HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-08-19, Page 6'154
Lucky, Teter hurtling and tw!sting side over side and end oVerl'end•down'the'trick inhis•faruous spiral
crash, the' stunt that has thrilled the world Canadian National Exhibition crowds will be ,given
opportunity*to view Lucky when be attempts this stunt at the Exhibition, where' he will show with his
troupe of world' famous . Hell, Drivers.
„ •. •
We frequently, credit s long 'sober
fii.Ce 'with 'wisdom, 'when the cause is
Indigestion., ,
Big Boss (Invltedout toi.dinnet.P1"
one .ot his etiMIOYeesi,.-4 '4 don't
e •,haveT*00.Cli-a-dirider...an't is, young
.:•*"..,.. : ".• •
,Boiror] family 7••;• "Neither 'do we. I
ani. sure glad " You 'came:7.
WE'LL BRED? ' ..The. Missionary
• SOCietior :.th0.'LtidWiek Presbyterian,
.Church will held ',a:babe' sale
Dyrke's,...lieginning. at. s„, •thio.
• •
Prin...., the clieenhing,
' c.Fonn: •,• „: . .•• '
.17.- you?". •, , ; ' ' , "
lend 'hdt..1:•dicinl. have.
11",:luOk.,.'she- asked ime If 1 had any•
, : •
Man --"Whydldn'tyou tell
her alt
about your •rich uncle?" • : ,
' Friend' -did': Mari in my annt
• ,•
he;:salesman.may be.smarter than
'his prospect:' but he makes a mistake
:when., he calls his attention to that
ptranget, newsboy) "Are
there town?'
Newsboy -.7; "I don't know Are you
,-Ionenoniet" ' • • : .
• „, The. hay: wonders; are ,burned'out
lust ahont the Bine the dumb clucke
gethta,rtect:, • '
• .
, Customer -7; "You made' a mistake'
In that • prescription- I: gait), my niutk..
er-in-law. Instead, of quintile, you used
Druggist -4 "You don't. say! 'Then
you owe ,nie 20, cents more.?:
If you are not big, enough to , stand
dritichiml, youare too small to be safe-
''• t ,.„ '
Sninmer, Boarder. (reproachfully)
:'You told nie youhadn't any n,losqn.1-
, t..
-. • !Brain. Ongg1n•-7 '"I. didn't. . Themi"
you,.see,flyjn'''round here come from
'Martin's place, ,They,ain't,raine;•,, ••
feeling of, se.;
curtty when you haven't . done ..any7
thing that anybody eould.telt.en . you.
,Professor ': 77•.. you
haven't kissed me',fer. three whets:
.:.I.i.ofesaor•.(libiently) ,.‘.:Yott don't
'saki • Whom"haye 'I been .kineing?" '
, . ‘• .
Daphne - 'Jack says he Weald not
, 'marry' the .nicest and 'Mont, beautiful:
.Weinao - "lie:saki 1 ought to go to
the beach and --then to tb0.0.0initainiL
•Also"that .T. mustgetnew light
gowns at once." '
:girl in the world." • ' .
1., Doris !Whata cheer As if 'I'd
.have him!" :
Another 'thing this country „needs
. are .Deepie..110,woo'f. get hot 'under
Tthe .collar without first *irking UP a
"I ves
more wheat ,
,beeause I treat my seed with
New lar roifed CERESAN"
Want to reduce root rola Cind other
diseasea-gel bigger wheat ilelcla
4-betier prCifits? Then treat seed
With New Improved 'CERESA.N.
0:‘,1,1717.1.5 dust..." says a recent Divil
slots of Ratan re or 'settee "
contras the smute.'of octis, coyerfid
'Mut of barley,aad bunt of wheat.
It aka, Improves seed germina;::
• tion." Mrs* to, apply. Costa', less*
t than 6C an acre. Write today for
---",free-Wheat-Pamphleti - - -
t •• Tortilla DivIsion
111 Wiston Raid, South II/Soot 1oro/00.04s
. *smart Man .Can leartiMany.things •
but he cannever:. hope to • know the:.
difference' between :'
woman can get. done on her hair In -
beauty shop. '• •• '
. Doctor .would adViseyou, mad-
am, tie take .frequent baths, get plen-
ty Of fresh, air and-, dretinlii cool
clothes.'..' • .
Husband (an licur later) — ,**What:
did the doctor .sai.?' 4., • , *'
, .
