HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-08-19, Page 701101011.1et!‘toePour,le!tl.p,•..r. LESSON VIII, . • - 1iVeal. Of Israel, ani he their THE PLACE OP RELIGION - Ged.!' — No Cbristiap:•Cen read this ' IN A NATIONS LIFE. verse witkont, thinking of, two Won- , Exodus -24a-,-40 • 26. derful New Testament ',passages eon - cerning a greater tabernacling pe,.. _ - • .: • rintd et &25. 2 8J God with inen. .In John 1 14, We • --reawk „ TEXT=431essect is the; ,and dwelt among' us (and W.ebelield, tion whose! Gods IC- the Lord.,: his glory, glory as of the only te'iOt-: . • ▪ •Psalin 33: 12. „ • • • ten from the Father), full of. grace , encl. truth.", Should he noted'. that The. Lesson in, its Setting that .margin 'of the Revised Version .„ I'lace,llifcitint 'Sinai. ; ' „inforins us that. the verb 400 trans- • Time4H,,C, „ ; ; latecl • '..fdwelt!'" '4 is literallY vork, • "And ' jelidvah sphke unto.. DAOses, inenniOg '"tabernaeled.": (See hhio.., shying, SPeak unto the children of 'Rev. 21' :3). That 'which God begins' Israel, that they take for Me an Of-, to -de With his own chosen people, feYink: Of every Man' whose heart the Id,raelitea,. out there le the wild- maketh hims. willing..ye shall take 'MY • • ernes of 'Sinai; ,,"Qed will, bring, to: offering."'—For the' construction of: glorious perfection. in the eternity to , this place. •worship. the •, peOple, COme, for all his people who have themselves to bring offerings of truly been letle,emed, separated , and • gold, .and'' Silveri, and brass,' of vari sanctified, because ' of the bleed of ous kinds of cloth,. of.; acacia' Wood, Christ, :to. whom all the, tabernacle and: oil; and spices together ,With seryice pointed.- • various kinds of ' stones, but only "And they shall *knew' that I 'am those were to bring such, offerings Jehovah, their God; that 'brought whose hearts' led them to do so will- them. forth °out Of the kur4 :or Egypt, • .. • that. f might' dwell amen theni:.. : "And let': them 'titmice ..rite.'k sanetti, 'zra Jehovah,. their God."—Life With- arY. that .may ' dwell among them: out a knowledge' ;of pQa, the most According to alt that .1 shOvr.' thee; " tragic thing' in • the :u,nive2se. And , the ',pattern of the tabernacle, and the: this is: life' eternal, that, they should pattern' of :all the furniture thereof, ., know thee the . only true God, and even • SO': shill, ye make him 'Whom thou didst4 send even things :in. this introductory announce- Christ. (John - ment :the:Lord makeS ,Clear to • Moses ...;:"Theh ,the cloud Covered,. the 'tent -r-firSti sanctuary which Of meeting,. and the giory of Jehcivah Jehovah is now iPeaking 'Of laa'place filled, the .tahernaele.; And Moses was • in which' God 'Would dwell aniong'llis not able to 'enter iuto.. the tent of . .people, the Israelite.' , The .verb .meeting, hecauie, the cloud .abcide "dwell" is the one from which the thereon; and the glory`,. of Jehovah lword Sheltinah Comes (See, Lev, :filled.the.trthernaOle.".--Wben all had 26: 11, 12; Num.