HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-08-05, Page 2I
$ 4;
TH:8: •WcIRk.oAT LARE.
.• •
la 16. •
. • ,
Thirwipg i �no of .the most pleas-
ant, as • well .as. the:1'110st, important,
• Parts of farming. Provided One. has '
-•:g00d, and'the landis freer
frank ;stet*, 'it is not an arduous task,.
4:1ff-ering in this ',respect from some
. other ,tYPes Werk- It is im-
portant beeauSe good' plowing is the
.Lasi of geed larraing. Usually a
good plowman is • geed termer,.
while a bad one is appor farmer who
Soon finds • land overrun . with
• ;.
'weeds., • It requires' some skill to be
'adept 'atthe practice: Tlie beat plow-
' have a natural aptitude • for : it,.
' and .'ene' lacking . this can never be-
• -w ctten
however, :or it ,something exceptional
O0Care tomake her liOr.'.11.0rirOustthere•
May he blatant danger. A'*cOW that
for tuoY" re4§ea does Tan mok i M9ie.:
agile than.a 124,1,11 and; with its added'.
' nervousness; is. at 91eaattas 'perilous,.
The -Moral for city PepPle because• •
farmers are doebtless, aware ofthe.
situation thentselVei, is that. 'while
they should not becbine Panicky *about
cows,' they wolitif do well to reraem- •
ber that:, any animal of that size and '
strength is a. potential menace and
that watchfulness at all 'times is the,
part of wisclom.--.-Tbrento Star:
. "The Magistrate suspended sett-
• -1.,
to thine •to that effect in accounts of .
trials;' and tt,,,,gcsori *many, .,rSadingi
disiniss the matter -from. theiT. Minds
6 'With, the rentarkt , "Well that's dis
poied • of!".. or "That chap of?
b. , .P• • .
• ,easy!":„.,". They 'think, -evidently, •-•jaat •
."suspented sentence" sees' the last
of the ease. . Often, too, it seenia that
those who . have been releaSed, on '
-Snizend_!!:..,!_entence have the same/
knows the proper depth at Which,'
pletv.bia soil, ,as , well as to'. how
' ..keeP.• a.,straight furrow. . . • .
• ilLinatter-liOW-46pda,-,pipwalan i
• otsioyeTi he is not going to, be nate
Of 'a success :unless be.7hai---a L.' wel
:trained . experienced " team.Aft ' - I
- iti.,.i3.the •team that does the moat .O
,tbe'7W, ilt*Tal,n17•Atia:-..-not-irtfic,a1,.t.:••,t
• lc:sag 'a 'straight ' furrow -'*f'
of.--"ho.rses• that % know • howto ,yvaiic,.
, .
arafght'anct?...:PAY :attention -to: direps •
tleinS-"': The'. ht9 raea: *Mast -also have
thproperit. Anyone who .has
--ed On, the ribs- ,.`by ti a iilough.,
lie: ',."' a .•
:hanlile: ,when,:the',intpleatent. is being
Anilledi„. bY,,.."44eAdstrong:,tearit. 'knows .
ju0*:Wl.•''s:..t...th:s Means,tinda.or,'Stirs'',"
1,14,iii...!ih::,/xSize Co .that". Algoma '
pice that first sank Its teeth. Into one .
' *;!'diVed under ..the : boat, struck the
17.41:..1- 'oar,. and9 used, it, as a gangplank
for •-hriertling the fichermen,s, craft.-."
St-Otterd,,Beecon-Herald. ' , • ' '
e• would hand the prize. to: the
Clilow,,' Who :first .:.• told. '.the. ' e'tOry; ...--
,rlliathani :News ; . . • - ...', .
. .
A/V.4444141c 1 4UNS-.•,;: : .•
• .
Prat/114;g evidence •af: the tral*itiert :
of a, section of Western Canada to an
area of severe drought _draught is Peat:al/led'
in news 'despatches that Lake !Telma- .
ton, :feriae& PT.,- years as a• nesting-.
'Place for millions of waterfowl and
411.440.WPAN,111Te‘g.f;r;,. -,-rt , ' , -
'•ffialtiflitrealrei:ds#: : ia,Saskatehe-
w.Sntl'Jg 11c*, it -*i',9 .14iddole:Qt. water
:and; 'Will probably ..e4,:entirely.dt,k,,ii•)ir.
the end ...od :Qc .41y :fir .early;Lia- Augnst;.
..Ottes,a •leks 45 j•Mileslene.alid 14..
