepburn
Waxed indignant. over Mr.' RoWe!A
.hydro .charges and affirmed; "If Mr.:
Rowe Would spend less time „follow.
ing his rad, horse and mere study-
ing the affairs of the proVinee; he
Winild he ableto talk, More intell-
igently." •
inqre no aPologicstooffer., for
,otrr policy," he declare&
ellOae the POOPIt Of Ontario, over the
nOWer beronnof Quebec and 'AM
pared i
to do SO' n the fittitte."
• .
JAMES A. WI14,01g. .PA$SED:.
• .
:. Word, j bad..-rbeen. ,reeeiVe‘Is„hy;.iJOhn..;
-A-. rtaIWIr•---Eutirnevv•-•01,4'..oziep-,..n4i.'n'
in Armstrong; B.C.,! of his „uncle,
OnMea• A. Wilson, son of the late
Mr. and Mks, • Wg1. W113911, of the
12th- Con. of 'W.est.V.ifawarntsle- • .
11e.. Ikea 4: brother' of A. F.
Wils�nof Arnaud, Man.; and 'Janet
W. Harris - of Chicago, 111, atiso of.
the late Walter A., l2th eon., Wa-
It4"mn Mc4i1;1115ral! :.‘'I'Ajj°nreknWowil7;
and Dr. Aleitand. or Seattle,
Wash-. Mr, .Wilson * is survived by hiS'
wife, formerly Jessie Rance of
Ripley, six sons and fear daughters,
. ,
'For the 'informaltion of t.he
••public, 1 recommend they read
the article on poliomyelitis in
this week's issue of the Sentinel.
It contains anaccurate, descrip-,
,tion 'at. this dtease.. so far. as. We
understand it.
The Most valuable ,preventive
nieasure is to 'keep Children at
home, Or at besti in town, !oolong
as ye have none here 111 with the
, disease. The local schools are op-
ening- Tuesday, September 7th,
and we will recommend ,that all
children' who have :been igniting
in cities or communities where
". there ..is.--infantile.:partilysis,
mainjOut of, Reboot one week after :
returiittig home .:here; There are
• mi cases .in .jthe -Village or: sur-
rounding community'. •- ,
A Oquiet but pretty wedding :.took
place, at the Ashfield Parsonage; at
for o'clock; Wednesday, August 25,
when Bogy, daughter of , and
Mrs. WM. Ritchie of Ashfield, beeanie
the bride, of Mr; • Elmer - Wall, eldest
son of Mi-. • and Mrs. Joseph Will of
Culross. Rev, -J. W. Patton., officiated.
The 'bride was gowned in white geor-
gette with lace, with accessories .and
carried pretty bouquet : of roses.
She 'was attended by her Sister; MISS
Elsie.Ritthie;,drensed in yellow crepe
.with White accessories. The groom
was attended by his , cousin Mr
-Clifford Johnstone.
Folk/Axing. ''the ceremony, a wedd-
Mg dipper ,Was Served at the 'bride's
Mr. and Mrs.,<*rAil will reside on
the. groom's farm in Culross •Town-
ship. •
A marriage was quietly solemnized
on Saturday afternoon, August 28th;
at the Manse,- St. 'Helens,: by the
Rev H, ---Wright,- : when Elsie Violet,
Tdairglitei7;er' ME' 'and MU Then:
became the bride , of. Mr. Russell
Moore, soti:,of Mr. and " Mrs: Arthur
Moore, of 'Whitechurch. '
Fall Pair prike lists will ,be
'able this week --end at the.c.ffice of
the secretary or at The Sentinel
Office. Ask for one,
„ r
•• • •
• ,
Happy Family Gathering Held Here
On Tuesday - HonefiV,"-'pouple_
Were Showered With Gifts And
Messages. Of Congratulations -
Both Enjoying Excellent Health t
Tuesday was an eventful, day for
Mr.' and Mrs.' David Huston, esteemed
village residents, Which markedtheir.
golden Wedding anniversary; when
their `family, With„ the exception of
Andy Of Regina, were 'present to Cel-
ebrate the happY, occasion.
• Dttring., the , day, ,,,relatives and
friends called; to extend best wishes
and Mr„ and Mrs. Huston were Shoe, -
erect with many attractive % gifts, as
Well as receiving telegrams and
cards of best „Wishes.- Among , the
gifts was a -large silver; relish tray
from the LiicknoW' Bowling Club.