• been *done according . • , ' 44-outar4tattabxrcgmr adutribtation of the ,iiseat • dwelt: ,‘ • tended•,the tabernacle to serve : was • ece 0 . God, where .He holds realized When he himself; ;in the form • f converse .w#11' all. the ranks Of His . of a cicnid, . cattle down • to restmupon rational: , creattireS,' the heaven I Of, ;the tabernacle.' “.4 cloud is the eon- " ' stant symbol, or if.,:not hlvvays this, '. Set. AA..prt for (oa. , the Sgeoinpaniment ..`of the divine. "And: the .'Tent shall be sanctified -presence •El.e.. 14: ,19.; 31: 10; 33: Or. by:: MY glory,'':—. Iii " the7Gla • Testa- 1,Icings 8: .10;.PS'alin 104: 3; Isa. 19:. , - . . •.. ,., . • inent, When any ,thirig; 'or. any per'.... I; pan. 7:: 13') .1 ' ' . :' . ' son; or 'any datwae,said to Have been ., : "And When the •ClOud .waS, taken up . . , „ . . sanctified,' we.. iin,derstend that- that thihg,. et : perzOn', or . 'clay was set.: • ,. . 'front,' Oirer": the tabernacle, the chil- • dieri Of. IStael• w,elat. -onward, through- .... • . ermr , "` • • • . - bait.. "Finder"' Held Has, Decorative Post Wilbur 'Other; Bronx, N.Y.; care- taker, arrested on extortion' charge , by U. S. Federal agents,after.try- rig to collect $2,000 from Amelia Earhart's husband for her 'return.' , He Wrate She was held by crew a smuggling step. • $100,040 For Roads • QUEBEC litut "Onesiiiie'•,atignon; •Minister of Mines,Game an Fish- eries; has announced the Quebec., GeV- ethment,had allotted$100,000 foi, 11n- jilfevement of the Chibougamau min - Ing region 'road: 2...The !Minister said all floating bridges Ispanning .the 'read would be repliced, by permanent , . 'structures.' • , • • ' 'aP4rt for 1101. for' '0:°d!.s : all:. their jeurneyst ser,viee, and' •. v,versitip. 7...4•.•• 'Would ,ciciud was' not taken up, -then.they. naturally" expected, that thing or,. JourneYed ,not. till .the 'clay, that it was person was to be kept • Clean from ..taken up. defilnient. pollution ' of any kind .' , that 'would .: interrinit unbroken com- "For : the , cloed. • Of Jehovah :.Was.' minion '',W*„th. God, .or hinder the, 'ger-. Upon the tabernacle by ':day, : and .‚ icoftlfs' thing ,er person there was fire therein by .mght, ' the sight 'of all the hotise of Israel, • • • , •_,-..ict.ty the • tent. oi throughout all their journey.",The , An„4.off. alSO children of Israel were thus : Mgt ,and .will I•shnctify, to', min- diVinely guided !?Sr none other than The :.entire;chapter, which these. presence in 'the ..cloud, which, by ' - , *if ,,LI:II•hte KW' 4,1.4 14 "I ,111;111,1t11.4,1,, • ,,13.4.1 Around TiteDia ..RADIO HEADLINERS OF THE WEEK , , • G. c. MURRAY • .. . • ,!• l)rama Series'Starta: Sept: 13 * • ontstanding ,Aireinatie features ,ofIre, air, start itthir'cljeair on S, Mon- day, September. 1,3; fro'n9.00 tc?, 10.00 Sipee, the trOadeast Of .this : series bgafl, July, .1935; :with the .,prege'ntation Of Helen' ' :•Haye.. Vella stringse„. the ..progyama have .• presented shell.' Oars and Vehieloa'as'parY..COoPer-Orld Jean Arthur in "The Plainsrhan"; Les- lie Howat.d. and Masa Land.in ,"Mon- sieur 13eaticaire"; Edward piin and Beverly Roberts in "The„Crini- that :Oedeit; Jeanette , MaeDepald.in "Tonight 'or Never"; Walter 'Hhaton; Nan, Sunderland and PAY Bainter.