,Everyone In business• must expect.
to handle ecime transactions at a Ioss
• Girl "Give Me a' week to think
. over your preposal:"
Young Man -4 "Bare. If ,I'm not mar-
ried then. let. you knOW."
'With ,some 'men emergency is only!
another name kik Opportunity..
Friend' "What Would you do .if
.you were In iny
• TM an' -- I'd shine thein."
. . , .
Isli Tra.de,Refitrna,. .
Pratte, Disappointing
'The . -Free .State'sirade returns for
the first ' half , of:, this " year ' a'ref' die:; .
appointing Expcirts. have risen , by
••565,000; but iinPorts liave, bx .£,,.:.'
458;000: The net .reit'ilt l'is , Wet tb?'
ad -verse balance, for the half -Year is,
' E11,000;000; ; , " proximately - .X2,:',. •
o....,,„...dr,• an it„was: in 41e: firot
half r 'of' list :- ear,'" g9 far, as "Mir ex-
ternal,t,rade .is Concerned; we sent out --
£2 for eVeri1' that 'carne•• biick to
--tlir--k','gj7a' 11ref74 0 countries With
which , we, have busineSs teveale. a
Very unsatisfactory ,cOnditicilif, ..Ex,
, eluding Great Britain , and Northern
Irelandwhich takes 90, per cent 'et
our exports -all '`other, 'Countries still
give us , only end) pound's Worth �f
orders .for every ten pounds .*e ,send
them. ,The •returns .set out 43 ,Such.
countries; And, with, one minor.`ekeen-•
tion, .the balance: of trade is, in every
:ease unfavourable to the'FrCe. State •
.Trieh [Independent. ' ' ! 1" ;
TORTURE: In A Minati
• Tor quiet, relief troM the Itching Of Cezems,,blotelion
vonoles, atidete'd,font,,schies, Mabee 'end 'nth& 'akin
eruPliereli apply: Dr. Dennis' pure, cooling, int
116, liquid D. O. IX PRESCRIPTION. Its ;entle c0,
,sootbe the luitited'eltin. Clear, creoetleil/ and deb'
loo-,-dtiee fa,t. Stops the •tteut Intense Itehirdt 14.
a,350 ttial bottle,"et dens etOrm;_froi,es .
�money bid, kaki D. D. CI. PRESCRIPTION. 2111 ,
ay Driers
• When digiUmming :recent" develop-
ments In mechanized: fanning, earlier •
In the -:yehr, ' we referred to .the rapid •
progress that grasti 'drying was mak-
Ing • ..this Country, • and .0.0nted out
-Thatthe -future Of the ...process "was.
..• .
bound up with sotne'.economie rather •
Ihantechnkat Considerationa:•Seme of
the earlier small driern'had declded-
lo*.eflicienCY:. an •evaporative
ure of cwt.' 'to 5%,..civt. or
water per cwt: of coke being..,ob-
tained,' in; comparison with. about .8
cwt.: achieVed. With large driergof theInore recent types. •
•• ;••;; .• •
; at present in .open ,creation,lut there
is no doubt that se, farAtii,this country'•
concerned, the demand WitIT.he for *
comparatively: small: 'unit's for same,:
-time' to •conte. . , • :
, The •large drief caironly be employ.
economically 'Under:a, ,co -Operative
or ',factory sYstem...Of working, .and •
.i*tie such systemo.hare found favor
'abroad; 'there 'in no imniediate2Proh-
. abilityof theirbeing: introduced WO.
British firmin.g,''':atut.:" • tibi: essential '
quton for our mannfactnrersin to
linlocive:•"`the•-efiltiency. of units hav-
ing a! capACIW" Say. of. a q... cit. 1O
.cwt, PerhOnr, "Driers of thin Capacity ,
'aret,suilidientlr largette •meetTall-the
requirements 'ot the. tYpical. home
. • •
The. drier 'Is arranged • to 'xItY the '
grass • two •successive stages. The :
*et ;:::grass is, Hist placed on a tray,:
ho!iike tho,hottom _fanned': Of a•:per-
forated Plate; through:which.hot gales.
freny furnace.are. .pashed, and*Ittin-•
ieharged' 191- atmosphere above... the
grass. After the gratm ;has: been Par.':
tally rsdried ;on'. this ;trey, At!
Is trans-
ferrcd by hand to:.;a ..seCand.•: tray to
'doinplete. the ;drying Prdbeee; The sec-
ond trai. Is -shifter to. the Higt.'