Mr. Huston, Is a' •very enthusiastic
Wider, ,ania :took part in a, tourna,,
inent In Goderich on Monday night,
'andp, notwithstanding . the celebration
on Tuesday, Was 'planning to bowl in
-Wing Inerrtn-Wedriesclay.
• Born . in Londonderry; Irelnd, mr.
'Huston Caine 'to: this community fifty
-two years ago last March. He was
not long in choosing his best girl and
on Atiktist .50 year s ' ag6, he
married Elizabeth Cook, Who came
to Huron TownshiP, from Middlesex'
with licr parents, when ° she wad, six.
years of age. The wedding Cer,einony
was -Performed' bY Rev, Shaw,
A.ector of, St. Peter's Church, And
Whose death occurred about two
Aniazi7S,y Pili
Majority For. Was 110 -Large Vote
„„. • •
Resulted In 178 Votes Cast
Fior ,CoMMluitY /fall :And', 68.
Against ° r '
Yoting, on ..the: $7000..: hi=laW to
huild .a community ...hell and 'arernii
Property'%owriere of the••4411aker vat'.
et) uhout 5'to 2-, in favor Of the 'un-
dertaking,. to pile .up ,a majority
"for" '0,110 votes, I It :was an antaz-
ing inaiority, beyond the expectations
'• ; the . nitost optimistic; -• ,
There was a total :of 246 votes
polled out: of an ;available vote of
stroincite„ There
einr thije78V.l.:irlloatgpes afnodr Oa inad-
08 against. , t- •
The Vote' by sub -divisions was as
follows. • . • '
Place • For Against Mai.
Orange' Hill •. • 22 • 46
;Reids . 19 , 30
rown , Hall 61 ' 27 34
••• .
, 17$ ' ' 6$ .110
, Results" were ' announced shortly
after the, pelting booths 'closed at
five o'clock, and were greeted IV a
ftood deal Of enthusiasm; Atnotig the.
first:to be informed' of the . victory
:Was G. 11. who; back in the
4pring 'reViVed the' Movement and
•ha s been its leader 'until' taken *ill
ond 'confined to his bed. a couple of
days before the Vote. •••`'•
The Bread
ji'h Bfe4d...
. ,
the CalithumPian parade and all the
others .as well in the village, will be
treated to free ice cream by the Fire,
Company. /The 'place is at the Arena
site on Thursday evening. at 7,30.
'Nuff said.
. • '
Carnival Hight Was
A Decided Success
Colorful Calitliumpian Parade , Was
'Featured Scores Of Children's
Entries -"Biggest :Night in Luck-
.. nowIn. Expression -Clear 25Years" AlmostWas. , F 1;1 I ."50e•0110t
With perfect . weather On, Thursday
night; the street carnival and frolic
sponsored by the Arena, Club, was a.
.complete success.„4 Hundreds.. .,jam,
rned the streets -far, the ealithumnian
!parade, , and events ', that followed,
and :it was freely ,expressed ‘As• the
best night in Lucknow since. the
' years ago_ •
• The'calithunspian:- parade -:biought-
•out-secires-,of--mas'querriders,- and--an-
astonishing number I of: youngsters
of all ages with gaily decorated doll
carriages, tide:ides, Wagons •aniv
iicles, many 'carrying • arena booster
slogansp ; .
'Numerous banners, _painted • IbY
Rexford. Ostrander, .' dotted the par-
ade, which left front. . the school,
grounds: heeded ; by • the pipe 'band,'
and, parade Up .and main;
street. Other features of -the j parade
were the 'jazz band and "the mule"
with every entry. practically worthy
of Mention , if, space; would '; allow.
"The Mule" created much fan, with
Phillip Stewart and, Bill 'Webster,,,
Under "the hide", cutting up capers
in siiite: of the expert .management
of_iltastus",„_Iloy ,Hudson. T
Due to .the Vast gathering and
without an •aniplifYing system, the
program was , tut short. ;Dr. 'G. A.
