HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-08-19, Page 37,7 7r,'77-1. 17� 7 ?MIR r 4.� A. 7. -7, 7 . ..... . caug 7 that she 'w6t*, nd'codghqq� co Cana'd 77 6"7 Ne -7. it il�, Maki hfvat�--Jr 4�yegl 7 1 1. .11 - - ntihu gie e, "Ally. Would Wei ass' 91, round A10 them?, Would.it in, Ms N. i I Show, at W", te000" deadly furnace? Things. swam be-. STRATHR0Y--7A,,Tetter: liom tfieL. tGEST-0Q. HQspital- f 'her eyepi,an thp, labored hrcath�. 4� 4throy G 11 7 CC4,* gre, 4ra ­ * o Tea the sl6epipg Mrs 'Jen ipg'-4ad, read- -at t4q, August sess�qn �`qf the, n ff To 'n - oun�jl;, e' U a.ntimbi g c',ect. w, C r ontin e To, End 'Just when she fitst,s6ppM spm6-i to, tqke, action regardinAl, the, pro�' of August c, en,, isa pqsqq--�h4z� qua ifica,-- thing, was. wrong .,iw the I - cr 4 .4 tq� high 4onej FRESTON, ­.Becausle of Its m$i0g.% I .,A 1 11 'mi" of prd-bationa- _coul& hot afterw4l; ay. p p _.ry nurses e4ter7 arc ar e bee ause of the. sw9ep 711711". was, just ,i over., �ng hospitals, as. 'ipoisored', by the' h ct r,4nd: feeling' that, crept -h 'Onfarlo*;N�rie ing. impress on it Pre�entp of the, dea er"A ln�'St r so efb-*Pg in the air. s'. Association, If the6e, m yelolpment of �Canadjan V -to thrust -i away"' it, ;It durl 119 t but, l5roposed, changes are� "ght into. I 1 11 . , . .. . 1: . - 'threg quarters of 4 century the're4ro. MR -h-1 effect it,' J,I cr�a�te rds.hip for, specti, re-' 6441bition of Waterlod �c meansi �f c,qsing: the".m4n, e6hi;tarlt rd u d. w, with' t,hPM,, as, 10�, expeng'e, 'wo I -A_on �,,:thop',, nt�N sp, read tention Should'. p great for thi n; it was, to, a nutritio I us �a este vpstikate?. The e Strathroy.�' �',G .��Alata)Jle new si I es�,O:f.,6dibles,. V,,a g that some,,, pnera gl� arranged by pr. or on" agnagi r c* th e, t c h e� -ma.iiltaining... Ward,-.. repo an. . sponsored t ito ero thing,. was rongA ere'in :,, - . " that aboui one n,, ig,, t At, at, last,, sh'e" t idow,6d institution, oiil4be" Wb�ps,,: cAn4 d, some-.. erlb�- �ellt " f' o rts,,, 1, t TA sell: 'and, !Pan b 4 ' b tioli post� ip.: ,taih -oth6i, lodd in. Cah'adflin, t' 4h efveg- ecarO� E was so.' 'stror �nQ an q! f men an wol: great y' an icqpped' whep;.,c ir I COU14, not"re�-s rv" times M us t iid h nen. 16day, .'be 0 nid' d O_. u AD LE "SHA"S BUCHANAM d �om �oine� ioenl�: i� i3y"'M D AnhthiuL Ay e su stituted foT. egg, c air, she p', op ii gpm'plete:d, I I '_-Ui h- �vith, 4 staff,.olt. gtaduhtp- hit- Th f rve,:,dJi6rdei,, 'gh, I qypn, bad, �,w- Whey iridWs' an excellent'- i in rses, etter Stated 'i e:, VV's,.Itse f I . rqaTiners-an P) g throll�h-the livn" th�' I 'b � I I � , w er co�ileil,, Jou voices and short. ably .6 J Xr'. ,I, - the Here. an n qed. go rqal.'aft. r Archer lay ld as: being' oppo's4 1p . t " : with t :�ti� le flayoks. a'sleep, and crept tempers, wri.ep .4 physibl. I' be ad Us, an& for e the driVitr t(` kins-who wag in*- danger. n �df suit4b he� w to,lbe kitchen. th LQnd9p. )Daily Sketch. And colots, and is'!'ItQps1!' ivheh, used' are =,eo.,,. t seven ese 6anges �apd ifisiructed' the fine. ,four' of them! of front gui4e it up ii� moutainsitle, to a lone-, h 'I" he, placed it ere are the oryous at� the cQkner-drug:;Ld� with - hot a able c!etk to fo a a an coniqIum, just insidel b I'd wilt whjch middlp-,a s. ly log shack.,; They %�ant - vaiiii PiAing up 4,.