The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-08-19, Page 2VA • / • .• THE WORL • AT LARGE * • thsli On The Air • The radio, 'the: the movies, is now one of the influencesWhich' forethe • cemMtia: apeQch. Movle ..Priodaberif . have been blaniedi.especiiiii.r. In Nno: land; for making' OeOPIO talk slang. . The' broadcasters, , 'if they are not , • careful, are going to be charged with really serious offeace-making peo- ple uSe. flve-dollar words when •tefl- • words would do.' Winiiineg.•anacitiAcer: 'Winding' up a prograni. was heard • t0:say:.:''it, 'haft been, your- pleasure and Privilege to • audition a group of ioictioop, 002,:oa,m9d,.the Pieces. Later 1:11 the Eiarne ',day another:broadceoter -.• got off .."thiegem:''.'"Irop.: will now hear program of'piiino-cleesice.: TOM- eV pressionists' will be" -and he mention- ed the players., '; , • '' • Of, genre% there ' Ought. 'to.' be ',free ..,:speech on the radio, but saying "atidl- tien"' for !!hear'' and ..Calling,aplaniet ' an. expressionist seeing to be carrying " It a -bit to.O.,.far..'The! verb, 'IcoataCti". . • to which objection has been taken, at !emit lute the •exCuse 'that ,no.• Other „ . . • one ,,wird.„'saYs jtlat•' the :Seine', There'lla no excuse' at all for the verb 'audition". As for 'ex easlonist," , •-,•'.enough ,to 'mike any 'self-resPecting • ; piano:1)10er. toss out a whole handful .or .wrong , • • • Winnipeg. 'Free • .Press. . byeDepreuion What-,haa....Jlennened to the depres- sion? 'No•nne, is4a1iing.abolit it thesedxys. , ' Not only has •the depression dis- anearcd. a few traceS,of it stiU remain, but all the taik about' it: . • has .gotle:.:.The -feet that no otio•l000ks ef It.. except:• in retrospect, '• 'prod!. • . .• 'that it-nelleitger :.eiciete,‘•-•;! ' •o igradually: has the,:c.itange:.iir.the, • 'PsyClibiegY:-91!: PeoPle.'itintel abont, this, •.Past ,.12, 'months: that it slipped..in, .. inept. WithOat One , recall's ..the. • ,. . . ,...frequent .phrase of ri, couple Of,,yeara.' • or more age:, 'Isn't the dePreiielen" aw= One also -remembers. the ques- tioi you think the; de;. ,.• pressiOn :.•.'is,•• going: to Itriit 4yeryone • w•a&e0 sielt of. .the word, „let alone the the'ecOaanlic ,tied tintes, that it get .one'dow.O.1 .woi•d de! ti v. :CANADA MPIRE Oita that are never 9100ed by "ice -and 'do UPC cry out :for •'°:rieillien ..ot dollars yearly to keepjliem priptionieg;-. here°, ,are lnnumorablo oresperoas.'intitistries,:: and here 'are aiunicipalitiee net a, otti:-.; •.ene..pt *hien. has- 'defaulted. Yet the. peii0,10 who arrange tours for visitors from .011.14eas':•feettAha:t is net worth.- while to direct theta to Maritime Canada, --fpr this is '.0antida: 'John Telegraph -Journal. , Canada's:• Romantic .NOrth When Lord Tlyeedsmair again !lakes pen In hand what a fund Of information he will have -for either .history or a:romance at Canada's farthest northwhich he has Covered so, thoroughly „ Torentp Globe •and • •"rOjecii4S Black 1.439. .4t.,a' regent credit conference the president ' et Arrinnir, 6.c • Company, Rob- ert Hervey Cabe% sald, ',We are .911''',4 tering into a new ere.. encinatittaSiag' . each .