Newton and. Dr. Johnston spoke brie-
fly. Rei. Wright of St. Helens; an-
nounced the decision of, the . judges,.
who were Rey. Wright, Mr. Mochrie
and E. W, Rice,' and who had
eult assigninient' in picking the win-
rers. Kenneth Renteul sang a nuna-
her and • foltewing. that the dance' and
carnival booths swung into action.
It Was a jolly;', free spending crowd'
ond •until two 8.111. the concessions
were going strong. , • H ' : ' '
- The calithumpten Winners • Were as'
fello-wa:•. ' ' • _,_ ' • 11 '
:'• Dell carriage.;-Winnifred Stewart:.
Grace: Huston,; - Biwa' Wagon -Jim. ,
inie• ' Ferguson, ., Donald' Thompson;
Tricycle-H.Tertri Taylor, Billie. Decker;
Comic Costume -Joe ' Agnew,2Shirley
Culbert; ' Fancy:- CoStume-Margaret
Weston, Catherine Prest• Adult cos-
• .
Financially, aS, Well, the event was
a .14. success,'. with the, Arena Club
"clearing alniest $150:00: *The'. state-
ment follows: : -.. • ' ' ' ' '
.1)atice--: '. j • ' ' , '7.
'!fotal receipts ..,..".....4.....:.....$87.20.,!
EicpendithreS: ....,....'........-,, ,19:75 '. •
Net Receipt's . . .:., . .:. . ..,...,,..»..---„- ' .$61,45
'Bingn;• ' , y. ,.'- • ,, • • ,
Total •reeeipts .....,.,.....-$111,76
Cost Of prizes ',,...,..4 . . ....... '. 44.86 '
Net Receipts • . ' ... ----,--,r
Dar' Wheel 8t, Penny Testi .
Total, receipts .......:.... ' $102.08
Cost of ' Prizes ..............50.84 " .,. .
Net Receipts " '..... .. . .. . .,....,,------,,,,.."$52,14
years . age.
, 14ving.:for just south of the
village, Mt end 'Mrs.;.1-Iustiiii have
resided, in :LtiektioW fOr,. oyer fortY
years, • .r 1
. Added ,ito .trues4ases
waS bagpipe inusie played by 'Lorne
MacDonald and „in' the evening Etta
11011e. MacDonald , Was, liresent to
'dance the •Highiand •
Members of the family.' present,
were Mr:, and Mrs, Will Huston; • De-'
treit;: Mrs. PrebsOft. tind, ,Tack Of
Windsort, Mr. and Mrs. George
ton and, two. thildre.d. of. 'Toronto;
Mr.,. and Mrs.. -- Fisher and
Mary and Mr. arid 111rA. Wesley Hus-
ton itracOinCe Of tent. •
It Was a ineitorable event, and
frietida. community' -extends
best wishes to. Mr, and Mra, itnaton:
for • continuance of the.,. gond 'health
Ahleh they now onjOY.,;, • \
General Expensen;-;. .
,ttarrip 9.0a
Parade & COncert, • • gi_..7.14"' 27,87,
Net Profit
PreviouS; Valance
club's Net': Totai
Cleating line§
J: t1S
inen'S Heise ' and- Witah, ".'DreaSea'
:ii,1„3".1.LITX.'• AND .SERVICE
Congregations Bid Adieu
ToGeoghegan family
Presentations Made At LuCknowt OE
' 'Friday And Last Wednesday Al
Pint 7 Albert •
The congregation of Christ Church
-Port. Albert, gathered for --at-, • 06011
And farewell ;party -in the baseme.nt
of the church ;: on Wednesday eVeninc•
last, when key.. and Mrs.' Geoghegan
.wer.e the guests of hbor. Rev. P. •H•
Rickard was chairman . the even :
mg and informed ,the folk the-ieasoi,
that 'theY., were. there was • to dohon
or tel their beloved;rector an Is
He; referred • to the :excellent - work
of both Mr.. and Geoghegan am'
also to the defightful relatio,pshifi
that', existed betWeen• them .and' all
•the -people. He then Called „Miss
Foster tit.id Mr,: Harry . Hawkins. and
the, guqts of honor to the''Platform:
where 'a. hynin• keeping With the
occasion Was.. sung, efter which
Foster . read .. an address and Mr.
Ha.wkins presented a purse Of money..
The the Reverend fl, • ,
and Mrs. Geoghegan,.
