HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-07-22, Page 2• *r, ' - SIzbIts "No Hatter How Thin You Slice It It's Still 1301t;n0Y" • Once again the talk of a Government Commission tocontrol horse . -racing, is to the fore; and although thereianothingltartling or novel !'•-• about such talk,.this time it looks asthough there might be something more to it than mere conversation. ' •-•. Our own interest in the subject is more or less acadenlic,—kaff, . , kiff-'--4s outside of a very oceasienal One or two dollar hunch bet We pay very slight attention to The Sport of Kings, • ' , But if a Racing Commission shouldbe cseetoeliOe wouldn't expeCt, '" any very revolutionary results from its activitie it would: be ether • ,---2.,44-4movra "EP* friends of the right People men Who have 'alWays..vbted the straight.' • ticket. --or who know where ,the body is buried. , .else t.w0.1414 he an no CoMmisS'Olr, with the.apPointees ,Pinhal)b.; g on as an exclpe for, posing gracefully in the , ,...stewards stands what time they:Were .not' strolling across the Meth- , here:Vawns bowing.gracionSiy,:to adOiring friends, rather than as a . 'teal job required Te41, work., 4" 7 ; „, ; %. For it isn't in Members' toel6shrei.that any monkey 'business that may be going on can most easily beimejled out. and sometimes we have privately wondered ifn stewards' Stand is a rally good Place • to observe from. Judging from some of the things we have seen hap- ' pen during races .without any ,official action resulting. Soniethingis undoubtedly Wrong with our herse-racing; but there alWays hap:been; and very' :likely always will be. And it is rather remarkable bow much' more there seeins to he wrong w:tli the abort right after you have taken, a severe shellacking, • • • • f In other words, days When your selections come galloping homeiri front like trained pigs, allis for tle:•best in the best of all possible -.•••• UA . wager on thewiinier can blind you to the fact that the .4ocheyridng in got away with murder inthe race, -' r But when your thumbs are starting to Sprout those painful cal- louses which come from tearing up losing tickets; your whole Outlook on life—and „especially .horse-racing—cnanges, and . you vie* '-;with gloomy suspicion every move made on the track. If 'Canadian racing is in any.•vvorse .shape than in former years, the chief reason ,you don't need to look any further for than the list of tomorrow's efttries in tonight's papers.' ; • - Over south of the herder you will see' three ,o; fent tracks, liaving, cards of raced With not a* singlerace offering:less thanra, thousand - , dollars. ;blete in Canada three hundred up to Sevem'huhdred. Where the body lies...the "buzzards w:11' be gathered. --No, that isn't the,verY polite way to talk about tbe noble sport. ' What.. we men, wherethe big money is, you, will find -the, best horses, the most prominent trainers, and the best jockeys—especially the. latter. r So racingCanadian:fans avo..to e satisfied with cheap, horses that are lial:de to be hoot as a blowtorch on Thursday and cold,a0 the , • „, feelings hetviteen'IrePbUrn, and"King, on Saturday; With alleged train,,, ers'-whO 'should really,betharged radiniiieion-td the track; and with -so - culled joekeys*hd+outside of..twe. or three of ,thein -4 -who, in hap- pier tiines;'.woilt have Considered- themselves lucky to ;be allowed -to even work:a horse, let alone ride one in a racei ' • Which should be about enough of the subject and we shall- _ merelyoclose with the old one about -the trainer who was trying to alibi a very poor race just run by one of his charges. This steed left the barrier about fourlengths after the rest and continued to get no better fast=•being,just about the furlong post when the .others were fin:shing. Half an hour later his trainer came.o, into the paddOek, where he was accosted by a friend of .ours. "That., was a terrible race your geldingian," he said. "How collie?" "Oh :didn't you hear?" replied Mr. Alibi. 