• • •• • •
. • •
StiOicliont 'tteSt., :EIL.erenna
per Diet, PhYacal 44.111;
4140911: .44 IMPOrtiVIt'
. •
HealthIs the felledatlen. of tree '
beatify. -4141 the: elder Weinan who is.
IlkeIy'te, leada more sedentary ;life
tban -Whe,;.4...••Sho .Was younger, gliee1a.
remind herself, constantly of this fact..
,It Is a niistalte:fledeed, to fry to get .
'41eng on less sleep • than :you;
:need simplY..•hecamee you ±v;ere
tOld'thnt,•*he older OR Adult Peet:rocs
Us'illoulti steep:
hoUrg'per'ilight," certa1ifly:494:less, theit'r,
..,Sei%ert. 4 44tdcilqiitO. reet;:.inere -than' .ani"
ether 'Ong thin. wards. oft .fine flne
•• and .Wiiiilties,i,,abont eYee•rind•-•niouth;,;.
•arid'. p,r„e3erve8 :the Yekitlifef 110arlt in •
eyes, says AlleikHort,,ilbeatity:*.e ort
In. on.„ art1ce. on "Don't Look Youi
• ' ‘' •
ice:sellable amount. of BX0V6iSe
.P.n4 a sensible diet are luip.ortant,`,•too.
You cannot expect Yobil figure to Otey
young arid skin, clearif, you never
. :walk. More than. three •",blocks ,a day
,ohit refuse to join a gym class or do
exercises at nom* Authorities , agree
•jand cane histories prove'. that a woin..••
Who exercises every ,morning Of
hor life takes. a:, Icing, 'brisk' Walk Or
-plays hard at lterlaVbriteePort twice
a• week !need not • worry about looking .
Old when she Is forty. ••
Jr, you are going to be 'sensible and
.every year fter'• you are thirtY4•dO
discuss your diet with the doctor wil0
,exatninee: you,, As the years go on;
It may be best for you to • eliminate
Certain -foods that •agreed with you
When Lyon were younger but Which • de
not any more:, Or . to add others' that
you have wielded intentionally. • :-
If 'possible .take a: nap every day.
.111113 idea is, quite but of ,the••qiiegeoti
.,for many ' women, of :course,. but, If
you possibly can sleep a few minute
• _after lunch, or In the middle of th
:afternoon, by all Means do it. •:Many
business 'women:: manage a 20 -minute
nap as;licionas theyjey• hoinely
the �ffle. Een a buy mother and
;40*.eiinakeigenerally: tan,. find time
,rest,:•fOr,.'a. Short' period, while:Alio
'Children are napping or Just befab
' they get heinefroin•school.•Try it for
•ti• month and seeIf your akin • isWi
;Smoother, ,eyes "Mere', 'Sparkling and
disposition iiiflnitelY sunnier.'
.' • .
• .
ll'elter MiIk fo., Britain -.
LONDON.-7,The` government.ii mov-
ing for More and ,better milk, A Per -
nutrient 'milk commission is .to be es-
tablished, the primary duties of which
will be cancerned4„.ivith •Improvement
and &Merit:-
.and;'''arbitration' 'between' the
Milk marketing boards and: milk bny;:'
Gerinan and ',Chilean, Sti4Ice,ra
Listed : For EconamiCe.:Imstihite
.'Me.eflOR at Lake Couchiching
„ . .
These.. attending the Sixth annual
,•Edoneni"les and PA:littlest:. at 'Lake
_C chic**, Aug. -7 -to -20,- are -
. ,
an opportunity of hearing, a recognized
peace authority, , Dr: Hap's, ' Sinions,
meiriber of the. gradUatefaculty', of
the •neW Sehciolqor StciaI Research„
New • York. He, was general secretary
of, the League of *Nations •Unitin from •
,1919-' to 1932 Tio ,11/10. ;deliver •three
, addresses on ."The Present .; Obtlook
In tnrope",
' •Dr. Simons 'serted:in'the Reich and
Prussian Ministry` of -the interior in
. • .
1922;.23• •and A928-30: •He was director .•
bf "the, Deutsehe -Hochschule-for, Pol
itik, in Berlin, and, lecturer there from
1924' to 1930. Adviser to lhe geiVerii-,,
ment !torintittde for Retch'. reform,••
1928 20) be 18 alaci•the.author of -'-many
,articles •on subjects of international
; ••• '
• carioo, 'former • :Chilean am-
bassader to the United'. States, : Will
on e '; a; mer an .Point of
1Vie.W." • NoW director of the Editors'
• .Pres Service,. New :York. he Was in
.1932.far 160 days 'provisional president
of the Flepublie of Chile.