-things its Old' age pensions, un- employment Insurance • and .higher wages. .. The lower income groups , will 'have More tespetuL:add this: will re- quIie a 'Creditteehnique different froni. that followed Men. kens.: It:need-AO the methods •nfbig..linshiese.., The ••mail-order honied and. the ' Chain', Stereo have tapned'. this'field;: but froth now on we all .arant.to share ,,A ,.Canadian .prophet, --e,- very :ram-. industriefist-rsays that Canada is (ring to heveja black 19$9.: tsirreii-Verta n e have ''tirei .probleirie•:ah.d...aux4etle&j,. C. Ict;,411.. aorkettor.,•:. •• • • •'. • •• An • .Unaecessary',.Evil • Outbreaks;.9t.para-typhciid fever' in , recent :years at number , of ••towns Where themilk suPply. is .fiot!paciteiir-.. lied:showy the need for ,greater caie • In :thehandling of ;milk: Owners of dairy herds ought to realike. that the , future of :their busi- ness is dependent on a :safe :prodtiet,'• If -they 'permit uncleanliness • in,„ anr, process :associated; With ' the . handling • Of •inilk,..the'penahr will bo .dlsappear- anee of, cueteiners:. k The indifference' •ferinertsand dairymento the..eus-. total:ire' demands for. 'strict cleanliness and sanitation has already resulted .„ In 'widespread trampaigns..in the inter- ests 'of pesteurisatiOn.:and:',It..is likely that the 'provindal ',health department will•Insiet on that Process' with, regard. tO''alftharketed Reporter.' THE: EMPIRE • . , , .preasion had a Mest'depressing,,e feet, . eta, its „constant ,repetition no'.doubt ' did niuc•i te,prolonethe period itself. • .ow ,people :ar'e• talking of,. other' •• They,are taIkingl., of better Vinee;: higher:prices. crops. moreeni. , P.o.Y.went; industrial • disputes, al- . most eyerytriilik-.uiider7111W"Ftilifit;:, • the: depressien. • TheY' are:glad to', :for,. , • ..• , „got abeut; it. Elven, the, : fact, that there ..are incinstrial,..disputes and:Strikes proves' :that' there:. iS :industrial activ- ity: • Industrial activitydenotes .that " ,•••••04,(1. - Windior • Star. ' • :* •.: •., . . 1-..a;.ardOus Occupation The average person is backward in ng: .thnt there' .is much risk at 111 waut can happen : to any crowd ,itiat gatizei-s to :watch the Operations of the ---4.remen,,-Two-men The3r7- firemek, and e the victima -of • • .ilazardous. occunaticM4Mt him. dr.1...:'s 0: others were injuredand the., ns re..tson.'fo.r betng in the danger ..'wea the .•11t,tge t6,.s,stiSfir :their enrietity: -• "A, 'lire in '• "raj .,been In progress "fo'r...tWentY. •thettime theildands. sPet- • tatOrii. bed aesembled,• 2blecking, the:: streets.and hampering • the Work of. - '.:.fire -,fighters and police:: Then:oectir-::. fed2.ar:terrifiC.', eipkishin of "gas- that ., Shattered the •front' two stOriee, ef:: tit&buliding, oriing.Splintered, glass, ,• concrete. and ;metal •Inte,, the aiiseilin7 It is a miracle ithat 'the. catinal-'.. • tips 'anierig. the .Cr.oWd• Were not great, . .",, kive-)ay Wee. Afive-day week, of coarse, ;Signed to spread employment and:iive for .'4.noMP1oFed nersone. buying ' Power, Which' • they 'did , not,: 'formerly have Chios& the •reducticiri. in work hours le acComPanied'hy a -reduc- tion In pay, howeier,thadost.Or. goods 12rMindeti Is inereeSed .and the sale prieds..rendt. elk% be: iliereaso. ft, there. redUctien in; pay there is • no fill, :creaSe-in tOtal•Pur,chaeing. power and, .0,23:0equeOtly no increase til Comilitrip IlhiPlorrnenthad been artificial. fr. increased .btit CollectiVe buying power is not,' greater. 