- c. a, r, , s At the door She' stdp�ed, Short .ofprotegt'tq heralds.- o� -'h t leni. in. 0 ged brain. coIate and, sundae r nk lit. in thd hock. lirpniler, M. F. Repbrh, And , copy world, all, of w4uni iv.or e s eon- - . the 'ranged buld Iteei n n, Id .1o6k- out for - t6 bed -z ar- ea e iormulW'believe to 1 Qom.door and ' herse f so that she 'ei (To' Be, C9 ti ued.Y.. workers phow 10 61y qci d. wtth'thiJA one h of On�ar- Qu id e. an,� eye:op',,the living, too of -the lettr.'to- ihe -,-De�iartment of�' 1'. Trifles which twother days 34 0 rsion ' of' one"Of the sectio, Tj U` hile, a �aiinc In and the Ignore begin - toj, worry "iley r mp. oitn:w door. f a -ISO ounty Council d .16. They kre all "pentially-Ginadian. Publ:c Hciltb, 0 M oresi fireo:' creeping, i�p the motin- Wpg,. suggests to. 'hand na colild not' Canadian pAlIr t r re di and lodd -the, 'start,.. 1C And sudden' nolse� Iiivo Y Field Vry R h "many,- the pictures of,' biea so hat Stu te �A giKi R c he2. You a' ��aslly irritate tgbi: - .4 ',Agsocj tio -�ain,, traps t o, troup..' The, first, p. e. slipped about her neck'from. the A' 'm - .1 � . . northorni. -'fro4tier .'and snow co�.e�ed Me f th' an,its 1!ir Yst�riouslli You C -1� oi, rear. �J -7— .0 'ast0ii-expl0tedby he former. gmu�. 'as - k, 41AV. alcapno. conce 'the same- -fate. e ..I . 1. .. n prings.,drb -seen 4zv g. aggs: E stIjhg:JQwn f tents 'An, ciy6 'again ''oh' that -deviled d the pr�stbn litrAte a eaWly., 'his built,. -a bu 4 I§Uidi, Alas a,.-- Platinum6l wn� baniaiia, inil OWEN -SOUND, Ont Attac��a w t -Miiss. Jone's did- not int o� close by, rwar' b .. orBd , , h ;f, 6e - V on-,.: III. Ahe Ijatntinga eibibited. d t I I i , mental 6fforts. PLATI c d' one Ineas of bees,,..one lan u Deipite.416 e n ed And its mate is. in as you, used �0' do. and log, buildl��s on thl s" bleak and filess it Was i . -�F us.r janSr� - sleep is',br9ken or burlailed ce eo. ai ihiaki�fi M L dition,.: wh ;is authentic' but re Quntaint6p.-Ii adlin s ay awrence,: pretty�' d, d t Ju lonely stre Ach ol, Alis�An'%sPacOast, '-flectin ': ths 'long cWtivate An' ihbii owher an, river,.' 5. Your D d d beal,!­ Ours young r. Strand dv, and,,,, 'Vilf, a "Forrester, Saiigeeg TpwiR7, or.� 6o.th,, and, ihay De distlailled by 9 -and its. niouking'- production. -brouot u 00 coun- find become engag04. Thei�i The hours of: 04 nig6 worg on,- sh, hddt m XULBOU RNE, Austra a tiful r tat cenery Of Water 0 pred�gtions it, A'06n *ouIeS6cozn6 ille, e oldest settled '6.-,`YJoiir, smile yaniihg and yo section ot old h ony ceasma."flu der to case.-. moVed 'from`hii fac and a' F cordink to. professors �of 11II6�. 