HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-08-26, Page 3•P • • a -4- • . . . • • •• . . • 4 gi:Neatien=thider, Fire• , . , IIPWS•9t the battle for Madrid conics 'Om item, ta.". effect Spaefalt -.Roverntatit:. terrIterY ,erh• going to • 'Ajridi441 alone, • about 10.0,000 youngsters of, school age who 'T01111111.- , ed .in the dity bead:nee their parents *Would not eoneent to. their' evaceation, were not able to, . attend classes he. cause their Schools were Within:range. „ Of Rebel guns. • Since Madrid Is still 'a target .fer .Rebel missiles, 11 is ,ftitereating to see • just how the minister of education solved the problem of re -opening: the ' schools. 11,Eire,%:, Just how. 'simple; it was: "Madrid children Will'havetheir Sehools even if we have to -tipen.them .. under fire front enemy' batteries'," he ; .Tiiu,• desPite great :Obstacles, the nobility' and clignity oflearning.las established. .'•Spanish Children .May • proceed, in theirluest bf :a, higher ex- istence, sttnlYing, history • while it'a :Made, with doily: objecelessona in the • latest; m�st' destructive rtiOltod.s.;_of• "PerpetUtiting''' '1\kitail- • eneFilecord, . . •rngilish-Speaking Onion 14ady Astor thinks "if Great Britain and,,AmeriCa Joined together-anot to Tule the world , --but stabilizelt-therei- eltherettrl;-abairce- ,It The truth of, the suggestion is '66 , apparent As to retkuire no• elaboration whatever..1-ifalifex .Herald, ' • :Lcng Lived Curi4dians There • irb•-:102., pet -tone' lii Canada ...le:lay,' says. "Canada's..-Teel437,1%-inl ' Walled In London, .Whoare. aged 109 yearS, arid Oer„ "They,' had.: ..begun 'young.'lives.' when 'Young Queen. '.Vieteria aSeended the,tbrone,•jnet One CentivLoo Altis.. Coronation, year: . , •The .poinnationof ...Canada, 109' yea rs ago, was abOut.. 11250,090. • There: .Wore 300,099 in...NOya ,StOtia,.'600,900 In Lower :Canada,ind-:•39.7,090., in kip- . :There •3,660.,0oti • sonS..la Canada' today who were alive,. at the -*.aeceasion". of ..kilWard :VII' 1901.. In that year :the population :of th.e bcnninion lied risen: :to, 5,371,000.. vTliere ,are. 4,,38,909 , Perions: livingIn , . Canada today Who'. were alive ,When. •,•..george"; V ..lietanle, in 1911, :26:: years age, and:the: pimalation ..•that was ,7,267,009... It is now s11000 • • ,IlighWas• , AII Engliab.ceurt refuSed.s. Man Per- thisSion , to ''aPPeal ,his .conViction for •-,t1a.ngerots driving,: whereby lie was or 12 .inontlia and •diti= ,...inalified es .a driver for He Was Very:fast along ' a straight .-• road lute :at ' night, !,when, .liis car, 1..kririeked-downLa—wornan,-whe. died as ' result 'of the accident. ,it was dei: • ,,..eribed .by One :of the judges p..s, .:Worst case '0? dangerousdriving that be conceived. EngliSh courts",: „ *do !bole at, such accidents; ' . 'differently. than, db. Canadian bourn'. . Imagine a Canadian going Ao jaft, for „ •tt "yehr and, losing his driver!silicense 7t-.:{3r7-15-Yeallit-bedattee-he ran ifewil7aiir i•killed a peeeStrian". Amherstharg ' 4, ! • • • .11. • ,'•••'.111cho. 7.geogiAphir Lesson L4ord,Tweedsmuir!Si't00 Is helping., •alse:to-edireate*O-ajladians.. Thue most pf theta have learned for the,hrst ante , that there is a Plaee, In the north ' alled Tiiktoyaktult. ,f,'eterborengh 'Examiner, Jrrgation Pla`&3.;Wealinei8 Tile • $400,000,000, irrigation '.scheine' . proposed sweeey, for the. ,:.etrid"West,hria two Weekneasett. There ,y is no guarantee that fortilitY.' Wonld • be ^secured, nei..that the aintnint..Of , &Orley sec,ue- • Oble;:'-ltiby.ing the'poople to better.Ons- tore Weald' be, quicker, . and .cheaper. ",-.8..'etitharitiosStandard. ... ' Tile-•Ppnbatioli4y-iteiti. .... s. Titeid. ling been...mirth discassion in. ;,.. e ahada Of 'the...Ole:rite. Or Athinerits of,• , Ihe•Probatien. Systent, for -both. juven- ile and eault.',Offendere • against the •,..!ittV.: :The'. riuUcees of .the system :del, ..