HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-07-22, Page 5••••
TIURSDAY; JULY. ,22Np 1937.
I lang x,ucJcliow s.ENTIN'Et.
New Reducing Diet
allows 2 Slices of Bieact
Every Meal
Thisi Diet Plan gives aim:tit%
'•1600' Calorie/ a 'daythe;
, reducing allowance.. of the
'average woman. " •
saving meat, fish or, eggs
„ 2 sucre ToAsr,,.1 butter
gun coffee (clear)1 tap. sugar
. •
Mciderate. serving . Meat, fish, .
AiOrage serving' .1 green velletOle
2 SLICES liftEAD, 1 sq.:butter '
Average solving fruit salad "
glais fedi or tomato. Juke , •
.Generous serving meat,. fish. or
Amalie seiyaig 2 •• :;43failtab1es, ,
Small'seriing einiple.dessert •
2 SLICES DREAD; lei. butter
cap coffee ortea (cleat) 1
• 7,2 ..,.,
PIT /a based Qp.
tho,-; proved fact that
.*-bFead itself 18 not,' fatten--
EifeAdjs an ezterilif9,44:
Extreme reduchildiet8 cut
„down too, much on energy .
'foods because starch le Coo-
sidered „fattening."... Bread is ;
not just-n"starchy" road.
It is a • combination of
energy - iVincarhchi-
• diates and a .special f�rni
of protein, that .helpi
ducing. '
Extreme diets Often'break ;
- down, vital tissues,,,and-
- should never be taken with-
. .
• out a doctor's advice.
Go On the, BreadDiet—.
and be splendidly energetic,
not weak and irritable. This
'diet :gi-ves yOu the main '
part of your energy food
in bread. '
Mrs Hudson, Miss Gretta ' Hudson'
and Eunice Purves
' • •:'.MOatt..at .W. :J. Irwin's. •
• MilhiDaii 'Canipbell. of ' Termite and
.Mrs.. MacMahon• were,. recent visitors
'at ...Rod, ' • • .
• , s . '
. 'Mr.' and: Mrs. .111.1elyin • Irvth' and.
family • Visited- on.
. : • •Mr. and,Mrs. J;
Were Sunday. Visitors at J.o$:
• •
Mr.''aiad••1)Ii.s. Malcolm. 1VICInne's a'nd
• Anne Of Detroit;• ai;e• ;Spending a ..few.
•daye-at big 116re. here; • ' '
AlwaywelL.doLthe•‘ fore An • 'tele-
,phonernatters, Canadk-eentinues, to,
• :lead :the world,:in its 'per ia'aPitaTtisage.
• .of telephone. 'service; ,
World Wide .teleplione statiStics
compiled 'of ilanuary .1, 1036 arid
pow Made .public; that an an• :.
nuat average of 21.0.8 .telephone eon',
ver§atioris .were Canada 'or -
•every man, .wonian and child, this
cOuntry..4lie-,,..1.Juited States, .witli''...a
•eintparable: figure of :197,0,. Was . in
• second .place: ' • ;
the basiS- of telephone ••develpp-
• inent throughout : the whole popula•••
• tion, Canada- VitlitTI0-.-9•5.- telephones,-
• 'per 'ohe-hundrad people is 'second
;••onlYto the ,States
.01-nparableAgtire-•of:1-8:69, telephones
, ,
• , ,
. A • ilewsiiper man in a ;western
Ontario, tOwn,, a' Man of high intelli-
genee and education, puffed his cigar
As a: friend of loni-standing called
to • see him. The friend. noticed. that
the. editor had a spre•son,his lower,'
He had had some experieneewih
sores Of fhe kind, fOr •,11W father Years
ago had died of Cancer .beginning as
just such ',a' 'sore •and he himself had
•TorOnto-Telegram Reporter-
' Tells Of Sink Hole -Visi
I!OPOrter And Photgranher ,Get
Acquainted ,In, Wingham 'Recently
While lining TQ Find Out 'Wher,e
Or What The Kinloss 'Sink Rale is'
Some. far fetched; storiPapf thq•
Kinloss Sink h010', .apilearing'•recently,-
in the dailY •Preas • res4Ite4, in. the;
Toronto .Teleglem assigning a re=
Porter And Photographer to. ,c9Ver. by
w90. and •Pieture the story, of •this
amaSing 41hole". As: II TePlak of their,
visit •thel'IPIloWing•• amusing take-pfr
* "'Atoon yezterdaythe ,gtreet
lights; Of Wingham.:. were rti11 burn-.
