HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-08-26, Page 2• lt VOX OCI A.P.,,,,......V........7"7.a.717•7•WI!74^7.1•Wa.7•7,7-7,`70,W,a'r" ti • 410 • 4‘ * \ , 0 -....-.70-•-go %.***4-4"-474•Vssfc.' --$7,0-4"47.-V47"-"•-•94.'Woyce-ow4,-i-474•-•-•ex44--i7•Nr•Wv74-, - 0:,....................--.--..........4.----.....-----" ..,, 4........4...“ 4....."'“.......1 AGENTS WANTED. •' • LADIES' WEAR •' . PQMRAIT AGENTS WRITE 'FOR. . . -Big Catalogue and pricesmoney . . • -,----Mulcuts,--Pkoo"--. • ••••-..0.--„,..-. -,,,- • router " 2. ' • :. • • •K .0,14 •- • 41, • 44' n... 004. ' • HANGER STANDARD 'Amp ,C0., 126 WelliUktOn Street, West,' rgq2; rento:: •ImproVed light metal and •,„ loW , artificial, liras, without -shoulder Fums AND: pa'Ors 20c Roup •,1)117:ELOPD AND •• printed:by experts,': mailed back sane : day. IlleechWeed, 173 Limhteu Ave, Termite 9, ' ENLARGEMENT •F R E E WITH every 25 cent I order. Roll films developed and eight prints 25 cents, • reprints 3 , cents each. Brightling, 29 Mainland Stteet East, 'foronte. • . „ • ePARIKLING, IIIGLOSS, DECKLE - =edged prints, Three extra with /each roll finished 25c. • Twelve re- prints 25c. Delhanty's, Webbwocod: _ ROLLS DEVELOPED; PRINTED., • one 'free enlargement 25c. Re- prints; 10 f 26C. Pboto-Craft, 1831/2 • Kit* St.E.:1 Toronto. ROLLS DEVELOPED AND'EIGHT,- . prints with free enlargement, 25e. , Reprints 3e each. Commercial Photo• I :Service, Dept, B., Outremont, Que.- •Lades , To intreduce our new methods.: (i tii`atie 'pttces.": • . • ; It • is .Sniatt" ter be thrifty1 Slip (shadow ,- ' proofed) $2:50 1 Dance. Set (double• gqs,,,$2 50. • ,set,$). , Tddy•(dou,b1,1, gussets), ' ••• '$2 50 • regular .• '• ••, Any two of these nUmbers $300 Or allthree for 144 or hip, atr 4.4cPb hockedtHe 0,r9cited.." ' , Ashes to• ash'eS dust to diist,;• if' it 'weren't for :point, women. would rust., Quest •goOdnight., I •hope, I haven't keptyenup toe '• • Rost (Yawning) • it all.. We• wopldhave been. getting"u9 soon APY- ,wey," , gip ,empioYer .Satd, he was .en ' fromnebetlY. • . ' k 4;010134 : "Sb&llcome:4104. son, white* e.cleubt."' • .••:'. an 'Yeah?.S,1)0). 1;10 " doubting Mr -Sobriety; iny.;:verecity, and MY: I.1-` ' ''• gets- tp :be .a.chronte"lie., nit withje lot . or:People; ' '• $4.50 Our ekclusive, .HellyWood• deigns.' are: Tailored in our own factory of finest' silk ; 'shades white or. tea, rose; guaranteed to 'wash. and wear like iron. Wear and wail) them and if • you are not satisfied return 'sancie,arid • your hteney cheerfully., refunded.% • By Confidenee frein.an adian Arm:. ,Order. today:, Stete. size, enclose • yOut check,'. postal 'or money order; '•.• •' WEAR.RITE MANUFAC*1.1RING COMPANY • 707 Yonge St, Toronio,„ Ont. • Telephone' Midofvey , 1513, . OuRNITURi, , • SPECIAL OFFER • , Free D arifes-Cfreight*2• - pot if, you enclose ,this advertisement With circlei . or present at our show- • rooms if shopping -in. Torento. . • ',.LYONS' AUGUST SALE OF- • - --TRAPE-1N FURNITURE- Everi article ,cemPletelY'recondition-. • ed, and sanitarily treated.. Toronto's largest • used furniture market Speck. al: attention given to mail orders. 11.95 Kitchen • Cabinets in per-, • .. feet' condition. •• 695 Dresiers, any finish, 1.50 Singe drop -head ,• sewing 9953 or 4 'burner gas strives. • Guarantee. 