• "DOdsworth",'. and many Other. fahied artists of Stage and Screen in nearly ,loa Other. plays of gee:4 importance. ; 'Recaugefit the talent, selection and productionaf these radio 'plays,. which are; tinder. the 'directicin of Ceeit. 3. DeMille; they have wen such acclaim as the award . for the beat' dramatic, 'programby the . Women's; National Ratite... Committee,and first place.'4Or radiestraina In the .New York .World- Telegrami7P-Olih of 035.. and 1936, a. . , vote •Nvideb: is 'taken among radio 'eaP.: tore' of, newspapers throughout the country. . Phil Oaken to be Hoard tiOni. coast :to ',Coast In New Series , Pliil ,Baker returns tothe air over.. Sixty: Columbia stations , from .....coast to cohati..SUnday, .cietober 3, ftt'l.:33,n.gi., g;07,',. This he*,,,Seties "marks. the third, consecutive °year that the accef- • 'Aeon squeezing cothediati. ,has, lieen /,,ICNefighton. will agaiii take.'.the,rote, .pi...Bottle, •Beetle remaili as. haunting voice. His -identity , ,to remain' e Closely ,Veiled, secret. • %Silver :: Theatre. Inaugurates New . , - • Dramatic Series • Leading': stars' . of, screen and 'stage • will' be heard' On. the Silver. 'Theatre; . •„.. , . , . . •• a,halthout. weekly show. starting Sun-.• • day; ;,0eidbet "3,. p.m,• A new departure in the 'method et„seleetiiig ..pletekal for these broadeaSts',.will set a precedent inTadio •drama. .; !the :Mt - vet.' Theatre will make ,use. primarily of novels, ,magazine stories .and .orig- . inal_mantisertiats. This *ill, give radio. '11St'ener'S, an opportunity : :hearing. favorite in ,..'nrametic • • , form.. Other details ; cOncerning the new Silver i: Theatre series. .be: an- neunced.';•. as kiwi as • artangenients. have 'beeri:Inade; • • • • . . • Repeat Series of Muskoka Broad.- . . cast: ; • Yetkare_huccessfui. Thelineetutgs.:are • 77'7. repeat s 0'771/f'. Vueattnuland, thetAiliVihr-A•eneri,c•an,. Tours,":,. sflonSeren by , ,Mtisitoltaz. :„Federation ,otyilhaicians; • end, this as:•'' Tonrist. beVehinnient ;*..1/1".• iodation , put the ,. clenips be '..hearli.,over .ckftBi..2.99 to 2.15' p.m... on 'the 'redie • statiens so as to...force: Tuesdays and•Thursdays starting Aug...., •thent. to •do •away • with °. tranSerilii.,;:d, ° 10th., The :program' *01 feature.,,,Harry, and 10 SuPplant MusiCal rfieords. Lord: ..the. travelling eotinnen tater, ,live talent; orchestra.. it is.. re - and • thoidehtat, organ 'Will • be . ported that the sradie statiOne,.- bate snpplied by Vincent EoY0,, known::to.: .been•given till ,,itignkt 1.4t1r.te prepare radio listeners as ' .Fingers". • ' for:. the ,Change"... and; if, .they hot Wheat Taylor, Canadian baritone; will •,agree,..at' that :time • then the', Fedora ,..appear •as guest on : several programs. ...aCit'prograni will bring to.:,ttiei0Cro-•„ thene,' one of the.. prominent' 'Of. •' the, ninth ' Interesting' Morning', Program- . A rather utivel. and intereeihig.,tnetli; Mrs. Warren Delano • Robbins, yiidaw of.. the late 'V.& Depart--;' 'nient, of. 