Canada 'Thistle:,
.NOt. Canadian
- Is;
; The Canada thistle, which is OVer-
running ti.trarge part' of the North
Amqican Continent is not Canadian.
at all, a 'fact of which farinhts in the
United' States are unaware when they
heap- Maledietons On its inroads into
their fields. The Canada, thistle was
introduced from Europe. Someof
thd plants' hear Male' "floWere only,
Whielt fariii: no seeds; Otter Planta are
feniale and all teed, The Hewers of
tha, Canada thistle vary .in cOior, and
range trent pale Piirple through
fcrcnt .shades of pink to 'White;
, A pripe .insurance plan, to -which
State assistance will be give; will
safeguard the industry • against any
serious ray in the Price of butter and
cheese: Geyeinnient. 'contributions
will be 'given to foster the production'
(of quai y milk..
The milk Marketing beard's Will be
relieved from all. £150,000 ($746,715)
of a contingent: liability to repay cer-
tain exchequer advances made to sup-
plement the price of 'Wilk 'used, " hi
Manufacture. This liability by • Sept. •
30, 1940;, has been ,estimated at 13, -
• The government is . to :make', pro-
..posaln ,to enable the mUnteipal auth-
orities; to secure Cheaper milk so to
permit „ MuniCipalities, to extend
schemes for granting free, Or ,clieap
tronkitlo expectant or nursing mothers
and wider school age.
Si 'If d
_tea* , tg
Streamlined pigs *pi soon be the
ideal ef the agricultural 'show judge,.
according tii*"Canada's Weekly," pub-
lished in London. ;
"The reason why the roly-poly,
lardy, porkers are On their way out
is because housewives, are using less.,
And less.' lard each ,Yearas cherniets!
perfect the processes Of .niaking;
, voge-
tablo cooking -�ils. Consequently,
. there is less and less market for. the •
fatty -type pig. Perhaps we shall
enjoy ' ourbreakfast bacoii all the
more, if therc is little more lean;
•:*."The prediction is 'inade that in 20
years from now very _few pigs will
be'given.,'ait ear of 'corn to nithich
:.vbraciouSly.,,i :The farmer will hall,
Ids crop of „corn' to a .themical: pre; •
teasing; plant, where'cthe •fattening
starch Willanom-Tor Mating..
syrups • and ;alcohol for motoi:.,inel:'
The residue of •gluten and, oil' press
will then go back to the hog pen. .
• ",A •••lead,ing scientist ,says that
,--ttutOmobile,i-notora will be developed
to utilize solid fuel made frail', starch
in corn, and other crops. Meanwhile
the production Of lard , in Canada ,i8
'Mining around.' 50,09,9:,000 !be tt• Year
et a factory value between 54;500,000
and S5,000,006,"
• ;Enlargement "On •Every .256 Order,
. non maps DeveIoSed anek.,Plinted,
.RerirIn to, ,2fic *
' Mail tb PI-10TO-CRAFT
.183 king St, '
TC)1'611t0 '2.
•Issue No. 34-1237
1. ,
I11ORT,RA IT Atl,ENrci: :W1•1,T4/ PDX DA.Ta-
auipy .141
.I.Ugue• and. , Pripet, -Dig e1.MO8
prpi:.kfmitlor. llni!ed Art; TPrunitu • /„
' DAftBaO0K 0,A 51E'-rifibl •
j•FI•••4' ArrEirt .sErrpmnpyr •,• Finer,
• , large, bordit yoUng.. rtingneeks; all "breede.
fancy pheasants, Wild pucks, ,Ceese;
Tiirke•in, nundroa forignet's 'breeder% non.
related, IMPo elect stock Write for Price, net.
210 Jarvis Street, Plepartment• C), Toronto:-
^' 0145113 AND -•.P43.44.t8. •
617,A Kilph/ENT PREF; VVITH ' 'uvklttY"
• Brinhtling• sirgef 'Fast, zriirratp:
4",t 43' !VOW. 11"14110 haqk. ame 443!„4:
BeetbyroTt, UM, sLaulliften • Ave., 711rOato; '0, ; ••
. ,
". !kw wit`i •frne:ivilarrreirient;.250 Reprints...3e
icomr,err•ispoPhOtbf. Sep -ice, pepti.