11.95• 'china\ Cabinets' any finish , 14.50 6 Pc. .breakfast •, finiih, assorted colors. A954304. otitfitec• all ateeklitinel ' beds ivalinit finish ,, excel- lentsprings and brand new Anattres- --•Sea.tH4-11-sizes. ,-• , • 2503•Pc. Walnut Mohair •e•heii-,,:'•'- 'ier'field• Suite inoierfeet Reversible Marshall cushions. A. wonderful 'bargain. • 24.503 re„::peE,ttsi'taupe,stepp coy- .• ered 'suite : with. eversible Marshall cushions, in perfect •Condi- :24 00 ape. Solid 'oak dining room mute,' large round table,,and • buffet, with: aix Chairs,' leather un- • holstered, •eornpletely. reconditioned. •.69 oo 9. Pc.i.2-torie vvelnat dining •-•-•-•-•!'!...-,-±-suite; •• large-lniffe*tr-Lglass- •'... deor'Cliina cabinet, square table with •panel • 'heck-,;•-leather--uplielstered. • chairs. This:suite Cost...oYet "$200:00 • when neW,, :Looks lierfect.:, • A..real • • - , '•• '' • ' • snap. • 38.000 'r°' bedrocim-suite.. iovelnift •, • AniSb.'' Large dressqr, chif- fonier and full, sise bea with Sagless -.Spring end'new heavy toll edge all • cotton ':mattress Al 'condition,' 67:006 Pc.Modrnenuthetl ,room suite, large dres,et, ch'..#Onieft,',*triple' Mitts:it vanity,f ull • size, bed, aimless spring, and new, ,ex-, • Cellent ontility •alt 'felt roll, edge nat- A teat bargain in 'fine' furni-•• Send nioneY el:der:11ot ,:tombleteptiCe . , • of goods. • • • Any chartered. bank our reference. Mo, ey back 'guarantee. •41' • LYONS, CliESTEitloiELD MANL/,'• FACTURE,RS.'''TlIADE.4N. DEPT.:. 478 yONGE_ST.,-TOrente Grouse $5 EaCh'iirtaiiclitili • 1,0ND.ON , Grouse shooting, 'has • begun on the moors and' the grOuge7- eating season opened in London hotels -at $5.00 and tardper i"rullsg'• • Froi: the King on dOwn,• spot -When ttidd their'o luck. Caterpillar -tread. • "tenice". were uSed in some,spots to, • carry the hunters s,wiftIy bver rough • terrain. "You Can Keep 'it" , , OMAHA,, Maher of dinahak•parked his car overtitne .and the ponce', to#64 it to their garage. ;They tithed Maher to pay $3.50 for release.' He wehldri't dolt' Shying the police could keep "the cat. He' explained "it; won't kiln away." The • Pcilic'e plan to 'aucticiti OM Vehicle. . teAcittriOrir FANNG Mi III,ANE)o SEED Write, 11 7e Mfr.; 121 Empress Cres, Toronto•• ' • • MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS LEARN- TO ,PUAY"A-' Truinpet,• Trombone. Ee,coine a: end4or-..-47,Ornifor-s" ,fdays! FreeTrial Ten months' terms .-no .intetestliterature' free. Greene • Music ;,COmperty. 57 Queen St. ,East, Toronto.' - • . PERSONAL' BOOkS MA•RRIED COC- „ •' ole. and these contemplating, mar- riage, should :reaq., "Entering Marri- age." .24, pages, pestpaid, 15e: "-Sex and Youth," 104 pages, postbiiid; 25c. •Our 26 page illustrated'catalogue books, 'drug supplies, and 'household noveltiee,: free upon request Supreme SPecialty, 1:90:Yonge, Torento. • , . •POIJI..TRYAiND EGGS • • • DON'T MISS, THESE,' PULLET. 'BARGAINS , AL.L oPtILET,S FROM GOVERN- • ment approved, bleodtested breed: • ets, Barred Rocks and. White Leg - horns 2, months old .35c, 7 weeks • old .32Lweeks4ld .2k, 5 weeks • old •.2'4e, month old 20c, 3 weeks old .18c: .Assorted breeds, 4 to t Weeks' :18c, 7. to 8 week .22c. SPe.cial plat- ing .02c perpullet more. Write tor prices on older 'pullets.. Terms -7 • Shipped C.O.D. anywhere, 1.00% live • delivery guaranteed. Tvieddle Chick Hatchery LiMited, Fergus, Ontario. , • , po TTor %warm • G'Gs : wanted. Higliest premium,paid on, all . grades ; 'Bank references; A. Zammit, 5 Kane Street, -Toronte: , ' PFEBS,AFTR SEPTEMBER • 61:St 'large, - hardY young Ring - necks, , all' breeds fancy, •• Phants, . tWild7DifektrGe-estc-t-Wild",-T•, titkeys;-= hundred Bingn,ecic,', bleeders:, leted, imported, stock. W,rite for • price Iist 246 Jarvis Street -(p4: :partmeht C), 't oronto: 0 gaitcr Ho Thni You . , The United•itatea authorlties'held up the return:to Canada, el • the 'Seagram •Cup• -,,.which Lawson Little, •copped t..;f., Aricitews that • year -on the portend. 044 it wes, made: of gold: and they b.ave some' '..§ort, of Aa., laww rorbiddingthe export: ofsaid metal item their fait. '"cenntry: proAlablYon the ground' that theyare a trifle, short. • • TheY: *1•9414htt have Peen ,bothered to thUtf cs1-tai4. famous trephY. Aslwre. remember it, Lhis. wae,a,i.j1.1g• Some - the hiaVi..-.•ptesented ,•• eteries. about *hat: a. valuable :piece ,of jewelry it Was; :being - :of Pure gold and Wpith.eomething.lees thfin:',a o, Welt' it 'pegins'that the Kainer.end ;brass': rage,f for Sonia reesbn • or other, which we just d sterner -fiber at the 'Inement," and up comes War. between., England ,•and:', Germeny which someof you may „ ' • .• .• „ • , • : • Well, st the -height-Of this., wax,. when iri,:itua:1 indignation Was hotter', than a: Wast furnace, eVetybody on both Sides'. Started; toss ng , • in veluables to their iespective Governments to help along the 'sacred ' cause.' • • So what' will do but this English Yacht' ClUb•must chuck ,in thiS werry waluable trophy which they had got fro -m the now-desp sed .Kaiser. , ••- • - • Ritt when they came to throw it into the ,meltin,g pot, they dis- • covered, to their. atineyance, that Wilhalni had pulled a fast one and ' that the jiig wes nothing but pie -plate metal with a wash of gold over ,• it abdut as thick as ourbankroll the •evening 1Defore payday -and that. the: total value was about $7.98 or some such. ' , • • • Mention 4oi the''apork; of yachting always recalls to us • a little inc dent which completely cured •a group of wi114novvn Toronto csti • se1,18 of the gentle ,habit of Practicatiolting, ' " This. graup set off 09 a Yachting trip down the lakes; and included. in the 'party was a lightweight boxer whowas supposed to be •keeping in training.. He got.little encouragement in eXercis'ng from liefellow • yachtera-milese it was the elbow ninscles---andall the training he di,d the .firet day one would telt raise perhpiration ,on a' flea./ • - So,,the nextmeriting the ' yacht put In; to shere to get some 'Milk /Or' the breakfast java, and this fighter was the one Chosen to go' and . I Int.erv"::es;v3lie-tow-,-or-the,cOw's-2-owner. • " ,' ,.. ' op' • * * But as soon as the flghter steps as ore, the yacht ph s out again and all the rest of the gang holler at the poor.pngilist. Saying that they will Meet him at 'Soandsonaining a bort about ten miles- down,. • the lineandlthet the roadwork will be very good for 'hhii indeed. _ So off they go,chuckling over the merry" Jest: and con'their *ay -,-,-10.--BUandko.,,,,tb,0,,',,,euel:ross.,,,n,,,c4: _ miterrAid4sherrann,44whes-.4p', it—e,-,• inspecting , his, nets; and as they pass 'lose • by, this ..fisherxnan -tome% - on their deck the defunct body of a seagull Which has got caught in the netting and drowned very •dead. • '- . ' '' , 'Still in a, merry Mood, , one of the party plucks.; all the feathers 'off.the gull and puts the remains in the pantry -or tallepLor, what- ever the -nautical term initY be:. '. . ' , .