HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-07-22, Page 8444,4 e ye•wp •r=a e..r w, Mart wat4.smr am %r.r."•N. . TRU • RHO TO .0140 ;IN •LQT r , •, FOR ON1 : Pos�twe an yl" one Dress TOA Person Men's .& ,Ladies: 1 iucknow •. By Adverse Business: Conditions: • v�•,i:..�.�+IFIlA ^49 '•.F `TO THE ,FIRST 15 CUS- TOMER$ AT THE DOOR' FRIDAY MORNING. AT 9; . ,0'CLOCK . 'S H A R,P WE WILL•$ELLA, PR. OF FINE SILK . HOSE' FOR ►•INS SPECIAL I .-)PRINTS Magog Fast Color -•Prints, Wide. i Regular 25e per yard. At*Per Yard .... .18c LAbIES'^' :BATHING •SUITS Ladies' Pure.A Wool Suits Colors Black,. Red "'and Green WHITE GLOVES ` allies' Fine •. White ' Summer hamols Gloves. At Only ..19c LADIES''W iTire.SIIPS n -Taffeta or Satin Materials LADIES' ` SILK 'PYJAMAS ' A; limited , number at this low price. of . • 69c. •- • ear' 47* • SpecialClearance Of Silk, Wash. Dresses. ' These are . regular' $3:00,. Dresses. They aro in, Plain, Flowered or Striped . Wash , •'Silk" : in' sizes 14 to.• 40. Priced to sell • c quickly at only , •v9 Reg. at:t re lensationa! D,r'esses 'Beautiful 'Silk.' Crepes • light and - . dark shades-4lowered. or' plain materials.'All sizes. •Priced to "clear �Atx $2:49} • m: s: EVERY•A tTICL' E; AND GARME1T • UNDER ' T ROOF WELL-KKNOWly STORE PRICED' AWAY DOWN FOR. QUICK SELL111 THERE wWILI BE :NO RESERVE'EVERYTHING GOES.; ITS A. REAL; 4'3f*]Cw're� 'a�►*��r�z e� xrRM����n� �e+ SCONES OF '"OTHER BIG SAVINGS —. WORTH C ,COM'IN! MILES!: TO'.GET IiQN'T'•>MISS,THEM i. crifke Summer; Coats There are .only :a' fey of .the. Fine 'Flannel' Summer. Coats. •Pastel „Shades ,;and White.: Smart tyles •5 9 C To:p1ear now at' .. " Res. $8.00 -Dresses... These are: a better 'range "of: g_. Dresses—Sheers •Chi. oris • Silk Crepes—leadingstyles, Now For Only 4 othes Ladies'.. Suits Swaggers or.. :Short 'Jacket Suits All. Wool • Tweeds New . Shades.. Reg. '316.50.. NOW At 417 den's Sport; Pants These, are •'Fine ; Flannels-;: Grays' 'and, Fawns -Pleated Styles ^and " Pernianent•crease. • Now 2 59 en's and Young { Men', These are in ;Tweeds and Flannela.' Most are with sport backs and . pleat pin (priced to clear at only . ,, • LADIES'. SILK HOSE Supersilk ' Hose •'in Chiffon a n d Service! weights-'` All•• colours sizes Reg 59c: .$1.00x ;Pair,, 0:O K Pure Linen Tea ' Tow- ening, striped border heavy oqual,ty .Regul lar:. " 15e per yard. ; Now: Only .• • $1.00 6Yds.for, g STARTS 'TOMORROW I ;THE .' CROWDS - BE ` HERE,. ' MEN'S LIGHT. FELT". HATS All shades. A limited number at this low• price $1•V0' MEN'S',: WASH PANTS Men's Summer Sanforized Wash.; Pants Now t 'a9, Only! MIEN% FANCY SOCKS -- Mart • patternd prmeed to eleark at =' • - 2 Pair •--fo ' BOYS' 1,06.4 •SHIRTS Fine '. .Polo Shirts' . in fancy knitted4 Cotton , . 'For : Only , - ., .'49C• MEN'S SHIRTS ,and SHORTS.; Broadcloth ?Shirts and Shorts c. ',Broadcloth fine cotton • . Q At '.Per . Garment ..:-. •� C `. and GENERA RitsselEriga piss i 114ting=with hiq chum, Donald .McKenzie. V1rs• . W.J ,,yToddis .spending a couple,. of weeks in, London; Mr, Evan; Alhn''of Toronto, ''Was.. a caller in 'town the 'first 'of .the `week. Miss Frances SiddelF, of Toronto. is on ,a twa .weeks'' cruise to Labrador. Mr 'Tom:: Alton of, Toronto ' is spending a tw,o-weeks' vacation at his' .home here. Master Bobby O Webster of Port Credit is.enjoying a 'few -•days vacs= s tion•.::with his aunts `here; Miss • Lorna Campbell - of Toronto, as ape"nding;.ths, week at^the home of Mr. JOseph Mailmigh, returned. last week after S ten Months' visit . in VancouFer: and Western. Canada: Mra:" Horace AitchiSon, Aylmer, Douglas' and Miss Stella SteiVard are Mrs:. T S..'; Reed • and'.: Eldon; companied 'by''Mrs.-'G: A •,Siddall;, re- turned '6 Orilliathe 'first ;of.the week. :.._„Mt Edw1n Smitlt,,who mstaking--a summer 'course. in • shop work at, :Ham Ilton, ,spent ;the.Week-end,:.'with his parents. Mr ajiid Mr�. •�lorman Patersibn'of. Montreal are visiting with 'Mrs; D.. Paterson , and Mr . and "Mrs;.' F. M :Paterson •Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm"McInnes of•, Detroit are visiting at the .hone.of his,',mother, Mrs: 'Malcolm 'McInnes;. -;Second.