HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-07-22, Page 7• • Three bandits( known- a' ike,,Lefty, anti Stutter, seize. :tr_ ans-continental ' bug. 'and. force the driver to guid°. it up a mountainside to a lonely log shock.. 'Theyare after a secret new', explosive formula believedto be in the possession . of ,a •assen er , 'Fin- ley ;in••ley Trump,•; chemical: magnate. •Mean,. while, a forest' fire, creep'ng,:up the. night;,' Ike is • mysteriously 'strangled. Tho circumstances •• appear to point. ' to one_ of the'. passengers as, the. mus, ' ::derers. Later, the other two bandits. are overpowered and bound. Mean while, :May .Lawrence, pretty trained . nude, and Dr. Nick Strand len in/ love. On', the, second night, while 'Trump is guarding'Lefty ane "Stutter., they suddenly ..leap,. on .him .-having?•surreptitiously , cut their • CHAPTER;VI ,' Tramp fought furiously, but:, he knew he bade' t a chance against the two :bandits unless he'resorted "to strategy. As he struggled, he : man - a ed__to' lifeone thin leg,' and gave,. the -dear a vicious OCT-;1t-slammetl-" shut,' jarring a frying pan.: from a nail; 'beside the, stove:: The noise, ;1}e hoped,• would bring the others: to ,his . Lefty, seiz ng. Trump's gun, made' dash for. the open; and rot a way.- • But Stutter too Red: • bo`yle, bounding 7"nto—the °`kitehe ,an the gun dropped . from his limp tri•. gers. There had been a silencer on the weapon that had, fired .that bullet! LeftY, seized his. ,g un in his other,. hand, and. ••sprang .erect.- But just :then,, something tight and'agon'zing fastened'. about his throat .;• :., :The gunfell again, and he c. ed r in''a -in'. •h ` to ed as s iteven e at g g „ son Who was strangling him, • This' horror and amazement were in his eyes<when, a short• time„later,. Finley Trump and Nick iStrand came upon h;s body, flat upon' the ground, with 'a rope knotted cruelly abqut. ..his thick neck. "He knew the•.tnurderer before he 'uke Of Windsor Sur Gerald' . Wollaston Regrets Criticism of Duke LONDON, • :Eng. The D.trke of. Windsor hoe: receive•.Irom.;Si'r Gerald; Wollaston,: Garter' "r King of=Arms,' a • statement• of regeet:=for rema►l.0 '014, funeral, arrangements for the late King..George 'V., .."ROTTEN•S'ro X, _ The. -Duke 'vas revealed in --a state fnent to the `Evening Standard,• .t15 ,ti..' r:•+--r•'t'r�._:, 'T C:xr.=':tm •'f.1U„a.c• -m •C a'k. w; as "a rotten. story,.? Sir Gerald, whose chief '.task ••us Garter; King -of -Arms• is to proclaim • :the •secession, of • a. King,; told :,•f.yceun Cltib' dinner; "Le'ss time' was allowed for funeral arrangement's. to be'.'inade, than, ever before..`: W.e' had only one week :AI-. ::though' I thought at the time, we could not `possibly do it, King• Edward in. sisted 'that ;;,the funeral must ,take place at the end ,of the week.". Sir Gerald; after the Duke's state.: Ment :became: known; announced •thats' `he '"mean no sort off." disrespect to ;the; has; ' dsor'` if distress k of Wrn u e any been caused;• to, ,the Duke I certainly ecte regret . it. : an entirely unexpected complexion has. been. ''put on •my . • • 'REBUKED BY DUKE] The Duke of Windsor, in his state ment to the Evening Standard by .tele- :phonefronx:•Austria, said he "had;.•to speak -quite sharply" to Si'r'`Gerald' telling h]in to expedite' his part of the funeral arrangements' forhis„father. Wollaston referred; to•.that' part of. the Dukes..:stateient revealing that;. he, the;; Duke, ,called a meeting to: dis- cuss arrangements the day after King. George's death,. and that Que 3n Mary. 'wanted', the; funeral'January 28, 193E the day it was. held.' "l• 'recollect that •the'Duke 'did say something to :that effect, that it ,was his nrother':s..wish:, that •'tire, funeral should be concluded _ in a week in order- to- avoid prolenging,'distress to h ' Ro al 'Family,":•'Wollaston said:: I, said a 7' ing'' • b,:rs. funeral • Was simply`. incidental to general remarks •on the• nature of my work." - Lord: Beaverbrook's `Daily Express died,":Strand said 'as 'he ,rose from. a brief examination: "And it sur- • prised him.