The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-08-19, Page 8•,. THE `LUCKNOW SENTINEL, ;: iron -Bruce` •Liberal. ANOMINATING , CONVENTION, WILL BFp .• ELP"IN THE 4a nes " .a. d • AT . 2. O'CLOCK P.. M. For The e .Pur ose 01 Selecting A Ca ndidate .ForThe. Forth Coming Provincial Election! DR. D. R. FINLAYSON, PRESIDENT E. F. MARTY,N,, SECRETARY... l* . REV, McKERROLL CONDUCTED .,'ANNIVERSARY SERVICE. IWhen the ancient bell of St; An ' •drow's ;Presl$rterian :church, • 1Yiag: Lira=.on the -lake rang on Sunday, i summoned worshippers' to a Mehra tion of the •Church's• 143rd. anniver sary and the 140th anniversary ,''o o the building of St.A drew's manse Specialservices we e.,. given ' b. the `Very Rev. D. T. , McKerroll: past moderator of • 'and church in. Canada, 'azkd for 27 . year; pastor .,of Victoria. Presbyterian•. church. Toronto;, often leaving:, Luck- nb• • `. The .present' :church, dating`; from 1831; is the second of this congre>' gation,,'the. first: having;been burned . ;by United -j States troops during the. war of 1812 o' This first, church* built in' - � T s .ways the• , ..,.. N the' town' end: among the 'first Prot " "estant ,churches in the l whole of Can- ada. , Its impressive pillars, graceful tower, and fine interior have made it one of . Ontario's most important architectural antiques and a yearly object of study for students ,in the schools of architecture. ; -*Pews are of the. old. box type in which worshippers closed the door and . fitted' up, itheir i sittings with; 'cushions,- footstools,; carpets or' other fancies. The: pulpit rises, high at the front and': beneath it the . precentor's. desk <where• tuning fork .' and lusty' voice •led the singing, LU NOW ARENA CLUB UNDER 'A SPICES F LUCK NOW O t .urs a: • I P -de i herrn an► ars STAdIrtS' AT 7.30:SHARP PIPE BAND;:.L PRIZES JAZZ BAND SOUTH 'BRUCE . BOUNDARY • • DIVIDES ;DUCK SE:1SOi .:September'15th to November 15.11 ,, both'' dates inclusive, is an'November sea- son : for ducks. and geese, in; a wide area north of the•southerly boundary' of Bruce County. • of ! rovince.l yin In that part the p eY. d • 'south', of this ';boundary line, October lit to November. 30th, is'':the_open . season,; .;except ..in, the ` Counties "of Essex. and Kent, when the season le from October 15th ' to ' December ,15th.: The. bag limit for ducks (exclusive' of 'mergansers) is twelve in :ani .day; , P. • • THURSDAY, AUGUST 19T11. • 193: ;IaERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST. POSTING OF . VOTERS' LIST CLoAL and GENERAL Voters'' Lista, .1937, Municipalit y:' Of The Township:Of, Aahfield . • �4ty Of Huron . Notice is hereby given that I' have :ornplied 'with section 7 of The. Vot•. vis' Lists Act and that I have posted 1,1!,,4t, my office in the Township: ,of Ashfield on. the Seventh day of Aug- st, 1937, the - list of all persons : en. Titled tem vote• in the said, Munic#pal• mu ty at nicipal , elections. and that ,uc , remain , there. for inspection. h 'Het. a, li , A ..d. lx ti@x'et►v. caH - i o s� all arntuv ^'take. iiunleurat'erv' )1ocered1ngit : •w tave ; any errors .. or• ' omissions . cor- cected'•according; to