'State veteran, who has been appointed to supetlise. the . decorations of lifellititetit'Stater7 embassies and legationa through• , 1 , out the world,• 'verses are: the 'conclusion,: IC :des.; appeared as , Weare. led driptnin• of the rites by which Aaron today• also by.. GO, • not, by such a. .''hnd • his sons - were set, .hPhrt: and visible things :.as. a elond,•.bilt .by ;the ' sanctified for their priestly office, ' Holy •SPirit "And dwelt among the chil- q: 14). • • The Book Shelf ....'' ''. H4.•++4.-.4:•.4:0-e4.--:4-014-,•,.-if-•- ...-e, ' .. ..-Ily • '.ISLIZABETil .EEDY '. :. . -mtlgpEit •",AT GOVEitN*ENT' Ouse 'Hhy ,Elatieth ".1ItiXteY; .' :.(MetliVer.',4..Co.,: Vit... Toronto,: . ,.:Reginald. Saunderi),:. •• • 1 , : ' . •"The, music' . goes' rotind and around, flint it ,Won't come 'Otit,?, says' • Suparbitendent„ VaChell,• of , . the *Chania Police, When he .finds'.. • umbel in Charge of an hiVesti-,.. • dation Which "Ceeins to -.lead:. nO:. • .. Where:- 4 zoos lior,rioihg' atil;r4eki . • • ha's been corrithittedSir 'MalcOlin .. • , McLeod, .: GeYetner!.of '„Ohatila, one •Of. the 'hirger l3ritish colonies :it,n ' :Africa, MC been .strangled. at his. : , desk in Go:Vernitient :1-Iouhei by. an ' ,.• iinkrnivKn•, assiassini ., on. ,the eve' of " a cOnfeience with a collehgue,, the GOVernbr .0f ., Tcitseiand. • Clues : Phint in 'a mass` of Seandal and riti-- , , trigue begins to be .....uncovered, , :r1 ' More than One of the, ptfielakiee..:: ' • retaries . had. Motive ';;Iithil.],oliPor- . Wray' btit which man 'carried out ° •. his threatS.against the GOvernoes '. life? , . . .... ..:. old s.,113, gitinti 'Old htan Of the Wabenda: Tribe, iii‘." -the, •nearby , bush, 1 •Ptopendi a Tiddlef "What is ik!!" ' he :. aska, "that seialloWs , at! ' noontime, he iltrito is swallOweti by night" He w o a WeliS ' and. krows St, little." . .. 0,1, ',' .8pu.'2„." knows , the "answer,. but teepA, his knoWictige ' to himself; while. Chahlo seetheS 1, With rumors and .the police eke at •, • their ,vvit's end. "Murder' at Governmentitolise!'" . . a cracking goOd pink whicli keeps you on your ' toes till, the., left line. The elernent Of mystery 'and' suspense is -very 'well -handled,. :Whell the ;final solution ebines,", • you vvotider` why yott dkihtgt1ef.1 it .lieforeo because the. murderer has been getting in his winie-right underk yotir eyes; s • '•• ••• tut;;;etionglii 'We irmstn't spoil : it for you. • Miss' truxi,ey; this, her, first, AM -length noVel, showS a first-. =hand ,knoWledge'' of ' the `colonial'' background ; together with initialer. setting,: • she has ,chOsen, of a town . in the; heart o new. in- the line of a. crime story.. , , visiting 'woman •anthioptilog-; ' ist from: .the :London.' Scheel ,Of • Econonitos, adds' h dash of litirnor' „ to the situatiop, and the antiee't* :offickildont, draw Many a Chuckle.' .„ erijor?the.chaSe, by plane over,/ the. mountain valleys • of Central ,Africa, "dotted With the; . dark purple cones. Of Old volcanoes . and. rolling- pastures, whiclir.:Were in :reality, dense forests Of bam- boo." '. ' • ' • •- When the flight, ends, . whit do' you find? ,Perhaps the sedititroS; native .seeret, society was , behind , the dark deed of crinie , Read "Mhtder GoVernment • liOuse", and see,. Into the 'bargain• , you'll, be. entertained.' • t4 1111.0hrcirri P04011, • Ctm DeVEtcitoe PARIS.