8,ome., may be able tobuy mode but ‘Olhers',are liged to be Satiabed....witt fess. i-.OntootteIegriirs: The blerititries Ignored . Validities ere: COndietehtly ;• thrlifit : Into the biteltgrArittd,• . slighted: and -Ignored by tbog 1u' alid,tourd. • !Yet ;here by the :atlantic, 15 the old - .T ,Eit, and 'iStrongett growth of British ' Nillturel. , here Wail, planted and ',Still i'lleitristies the sturdiest Imperial - 10Y-1. iettity;;, bete Is the blithPla.de Of hattt%'. all ,Caltadtea 'greatest tritititUtietis`.end , gout iiialY of lier'..trioet ilinitrions'. ; *Olist here are the Canadian .Atiatitit • • ... A t • Stock Market Slumps • It is high time the People ,Of Africa pulled -themselves. together and realized. that .Stock, Exchange , booms And slaMps. 46 not necessarily consti- tute an infallibleor, in some • bases, even a moderately reliable --indica- tion of actual prosperity or depres- sion. A Stock tichtinge °serves two Primary ,purposes, one beneficial; the ether :pernicious. It 'secures • capital. for investment; and • it., provides un cpen and, , --under,- presentconditions,- al niPet . Unrestricted' medium for gambling in shares' to an extent that < may. and . often does,. -give -the shares a fictitious value either higher of loW- er4han 'is -warranted , by the•-dividedd,L, PaYing, prospects Of the commodity : Or business their Johannes.. Tne; Comradeship: Democracy 'In [free countries, ' where people ,gov7, ern -themselves, there are Many things , about vvhieh there is •ho unity. There' is no unity bf' view about political.pro- grammes. oreconomic creeds or for- eign policy or religion, On all these 'things there are wide differences Of these differences We de not • regard as bad or Weak as is the cus- • tom of, dictators. Bather, we ;regard -the ,flourishing of variety ,aS‘,, a good • :fad indispensable if all,inetFatid .) are to. ha Ve ali equzl 'chance " Ving the kind et life that seerae , to them- meg Worthwhile.' And'we're- gard y 'the '•.free cliscussion width such., g • , deem to be eradicated ' but • as the founda- tion ofa healthy society and of wide progress.What; IS it; in that ease,' 'WhiCh holds a free 'people together in such solidarity? , •What : makes possi- ble, In a einninunity of such differ- ences, so trieVIng a unity and so bar- ;Moolouss a. Conirededhip., as was mani- festrecently'.iIt Is dernocrady *stip. :underlying unity otat'eetrii=,.. infinity in agreement, not about 6VerY.;' but 'about the politmeal Method, ' by which everything shall be decided, -London Daily Fle"rild: or 7. • ut-s 01.Pb . 4 Museum Director 29th Man tonsil 111 Since OPeolog of Egyptian CoFfLU - NEW ,Y,Goit0,1!Teeth• shell eeake •onewitt.'Wlegs. to War- that .teuebeth• the*tollib of the Pliarae,,h," Such , tha "curse • ef King heileVedl. te?- ,144Orihed Over the k fainou.a., Egyp• tlan tonih, though Herbert FI. Winlock. and one pt..tha, partyprecept when WAP.,'OPOTIOd‘i .SCOffeci atthe id.err.,.. NOW lie,iefin the. New ;York hcs, 4(40 ....refuge& . to. 'name, his :;. ••, • $,Itice.' the. Wirth 'et ,Tut,ankh-Ainea.",' was firet,•eatered.:14,7•1.0;3. the deeth,,, .'„:0.5.1t of 0.e. curse has been varieuely eatinieted:fietWeea '.3.7.• and g One being that -of Dr,. J. 11. Breasted; cited ,•Egyptologlst, 'who died. in ;De, ,.centber. 1935; from a disease: that puz; abed .phyeiciana. Wialocichimself,his • always laughed at the idea that death .resulted 'fromany such Curse and -at, tempted to preve. that his .cOnspanicne., and other's met their. deatlia, eite. to natural. causes; • Count's Fortune Won By Widow , PARIS.