HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-07-22, Page 6• • .
uN IV.
Exodus. 11:4,-42:3.6.
PrlOed text 4xPd143-' 12;21"8... •
. olden Text. -The Lord , thy God
JIathc1QsenHheedO he a PoPle or
Ms ewe Penses..slee.: Dentero-eoteY
wasohierVed,- only hi, the -land of
..GOslien; Where the :Jews were living,
but the; final plague of deatliffir:41g
, 'all the: fitstl?orn :of course involve
; the entire land Of' Egypt. ; :‘•
' C. 1498.`",
-21, Then Mesee. galled fcli..eIL the'
elders of Israel,'erid `sad .unto then,*
Draw out, and take you. lambs ac -
Cording to-your'fainilies, and kill the
• passover. ° The word- passover is .the
• .11ebte* wititd peaaCh and means ex-
actly what the English translation in-
dicates, namely, .a passing over,. with
• -.reference to° the passing a the ngel
.171f" death over the homes en, whose
' deorPosti blood, was sprinkled the
night:of the exodus', •
' 23. Fol; JehOveh will Pess throOkh-
to smite. th Egyptians; and when he
the ./Od Prion the lintel; and
II* the . We side -poste, Jehovah will
paps ver the door, ahd
.•.the -deStroyer to Coine in unto
your houses to smite You. 24.- And
-3 -Phan observe this thin -0°r' en op:::
14 inarice-to. „thee, snrie
stroying "angel.: (Cf,. 2- Sani: 24:16;
144.. 3,736)..-- • • • •
25 And it shall come to paps when
ye are come t� the :14n1. which' Jeho-
valt ' will. give you, accortling',ari.he
bath' promised, that ye shall'keep this
;SerVice- •
.Abo. •Phall come .te bass,
•when, your children shall pay unto ;
you, What mean ye by this •service
, 27: That:Ye-shall say, It is the sac,
rifiee of jehoVah's passover, Who
passed over the ,houses of the chil-
dren ef Israel in, Egypt, wheR,.., he.
• smote %the ,Egyptians, arid delivered'
our houses! . The passover. feast was.
given .to Israel to be perpetually.
kept, year ,after.year, SO. that Israel
rge't. thetralideff al
demption which GoA•Wicsught for her.
by his muniriotent Rawer and by .
atening,blood in 'the 'days. when She,
Was ;helplessly in:bondage in a for-
eign hind. :The comniands to inetruct.
the children in the generatione to fol-
low regarding the significance.of this
memorial least are especially
dren,see' Ex. 19:2; 1.9:81.peut. 4":9
And Ye: nliell,44kw 177 '
iyssop Outside of.the''Pentateueh;
hyssop is mentioned only in I: Kings
• 4:$3 and Psalm 51;7. The:Cleansing
for which it as used was not only
through' blood sprinkling wit): water.
• Though the plant lutist have .1?een
•miner to Ionia, in Canaan and at.the
• exodus- time, We do net know what
Was the.ipecies Of it. .From John 19: .
29; it may perhaps be inferred' that
•. it had a long stalk. The 'sacred use
of. it required that it'Phouldbe. fit .t�
.formed, into a bunch,:like
isponge."/. AndeliP it in the blood• that
is in the basn, and strike the :lintel:
and, the two eideposts with the bleed,
. that is in the .basin,and hone of you
shell go ant of the dear of his house
. ;Posed to inean lattice: • through,
!. which it was possible to look in or
out ef the' door •'
And the people kowecl::. the head
and worshipped.: 2.8.; And the chil-
• dren •of lifter- went and , did o ;..as.
Jehovah' had ',commanded :Moses and
Aaron, solidthey. • The attitude Of
, ,
the People. -n Worshipping clearly in-
seryance on this dreadful', bUt enslii,
'diets' 'Occasion, was not raechneigely.
but reverently.'entered inte,.
with /the co. -operation -of the 'various departments. of
••Ontario Agricultural .College
terfattesta a.milk,r,Oxford'
A.. Yes and. , -Cows" liberally
fed and ...,kept'' in good:. condition will
'test 'at ,their LiKirmal inherited, .ability..