= Get the :look: in: -his eyes and, on his face:;' They .carried 11`m` to the shed and • laid' him beside Ik'e. The house final'ly bccaine , quiet •; .Again, but May Lawrence. could ,not sleep The'±tbought` of the ,fire . corn- • Wing closer •` and ;closer, and the horrid :'rltirowledge-that« ther�e:�was r•.uthies_.. murderer in -their` Midst, ".'kept her'' staring tensely into; the:'darkness. Finally, at three thirty; she sl:plf"ed intoher dressing gown and stole :through the' empty living 'room ' to- ward the lkrtchen, where' . Strand had bedeft en.g u ar d over •Stutter Sh e en p this" mountaintop'that tnight:soon,be come their funeral'. pyre, and, Tith had ;him before he .could.. reach the doo r: Lefty.s first sensation; Upon 'get- •, " ting; away from the house, was :one ' freedom' dashed of lorious • g � i'. n the road. :He'd find a way, out. dow Y... He wasn't going to sit ;up there on that mountaintop; 'like',those.:softies, a • ".e ,or r ' and wait to hv' bureed a be I strangled• He darted into' the woods: beside get road. But he d:d'not g t Yar. fire had climbed 'hi her .than, .. • '. The. higher he had believed possible: Ai far as he Could see, hewas surrounded•.by ' flames; •and the heat was ^uriliearable . _ _stepped upon- sometl ing, and ':stum- `- Grasping -has -gun; --he tried_analie'r� a • Mr�...nsrw•r , 1 . in air edit'b!t'jai,declared. "the Duke pfd Windsor defend.:himself�t this' ;time;, and it is about time, too. '"What .ie .more,” it•added, 4114 has. done it,,in first rate style For long; enough every ono bas. taken a free kick at the. man whq was; King.. High and; low have had their say about'. Now the Duke answers the, state- ments of Sir Gerald• Wollaston: ., . • "Itis a,°pity °this--inatter had; to' be the: subject• .of cggtroversy; . • But de Mat .blame .that ••upon tide -Duke. :He shows, and it is.good he does, that, it►. 'things that concern him personally .her. is: no, longer going to let the 'rest .of the world ;co all the{talking,*' Stretching For 00 the Tots. • T. �! .r ..,•yl'. �.k • Vw s Hairbrush. -44 clue Citi Spouses. Apparently, Do, Think Toronto mmeelutors" TORONTO. =Actin Mayor Ralph T _ • Day does not'~; believe, husbands: - should spankeir *Yes, He said ,.14?commenting on a;' Sioux Falls,, S.D.; ' despatch telling how a club of women had been formed' there "with,tlie mot to, "Spare the hairbrush and spoil the • •-41444443444414,4444.0 .4tt wife'," p Mr Day 'ft'stthe.• most fantastic: • method I;, ever heard of for.: getting • into:•the., press.• 1 suppose some•, bus Bands have; done'••the• odd•:bit'of spank;' 1ng,; some in,. - 6010d57, and othere.''seri -, ously, bu't it's certainly•a thing to be , deplored.:'.„, .:. • .. : rather like. going, back to the j'. .aril agesmsri't`it?" z suggested''Mrs H Harris, convener .of• the commiee oa •. moral standards :of Local Council of: Women. 'v1 only hope, they. don't try. . }it•. ,in Ontario:. "Whit,", she: , asked: laughingly, "are .the Wives allowed' to do to their• 1iusbands?', The .: whole thi'ng is rather, amusing. It women' out . . there have so' little to ,do • that it is necessar yfor them to ':form. a club -of that 'sort, they certainly need a' good , spanking from „time •to ;.time, ; .11irs. Rligrthmrc, Gr ivelul! Mo v e nerits . 