—Dr. Leon :I3inet0, 'Professor, of „Physiology has Renounced tile. de- Volopment •:Of it eitra••• for Mushroom poisoning. Oman 'Finds Radinnt Deposit' in ..California % • - Mrs. Jose Bishop, Of San Joatcuin:Vallcy, and her --attorney, Ray Bailey, inspect a sample from •the rich radium .depos10. that. Mrs:. . Bishop, located in Red. Rock Canyon, in the 'valley.' Bailcy.filed claim '—:-...for-Mrsi-BiShap-and-Tetated that4leposit4stayS :$7,000 in radiuin and ,$360 in Silver to the .tbn. Mrs. BiShcip Plans to endow, a Inhne for ' destittite prospectors. ' • The I:Tett-11MA. 0bitshits o gitidiSgiti lfllOCtl(thiW'hielt.,restere 'thehernial', gineos,e content be the httiod c1st1o3red • , by the musitrtioni•teichn ' • *. .Dealli int.ty' bp piovontd lie said'''. ,•bsk- an injection, be 40 grania. .of glu- : toSO Per litre 0'r:distilled, Water.' -.1i1S-tattentioti••Wes called to the • tread -went when he noticed that In nittalirtiehr phiSeiting tIle gin.eoo 'eon. tent Of, tbo Ifiptid,"norinally One 'item, • per': litre, cireriPed tO thH•e4entha grain 12. lionta; RUC; ,,tliti,,,,,,;netabnitig. Thetie. exnalinoote : evee neHod be Yeara Which • have the atilne bieett '.•gi't1eS4 COiltd.nt as hutnan 4 ,B4bir Wth 146.11"Kich?appers" He can't beat Bing at golf, either, 'tilt Itne.7f,Ifer '.,e0f,r'-nn:T.th;e7gbir:POV 'whiell its :directly .behInd, the. home's ,of both,' aetpra.0,4' 'Although the ..new & P,aliberm hOur, ,which"Vq.. l‘pjni,. op: 10.. the tip of the popularity : Poll like, a whippet ,ph,Cked -star' hainea. end •tai, -ents; :Nelson 'clor. is to, be. added to . the ..'Pritgrain''' startini • .setne 'month. All, Of which wilt ,be gratify- ingnewS to the .,lenion of Eddy fan Who never Seern:to get enough o popular singer!S golden voice. . Edgar pergen, Who ta...the brilliant •"`thoutlipieeeri • for Charlie, MCCal-thie, . has ' printed special • stationery for Charlie '44d: all hiw.fatore. fan letters are to be answered on it, (We have the •inside 'dope that. 'Charlie Writes pat like he talks.). ' ' Kenny .13aker, sweet yelped:0min' on the 'jell° Hour, recerVed $19•,00, a Week and 'a . guarantee Of six breakfasts a . week for his wife and 'himself on his first. professional rhdio broadcasting engagement. ' The Big fight , We' reatti'ihat ; the big- Faritiewitr'' fight to take 'place .thii month `, is 'fo:s be dericribed. to the..radiO listeners by :tone other than ' •Wlady,,slae...."Ochry- MoWicz. '1 guess great many .91, the listeners are hot., aequainted this, name but',*hen *e. tell Yee. that :his American name is ;Ira: Walsh that sliould clear.„ things . hp, Clem, McCar- thy, who alse.,•' describe :the big 'fight, witj'AlSo take the eit Orv.Thurs- day night- at., , to: :Interview 'j.ee • Lewis .fit training ca ••••. ;7, ...ti41/14011*Pit'elttlYeifeY • • ,.. will'be on hand to 'heckle Raker. Harry „ Who ...had the icran,•••••beek.. A 'great -number" of ..peopie have been "W.11 ete'S ' Tony?": and so 1 thimithi t would telt. you. Tony has •been',fateh- • ing„nn. hisi,*,hobbY. ,Sminds;queer - 'noesn't. true: TonY•alWaye • •had a great ambitionto make. good violins and..