•perulg largely upon :the. thoroughness' . Itod tact With. which it Is •adraitiistered, 4. Air 6.t..elient ilittatratIO'il ta found In if_ 1Vian'i• titer, England Net only bas the 'work, ,f-'ilie pre:batten oilide,r,prochited. .gOod.,:regaltg; . but It has been clime at . • . very atop tost"10.•.the city, ' 'Ad, etiSt': la,:ohiy::. tine shilling per •Chae, cont. )Varetf•WitIrt 2 fia. per.:Week for SOU& • log h boy to..A..remantl het/to or -thirty, .' •, , lwo tO'thirtYli'Ve shillings' -per week. ?be „iiro• itipitgeri or tiirry,oigiit slim. '.• 110S.ife.-eek lira Home' Ogled 'Stitehl, • lecords kept Min Period Of thre yeati •' ••ihoW tliat t.1gt'y, ptent of ' e• P ."', .. : teridere .Who ;began ' :thole 'proltatiori, try 'feta in I'm havb not appeared ' tigitin li'efere the..magiStrittes although :COY haVo been :free Ircital -Onne'rVisiOn-' •••• , •••• ' for three Years."=-St..--Toltn, Telegraph- Jonrnal . • Hitth4446,Rackeieert If all the 'young, who 'solicit ,rides,, along thp, highway Were really' penniless. and •unable to furnish therimelves with' re6-.. ,6ghized, transportation,' there might - be seMe,reasen for allowing Own, to pester passing: trate and. for Meeting their wishes, although it is. Often cidedly,risicy business to take ..strang- ers into a car and inanY n, man has found. himself ,slugged and robbed as ,reward* for his. kindness, • • jiut In all, too many cases, these people wbo: prey ,upon inotorists are net only neat and•well.:-dresseil, carry- ing' their lielongings Avith 'them In , grips. or suit -cases, ,but °have an:tple ',.funds in .their pockets to pay for ,transportation .by :Means of train :or • motor coach.. •, The average ,young hftch-hiker ' i3. simply'a petty ragketeer rko moved from place to place by his ifeliVe-7tint at .someone and. who !masts Of his free travel at the end of his journey while he ries:plenty of, money to. More Without such .agaist-, tined. • . Oropkyille. Recorder 'And Tittles. EMPIRE Canadian Policy of Shirking.. •, • --.VVIrenr Can'ada7taker'staSk—cit'';'Irer-- ' trbilitrineritisideringlieitare ..1ri Dtnpire defense: ,ahe,',•cannet .,:be blamed ; .,inchtdirtg , the -protection that ',She ;Can' reasonably' -expect from her, poirerftil.neighborhecid,; Ithe7-ITnited, • •State;, as an.iinfiertant 'item .On :the . It would she :another- mat7 -ter-,-eiitirelTrif*, She 'held .her'' plade; in. the•DinPire merely fOr. what she could .' gat 'obi Of. it in the way of hattefiti,. The. time Might Caine 'When . those'. benefits .would be-, in danger. Of, being destroied, by ah''.:eneMy., Take Aus- tralia .ttiOne. Ve buy front Canada MorOthan we 'sell to .rter.. : Would Can- ada idly by and see, thet,market lost to her through spine' Cause which,' she dould:havehelned to Prevent? .IIer niarket'openingg,in Great Britain are:. Vastly' greeter, and there are the ether , Deminione • 9 rid :also the colonies- and . . •-•\ . . • depe.ndenta. • pci;led.--The Ana, trhlasir7' • ' „. Eolvizg Palestme Problem •There IS a., 'possibility; , Perhaps, .small„bift :distinctly growing,- that if ,partiitien. (of Palestine) is not:hurried:. it may,proVeunnedess.ay; anti nobOtly, its-ownsake. Amcing-the--- Jewaqhe• trend: Of °Olden seenia .to be that partition Would be, acceptable, „ but only if the.. Jewish ishere , Were : „ , made Mitch' • bigger. Likely enOugh•• Arah•Ordnioa would faVOur:Ta • division • : . With a .bigger Arab nilotment. But thes:,fintioripit thing Is Iltet both Jews . and Arabs', are sbeginning More and 'more to thinkithat-mtitual •tien:and:en4SPeratiOn•wotild be 'prefer- able to the :scheme. Of partition'wbich ley In fact, hefdre,: theta.. that mOvenient-,tnak;7be teinpOranY it May: fado aiveY,.. it may be countered by .. • the extremer elements 'onthe two 'Sides..., But should it .succeed, it Would ' 7givripeas-fh11itr-JlttreMetlr.ra-r.T_ preferable to partitiOn':,,77•witidll'!Wala, .frankly 2 volley :ordestiair. It is plain,: I y Wisele7-giVe this new , Move towards new,. deal 111 Paiestfn'e a Chance. .Londont: Daily IrerILill. •. rthu` r Warns Our Schools • ,TttritCINTQ,..