`mike:, wide, ciivertng about .' 2/5, -"See, '
.tierio: IR :area,•-talte•-"Johnafon,,ia: al, •..
raedy so •IeW: that vats can be driven
right through the lake from:- -nzioit ,
• to south. t*; •: ' „ ... . '. L-, -
With the; disappearance of •the big
lake and - its'. conversion ' into an alkali
plain, farmers of the area stiuthl 'of -
• Moose slaw are facing an added handi-
, it: the: white alkali powder that
is now being , scattered. through the.
countryside with every wincliterna. '
' Avery lake in Alberta, •is.s.hrinleitig.
annually; and some' in the southern.
are .in ,danger of disappearing ., like
'Lake Johnston;.2 but none, :have „yet
„ shrtirilete- tlie•-:Ct e .: aliiiiiiiiiiT 1)1=7
tent -
- OThe fate of the 1 rgest lake in the '
Southern Saskatche an ,area- Omaha,"
aizei the need for rehabilitation and
conservation* of av liable water. sup,
/ptes*'in the .drou t area.. i• Conserv-
ation,' of the an at :•runtiff L.of water
. from. the -Southe A Prairies is becOm-
* hie, 'absolutely ssential'ii ille. district
is to preSerVe ability, to support any .
--population, .. d 'work Of .:providing -
(lanes • ,aad .reservoirs - IP- . held the
natural water :shonld, proceed ' as ,
• raPldlY, as POS4ible.: ... r -..--'' • L, - •. , ' f'
have r. experts invented
ne,v,9and more clead4 war weapon'
Venn' -anotPer set Of experts. 'develop
..‘..,.in.onAto:,,combat.• it. • The tank is
ne,:t•-•nger. si.•fety,fi,raf fort on.el
tkrt,S.- have, perfected an anti-tank
,gni•r....'.,..*They cia m'. ,',infantry armed .
the antis -tank rifle' Will be able• •
. •
to.. 'stand :up to -.tanks ald, beat 'them..
•A two,pound -shell, fitted with i a
; spezal 'armored,piercing-,.,-.noztle,
fir...id13r.-t1ie...• anti-tank :gun.' fils
;•'• ,s114117can,•penetzate 'the, arznorplateS,
any tank and4lifilode- inside. One
•'' direct hit 'from .an . gun
•''ilicans • ea.f..11 to thewhole teak -ere*.
an.d th sizeton 'e'f, the- .?eiitlie
-...i.le;:gan.tr4.veis .6n.. a' small rubber ,
- •
tired trea.t, •and.:s: So, light 'that it can tel,:cn up .inEii the front track, :
•Mounted cn a tripod, and brought: in-
to n'et.en eht less'than...7,0 seconds., It .
1,:rs tryific- raPidity, • and car,f•
. ,
trpL a tank, a roirle.; away. The
Ari-yjk ifl. is•••i. rna.c.e. for . use_
Whipp,et• cfariks,• and iir,es•
'az Mb/ -piercing I -I -diets 7 which
ea:' br fl a. tank., te e•standstill•at'qf '
r) • 'Ctis'-71--1'',*Ir'on -Sun •
.• •
, 1.r re:qui:at:6,1 : Cf. 'the Canadian •,
•.Gol.iul...nment in ,tit4tterg ',of ',paternal- ,•
•. to • have elireo `aeross.the
pet'idert 'rei:olLts ("eat' While ,.streilli*ng
da.•ra".the Street he :Was bailed by a
flnit4t1 Sta.tirS, .;:totiri.st Who .,:said• -:."1„.•
ti!an. yeti t1i ine ,where•
• the povetnnifilt woo11 at.bra. IS'?"' •
The .icoritributbr ;StlyS, ho' didn't
Wane to apPear" 'durob. in. ease 'the
GoVerinnellt. had ;recently 1gono. uijp
. the WOOI bilsineSs;. ap :be asked- a fW,V,
•*„.eutious.:•qiMations, ..lt tu out.
t'int the ,teeriaf• was looking for.14110-
••Son -Ray blatiltkS.•".-41netetin'S • ' Meg-.
:The recent.tragedy : neer Sarnia
• , , • . • . • .„
where,' farm 'vat Was , attacked .
and,: 'killed by ,a viw. which had rda
into; her •yard from the.,-tbad, caustg
,fitolii'iSe'enVapprelien'sion as 'Well As ,
synipa"thy.. and sorrow',
thereftire, Vilaafe.?. , .•••‘!•:.
. ,It is not Unusual to heat Of peopvie-':
being killed by bUlbs, n.eighbqrs,
w62nan: .1.kras idao(.11' in,.
.•:MeOre TOlknithip,;'haVo'artet 8ihinar
' ,•fate inre,cetit, years" Mtn. bulIs. '8iit
ucually 'reg,a'tded;, at bY least CRY. fP11:81,:al
. .
'grazo. quietly. 'and, in •',;,thelt mornentp
'Of Ieisu te,,f. chew, the4'. etitt ztPeate •
the :etitnittY Ott :Ncinct,' are loath
rto Hnib &Vet li,f'enec: Into .a' held
;Where there' A,re edi* .14 th0:- tem.'
jUatified Or ,Are- their dempa•niong
.rigllt lit Making •ftin of •thelif ,
nc•-• that,•"Trethe'• Where";
..kOWS• i).f• teuree 'tire :Mach, titirieter timbullg. It t�githo-r-'j 'j
group, �r ,Iferd. they
art atteesi;„eiltitify ianh13, 1f, a
• ,,„•••i'
• That is entirely..a onstaketiiA. sus-
pended. sentence is just
name sentence that is sus-
pended,: that hangs over the ••offender.