'Best'For Yoirhg"Chitd: The hest exercises •for the, young• child are those which stretch and ret' lax their muscles 'alternately and in- volve • rhythrnic- and graceful .move- ments, says a , writer in New Health Magazine. Physical'jerks are out of place in a child's curriculum; The. ,key to; their . movement/ lies in the care -free dancing and ,resilient mo - ti •of then": eyery-da' :activities. ,chin nievefrr area ally beneficial, as they ' develop' the greater activities. of. ,thc... ystem, and, at the same time,.' strengthen the lige- Merits. , and cords that : •hold lithe or- gans'in plat:: It is easy to;include; deep breathrngWith -stretching.move- meets' and so levelep.,Ahe most lin- ...Portant in- m r life cti n of the human . •' o tont ll' o being. ' r ;Someday we' will awaken..to• the truth' of the . old saying that ,"Man shall ,not: live by 'bread alone;” and `realize that tlfe . indispensable, els meat' of our lives Is • the air breathe; ' It is : Suffticient tostate here that the mental qual.'ties and, charac- 'ter• of 'a':person are now proved'to,be in:direct.:'ratio, to the•deptii and rhy- thm of his •breathing;!' .,•• #• p— _:• tar:.- .,i. e^isx,ae.....-:, • Florida . has ` •no Mountains. : ; The greatest v'r'' ationin. altitude in that"' State is :uat. out 300 fee - --URA ; WHFF•ER, ighted thei�ih on `death so closely. threaten -ng t' ' .1, be with him•e every min - Ute wanted to.. v y could: lite that. she the kitchen •`But Nick was not in where Stutter; • .bound -again; was. 'deep" in sl umber. Immediatelyiate l Y anx- ious,•May wentback through. the Irv=" ing room to search for :him:, It was 'Strange :for•him to desert Post. Halfway to the front • door, she heard a -strange; :sound, .6 ' .k: nd of rhythmic. tattoo against .tht: aide of the house. At the same instant, she •`way; across the •read. '• But the. fire, was' 'even' closer there, arid hot ash• and cinders • were blown over him like: a: thick. rain. He was forced' to turn back. He : was close to the house again ;now—too, closed • Mut .thewoods cote cealed him: Then, "Suddenly, :he -heard some- .' `thing in the 'brash behind him and Crouched.`.Too' late! ,He . felt a •Sear,. ing sensation in his gun hand, and •-•bled Stooping to' pick. -it. up, she saw that it - was a.'man's shoe, , with the'' sole ripped loose and. flapping'spine- lessly. Whose Was:it? A 'shiver ran down her" sp:ne. , ' Meanwhile, that horrible tapping- against -theside of -tithe house con-, '`tinned. It seemed to come from' just' outside, the front door. She must see'. *hat Warr making it:i She thought' „of:, wild •� animals: driven before . the. fire,• and.' of Nick not being ',in the kitchen. ; ; ' ' By.the time 'she 'reached the door, `the aound--had •ceased,:' -but she• step- . 'ped' out, her : hand at , her . throat. • And then—she stood: paralyzed,• in- capable `;of making a ,sound !`' _ Finley Trump, in a':�g'ayly`'striped= dressing, gown;`;lay on his back, beside the door, .with .his feet against the • side ,of . the house. A red: bandana `was knotted about his neck! . It had; been his bedroom: slippers beating: against the logs :as: he`strangled that '; May heard. • -Doctor Strand was bending over:• him,, working at the knotted ban.' dana. }•' `"Dead; " he said, his face brim. "Can you' stay. here' a moment,:. May, while • I.' look. about? • I . must' have '•missend.' the ;, killer ,.by" seconds'.`' I'd. gone out for a'• breath el, air.7, May nodded; feeling cold and sick.' But she was •a nurse and, as Strand• dashed into the :house,, she :knelt be- side theribody';and' niade.a :swift exam- ination- =n -Strand - lir'a's-..back--in,-a 1;•few°-t-'mo meets: • "Everybody 'there but little Jen: kins,"• lie reported briefly. "Whoever „did', this didn't believe • in . the .fire reaching, usi"";said Maya '+Hopeless' people ..bout to 'die do 'not, murder for' great gain. ,•They're `af. ter•,that 'sec'ret:' They even ,tore up, li!s •shoes. , Niek, if you have it . . oh, I'm: so afraid for yen!" "Nothing will happen to me," said Strand :quietly. •"Have ye•:u .got that gun,•. May?" , "Yes" She was shivering, ` con - scions that he had not denied' that how ,liad Trump's secret. . ' • "Then: wait here a moment ;,I' must see • whose bandana' that rs " . "And that about Anielia Bangor?". whispered May:. "I'm worriedabout her +sleeping' out in that bus." • As S'rand. "vanished;. she walked towardhe bus, small revolver h hand,' ounted, the .running beard. ' and looked:IU. Amelia Bangor was "not there! The:-b`ua,'was eptyf _ "--- ' (TO BE CONTINUED) .L' s , . • • NIN •• N♦ '.1• tN �y•{.