i••o; , ,„ , ,
That is thl-kind of Place Wingham
ls-71t has its Own ideas and nothing
i.tAri• 4:hake theiri•,, not:Orel! the. Arrival
of "tWo.'•-•To:i0140 neWspaPefilleo • in '
search ,Pf.,A„ mtd hole whteh, AeCording'
to,- legend, reionins• inganable hole' ••
iifter awallowing a house, 'trees; A'.
hose and buggy, and an. Indian, priw,
,eecss.,'• Yes, an Indian prineess. Not
even; that dastardly deed disturbs the
equanimity. of ;Winglia,ro. ,
' Which, is not to be weidered • at,
• becausethe polY ,hole that the. two
Toronto' adventurers, fotind . on this
..evehtful "!S•unday. was • the 's.cetintry'side
• rut's. in which the ...car threatened to
stick *while a *storm jiWept, thunder-
ously about • • •
souls, about 130. miles -northwest
Toronto: When the Toronte . Visitors'
arrived, 'Shortly before" noon; the 'day
was -beautiful and bright, the , chief. '
of police sat in'his 'shirt sleeves On,
:the verandah', of his home, .anO•
street lights were:, still, burning, , •••1'
• "Cad you tell about this hole '1”,.
. Chief George Allen rose to his full
height of :six feet and said: "I read
•about it in the Papers.". ,
.'"We've tOrne all the way frpm, Tb-
• rOnto •to see it," the reporter Said.
Wistfully. : •
Quotes Mark Twain'
''Yes said the :Chief gently • "I
read it in the 'Toronto paperS.'", Ik•e
'dropped the 'Magazine -en the. :chair
and .adcled.,y`Like •Mirk Twain ...said .
when 'he Wits ;liked aboilt a report,:
• • -
A Iep, . • A
lnitt. fieik.-Che'ykolet „
learn the .diffctOlie0,..it."*.pac,e4 eW.n. The -Only.,
Coriiplete'Car. E the lowest price
; 'PNLY,7411EVROLET gi'OS.-ryoU ...Krte.e,Actkfin.77-;,greatest:
, -eciinfOrt,,,adVance-sncc.• tke. CIUSC4:139.tbr.,40t, the -ftir
".gliding. ride and
fet'• SafOr ;Car-Oontiol At alt ••• • • •
i;.ORLY CHEVROLET' 'hs alve-in- earl *
kind :44 used tecoi0-bieakipg .aiip14:Mes And tieing
cars -for thrIlling.perfernance with peak ecOnomy.
ONLY.cilEYRoter, SurrOOnAS. Iviith the saley.-i'10,1.4,.,
Iuxury Or new -Vitisteel Turret 'lop llodied.by,.FiSher-r
tatronrst, quietest, -finelittquality both& knoWn'.".:,
ON_LY tHiNiRO4Tgi.40,t,Qu:Pei:fett.eAllicliall&BrAkel39,'`i •
with Safety glass in every *.indow, ,Fisher 1\10 -Pratt
Ventilation fOr extra, Comfort.
II • • •
titiVe a 'Chevrolet today and yoti'll know What a differ-
enee these fine features inake! Qtie ,thing certain -t •
• you'It'never accept, leSA for.youenuciney•
. . . • •
*On Meater po 1.40eModelt, •
. •
, ... '• . •' • • • -
"Go' to • the 'garage,".. he • suggested,",
".and.aSk Mt. Bennett or -Mi: lloinuth:
They're old-timers,. and may ;knew
something' ithout it.". ..“. • ••• ,
. Mr. •Iloniuth• was net in, but , r.