• True,-.3heoe testi inny: vary a few• '
Pointe from 'day:JO, day, ',but 'will be ,
very. close to an InYerage ' for 'e COlii-
L,-pletIsictiation-L theother-
. litY' feeds. or pasturing on poor geese •
will lower the butteffat test bete*
. the inherited .ability .1the co*. And
whea.riny. or all of these faulty diets
are corrected :the test. will -return to
nerinal, and in Viis Way, feeding. in
creases butterfat test by bringing
• It .ba,ck. to normai..bet will : noper-
• manently increase • -ft ,..-beyond":. this
„point, (Prof. G. /faith*: Department •
f Aniinal Husbandry .0 A )
Q. !Why Is.lodlnenecessary• in. 'the•
ration?" 13.T:,- :Brace
is' necessary, to prevent
• jgoitre.;hi ,ne\tv ,hora calves, polts...and
.r.e* born pig5Fed. Commercial' la.
dized :Belt or hothe mixed iodine& nalt
• Prepared by linking one boace, otp,o,
.taseitun iodide;'with 200 Pounds ,of
,selt. First Mix the iodine With about
• fen pounds :of salt and then.' add • this.
to the remainder. Keep in a dry place
• and do no infic7toot nitch at a time.
• (Pre!, ''S; ItaithbY,.Del#. :Of , 4104 •
•'Husbandry, 0.A.c.y
. Q. 'als It neceary .t� wash and',
scald a cream separator bowl twice ;
.. daily in :!Ordorto produce a 'special
grade Preatrar .HaltOn' Co,
The Slime Which. fOrnin nia the
' separator diece Contains, largo 'him,
. here of bacteria an' other ImPuritrerir
of, jailit and. it'allo*ed to r,eraain will
• seriously contaminate fresh milk con-
ing in conteet-Witii. it. . Undeubtedly:.
the. 'cleanliness' 'of, .a ;separator ',le a ,
facter-lif production of..epeciat.,gra.de,,.
creein.' Then; too, it is .useless to eic,
pect efficient skimming from...a mach-
ine that .has been .standing eight or
ten'. hours •with the slime caked, •be, .
Aween the d1ss. ' • ,
separator -after Using
. , . .
as ccimPared with- 'Washing once •4 -
day only •upon cream rqualitY,.wlth
other factors behg equal,.l.reseltedIn
. en:invariable; drop. in grade: from... a
Special . to No. ' i. grade during three .
• 40#1. collecting.:creinv Also these'
:su1ts showeda,dlrty, separetkir. to
skim :Only one-half as ..,etticiently...as:_.
a. clean, nife1°O.:;11..' Sproule, PrOCOf.
Dalrylng,:04A.C. - •
"Should 'fresh
cream :be. z're-
cooled before," mixing „With., old cream •
in the Storage tank? 0,;#uro.ii
Co,. •• • ,..
7' -A...--ti.,thribr,ociiietion-7-0,,,clintiiing
, cream ,,ot . high quality:: it esiontiel. •
'that the natural- flavour ,of ''.creein: be
:maintained.- Bacterial „growth
mentition, If allowed to. develop b,ting
:about • alinermi.1 ; . Order to..
• pieverit .bieterial. growth, temPera-
'ture., is the rill ,linportant factor.. .If
warm cream after •-eepatating, '00 ad4
ded • to the .,alie,eady.. cooled; preatii .in •
114 stpragetank; there wjfl be, Sac,
• Ceseive 1nroase. in teMperatilre With
: the, resultant •deVelOpMent, -Of Athilea,..
"itabie flavours, ' smith*: There-
fore, it • is iinPortand to .co�l c1i lot r
' �f itePh Miami to. 66 degrees,. F. he- •
'fate adding it to use 'storage can, that
'. might" tO beoniaintained at itl'•degrees•
:P!.•(W. 11. balrying, •
t •
Canadiel; Visited Hitler
, . ,
.Prime Minister •Mackenzie King, „pictured ;at. the Presidential
Palace in Berlin, where he conferred. with Chancellor Hitler. Mr.
lCing refuserto- ilivulge the nature of the conversation but said he
had a "Most valuable and intersting review 'with chancellor Hitler.
• Injures44;11'In
Studio Set
• • -
• ;Alice Faye beautiful Si:nit:lg.:star of the 'screen, who fell' down.: •
a 'flight' of 14: steps durang filnung.ot a scene. on Hollywood get She
'hart.. herself badly X-ray was used tobiotite spine injurv.
most probably is dile' to 'presence" of.
itbnOrnafriritibody,"; • '.• ' '1•.