- , - -. ' L , They get to Standar,. and Meet up with seineof the gang there and ' nothing Will do but they must remain for .a dance- which .the local .-, yacht elub is throwing. that evening. . • , , . . . • • In due 'Course the 'fighter arrives, and he is so hot abont being •' dinnped on the road that liii will not join the party at the dance that , evening. • "All right,",. they tell hini,."you cook pp a good Mess of mul- ligan when we are gone,:and.ai Soon as we. come back we Will eat and then be off for Kingston" • • '!, : ',• .7 ' • • : Along „about Midnight the dancing partyreturns to the .yacht, Very hungry although not suffering any from the drought' They tear ' into the mulligan., -which is i kind of stew for •thelienefit Of, any who ' don't knowl-like: nobody's: business. --,, , . , • " , , •,,, , ' . When they •are about finished With ,the potfull; one member of . , the gang speaks up: , 'Tommy," ' he says addressing ,the fighter.. "I, , just Wish to say that was about the swellest mulligan I'ever tasted. • 2.Birt...wharL-holding up,whatlooks.like the bone of , a fowl-"what,is .thili:that hi' in, it'."'. , . . ; -, • • , . • ' , - • ----'• Th-a(9.i'---1-,-•ren tee the amat lit--.c99k-------.1V.Iff-that-iirTnothing'but • the:chicken-14011nd in the galley." • ' • . -. , , . Agthlt antique's,. too, ii.eminithli Oa. the world 'hab Abved forwar0. SALESMEN „ . Till /AN T,ED 11` ' • .• E LI. KNOWN Reputable 'C'oeento 'prokerage, yy Houie..R,eptesentative Salegitien over twenty:five years of age; • in various Cities and •Towns,iii; Ontario .,outside , Of. .Toronto..• Exclusive territory tf desired, geed CorniniSSion and full 'co- operation. Experience ,lielPf.ul • but' .110t'hecdssaril, Reply giving full Pit, tienlats t Bpx 52,. Wilson Publishing Co:, 73: Adelaide St, W., :Toronto.. • STAMPS E .GOOD ROIL DAYS 1, just.gave you a pairof- Shoes last - .ladY, 1 lust came hack to, see if you would have ,them halfaoled for me." OR ,NOT tiochs, are Made in Germany;* The fellow Who iot: that •'intr:'f.'q0' YOU :yeitterday-,Aft--•aHlovi,dOWn., ' PriCe.. tn, the, bone to get it. When you getthat, job' , away .froni•isim, ,last nionth'ltyws ,superim: salesmanship.• June Gypont ."Who epillect: that mustard on this ivaffle,'„deerest?" ' jinie•13ride "Oh; Jack •hOW, eonlif You.? This IS • ' Eteathing'throtigh the *nth'is said, to 13e:!'liareifor,'„ talking throngh., the :Mouth On? has very serious maul:teat times •, Nan , (toa' farinet): L '"'Why" are . thOffe • ; beea; flyitig:atOund so •frantically?" '. • Vaimet • th:ey• have the • • . . „ . • .131:Li.+80AftDS .1 think.' that I shall, "neVer see: .. A bglboeiod lovOly ea:A ,tree Perha • s Unless' 'the billbciarde .fall, never see ,,a• tree ,at a -tah3r ''41400.you are aga1n,end , in quantity. Beet prices...fer 0e-, cumuletions and Cellettlensl • Queen- . Stamp Co.,- Totente, ' TELEVISION AND RADIO • EIGINEERING TAUGHT': FRAC- ' tically. Motors, generatorS,' Maize. winding, electrical' drafting, • ete. Day and evening classes: Speci, al correspondence course, rniplor. ihent:Service--,,guaranteed. Canadian Schqol of Electricity., '282 Ontario' • West, Montreal, - TIRES , , • .h/ItNZIE'8 USED TIRESi up fat Ford, Ch.evrolet,•PlYmOuth, DOCIge,, Buick, Ohisniebile, Paokatd, •Cadilltic and ell .other -Ors and trileks; • Iltery the *guaranteed, 1.6,0 Xing West,, Toronto. ' • '"Every major', qiiestieri in history. IS a religious questidn." • -Hilaire Belloe. 