Bennett • Was. and he Suggested that
•Dr WT..,.,Crinekshink might • knOw.
about the mysteriens.'hole. , But
Cruickshank, Who lives . at . the other
end of: the. village, .and: 'Who is' not a
suggestect•that,his. employee, Harry
.BOyle, had all the information, 'but,
Harry 'Boyle 'Was ;at' church'. '• If: one
waited at the radio' station near' the
• hotel for. about .an hoar Harry Boyle
vvoeld surely :Annear. . • '••• •
7 Matter 2-passeele &nisei
. de1is:6;0. at Oshawa, .
Government takes, licensc and
• freight:additional. (prices Sub-'
icdt to change Without notice.)
• Most likely, your piesent car m.,,
will easily take care'lif tbe
down payment -and you catt, ,
, pay the balance on monthly
'terms to Sui$ your purse, under
.lbe General .Motori Instal-
,• ' , ,x,nent plan. ,
Why The -=Lights,'
-At the Hotel Brunswick. the: prO-
sorne yearspreviously developed z prietor ,came Out to let down the
awning.because he said it was se hot.
,After Passing!the time of day; the
reporter obserVed • that the street
lights were still .burning. '
"Yes," said the proprietor quietly.
"1 was wondering about that myself
• , . • •
1 f ' d time pass -
Old sore which failed •te• heal. ,•His
doctor told him it waS. the beginning
of cancer, had •treated it with radium
and the sore had, healed. .
• "What are- Yon deing for that. sore.'
n so _g .
orf--Tour-lip,rhe-said-trytlio.-yealaptper a..., - a-Harry:Boyle, appeariElVhei
inatil . '_ . : . , • ' • • ' , . , -he said Ife--would4esid the -.way to the
"-Ptittng-a---little---- SA-1Ve•=.on•
the :gnat _sigh tthat,Vgehdt_fr: haoving,_.
• anS'IVer: ' "It'll. be : alriiht.", :„Thp 1:'een clisaPP°Intmen • es . P ,. ,..
friend • ;demurred; '"If •yo uj don't. kiya the TorOnto• visitors., for: . if .., Harry
Boyle. had admittedignorance seine7:
it , better 'treatment ., than 'that,'" - he. bedY :elsde., .3.'7,...01.:lultelo hatten'ebeeanc
alone of. theSe ' da'37.s."1""i':' don't think , Ulda- have been been •inade..swith all the
said; :"We'll. be conlint to yourluiler, ,.74; P
it!S a. cancer, AO ydir?", enquired the 2 200' souls • and one :could have felt.
TriAliOr:"4•L..; : • ' - :
' "NO" 'Said the Other,. but 'it..Will •be
one, if You, don't look after it 'better
tban. ,Yotere doirie . ..,, , .• _. „. . _
".. '.!Itilt"'! 'said'the editor, "no cancer
• io my, family.", ,- '
'The' -,friend: fetintoefrqii lii4-Thiiiiie
• tie, had a keel ' affection ler: the neWS-
ARITHMETIC l'O RECEIVE ,IpapertMan. They had thoUgh 'oriAiff7'•
LESSATTENTION ereat' sides Of politsatin the lei.-
- • • ,
• .
• islattire. together. For, years they had
Arftlimetie. will riot be ...stressed as
mtieif- in the public schools. 'starting bon. close. friends. Besat ...ciewn And
. „
;with the fall terni,' while More, em- wrote to Jiin, the editor : ' He •gave
phasis . laced ()it the h,ealth h. • ' f 13i id I' f
• • im,:a piece o is mind, I
o o
, sehool childrenbeptinder • the reviseu.
eurrieultini which ;has; beenadopted as , own and..his . a •experienee
• CY the Department on the . recorri;•• and urged him to look after the sore.