During hIs stutly, ;of . the ..infectiiiiri• .•
he; PrOceeded-toLiireplie-ari--extract-
of the faction:Of thripoison:biy•plant
which; Is ''soliihic in•!either and take it
Up in corn: oil.. This .extractlie nam.,
w Preventitive
For /Poison,. I
oronto Doctor Prepare' An EX.
fraCt-Called. "RhOligen"
MONTREAL. -Preparation of 'en.'
eitrectlebelled'"Rholigen," for pre-
vention and,'alleviation or poison ivy ,
•infectlim is reported by Dr. A. W.
•Caulfield..of ....Toronto,. In the Cana-
dian Medical. AsPaciatiOn Journal.
'authority on. skiri,.infeetions caused
by contact Not4 tulip bulbs, ragweed
and Other such: plants, Dr. :Caulfield'
• tells of directing his attention to .a:
ed -"Rlioligeran--- • '.•--
• •T'
By Making tests he fotiq many
PeOple'not suiceptible to fairsori• ivy
• While others who were showed vary,.
ing degrees of 'reaction to h� poIsn
Tests Made with the Itholigen. extract
Made it possible to classify the virl-;
• ous degrees of izifection„. •:
kilt .nos
, • A Kentiicfarmer. ;tolitad an -iii
similar infection .resulting,from CkY ent ..
! aSiOn ' (it army Forme tecentlyliy" set!'
tact with .,poison ivy.... ' ' ,' - . .: , ' ting sop hogs on the eneiny, and le -
,Research On the subject led him to, - ting the hogs eat: nP• the' wornis. '.
the cottclusiOn ' poison- ivy dermatitis,
was "catided'by lac , of normal anti-;
body -like substance,'•‘' :The cause•
therefore, totally dissimilar to those
banaing hay -fever, which • he states,:;
uninier's White,' Way
• , Star Gaziii:- Thomas. Thi)TeeSi ' 4,1°
..rieW show ,Boat bar:tene, Was bora
, .
;ea..* '1925 jp)xiied the . Boy
.scout4 ; graduated from: Scranton,
, Pa.,.High School . ,waked nia-
;shop and studied music:
wOn. AwateMCentatditi�n iri 19,O2
:10 ' t'!„,crose,•wo'rd:..puzZie, fari.iend
ride‘herPes. for;rehixatiOrt . gto4.
Cie 'Allen wile is..bractieing a series
ef:'"iieiv.'etePS. With h.hY George
Burns, .for • their pictino :with Fred
Ast,aii*„. once danced in.
• vaudeville
with her two older 'sisters'.'•
• , 'SWING I(ING . Benny. Good-
man; • *hose Swing' Schpol- beats the
• tempo of the:: Nation every Tuesday
night Over CBS, began his inimical
career, with five piece high school;
liancUp. Chicago. at:1'6 liewee
•eatcoceil-r-o-itlir ;Brie.
'and latercame up thelinu• eiCel, ladder,
With Isham Jones, 'Red Nichols,, Paul
Whiteman, and Johnny. Green
Fetd.e.Grofe,.*Iipse music bits a new
• high in •• tone,. pictures;. Weaves his
• notes. like a finietet: painter in "Bel,
iirWeod"Suite."' He Makes yeti.' feel:
the 'full sweep of :picture making.;
Phil .-Spitalny; wheari "Hot= • of
• Char*" is. heard .; every Monday at
9.3A p m over, TOO's'. rod networko• .
once directed •.'syninlieny
orchestra in Beaton. :
e.• ' r .
• • '
.TRIPLE.PlAir . Guy4tonibardo
•.:•and • his._,,Reyal_ 'petiadicine, :who. ityitt
,-guest star •,on: the "Magiri,Key" pro;;..
'gram ,at 2 p.m..Will',150 heard on all
'Arit4.**Itrthi. • • •
They .' air -their; ',Own ‘rionmiereiel: 'at
30.:1 pm ove WABC;;-',gB§, , and
thbii.' oba bi-weekly progrltm eVer.,
WOR on Wpcineaday 1- and Thursday:
, Andre.L.Boetelenetz: ; and Martha'
.BaYe ape::: slated'for . roles ;Pare
mount'e new ,"Ajtisti.
.Jack. Pearl recalls the firs• t'thrie, he.
;finale& hs lines during a rehearsal;:
, .
Mis shoe, string
prodUcer, . was . furl; •
you to .knoWyOtir part"
he • thundered. •r.`Bilt You...don't Pay,
countered '`‘You owe
me three WeelCa'beek sidery.":.