--:ATteit.trs of litigation the famous rnilllons of • the. .former •:Ilisiliaabourit,. Serge .StroligatiOff; 'has.' been declared the legal property of his • Widow, Rose Angeline Ileariette . . , ieute Stilingatioft. •". . .Whea. the 'decifiltai on the i will . was_ .Prenounced .by the, Court:, of . Appeals at Aix en Provence., teratinatiieg: one of , the "greatesf4itheritahce hoaxes of ..recent decades, the widoeliecithe the ; richest 'exile of 'Russia's Czarist At orietirae. the Count's fortune was valued at :$40;000;000 but mcst of :it -4-4119.4t-eft-it.the- oViet -Govern- ment. , .• About, $3,000,000; " however, s on dePOSit' barike'vt;IAndon•-:•lind, , . •Ilew York: In addition art 'treasures In Berlin. and valuable :properties On . the. Riviera. News In Review Paralysis Akieivar CensOred • 'rOituku-Censorship.- was this . week •elaniped down on further:ilk fentile paralysis 'figures by Dr. Gor- don 'Jackson, xnedical health officer. The action was': taken,. it Was bu-, lieved .in..ordei,th,et Toronto! citizens,: , and prodpeet;ve. ;visitors,: to the city might not ,..beconie, alarmed over the: , Outbreak' which has, "taken six lives. Turner Valley Activity Gains • ,CALGARY -Eight ell 'wells in the. Turner Valley -Section Of "Alberti: are novi,, in. action.. As 'activity •gains, • twelve- -more- wells-- are expected -in. -during .the firm; few montlig-nr th new year.. Eight are drilling ahead. • . with ample capital , to insure, cam- pletion, while a- few are • held: up, ,temPorarilir. Early in 1938 it is ex, peeteda :total of 41 wells will be producingor drilling . , , , Zionists Split on Palestine Cut ZUBICIii .„.8witzerlapd-!--A minor - icy resolution •expresairig. firm oppos- ition to, Great ,Britain's plan' to par= titioa.2 Palestine . iheC; introduced at -a-sPecial-Shssieri7off,ther-World..Zion=„..;_ 1st' Congress.: • The , congress earlier split: into twofactiorta lover the partitioning• scheme: and it was Only after hours of negotiation -that opposition-- dde-- gates were induced to Meet with the A „majority. resolution was being -drawn up to embody the opinions ' of Chainf 'Weizman,. Zionist Presi- dent and many °there,that the .4k2tt1eh/Pliti ..ehOUId bo considered as • . . a'hank,c for negetiations wIth, a ;ymytr, to:,- achieving. 4 .14rgar Jew Sh State •in ,PastthElthstcontemplated . n,th:ep,otolloisiopiLr0, rtt Jumper Breaks ReOrd: . • - iUCiVfl WaiK,Cre. States high broke the world 'reeord, wth a leap of 2.98 , inetrea..(eix feet 9,29-33, inches.) •Walker •TeleSed his first two ties for the new .reeerit height, then' akirlit4e4 •' . • 'direr. on the third attempt barely'. Reindeer - Trek Ends , , • • . The\ twins', reindeer • drive acrbss. IGHLIG 0.11:#1.1.01f),tary: on PF THE NE • • -•••• re,...tOr.' .1. tioridist . . 'f4 cePted record ,..Of metres , (six feet .9.`• 3-4 lidhes) held jointly by mhiaito°,, 11DIGa'veS.t. aAtitritUtonni.ael-1144dit.YP)C:r.tee'alim.us". ;PhD k4 -'n ,Compton, 'Calif.' ' • ` • Recall Early 'Days of:Toloph000', •;•,thoovero'.. ore': tonun4kation, asSbdiated with Alexander Graham Dell this, .dis= trio* in 1$76. when .he made, improve- ments on :the • newly-inVentedl.tele- Phone; Visited the distr*et this 'Week and recalled experiments of .half a„, century ego. The visit was pait of. Brant'iorcl'a ol(l home week celebrai The Men met :it the Bell Memorial '• and toured scenes of the first ;tile - Phone. businesu ..oftlee. in 'Canada, , 'the. Bell homestead where Bell con- ducted. his experiments and the site of the world's first telephone lac - tory, then the Workshop of J. II. and Thomas ',Cowherd.. Two of Quadruplets Pia • TO.11.,10.0.1), 1;agland - Atter 24 hours of celebration over, the •birth ; here of mile -quadruplets .tp Mrs. 01- iirer Lingwood of nearY 'Brandon,. two of the infants- died. Hundreds of 'visitors poured ' into Thetford to gather before' the nurs- ing home , where the children ' were. The father, a' Brandon.' furr!er and pride of :the loCal. rugby team; • origratulatin • • . the.-,Lingvipode, on the 'birth. of .the quaclitipletsnaired Belly . hard, Conrad and David. The Thetford town ;crier mounted the 'steps of the town _square to read the following proclamation: "Oyez! Oyez! Oyez!' ...:Whereai in this • ;ancient and, 'honorable town, one-time Saitori: ',capital, ,the good '• Wif • of Oliver Lingwood of .3randon has,: been happily delivered of 'four goodly -children: I, John 'Clark, town crier; call Upon thiesotown to rejoiee. at these. fourfold blessings: God Save the King!" But a. few:. hours .later two of the tots ed,' -id and Adrien. The Mother wesl"..reported,' recovering: Mre.L'ingrit.tiod in it, daughter of Charles „Carter, home steward of Dorothy l ' -.Paget; •fanious, Wernan .horse -trainer and •• daughter of Lord QUeensbotangh. , : 'Mrs. 'Link -weed Is :26, her hnsband. ••• OneoL_thetwo living children i'vvrePorted-liVe1y-13ut-the other.11-6,t7 ' quite,: s9 well.: •• - • • ' Valencia . Bombed `• ;MADRID,- Reber, bomber's and pursuit' planes' `rrecled Valencia this • Week' bombing the loyalist. seat of Government •andits suburbs, repoits reaching here said. ' „ It was estimatedthat a score of persons were killed or wounded dur- ing; the raid. ' ' • 'Balloon Maki order „ NIAGARA FALLS, pitt,-$o many tourists have treithle 'finding •the 7Whirlpoo1-ItaiktIS-tridge-There-tliTat captive balloon will be sent up to: In- dicate.. ite InFatiort,. an 'Official said recently. • • . 4 the Meekencie;, Delta Is now -nearing., : an ' emt, midi.: Bahr and .iii&..,gallant = the, •.ft,0.00.401P., icgiTet• ..this fall and band et herders eittie,ct to coalplete , ' haiid, overiethepsitlined,:in'the delta . . .region .: a permanent ...„ineat•!•suspl:k, In ,•onef•cif the: 'four ,'years ,eineet., the trek :-'get .under Way,,the,.herd ,ad Van CeAr. only ' -:-...0:...iniles';:iiince In;WlitteeprOgreee,,Was-- Aeleyed, I by wolves, bliz•zerde and " treachereua . ice conditions;' in sum- mer by maddening • hipeele; At the '.'fliial round -up ' the . reindeer , wiir: be. • driven into: a. huge, Corral and :Count-, . +ed. It is expected the • tete' will reach ' 5,000. in the annals of Canadian his- . tory, the reindeer trek. provides ,,a re-' Mantle. and, enthralliag. page. . , . New Trend:a-In. Education . In • an address before the Canadian ,iosiftute. of •D0000mtoo and ..Polities .Convention meeting .O'n •Lake copoW. iching,' Dr, • Duncan McArthur, „', On; tario Deputy; Minister qf :Education; said that. the development :of, the 'On, tail° • system of •education had, been j.like 'building ,the Middle 'storey :nf .a t house liefore.the foundation. 