••Ontr9mOOt,'ciler •' t...” • ": •
wor ear- .1c1
Knolus ALohi,bet
Learns •Ten
Months Than Most
GrOwn,tipi Use
FULTON. N.Y„--Fulton's childprod;•
Eudora Louise Graves,.;;seYa Ithe
alphabet, counts up to JOG, has 00*
eabolary., of 2,500' words and iectes
nursery ,rhyMea, although she is only;
two years, old:
Her ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
S. GraVeS5; already are planning a fon
mai" homeeeducation for her.. , '';
. A pretty blonde baby with blue elyeer •
and rosy • .elieeks,. Eudora ili.lniost
refilieeteionite thenormal• l.e *Om-
an. She ,plays!,with; •pound
the..piari9,!•ikeye • Whentiverthe oppor-
tunity .preigetits7Itself,, thd aPPears'te
enjoy reaming about the house.
Her Words,:are 'understandable, but
ot clearly' P!kiii,911rieed.•;
, ,
ithout faltering once, she can
rne t1023,figures,sh0wn on her play
'Wicks., The listwincludeS•bleyele, fox
wolf trtickileagl4.tractor'elePhant,!-
,!, sea ;'•'..,or,ee,r• ra r; terrpgc
non,' bee ;airplane,. dog; ,thick, Indian,:
boat,:. lien; Mange grid zeppelin.' She
- _ 4 •
can recite :the naineof every piece .Of
furniture In the living roonf, ,
In the , realm efi'mathernetica,she
can bcount up to 100, aod* also count
to the same fig•ures by teas.. She 're-'
cites ":-.1Ock and Jilii"...,!Little ,130 Peep,"
''.411n0Y.431ilni)tY,'? • and •„ can, sing
','Three Blind • ifiee" and ."TWo Little •
he started' talking When She waS
14 months old:
NOW oiittgria Peeved
if YOtI'enc1000"tbie Advertisement, With
For:r• Iingin,Delivery7Psctqo: 4 '4,4: tec :or, QZ7t, 1.1'..r3VI oi Ig h t:'.d 0, to.: 't, .
ior,der.,or Pre. Peet et .eer.alievirreeirla\ if
r: ..
• . I.,..T.Ore'' A•UpT/ST "SAL'D 96'• ...VIla'PE,-.1'N:
• .. ' 1114.NrrUP.P • •, ••
. . , .
' YClY. ,%19 C99PI iei Y • cflt19l.I
di"1anitari1746te(1•TOrentoiArIrVe(,Ped !a,
market. ,'Speelal attention 41ven ' to, mall.
..•-,"..1!...re,7:71.e.:^:7"-•..^.•-:,•-• -
i:"^".... -.4•••• ,••••,-;t-.....
.. lx.pip,•:...11(okne.4‘ ell .4 'IF" Perfi.e.Ct ''.c9,441:''
.11 5C' Singer drop-bead;ewing ' Ma;411174.'
f ,
.p.:.015, .. ei.o..oerod:i.: laiiiit,er•,..3,55: !..,t,:0.0,. Guar:. , .... • . .7 .. , . , •
11.94 • China': Cabirietn," any finieli..
..,.67ap.'ci•j new ..1Uttteeasea. . AK pineit, .. -:',. ..; . i ...
32' 50." J Pc:': %hint' klehalf". 0,4030010d
. . • : - Suite' ip perfect condition': 'Revers,
Me lidarthalLcuelitoris., A . wonderful bargain..
1.4.59..:.o• Pc. breakfast .,qpiteg, 'ellAg161:,/p.-
. ish, tienrted; colo#s.„ • .„ ' • ^.....
.1!4tig:,!i9ti: p8e3tirfitePe:t.*c4'ijOerletrrlialburee:n. :17ePi)' .C°vercl. .
. • • •
4 Pc. Solid.. oak .dlping room suite,
.. .
. r, • lame' rontid table, and buffet,: with,
.ed . . • ' . • '
siii ,(hOrti, leather ,upholstered, coimiletely re-
..69.1j0.i: ''''
ino,.,0,ittiare , table with 13. penal: back, leather
Pc, 24one: walnut, dining 'euite,"
. - h .• large buffet, glasvdoor china cab-
. upholsitered. . ;hail* . This., •oulte: coot over
$200.00 0
, wlien ., new.: Lbolis : ,perfect; .i. real
snap, !, ' ,. :.: . . . , . , .
o . tk, pc: bedroom Suite, walnut lin-
-'. ' 1 . ish: :Large dresser, elliffoniar and .
jut] lane, • tied with,. taglees • epring. and new ,
heavy' lt.Ult edge,' alfecutton :mattrets. - Al ' ton-.