--,-. Wartning 'against'. the possible use of „the schools Of this, rcontinent.fOr political propaganda. was'. sounded - by •Br."..Lkineanme.Artitur,, ifie , Ontario Deputy..1%,linister of Education; 'speaking, tit' a ,dinrier ,of the., Canadian Teach -era'. ,tederittiort:: • • ' .• "It isnot the. itinction' of 'the 'school to 'Indoctrinate . any theory or WhataiSevdt however, one: Might' agree.".. • he „Said. "It Is iniprotant, .it•neenle':to `'ine; thiat we should keep 'Mir. eyes ',steadily ,on the fundamental:kJ:lief/4es 9 e ucat on, • . , "Theshooi will lia:ve digtharged.itif• . . Pesppitisibility when it trains -boys and to adearatoly and '.conSiatentlY and sends:the:a Osiit, With; an unquenchable ,ilkirst (Or •truth and itininiates their entiOsity In rqgard tO. the -lire about •th- • rie4 `" • Given UP By ,Real Mother., CHICAGO;:, The- real littin Donald' •Iforat, .tydia:, Nelson,. gaits ,him Op' this •week to his foster, Parentg;:w61140-do Mr.' and Mrs; Otto Horat., Attforney•jchn E. Johninti, who,' said 'he repregented ai ,Partieg, 'nounend she signed a iiseii Ofi„nd'' (lotted •pernatting, •Jho, IthiStg• Per- Matent tagtody Of. the "moil ,oleit, .1.x0YSPiritetLANVOY. from the. Her heat() la§t , , dentist',Watches Brain t Work • the*. For :Medical Diagno,ii the NelOY.-FOUnd',PtFicat "Wave3" in. the: Brain. , sneeess, In his attempts to uso for •Menleil diOneeis the.newlY found electrical 1+Wavea" in the .brain„ is reported .by Dr. trederick, Lemere, following 4 series oC tests at the National Hospital Or NervousDia- it ja..now. postubti; • -,f,hr-o-u44,--illeFir l'Aritves: to, vvatch the brain at Work., ,1K,4 production,' at.tiii rata. Of PhOut',. 1,eit.‘,J,Iheats a second, hiVauepended by any' _form Of concentrated .1.:4thaiight.' .Wirele'asdinPlification Is used tOnialte th(L-111411:,.telY stall)]. ,electrical . eha ' 'involved. • • '," er .attkdYing the , waves: f o 15* nornial persons and:, 60 pa- 7 ientassuffering froth various ,brain' in- juries, Dr.. Lemere concludes that,. Bach records could be , used, in. many typed of casea•to remove doubt as to the Site. of the; Injury. , rhythin or about 'three beater a •.second .' electtlair.dlichirge noted in .sitacits: .forgio, of ,brain ,INrp.01',That' Violent " of epilepsy. and an.. .unnsvily •slow • •finding -new' ` .414 'WhelIY• -4htlar041. Other workers: have concentrated on. , are examples.. ' •• 1 ,,. , ,.- rOY•tfim .cbanado • Dr: Lemere•-has concentrated al - .moot :elltit'ilY Olt the.ine4,04reelent'Of, . .4tmh. s,:n• ,,,b-orr4a4:na7r.hil aitihoainjured .,1.1in, p,,,• . thetohne d: tiregularha;t wththeapni7- . , ..p.,:iogrigre7tio.i,Fpoiraac: ;4409r . tti.4.0Q .r9Tatujothta;: ., be ' illert:1-.b64P°tin6e4 'PA. ,t1i0" -1Pillr°'' ' tion...of:C404.aiill: Yotnig people oo•i;g4t Nilo. Of tile. brapl,'',(,)n. the othor hao__.4,,..:.,,i43* .rnaolutrom, of 11,4r4 ,itolo,4 awl: t4::;:114P.11WAr---°i-her-t0.2s'-.4-b:r:414- i•P7 1,,,noriovaintlr,t*,er..-tofie-44,4-.s.„.•:..--i,.t. tf0I'Vti:JOrTitsil'Oirt,t1.1.4,0:41ree:"'"7--,^ •;.,0rf.,1,eripre b1.tiv,t.habit,t7.Wi, f:ec4sl6,46ittot:er71144to a fundamental differerioeshetWeen the: • :tneekanisin. or ' epiltlisy :and: that 0? the *lent 40rrti ".-ok.':Ilep,dafphie-:illaW14 as “Migrain.e,',1:, It ,hai•.bePti'.:'nrgiled.' tb it ..