HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-08-26, Page 5:7 « k'aMr 1101= • TSUISPAY, ..AUGUST, 26TH, 1937/ 'Azar •or • Q1 , FSE 'tUCKNOW SEN'T11•In - TRIO 'OF PRESENTATIONS MADE REY. &• MRS, J. H. GEOGHEGAN • (Continued from Page 1) for their welfare.; He .Spoke in glow - t; in `'terms � of Iiia.. succe sstir the Rev. A. A. Maloney and asked that .the _ people give to . him their heartiest •" eo-operation and suppo, t, ' The ladiesserved a : dainty and. • • bountiful „lunch.. The singing of a hymn •and pronouncement :of . the benediction, - brought a happy •even- iig' to a ` , • . DONNYBROOK'` Miss Marjorie Campbell has re- turned to her duties at Stratford General; Hospital, • •after :a 'vacation N•ith her parents,' Mr. and Mrs' W, A, Campbell., Robinson, • ,spent ' Mr.�,Tar. who 'the � oast three weeks 'avith his, sister, Mrs. Naylor',• has returned to, his home :n Toronto.: , • • Mrs: Cunningham ' wag, a • recent week -end visitor with friends in Tor - Mrs;' 3:•• H:. Mills' was 9.; week -end Presentation ToMrs.AGeoghe:ga>- .siert—+h he sister,. George r.„ .(to KINLOUGH Mr, and Mrd.; Art. Haldepby and family of ,Toronto, spent Sunday at Geo: Haldenby's.; • W.ilbert: Haldenby, Eric • and; David of 'Toronto., visited .oiri. Mon- day/with '.. on-day/with': Mrs. Art Grahani.: . Miss Wanda 'Thompson ,of .Millar tong spent :last• week • with ars.,, Alex Oiler 'meeting •at' the home -fs.. Gula . g had a After the meeting been, opened by scripture.. reading ann .prayer; :the secretary 'Mrs.Preview Ei Hassi411 read the minutes, of : •meeting ` and. the .treasurer, Miss, E. McCluskej+ gave, .her•_, reporb; , "after ▪ which, an' hour, Was devoted, to busi., 'uetiri in ' which;;planswere. laid ;fo)' litany activities; luring; 'the fall anc'I winter months. At the conclusion of the business. the members in an • informalmanner, presented their, re-. -tiring president, Mrs. Geoghegan, with a brown leather, purse' 'an d money, and spoke'. their' appreciation of , her untiring efforts on . behalf., of. •or anization, Mrs.;: • Geoghegan, the 'organization surprised, .thanked'' ,the • ladies for the lovely and 'useful gift and also for their co-operation at all d t the times .end' expressed the hope tha asuccess Guild • would continue o: have sec . intheir :undertakings': for' the church and the ' Master; • Presentation toRectr• and Wife by • St. Paul's Churleh, Dungannon On Tucady ,e ,,, a vening;':Rev.. and Mrs. Geoghegan were guests. of honour of , the' inembers of. the congregation Of St. Paul's Church in the. Parish. Hall. Withthe arrival of all; -the evening •,opere.with variousgames, fol. 'which ; : many' small prizes were. •'given -which on opening, :caused much', laughter . and n ierriment. :These: gaes ,v ere •' under, the: leadership: Of Mrs,''J.. Hain .. Ilton' and •Mr`s. L: I era, At the • con- clusion • on-clusion;: of these, with'' Mrs G. Ham- ' titin pianist' and 'Mr James,, Milliop, violinist and,. Rev. " P. Ii. , Richard as e' onie'•,'community aster ;>yf •ser s m •;r • jig tAoyed;=songs li_ot.± nde•;...s ";'.Mr.