' dltion. :A map. '.', '• , , . - .. • '
67nn: ' .oderne • waliaut bedroom
1'7' • Litec' 11
t,., large.- 'd'reaser, • • clotonier,-
triple. Iniirrqr, vanity.; full. size 'bed, . sagless
.sprIng land...pew, ' excellent, duallti All felt roll
edge 'mattreen. a, real bargain.• in fine. furni..
Send money Order. for cbmplete.Price of goods.
Any Pha_rtered bank' our reference. , Money-
back guakantee.
, ,
•TR,ADE-IN, DEBT., 478 YONQE ST.; Toronto.
,.those 'contemplating marriage should read.
”Entering lelarriage,',' '24 pages, postpaid, Ilse,
"Sex and.' 1,04 pages, postpaid, 25e."
Our. 3.0 • page, illustrated catalogue Of. • books. '
drug. simplles, and botigehold ndv.elties, • free
_Upon request. Supreme •Specialty, 1,66 YOnge, ,
The Old contaiio, man knows litJle'
of New Ontario/ What! exasperates
New Ontario as much as anything is
the indifference of the Old, Ontario
man, observes the Sault Sfe, Marie
We cap friirgive tloyd, George for
his rapture over, the White River
,pansieS; butTotonto has no 'business_
ioLto know that the -take -Superior -
section grows the !finest on, earth,
learned Tor4nto professor told,
his audience abfilit New " Ontario's
moss, but he didn't know that they "
grew oats eight feet high on the
Transcontinental . . . . .;
,! 'It's a' disgrace that Ontario knows
'so little." of itself,"said an Old On-
tario editor last year as he looked_
at an 800 foot precipice in Agawa
; What a,''henefit to Olcl Ontario if •
the newspapers there would Under-
take a eariinaign JO get all Ontario
people to !spend' their holidays just •
this one...year in: bldw Ontario.
'took what they have to "Sea:.
Tile great Algoma wilderness,
cluding the Agawa Canyon.
, The gold belt, the silVer..belt, the
nickel belt; the forests primeval, the
paper mills, the great steel woks : at
1the ,gablt,, the railroad: trip for ball
a day on Lake -6ti,perior's Shore.
. And iast;bilt,notleast, the Tiirine•pr;
I the Men , who cheerfully. under-
taken the:thsk .of 'Making New On-
tario A great and, prOsperons' land. •
He's worth meeting,
School Janitor •Now •
Doctor of 1114O.S.ophy.
PITTSBURG, .IPa.--No more -mops
and br 'dome /or • Dr. Edward !'Lee ;
, .• '
,The'' scholarly Negro,. 'Who..., has
leen a janitor at the toiVersitY ;of
1.4e '11
feasiar's job "at Wilberforce :UniVer-
sity, in ,Ohio; he said.
' Dr. Harris was dusting a elass-,.
•rdoin when he receilied word of the
appointment as hGad Of Wilberforce
chemistry department. • .
For 'St* years he has ,been Strug-
gling along -setting only .four • Or
•,heur:f sleep:. daily -to complete the
requirements for the: highest ! ace,-
dernie,' dhgree awarded, thictel. of '
Philosophy.• "the ,,Same time he's:
carryingi,on a , job as • jani-
tor, and &importing' a' Wife-L-alse A
Pitt .,:gradUate-4and, two childrtm
Lest June lioireceived his dOcto"S
'degree' in. eheinistrY,
ye foie ,Eye But Not
Horse For A Morse
LONDON, Cint.-The 3Po1 ys
."An eye 'for an eye ..Atmi 'a tooth fa',
a tooth" but when .Tanatcit,'Steele
BI ,00d -tested breeders -Barred . Rocks I or
White ,Leghorns,' Grade A,,, 3 .weeks old 16e,
month old ,3. Weeks' .26c... :6 weeks
7. week's ..34c.• , 2.. month's old. '38c. Assorted •
°Breeds, 4 to 6 ,weeks 22n," 7 to 11 , week's 27c,, •
• Special ztatihi, 2c .per Pullet More. .Write for
- prices, on Older Piglets, Terins•7Shipped,
tny;9,vhert, .400 ek• lfyt..delivers guaran,
; FERGUS, . Ontario,. • • •
Highest • premium paid on • all ' •grades.