'In.:pit:in ' eer day's. the first sehriels to heestah, lisbed.hed as their purpose tlfe prep- aration of the children Of ..the wealthy for. leiv, and ',the church. . Later tom - 'mon solionls.',Wire intrediteed; he said, . ,fer,-the •benefit of , farmers and ;iron-. tiersinen, 'followed • by • the "public eChoeis.'•!. '' But ricine ot these schools functioned .with 'a view to preparing their student's for later „life:. The aim . ., of the new education now is, Dr. Mc- Arthur .d,e-Telerek.:7fir fif-raip li.TW tri;77 and towards that bad; ‘chanA•es are be-. ' .. fag made In the present •Ontario•sys _ tem. For example; in ' the. teething ..of the Preach language, lees stress will • , .. 11 porting:. Commen , . „ By KEN EDIAIARDS ii . .. ' • Well . here. We are again • after; ' , pulling in the big ones up north . .., .. . : ; but.that'd a long: story.1 , k -the.- swinither,- . • Martha. Noreliue Wright, •. w. ho . with the .$19,000. • prize neoner at the C. N.E. pro. ' swim is attempt:- .,-.. ing '' e 'C'emeback'.• ' . . „:•.:" We :may see her.. soon: • ' - ' • , .: --'-1',.0id""Yoil-knOW-"thatiilf.----Dinieri 14 completing his 28th year es a major,•league.'unepire? , • • .„Jitnees J. Braddock who was Tor- onto's guett. a ,' few days • ago 'says he wiots to. fight:with eitherABaer or. Schnieling In .the , early fall: , The big likeable Braddock, ex -stevedore, , and - ex -World champ' tells the., whole world that he remembers when. he . .was ,a• poor lid with 'nothing to 'look.. forward to in life.. Probably . this straight- and ,natural frankness , en- dears him to our hearts more. than , anything: - IleTtelle; us, too, that his father who is now, living. Wei once . .. __ ,,, , • a 'piano mover. • . --•. Tammy Farr, British and Frencht -<--and4elgien--heekyweightLehanapion ' says that When Louis' lets: go Vls.dy- .. namite lefthe will sink his righ • , . into his :middle. . Farr ,is only twenty - ono and spine believe.. him to be Louis' .Worst :Menace. Until next week at! :ioag. he laidan te4raing the; drY, structure' of the granunar Irieteact pupilBwill FIlIICTI qo ti at thoy niay Ionrnto . •Albortik, . : „ • • • . • • „.0,rOgiip,i7, ,Aherilait 1 rode into. :the. -icodship, of ,tho OeverBment:.!'of ,41!. bertaen_the., crest of a /troll0 WOO of • pojitlr feellnk He Was tiki,i,417014' liopo of the .0ooplo5aiOLlo0,14.11.144:.n,tt delivererfrom the sad state' into •, which provincial :alfeirs. had slipped; The ..eyes. Of ..the world, tee,. were ,on him and the Social Credit gospel: But opposition - came- from .Meey quarters, so, that to accomplish 'Whit he set out tO'do,..lie had r• Practically , to declare 'dictatorship.. New 'tt coriatitutional stragga of the first .thagnittide..10. going Cui in Alberto, following the. intredustion, of Oa poy, -orooroot's• • bill to license. bolters 'eratiag.. in the province' and. control 'Sortie ef :their activities, A Provinclal Crecift'..conunission- is. 'being.named .to undertake. the control measures. • , The -control • issue may :g° to the cOurts iiiitheritative sources say, : and: ' the Dominion Government may :step., „in.-lito protect the .citizens' of Alberta. from .19ding 'rights they piniseee in comirion,witli „citizens • of,„ other 'prov- inces" - Another piece of ,legislatIon in-. trodrced :.thie:Week.*PrOpesee to •clese'' the' courts Of ;Ailierte id any action 1n volving • a ConstittitiOnal test • of Al- berta statutes Then only by a license granted by. the • Aberhart Government could ,the Courts. of the 'province pees on the ,cozietitutionelity of • a proldn- Cial leiV; .Bneh leglalation. Is looked • . . .France • Rez.overing , . FelloWing,the fall of .131M:it's . 