• Bert Wyart and'n'ew;•beilig sung.,,..., : dered= Unum ! ers • on his guitar - . to. ..ten. Lunch followed the singing:. with of Lha delight; • 1T Lun 'Mrs: Ivers,• Mrs:' Park,' Mrs.' .Brown, ' Raymond and 'Attila": •: Brown-and 'V icterlack, _assisting After a verY"«ountiful lunefTev • P. Rickard, calledRev. and Mrs., o he an . Mrs,. ; J. Hamilton; ' Mrs. Ge g and g ..,. Brown , to the :�lvers ' Raymond, B .w s • • •: "front of the hall. �' Mrs Ham titin 'read the folloirii . riddress . Mrs. Geoghegan, . Dear • •Mr. an,, ., We. the •members of, St. Pauls An-, tea' ' Ilton ;Church;` Dungannon,, • take thi ; .opportunity to express our Ideep': re,. et at^,your intended' departure from r-Midst,and. to show in some small. ' Mr.' •Fiwtnk *, Sherridan and his sister Miss'..'Hilda• • of .. Oshawa,: spent a : ^.utile of weeks at the home of`' their sunt; • Mrs,, Jno. . Thompson;,' ' Mr, :and Mrs , Jas; Craig has re - r toned, mfro ' , . visit with;, friend§ . at ;olden= 'Valley• _ ' Mi;. and Mrs, Sam •Jefferson• the Mildmay; , spent ,'several , days 'at t e home of his mother. Mrs: C. Jefferson. The regular. meeting • of, the W. M r S. of. 'Donnybrook United Church. Was held on, Thursday, afternoon' at ,the, horned Mrs. Ohristena Jefferson. Ars., . J. C. Robinson led the .meeting. The devotional leaflet was.. read' by• f,,ucy Thompson and Mrs. Jefferson. read the .scripture lesson. ' Misses Jean and Irene 'Robinson; "sang ".a .luet. • The study1of, the chapter; from `Men and Women, of •far :Horizons Tip. taken :by ''Mrs,: J. C. Robinson. Mrs.• N; Thompson, `Mrs. C. R. Jeffer- son •;and the, ,'Misse's' Margaret, -and P Irene Jefferson; The study, of the t•eriiperance : pamphlet ' 'vas led by Mrs. ,A Campbellwith. several lad- les • taking part Mrs.,. Bert• Taylor • ;.losed 'the meeting with prayer. and lunch was. •served, ; by the hostesses.' • Attendance ;1$. ,• The . meeting of the. ,St.: Augustine Women's.' Institute *ill ''• be held ' at the home, of • Mrs. ,Mar -k. Armstrong:; 'on' Wednesday,..'September 1st. . Mr.. Gordon ,Naylor and Miss'. Jean Robinson, accompanied by,r, Mr; 'and Mrs.; Charlie ,Mills of Goderich were week -end visitors ' C:with; . friends in Toronto O'n•;.their return. trip, they were` accompanied , by; the.. former's cousin; "Miss oreen Naylor, "o: will a. �_ v!'Ih rid: a at .the Naylor home a r ' Garai of: , Tho,1 s •spent': the week end; with'Sthis parents Mr. and les. Jas.' Craig BERVI-E ,, Percy, ; •• Miss Lyra Richards: of Toronto and, Mrs. Orland Richards of, Paramour?' called 'on friends; here on Thursday. Miss Hilda Reid visited ,last week' with Mian Mark Cox.. < !+� it �• , "Gins." _": \° vial m-'• at l:`Lainne's tori. is.. 't 6 , ... , . Mrs, T. Elliott; of London is' spend' ing a' few. days ;with her:daughter, Mrs. Karl Boyle. Miss :;Elea or. McFarlan visited last. ,week with i Kincardine,: friends:: Rudy 'Sieloff and,' Elroy, of Detroit, are visiting with Mrs. A. Hodgins. • ':Misses `.Hazel and . Winnie .Percy ,entertained a number of girl friends on Thursday .afternoon.: •Mrs.. E.: •Hal'denby visited last week with Mrs,: J Percy and other rela-: tives here. The . next regular.: meeting; of the ii. W. I will be' hel&con Thursday, Sept.. 2nd, at .the home of Mrs..Jas. Hodgins. Convener,._;` Mrs. Arthur Graham; assistants, Mrs. Eldon Eck- enswiller, Mrs.. Ernest Ackert; topic, Historical Research: Grandmothers' Day; Current Events; Motto, As :you travel :through . life, • ; scatter kind. ,words and gentle .deeds. Roll call, The .name" and• -:an item of •interest About :a pionneer of .'this district. Lunch,. Mrs. Jas. Hodgins. Mrs: Crang Mrs. ` Thos. ' Hodgins., VHITECHURCH Me.