Bankreference,.,. k:ZamMit, 5 Kant Street.,
[Toronto, to, ' • '
. the fourth '..conCeSsion of West".'Nik
ToWnihip,„ tried to adjust :that
Old ;principle to include -horses, he
get 'himself into trouble- :
He tod ,Magistrate C. W. Hawk,
shaW's. county polite, Court .about the
Mosaic law; is. he stood); accused of
hor5e theft.
doesn't • say anything ''about :. a
horse :for a horse?". interjected CreWri",
Attorney. 'NorinanNewton.;
--Stciele-sad he tooklE4a horse • fro -fir
the barn of his neighbor, John • Daly,
.beCanac Daly had •failecl, to pay'. for
a" horse he bought from him • seven
..•sY4eaOwheard th
years .f.AfeterstoMiyar,ist;a..rteeildaewrkL.
eOnyictiOn of.',horse 'theft . but .allow -
.,ed Steele to go on suspended ..sent-
ence •when :fie 'paid .court Costa,...,
!ghelp teld the ,cobit. that Daiy..
bought a horse, "and, sold it Without
- paying for it, } "All he paid was 80
centeand e 1itt1 ,work;??, Steele said.
"It says in the. Bible 'aneye for
an eYei ,and a tooth for a, tooth.!.
'beat' Me out of a real horse, no j:
Went -and got one.' frOM-4141V—''''
World's End
'Some day Jill do will go away,
ri.,(11.1r1all the old, heart.broken, tired:
ece together all my broken
iI1erhaps ',laugh and/
" strange; nw Ways.
Some' day you Will .,awaken at: the
And then; 1deepite. liright' ;skies:" and
nesting birds, ,• . •
And it will be too. 111,4.atteI !..16Ydnle;
.words. -
1 c,ould Indt leave you all at eventide;
,Wheit Ili -m.4 _Stars -came silent _o'er
And let you think that Was With
you Still.
Of celirnY' dear, Seine' day A64
Bu.t:..yd'ioua'tintiihsit"rieVI wHaGp for'. et that
'• (14VI e- • '
For I'll litt'Ve gathered upmy breket-il'
And go Iatigning, Singing; on My
"ttOnes Hen Saves Life
mgxrc,o, MO.-,--1111FIA Nellie Hubert;
Credit§ ort, pet ,guinea hen with :saving
her 'life, , ;
While, WerltIn in her; gard'Pni 111183
Iltiliert'beard. the hen cackling Peen-
turifed 'and' foutida dead- •
ly copperhead snakd' oiled ot her
feet; ready to strike. ; • ,
..She Wiled the snake' with A' bee. .;
ntarito May. Take
'oUth Training.
Pour WeaLern'Prn,vincee With
• Dominion goveriuneneAkt•
' 'Make a Start "
Ontarfo It ie. report4 18 to take up
tilo. plan for' the training., of youth, . a;!
• -firtat whichhOe already been made
t.r the western. PreVinCee :ender e
scheme ty *filch the Pelelelee GeV,
'-erhinent.ineets hRif.r..q,1' Peet.
This devolopineathe rest
/prOPoeel mole In the House 0?
motis by two of the• younger meinhere„
ffalt.'„ Maitrii it! Liar -la "I..'ir`Was ',en.
, ,tdii°11:ne°(,1,(1:obv3rei'C'11;01)'.ChilIerl..INTIA44'iniOriRil°1:Enietl'I.pflloilY1I ,,
;,. ilient':CdinaiisSien CO' work tilll: ..,,,' , '„•,:
in tIkeHl.Out iVeSI,Al'il pl'OielliOCii` it is •',....
eoli';:tjill;t: a4I'es°9:. OYf.9,11.1$4:g.'a:1:1:Pde;°?•P017:Yeibel't".7:` •
, willbe .11elped,. , •
Geiicrallyspenklng, live bi'anches of
activity are being, opened "up to, up;
oap igni lry:evdt youths ,c Fe le is., ntic:itko eb.dO: vh, tsexeshbyvet
1, Reforestation,
'.2., Mining .iitict prospecting.
• S. Training .for farm life..
4„. Industrial leadership courseg„
5. :Specializedtraining in domestic -
service. ' . I
• The., reforestation , neheine.
. not top' closely, , Bps the..Flnanclal ;
:Post, thebroad pattern Of •the conser-
vation 'canipti,, operated Under' the •;.• •
• R,oeseVeltian New Dealt' The purpose • ,
of the scheme; In addition .to fitting.