•,znigrain" rCI)rS&1itS a .Ttr.Y(l.: ..atorni- •:e:af,;611rr.oaLeiler t.11iY lai:s.p tiliar.ts4 yy,pce....ta,';i. rfst.,,'„ ,to ... t'4e Eastern , State, ilospital, Washington. ,With a grant iroin the Rockefeller •In, :stitution, he has „visited this country for the special pur,pose 0? studying the. 31ew brain:technique: .' ' 77, Ft t A Commentary a ••• 13Y .ELIZABETH, EEDV —en Outstandinig. Events of the VVeelc acement a Lost S uare e-estahlishment-•of Canada's Drought Area Would Be Costly' Business—Some Drifting So Extensivei Injury Is ' "AhnOst Permanent" ,CALGARY 'all the-nitrOgenand-pliesphoroue-w-hieb-has-Tbeen _ blown— out Of. crop landsofthe,drought district of Westeratcanada in the last seven , years were to :be .replaced by artificial fertilizer:. it would ‘cost from $121.,000 • to $192,000 a square mile, a survey conducted by:fourtanadian soil exPerts Wyatt,,profeSsor...ar„s:alli.at the tfnlversitV of 'Alberta, - .ant,t,:g.E.S.1•?..__Hopkins,-(A.,.....,..P.elnier..4nd.,W3-,(Sk.e.n.B-011al . mental farms, branch --published a. booklet, on -their : investigations and noted cures: for the: ferraer's biggest -; bug - 'beak, Soil drifting,' ••i , •Here are'''.some7.Of, their flndings • It,weurd' require item $150 to -.$250 .worth. Of .:cominer.cial.fertilizer to re-. place nitrogen lost :frOn, One .'acre fertilefarm land ,hy• the • reinoyal, of a, layer of soiloneinch deep •and : 'front.; :$40 t� ,$50 to replace the phosiihorous.,, One inch of ;sell over.:,art.,aare \con:. tains 109' pounds o? phosphorous 1.590 • :pounds .of nitrogenand15 'tans of Or - genic matter. • . Sand, Storms :In, tons r.. One inch Of; surface ,soil blown :frein alsingIe section 0? land, Means the re Mow& of ap.PrOxiinately 100 000 :tons . of soil. , •' • A: Cubic mile of lOwer. air during ,a dust sterrif contains 225 time of .drist. In sortie' dietrioti. where •.the land Is lighter;:' soil. 'drifting, bas been so'ex Aensive the injury ',appears to. be al most Perinanent.'. • ,„ ' _ 'Where from one to tour .inehee,,Of top soil have been lost it will be ...found atinoselmpoisible to reise., good7 crops for nianY : years even with • abundance of •moistare. ' ' • In -193t a quarter section tear Re, gins, :that was subjected.to heavy driftitig from high winds , was :found' - to. Italie :lost the 'equivalent. of in- . ekes ,of tow:Soil,or approximately' 195 Ions:per • : ,baniage'. Widespread At One, thee it . was, thought that 8011 drifting Was toufined.:te,t4s lepea prairie lands • Of. the ,south, but :of. lato. years it ,has rpread northward.. and nov rauCh',damage .is •being.. done in 'form:AV.:Wooded farin lands in south- -;ei.7,11-and-central•-Alberta..3„and..._in„ Lthe. .•Peaee. Fairer' block.: •• Strip farming Is the. niogt highly "ad- vised of the PreVentativ.eg Under it. . strips are iaid • down at right angles •to the ,Inost frequent Winds and from 10 to 24 rothi wide. -' :•-•• • Other suggestions • ' plowlegre , cultivation �f . • ..,*tenalye use of cover 'crops, In - eluding the planting lin.l....regiOrth of • atilliCient rainfall of seedlings in. early Land left In a'. cloddy condition, with as:la-Melt trash On Op possible. • . • • . _ • Drowns Her TeUr Children •._ 'MUNICH. '4,-•• A demented Pei -man 'Mother threw "(oar of her Small. Orll-. dren into the Isar River thii'week Was about to throw in the ilith_when police reached', the ecerie., The 'four Children,' all tinder 7 .years of age, we're drowned. , Heeds' 'Canadian, Delegation . • 01".P.AWA.,Senator • itaonl Dandnr- awl; •!Cariaila!s Veteran international Stete4inani. has been chosen to head, the, .Canadian ;delegation at the meet, ing next ,rnontlisof the League of Na tions Assembly. Other Canadian dele- gates will be Hon .T. ,L. lisle*, Minis ter• of National Revenues, and Hon/ Vincent Massey Canadian High. Corn- • SaikateheWan'PremierWed'. .• NEW YORK.