" mendation of a committee especiallX - • some 'days. later, the editor turned
appointed 'to. study - Ontario; riuhl
Cti f." ffi ".
. Up , the s o ce .in large
. schopls. • Ptiblic Schad grad'es op, • . . • . • : •
-longer be • knOWO as .11111'101' First andcrty. • .
' S'enjor First and: SO On but Will be . .know," lie said; 4!iny: wife gat 'every day theworkmen shovelled rub7
o , er y ur. ,e ,s• ,
3" And •.so on. Thus '.the Senioe 1. WL
, •
..that o_ne •••resatrllayitgh.eatobilgnt:friend.
•,the ;el* 'Meandered about
the Alps, Harry Boyle recounted the,
.strange deings +, of the Hole. There
.were helps all alonethe road, but by
this. tinie there- Was an obsession with
•A,:: 'Hole. Three Weeks ago' he said,
nien cstivteefsil otonobfinKldinaio' srr;AIT9.
Bruce. County'. ,,and• theY, caine across.
ab'out • 200 feet, long. and 60'
'feet wida4 They • piled 'into this . hot;
loW the . earth from. a neighboring
• bank, until .the bank wiii• pradtically.
level an the hollow was manifestlyfilled'
l• . ' •
• But. returning :to, work the
neict mOrai g; the hollow had sunk
.three • feet, had swallowed 'the 'earth
that • had, ben fed to • it.; and. at the
sides inside Muck had oozed 'Out, like
-a -giant , which had maten, toe_much and.
• is dribbling. 'Treessere felled by the
:dozen And 'thrown into the hollow, and
known 'is Grsde 1, Grade 2, Grade hold f that lett • ,of 0 .sh has hish• and earth intt6 it; • but without.
given nie no peace until I, decided to
-and •James • MacDonald,
visited with frie.Ms• at 'Plyth and' Bel-
, . •
grave during the week. •
• M.r. and• :•and
Master Kenneth :froth S,aSkatebil, are!
:visiting ,with Mi and Mrs:, John „Jam7.
i:eturned h�e
'last Week after•Speriding the past feW.
,",.. „ •-. : ' • • ,
• 'Congratulation ,Aie iextended to kr,
• .,
and . Mrs., _Nelsen Raynard on .„ the ai
riVal. Of a $Ort On Monday, ',Tilly 10th.
Xt. °and ' M,r$, .Marvin Sanderson. Of
TOrpntO; were "tedent visitors .With
•Jainei: MacDonald,
' Mr. and: Mis.: Ontax Brooks :spent'
the Week -end With'frienda af..Midland
. .
D. . •
Mr.' John D Martin 'attended the
.X.: -.-Deanery„ -picnic. at Pert, ,
Elgin on Wednesday,' of this weekr:::
*SS'''katharine: MaeLernian of '•itie=;
'holidaying.41th her
grandparents; Mr., and. Mrs.. J''.'"•Mac,- •
'Donald .•. • ' •
will 1].C. knovin' a§ 'oracle 8.' A man -
grade will be in 'the hands ' of • every ' Underground rivers, it Was thought,:
teacher before next tall. • • welt the .ettilso. Or.',itmight be. that
there was lintestorie in the area,.; and
limestone is notoriou's for disinteg7
rating and forrning CaVerni . and
avail. l'he hollovv' took all that was
• given '•,tit it; gulped......tinci`openedCUP
ual • outlining the 'changes for", each again for more.'
cortie, and. 'see you.. Whit should I„do.
• • '..
There •has:never been a iiewSPaper,
printed that satisfied everybody. But
about it",?
Fortunately, • there was, In, One of
the local -hospitals, some radium'. 'The
newspaper man was sent for niedical•
• 'Irea'retetved--a-e'ouple, hours-ea-veg.' At aLlY Tate- • •ntic-heiles
• , • and had -been eventually. settled Y.
healed np and has temained healed logs, so, there was hope IPA -this
for the past nine yeat'S.-' The patient. tom But none of 'the. others had been
so" richly adorned with legends as
this 'particular d hole,.