'That gelding was badly cut down'during-the heat, so what could you expect." '1 watched that heat very closely from start to finish" responded our friend. 'And if your -horse *as tut down, it must have been on the nose." , ..firges ACOdeini, --.11ONTREAr;,7-, A. --Canadian equiva- lent -of- the.L.-French--AeademY-the-• hady that rules on good usage, in the French language --•-was suggested last . week by T.,ouis, Bertrand, Paris novel- ist and historian and member of. the .Academy. The -distifiguished.Fiench litterateur, an official delegate to last; week's Fiend' 1,anguage Congress at Quebec, advanced the idea in an_adr,._ , oterkanevihn..0, tells ovWife For His Son , ,An eiderly Romford man is anxious for' his Son to. inarry and has there- • fore', inserted an advertisement in a -Chelmsford newspa0er.• This la the father's. conception of an ideal wife for his, son, as reflected in ,the vertiseinent: -Advertiser (bachelor, thirty-two, vel -known Cricketer), tall, 'well-built, fair; Elie eyes, considered nice -look- ing, responslfie position, bright pros- pects,:PPseessing means,' desires, con- fidence and friendbip,,„ of .a Ood -'17"alliffiffiffEz refined; ••doineet!cated,; besiaessil'he,' .•leYeable- and lovingEnglish, • girl:, (twenty'- two twentz/ six); with some meapS.,. " 'Net :too pretty, but niee,..facc and. ' natural fair hair;" • . Vie* earlY betrothal -and marrge; ' Mast, befond of e'rielset; , • • • • Latest PlulthraPh appreciated' and hanotahly returned. " • No widows, no Roman'Catholics, powdered and painted daneing. dells or agents, please.• • .1 •' The young man is Stan Hooper, a4;• •well-known _ Jocal • • cricketer, who Works 'for a Romford ;furniture :firm , and Pies with his %O'er- i' at in. Brentwood Road,„- Roniforil... • The cooks. 'The father said: "I inserted the ad- vertisement for love. Of •my son.. 4it. thirty-two he needs". a . Com- • panionship. .The kind ' of a girl that is described in the advertisement is , the :kind .my Son ought to have. •did not tell..hiiii,'"anything -about' it until .it had (appeared7"-Lonelen Sunday Express. dress,•latCerele I.TniVeallitaire. • He: told his hearers a Canadian academy, •eould..petforinthe=seineroleaaitheL • .Frendhinstitution and .'weik: in con.junction withit - the' Port District of New York in- cudes all of 'greater New Yerk .and ' a•:Iiiiiidred.. other :municipalities, has en area of More , than 1;500srare xrnIes and a population of More thazi'• •, . , 211C1114 ECRU PtitS isidez the_ Wad_ 10 11110( COSI Extra values it no ex- tra -Coat • . that is your positive guarantee' when. you buy Firestone Tires.' Among :these .,sire .,Fire.stone's ,2 Extra. Cord Plies under the tread that • bind the !read' and: body,' , into an elastic inseparable: • inlieln,a1chlii4t-sofe-afani'l , • speed. • You pay nothuig for this extra feature that gives you extra safety an India mileage., 'Get the most for your , money. Firestone Tires - • do not 'cost one cent more ihan ordinary tires. Have° the nearest :Firestone •Dealer replace worn tires , joday. SPetify Firestone Aires as original equipment when buying ti new car. i 11 PRICED TIRES: NO Matter, how,little you can afford for tires • go , to the Firestone • Dealer first. He has a genue Firestone tire to suit -every purse that ,will give you the safest loW'ast cost • mileage. 'Firestone GUM-D1PPED TIRES ''MOST MILES PER DOLLAR" .41 a, ask+ 4 EAki41 UP lt.V!TH BEN ".1"T'S A MIGHTY FINE Kr4,....