law, the last day •:'or appeal • ;being , the µ'twenty=eighth• lay of ,August, 1937. Dated at Ashfield, "County sof iHur-.. nn," this 7th day of Aust A.D. 1935. C. McDONA II' Clerk of .Ashfield'" Township. l' CLERK'S; <NOTICE OF • FIRST POSTING: OF VOTERS' LI,ST' Voters' List 1937; Municipality of the Village of Lucknow in the County of Bruce. Notice is hereby, • given 'that' I have complied with section 7 of the Voters' Lists' Act and that I have posted' up at my 'office in the Village of Lucknok• on the Eighteenth •day of ; August, i.D.,1937, •the Listof all`persons 'en-' titled- to vote in the said ,Municipal- 'ity at municipal -elections: and that such Inst ,remains- 'there for inspec- 'ion• .. V And I hereby" call :Upon 'all• voters to. take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correc- ted according to law? the, last'. day for,appeal being the.Eighth , day of September A.D.. 1937 ' . '.Dated •at Lucknow, ; Ontario, this 18th: day of August. A.D.' '1937. : Joseph : Agnew, Clerk. of.`the Village :of 'Lucknow. M� .• A. Lennie and Mr.:" ' and Mrs:- J. G Mrs.''Stevensonlefther cottage "lion Accord" • `at : Point' Clark, •on • Wednes- u da ` -Toron o .61 -, Next, Wedlnesda y ,for; P t, Y., Mrs.:- Glennie, , leaves for, ''Montreal, sail r't: 7th_ ENTERTAINER, FEATURING-KEIjT,NETH, RENTOUL,' CKNX' >E;NTERT h5..... - moi: l !� � at r �a C a o. T — DART GAMES ' ETC. BINGO— PENNY OSS'. � ED, :• THOSE INTERESTED'. —BROADCAST FOR IN FARR LO I : iJB WET WAW'ANOSK NATIVE BURIED ON:::TUESDAY fr 1 uncial service. or "g� �� f. awanosh • Woods; a native o `West W , and a teacher` for.' more than''half a century; were held from his late'. res- idence`:in Goderich 'on .Tuesday. , o the .late .:Mr.' and ' He was a son f :being born:' a' wood • Thom s Woods, , n ; h •': • Hort - of• D.un annon - on the om h. g. , stead, where his brother Thomas, and id ' 'aur hie still.�esi e._. e..is_ sister...Nellie, a If `a r N sin i,,• dby''n S 1.4 viva 'bile s s' 'ht sch . 'at Dun-•' The deceased tau ool, g. gannon, ,Benmiller and, for' 40 ' years, at i5altford ENGAGEMENT ', ANNOUNCED • • o f ;^ i ; :announced 'ae Th'.e n . ...e ng6met.a. e"`S��"Maicg tet`""Eernc Bell;'-dsughter of Mrs.'` Allan l•MacIver.:',of Ri le and , 'Ripley, the late Mr Rob"�,� F.. 'Bell, to Mr.; : Carruthers " Mrs. DavidHenry , , son.' of, Carruthers'; Kinloss; and the: late Mr. John • Carruthers,' the marriage "' to r take- place in. Septembe . " • •and Mrs. W. Robertson • •Mr. M s. John o ip1:engagementg . R e _ of . p Y> annourice:•ahe r i r.•.A, of : their'daughter, M ld ed nne • to g hris Me. Ross Dowkes; ion of Mrs. C k tena Dowkes and the late Mr-'•' Dowkes of, Owen Sound. . The mar riage to';take place•: the end of August mor' ees other tt5a `' rant v and. e n. n a •i.a d n .. Y Y `' E V R I RECOVERING ACCIDENT E_ • , ..Mr. Neil Campbell of West , Wa- wanosh is slowly-recovering, slowl recoverin •:fromin juries received ina'haying "acciden t some five weeks •a o. • Confined to bed, for some'time, Mr'. Campbell is again .able to be about, • but as yet. unable to work.":`: The. accident was caused; by flies annoying..'