The members ,o.f the -cOngregation
of' Christ Church; -Port, Albert; '-are
assembled • her:: this. evening to , ex,
press: to your • Our , gratitude And:.
thanks ..for all the kindness, and lov--
ing- eare you have,bestowed upon as
during '.the five. :short, happy, year&
you have • been our Rector. , .
:You have stood by :us in our•iMp:
piness' and in'. our, sorrows` and, the
PraY,ers ail& good wishes' of :this con-
gregation will folloeT•you and •ST9ni'S
into your new, field' of t(:
which the Master, has called
.•We : ask- you ....„„Krice...ej?'„.t this sinall
.giff,-not for 'its'. intrinsic" value, but;
nsa token of our -love 07 -Yen --1; ire
MrsGoghttid your raindy, •
• Signed- on belialt of this congre-
gation at l',ort ,Albert on August 25t1V,
1.037; , Harry -.Hawkins
Carmen „Hayden
, Wardens:.
C. A. Robertson Is -Again
Huron -Bruce r.• • •
Sitting MeMbe,r Had 'Large . Majority
At Whigham einiVention
day As Liberal Catididate For.
Lo'cal, Riding -Opposed By W. L.
MacKay • :
• •
• Motocar license's. 'will .4)e -reduced
-shortly ••and probably be set
'fiVe'''d011ars,,-., Charles •Rohertsorn,
rneinber, of the last Legislature fai.
the ifnioniiittiee riding..to,14 his con-
Atituent8 as he was .renotninated as
L iberal', Candidate- for :this, riding:
•• Mr.: Robertson Was:impose& for.the,
nOrnination,`.15y,.,W,, 1...McKny, ex -M.
fox,.. south Bruce seat at 'the hot
redistribution, and by, :George • IL"
Mooney,' former "k)f, the
Ripley Express. •• • : • •
Mr,' McKay expressed his
anc0. at being left :Out and lAtt,id: he:
member : .for, yeers; he •hintself noa
deserved' su.pPort. Mr, ,111o0,ney with,
e. In thc voting Mw
dtiti•se*, o s(inleit,ia.rtn,,
Robertson bed. a: 'large majorit.y. over'
"I am asking- for Your''s ipport..ovee,
more on the '.redord of the • uppiniro
, the .pat ,three
year., As -member , , that, :party, I:
h ave tried to do* my,'-heit'. in • ie it
terek;,;,of the 'people .,of the :riding of
.Huron -Bruce and :•arri -returned'
shall 'continue to (10 511," Stated.
'Me, Robertson,: , •'.
"Premier' 'llephtivh nitide ninny
promiSei at the last election,'" pointed
Out Mr. Rebertsoh.-"I did not. Aiie•. at
the; time how he':conki• fulfill them:.
but I e,a11, etrtairtly eee. 4 dove
so to the best, of. his, ability: We Wert,
paying eight dollars -,toci'
for hydro 80(1' he :has remedied that
„, • , • ..; , . •
. • 'Me 'are no* ',Paying' two etira two
and'.A half per cent: "for money that
we formerly had to • f):0, " • per
cent. .for, , The tax Stibsidy-2 ot9ens 'a.
sub..tatitiel• reduction to 'all ot tis '•
Huron ""f'• "lotow.' my, own ,taxes
have been reduced, eight '4011arS,
prediet that the Man- who ' was-
tiOnlinated at this convention"' will he
the A.ilierat ineinber• in the next Go'.
ernment. arid, that •GoVerMitent *11,11
be A Liberal: , sqld I
Deachniati; M.P., tor • Neittli •llurhn
Os he addressed:Alie.'croVe
• • •
iii$r Alta' 'IVPItit*A:1:14r‘ ge tangle
ofsample•SoilA • nnd,, overcoat:ft.: • All
new and • tp-totiltite.-4erged. loeney
Wto monsuiu
ottoori.41tedas,16'TotveicA'sivi„, ,usivag
'CLARK ,d1
. ••, • -
•,ylfe;. 'family, ami made ,A • '
*r• 'gcngilegnn, on; behalf • of... his,
suitable reply, ' • in ...which he stressed .• •
the nlea.Sure:• he foiled,: hi • his 'assoc,,,: ",•••
„ .