•.tetta THE PERFECT Chewing Tobacc • Meditation . . - Plumber; "Pan you -let me have a chair?" . Householder: "Yes, but wouldn't a , Plumber: ,"No, this is a o13 that. '• wants.,thinking about." r ' • Fly, In: the Ointment A, farmer .who „was-rnlyvays com- plaining Was show ng the result of fine .growing ..weather, and superior . . quality of apple§. and resistance •sof the tree to Winter cold.. • Severat, cloudy day g in, a row; just when the tree is forming its buds, Profitable Hog Selecting the Strain cf Hogs To -Be Fed - As a Mpat. 'making -machine for • converting- Iced grathe: into,.:.human ioda the hog stands. far • in advance • other fatal aairnaL e:zro.rienee4 heg• .feeder; how- . ever, L Ound that it" pays 'him to eerclse rigid sulcct4S in the .• ,4'strOri" of hogs that lie. -feeds. Wide the. -fact cffiCCen.0 is largely a hereditary gharacteri he's led to the „ adoption of a feeding and .quality ' . . , test' for breeding stock, WhiLh is; knoW,W'as "AdVanced Reiistry.", Be- ginnersand- those .who are..adding breeding stock adVis; ' ed. te•••iiialce 'their .eglecfioli -ftegt.'". strains '"which have qcialified under this ,test. There is'a fair volume of tested stbek - now , available which may ,be located, through agricultural , officials. . • • . Due ;to the fat that swine arc .44: largely on cereal grain,- and are un- able . to make extensive, use of pas- tures, they morefreqUently., suffer • from nutritional ,deficiencies than any Other types of live stock.Since ' • One' biy Slipped By , . • ."Six days's, notice, cook? , I sup- pose you mein a week's notice?" "No, ' I 'forgot to tell you • yesterday." ' Dog Raising Hobby Brings a Rare Painting , Arthur '.Lloyd, Jr., . Oak Park, 11., antique dealer • who raises cocker :spaniels as t hobby, et a little old Jady persuade him to . •'trade a puppylor a old painting. Art eipeitIOld him it is 4 valuable - work of an l8th century-master•--He-is-shown-Witlirit and brother' of • . . puppy he traded.' . • •• • ' -Serious 1:/iictOr: "Well, madam, what i$ your ailrn.enlr 'Old Lady:. "Pains in mY arms, doe.", for. ' I can hardly bit them oyer niy head, and it's the aaMe with my legs." Very Much Alive 'First-aid 'Mai : "Did you hold a mirror to her face t� see if she was still,bteathing?" • . Assistant t.' "Yes, and She ;opened her eyes,' gasped, and reached for her povider • • . 'Thoughtful Husband , First Neighbor: ."Surely was 'hiee of Jones to buy his wife that e,:rperil Sive new washing machine."' • • ' • Second Neighbor: "You bet.it was! The, old one 'made so much nose ne 4. COUlthi' t sleep." • ' • Initiation ' First Oblferf "What's that fellow with ' the broken dltib Making such a fUss'about?' - Second Gelfer: 'Yes, 1 should im. *ginehes swear.ing himself in. Under Cover 4 An old ladyt_heing;*hoysti.over R. -inhinariiie fot,theltrist: ifine,wa'S _in - tetested in the. gun on the .deck. "Dopa. it get, Very ,wet .When. you go -down?" she .asked. , • ' "Oh, no mum," said her guide. "You eee; 'when' Wrget the order to submerge, two sailors hold umbrel- las over it." • . Misunderstood Brown, driving a sports Model, was forced to brake quickly, with the 14. stilt.that the. car ,got out of ;eentrol, for a moment and ended within an inch of a ]amp -post on the other side of the road A policeman 'strolled up and re-; Marked: "Well,, you got a nice, skid there, •ar onme said room, atig ily,."lint fhb? lady Is my wife." , HARNESS:: AND :COLLARS, , Farmers Attentioallarvest, 'time ' is nearly here.: Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco 'Harness' Supplies. We 'sell our 'goods only threugh" your local Staco, Leather ,cooda, dealer. The gcoda, are 'tight, and so are out prices. • We manufac- ture our factories -- Harness, Horse ...Cellars, Sweat Pads; Horse ' Blankets, and -Leather Travelling Goods'. Insist