• -the •horses, while •Mr, Campbell was raking Nay. One of the animals ,'kicked over the I tongue drop- ping' it to. the ground. In` an effort.,to prevent the froth frightened team rpmh running away (Mr. ,Campbell was` away; thrown' heavily ' toi the '• ground. A ,shaking up Wanthought at` first to be .. ..... the ; only , damage done, but. a ' devel- Toping - so eness eresulted- in ani X. rayl 'being taken which revealed , a lung nIur, had been. received In . the mis , h• a Miss 'Margaret :Brown of Tiverton the sD Duchess `o ''Atolls:' for -Scot on e s f r h u Mrs. c land r .. 'wi , accompany an • M Stevenson will p Y her to Montreal : Clearing lin e ' iMen's,Women. and :,'Children's ' ii'ndergarments. — THE 'MARKET . STORE ANXIOUS A . RELATIVES BOUT". RE S IN THE;. FAR EAST With a 'major, struggle' looming between China and Japan, anxiety is felt for those from this: district in . the war torn ' zone.,, Miss . Dorothy MacKenzie, of • 'Kin- cardine, who /sailed , on ' July `31st, from San ,Francisco. iiboard; the "Pre- sident -: Pierce" • is .,one of these. Since embarking, . no ' word has been. -, re- ceived from.herendh r parentsare unaware whether _' or, not she has reached 'her destination, in Wes China, where she ; was to—teak- . at echun i ` Canadian Mission Szechung n the C a School. Messrs. Edwin • Smith" and .Bert'" id night ho o 'returned T m s n ]Eli pal' ` ii g from a trip -'to •the ", ,north, having. v ll"d ft;. o th 'a' in ins• :tra e e as a , n r s Ti, m In the carnival costume •contest 'at c. Goderieh' 'on :. Friday : night, Lloyd; Wen miss: Mary Cilxlstie .et Detroit ash vis$ ng with .friends here, ,�'• 'lair: Sam McAlister called',on hist cousin,'"Mrs. Toni Henry,cof Belfast;, Misses. Evelyn anit-.Dorothy Nixon spent the, first of,,the week in, London::, ;Ted and; Helen Buswell, of Exeter were callers into : ednesda "> 'town on .,..._ W Y. s •, t M WaI a ' _ sir it ur tri m sdirs: i . tris:, Horne. •• ` I Mrs ,S geh ill of Toronto is spending. twp weeks; `with.. her "daughter Mrs;. Johnston. ;; Mrs J:' C. and MissFlora, Gainp- bell' of ",inni 'e ' aim `isitin • with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Greer. # Mr. Hugh Cameron of Detroit is visiting with his • sister; Mrs. John' Spindler and. Mr. Spindler. Mr, `and Mrs. :.Bushell and 'Jean have returned to town after :spending two weeks at Sauble Beach:• :" " • Mrs 'Wm • Black of,Espanola left" yesterday, after 'visiting` with friends' and 'relatives in:'the •community. ' ion arments CORSELCiir1TES,. BUI'LT-UF SAOULDE!t EOR AVERAGE AND STOUT 'FIGURES;' INNER BELT, NEW GOTHIC BRAS SIERE TOP; PEACH • COLOR• SPECIAL , , • • , • •:. , , ...12,76: = A '' „ E'WIL :' OT IDE UP, INNER BELT .NU B...CK.. CORSELE�'T. .. L N .;.. R , •.•EXTRA° STRONG .GARMENT FOR THE ' TALL, S T 0 U,T `FIGURE .•�,. x.• 1s�MElt� f `9f!`lr:!�"TF D� 1'���"7" �'fi'k 'Ii' F i.1 r IE ' 'SO - LAST ,CORSELETTE TWO,, WAY • STRETtr._r . . FT E$ SWAMIS . CLOTH, 'EOR' BRASSIERE,. REIN,>! ORCED.. $l.95; -LAS �• EX: -GIRD TWO-WAY STRETCH, BONED, AB,Df1M-:'- �;. LE, INAL'`S''UPPORT, PEACH! COLOR .; ,., • •,=1f49'; i s. BACK, LACING G..ARMENT' FOR STOUT;FiGURE9, 3P00,, G _RMENT' .,. . ,. ; ; , ' 0,25.