, Many • Legends • •
Minotaur Cyete had
to be. periodically' appeasea.. A vacant
log cabin Whieh Mite' 4.004 13Y' its
brink; vithished• one morning- It was
eoinpletely masticated' by the raven-
ous hele, for net a• stick waS there
to be seen. That is' the linpresaiii,e
story nakedly. told; Another„stery is
That Ari •old shack tumbled down into
the sVitamPY °area' and the broken hits
just miturallY $811,1c. A, ,third stery
treatment. with the radium, the satire ad been discovere t e nc
. •
• .The W'omen's Association • Of 'the -
United Church last ' Friday a-f-
terndsin. 'At the 'home :of Mrs.: Nellie'
Stewart • and: twenty :were' present.
Ms ; McWhinney,"the ':president,
ened•'•the meeting' in the: usual, .WAY.,
Ny,ith ' and 'Prayer. Robert.
J'Vle_e_r4."retid. theScripturelleSsOn and
Mrs.ii: T. :turner .gave a Very good
tic+Pic. orii",HoW to -Study'. our Bitde..".•
Mr$:• Sam 'Armstrong fernierly. Loura
Bridges, from Nanton,. Alta, who is
visiting 'hen aunt,- was present , and
favored:, With tworeading, "Whist
Whoe" , (Scotch), and; William
and : banked '
:meeting and a ••
vas .served 'arid a: so0a1 time' enjoyed,
• We wou er if the farmers in these
parts reallte hoW ,,niuch-- they
blessed. To traVel alorig:. the
andview grand of
is about tne .'oeSt •,PeperY ene
wish • for: lyestrners who. arie.
ing these parts claim it ;is a'
After: travelling fer milcsand
out ere an -seeing the, crops
ulf sq. badly, linoyving that all their
labe.ur and efforts were in vaini ,We
IMVe to admire. those fanners for
thir:Tpthit6csrk altrilidos:.Ctoughraogwe 4us up ,‘;‘,f tell;
their. -•
' • • ' :• : ''•••• • - • • • -• •
, • . • . ,,• • • ::
brave and princess were • betrotlied.•
Thenjhei,brave, .beloved; went on the
war -path -and.'Iltateyer 'it. .WaSr
erpSsed the Path,' •the .fa'etT' reiri.4ins
that. when, he returned he i:eite'ge'd 'Op•
the girivas:.abScilutelY throligir With
.her; and •so' the priliCeki*:liPsti.'t.1.3..yr.,‘:v
herself into ..tlie hole.,and, beloved,
:vv.as.'completelY• and, to this ,day
her.'snirit hey er s. a b 'that hole
ing°vengeance,. .and.'When 'a .Sacrifice.
1W.alliiwod a suck=
ini sound; Listen tor, that, • sucking,
sound the 'net time ,Y'oU' hear the In'•••
,di".an Love Cali: over ;the • '
The I101e Is Level ,
,By this time, just at The Hole was
-reathed; nder storm broke
with full fora and fury. It, c urne
. • . . .01"i The to a, muddy mess o
there „is,a 'verY simple metlibd :by 'day. But •there was no• hole. • It . was
•[bas' remained Well, .thOugh he, now
over 80 . years of age..'
SpreS on the face; -witlain . the
Mouth 'rind on the lips Whfolt..donot
promptly heal are often pre'eaneer-
•this conditions. They.: are o,cceeditigly
'cortirrion; but
eause the; yietitiis ignoiatit, :of the.