SO long as, he .behayee himself, noth-
ing Tfarthersia' done about it; but if
.he offends again during the -term
;Which sentence,. has been suspended
him • in case: of :conviction '''4fid the
..'poliQityl be imposed :.•sin 'addition to
that ter the second offettee,_ '
; •
Suspended sentence does notmean
that. the, judge or magistrate has
placed the offender, in the'peeition Of
one who his not broken" the law. .If
be does not take his lesson to heart'
and breaks the laW a second time the
magistrate may 'remind .him that he •
has broken , "AuthoritY,',', the
.magistrate may say; "has given you .
a chance to go Straight. ' Only one,
thing can be done With a person who
will not behave. it1 high thie for
You to learn that, the,; way of the
transgressor is hard. Society will
stand ;for •only so Intiell."
suslistided. sentence,titen; is not a .
clearance"; nor is It a sign of 'Weak,'
neSS. on the partof the authorities..
It is a *manifestation Of the desire of
the law to give one Who has slipped '
;:a-chance--tnsrget-43aek-on-ilte straight-7.-
road—a...fever Whiehiittio::,0'1,toJi.,11-OL:
• A• Goderielioman tripped'. over 'the.
lawn hPse,.when- he." Went to turn the '
s Water' :off and fractured his arm in
three places. We imaginemany
rriarrieff-men will make sUre-iheir
• • • •
wives read, that particular itetn.=Pet-
trbOrOUgli Examiner. •
itheorY., : They. •Say,,,,that_.:.it....the ice-
caps which .cover each Pole, North,
and. gOutlr, 'Cm:114 brice be 'removed,
they woUld • never:referm. „ • One they
went the ••wiiole climate of . the .,earth,,
weaId he„ altel'ALThe hard cl:inata
'of Britain would'. Change: to the -soft .;
warmth of the semi -tropics Scientists
.43r. that °with Modern :explosives the
!.fe„at ,is not rnpOssible andCer(ainly •
it would•he better for mankind to use.
exProSiOec, in' this way than 'to )3.1OW
each :ether to death, with them.—
Stinday •EX•pres..” ••:* " •
, _
.'Spartan' Mother
Asks Reformatory
Her Son
.30s.me .I•t°11.tt.4;
, pleaded With, Magistrate .1-I; A.
, Bur-
bidge. to 'send her-.1q*,..year,old den;
convicted of of 18. burglary - charges, to
a re grPlatQr5r1'fle' done,
'eri.9,110 il4Ipage,‘,. 4, let
hin suffer," the I Woninir .asited L.the.
_•••• IilVtigtitSittre:oe,s n*t,411,rqf 'RPeenttotilmeat0(141., to;
nine- ,to months.' Loattit's: corn. -
pardon, -Joe PpytonMee. 16, receiv-
edl.fiVe Months definite and .four
months indefinite on six charges of
.b•u`r;.14Or',SY'he'en „Warned '4 dozen times
and suspended "-sellte...9e or ,the Strap.
weuld do, him no geed:. He would he ,
better off dead • than free," said Mrs.
Loettit as i her son; *his .qYes to the
court- rooluilonr;ligtenecL, • _ •
are at, eV a Spartan
1;nother,.4 (he, Magistrate reaed.
"Strangelr.zeneogit.our psychiatrists
-agree with you. They have advised
institutrnnalizatiori i o er
methods fail."
_ • /._
How do you
fishermen react
tothis piece of
information? ,
In 1936 the State'',
of WiSconsin's
w o hatcheries
produced •17,000,,
• 000 Muskies for
-re-stocking par-.
:poses. 1 *,' They're
probably big ,fel- ,
lows . now,
, waiting for • you
/ gents, out 'there!
One of our American • tourists
caught a prize trout ; up north ,last
week ! so this shourd prove We in
-Canada have a few big ones left. •
-Ne one ••ever talks Or hears sabout ,
:•-the-oyster..4_Well; here, is ,just a fiat,
hey, say that "iiiis'OOSterlikea from
for& to six [year's to ripen for the
marked, :*
"Jimmy itancIPT
New 17,,Ork G:eate are willing
to. ,pay, $50,600 for his services, The,
ChreaC0lis7ifaiit him too, Whether:
or 'not ,50: grand is 'A little:high, We ,
ate not tire last ;now.
guesd hate to :stretch!
it a little to eeMe up' to • Babe :Ruth's
top salary salary' of 880,000 a year.;
.Goad -environnient la, a Creator :and', •
guardian of health', the' indisPensable
foundation of ,•cager *•.Those
:who "'ruin, natural. beauty. And-tnese'
"\l4 n21 'top -.Provide
"",711Piises..-are 'alike en i ea, of the peace-.
of; mind' Mit of which. proceed
geed :44^Etsinanshin • ea, 'the ofie,,hand,
".and hotisewlfery'; 01 the. ..0thk:
AO1EAh. bt.bnaY,,00. health .of '
;nutrition', #,Kies8;*; the, hap,'.