$0::Whenhis.-contract • was .up: last year: he". Woigd• not renew it hilt' went , home to, the 'faintly .hOme: stead..'wey out in 1:0116she • Wisetnistn,'.. Min. has bean there ever since Making One of. .vi..hieh by the: may he.' •has. ustrnedS.:?„500 7ony. .and his se-mid:kindly 'philosophy will he nett on,..the 'elf...again this. fall and I for'. on will vbe • YeiY 'slid: to:bear. pis •••siniple;:kindly pdenis .'flo.1 of .good. advi-e to Mankind; , ". • ' ,.Want [Aire :Talent, .larCiestra . the t;atlie ,sialiOns,saroun4 . town ,ar.e. beginning to werider what will :happen itta.'serteS ,:•Of •priva.te :Meetings. DOW in pr.ogreSS • in New FaSeinatIOn Never Dies — .•No Limit t Exp f Tacicle T 9. J. Taylor, POPOV Minister dt Game and Fisheries for Ontario. made the. statement that more, tourists •In- vaded 9,ntorsio• in 'the g°.'Pd 1•1°{4g '4e4. sone Of 19!?Al:M9 than: to any 911-4ppi• ' Mile ',period atiiCe the hirth. ef tha .Plenne euldtunlets. trorn the nature . ••,•: of the state1aaqtt, it is obvious that ' .* the Deptity,.,Mtnister does. noVinep•Ofie • - - '------'— lion's :Share of publicity Mid 4dIr for...the,' great influx •acNoss,,the ,411•, Mr; Taylor ° is right;'' fife, has committ np. ,here.saY • Mr.•akter WAS' •'• of ft LegiSlatork,ia .1931. end he --ro- to take the appointeiehe'lli a cl,and ,FiSheries: Dee ham:MI.1 ,* tc,-)i;Ch• t nor have . happened bef.dre :id cal life,: but 'pet ;So happy as !iarthe.'• cede of J. Tayler, who pioven_ • " his worth. and capacity in every Way as an Of0cial with .Very heayi• respon, sibilities. 1 -le has a Sound ,•outlooic conserva4„ton of .gaine and, .fish. and ° he has spohsoredone .cif the :best aut- umn ' shoots: in. the' country, that on, Pelee: 'Island, 'when.' tlie farmers gain , by the: great linvasiOn all other . buSipess, there ehotite• &JAB too.7.,• ptit to get bier to .the late ing. ..It is. no respeeter, of 'Persona.' The. rich arid the' Poet'. alike: are hit t. hard. We have..seen•,the fernier: with enough ' fancy expensii.etackle and eqUipment, hightpOwered boat with guide to catch ,alt the fish In lakelfl no tirne. But the catch in it 'all. is that they don't.. They monkey . •,. ili'st• with One Ante, then. another. ' 'PinallY. it often °COES, they take the Wortia the guide has brought With Ilia, de. an .,hour:s stilt , and •.- ' •Make e good catch .of black taws. And ate they liaPPY and proud. Expense.. mks ii6'ice all. itis the.eateh Which count, for , 'which, :many have burned..., , , , • utfi:'.:npllate, in gas and ,,,hafke 1:ravened: far.'.'When it ...IS: a. good catch,; the, ,hOme,,tely* newspaper get a a' Vetere,' •-Q,uinti, May be the :Passing, tage;: •;• ..Vegae,fiii,:ineny• tourists.; the -lure of ' • tishing will never die out in the hp, , . . . . man breast. • ' And talking about fiShing, hire's,' an ,' article by a:scientific expert -recently • . ''..'aubniitted. 'that • ail the' highcolers.. on- • apitiners, .°111.ea, etc., were' of no ac- count , at allto the fish which. 'wheii looking at the 'bait, had no' sense Of , color at all. jest of 'Iricipoir.