•�ti ,rs i 1 V• r. 4i.p •N••�N•NiYS• • > 4.• .,..:44144•47.1/4..- 17.;:e.,... ` • .�'Sid...� Y•i-1: • .•.ham •,r,i ayN�: �s IV �;sv,:dr��..;N 41( •N y '`, v.•vi0. . -ILET=ACC ACCESSORIES II LI. EVERY ENT ERTAINME'NT NEED. `.. .. .. 'o... .,�.•<:i• Nv a •:•a ti: --'-.ten::• • • • rr. itf '. M. Mo ... . ••u 1 9 u �^ i�Y.. N•�gfj,�...' Y0S• :4±�.. rl.Y::('','!:''y� 44( :A Fine Pudding; • :diueoate:181 a' universal favorite at any -time' of •the -da -y -=;an -y •season the ' year :And its reaches"•its peak of •perfection ' `in • desserts; ..' particularly •puddings.'..Rich le„; flavour and 'color ., molded acolat circ o.'s chocolate IS this •d.. , i . 'Pudding'. The 'ingredients which go. into :it , tell you that it Is nourishing arid' healthful; and' the relish with' which . it Is 'consumed 'tells you that it. 18. tasty:;. It o attra�ctiVe tootle„, t o .with .l.th its cunning garni`sir`. of ,whippd; '•cream. P fa Serve it soon dest ,a,blishit vorite .your lir ho.me • , Chocolate:Velvet vet Ce, am 1 •square' unsweetened chocolate:• cu p: 1 lk,: 1 'tablespoon granulated gelatin '1-87tea poon salt d „ Bride—tedayi Hostess..-4.tomorroWl And your 'immediate need, is for_lacy aceessories with ,which to entertain. Begin. at•once on . It suitable for luncheon Set', seark•cloth or stringTer.,a . finer Cotton. Pattern .1478 contains clethiled directions and a chart for Making the filet design shown;, illiistratiOna of it and of all stitches : Send 29 cents in stamps or Coin *(cein preferred) for thiS Pattern to Needlecraft Dept., Wilson. Publiihing:Co., 13 West Adelaide, Toronto, „ Ont. Vrite Plainly PATTERN NUMBER 'your NAME and ADDRESS. Standing Room Only' IA Trains "Standing.RO04 pnly" Sign, anyone :VVheit rt' railroad, 'sells' a ticket, • .Without hanging up .any.,Su011,.warn. tion'of 'a Jawyer who 'suet the New.' 'York Oentral Railroad' tor :$47,86 of its trains allthe way,from Albany to New .1(erk -Pity,•*a distance of ..abent 150 fillet APpellate TerM.of the 'New. York,. Supreme Conit- held last Week that, the plaihtiff had: gretinds for: damage Auit and sent the &lie beek ',Ell,a,,cklieads 68. 'quicklY, by simple your' druggist, ruly this With a hot, wet, ,„ you wilt Wonder .' Where they have • • • 'her eyes 'keenly ,Open. in the 'lnterests of Canada •and, she had' •Pliblished Among ..ather' Miss 'Hind .wheat.: witn. experts abread :to.. •keep•• Canada; 'pasted pn, What 'the 117, pi,agr.p.'keeits,§:,:t. Meat trade with .13ritairi. , l'Hetter, statuS for. our: Trade Cern-, "Finally., persistent, fneYevepasing .."effert ta.:Operi,rip the natural resources, The ,.Ottawa Joninat, noting these suggestion& says that it .'"soUnils • like With profit; Arid we can enderiethia ..disnlissed 'it, :on the ground that poS,. • seseien of a ticket • does net entitle.. a ilpaisenger to a seat, for retrial.. ;late Term. refrained from deelar:ng that the Mere possesSion :of a ticket a train to a ieat; they' Were unanimous ill; 'asserting that "the that the' plaintiff was not furnished *With_suth....reasonahle,...ancLadeC; nate accenimadation as Was reguireft..,in.: the circtirhstanbei'." NeW. York`. Public Service ,Coininis- service' and facilities as shall .be suf. Charging a man $2:80 fdr the • %privilege of StaniVrie Up a' train ly appeared' to the', COUrt to' be: neither jUst nor: reasonable:—.Detroit Free Press. . Worldlravel Conquest- of Engln ' cup 'sugar. 