4'. #RIIEUMATISM. • Pour Minard's into a warm dish. Rub liniment gently int then apply it according to directions . . and soon • rout get rellett • A-1 .!.`1 kirvest bit' Wit *foie' wit . „ Or litproired,,CEIESVP4. „ hi reduce root rots ond other, clitietteee—cret bigger .1wheist —letter Prato?: TThentrea • . t iteed • with Now lhOOroved. CERES)111. "This dOst.4'. trays a recess yri7 SIOn 018,O1Oriv repOrt, "effectively' cordials the audits of Oc, Covered smut of bOrlesmaidbiint of It Ow 'IrOrOtii 14E1 nom" Easy: to apply.' ._sta leas than tic *acre: Write today' la:: free WhectiTOttnAiloti ' 4-0,1,1010 SY THE 'MANUFACTURERS S1 F.THE WELL-KNOWN 0-14. • IREE-FLOYilif0 FERTILIZERS., FOR YOUR FALL NEINIINEWENT *EEYOUR LOCAL'OEKLEOi • 'CASADIAN :BIDOSTRIESAIMITEli iv4tea Rrreldift.7411::rierieritinte, : • it'sevep pays to worry about whet ether 'people are thinking about you, fel- they' ere .probably .wondering 'Net what,you,are thinking 'about I" • Traveller, -- "This rain'. shonhido a. lot of good." • ••. • • Potter --'Yes. sir. An ' hour of . it Would do • more:.goOd In five ininntes than ai Month • ef it ' Would .do .1xt . .week anY other • Operator :"Number please?",.. .Drunk "Number nothing: Tlast, Put' a nickeiltr, ...here!,:. Where's my ,chewing gum.?," • . r There's noneed to fish around oraf cigarette tobocco oisatisfying smoothness. Get line on Cigclen'4 Fine CO andlou're set for the fullest, calginnent in rolling; y?ur own. , Ger foo.L eiWgUe , . , A _ • • n:ctremember that YOu get a bigae 15c. package of 0 denIenowl Your Pipe, Knows, Osditet Cut , Mg' • Queerlflsects Brightth Hugs AppOr. cira to47,11.0 -Thr‘e*aY• • CrOss,' ForeClavki Like uriCsit troPrf 'tette have Swelled the eColle,ction ef: "-fo Michigan Insect • Zoo in Converi,' Lon .oiring the lest week,: 'w:y,ISr.ostsh,Al?te.tawoeneeh nur seto terr:oe: ' These ,ontiOuS insec:ts haVe a pair Of•, fereclaws that loelc,--end- Ate •naeci4 • much: like, these, en e• ' ' like:that of the ,PrionUS b,eetle. And •: ect .1.1,ern,e :oh; toterhrt.' i:enTo tu1 brio1piOn,gfrj ,;14 ebp:sd, .:rere:rn, wir- like,. ',often 'etteckingeachother in • their cage. 7 But . they are .death on ; • sr -nailer insects, and •eo 'conie.,:findet the. "beneficial"' heeding, From Mkansrii cpfne a . pair: of • cottonmOuth- water inocCasins, pois- onaus sne..es of the swamps and the lowlands': NeVer found in the north- ! ern •half.ref. the United 'States, Water ,moccesinepaek deadly venom in their' snowy jaWst • They strike- without a, 'warning; and • are ,tightlY feared in the:r native haunts. : They. live:Am- nfany veriettei of 'lend 'and •water in-: sects,;..rodents and 'fish: • The Caneditin uriosity is, a blush - in g katydid --;a 'biological "spelt" • that clesely reienables the . common katYd,,l4 in: everything but color. Out this ' insect's -eolching• is a violent. rese4ink. ftoni the of his long Some 15 verities of more : • antennae to the end of his tail.' • -----. onimon 7Wri51,11' lat.'s, • '5eet10' :and ether mot • sects.' including many new :feaSting ..on Michigan gardens and: fields, have • • "else:been put. on clilny. the Insect .! LQp.m.. ' -77 "zee, is open: to o '"World census figurge forf. 1937, jest Coinpiled' • by. the triterna.