• then," :• :same 'back the :•producer,
oWel Yeu to kno*. our
• TELEVISION:., '; The exaCt ..reasen
*hi 'Charles Winninger;':-"„dabtein •
Bente'. or, the new Show ' oathenr. ,
!picked .his cast so carefully Wdernade`
:;clear Wlien , his ,s0thisar .field aformal.
application • with te.. National: Broad;
tele !OUT'
'btaaddeet. The. ';Optio21-°. apPlieittian
• was filed with' •Roy Witmer,
pesdent charge°. of .sales of NBC:.
Television ,Clitinies, were included
every contract of the yew riVer show,
•Theapplieiition revealedihatthe
• entire, neW Show Boai.cast of 73,
• consieting of principals,, ardieetta,'
chorus and ,dramatic 'pleyeisilribeing,•
'decked : ifl.costuthes, •reininiseent
• 190 CenJifry, N.1i,s701311d4pi'River Show
Boat attire; and that. spotlights.. and.
theweekly tad.° •Prsigram andidea
enblect2.for. ,
,:--MasCate-;,:ilinost;°:iiiinedLa • televisiop
perfornrice. by • Hildegarde, 'N110
'Singer now. filling griestdengageniente;
•,ithread.': pining the last ,of"foiii' pro,
• grams for. BBC televislon,'•flildegarde
rtibbed',.her Oreil during an entotional'
moment in the Peng.... . .•• and kat
• rnak-npin her,eye. She finisiletthe.
Ong with her eyes clOised. •..• ,
Much' interest has beenritetised. in
:the past few years over :the service
„t e cpc has: heen.t;vinteto the hum,.
'died:: Of . men Who, rite...folic:wing the
ttaileln'tlie. fat North, ..,00, 'ea& Saf-
tirday.ievening.the 'mg. has,* special
pregtain , WhiCh eends Personal
sags to these -men who: -are. up in, the
• Arctic eircte frdm their friends and
ny's.-; veld inand,that SiStet. Sim has •
, a new bleyele..,on.,haby .another .ne*.
toath;; Needlese•to' Say -this service, is
greaily?. appreciated.by these trap
ininerk soldiers; missipaaries,.
etc.. The ."Ncirthern,..1V.leisenger" asthe progi an i
e1933 gtijelesilti.o.wnapoarhig'eincalite'd.-
,realidtrAit...th_e_ NeVal...PMer
44i.011 WI:10. Were. studying magnetic.'
changes along: the :North_ Eastern
cast, . and, ..were : acted • on! by Lt,,,Col,
• W. Arthur ,Steel, formerly in 'charge
Of, t,he: Canadian „Radio Commission'
, techaieal.. department Since its in,
cepten: a total Of over 14,000 Mes;
• sages havebeen sent. and each year -a
.great : increase le.„.notitedl,.over . the
- , trliPloc
.that this service to.. the. has
J,?een of Vast impedance. to. our zietth,
. ern citizens .residing a far-flung out
'poet's. it is. to be: hoped that the :new
CBC' See fit to continue, this service.
•,,"Pretty. Kitty 'Kelly," the ,CE18..dri.
Matic Series. centetng :around there-
Mantic adventures 'Of 'a young Irish
• giri, will be heard . over the' WABC-
Columbia .nritiviniciMendays through.
Fridaye, • frinri 19..00..' to -1015
•PI:ISL.:beginning Monday,
eT4hiet, fPtiiporograms are eurrreitly ..board.
• ,The .sketches .were 'introduced OVer.
Calumbii On' March 8h. of itliiiyear4,
presen nig Kitty, Belly, as she .arrivedi
in New York, from Ifeland, .friendieee?.
handsorne police dt.eetive,.helps Kit-
ty find a posit on as t maid in tbe
Paik'..A)re,nue. }untie of :the Vsn .`or-
Pington family. grick. Van, Or-
pingtori -falls in ' lave , With the Irish
• leeS who has • also wan the ..altectioneof Conwa.
• - • •
......-Red,beaded;;Arline iBlaClibiirib-
hatiVe'New '1.r.orker of 'Irish descent
7,'.71plV-tkit1e' tole:. Clayton:Ccillyer;
'brother of , june',.Collyer, :the •Movie
'rietress:..is..,heard • Conway, and;
• Ricard Kolhiar Playe•the
or. ,,Geetge:Dahriyof •Chicago Wtitee.
the smiPts: . - • ••
BryanField t� ,Fienori
.Now. York tat,s:.gibatest,ribes:of,
• 1.93 8; ranging •froiri' the ...Belitiontthe:
Hopeful, and the Futurity i to the Joc-
key:: Club. :Geld :CUP and the. Grand.