-•-L-Miss' Flerence, Don., nellY;‘: Of ,La Plaza. ilotel,,•59Z1,Jarvis •:St.,..TOronta, !WaS. :Married to :Preinier, W. J Patterson of Saskatcheweif,There this week.' Mi -s. Patterson liVed in the.: West -before,. going. to • Tatentaktio ,years ego; , • . ChairiPan of •.fipaPeial Probe OTTAWA. ---,•flotr: N. "VV.' ,Chief "Jastice, of :Ontario,. 'hits been named.:Ohatinian 'Of :the Rival .Cein. • mission oa,Bornirtion-Provincial Finan- cialRelations. ,The economicandflu- ' 'aticiat 1)1(515 of Confederation is to be thoroughly!'probed by the Com:elision, 'other., rti era bers.,4„-whitli-friefade-7,16.n ......Thibandeau_Rinfret, Justice • •Of. the, ' Supreine Court of Canada; J. W. Da-.! foe,. Editor‘:in-Chief ihe'.:'Whinipeg Free Presa; Professor R. A. Mackay of 1-1,alifax, :and ..PrOfessOr !, 'Henry. :t'orhes. Angas,,Of ...VaUcauver. ' • Test Atlantic Southern Route • 'PORT WASHINGTON; 4•1•4.,Y,,,,--4,..der, -tnan and tnited 'SO:tea; cOmMercial: ' airplatieS • the Atlantic. oniy. twenty-four' hehis after' a British .eraftflew from ,Ii,46ynes, -• land, 'to 13ofWond,--.. Nfld.., in.p..',,resaniP, • thin citte.st liops looking lOward..regu, "la ' 938 ' • $1,000,000- has beenvOted,rto the Scheme .by the Do; •.rninion.GovernMent,a,,suni•Whiell wiij :he` afied.:*toprO, Met ....,e0Prent,iCesillP -111 fitani' trades- -1.and.•• in.thiStrieS.'so Cana- dlan bays dnd giris may be properly • trained for • w�f.k All &Pun* Of 'YOUtli', will thlten:lnioconSiderationT and', ab-orptiori ' made into as many brandlies of Industry as possible.", Ontario hopes to receive $246,00() Of the tete.), ellathent, end an,'agreeiritit . , • viI ArabalilY be -:di-awn up, to that ' effect .and Sebinitted to both govern- ments .for ratification. Winchprepare- Cory work Is .already going en,in On- tario, 7 GOverntilent", employment of11; ceS0aire being asked to keep a list' of all: unettiployed .young PeoPle'' and maintain close, touch • with the situa- tion in, each lecaiitY. • Out .Will Stay Ot:. of. Politics .' . , . ..1. ' . I Is •IneVitaii1e.. that "re6Orti,;' will ,never cease to be Current during the • rest 0? his natural life that the: Ptike: • 0? Windsor is about to retain to Eng- land intl. enter politica. Alreadir ram- ,.,, . . . ... . , . ,ors are.,circniating that the ex -Xing . Is .going back to England inside of thel. next-Iirinonth-s7 to beconie Prime '1Viinister. Londoners say that it .is only • • •,, .. : • • . . in the •United, States•that, such ideas dealare, there is 110 apparent body Of testing:. Alb_e.r.ta statutes), the. Province of lberta- 'haS. over-aepPed "iti Pow - are given •credence,'. In England, they. A •Opinion thattWoutd, lift- a, finger to, fad- - 'e . rs. Tlie fight is 'On., . ., -. .. -...ilitate "a Political career for the7-for- • ' -,--4.„---.-------,-...- panei. " -"mpori-1..79g?:rii44-10_*0PT-711.104...:1,:rPc,rno:41:!..lret'Jes:t.: .,„:!t. 'conflagration' that ' appeared. • -o..inapersonal...• greands„:, Any ' attem Pr have (lied down : seinewhat .1aSte week a of. a.,ineinber Of 'tlie;Floyal family to hr,.flied'up 'O.ge.fii.ritii, the Jai:aim:se enlarge his influence with the public.' il tack on:Shtingliat, and, the. Chino,: An 'autheritativee London amirce. JP.P. disag.re.ell."C 1.9"i .-b:6'e‘;:i .' .111.61-;;Ilt.: i 'says thereIsnot, a Setap. of 'evidence 'wthin. the . 'category. i'?f. a tnajar, eon-. to indieate: that, any-saubstential!-pitm-i -filet, ,,a, ' deadly, war': Of file ,' drat ,gleas, ' Th-born,binr-1. ,•ber :Of' : Etiglish In en •' regret- their, 'de, , e ' greatest , iierial:'• : Orient •has ever2.1troWia, are going: on. cision'ef•.Deceinber.. They' Would Made ' • Sections of'. Shanghaihave, been •dese- it again and..in Ir.. ..cirtants antes .., tr .with..equal.,embliasige: • . ., oyed by incendiary flames; ships be••• . . . . . . , • • . • ien,ging, to., beth belligerents., sank, aiid.: innobent . bystanders . done .ici. eatli: • • ,Iiiirldredi of . soldiers 'on betb,,-Sidei , have; .heen killed, ,The war•in China . IS. 