'So lose e v�orl * richest "Canada, We . st. Oinley. Vrum� ,is , found straniledi,' w1i -pi ore, than� 350 s ' tinierv:"r Ii Ac 1pteasint 'dreafns.,' ty, tb" rmp, �..or amid ry_ Slowness iof d's the strain. -In" the ve X�nniiifi ,'Je.kins, 'b*ro%vbeatan, 11 1. . : � I I ut his' bonne,, stud -a' Int: in, th ip)6..�Ieasures. of!-Jife. centre of One of th rest.6r Nr.fferedL intens.ei,p4in b ents irorn kelbouirn;'e nd eres little ntiin#� in attempting. to find a the, approaching -st S -no suffer 'from unit le. The,,, Authentic Canadian. chaiac�tpr t' e rded as 'eri 9ydhey in Paris grin, there 'Wa .7, You b cond ion was r 94 0 it' were more proficient; E t4"i4 ' work of; t9is, group� -is illustrat� inBruson, president f �'t6 e. Way thro' uigh At fire, is overcome. torture. 'ents from,,otbet( head h go e. BAnki. of A14s d` y the. Ous In.,French thag� stud, b of: Hpier, Watson. When 1e reg quactousni!' �M chdr4ge;. pre7* �ol WAS c r 1f You , Kild th�se' c6n6ilonfli reep--, ka, at..An gTe,%ir r ing�iii, it is, hig'll. tim'e'to take, a,`�c d' ited.. a. "trelnellidolis", of: ThiFf, grea The� -bees w�ie so -,.,c'ov-'. counttriesL. t landscape ''art At ic t ncil 'reMve h 'painting- as "a Y,6utb' In 'thb! little viV wh started. i' o liks been attendig, him', 6kcit"' about Ike'�s.:gun. e. a 8 -4odies, On horse Tfi6 UnivePsity ered o e y ann , oupc that h- kii6i b d, P,16t;' from 'ali 1 �Fork And d" - �l :, - , aln­ thht� an gtiem,P:t *,0�1� t. L' * 4 ' ' plitiguffi. by, 1939, and jal It Mlg Ws e jr6und *nd triled'Ab. Ithis. rep ere were go. artistic Dset the world ma e murderert"is- ',,that. to, .,rol ul 491 tfie.iiteC� `lag dk6pped:'.6 the Ot' subi�k--t:,. e - of boon� 'Th� h rket, influpnees in t e .. Ue age..- t, e Ic-over., ,s actibn-prVvented ted'by, Associate. �-Profe4'66r' ISV the dhi I I . .. f , lophieta efore'them-e e watite 'to' 'ng,'.a yofith painted, because 4 d 61eince. lim She felt,'ihat he glur-., Other h e iioi�­ jett. w4y. and: on''his. recent tour a �qa,,' b d Wh6n Uted"iti Ne*� W�ys nso is prq ic ion 1 APTE-R, X mU n ma. e too:'much. his �'Ave ofi,"nature - that. *a eie ne*'t4t o4e,.knew it died LiAl ..:,credit - for. this bqlong'' express cop e vqme,�kn( v F orres er was operating 'q',. indert the �uniVersity af� lillis- so.: Inadequate er surveying:, 'H &vdloped. his o*n:. styI6 and, ne -er ait in. th'��.oute Y4"bul pit th�nder, �thade d e A. sharo PO4) .04"'. . . . . .1 . I . i ' f" " '' ' " ' b JNCOL P4. Iy MP., iDf:, Q-'square4nile N,� Neb.-�-Nc* use, fok Area n. pon. Tommy*. Ju S ajrd',60 lond.' I h 'taci with offilikr' 9 e room." he %hdi -ow, 'is arin�when t e;--beeis camei� He -ly stiffed 11 voice o ddcl4res Assodiate-Pro- -0 la i Id -fig all ev,�r-in�reasinz- he had. ekilibite whe,�' MS ��Yle I th'6 dfstra the %liquid t at. separates fk painters tihift afila gonna ge a stt6 r Vt . I churned 'have volume. of.thd ]precious.: met I.. the I xhibition.oUtild-Roys, an es Vght. Stbete Ii. the "kitchen ` '!' -ha nwoppor uni y, o, make' fps'so, Ch!sbolm t it'l ay,. bi I ;. . . . . I V the curd' when milk, is eursing'. t 0 *60d kirgd, With'in-', in :_iI d h eape from"th6-art own opirzibb d. na u ye e ick:� �.' b en.found, 'sa`y�0�.:k ­�,In 1934"tild. A. my asi Marnsell Al dueti6n_nq- teirQ �She heard," Sttand,_� - , _.. __ .1 - . . ­ .