% The' •,'orect!lypinneis and ipbans were just inane, to :attract the 'sucker on land. • We can neither: prove flor. dizsPtoVe, this seiehtific CriticlesiOn. den; .N:1,11call a. strike .of. it MUSIcians., . • , • Whichjuit about :close' Up.' •every4 . , . thing :as.. far as Music is .concerued;. ,Which includes hotels, nlght oulvs and dance 'halls: And ..if• the rule • pasSeS what -fl, e paye .on'thealr you -Mar' od of_bucir!dt'agting4itimpitiigexereiseL •ask Well III.tell yoti, we' will ,lihve. preSented.en a nation-wide network Talk! ' Talk! and .more TAM: .:er.biele This waliettp Program.; • 'features, • .songs .and gagS intertningled•witli the ,ezeicises: .Dobaie and 'Wee:Willie are , th'. Only characters. The ,progrant is heard each morning ()Ver. CIt0..C., CICCR, C,FC0, .C1INC, .TLS, and many Western sta- It has just came but that: al certain congressman• in. the good old is ti1hg to piss a hill v mci 'Make 'ail • the „radio entertainers Use, 'their, Tight •nainee,.: Now can 'Yett. . agine the ..ernliarraggnient, of the.tioor , i•adio annotince intiodticiiig:such celebrities' penny ,Kiibloskl, Wilitam Dtitikenfield', Or'.111,arie Gabriel Oe'rinathe • 113eizentere Relanger'i Wlilci at .• the: ,real names of Eddie Cantor; Jack. Hen', F,,Fi?ids;, Glen '01arY,Min. Gogo flub known, as •.'"Blue" hi the- N'hodeVille team of 'Mack and,:.•Illue."",•111a.: first. , Picturework-Was imitating"a negro ' 'drinking soup.. in Untveigal",s 'lleaven 1. on "{:arth,,.'atarring. i.f.eW • AYOrs, who 'second •best hal ever Slade, barna, was also chainnion "rifle Chet of the 0Allicd at niles 111 Prance". Liniing the ,,World Wat' beating 1-400' ;of'the rack shots Of all .allted bonipetition Which lasted more • than a year, lie's•really'gorsomething to toot about. , • • ' •, Radio's First Croaker. • 'Andy' Devine; gravel,throated come- ' .dian, hasreeelved mere fan niatl dur- , Ing his fa 111,0111 g an radio. With .„Jabk,, 136niis- lima al t'en the itiev fog. Ilfs. voice has been' 'raspy:. and lingitsesippe he was a :small child ami 'tried to swallow a rtiler witil• Vigg.ed 1 . brass pdge. Andy's, Vocal.' Strain lies made Mtn ft orttine.. 114 Calls Mtn- , F.101f. „ the .raditt's • ark tr6,ttuot... ton shotiid liaVe' heard `'hith,:sfag. a. duet • •with flfi10 Gtcby flt a'!".rceeht,`.behetit• ,Dita1dHerst, 31Menthe old„evidently enjoys rdaying John and • • Lydia ,•Regan in C.hicago prosecutor's Office,, where thet seitendered his after "kidnapping;" but elairned that he is' their • . it, over folks, it really is.fierioqs.• • Bilig CresbY; wh left this lift, short tinie ago to 'open hie new dollar race track' ,1361 Mar,:' at Spa: Diego, 6'111(31.11i a, will be beck:be the . , back, op again this This, trick; which IS rated_ hsOne ofthe best on the ,don .111160. .openett.'bit • hiy•- 3rd, • and all Hollywood attended to see Ifingts, lnirse•take the ,opening race; era ;are e.1r.:4ressed.:hi:'th'e'tirmia'i1ing Spanish. 'costumes and Hing in his usual Work clothes, satior,Cae arid big Pine, "Del Mar" has.'eight races•dailY and there is no betting limit. $130,000. • . , Went through the .windoWs: the...open. fag Atty.: • 'Neighbor's Iieh3 • • . .1 Beetle Attacks School House Aniect Really V'Oratiotis r---• Mena ". Hai 200 Iteuts -1,74rwent4,-ofte ,';ecl.gALO.go the Jaberipie :vbeetle inade•.:its.,first -a.pOearanCe.in • New jerset ItlOstno,time in:ilia:king, • itself. a nuisance and a curse. 