••'Bert :Reid and, Miss Mabel Reid of Ashfield, visited :°last Friday wit Mr., and. Mrs. Albert. Patterson. r Jame •Emmerson . and..Mrs. A. Lr! E merson' spent. the week -end with relatives at: Ta ist ck Berth 1 asira f or Mis . a .... c. . Y `of d x , week -end : ' ' i h' her' `�ntY spent *he; �W ; er, par . Mr.: and Mrs. Hector McKay and - other relatives. Mr., Jack 1klcCharles was taken to Kincardine ' pit ,week. for. treatments *� rs. Jack. cCharles.' i.s; s ek • in •ter..- .� ..R .. ,M _.. r mow' `•--r-- : •=•-^se ■ e 4• S.. i'. V Ii'i111, luq GtG i� itit�:l�llI I �Iil .N I (� 4• �,,.. �{.ti• ' /• '� ,<� P ' 1 • I i { • 111, 1• 11:4;+. it (71f• l way Out appreciation: •of your.efforts: and labors among us •to promote•. the• social; .• Moral '•and' spiritual: welfare of our community We. know that ..you have tiie . ability to, administer • to, a larger sliher a of • activity than ours and' that,you • therefore'. have .ther opportunity o1 'doing the _14t`aster's Work to 'ti., greet:er,�nu`mliei'in the parish to which 'yoi are called Ho'.''eee deep oui4s-oi ro-; .'sand regretb7eat-our--loss -out- desires ate that great hat pines~ and ro' perity ivill:' accompany yon., lehcrever your. •lot be ;,cast and that God will •.bless: you and. guide .you ,the advancement -of :His Kingdom :IVow;`as ive are about to Part, w4. askyou to accept this;•gift. along with , the , future success and happiness •oi you+. and ',your. ' family. Signed :on behalf of the congregation,. :Mrs.•Hamilten, Mrs. 'vets; Ray Brown Mrs. ":Iveis' and Mi Bi o;sn they; presented,a silver basket and silye••: • candle holders, 'after which alt joined. • ' in singing . "for they 'are jolly eool;�, fellows4L,Spea.�'in on behalf of hi' 'wife and •himself, Mr; .Geog}vegan re- plied' to, the .a'dds els arid thanked th congregation fol' the 'very beantifu ; remembrances; assuring . them the\. would : lie .treastated throughout years;. evert as the: bright and happy. , memories, .of the, people ' would Ie. treasured ' in .their, minds and: heart:, t�.,. • He spoke with bright optimism or" the future of 'St.' Paul's, Dungannon • • pointing out that five years'ago sortie bad thought. .the church must soon. Close, its doors, ,but . today witb. the average attendance increased b Aver 200°% and" sur day school with' Over 30. pupils started, he felt that. • God had singularly blessed :St, Paul'- .'.'Parish 'and would continue to do so He thanked the• people' for their hos= pitality given 'at all times, for their thoughtfulness .:for the wife,•. family and himself, for ,the many • gifts given from time time; and added that he : knew -.the incoming•. Rector our vett ;best :'dishes: and prayers for. Messrs. 'Bert and' Glenn Needham have returned home from' Hamilton and ' Guelph' where they' •completed Summer .cou'rses. • .• Mr.:, and '. Mrs.. Thos. • Hewitt and small: daughter Nancy, , : Ann; .:who. have been.,,.spending the:vacation ;with .friends here : and in::;. Ripley, r- turned. to their home in Toronto on Friday • .Miss Marjorie 'Harrison of Huron was 'holidaying at the home of: ;Mi and Ws -.J. A. Armstrong. . Mr.... -and 'Mrs.. H. Chadbourne, .also, Mr.. and .Mrs.. 0. 