­ ­ *. - - I -ea dem? -g! T �-Coraie', �a A,! -uppl house'" aisle v�ierina I 1liguliat 6*�s 6riesi U EneTreaeral Gairy e. "Uffited es" Picture UL J215 9, hey'n '�Igflj IMP ed, It's 1 pure, ased D es,t Iilibratorle' r -`was: *,orth only, �eeii b t�o. 'Marquis should be Ild The rbinkiiiiiij� horse'� Up4e TO. hii 'Uild up- -very iear�fi Bureau Of' n6 'stefidy' voice.. ..g and'� a Yof BlIgin physician a �664 langi nfia'ket ti.thui ttemed Austral he Jilmlied-,-to' -$264,000- 1 e an d -to e. ia aderst�ilm fz? W partfialy, co4dens6& and' The heaf.hote . , . . . . 1 .11 . k . I . A§or:Castl d9wn uni e sl ies., pop er.an F1 was v,r owee ene e nded -h.� cer- 1935,ipd to'$312 6glinei;1ding vi. 'A t -can b ::.ble t wit th a t000 in 1936. a kAndana 4iffi6illt t Ing I , esearch for,. jind an easy thing t-4, hide... slog Of Gordoii Hag uld'.,hWhave thea itio -spoi oring tlie..9 ow,�Srtwyly,, er, in bi is h, '-Royal Canadi Ad- an the�, t ing, thoug PI e Side ut, of 'th d iiiij the " h blj' fin 11pel (itter, n -springs',: eclared tha th mA tfe'r,' eN*n': more ? .�:Her ll�a siio%v was., an insgira oil, to oth4et Ca -Swa Joe lldikll, c6mmilnitles�.Aio fo�l Gaj e-'co4sc oug 'of tae3r 'b ts in thd korld oWn ad 1eyemen (01 UrE 10 beboin as, conling., Oi'w d ould -it I 1 .1 7 IL o6k. h bt sE 1) 1 U, C"; I Jones. And'it wouldn't m �rith horri� osii tried: 'into 'the house May.. hui 'fright af , t6 fhe:bO -a -ful th6ught,oc-�. , qnd enjoy, moie widely t 0, work. o wey; SS. t 461 gi: eat,. d urreu Lo n Jones.- ­Auppope th� nia* in this Io have, 'bi ahadd ndan6r ;to ie ri yely, -girl 'had -true wsi ion, g be pla . d fi'er Voctor Straid lrhe internatiulial 'of 'bad eye' 't of b ry oppor - ,uni.py �ei'n'* with g i re ­ the 0iow .:the, c�ltui og� 'It" 9"A -as.' nd he, Jbrikih�. �Jth6ut �arbuqn, ny . United veal's be.t%N een CaiddA.'afid'.06 . . . . . . . . . . . . . uppose �-suspicion.. Si4tdS* is ­r6il6Cted ril We '.WA e' Mter­ d S be shud to. 'BARD -om. the OM' -No_06 caml hie ty ei 1� Aniii e nGyn.1g, fh' ought. h hijbition'"by ricans fvom� t.L sa�itdfe�'.Qf PennSyI17aiiia4I1d.*NeW. York.. licered t & she, t7911 Wyly Urler, most or Mein, MMIC S sylvaniw and Uppdr -N w� h, Iginai-setilers lip Pen vvaterla �coiipty. phine. fr 0 'lifted bvm' e tqrr,,Qn trifle lespne e0 t z A ter*a n -it wlth'� S �b N,�k- Will Id. e. tol overnmebb. Is e-� d h n a d oThb*orld's log4gt an' u 1. Exhibiijon presents, an,tiniptece ent0d "A sto'r m'' m' WS �nspipng, Ing out..' 'o Ign -tt tabs wblre,. kL f ne' rograrn. ter ronati'neii.' amous sta of 'this' And 0W. bet' uniqUe attraction 'for Co E., sL edn and fidio da'nce: ban &Ro_r;k(ze_Reid rea-frorn e St 'Isa,d jAgl� I allgor, W affiers,di yaw Ith a 7� lt&or6;* New-To_Fk-Ci0,'A1�li-' iT to Sd6t 44 ibail and, n-' "Tha"t i'n"Y' bo-di-ca-n-T-eally. HottfUrB ............ eep--ini, --sl -this- 6 to IIVd 1i LitbO She' walked of'- the hous 2 t - ng a' itia by, t4e, fedefal ., . , . I . . : progr in -in ted tAC e_Qn_W�r MiNtAry -Ontal-ra--go-mi diamaj Aug.30 to Sept. 1-1 entirely ne 'a' 6m' vilielit: far' job- i.ng w mil 19,; was ament area. Uni less outllued�to. tL A' d c r I in"so' n� her saw� th -:orange _n tate s ar. musicians H6ise Sh-k. tongues. t at,,s 'im. d.'tollck t b sky I .. I 'h 8 R�v� bi�idi 6 t Rad�k,'Sipj. '7 to 1 -*,.I�iternanen 1JOg bho nia y. 'Miss Dorothy, J c t6e., dpt. 3 to, I I �Iso elose so :6.1 pse now, b kson� c shing fear ..that �6e' 8 t. 6,:7.i 8 C star in person ith hi Deparfinent.,,, -hot 'get. t e d storm,"., th ous,.s reen �wl is mig T, n 'Luck 'tit'' d hi thiee�iibp�. &cus,. A wirt of the own ind:. Wild West S Ows r an S., SPO e., tit was -therd Rmong� �".gov&nlnelit' is''to e 17ongrcss,pr kC 6fi �1) 6, tdeviis, Augi ',Sept Md'pro title Stornls-'wbte ca,liri6ol'S' Iggs. 30 to W in t p moun I so: mi es ok wen—Am Makatho� swirm 3 h ml t;&� Or women pt. 10- 111clu ing -For 9'b .'Worl titb -sj Sept. 9, 10 4 M6� 1 0 es cont c o e p pigmy :touched to jr'�A� ce tartJt is prbf)o,, d ''ae SC beb.nL Joe 41 est. kiq foliol girIi frnni R�ld L oull oii"Niade, see-li0w ovies are' 'ma ores o fpr tbe .11ey V dAhii,'! h'd whisp'dred hoarsley. ty 'na an retreationa ­;ItVa4�ti "d I' d bther,ejagros pg y in cresting, e UCAtiO aln't n we'' -1 i'told-mc he'd, 91 ons, re; t r o rei. Id lye, esI006ce lie lade Coll ftiolis'' e. ''a. could find iL z y 6f tie,110111es E$ERVATIONS R e� 008e sc-til d,, hels',the, hoxt'..'. b' they� Nvill. rXay looked grave, ut told the boy ]QUitary Tattoo, higiii o 18 1��P �O�,� 75C, andOesiry 'vorry. w a s ln�o t S t to- r, she" nth race Heidt, B 2c� opobod to a ir. o onal - ft6tWor.k,,Aug. 30 only. Reserved ',I- , ng i1bou ough.t� if 6 wag in ;d hift No)' it Tn�piic.Qnwa . t 15., 11 T g, the Other -lte in Deconibei The,zii enk but she nd N ani A wh . 0 �littl� 3 ins ick fidge d? u 30 to Sept. 1-1. 'Rqsdrv6d,§e'a'ts a trahg Q type.9 of houschold Sel Heirsio Show. I d : t Were rv�dy -to t o p i t hi" i i in.. that leserve sea s. -50e., Mail h 0i t tional Sj�ng I xv 'A. A rullsing" aror C1111- 'oronto, oi Jo;, it,$ was JLIS ns, t i. "de the Iron and btud othUiii- It ERS pokd to her in a low ELWOOD A. HIJOUts� wilt i nce, AL#kEI) 06 ij)e. wl bf "tive trainin,ef., iyourldea d6c8gyt-.w6rk, f, 0 ne t bI cc 0 We 0 before. All., Nvait f or Miy IgliAll. 'bi,;,ng:` 6t my javi coik W prt f J" era A Inethfg. III 'bo 0 a ini. Ohl 16 driv'c'- the dil.,Octldn -of Mrk; G 't 011� y 4P46 that bit,$ ofTViS hf6bfitain-top� if' d -A The Ao*-dowiT All oahei-e, anion� bt g�,t ul) 'at, t, t lie. i�' I' bo Iday -n6ddcd;­� 41The'y think,,ilikin s h 'slid b6athc souchk bAckAnto his'ro6j," is S 0 s waic L hed &iln y" Wahihg`� 11' M h Out. ''Wifid6w,' i nto e D 0 r' t C1 T' CIO, fic.01s gun; stue.k, it ili months now A�. brown -11id- dog' 1hd b6ft,of her skirt. She: had, not,' hag spent tirtitlly 'all it tillio' fnSy 1hat it vAN 6b- wisted to tell M, I Issue"No. 3 P'rev. -th66 it, PA -2 ffiA tot to rauv�, V A A