cin &NW Brand !rracte ,Market Goods, and get satisfaction:. Made only by , Sanntel Trees Company Limited 663 King' St. West, Toronto WRITE, irOit' CATALOGUE , .A-1. • we. said to hinu, "Well, you ought to be • satisfied with such cropas these. •!There is certainly nothing lack'ng.' You have nothing to kick about this year.'". • • , •The old farmer stoddin a Meditat- ing' Mood for a minute, then replied: "We..11; you Icnovif,. son, .speh crops , as • these are pesky hard on the soil."' . , Comforting • At a cricket match, one of the hatprnen received a .ball full in the mouth, breaking a number of teeth. : 'When the ,return •mateh was being played 'the unfertunate.,..r batsman found ifm,self *bent fo.IaCethe same bowler. , '.••• 7-- 41141;771i.e.'-iliblited.7"fron • ter my teeththii iiine; will your • ."No, ' it's your, stumps I'm.' after , now • •' • t •" 11 , ,A .Weak 'Argument ; , rie;.„engineer' 'engaged in way_enterprise in South'.Ainelica was seeking local otipport for 'a road and . attempted to give the matter point. He asked a native:. ."How • long does-, it take to carry your geode' to market onjmule.back?" "Three days," was the reply. ..."There's the. point," said the .en- gineer. "Witheur road in operation: • you could take your ged'ai3 to market .and he hack honie in one day." .'Very good," answered the n'ati4e ,"but what' ,would we 'do • with the other two days?" ' • . • .TheAMint.' - Young Barri Brown and Liizie, Jenkins had been to . the week -end. LiMarket,whete_Marry-,hact-----bought7e- '. irciting: 00 and- an..empty",tith...Walk-A --ing-hoine-togethetri-itinglitTiihing a , lonely country lane, With the pig un:."' • der One arm and the , tub. under the ether, Harry was eurprisectio•netiee that Lizzie had suddenly ;quickened her ` pace and was almost running... ".'Ere," called ,Harry • after her.. "What are ' you running away like :that for?", "Well, seeia? :that there's nobody about but na two, I thought." niaybe. you'd try to kiss me," giggled Lizzie ..oyer her .shoUlder..L__:----1- "How could I, with this, 'ere pig 'Under -me arm and the: tub under _t'Other?"• .d4w411;M/altpred 'Pi :Was afield you was thinkin' ',oft putting the pig'do.,17:4:0::ohues.‘tub.diver 0 Fainier Fudillemhch: we've get' All; the new -tangled "-Machinery. 'there.. is. Our latest buy was two milking wiachnes."' City Miss: ,e.40v interesting. But tell me, do they really 'give as good: milk as the cowi?", • I., ThelacPescaped serious •i jury; i fact, he Was .found te'•, be . Buffeting Merely from, a felvd, amall. buns.— Evening paper. ' ' • Our small riephOW regards' Such feebleness with utter contempt.',. usy Apple Tree Works 35 Hours,Weebly: in :Glass •' 'Case at TOP•iSpeed•All.. - For Science . ITHACA, apple tree which grows in a glass house O' :& an orchard. at Cornell University does the ants in industry. It wit' 35 -hour weela five-hour sevenkhe days—atseetiO:PBOLpteleodri g while problems of ifruit growers. ' ' • •Phoiosynthe4ls - Its Work;ie .photosynthesis, . manufacturo by leaves, from air. and , sunshine, of the Starch , "inajtett its apples, Study of the teet'ollife in the house shows that the tree's h •.ileperida On the amount of stare •.sugar the, leaves can synthesize day to day, A. J. .}tatdi•ng and Childerar--of-Ithe-Gornell-experit-, at -akin, report. • This manuftie governs root' growth, ntartof Ili budb.fot thertillowing iiii;Teiti so the .fruit crops of the succeeding. 