1:• cup heavy cream' 1, teaspoon vanilla: • 'Add•. chocolate to- 3-4 cup inilk and -- heat in double boiler, Soak; gelatin in reman cininhog cola l'/4 te cup•is milia 5. minutes.. Whemelted, Wheat .with, rotary egg beater until blended., Add g elatin,:.salt an'd sugar and stir ,until' gelatin 'ls dis$elved.,, COI. Add cream;: and :vanilla. Chill. until cold and; syrupy. '-Place .14 .bowl of cracked ice o: ..ice water'.'and .whip with, egg beater until .fluffy, and .thrcli• like whipped cream; •Turn into large mold,: 'Chill `until firm, then unmold and keep -- in refrigerator : until served. Garnish • with whipped • cream.. Sprinkle with chopped' blanched 'al.monds,:...or grate chocolate overtop;:it.desired. Serves, Cozier '29.000'00a ,Curity .Board *ill, begin receiving: -from l_eiiinieyeril_this.L_week,, the racist_ and WfigeS ever gathered in the Uni- The; old age penSion, Section.of the ' .salery • and wages paid to, einployees. kno* hOw Meny days Peen of the -Wins 'Continue r ,• Mrs :G. {Robertson vice-president: of the Local -Council' of'Vomen:• "I don't • think Toronto women would even con- sider it • seriously., it `isn't necessary;;. any_.,longer.; to treat wives in such,. a • way. Nowadays,: husbands and wives .. a'atk over ,their.• differences.: wIthout resoiting to the hair brush method .'No, • I don't. think Toronto, women • Would like that," said' Mrs. William' C.' Douglas,:, it .savors . too much • of cave -man methods:. I•• know a woman does' not like to' have a husband who'. • won't' :stand any 'nonsense, but.'when it get's. to :using.. i .hairbrush. there's something wrong; with.<the wife.: Those' ' Sioux; City wives; certainly need dras- tic treatment months: :of the year and hoW much they ,yvere paid. • Are L -from 1,'inland—heve .,just found. 'their way to the shelves' of sonre of ad's Tong F. estern Ontario Everyone who has traveled atall knows full •well:that one must go. far , 'know well eneirgh that the good far*, Were ptit there prior to the war. 'Hera , _and there a. neW .rodf,,has been .put • 'harries and .4.11tbnilAirigs.have not had .' :deriecis, .ersfwhile.:farins ;are new : :This problem is.WortV Cif a thor- ough iriVeitigatiOn; ',One would•thirik itoret. They.: are :much- larger. and ,so notiCeable,to those Wbo !knew thri .16nger' than derneatic •,frankfUrters. 'Province well in' former years, •-,B,U11.1',1' . Their .uniiSnal Size MakeS thein other ,diStrietS' haVe 'not, ,given up, teeipcs Oat, deinane,-staffing.; . One., ;. even; advanced. • " , . ,'Of. these "frankfurters 'with aPple.:'. • . Perhaps :e gennine antaider, coblet. • Miss Cern, Iiind„ for Vulg. Perm Edi• ler of the' winnipeg Eree Preis 'and: • author of Western trep reports that , :grain. tirade, has: • lately • .returjied ,- tried. White.. thus ingaged She, kept violate island.' His 'cense is:hopeless.'. . Even in giitisr schools, Which might be ' thought "the last defence Of the, pro- , Prieties 0.4a pedantries op speeCli,qhe Ina Way. At the annual', cenference, .school. teacher Said that 'Mod- ern life is Est. bring that the Ybirng., W•ints '' 'something soothing , and relastrig. They, are -bored by •sentenceS„fFioin the Classics '`',whereaS Slick canisms meet ..burik":'*at etellerit Word and de - mistress Would haVe beeli fired if :She sickg, "kor. "think children. vtut .ting and stUffing thein \Atli chopped „Anyway, the problem' 'is there afid.,, a`pple„ arid Wrappirig a strip:a *bacon ...calls :for • seltition.—Faymer's Ad - about the combination. The ‘‘frartki" dro then boiled. BOddain, near Peterhead, cottand, has been. branded' as' unort .,cream and tea slibps 'are kept ofien„,;, • • '.`The deVetion Of thOnglit to ail occeSioned ti too feeble faith.", —MarY Baker Eddy, "We should. hciley,e- only deeds, words.' gO -for nothing everywhere,,,f creed's, Init. attinnt,"—Illetedith;