'pfnexa '0:f , dhild'ren ,denend, ti' last
'issue; upon sthinking .and, feeling • and
,thereT;a!, upon the 'influeneeS . ititt
"sugge. tioni' which!. Men :IMO WO-,
men are it.lt&reUilded.. There should
be TM between. the liemee 'd for
:heautrand the demand, made again,
'and • sz gain In the :•debate, for .!ifeetkie
cicanliposa,, and. :ter
preventiVO, If ygiene- fa' the
•craftsnlailliJL ol-r"j?szalltx .arid wilI
'usu.ally found Wanting 'Where.;41?,eatitY
116t ek:IL ; Mean .,dtreet§., Mean
viltages, and men, or /J.)31461{1180(1,
achoolc, e,x1Sten'ce of, which Mr
tind•cay regretted eterfier ia the :week
are ilk detaetiy_e_.•ikt 'apfeit as in cquip-.
ttaniOn. times;
, They say lasfc:Season-ar:Saratoga-T•-
and Lexingtonthe ele's for 800.-y'ear-..;
Img were $4500,100 Q0,
Eefer l back to ',oysters : again,
it IS „sni a female oyster 'Spawns
50,000,000 gas,',.in:a Year. ;
,,, ,
Guess ' ite.-r hoof • it .:olong, \
gang:''' --T -On s •ot \for yotir.lettel7S:".':
Our ,C lunin is etilea.ted; dila, *edit
to .Jack Legge,' Toronto's "statistiCal
Whirlve d."' • '' ' * -
, Adis.
Wittiin;the c.:tY• area, ' the. Lord
1.• •„
Mayor of London ranks second ':only
to the King,: and takes ;preeedence
Of'Other inembera of the Royal Fam-
• . •
..Plants have a nervous .syafom.
which is affected by strearernotionS,•••
just as ,in tfie oaseof the higher'ani-'
niala aCcording, to, a famous • Indian .
scientist. 9• „.•,;•3,;,• ••••••
• • ,
ews-In rief
eastein ,Canada''.aa4
British • '.eeriztzithino...contizzuecl, to show
prospects, \said' a,,,:'Ciop; :report. Mined:
this . *deb\ by , the. DeminionA Beretta, Of '
Statistics: The the. drought -stricken pi -air,'"
'lee, however; .faced -failure'.over a wide
area, :with Itily yields' expected ' from '
those fields whicli sIill promised
In Ontario, the :weather has :been
favorable for :the :;development of all
6170p.i: ;CUttii1F.'Of fall .wheat Id nearly
finished,'. ahcf yields itiood be aticiie •
averagt Beni°. earIr.opring • grains
ave ' be.en in southern dis-
tricts 'harvesting: Wiilli„e:gener41 this
week,,,. *4W:fairly. good : Yield's in pros-
pect.. 'Fruit' and track -CrePs are prom-
rthern, districts baking fi
delayed:1v' 'Iwet-Nreither;7-,bat-'-ienerat:
'OtOsPeets are good. ; ; ,
• •
'Of -Pik rieVal.a:uxillAry",veSPels°4t a max-
cosC•Of 45000,000: , • ••••• I ;
nientith. the :bilk Which proVidee, 'for
'a new seePlarie tender,.deetrOyer 'ten -
:Aar, mine 'iween'9,. Siihrharine'tender,
fleet rag ena.
. CATTLE E60114 , NEARS ,
TORONTO-"Canatla,V.•cattle, '
ess, .i,lornestfc antr- foreign,-1s-reridy to
Liki,o'm • 10.114,
plent,AsSidted. piafl, fOrqshippittg ,thin.-..
live * Steck' '•otp the .• dry, p1-airie,5.•'•te',
Live •steCkmen sajd thig wock the:
MoVetnant. of WO.S(ern •:cattle ' to On-
tni•ib har'4.tarted :peVera(1- Week'S 'ea riler
than last year, the first in •.Which the,
• trtnitinien,. GovernMent 'paid, .haltoost..
of hintperit Eastern
buyerS who select, their .own cattle for
• • . '
, -130CAu2(�" 41lb 'Market:4s.. better, due
,lai-gely t� Cattle; Ishortage in the Un -
Rod 's,t4,t,e0',-EastoF0,,.*oattle;..nien areihtirrYing, to take, advanta,ge :of: -the
• GoVerzinaent scieme, fersoi'i41.lyor:
,t.hrOtigh agents,• they are buying 'W(isfs
on .cattle In .ItilY•-last", year, heavibs'
• pUrehades were ,i11,Atigtb'stH1,0.,get,,an
s ea:11,
Y Siert. , • '
The Doritliiien live stock branch
nere repertgal; ,u1y,dhipme"ntssz "'unions.;
• ally large, and added, that 'the
iet movement• 'expected in the
.1.1)eTht.i1O6ed"yefia'Pril-efi;I aAngust'tn6d fiNel 177it'lls!'tero,iri"
younger,' and 'cOws'. end' eel Yes \finality .