'looked,. en, .v.Iiii - great disfavor by 'the' Jattotiese 'at...home who areaiready . toverbUrdenpd with ":taXes; yet' e itioli-,,. •ililation. el' .hil reablirees Ot. that% coitp...,, ..trylhUs ):Sen, prablainled:. ,and•japanete • . troops. 'hy- the ,tho,tisands .cen.tin, he to 'pour into ehinpse . war• zones.' :The Chinese, ineantirtie ,„are•Stemnitri-g.. the: Ja'.11;advattCe .end ,using :blockades to keep enerriy. Shins, frern,..pettetrating .1n: . . land... Rep: ris4is On•whites. are feared, , , • Mier the 'foreigniroptiation-747Shatigt- Alai .are:-:rigltt-inLbelieving-themselied ,. ',.:•-tio...be;in.,-graVedangee4t...Tis exPeeted that in Order:to 'Snare, tb0 .,aitY;.giteat .,., "3ittin .n.aypotoael•t:;t, '?,'t,ha 1;id.st4ts.tnvraea"1eie;„.,. !ienchisibility for sa.feguardingiCititiesel and .T.anaueSe, interests J. -here,' Only ,the Arctic W4',1i.itStir ltinti," the sec- ret of Whit, happened to!gie plans, . Xeettwifile the Soviet' ,Go,verarnent;Is going.ahead. -with- plansfOr :further ex-. ' • - 777 Clash Wtb Mint11*.t' The PelnitilOn4thert4.,ielPaaSe:oyer thpbanking 4t.ws':6'04.Cted'at• the:re- :teat .specialsesSien at .E.drrtonto:n.;wa dramatically -terminate& • this.,',,,week , when .113rernier Mackenzie. icing. • notinced that th tir °Co. ajeCtionabie, statuts, 11ad bee i. ow-'dIn ;;. Wire to -Premier' Ahniliart,' the. ''.1,1•04ti: clf,the ,Dorninion*clovernineat says in • ."If it is *felt that Q'hapges shofild 'he . Made In the banking or currency laws f the pen -anion itis open to any citi- zens of the Dominion residing in Al- berta, or. in. 'arty „other .province, , to seek to have.these changes mane by thefonlyhddy,Which has the due anth• erity. The ,isine in •the present in- stanee.,18 that a direct attempt is,:be- ing Made to. 'infringe upon a ',field. of • Jurisdiction univeraelly•reccigniZed,as• falling to 'the •Dominion, enct•te: blitt- ress .th.is. action by:deriiing,eny ques- tioning of the constitutionality of this section in the courier - .• It is thirteen Years since the poWer of 'disallowance•hasbeen exercised by the Dominion. The .Federal GOvern- nient claims that by passing the three' - • 'pieces,. of Ilekie1a1itieLt1ieen_sit_tg...1.3_331Snl 'ers, introducing measures .to,, central banking, closing the courts, to actiona Not Many Changes 10 1938, Au' toiubbile: — ,Afilt(r.4eatt4e'ATinrenis,onrill isimpkerPicova4a.c'n'Hilts . • . • changesda SNt. ry)1S I ri ;Sgt -0 Ttia. 41: eee atio:a:iho7 Ei; • • these changes to haSiness eondltiona in the coning winter and Spring The ch4tige-OVer, in models in some , ,.:40*(qtqle.v.,?(IztvtitstlIty-ert41.tmgit*MTviiqns and Chrysler, whch ,: a ry, Probi• .'ably' be CiOnO vritbOut .nlach taper ng Orf of Worlc; ' 'ifYdntiad :built wclI 7p,000 car ast Weck v:•:.•.1' the same .amount tho i°'.hani- o."ivlp;!Tt:tsti'e -6B' trll icin Mbchiist. -• ' •''G. M. ho goes on to Say;. `.1W1U go into August with oper- ations high and, Will- suddenly halt.' Work' on current .ModelS, about the •rn:ddlecf the, Month Without Much •••• affort, ae.taPering off. After -two or three.wees-:-about as •short: a ahut- • down , as: ever knowntnanufactUre. ;of Pails Of t8 ears. will start." • `Mr; Finnek, believes the changes • for ''ps' cars , are not,gong to be: very , . exciting., "In fact," he. says, "car .