,riation With the eozigrega,tiorf ,as- •
'sui.eff til6rd diet ,they up• .
the. i'ePutat:iOn', Wen. them by the
t• ilj(')cr6o(r*.!'forejittfreeiiij•j enerir!..
oils 'girt apo..iwpoo•tient,h, 'ou1d be
ble to .pur.chae....so/fnetating fez% their.
'which they t1111 *. and
;Would , cherish th.rongliobt•.1.he. years •,
to emote. .fje•. irrgc'el- the...people:to'. be '
eady :and. tb • give Of, their:,
time,and';talents.:te 'fui•ther
fare ...of church, • and. conniltinitki .
004..al§.e, to welcome their new rec-:••
Tter, ...,remenibering :that he is the
servant Of • God. , corning- tiy.carrY7 on
His araon vot . . din t u
serVeil e 'ladies', an after,:-.- .•
.the 'singing of .and bettedic, ,
:1;1u. and tinael.:PstV.(61114Vehnaina:t'••t• )Neveals1':11116t-Ikge:i
to. 0...close. • ::, • • '
Frid•ay At. • w
party • Was held
the Congregation, or St.. Peter's
church_ in' the ' Orahge. Ball; on Friday .:
even in g,,. • when the people --gathered:"
to:', Show their' •lo.,c arid estepin• for,
'tlibir. iteetOr,.. e•ife 'and farnily Wile • -
,tire .aliout, to niiiVe .to,,theinew narish
if ittelt,etown, •efter. frfost: success
of7hree years. The early ..
Tart., of: the • . evciung was spent, in
ifl ng, in :which both 'bld ,yontiA , •••
,called::the guests' ' of
this, Rei; •
"' • ' ..':(COntinfied•On Page 0..
s We go, to , press . we learn that
infra. threshing accident Wednesday
,evening, piij Stanley had his hand
-setei!6-0 Strtirfr-tTtslule- wofking'''
at. the, home f --his fathert-Gerner
.SC110.61, ppElqiislc BELAYED,
While '.there are no 'cases of in-
fantile paralysis in Lneknow or suf.'
rounding 'comintimity;.• the Scheel
Board hal adopted a Course that ',
quite general. Western -Ontario,
and has ,deferred school • opening
Until next •TuesfleY, SepteiiTher 7th.
Mi.:. in: Woods Honored
On Eightieth Birthday .
'Clatlipring Of . Fifty Freiids .110.?;
•. Woods. At lioine. Of. ITiS-D-oughterr•-•
'1VIrs.. Daniel ,
• 'West NI'aii,Swirrsli Por .60
, •
Martin- entertained fel'
11e1 father, WM. Roods on
iiesday everlinr• InOt., occasion
• his' ,80th• ,lii . Whe.11 •
fifty, friend:S. anei ,sat down '
t,p, 'n Loontifill litrtlf(1,:i:y, :popper.... The...
Unhles v‘.'elre 1)entitifully, .(lecorated," in ,*
-tat '
1‘1rs.... astr,it (4ain'.10
„of .1.:Iora..o.:Itie(•O,•.'PlioRi.,.:n" fee- ‘‘ -Is
eAni.giQl rhni while
leg. NT:01"k" 'I' 'Ell .11.1t...' 3 1 .1- ASel
‘ t,)VO''S ,
S -Song:" ' ! I
' • \eal.•..1-; ir :1 • • '"
1 -
Cr: ro. r wro:rh,,,:,- ,10111. .
.1;;•:°. 1:;1111.;1;.1
t,N 1-ti;4t(‘I'A h,1
j 11(1 11 1
elf.:'...teN(\11((;;1•Le t')111,`:
-iijs `VsiMte.1 .1(1' .171. ,•, 144
nies"0 0.1.1,5 110.
•‘''c d
rinet 0 iditit 511111 'id rii:11,1z,
evefiing," spetit. 41.
. •
.11101.0h find ....St:.•• Bolen*
. •
It Is.. Difficult --
to" inittgine ehtif possibl:e`
be more' impprtant in life _Won
eo‘ninning isttir ot 'eyes
to. -function :as if they were • por-
.• feet: And ihnt, IA -ex:icily:, what
170 t I:4 et 01'y : ser‘ ice CO 01M,
• ,
. „LuCknotv