'In haft deSeni,Yeara. or SO it... covered terrk tory ',or, 2;590.- Square„ some tithe itrYJUne, it ha.Steenraiding. ,NeW.:".lerSey, It has iiiVaded .West- .cliester :and Long:7 'Island. .:,Penhayl•r yenta suffered t•frOin, ita••depredations years, ago. It looks like the ..pitatOtt... is gaudy • and green. • ;wing4CoVerS..; '• &me,. in :copper -brown.-, ).any , . 1 Other pets is ;id ioathlome. to :":.the - dweller in ;the , ' ' Its bill of fare contains : 20.0, or more • itenia..;: We .firnilyinhere that, it ,has , heen trying to eat • UP :h Jersey ' it is actuated ,not, by hunger but: by iiii,insatiable desire to .d6 malicious:* .mischief. It tesit your :resei, to tat- ters. •It• ,strips' the trees of•leaves. It 'twain§ the 'grass. ::Itloves •best your best -laved 'fruit .tree. A tirohibitien,• ist, it bates grapes. A new.ec,nomist, : itrefill eei ;lite corn' crop. . As befits a' savage, '0/rages especially 4gaitigt, 'shade. trees .and 'beautiful shrub.• ..dogroilad• ; the • heetle4.0--bo,••.' IS at • work On the roots; Spbiling, the , laWn: VActergreundl and 'overhead It • is a tireless destroyer. : Trees can he 'sprayed with arsenate ' ' of lead, but that makethe fruit dan, goi'ons. Starlings and even gulis, not at .preselW a, common. land. bird tire ; said to be •fhed of the 'Japanese beet- 1'6.7We' never had the look td Sec the SaPaiiese, flies; ,and ^ wasps that have. • hoot imported. front_ Japan .•to,niake 1111(1 OSiJ' • ! grant AS We :think of Weatchester • . and 'Long Jslaii1 and 'Jersey we have.: glimpse Of,,Weary and eicasperated, nien, patienOY. • • `. picking these • infamous- creattires off their ;prey .'do dropping' them into ' can of kerOsene, They', poison inek that, Some yagleal in- cantatidn cosi(' 'wipe out the whol& brooat. . , More than 100' neigh, • ., • nemberfor'',Victoria of .the •Ontario • •LegisIttture,''hhve gathered , et his • farm .and .erected*,a .new barn to ie place the one-distroy,ed. bY, fire three w 004 Ago. At thedine .Of the$5,000 fire, heiglitnits Premised: to"fio the. Worit so Mr NeWitaii• tOtild attend .7id his. d•airrIniStilesa and politica; ' a Heat Kills Birds • %. WEY•13I:IN, Sask. ScereSJOf blirelthi.rds •Were IcilleCby the heat on 1110ntitiy,,Jttly 5,,,Whe1i an official tem- .,porature Of 114 'Was registered. ,Sore Again Priell4—Ytittr tittsband ,fir •,Stilking ' What's° wrong thiS Unto' . Woinnii-Ob it, just"bteanse I 'used his s,illy old tenta raellUeb to strain, the potatbei, ' ‘`.• ••• " Tr Quality of Mercy • Dogs Seern.Strained ' Undeleinel 'Pontages, ' gelt4;itielatined foriner friend of ' ter MUsselitii Of Italy, 'received a Sus-. . .pended Sentonee of one ,S 011 priSon. ' at the ednehtsion of her., secret trial ft elmrges Of .simOt fug Count Cps:ribs Pineton de cheitibrith, wits held 1i (wet, 'Wel:fuse,' fudges feared the Vivid'brimeIte•ttiiht trilit too freelyof her allegod teve•:pt. tail% with 1:1 Ditee„ -