Milder the aovetnineht Wan. .
Higher •Pricos •and - PrOapecta ' of a '
'ready ,ealo to the United States- are
*ineentiVes to otitatie dealere`o who find
choice .,girada:IsloottOttarked to
$9;25, "66inpared with • o •
year nkpil -
7 Cat* eVini..• to 'Ontario will 'net
1e lflflIi(Ctabio until 'fall, -blit livo apek
...in611 are satiSflecl there- W)It• b0. no
staelteiting in demind.' • •
*is . ,
Per ,Cent. a Years
DETROIT; , Mich. --Charles F. Ket
tering, researCh. engirieer told the
AzizerIcAti Society of Civil tngineeis:
IL ticur; "highway, systent mist' be 'pre,
niodate 37i066,00 niotoi.„ vehlcios by
19p6.. • ,
• The'number of antoniohiles on 4;67:
highWayrvvill increttae 50 per 'Cent.
within' the next '23 years, he 'said,
.While "ah'•inereese in:meter vehicle
registration On .put:. present' :highway •
system' W6tild &Most', Prohibli much
of our , • "
uStiellia plan would, retplire a Pritn-
art, sySiemof high *'speed.•higlb,Vays
•„etouiQK th country ;in*all'ditcetiOns.
• It is' estinthted that 50,000' to 00,000.
miles t 'etich''supersbighways would
, be cuff:lc:lett. . L0adin fIom.. thencwould :
be a sectSilderYSS*.teTa Of. t'g0q.0....n.
tnra.14. cii.joi and
toWne: TheAliird •Systdni woUld son -
'slat Of SerViCa highways sery,;•hz,ir .the'r
rural afeas,” '
th kit.det oL tra.smAr.pe of 'bridge
our!hee doom on lig ,touadation plots,
. ,
- Fiery '1(1mi: When a young ,Vitifs,
nese ' ki'Saed a girl she • threw him,
._.4gaihr ,iiroLalarni--;w:ith- au eh-orte -:
. ,
that ,ci 'Marfa ,1%' 3 set off. S'',c rire.
engine,3 W6r0 .6 the Sietie in a: tow,
nilhipt$i ,. .J .•i
•WASIIINOTON-Tlie /Actor EePart-
meta eatimated this week ,I,500;00
in an ayc 'of were 1t)3 111 tha
ltoi tateti,"laat•:•fitelltil „becaitio.., .0f...
prOlitinary Sth'VeY 81110 \V*"
darted ;dtiring ,lune,
that 586 ondod daring the inenti,L
Onlinentary Ole
By Peter Randal
Camera Queen Is
1. NoGood With/Our&
..T49ear .W4o be .reApiikbP4704-
lerigOgt'' are efte4, 'tau' leitat:•;•kactins '
• :**;',‘;:ti:01'''•'•4POO4tiiit'-ilitat-";-•thariir sir '1
:•:Charleii:Saanclera.bet la'dolibt.ful. if
any..cOtht:or • man. hashed agreater.."Inf‘,
Burette° upon ; itS:develoPment; •
donald.,:'Ortiftted,..,*.confederation:but It
wheat and its later improvement In
gaLnet Nvile.q.; that .provide,d,the, means
„Of :eXiateacet-••fer. it,..:.Yery, young, nation.
„OziiIroadn baci• been fronreast .(0'
west across limitless expanses o a -
. . . . . „ . . ;
• Most' laste. land. .Tho country Was Un-
der: 'a heavy*: 'harden, of debt, • .:The.•
:Saunders discovery turned the vast
prairie, wastee•pf' the *sot into a treas-
'hence which, was to lift Canada
frein the pesition'"ot!" tolatively: un-, ;
inapertant' appendage Of 'Great Britain
„into.one:of the five -great -trading: ;lie,.
*tions'.of• the. World. wheat poured
from the' f,erzner's. ,pocket Into every•
Orni of Canadian economic develop-
ment...Z• • . • .;
•• 9".. ' The West of Today
-A-stthe breafor Of thir.-treasare !tease:*
passes ' beyond. .it interesting to •
amine the Uttar° of thegie':.same. broad
; The One • crop Wes( is. passing
, ,
"through •ti :dark period its history.
Thousands Of acres are being scoured
clean, of 'top -Soil. Rain haa•rfailed.and.
the 1.937L wheat' erOP :is a, failure In In.. 4
line ef,'failarel:, The -.Western 'Wheat
„Carry' over, has shrunk •freim. a high of
21-1.:•Millioallesliels .4, 'under ,the "-han9 •
„ . , • . •..
, , • .