National ,Stceplechaee : Belifient'
will be broadcast exclunively:OVir-Lthe
• .WAII.C4olUmbia -rietwork. accordang
to an agreement announced between
' the CBS Pepartinent .0.f.:Spetts and
sports, writ .
the natieiVri)outitandiffg. "teller."'
will he at the inierophonewhenever
yOp411.11itsiadgs'(irgtanrki!eiYI,eevie':.ocion! of t,lie
brOaddest 'six: Itentie17.
Derbies,„ and, travelled from earist to '
• Coast.. fOr o�ther important stakes."'
Racing land ,throughout .the
try.have -listened ..to piksi
lose and accurate • reCountingi. • of
turfiloni!e• Claiiice since 1920.. parse:
racing,: „easily_One.of- the-nost: tech
nical of ali sports, require's:a tremen-
dous. ,background and Field acquired
• eiteasite knowledge -a the •Stiartthi�ugh thirteen ..
of reportlng
• races for �ne: of e 4.
terse 'style lends itself ;Wellte
the. rapid,fire:btaridcest.:ifeCessary .to
• tell the .story.of-a, horse Arica ad it is'
• being ,run, • Hisknowledge.�f horses
leaf to the aver -
Whieh. seeps., '
,rincl-'•calors enablei . to, identifY.
41ke 'PeloOeF• ,tenhieff,. ieas$ Of
he ‘.!hooted:'
.'hOme". for ' rear& ,audiences on more
*than :800 occasions. •' •
Proof ,That ‘`A Scout Is Prepared",'
' Cency.•Island, the Alecca" eii Million's trying to e scape- the "surenier heal, as it looke at night. In the
background recketS of the weekly pyCetechnic display cascade agalrist,the night "skies whilo the taill,f_
Ions of white lig
lits turn night itito•''clar on the bon rdwrilk. •• '-•,--- - , ' •-"" ' .1,
... -A-1
Maybe reachin for more when one's plate is loaded' • ••1`. hat relaiiiictli but it is coo4 preparedness,
. •
Waner Lorek knows his felloW scouts and digs In for Mae durfrica meal a_.t. tileWMihingten 1)0'
Boy \Scout jamboree. ' • ' -
otter Than Conw, .
•"Into:tile, Movies
More Highly .Paid Jobs .Awaiting .
' -WOmen in. This -Field; 'Than: -
In Any Other in U.S.• •
*N-cyi Yciltx: -vasitton„ it peeMa:.
• no •101i$er, may -taken :flippantly
. it, it over wact;!' - ' . . '. . .,. .. ,
It is not MAY. a .1\TO.k
: ,. $44iletr4. but
• ietir.
k.)304 MOTO high. . laid• . ' , .; • '4W,Piting.
W01,70910.00. women ..th. n: any .'other '
•_In „the 'United Statea. • ... • ,•
:vfillivits1,...iiInboiw'cti7444'4O1; etikoop:e4tthtt(. -:ty":94,:e',401,v.r.:9;1:9-i.,t4s:::°'`' ..
:. ,Ti ';11:irtt'141:tili'''' j.411.111114.,.?OofiF4inft.i..:'4' V.Ori:: e •
'..of -8°;,
•fiCrial,, . they ' pat.; talking. ..today - aliout...•
Careers:: itncr''oppO'rtiinitiegi ',.ler 'ad, ..
c.vaueetneiit:.,•40.sal!li:;„: -, • ... ,..,..., ^ ,,. -.
•"Msare 'Women •are;oldinig big esecu,7 ,.
tive Jobe in fashion thanin, any. other
,giPtil3tef.traixMd'iwonien is 4'9;
equal te the demand for 'mare; • ' '
• '. A lashion expert ."In-filTO years, , •
sheold be making. $0,000;i4elie Is any '
L.,: later7it;zerareaertQfnor
•'. .,;• 9-A.(4, '''c 'ear: de 'i 1:111 "n f 1� i s I i' I one::irrx:ssli I:, 1 bdrt.' e:t1: of time, : 0ig0i than4.0000dgood. ". . •• • .
said MOM' Caburn.. •
•.*y! .,!:113T0u40:f i"t eX9
• no age liinit for: .iniproVenient,• A *O..