'Russell;: have ' re- turned. returned • from/ their motor. trip • to' the. West• and B; C. ' Mia' Beth Arnett of .Londesboro, vho has, been a guest. of 'the; Peter; families left 'on Friday, '• • • • A ° 'miscellaneous, shower: for Mrs.: ;eo _hell,' (whO before .her recent •marl ,age'.was:,'Miss • Louise Thoinp=' on) -.was helix -Tuesday evening ate the:• home. of :Mr. and Mrs: 'Stanley: 'rOir, Durham Rd. On °Tuesday ...O.,' last 7. week, • Mrs. Austin.' G.lahn ' received,a; telegram` containing :the • sad ..,and unexpected. news that her ir►other, .Mrs . ,Frazer of Ottawa had passed ,away'.: Mrs. Glahn motored to Toronto, acconip aanied byMr and, ' Mrs. • Douglas; Johnson •Where she caught a train for Ottawa.•,' • .Mr. • Geo. Bloor • , of Detroit was a nilei" •m the • vicinity on Tuesday of, last. week, Mi and 'Mis ` Murdoch, McDonald' Ind Mr Christena•MCDonald of Pine .iyer; ' +er .: n_day• visitors at ;the Seine of Mr, A. McDonald • ,• :Mr. and'.Mr, Darwin :Hotton• of. Palm Bench,• Fla, •were.;recent,guests if M. and Mrs. E: ,:McComb,'' South . • would' receive the 'saltie blessing ' of friendship . and_co-operations• in• the future as theyhad enjoyed• in 'the • • past: 'The• evening' was brought: to ' ij' close by the singing of the Nations Anthem. PURPLE ,GROVE FOURTH CON.; KINLQSS 'Master'Billie. McKinnon is ;spending lklls:s' Mary • Wraith visited . ` last, week: With Miss Agnes .Patterson; `Mr.' Ge"rge:` Phillips r hail the 'mis., fortune to have four of his best cows ;killed Flaylightning:,last `Thlirsciay- . They:;were:;under' an ehn:.tree', Congratulations to..Miss; Jean"Fors- :ter,: who passed all her , subjects; in her. 'r recent examinations at'' Lucian high school; - • • Rev. and Mrs. J., Pollock are hili- dnying this week at I{incardine bench, : A miscellaneous shower was •held in the Institute hall• on 'Monday"ev- ening in hpn'or• of the newlyweds, Mr.; and Mrs. Frank :Ross. They received m-'1iy useful gifts. An 'enjoyable 'ev- ening was, spent''hy all, The Y. i'::S, of : the Presbyterian church took;, the service last Sunday' with Mr. Fred Newman' as president. Mrs. Robt. 'Mowbray read the scrip- tore •:reading•, . prayer by',Mr. 1?. r New • man,' duet by ;Misses Velma Scott and Janet •Craig; <Miss. Agnes Robertson gave an • interesting report •of the summer si•hool held at Camp • Kintail this: summer. • . ASF.FIELD►• ' its Mrs; . Me ill a J. K. ' 'and,, Mrs. G v rJ* W •N t 7.�•"ilhd .. y -X"'.^"._ • , Tr • • When' you time in;,yqur. ,radio, you 'do. not • •heor•the,sound: of rush ng water , .. yet 'fa away •.. .': perhaps hundreds of. mile.: Hydro. power is `.being generated ' It ia' thio. • power that enables the radio 'studio .to fill ' "the air • With the•.f nest .the.`entertai 'entertainment field 'affords, 'and Stela -oarne'�power•permits you radio'set to efficiently'traneform =these. 'studio i'Snsmitted,progruma-into enjoyment` •; for the antire family, A! you sit in the connfort` of your home,. it is:. . • well- to conaid'er',that •hundreds of trained.; • • ' : Hydro m.n ari;work1na—watcchinq: tidy and h f d Hensel. • „=tight; tonsure that nothing will'3nterfere' udbur and ;other ornts north:, M ' Y k you obtain from: your radio. Sudbury P , ,- the '; services 'in the . Presbyterian ;Miss: Christens: and Janet: Bain:. of u d • chuff cli on S n. ay-. : Wkile sMvin al. 'ao m11016:, ,this' coat=' London„ are, visiting• with relatives; ! , w g ws. • , The Pi essbyteriani W, M. S.