Mark- , ri'llousautis are /4
In line *II.Ii the �xiorIoneos ot the
thorc Rio
:doraatz.486iitty:hOwi:bgici,s, atsa:trieolistietesto4h:tth,j et hr ii Ag,
SaCkgilieWan ra 114
'Aided bY tit Federal 7,,..,413,ituddaed,.",,
:tnirThat is the strange quality • orthe."
a1inlipPl'afijainleiiiii. °tent the most 0 haVe '.:already • been
areas but ,the poSsibllitied of., meting,
an ,entlre populatieri are foo. enormous
to he seriously centernplated- even if-
thoie involved were,'OgrOed that, the
moVe was in their own best Interests.
Western 'character. In spite of, eon -
drilled' Crop' failures end hard luck,
these poPPle .still belleye that. the ,
West Will come beekt '
A few years ago, a well ',known
W4its, Three Week?! 'EP!
ciOCcii" Shot 071.,,Wild:Puck •
ThOitgh heaeleeir•
shot •Nvitil and faced. with cenrs's ••
aitioos 4QuQt: the hOrcliP,Elt
duck hiinteri vivacirma't.o_une..•$quire.!'
ef.Orial phOtoOrollqi Atiler1-1;'
ditn, 14,1fd:17.tittite; think!, noth:••.
seggi Marsh • .Waitine.fet,:' one: geO4, •
4Oaivera„ "shot:i:,of O duck, •
hrell4P, ..isY*:• ,..
Month** 'eating, near,.. '
Arotro4Xics'Scitilik•rOgr.itlY *;
ford, SaSk„, Whei•e •ShoL obtained bird
tiP:oog non. 1,11'.,44resr V.1444
,alway's been my'anibition to ,
•-ebrne. to.--Canada--to:.see-the7diteks-,' in •
their' nestiag, grounds: Now ' have,
and have, seine geed pictures of.;,bahie
mduicsksssqwuiintionlsinagio.abotit, on ;the water,"
H,er career • ti'd _a ., !photographer
Started 10 'Years ago hi ICansak.when
she ' weld hnntlng..with ..her
father :and Mother.: • ' was pretty
te •rible witli'a gun so I began shoat- •
a . • 'eba
been a •scries.! of "Outatandltig• pictures
:young'It's hard work,". said the ---
hansan. .„‘",Abont. (MU'. .five out of -a •
•huntlred' pictures are successful.•::
spend 'days 'in the•,darkropin- k'etiqig
'the effect' I. want!): She. itsda, a:, tvife •
miniature:reflex, 15 .-eentinietre'
telephoto lenses. .. • ; .. • "
."The Young girl, A graduate of Kan-
Pniverdity,' cisme ;to-. Canada Ital.
the result of cemmeniCati.ons With the:
•., • • • ,
officers of the' Atbdrta,!;•Saskai:chewen
*atld 'Nonitoba..G4Tac, and, FlSlt^.4ssecl..••
ations• She .intends. to Spend" ahpat. ,•
11 ,MOnt,h, in ,,Mavitoba before.' 644[70,
ling , westWard. "again tO,': the. Pgri':
' Chipewayan -area. ;•
to their support. Accerding:AO R.0.
Sweezey of MOntreaL.the ,W.,,eat needs_
• Tfirigail ,huge scale True; 'th e
'eXpense Weald: he enormous but so
will be the expense fnvolved in any
other Solution. The great difference.
that 'irrigation' will' J. he a inireat- •
Inept. capable of. bringing in a great
returnWhether irrigation is the .key
to the riddle 'or Some !Other :sOletion•
Is required deei."not ,matted: :The
wealth pf Canada, not: only for the
West and the farmer but for the East
and.:industry depends on saving the
Western Wheat field_
• TIEBEC7S-Comnilesioner G. L. Car*
penter,•neivly appointed heed: of the.
' wedadodaY 011 the • liner •sMorttealta-la..
take over his tiew.duties.• He succeeds
•OOnitiiiPsiener.hlitehlillan; who has bo -
come ,chiet'of Staff at Army • Head-
quarters in 1,entlon. • ,Commissioner -
:Carpenter,. accompanied by Mrs. Car-
penter and their daughter. is making •
his; first ylait- to Canada... Was born
In 'Australia. 'and basspent several
Years' in the Argentine.
TORONTO--Pred Marsh, Ontario '
DepUtY. Miniater of Leber; Wednesday„
told Hon Woodworth seeretarrof the.
Canadian :.,Youth Congress., :grants .for
youth .tehbilltation,!prtiJects. would
be doubled:At the moment the Go*-
eminent' provided $240,000 as its share
of the ',Federal doliernment .$1,000,000
grant., .Projects ere: heing,00tisiclered•
-Mr. Marsh said..
rissey,..hibee, of AMelia _arhart; lost:
in the, Pacific whlle flying around the
receltred A birllide.??... present
Which was Mailed by Antella when
she. Was . in ,Epmbey---Sik• 'Oriental.
, „
T:bracelets--triacie of phi . and span
glass. Aimee mother; was the former .