prope'r• coUrso. to pursue If in. ilOnbt
•he :sheuld. see his family, doctor and
• .which• better newspapers . can be Pro: ,leeel.n, both sides., how.ever, Was, the
Stuff that- had dov,ed• frOni its hthards
. . (hiring :its' earlier• feasting', and sliere
dticed° and that is for those':Whci sub-
,drillO to „thelli• to take .an individual Were the. stun-I:Ps, of ;•'• tide 8 10 I th ' had
:interest in Seeing. that they get, more
..,, . ibeen. fed to it •It 'was •elear' that it
..11;01.1plia personal news'.••• Not that lost ltS.APPO,tite,.. 1: ' ' -. °..,
Iliad' .sufgtient for :the ' day tuid: 1)40
.yon.'ate qxiitOtad ' to beeenie a ' re-• ..But I've got to take it *hire
porter' V4theti You beteme a' •Cillb8•Cr ib-
. . ,,, a mud hole," pleaded the photograitb-",
aro, but if you have viSitors; if .'Srott eri "And now it's• •raining, And •I ve•
+going .onolie yoitr neighbors are Sure
. , ' '..Se ‚while the .guide arid the.renotter,
. ,
tO "he interested in. knowing about tt.' sat snuglY irr,the car he pliniged -ieto
.. •
. . • .
left •roy bOots in Toronto and
have be'en. on a visit or. you •are
there isn't any '
Secure his' advice. It is highly.dang"er-
ous. to waste •precious tinte fooling
with doubtful rontedies or gliaelts•
be effective treatinent niust be ..earlY,
Ali :over Canada,. in the larger cep-
treq 'there are iriAtituteti.Ar clinics
for, cancer treattnent, :If' 'the patient
, „
t's tO`do-so; PA'Y's-fer'''-treat;,-.
merit, If he is Without tneansc will
be giverr treatinent ,equal -la the hes wfolitityvvirh,eth" e. bur'n6d`rid ew oN,o). c week befo .e binder d ti
oeet , _ ..at. th„, e -nenitt. ttoniew'ha 'P'tt°1'4411"6
'But best itf all IS fadf
„Ic4,6 ig; avva,17.,p.i-wl,t wee oaturdit"Y Park. ()1' 11". ' rs 'n` A t
the • Storni ,a•nd tbole pictui•ei of the
Tell them, tlitbugh yeur,:horke Paper..
, .
that ',there never was a 'honse, .Cabln.
Or ihttek near, the hole, -
' Then there is the tale d the-inebri7
ate in 'a horse and bugg,Y, The buggy
stuck in the hole, the horse reared
and :jolted, 'the' inebriate to the 'cle.3'
bank, Ile -Slot. soundly and when lie
awoke the following n101 -fling. there
Was no Sign Of the" liorle -and--,bu0,-
lhe other tale is that he Was' drunk
that' he didret, know 'whether it. wits
•VAterY,,:little item of a local or Per- Olace wherelhore Ahould hair° been n
Sonal".tuititre.,htris illgt 014f, 1.41.161 islet 6Ven .00g6' his ,alioes,' soal;-, 'days '
to inalte 'h still, better neWspaiter,and ing,s'hirti squelching ,cilty.up bis legs, , riardla schid 6.0d
• ceirid
The fanners here are. getting wall
into -,cutting' the '.wheat, . let of it
„measuring between fotir five .feet
vvoe't be •till
hear the rumble the -'`Cad 'thresh=
in, machines up the road, again' and
the -little- lads following. •with glee;
. . .
which IA instinct from •otir'fore, fath;
erS that its •hArveSt 'tittle again• , ••
• Mr. and' 'Mrs. "'Burton. •Itoach
4 • •
day' . fro thew daughter to eome at•
once, that Reuben 'Brewer, their
son-in-law, had 'been seripuslY ;injur-
ed in. an 'aceldent: ',We hope the un-,
,fortunate one isnot as bad as it st
first .
Miss ; Iris Itivett is • ViSiting hr
fridna,,,misg w,innifre,d Swan, 1%ipley'
Mrs.: Elizageth Robb 'and' '21Vliss
'Verne Robb And arid 'Mrs. David
01.11, atthnded the. funeral Of , their
'cousin, .Misi, tahara, 'Snielter a1
Pine•'•12,ivr, on Friday, , ,;
Pa.Vid 'Erringten visited her
,artughter, Mrs'. ;Mary Rivett a' feW
ffciin SaSk., Benjanno, it Mr.