• ' SIDE : HOOKING ' GIRLDES, ELASTIC ,INSETS, FIRMLY0.95'. RE • INFORCED AT • $1.95 P:' BRASSRT•31tES ,...,.....:. ........, •,.:....,' 25AND • • U - 111r. Alex MacKenzie of Aylesbury, NOTICE- TO• `CREDITORS;: Alex ... A Y ,-, rY, ' : .. Sask., is' visiting with his.' , brothers : and sisters' :in Kinloss, and. Lneknow• In the Matter of , the • Estate,. af' Donald McDonald, late .of , the. Town-. Mrs. ,James •:!Smiths . Mr• - Edwin:ship `of Kinloss . in • the . County of Druce Farmers deceased: Smith and'. Miss Edith Smith are;, Notice is renen: ursuantt: spending this' week at :-Bruce Beach.: to the Statute' in, that 'behalf that' Mrs ' R bert Webster : of Clinton` `Creditors and,�other`s 'having laims 4 ;or demands against the _ Estate' of the 'N;47 a recent vtor w th'her'sisters, sai ;:Donald' McDonald,who died en. d Mrs. Neil Cairipbell and Mrs. "Frit or . about .the, twenty-eighth. ' day' of chard, ; required •, on :, June, 4A• D; 1937, ,are' , f' or before . the Eleventh . day of Sep- ,.' Miss' 'Edith' Smith of . Toronto, is, tember A.D. 1937, 'to • send: by ' post' spending''a • thre' • w eks' vacation 'prepaid, or "deliver, :to Roderick Ross. 'Orio,•' with her, parents, Mrand Mrs. Jas; R.RcutorNo'. of5; .L.,thuce lakstnow. Will'ntaand Testthe'a, Smith .'� ment of the • said • roes, .dec�easedip:their Dr.'andr"T,J apdadrreiscsuelsars• anf •tdeesucltaiiolins,, e who. have--been-ui$i4. 1. g- , ra s—'atatdnient`oftheir'-ateoirns,-und rmstroig°-tave returned, their the -nature of the Securities • f- - an39 home • in Toronto. held by them • dulY , v erified b •af fi Mrs :George Johns and.; son . of De- I• -troi a visitin . , ith t,•Mr. •and Mrs: ' t, re �g w• J•"S. MacKenzie •The' _will. be joined J later by Mr. Johns r. Russell Hedle ' fromthe West M e y,. i a ' ' itin 'with his' Mr.' •.. N. �. vial g wt . s brother; H. Hedley .it_is..,-some, thirty years since he' left �Lucknow. Mr. :and Mrs,:. "John: ,Ireland ' and; daughter ,' Ethel ' of Danbury,'. Conned:- tient, 'Were : recent "visitors with 'Mr.` and Mrs. Walter Alton 'Ashfield..; •,ITO TO 'GRED 1hR : • . � NOTICE . • f the; Estate `• r the:. Matter. o _ Estate .n. Alexander, McKenzie of': the Township of ,Kinloss in the County of " Bruce, Gentleman, deceased. • Notice'is hereby •given • pursuant to. the 'Statute In : that behilf that all -Creditors and 'others , having' •claim. ,or demands, *MOO':the: Estate of the said' Alexander' ;McKenzie, who' died • on "or about the Twenty --fifth' day of.,: June A.D.', 1937, •ere'''requ . on., or, *tuber " day of 'tem before'the First , p 193? to' send :.by'post prepaid.' or, deliv ,►to Angus• B. +McKay, R. R.. r ri eicecuto o'''� know, 'Ontario, the N.6,L, no , ,. i a Testament o .th of 'the, �Y 11 arid fey to ant fx. aT es aid �deceaa�e their. names ' acct ses•: ,a d, i'l ticulars' and descriptions, p hill. p of their claims,`•s statement of their'" :And' take'. notice ' that. after such accounts and:. .'natur ': of the ��e-�'; last. me tion dat' Said. execu- e e ;� _ , ed a .