1VIuriel,,Earhart; Miss "Earhart's only
sister: AinY. wili, he'six. on: Friday. • :
. ,
.LONEON:--$47ength • Of 'the Terri-
; torte:1_41.m y is,.novreater than at
any nerloti ,mkee it, was recon'atituted
seventeen , years agp. The War Orme
anotofetd-O•fiteet"mitroth traitt-if arr
-idly 1 Ibtalled 155,00p, compared; With
on the seine date Mst year
•Since the bOgihning of the year 30,240
haire ' i ife-fTh- .
• CIIENGTU., - China.'
.----,,Primary school' teachers in
the Chinese lbw!) of Chikiang have ,
been(' ordered •br ,t,,h0.,gpirernmont to
ShaVe, frennently •and have been for- ,
biddhn' tb ;wear long -hair., ,Not,*.only
will 'this improve their appearanee,,ac-.
cording tcr the: order, but their dhlrits,
. •••• WASTE HUMAN .HAiR •
. uss of humen hair'
for: the, 'ntaking,..el: carpet'-, tarpaper
coverinkcjor roofs, .and 'felt, is Ger-,
latest Plan for saving raw 'ina-•
Ilair-diesSers throughout the•
•cr)ufltl-y will he asked at, the, 'tenting
Garber& Conventleti at. • Riteslatrto
Start •Oblideting ,liuMan hair of e'VetY,
'kind 0(111 length. , •
'i.STRATFORD,f1AVE 30138 •
STrtAl ir''041.); liriteticelly • all
.Stratford's oniploYable men who were
• on: (ho relief 'list at _the' hoinnIng oL
thayoar are 'ttOW,At 'Weil, and if an
urgeiit lit663 .16 ..conio, Into , the. '
.1t.ellef•IMpartment for•oe obio,•!)6dioct
Men the Ortley Probably tepid not be,
Ailertikti Iambs Stewart, Chan"
Men Relief
the meet t
litirn elle:Wing relief reelpientP' to go
1110'irir Wages for the Main tehantej of
thdir tdmiiiels has &mind "UP' tlintered
-illttlatlen 'he -
1 About
• .
crawl's CM; AdviceirOf Qua!:
s, ificatigns of Leaders
.clubi were Warned' •reeeitti•y; ,agalitst
chbos:ng leaders urt..because they
knew how to 'Slap' .lack,S; Mix Welh.
and • Wear. Paiisian clothes..
"We should should select the women who
can best heat. advance our interests,":13Mias,
' Lena': M. Phiflipi lawyer and .asSOci-;
ate editor of The Pretprial. R0109,
told the convention of the: National •
"It is is 'all* right to choose
a back-
slapper and geed:* mixer if '.She, has
Other • Vircirthwhle .qualities, :- but the
!'tact IShe years Parisian models.does
riot.rieessarilyMake -her n:deSirable
!leader. . •
•..."Good will .and iiltabilit3r-are 00
Intelligenee. and :vision:". •
gldet over the Prospect
ing'! the:, federal* law. prohibiting,"era7
Pleynient of betli, ho.sijAa' d and w:ro,
:in- the ''geyertirtent 'Service.. ,. • i•
•• VS'S, Phi1ip 'observed
,crirnieetory, legislAtion'.: remained on
.the.,Statute 'books-fel:1r years' and has,
•"Ortly just nowr been rcs'einded.by the.
'•:tOwer. HouPe.". j.' '
a,What. Will happen in the:Se:hetet',
shS added, “is. •stil problematical. 'Yet
rhe men' in .Congrc1. who had th
'powe to.r.2'seiral that. bill ;were 'sent'
twhe •consitute • nearly lia1 the,' ..e,lec.,•
(grate. , • •
• "Wonien• land. the .."poWer to;...force
.shango-o-f.that'. laW,--„tinr4itne--they-
Wanted to; • They s•mplY`didn't exer-.
-.Cise-it.-•.:,;••• We cannot.step'. talking abbef..; ce,operat'On. •We, roust%
--1-nTtii,;!:?6,-)F,L-Tiat--.6nly in the 'nat.:Lona.'
body but ,in the various States:"
' • 111;ss. Ierenees Of NeW
anther of hook-ad:on good 'planless be."...
hnvjor for women, v,art.red .ckihworneri -
against con:mere:al. 'Icon-
cerns to ;' get. hold; of Memb,ershp
lists. •
"When :fS
We sell durs.liSts,"„she,saide
are violatinga Principle of hitsi
irides ethieSte; say ncthing of a ,deil-'
nite poliy., of the federatiOn."'.