• makers are wracking their “brains • trying to . think of What to -feature in their id- • Vertising .01d Selling:: Most of the innovations that will make customere gawk' and 'talk are ,he:ag held. over . until ,1939. Business is good enough that •car i will be 'bought in huge -111iffiberS fer,'another!.:yeer• Without.. resorting to ,cpstly changes. "The l ,relatively small tooling charges for. '38' N31 'help, keep:up meter earnings,' desPite the fact that the increase in retail Tirices ' ov expenses." - • . • 'In New automobile circles— which, like Firiney„,:.,do plat. believe% • the ,ehanfits!:in des:gn' will b ver?. cXditingthe 2erriphasis .111' discussing • ?PS: models is; on •iMprove4 handling • of 'Tam .and new *safety.;,-deviced.--•.,' '- •'. Several ,companies, it '• was ;.S4id;, plan on follow.ing stile lead: of OIds- -niobile in using 'automatic transin!s:;"::": sion... Commercial usage . Of the "hill • ' a'' new B31idix product, - is, also -expected ,in !.tbs. new Medels. Studebaker has already brought. out , the "no rolPbatir," a' safeguard:going . up hill, and. the new, device operates .4a a:, further safeguard' in going dOvv;.n.:. ' ' • ;,Vanish ,In:Arctic‘.. • ',A„fonr,inetered, Ritaaiati plane pil- oted' by the ,.fained Sigismund, Leyso, :..evsky and bound to the United States' :.frain. Meadow, is long 'Overdue, at the . • Fairbanks. Alaska. • landing 'field:: It • . •: . • , . • was the.thirdinissian flight over the. • :North, Pole, irk the Peet two menthe. A ••R]ipis.ii,:•plaiie Be* from 1VloStew .andi. landed. :at Vancouver, :7i,v4sb„ June '26; '.and another flew froni Mos, cow .to San' 'Jacinto, •Oal;,. on, July. 14 - :after' 'a 'MOO -mile . trip. [Beth flights . ‘. „ 7,-wVre •non -s -to . While-lie.i-seareh-goes--•-onsfor—the • , inlisingliyers, theories' accounting -the, disappearance,.:of the,: prene ::piloted; by 'bovaneysky.hold that' he May have:, run 'out -of ;.gasOline, and Conie. down In the tundra, ,or , that ,he..may, have crashed' in,a 100,milennhoui, gale. .• down the airway to Bermuda on the Ataerioan, Clipper' 'long •enough even te race'for -Prated.- -firsC•Ieg-ot 0..41ight to. :England by way of the Azores and -Lisbon. , Near Panic Op.:Liner $iIANGOAL.--Viste .than • 309 Amer- icans- fell to 'the. 'deCks. Of :the; Dollar two fasillarieri: by Chinese snipers. • The: passengergwere-- frightened:- .'first •when .bernbs:fran.,Japanese .war, Planes- fell Undoinfkrtably 'close te.the Ship in the Yangtze ,RiVer,', although Captain ,.Bryant had ordered 'huge AmeriCan.±::fidga. flown: from - every mast..• • , . Near polite broke!' out iater. 'When • . • • . • • Chinese snipers along the shore began , popper* :1,a,patiese'.,••••deStreyeit0', end,: begeit to whistle' over the' . Rinley'S..clecks., and through her rig- ging. ,• , • , • ; .'• . . • PaSSettgera dr'epPed .to their .stetn:' ,taehs•'.oti the ,d6014. .fea.ffill AO 'Stand.. Be4ch The Desert ••••.N...; !.• , ,Vhe i)oach bu tho shor6 eitItike Mead%thc at f.).'odY of'Water erehied in the:M.14(11d ',et' the Sotttb,„ " weatellt Vilited"States de,sert by 4ouidoi,pame The 14ke is, rapidly, becoMing inkini 'attPectisu-inr . " tourists, .., 17 1 Noll below. ' Chinese Flieri..PrOrnoted/,'' • ,NANKING, t-GeneraliSairaO :phiang• . Kai-shek this wee*, gave , all ChineSe'. fliers.'rho.pattieip4ed inthe air bat- tles oyer Nanking and a:ygobow..a p .. pi-oniotiofl anda 'raise in The,. or,cler„.:4ting ' the-, ,Itdroic'.' de- fense i of. • the 'Cliiriese fliers who;:re, , _pertedlY,•Aot.eidOWE'Sight 'J306116.6: Planes.: during,-the'.skirmish,- raised.. each aviator one peg above his forMerGeneraF Clow . Ting -fang leader .,I;..e. .the squadron,,reeei'Vedn banns 29,- 000 yuiiu (G,000. Government Revenue tip • OTTAWA. FighreSreleased, this •iif•eek by the CoMptrailer. of tlie Treas- uryl Show- an. in CreaSe, .di • 26,:million, in ihe' DOntinien•Of Canada gevernnient, re'V'entie'durtng'. the present :Decal: year. ,Tot'at Ordinary reVetitte'Of the Derain - 'ion for Jtily, was: $17.,881-,96,:,.and! spo., eidr receipts-...urpimit the grand ..total to $37,S93,)45, 7,8i9t13„93.1u;3 6 • cie,ntparect • ,i,75 S. Grain Trade 'Boorns' C1-IWAG00.