•the.. �. , . •.::. • . curities if: any held by them duly', , tor: will' roceed�,ao dist: shute the ,a - � ) , sets of the said `deceased: among the verified -by affidavit,''" " persons . ;ant tied' hereto, .having re , And take notice -that- •.after- soh',, Card' only. to''the claims 'of which: he. � io date- shall, then have •notice Nand that: the , last mentioned tlie� said eeeietor,.,r will,: proceed to distribute the- • eats::. said` executor-, will- Hoyt. be iiable,'.for. ,' th said' dace d a •:.o:' r.. o sse m n th •� ai -.ass • o n a th o . e. s et t ee. Pe e s ,. d r, y p to any person or,; persons ' of whose' sons entitled'' thereto ?'hair ` regard claims notice ' shall -'not' have. .been: 'received' by: hint at. the time of '.uch °nly to` the claims • of 'Whi• ch, he shill. th'n • have notice •'and. ;that the 'said. 'distribution:} •.,y,' eJ e . executor :will. . liable; f the' :Dated the: -16th ::day of 'August,:'A. 1 not;'•be a e or, D. 1937., R said asset.. s , or .any part thareof • to Roderick Ross,.R. R. 5 Iaucknow,any' pernon, or. persons, .Of uihoseOnt., Exegutor. Stewart of Luc now. ' won.: first prize for hi . comic —costume : •in •the: bo s' s Y class. . r. rnchan r centl° Miss , Bess#e, . Ca o . e y„ ,completed a ,summer: course in Agri- culture' at, ' Guelph, • 'during which time her father ,visited with relatives ;at ENTER' .' TORONTO PLAYDOWNS' Two Wingham and a. Walkerton rink qualified ter the provincial bowl- ing, owl- in , lay down this • week in Toronto g playdowns . • s Mason's rink ' of " Wingham ,'defeated Mount •Forest:' -Galbraith s rink • of .. Alex .Crawford of ' Wingham' defeated singles w' McConnell. Eidt in the si g s, inth u .. y o n d featin alk rt e u h of� e on andDogty g- -an_ -Owen - Soiind_rink.' in the_doub1e '_ ' ckno rink ' were eliminated' Lu w s .., inWin ' ha ',Mason's rink. jest. week g ml. defeated Frank' Mckenzie, :BiIl Mc- inla 'son ' and, Well Kenzie, ,Cam F m y, in'' • McCo ski The localquar- tette gton Y, .• p ;12:i .21 .. ' n ed , t n were.., ,os out •14 . o ends. rt' ' and • .' B. • Po er doubles,D . ; :In the. . flock' defeated A. `lo- Rev: John Po k S aid in m ' Ma'eDon 22 to ;` 13 o -an: n d G. , Crawford edged, While le d ends,, ie A xg 1, out a 21-17 `win: over Dave :Iluston in the singles.-, t e' and Miss Mabel Tom of; Goderich, are others' • who are in the: danger zone. RAINY' MONTH. TO. DATE: ,^ • Rev. 'Angus Maclver, of Tiverton will conduct'services' in, the `:Presby y terian 'Church this Sunday, 'with Rev., m hi : i the ' r sum duties- •MacDonald e s g _, d following Sunday: Two inches . of rain officially re- corded• for the first half •ofl the month, hasmadeitan thi but favorable Ymg u favorable harvest weather, and fields .that were l' s cut suffered• : more.. or ase m last week's W"frequent —rainfalls. -A " hot •- a far' er . bus r&inless:�yteek_exid a wu again Monday,,but rain in:some: to g c. iiea,. ` ,further ahti Tae d causeda i e s s y, •holdup E'v ni ,pleasant carr e nes; were . ng' the week-endhotell and, biliev •.it or sit e '. not, .Monda''' night's lowest tem era= Y mg p. tur creatednear r,' .recon in this ea � d ;•.,, district. The lowest .point to which: the mercu • dropped i h 'earl" e e n the i'Y pp d Y Mr. Sam" McAlister of ' Detroit • and sister, "Mrs. Cave of Goderich Tp,,. and Mrs..