•- Concession. , Mrs.; Ed: :Arena and, sop Edward of IncillaralaPol,is, are spending toupl,s of Weeks With , her iister,`11iSses4Ada and Hazel "Webster,_,Ross-St.L-i- Mrs. ,;Arthur Iialdenby Master Kenneth and the Misses. Marjorie arid Shirley are holidaying at the h'oine of . Mrs. :Margaret Dudley' of town... Dr; , print -MaeKenzie St, Bob ,.. MacKenzie,::.wlio :.. entered Business : College, 'Toronto,' some two ;weeks'. ago, spent -the .week. end- with -:his = grandparents, r•M.r and' 'Mrs,: -; ugH" "IGIacIntos Miss WinnifredDutn, Mr. Wi►1;: Posno of London, Miss Marion.,, Gam_ mieanH ': of ' Elora" dHelen ' Gammie;' visited at thet home of 'Mir: 'and' Mrs. George Andrew over .;the .;week -end. Rev1-1 `E Kennedy and sons ;Billie - and Billie - and ie of Norwich,,; *re spending' a' week with his `sister; Mrs. Roach in .Kinloss and with. his:" brothers, John' and Wm.,$ennedy'in Huron Township Miss Mona Mitchell motored • to Timmins ~accompanied , by Mr. and Mrs. Phil: 'Parfitt' and son, who re turned to, the _North after .spending': ...their-vacatipn • at the`home :of, Mr. and; Mrs. M:'=Mitchell: Mr. Jack° •MacKenzie,, Second Con.;.. Kinloss;. who peas .'taken` :quite ,i11• the latter part of .the week, was removed` to St. Michael's Hospital; • Toronto, where his; condition is" reported as somewhat improved: • 'Week end ,guests, ff Mr. and Mrs., MEN'S .POLO SHIRTS;" Fancy Knitted Cotton with, lace' neck:' Now Only •77 MEN'S FINE SHIRTS; ,A special lot,• collar attached.. to. shirt ,plain or in pattern. All sizes big; value. At -� .,...89c.. MEN'S WORK PANTS Fine hard wearing cloth . in • a , very ied Dark Grey pattern:',, Selling out at only • MEN'S WORK' SOV All Wobl 'Work Sox. Ektra big value at • , MEN'S WORK SHIRTS -All sizes; made' by well-known" makers. , Now POI. - Only M UNDERWEAR . Penman'st. Balbriggan ,C.ombin-. , ations ' and two-piece. underwear Finest . Quality • Sale. Price, Suit ' ,. 9 C I3• -PIECE BOYS' SUITS 'Tweeds - new ' fanny backs.: 1'o,, Clear : At Only • i • LADIES.' CREPE SKIRTS aster lir_ --$2.-6• Ta6`r ar at • , LADIES' SUMMER ' PURSiS Pine leather, white ei Pastel -shades. Now Pennit us to.oadvertise .:every- thing: Ilinidreds of Other Items' on Sale Not Listed Here. • oun An exceptional 'range:of better Suits 'in" fine, Worsteds. Ml Sizessmartly te last:stitch and Mitten. Priced "to ..-elear new at ens • SPECIAL! ' ODD PANTS • .These are. wonderful value, fancy , ierited pants iii all sizes. Let Nothing Keep you Away Frolt,', . This Big; Money -Saving s your Big Chance To." Save Money. james Forster' were ;Mr. and Mrs: Mr,' 'and Cetil_Terester :•and ton and -Miss 4•MaTion ef-OneiPb are remaining' .fer, a.• visit: has hean holidaying 'at', his home here teral•ndfngt.(;). 'aCnh2iiti‘teor; ithi6Ornes 'il.,11ceonvaernetittn. of tbit service club. While in the .eity _Andrew will -visit with- his -brother,: Dr., Kenneth mid' tfri 'Thoiripson Do you kNo That motor. vehicle :accidents cost "the citizens of :Ontario about' $25,-; 000,000 each year? TRY COURTESY. are killed and over 10;00(i:injured,. of 'them permanentlY: disabled or disfigured? ,TRY COURTESY: That bo get into accidents not because they want o, but ecause they don't trY hard enotigh to keep. Out ef' accidents? 'TRY COURTESY. , That it's the :minor mistakes . ef' most, of the _major accidents? ,TRY: cars "'for ,their. ,pleasure and conven ience and expect', the sime.'•''courtesY 'froth you yon, expect frOm. them. SENTENCE SUSPENDED' youths •who. tvvo' months ago -Was re-! leased on.' suspendiod sentenee for the, theft, of Wool, , Pleaded guilty' .to charge of stealing .parts.from :a steam The,,theft from, an abahdoned chine, was Previous to the- firat-cen-. victiolf7ngainst Drennan and, he' wa§ given' another chance by. the Magis- trate:: R.eatitutiori• had,: been Anadc— Godericii Star. A -girl in .a neighboring centre •had 'consider,able difficulty with the ques- tions on the' arithynetie paper at the recent 'entrance 'examinationk; so :in- stead of signing her own' name - to because, she knew .:she •had, ."done rem _BOYS".. BLUE, DENIM SHOR'I'S-r,Ageiy 4,4 10, . Special,. ;49c LADIES" _Anc14,4 MISSES!, it,Sif._Ist,ew;sinsit-: 'styles; red .35c. 'TEA. Irowg1.44NO; SPECIAI.L4White', with border 'and . aye een upplying ummer With ice The d Low ric Friends UC 44 4.4 any oleu es OU rin ors and • • •