•. • meet- 4•> ►a4 p e:vicethe Hyvdro of to On .the sixth. for las s' a",./.11,141i:' ._ announced sixth a ng. t week wa,. P. si,' .:.est o P:daty, o the o>hgina;l prri_n:: • The .ung people.ofthe. s . h nd t .. ... , ,.¢� . „ , . i w k. II on till th s Week. •ci fo>i' c w � fo fourth . eiijoyled ;a wetner, '.roast < . at p ed !Jill :. ., .P,>te! ,., i�►jki ,as unded�power costfs Huh o Frida • night; In the death 'of`-1Vliss Lucy. •Munro, have heerac sredinafae titan v9 saris and Mr''A g es n Y g -y his, -vacation W1".t _ ri•is in ansa have'. returned from' their:.•.,vacation ' ivith�the-LorFtinuid�.njoymeut-astd-pleasure,,.,.: w. Mr. Jack„Fletcher .is: on a; trrl%'to and''. r.' McGilivar too •. char e' of •• an McKinnon (Gth . A shfi'eld lost 'one of its` most liigtily `.'•, ” ' moat 'has been made to• extend, the °r •Mr. and ..Mrs. D . , ... ; er1► d e there §hest M.> nd `gyp.:— a •_ i . Munro had, Mrs. Angus McKinnon 'of:.Seaforth been sick since ear y 'spring a1t'_ Hite and daughter of Syr;' her death was not unlooked for: The ocuse`, `N.Y•, .,and Mr.'' and ' Mrs: Don- :funeral service • •w'as held; at •tlia' fain •old •'McKinnon and ,children of Hen- ily,horae -on:the. 12th• con; on Satyr,. 'call ;day.' with Mi ' • I Frank Guthrie ' of s G. Mr -•r -R.. Martin enter -the., --Guelph, -takingt:.charge; at •the"home ladies' of the U. F. W. 0•• on: Thursday and:'' also 'at •• the ':graveside. 'Interment was in Lochalsh ; cemetery,, and : she was"' borne': to, her last • resting ;place, by six of ,her neighbors, Messx's Tom Robb, . David, ;Johnston; Sam Gibson, Neil MacKenzie, Henry MacKenzie;: and •: Russell Bissett• She is survived' by ,one brother Frank and one sister Jean, both. ` at hon=e. Mr.. S. Stirling is visiting .his: friends ' in : this .tommunitly having ; come .from -' Goderich to 'attend ; Miss Mauro's .'funeral. Mr. Howard Robinson Who was injured •while;working •with • a.'tractor, was able; to :be .removed• from the hos!. pital to his•. home . ,. 'Mr. and Mrs.;'Peter ;'McKinnon and ,son Harold; who ••have 'been visiting With 'relatives 'here, ;returned to their home in •,Flint, Mich. • Miss',Mary .Reynolds: returned' to Toronto 'after a few days' visit with friends. `here. '•an ' Mrs. ' Will Clayton called nd h an-' on friends ,ou the on S G M. and Mr: . Mrs. Fred Thompson aate. holidaying' with Mr. "James''Pollock. Mr. and Mrs, Brown visited at Mr• James Robertsons. Mr.. and Mrs. Smith of ' Toronto visited at•gMr. W.}1.' Scott's, " Mrs's' ,Russel Collins' and babe are 'visiting .at Mr. Goldtvin 'Huston's.',: Miss _• Illarville' Scott • Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Jack "'Emerson,, ='Mrs, . Whitley and Mi',. W: H. Scott spent Monday • at London ' The Ladies' Aid was held . at' the home' •of 'Mr11. John Wall an • Wearies - a04 Did ,they take ail. X-ray photo of your 'wife's jaw abut hospital ? They tried to,, but they '„could' only get a moving :picture: " .. cOmmerc , and, you.: ' •Radio ie . j wt ' one of . many:;,servicer=,. rade •^ poseibli by YOUR :Hydro wkich has :':::.and it making; life more e>njogable • and your=family,'4t.a: minimum of cost. :' Miss.,Sadie Bushell returned'; on, Thursday from- Toranto, �1 'Miss .Laurette Collins- has been engaged as teacher for V.pper; North Line .School,: • ', • • `Itev. lrtogers, Who is holidaying at the. 'beach, conducted • service , last. Sunday in •Knox ''Chiirch.l Mr.. 