Maw can go on indefinitely as .iong.
:as She is active and alert, •
"Throughout the. depresshin," she
added ...41.tildn't know of a Single real/ '
,good fashion person who was
4. .
Ofa lob fatn Icing period." •
r Child
Acre- Are .Several Ways! it
, Daily • ie
Let us see Inwhat..w4yS niik can
be given Where ,Children are net :Partlal to It
:Ot Breakfast:, In the.: form of
opiate ;or ceeca. .; ,
:In mot': Schools the 'children cai ,
haye a. glASLotaiiik....hyLattiinge,Ment ' •
•• at 'recess. • , The.; child . who dislikes
liaa takfrunawares,.
as it Were, as chedokate.Or..cocaa at
breakfast; can 'do' without the
• morning diInic In; its, place- he. can
take 'Milk :checolate.: Which 'cantaina;..
by: 'analysis, fate; 'proteins,. ,.statok-
'.o0,1ffeinri.anenlineral Salta: . •
• At the, midday -Meal; milk can Cone' :
into our picture again as .sOlip: •i Alt
Otilldren. like .tomato BooP., for "."
s4hee; and it IS best • made. wih inlik '1'
• 'N°Ver• limit hiriter: It 4 an •epsen- :
tial food, ina child ii 'diet...
Por a drink . at , eVening:Ineal;
•'colate again, but prepared In the
• thaLis-;.
Last thing at nlght mulk again but
•: net ,too" bond: food; never ".
• past
7041x,i1..dien: after. half• •
these s1np1e' diet' rules should !it**
-a -ohlld fit and Mike fit, again :the,/ •
. child '.fit again' 'Who Ilia': fallen: below
, .
• . • . .
par. •
u ' r AirpinFutur•e Needed
• Aoreee Urges Long Range
• Plineing Fait. Of •• ••. •
wAskit$LOT9N. A, .glinuiseInte" ,••
the future ofthetransport busi
n, was'Provided. .by thei":tjnited
•Statee-borean .of oe, Commerce .last
Week with -elOrecatit"of stiPerTterinin
• ais, • superofhipa:' - stilier•npeeds„.
said the alr c,:.
.•.qii; keep defiiiitelY in Mind leng.range • .
planning ;for, the `.
• ',The day'.When
tenuity • painted' Ite nanie. 'In
white letters rn the ..roof .or.A• ...00n-
y:ezdent hero .and -efearad.'a few acres
Of ittibble end:tidied it en airport is
Over. :s
Larger -MOS:ilia, 1110Y0 pavedn -
• ingC,Stirfades- and a diers1on;Of ncin,
Coriutiercicil trAflic t� fielde eepeCiaily •
lIs purposesWjfl be,
come imperative .lit!the not 80 distant
. `!S.le*.aftplaneS," it. exbiained, .0.that
,iwill go; Into 'Service on the. air. linea
.in' the'. next year or so: Ste ' 40;bassen-
, . , , . . , . ,.
. ger, 'faut-engine, 60,000 pound!. giante, ..:
. With . high SPeedS around 217 rOileti ' an . •
hour and":-IendingSpoollsi ",about 'qg
0.60...tin hoer> : •. ... 4.., , .. „
. ' To' 'Opiate •Safety,% of those.tOnked,:.
.drawino. :roams; itirpOrts,' per laPs to be • .
, .
•Jated, and:. knOivn as :gut') ' ' , erininela '
• intuit be created said' tile ' Oen; .add,
ing, .., '... '. "•,, • ' '
•• "There •Will be •iio immediate necen-' ,
`sity for a • krea,t .niimber of these, Au..
Per-termilials, lat4r,-, perhaps, •rabre ,
will be required, lint the big: aircraft .• -
will •bo available "tit ,first • for only, the.* ..
moi e heavily .,traveled. .-retttes.',' .., .,' •
While the bureau 'referred enlytii
". big •airplatio,s already. being fabricat.
".S(1, aiiiiie prornitiontalfcraft engin-
eerS.,and, i:nrinuftiettirers have itneeci
. the eonstrnetien in - the -next 16, 'yeire .
of lal-,ge, planes Weighing .200,906 )bs;
.to ;Ong' boatS aro new beTrig riveted.'
. ,together in West , coast plants ' it* •
,Illre.a6..theL.160,00...: uOtind, mark • iii-'',- '
.:Weight:' -