„: tional Bureau, reveal a 'new record • 'increase of.346,000.7 The . figures • Ming the world, total membership t'o 2,812074. The teat World . census, '-taken: in 1935,- give total- of 2,472i. • 014. Scouting ierietive today in, 49 counttlee ,Cennting• the.Ptit.ish Ent- pire as one. ' • The ./lerchlean job' • offeeding:some _25,000 .. Boy :Scoute, ,reflected,f-In Some: of the ,catering • •figures of the 'American National :Scout Jamboree • recently held in WaShingten, , For the 75,000 obei,':meals"...seriied 'via) , day, the *mks' ordered -150, tons' of fOodstuffsj included 900 bushels , , iiitatees,,- 4,000 :Petunia of *gad: Is 25,000 ,quarts:of,..Milh, 4,000 polinde.' of butter -50,000 'eggs .' and 1200' gat- tons,'Of cnned vegetables,:' . Such as ,tainatifieS, cerh;.'siiceotlishjnild Ittang. beans which, after_conguining„40,_ • lioys-'2went-out7inte•-the-arepa-,-iind , playecLindians-end7eOWboya, 4 SEED DISINFECTANTS NI At ',F ri NOW PI.AH1 WHIN WA. PE READY • The'rescue after two hours' �f , ef- fort3 of a young .woman clinging to... the face of a cliff Was an•achleyement this autinfiet of, the 6th. Bridgewater Bey Scout Troop, Somerset, :England. A young Men and, his fiancee had,: • been, caught' hi the tide: in a cove,••• and attenibted to scale••the cliff. The • • young WOman was unableto complete •1 re --7-06 , at .er c rap p 0,, n- alliforkgaining '!the, top, discovered. the ScfnitS;, and 'c'alle i upon. th,ein' '`' 1: help: With ':ziepend: ' Semitie descended the clt e route, • then ascended 1olthcijyoilng Iady1. sccuredjhyth f ir II, es, and , clirehing aith , leckj. her by itages. . to, safet ., • , An interesting hitrednetion ..of ', a rubhc offieiel, involving Bei Scouts , took place \ in New York • recently.. Governor 'Lehman' appointed Charles .W.,•,Frpssel, a justice, df -,the City Court, and he was inductedinto fice .before nearly .400' people. the cereathily ' was drawing to a • close, 'Eagle Scout Theodore Endres was 'Called to the, Bench, .4nd- he; ad. ministered the oath et the.BOy Semite Of America, .with Justice • Froasel re 'meting. This :ceremony was re- quested by Justice Fropsel, who his. -given-16-years-oft'aerVice-to Abel cout -.Movement • • \ . TORTURE STOPPED in Aminutel ••4, For quick relief from the itching of pimp. blotches, • 'mew, arte's foot, mime and other skin eruptions. apply Dr. Dennis* cooling, antiseptic, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRI ION. Its gentle oils soothe the irritated ...Akin. Clear, greaseless and stainless—dries fast. Stops - the most intense itching instantly. A 3fio trial bottle, at drug storea, proves it—or money beck. Askter-- 80 D.D.D.PAr.iseithetaan. • 14101 Mad. p. 1854 Dr,awn.:jP' Filn" A'Saticy. a' • pea Artist, Briexi:cioererectit r WASHINGTON — The Coast and Geodetic Survey is trying te, 'Chert: lts Nyiy'.'41•0:11nd an artineiit.. ,• viiiidr.Of is �iitbe. empibyee -Lt•WhiStler. the painter:,. " ,the log of he tfouble: • „. Seek' 1,859: a angling _youth' ot..:. 29; named:-.JaMes:Abliat-MCNeil',WhisV. ,Ler Was ,dobigengravings for- the •gey- .• ,errifeent ag.eney. .,•!:. •• His work' was map making but, be.. had 'a hatchttine' confining litinself :its rigid: restrictions 130 kept",throw-• ' ing, In jm pUden t.:.she t c hes ':Of., ish;nnd , !.. • ;Exietinc offictals. proVOltea, ;with, . „hie-neeOratienit,:.