--dr_ain,.plte in the Unit- • •cratel •bohmo.,•cr.iti• • . • i ' : .of order& •• The United States' gran trade is enjoying its., best: ' business.:in seven. years.. Custoznerk ItonSo gong; •itie -•ti.C•et,s • are . crowded. The •While; chalkettfiglires 'On thO.big sboard again, have •eapturect` ,pnblic • interest. Sinall inVestors•are beek,)Vith hopes Of ing in current' Pt.:64Pe1'ity:.: ' •Ui. the last, three Monate' the turn - 'Otter Ott the liOard of t4le, World's focal point in the grain' intSineSS, ltaa , been .running 77 per cent., greater than tk the- tort'esPoriditig- .1636 perio(f. •N�rrnandie, Makes New ' Record: • • "14A*.vRE-,Avornging„r1,11,,Icnot; tho: .Preneh Lipe's..','Normarldie,"last • week stied UCIOSS, the 'Atlantic (Arobrese • Io 131,S1iop"A Beek) hi' tittY8,: 22 lionrs, 7 4111,111qt:4e featest 'dogging in history. Shied she had jostonade '• westboUnd trip In a.daYL 23 hOtitg, minute?, she aentritocl, all in tett days,' 'bOth east -hound and west-ilOund orttg, 'Her. ineretteed • peed Is qttilDut.. ed to - ._111s p(otiellot*.s., depot 'DIM OA. • hiee -,thWted'a•'' of three,. • itrF- 4 • Institutes Prove ar Abroad oiq ,ehairif:an'of 'West -FederationSuisex ,Comty . , -Tells--of -Develop- • , , . maid in England • ' .TORONTO. "--• Fresh. from • a trip throtigh.the..,,Niagara . 'fruit belt In. . , s. •Which :is ideated .:Stoney Creek,: deer •• to the,,,hearts of all Womert'a 'Insti- . . . , • tute ?Members, as the home of --the Mather, Institute, and :thrilled with the ,beauty and •ilionitty she Viewed, 'Mrs. : Aggs, 'chairman of • the „West Sussex ;County Federation, who is ", vieltini., Canada,: had between . praising".' the '.aprieetS;::" and. '; peadheti;.;-' Beale interegting, things to tell of the W. 'I. work in the. pid, ,Latici.' • ...."Institute work has grown tretnend- the..-Isst-e-rv-ieal's-,tAie_W-e-Lx. • woP organized in all the deniatiee ot England not only in rural. distriets.bat,.. ,An---MoSt,-.of—the-.---„yillag.s's-g.L.„-ehe::...- re - Marked, adding that in the county, of, •: which She is President there artkpaine- . • ; ty-tWo banches:' "It's, a very „democratic. organization •• inda-ely ',i,efireseirtatiVe•ei the' went - 1.1 .sof ; the locality—'lady in the ,big , •honee," the Parson's Wife. and the. farm ,WOmen all work together': '.and any.. of theiir'.maY •he;".t.chnititiati," Said Mrs.. " The ..Lady•ipeittnaii is the national. :chairinan,,ot the Federation ,covering; 'England, Scotland and Wales: with -na- ....tistuar...iteadqtiorterd 111 -London, • and.; .:this Year tiletithers had! a big tiine ,resIsiii.a.ting,, the, twenty-first :' birthday of the ihtroatietioo,igto, Englati'd•of work which,had been; initiated in Can,. atilt:, said l‘,/ra.• Aggo.' • •!.,Wo" were glad :':to Weleome hack, • . . ra • a ' •ss cif 6", 1 nte - . . national,:eonferenee,•ef CbuntrY*enten. in America 'Made a ,world tont..",silo .)Th.t: fit preSent: thc. atke.8ii0n. at nue trition loonis large.in the .worit"' Of' the 1ilStitutS, t1 „national- eXe'cutiVe .0f. •Whiell is 'often tiatted to.,,gather infer! ,Ination thi liettitii fopC for ,iturpOseg ,O! '•Handcraft wOit is of .,ourso, •Ot,.t4e. nicadouS ititeresit "to: tile' inititatcs Of iritiii, -Mr Ags is taking back ivith her' a • 'hooked 'rag; ch, she • Says IS,-it'quite differont typo o't Nvork froin'ittie ti craft, ofhot' native: coati, try.. ' Lat;rador Buys Ice 14 'IA1111011.. Labrador- • lde haa Vere011107aca1'ein this --land;. e 'IvIt're rainy person's tliink titere ISa, per:petard strtiply :of it. Tett tons,. itv- 1)0(,toci :fro' In „Halite•k,.• arrivod 'berg: alloard.'any„ftiimiliary eolvioner for 1150. in oaditiot 1 4-•