'Popu- lar Front!' ioyernment in. France this. „stfi1111er,-Te--great-.111alTY7t1il:Tigs-c0111-d-. have happened gorY „revolution, 'Might have •oCeurred With thef*aintry swinging over to Feadism," .Violenee,. however, was .avoided,.and, according to, the !neW ',premier, ' •Camille •Chati- temps 'a •profotind •social transforma- • tion. carried.:Mit .quietly. : CbatitehipS, lees Of a real dealeree that' prefice' has now •over- 'toirie. the initial' .9betacles.ed,the,,rcied , to economic recovery, and is abIe, to exnbark.on a program designei1. to In - Crease procluct,:.,!.••• :.„ • Drought' In England -.• , , . fn,:some Sections.- Of England, • Dart-. • nickOr; .for' instance, ' doesn't ram .••for 'three ;days-. local .;feriners- begin• • Worrying.::over;':the ,:drought. But this -on---7th-e-eatiret Oland, for two Weeks,. it was 'e Metter general concern: . •Tho - British be.. nartMetit Agrieulture ran Up cial drought!! -signals in many. parte' of- • the .cenntry T ahd newepapere.,thle Week; 'featured droug14' neWS as front stories. ,Page stor' • , . • .Pastai.HOwled Down . • JOHANNE8BLIBG,. Uprbar, broke out in Bragriak Baptist Church When Bev. David ,Matthews, deliver eiraTlecture On "&an We Converge With the Dead?" :Ile was howled down amid a terrific din: • • por4., Lures Priests • Lawyers, priests, policemen, shop- keepers of allkinds; and one grave.' 'digger liaVe shut up their offices and shops and rushed • off with Picks; and ShoVela 'frit& the Bosnian Motintehis to. take part in d• gold rutin. ajestic In Defeat limoomo. nt. •,,e,romoma titaing. ocok WantC�mmunisin 15,909,000. Small InVStors ' ApOlies, In :Canada,' .TOO ' ' ftera,nre.,,antna voftsopo yvIiick. *to,. : lean"4,Iviaga4lne Otos. its 040w.filg Noir cormitotgoo., ,o34100 gttle. •A*OW!P.! 'pritatn;: . : 'Where. are: 10,000;00-1040..lavaat, .ers in .Vreat, Orltatn,-. , • 'More than 1,00.0,999., , haYlttg., they -heanis, "Since.the,.War the lialldingliiecte:: ties haire. lont 1.nOre-:tilt914',•;0,Q9(4000.;;•:::• More than 2,250,000 'hausaa: halza.% ;„4-60.1.'IMIV, • 4a4' . per cont. 'theta have been: ;findit'-',. ,without -state ••ittleistanCet ' And probablyCanada's .4,000;060 • ,,..savings, accounts have 7.80111et4ing • to . , do withthe aloW spread' comp -Inn. • isin in this.. country:, . • . Why 5houldn't Life Start At ,74 ' MOO , L, Woolley,.:.Pormor- • • ..1 -lead Holyoke College Plans Active Retirement. . SOUTH 1lLEY Mass -Th Mary Woolley Is ready to Moire' from ma- ple:ahaded -mount Holyoke Coilege ot, • wh Ich: she was 6roo1pot for 37 Years,' to,a„ iife..-Of active retirement in 'which . .ehe.: will rOa. .intelisivelY„ write, *oit• 'work. or .world. peace. • . . I'd bike to accomplish a greet .deal more :then. I heye,". the .74 year old edueetientiet- and -abaniPioni 'of inter- -1-• " national understanding POO. "It Will. , be a busy, tim-;7-but I hope a siatienal, • timo 'want to Stop living under : press- : ure for awhile., Now I"shail.'have tiMe., to '`read around, a, thing to prepare why.sheardn't•ona..start hge at 746.. • • as 'W,(,111 as at.'40?"..sne Dr. °Woolley will continue' her Work, . as chairMan'Of the People 'a -Mandate to ,Governments to End War..chatr .....marLof_theAommittee..awhiternatienal ..relatiOaS.Of the American AsSOciation. of . *Omen, and chairman .