'Hiram Griffith suffered ,pain - fur • in>dries last '.Tuesday aftrnoon' •ivhil'e: hauling in grain at his'°home,: north , of Bervie, when the trip rope. broke, causing him to fall front the m load, resulting ' some brokenribs rnd several bad bruises. ; , Miss Jean McLelland was , in . St: Thomas,„ Saturday„J attending the wedding of a ,friend. HOLYROOD Mr, anti Mrs Dave�Eadie and babe acid ; Mrs; ' C•. Eadie of•Glennon',' Mrs, Rachel • Culbert, ; Eva • .and • Lorne, spent'' Suer day at; Mr. Wm: Eadie's. Mr. ,:rCnd' Mrs.: Duncan. Campbell 'of Kinloss, were 'Saturday visitors • at Mr. James''Baker's: , „' Rev. J. •Burgess, ;who is holidaying ,'at Bruce Beach, .1was the 'Minister at Kinlougrh on Sunday. He was ac: compauied by Mrs.: Burgess, and .Billie Mr, and. Mrs. Wm; Thompson, Mr arid` Mtg. • 'Dorsey Pognlsitgeii` ,_, ,of Detroit, Mr. and, Mrs. .'Tha's,,:.Palmer,' and family'of Woodstock and. Mrs:. A. Palmer of Alma, were. recent ,'vis- ,'tors at •Mr: Thos.' Barris': Miss Doris Eadie, returned :home' Sunday from holidaysing `with, Glen-. 4nnon friends. . Mr.,and' Mts, Howard Harris, Mrs, •Tho$", Harris and Earl, spent Monday evening at :'Mr. John. Jamieson's. Par.-. amount; Mr, and Mrs. Edgar,RoA and Mari' garet cif Winnipeg,, Mt; end Mrs. Wes, Robb and'`family end Mrs. Rod Mac= Kenzie of Lochalsh; Mrs. James Robb of Auburn,' were'rSunda"y •visitors 'ajw Richard l:lliott's,•, '• Mi+s Carruthers, Lillian, Kathleen and Irwin and .Mr. •llaVid Cairiithets "r.; spent the Veek4nd Stith London riends. v MISS .tr old 'sufferiti sta 1 our • hwayi and th•» rrtrst at: It every'human 'life in . a v:}Urge of $0(1 people • to the Ant 8. R E Province of', Ontario were .•,snuffed out in.one ' day, ;news- R i vER;S B E �f /, patters throughout the entire world would carry the story RECKLESS POI ' tragedy. Motorists have,:been requested to be Courteous •on the 'roa'd of the ghastly toll moults at an ap epa • ,• ailing rate is D rt e ones—or even afriend—were a vlcifm, �f.one'of: your loved : . ant Witll the aid of our internationally' •..famous ;�olice force, it"would. necoine ` uite a grievous,, horrible, personal loss•. -s. irited citizens •intends' 'to put reckle. s drives . . .q and public p recisel what is ding ,,on in .Ontario this year. • off.the road l You must stop cutting in, passing o n hills and ,'That. is p . y , g . . . lj i h , ..din racrn taking'chan'ces , Unless you have; Nearly.800- people will ,be killed on our, :highways. ,Neirly curves, crow g, gr " j` r ' - man • regard for th safety. and convenience of otherttSers of our • 14 000' will. be'injured of them. cx'rppled, y . . >, . .. and' highways : .., o . • . •, .. .• .. tile: ': : ofi g almost unbearable' pain.- Death and highways:you will soon find yourself iu serious trouble: them suffering.p 1.'t.., .1 When ou` see a motorist driving in a manner ,dart •prous to. the public, You. time and lace and the actut , note ofp take 'his :number; make' a careful Brant'.. when you reach your' destination • write . to the Motor Vefircles , • ; '' y+: .vi. full, details: We do• ' not •-Departments of �irghvV`ays, `Torontd: giving f �, ,J invite, reports` of n iitior infringements • of the traffic laws, you are re- quested . to `use solind judgment. • We will deal adequately with ofenders ONTARIO DEPARTMENT QF RIGHWAYS , •���' Motor Vehicles' Brandt • ,. ,4Nr'i. ■ ti