„atiVised:..hirti.that!••the • . 77.1.7ifittd" Stilt $1uffien Wouhttry • • Wht1erWe1t4ili--waY-40-.-beep1ne • .:a world-famous painter,: The' survey went fits, Way with' a, Couple ',of,.W.Iilst-;• Aer engraiinge Eighty-three,' 'years :went Abell. Way.••:„'•'• ,:. • • , :•. Last spring,: iron:1000... erroneously :sit teak the'•Word-"-that the, ageneY, was • selling:ioriglnal Whistler,engravhige ;for '20 "•:Cente,-„, ' • 'iteOneets ',poured in.'. • . The survey • :Worker's,' replied by sending a inJp ,of Aflame Iseland,•in SQutJl J.S•ante • Barhara ' One•-•cotner it 'Says: Eng by J; A..Whistler, J. :.:Stoeng", •and A', Knight:b.. , °• Com:Plainte• pouted' iti. • ,The 'Jeep. o• suit_au4nd,ginaL,'....L.:.....: • NeiV the :government ; which 'never . said It had' an 'Orighiali, has. e. • ioittor, • exPleining.:„. : The Iirst plate hint , available.. The.,,inalia • ,:are • frOill,:phetogi•aphie , Prints-ettile phite - And-,Yon,cerrhave. your •re.Oney back -if you want it; •• • '•• The; 'Map;, incidentally, :is one and you can see .Wh.istler"s•,,Pterik .• • , -two seneY.grOUpri et sea gille Where , no sea:galle. 'ought to te: • T.' • • • • • ' They Step -As proved in UP't4) 25%' teat* )3' a lead-.• • • ing university.. 6 Quicker• . The Scientific. • ally Designed Tread, viith the ...etre rider strip and especially compounded rubber, gives longer---nen-skid-safety__ milemisi and, !alma. cost per. • Giee 1Because every Greatest , fibre, cord and it G • Protection P re um- DiPped sat. wetted and,, insulated with , rubber to counteract internal friCtien and heat -the great- • est enemy of tiro life. Safe lor High Sp'ecds hems,' a 2 Extra cord 'Plies' ,Under the Ttead and Gum.Dipned Snkiir" Lostred Cords • . .... !We \ 0 ln0/10/:eoc Newlule cf ra aMete' id Sven, res gned • e , T ead ;iyo n9.* 1 • 2 Extra • ohld tidied and body into one inseparable nrd rips, unit, providing greater strength and making the tiro safe,at any ripemi. Only in Firestone tires "1111/3" 6111. can you get all these extra feattires . and at• tread no extra coal See the nearest Fitestone Dealer today. , -Firestone HIGH SPEED TIRES , Add6.ras Viioirkno , Added, To Gaitery., • . A figurine • fentesanting the late • jarte• Addaini, founder cl'Hpli and • internationally , known: Werld peace' worker; has been :added to the gallery of thee° little figures Of ,nroM- ineet „Chicago wei•oen in the Chicago . Historical Society in Lincoln .',.'se:syrthefrCohmriictihaitio;Sgeo:-etice ?to:mitt:ft in ' 4 • `The small watfigure dreised in An 'orchid -entered silk geWn is' carrying, „ a tiny .book titled "Forty 'feat* nt'. It wars, Made by Mme. ' Minna, Schnikiti costumer nqd origln- ator several tho4tiana figurines• • of svemen from nia• nations who• ' have.. eentributed Something to the ' progress Of hpmanity. Sotto 900 of ' her "Womenof the •;werld0 'tire .nr, 4 ''4in Washington, D.p.,"and are gradd- ally added to when diplomats Of for- eign countries propose , vvoinen of, • their nation who, they think, deerv0 thiehotier. Mies Schmidt bald. N: Bon Curly Hair dittNdTli, China Carly halt . has beneeoutlawed here,' Offieints ob.. fij egd to machines Were all Con - permanent waves ai,ultra- modern and• Warite-Of money, Ilver- manent w .1