Andrew's sister...Other Visitor§ Sun
day Were Mr. and Mrs. :Archie. Mes-
ser , and daughter Margaret; andMr.
Duncan' _MacDpotild, of •Sruisels aod
Mr.' David -Mc,Allister; of St. Angus-
Mrs.,;;Currie •.. returned
"SaturdaY.'•from camping' :at
:Pert Alkert.• .•;.• ••••
is. Visiting his • 'sister,, Fin-
nigan ..a0 renewing fornior acquam
tances., •:It:ii:thirty.7fiVe. years :',Since:
Mr, ,.b,ib§pir left theSe iiarts for the,
WoSt. And: naturally .;sees Many' •Chap.L
,BORN -At poderieh..HOsoitai;
.and :Mrs. ,Char -
le S • Durnin (bee MOCinfe)
daughter: • • !I.' •• '
• getting it to,the editot requires very'
"•" ,'. eicertioit .on your That 11,
,110k7t, i01.1 dan helri make• YOur neivg-
- paper Tnote iritereating, hod „you .are
- .Invi et o art--tlein so v at
- •
' "Thia t 6 *nth- in which 'th• e
Attie gro,onts hagin to tinithhi the
.fact-of•-ittio is.really boss IA 0640118d
and rain dOWn his neck tould drenph doiten AiVingham.ved:: Mr,
111S' enthUSIA A1110, "TVS SW611111Y ‘111 SUndOY•
righti"' ;Ito shoutedf '"T„,'"etin „feel „it
ike• jelly 'andel feot
SflaKlllg Then' ii. teSS., ftPt
' .(tritepded FOr2ta.St Week)
'voice 'as he yeiled; lervd •found„ Visitora. •lnimq of and
and Bert Bradford, .'and
family •:'spent : tbe. week -end •.caipping
at Port ° •
Mi7-iBert.,Whyarand. Miss Marg.,
aret Pentland intend • .spendiog" this
.week.'atjhe .Goplerich: Suinnier. School
while Miss :Beth..Park delegate
to the Presbyterian Canip :at Kintail.
••Wm....,13ray visited ''his..•siater
Mrs.: Stephen .at''GO'clerleh:lasI
Mrs. ,'L.. Stingel and children . are
.earoping. this ..:Week''.Ate Port.. Albert;
where Mi Stingc1 1. panting
Mis 'Di Vol e, and sotI Bob al-
coMpanied the., doetor• frpth• Blyth•011
his. '§eiiii-weekly: trip ..Friday • after.:
° , • , '
and kt's.' (1,M. ,i1iicKenie,'
aleolin and: AndreY•'•J'elin ot Ham,'
. • • ,
holidaYing at their, cottage,
at" Kintaii.,"•Mr. MacKenzie is
ing a. three weel;-.§'• holiday froth the
Canadian ,'Rank. of ' Coninierce,
MiC Chas : Ell i Ott . who been
-1.e•sMirl."eadiid:11.1.1!ts trio -eon., M.
and Mrs. ,Everott ErringtOn And
and Mrs., .,Viotor Arrington' ,and
daughter jean Mr. tiha Wal-
lace .Blaek doderiCh stterided' the
intieral of Mrs, pavid jaWitt
of Ble-
Val On ',Sunday.,: The. deceasod. was
'Nits,' trrington's brother's
deliver the sermon; „which was
spiring to all. The special inu§ic was
given by the ,Lucknow choir, assisted
by Mrs, Munn of Ripley, a niutician
of note,•, favoring with ,two i solos dur-
ing the service .'• The church was also:
beautiful ,with -bouqnets.; of summer
• flowers for the occasion. It IS 'regret-
ted by all that 'Mr. Geoghegan, 'the,
he leaves to take '.11P a'. parish at
kido.etown and. Highgate as ,the .sec•-
ond appointment.