'unemployed youths for wool in future
:reforestation opelhtions' to be,, carried .
out by goiiciniOntS ,and as forest
rangers, is, to recondition 'younger ;
•men Who.have, deteriorated •both from,
the atandpoiat,Of 'physique ;and. Of am-
'61.tion'.during,their years of .idieness.
The Mining and:?prospecting.bcheine,;; .•
is Confined 19 Dritish Cortimbia;;W,here
'Placer mining properties abound. Th,e.
idea is to, have ,the uneniployeil youth„
of the Province ••who. have sufficient
. initiative left to enter ,Upon, a .rigerbite;,•t.
if healthy. oUtdooi, ' life, ,,work these
'repertieS 'Under•.;ei serienced dike&
flon,TIt is-filanned;Tfitrt eritiore-T7that •
Eiffel. haying gaincd experience •in'
Practical placer mining, they Will be
given, the opportonity of joining, prod-. „
Tieeting parties :and -of scouring
mineral Lands of the preyince,:fer 'goo 16r.
and silver:
, The' agricultural training- plan is
'provided .SPeCifically for the bOleffi, Of
the,.yontits of the drongtt. areas. Roth
young men and 'yoting.dfbilien' will be .
ineluded. they will be sent t
. . • • . „ .
able rigriCultural;Centres'.inthe Prairle
provincesand given practietit; courses .
in niixod agricnitnre • and •;:ln:, • t;riraL,
homemaking. , , ; *
'n The induetrial:! leadership.:
are tieing :.offered..dhidly in Manitoba.
They should be distinguished -•froin an
apprenticeship Plan. '•The ;intention is.
to give :unemployed 'young: Men •and...'
young women short 'term leoU*s' itt
:v4tioug.'branChes of industry ,wit,h -•
Aged technical instruction. • In 'ne.casf,
.es will the courses exceed 12 niontle ,
Pla:eing 'of learners•leany.:Industri, it
• ,iar,•. empinteee: superviefon of • the .
Wi•il lie:, in. 'charge. of the
*age Soard andpro-
vision will. be made -for fain remuner-
ation to the learners,.
• , . .
5 • •
Gaspe Plans War
Quebec Undertakes.Task .of Driv..
• mg Out Hay Fever
Scourge •
; 100 per COIL 'sneeze free refuge.
ue Gaspe peninsula. , for sufferers'
pi hayfever and. its -equally/irritable
inate asthrn. • ", , ,• „ . , '•
, The .deparlinent ,of • agriculture'bes
undertaken, „with:twin. objectives, the
task :of driving out the main Offender.. ,
I•rfileiPle -plant 'called' rag...weed,: an-
atheraa to:.'sneez.ersS"; and Scleritifical•
ly roCegu18ed 'Under the names of am-
' b'rosia artemisif000 arid Ambrosia, lid'.
• .
the-. .sriiali.or ; of: the ..tWO
',varieties of the weed, held' regPongible;.,
for '8,9! per, Cent,. of bay fever cases.
.lt IS the ';dust -like 'pollen •• .frein , the
,...plant that iittis,the.'131zzlipg. WheeZpi, •
of hay fever' sufferers. , •,
, • Second aim of the 'drive, SeerninglY ' ,
renitite.'froin hay- leVer and Itscause,
Is the. ereal,ten :Of • Wider, markeite for.
b'aspesian „farm. produce, fiBtiCe.
reason agrienittiristo.and not the pro..,'•
VInCial 'health btliOati are shouldprintix;
' • 1 lan o sino toting the few...
enionies ,of thle ioxiots weed:: '
' on the' peninsula. :• • ,
. thedepartinent euceceds i.i crad-'.",
icatipg completely •,the .iineezeprbdiie-;
Ing -Weed; the. hope 18', that at least :
:hey •keii,er 'etifferers :annually, will:
visit the -area seeking relief from their
..,sneezing Spells, 'thins ,:crest ' g •Iiciect '
Markets' for the daglie fa nee. ' ' ••
Pretty Boys' COntest :-
TOILONTO.-Entriel fro :being te,
etiv.ed here for Toronfo s &tit male
beauty contest, !mink. 'held to raieie
funds. for 'theSt. Clair Community
fregh air catrip., AbOut 75 ,
Were expected' to parade 'before Miss •
recently Chosen "Miss
tai'anto,". and Miss Merle Fester,
tiouiptress, who will at as lodges...
4rhose looide Who' 'hitVeoverrun
Germany for the time being tarl
make me any lege a iletmati..0-theo-..)
as Mnnn..,