. •
•• TO $8..000 :IN 2 .VEARS'
PETER:1101OTICIll'o,-T.v.ro years' it:•To
the ,Peterbototigh fiete4ry, Chits: *mew:
eihaged 'eighty-six tuffniela• '61,'"White•
Ntirinte'v ,et and: 'diatrfluried
,U, eredek farty-throe,lioYs 111. 'inters
borough(loptity Who Were 'then •nit',"."1,
, , . _
hors of iiio,i!.seed ...(.1.1ah,•Tht8 ,yontr' the
'chili *filch has bitritnk to itt it v=ti vo
liteinbera,, will harvest 8,004, lin:shot
PrAligh Uniform qiiality
Wheat/. tentatively _Valued. at '$1,646; • ,
L.-Eitth nI tho otIgluals• .terty-ittr`w
niembth.'s reeefverl tirr- bitU.NIS of
, So , and -:10t,fa1l, (WV Ws 0 ),Ing %ran gs
sfratn ti'VO to t‘tte'Ve. 3 (vas' apiepr,•
• Tli),45.fo 11' the "i-criginal :Ohl' itt veatum.,n( •
IT the -Primt
til)rice tWo Yerire, ..trisni 'Wirt
•Introditced Arthry I1IIII hum, loent• .
POPitt't th 614" Of Agirtealiare ire.op1119st1s'
tiVo lio le nOw Pre:ardent rif !he. Ito,:
,Ite, 101d . the _nr2 tit' flay..
fegu1ar'luncheon tine Vire0c-Of the sue2•.
esc of 'the ven1ate,,`"1, '
,8evere1 6r tile b48W11,1 dttyr_mirry,_
piaa Of thelr" Wh(tt At the Peterbor,
Otigh Industibil tix1i1b1L1un, with tt fiirs
iher Presnett, 6( ehteit11til.tr4e
UrSe4 Nee,
Eight -Hour a
LONDON,..Eng support
•••for ..more huinanc Cenci:tier:a in the
Prat ess •on., is4eittgl1t by dele,
'ogfatIlesu .rtsostiliiie •Ittin,tdornhap.zttre:ii:01,..-..:C:c*:tigr..eas..
• ..An eight-hour day .*as, listed, as
chief. Obpec(ive. Of :the_ •••driVe,, •• .••
• On the • wells of the ',COnVeritien halt:
aS:84 per cent of:Prehatieners •Cateb
• contagious diseases.: ',trent" -patienti;:.:
• only 14 per cent et* trained nurses " en, .
Jering yegglated :hetirs, catch ••thern ;.''20 ,•
Per, Cent•,:of, the probationers affected
"-die.. •• Other charts•listed:.tilsd.!•seasea
Nvh:th• :particularly;assail run-down
nurses,' :.`Show:. this to prehatieziera
"the...jeb,".".•orie• delegate reniarkeil: • • •
Jeetz.I.LChurehi, of, Ottliwa,,' Str4s.S- ••!
to which many ;•Student -.--
nurses ,Were ;Submitted.. • :
have •seen' .girla,nnable to., Crawl, -
into, the, heti, or .eyen, take, '.otr iheir
,:uniforniC:..-after a; Oay'a, c kk.;'!. the..
-tanadlan- delegate said.; Ihey drop'
' 'thhaaisted ..and three hours ; later ,haye:9;9-.
;Ito. be, .,up •ag'ain for ,a,:lectur`e, Then• t•
Lady .arid straight" tor. 01:45-7::.; • .
L"'Affer 10 •,yeara' aerylee,,of: altne• s(
drodg'ery;., a•.ntirse , is
hanated, The, rrat,„:'of 11. r.•yest..s
, ,
theobStacics, in '1.e',v,..ny.'eg introdac;.-.,
'nig the' Liglit-114'Onr.• e.:;, 'the ..chief.'•:of
of .b.cal"ciP
• actiontenOS ziurv,fjQy1..1ur,11 an in-.•
novstien... •. • , ", •
• !O1. a ddi1t,thot nurses
Were. • not -seeyir,g, to :'renou.n.Ce thuir
ImpCserl. • , • .
.."Na tierse werth'y! of her',
sen wetild 'Chilli,. of herself' or et per? ;
B7441 desire's while:need •ot her 'serV-
cs"•the OttAwa
'1314 Under ..preSetit •cOnalit;otis.. litee
is lett •for ,pet,iontq ,:g•:,tidy and
roel.t,e1:ort."' • •-• ••
' '00 ;•p1,r]osi:411.
. s : ,
„ „ sie,a z.:•;•,t:n.;,',•es,"2-
ing ,U.s61 atitl..inter1r‘Aci`a..r71.ve lYket
'dytiongic of each' ,utit:rcbri after fe;•1"i •
.,conelndert: • ,•
Ca "II di Ifilg .. include
itli.:;.erititelidt.rit, ‘C.t
nol'aes, .:TerCiito Conel•el, Ileslq •
M;rsA'' 1;
artr.Cf.rotni,.. e
• tt:7,1yeri::. 'rt)
•;tort,' 11:0.•%.1 t'441:;1:).
„ f.L •
tl,gtcali; Of • tItIHIV,Vt.i, 1' (!i(1 •
111 l Ar.r.' 1 1,1r j, the
bee tVA..4 , in ';'ritari Cd •,y
_ tOIv,J WhO 013,)
Slates 'vas' t:vett,ri prt, Plc% rilt; tf t
int(1.141401:11ttl. 0,Alts0:1
th6, jlegt, :rot) rIt.qt.p