, Mr. and gm: Cba§, and sin ,
Henry, visited. 'Sunday, -July 4th with;
Mr, Roy -.Rate of Dash -
Mrs. Elliottand• Hen-
ry'Rilittze:nyeoiniOSz:tru-elidaatiY./ense‘xoif .Ato raSt.teEld,.
,at Waterloo Park.
Mra:, Donald F,0Wier. • Mrs.. Oeorge•• •
li Win, Miss Celia Pentland, :Mrs:
•Sani ArnistrOng and kisk' Frances
5ridges-, visited --a Arit Of old •ac4uain.-
lat'al'Snoc;ta:tet:nWdee:efilt%liirch611Sunday They.
services theie
to heir. Poir.WilsOn-•=of• Ambiarn, who
they have 'known :since childhood.,'
Visitors f at . the lioine of Mr. FL.J,
41;n d ‘1(1r3Ts Jht the week end woearnen'el"ioT .f •
-Stratford, , '; • • ,
: • •
• lgrsK Geo., yi:60 adcootimnied
daughter, lgr.4 Neil 7,qelionftla
arid ,Menonald of- pingaide;
ited yier son' WesleY „Pree of
'Seaforth on Sunday; • • ,
••• Anniversary, serviees 'Were 'Preach,
ea in St.'.?fturs:, Anglican Churcli,
8undaY-At: th'e, 111 SerVieq, li
heavy rainstorm, 'came, .j118t a little
tuiiitd the o °pet Indian .1.-Otle rititt f stdeth, twholitit;q1, ft•E,Rtit, tir: bitt I/ ne ti ..)Infm.A. mid a ft.161.14. old'!estt°6i.'
tn1iet1.iii: sot hOl Years :go belosved1"wlitehief ° '" ( " het °
g atii skY . tpc tlyWard.,1' WhO haVe IriOte'recl goy: G. Roberts of.*Wingbrini
, .e e g it w s y.
. . f
•• :the' HUE toanied- the . toubity„ -• - ••••
: • - •• '4 •
• MeSAis....,Ha.tV.ei'and Herbeit.:Alt 14
OnteilaittIO over the -'weekkend 'Mr.'
andMrs.• Ernei:6' :datigliterS'•
and Meda,..of Brantford and.
'Misses Winnifred and "Ila MeGabe, of
B the latter two teing:sisters
-of; Mrs. ,HarVey"Alton. :•
.Mr. • 'and ;Nits:: •CaMPbellalut.°!L":
three, Soii-S of .:0t1.44, have been
teWing :.,aeciuintarieeS 'here and
'.ar-olddmigliter Mark' Lou of.. Ood-
crieh .vrsiting:. her 1)aterits,•,Mr;and'„
krs: 6e8;'' IlarriS. • ' • '- •
. ,
'T. '
• r. ormary eaVen ,of Toronto
.:rettirtied • aturday.. from a twe,weeks',
vacation; witii his Mettler, •Mr$,...kobt.
Treleaveo , and :other'. telatiVei. „
• . ,• • •
• The. ,inoitthik Missionary'. -meeting ,
Of the' United Church. was hoa.
day ,the president,- • •
Mrs. R. A. MaelCentie. "'‘ChArge,, The
hied:Ling 'Oriened' in the .tiatial WAY' With.,
A liyinir and praYer Mid .stripture lea-.
s60. 'Mrs, 'the' tenipar,.,
-mice ..,secretary,;., read arlele and:.
poon .'he Totilt of the '..lastot"$
•ltana.'',„ McWhinney.,:ind Mari-
aret gave. a :reading ' the
theme, 1\liS.,Perne 'Altatta,ang stolo,•:
is tot as ihtgean -attendance
• #t''.*'• •
Whigliarn aeneral Ilos.-
pitaloon. Wed Aes,d'ap., -,1ti1y‘ I
to My ,Ind 'Ate4 To'm Cooi'•Ltidkgow,
iv son! * • ,