• • Of the Co operating CommlsSboti Ot .WoMen. in :the Federal :panel"; 'of • AM determined" she avers dite' ' use.'every effort ,as long as I .live.• to. keep, 'laths:US 9ut of war• Slie Wok's, 20 ',years ,.younger than', she Is There. IS scarcely a trace; of greyin her brown hair , ."I' feel it IS a great ,iiiistake to be lieve all the. interests and enthhaitisins...- • •Cit life beleng :to the young' pr, moot,: •ley says : '..`As, You grow.'older, you ac- • cumulate a great many ....things. that • •Yeling .;people cannot "hEivenot only • 'exPeriene, and aSeoplatiOns;" , She thinks. 'Wenien still haVen't •the:;.' • • , same ,clianee' as Men; -for, a• 'tvonien,. , man to get,.eqUal.recogilition. "Id this: day we can4; afford to, he'VeopPoi tini••••. ity withheld .froin' wonlen It is pot so • much' .e. question ..of • the rights:, Of ."Woinen as of the neeessity.,of their working ,with Men to: help humanity Cadi Upholds Spanking Wives • • Hamilton Kogistrate Upholds Right -of Husband to Chastise. His Own Wife 1 1 71115*Inion. that a men had' the' • :HAMILTON. -- After:: eoPreaSing . :,• .fl to chastise his :Own wife in .-Order enforce certain rights,'. Magistrate A, '13Urbridlek. in _Family • Court last: week, said he, would reserve .his. de- . cision in the isaarilt charge againat ' William . IVItCleary2tuitil he had „ oP. ..portunity.10) refer to ;authorities end delve into ancient: law. .; , that the common mW of England is in effeee in 170 ' holds good here, I ' think that the. 'huSbend. by the .CoMizion- Law still • bee the r:ght. to dhastise Or :Confine , hIS wife' to enforce certain e▪ .xeltilinig those. of cenjugal relationrernarked his Worship.,,. ° Crown . Attorney ,George . W, . Ba17: • lard,. K.C„ 'differed Ironi. the Magis- trate and held the Common Law was' t. in *.feriq, -,rphero. ageddiee'tir rectify such problems, he said, Mr. 'Ballard contended that ad-. cusoki.s•c'. -o niucli forte in °Chaetie111 u -.. Lightning ' ge 1: Cuies, iJaF , .cONIZNE; Ore,H,the: main prob- lem Scent& to.be hovy to getthe horse to stand to arrange for the. ' lightning, Anyhow, John F. crot4, ratichei, Saye thaV a,good .jolt of lightning tan trite deittnesSi in liOrSed at least. An .014 horso of his, luo 'saki, was floored „ •-,:isy a hoayy h�lt and Struggled' ' feet (date hear as Wel/ as a 'colt. 1 " • T1e;1il-tleaVettle.-11:1Y141:04tt p ict e -lidalltY,-ris -it Mt b1164 -la ect Itiol,t Eattf, "1.4$4 Ord cretit ati.e'ns ..th ...1.1„ogi with , the firinger Oft Newperi, 12,1, 'rho last It�po of 0; Ivr, so with to IhIco the AInerites Clip etitled,*ith the fOtirtit afid Anal VietOrY of the ; L 4:41 ).f, an al1eirce=.4.! IfC.a('1.1d oShe was, taken ,me between her bus. up - that he, had . Complained bedanse she, „. listit'rsPbcaint dwai tdhmait:ede'llt..4 itch trilu tbh°61:: was not g',31,,ing proper 'attention to his 'Wife's te,iiiiriony but, explained! lii}'re(' 01'1,41•,'n 1'6/. x4t;nier mark • . . ed. in a • bedroom,. she des,,Aered. ' 4 4..bb65t • • 4 -.•-• ;c!. iiiliti ASSOOn, Plitt Ctmisi1iiicr OZ *OrisS,' In- fornied the tiolise of COiriiriellS,. ihat, Westminster ,Abbey, iluekingharn Pititide• and the o usea. Of Partlam en had, been surveyed withtt,..vieVi e- lecting gas -proof . and • hernbqJteef Shelters... Preparation for putting th -7affehertie„. into 'effect was noW Plide‘F!';` *eV,. lie said. • •