-iSmith__of...Sarnia;_.were_the: uests, of ; Mrs. Smith's`sister,: Mrs. g John': Darrow .last,.week •Mrs 'Lamont o Weston,..former•ly: Jennie • Long,. who: was em' lo` ed at. e f' p Y " time .:in;the " ' in "' °tie., villageSandy Canpbeh's tailor; wshop, .'called on ?friendshere on 'Wednesday. • e y. Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold, '•Burns • who , _NOTICE ` , Notice, b';: s,'dire tic adirected N e s`as # .her , Y b 'the . Assessment Actthat a Sale of. y lands for arrears .:of taxes Will be held", at the Town •: of Walkerton „` Fri ,day; September 10th,, •1937,•. at my • claims .notice .shall not have been re- ceived -ceived by him at the tittle such ;of .�u distribution. ' ' .., Datedthe Third d e of August, A. = , -D 1937: -Anus B::'McKay, R. R. 6, Lucknow, Ont., Executor. iffiein the :,County-Builamgs--at the. ,cad hour' : of ten' o'clock A.M.,,,when '''there. r a , er ' for ial b ' 1. A c i off a sae Pub i u w'll e d c b Y '•die.` tion,"unless the' Taxes and charges: are 'and neighbors for the many kinds acts wish to sincerely, thank friends sooner paid the following described Iands. and expressions :. of. sympathy.. at the The ad'ourned� Sale, if necessar time of the.death'.of our .kind . and 'will be held<two ;wees `later • at' the;loving mother, Mrs. Margaret Barger. 'same place', and:' • hour, . at which the ` Daughters and, Sons. Municipalities interested will be;per- mitted to •bid. TOWNSHI P .OF KINLOSS Lot: or part 'bon. Pat'd. Ac. ; Taxes' ` Costa Total am E. i/z: .,5.. '8 :. " ' '50': 104.58 ''4.66 109.24 D.Houston ou ston ,.A. Nelson Treas.Co.o.Bruce a-' • ,Mrs J. Brown and her two'daugh-, ters,'Alice '%and . Mine. of Detroit 'are' . issiti g • at,. th home •'of 0Mrs.''' r a 1. n� son, Mr's:.. ' - intends Y Brown. i en to • re- main 'here for' the remainder *Of the month' Won Doubi , At es ,, • Ath' . ]oca '' t e 1, mens bowling doubles on Morida•'ni hwinners were; first Y 'night nets , (,zi•feld•;MacDonald, and Dr, Fowler - hours of uesay,•was 12.5 havere"' turns from .: th rr 'Wedding in Sanedco.:nd,a_alWa' • ce .M_NiIlac ._rP..�' erson_,and, F d greel. L ck; f humidity however ttiP are isiing here for a few, days .Steward'Third,WellingtonMcGoY didnot make she atmos Nere o res- his Pa,rents, , ortd leairing for 1 sive ,• .their home atF 'Fort R.Craw Mrs Cra .and ` its Isabel C ra 'were v isitors this community histMiss r•iwn. recen�: returned: t ly.ifrom an .. :' ... A,tl.a nt: ic mvmgr toof-tah;ep.a0rtlyd'oCon,uantcryon,,dscsteda tour ' under the . .her ' •bio'- oih, ther' � ' Ree.: Walter. B. Craw London Cuta Foot;In ,Ri er Beryle • Solomon, daughter"Of', Mr. and 'Mrs. Austin'.'Solomon had her sh ort,time previous, revious, _. Bp'elrayy_l#en,g're' acte.iv.t hedtd...,footbadly:cutwhile river near .her home on !Saturday. A' ..;:...;.�. a gash in' her' arm. that . req uired four' ugUst Is : Our Clean= p ..F onth In Every Department. ' ►nd . Ens That You Can - Use; . Aird e HavePlaced ►nd Counters For Your Convenience.e Along And Pick W at You . Can Use. 7 ave °Adds These '0� Tables 119 •