'year. The proportion c of ---: bright days at the rghtsenson, the scien- tists' report stated,' governed the. trees resistance to pests like' aphids , and blight: • • , :Ultra Violet Lritking. Virtually •all the cOnclitienp • Mg outdoors are present in, the seal- ed glass house except that there is: almost no ultra violet, thesun rays which cense :sunburn. AS e' result the McIntosh apPleS„Mirnially red,. never . turn to that color.. ' Air, moisture, and temperature are the same. as. otitscle. , ' •• «, The glass house Is.. sbale_iL', Air , .drawn 1 through.pipe st.1/10WI"l 'Fili---fargirtit-e-pree-An'r-a--brepze.,brtans• ;Then:. it is drawn out and analyzed:. .This exhaust air his less carbon di- oxide the incoming. • - . • , the fire: top steed working hours the, tree extracts N great ileal Of carbon dioxide. '111-'s• gas 13 one basis of photosynthesis and .9emek; Plant 'Viol.' • Hardest Hours The five ' hardest. working. '.hours); were 'between 9.30.:a.rn. and 2.30" p • in., in which time the leaves absorb- ed neatly 6.0. per cent.: otairthp'ear-, bon dioxide they took for the whole .day. In September, Ottober.alidi,NO7:, Veinber they, took a little more than 50 per cent. in these five hours. The rest .9f. the day :the leaves leafed. They.Vete:, never entirely .idie While there:was light.. They riev.:: ed stopped until; they : were „. dead. Dien ,after they had been ',frozen .art!ff;, if' the temperature • Tosea little • ' above freezing; the leaves began term incarbon dioxide. ' Some are low in, phosphorus --the. two • bone -building niinerals -- a inineral . . •.,siipplement to the ration has coine to be regarded .as. necessary, if :raPid. growth. is to he attained, and if no ;other source of minerals is supplied. Furthermore : none - -of the • cerea1'. grains' contain protein of the quality that carrieeall o..the ' arifinoacids • necessary, to build aninial tissue. A iiroteie • supplement, Preferably' • 'of .of animal origin, should be included in the. daily feeding.of growing hogs. Probably: these twO deficiencies .of •the.•• Ordinary, •1 feed grains, because they, are; net , generally.' proVided. for , with , supplemental. feeds, ;" are •...more s.,., lack of thrift .and low disease. resist. • :iinee than any 'other. factOrs'• They • abefild . 'be, • given .:'conaideratioir in . making up, swipe ratione.., Young Do..NOt. Responsibi me TORONTO—There is a :distinct • lack of sense of responsibility among —.young. people today j They arenot shoukj2ring their responsibilities as Citizens as people' did.* quarter,'of' a . century ago, . and think ,more.of a good time. than of anything . clip, in... the :opinion of Rev: Prank CairnO,,. M.A., of. 13roughty'.Ferry, Aberdeen, :Scotland, who is in Toronto to preach , .for foot Sundays : at Deer Park Uni- ted :Church.' ' Discussing ' the_Posaibility_Jhfwar in Europe, Mr,..cairns declared ' that - no nation-isarthennommirin a posi- tion to go to war. He' added,' how- .. ever,: that:. there" Would undoubtedly • have been .war if Britain had. con,. .' "tintied her disarmament program.` ."Mussolini is an awful madman,. , Pl?ous%tiiend9Itt 'athwitl:dVectionlihiictEindh is in ad is existing 4pretty much by • -Pure 'bluff," .1.1e declared. ;In his opinion Mussolini ' has :not, the brains ,that • itpolses. Wir7Carnsafiem,tb: e'3f'Irtte ofthChurch of do • " com- ISS been 25 years in his present .charge at Eistehurch. ,. Pilot to 'en7 . tering-the ministry; he was for ' ten years travelling representative of a. ,hardware'firin. He WS. .born in Ab- erdeen, and attended' 'Plasm)* Uni- versity. He served in the war with the Royal Naval Volunteer Pese,e and was. at Gailiopil. "Forriial religion inthe church is not honored in Scotland today," he said, referring to ritual in the "elgirch • .7 -"but, he 'added,.. "Christian itir is stronger. than :h" ever was, and it would not be but for the 'church:" opinion it Was . the--thurch, and -the fact that 11.-itakel:. -leading statesmen are, all Christian% nien that has prevented war: thus far:. ' . Our public men are all just,00z- " 2:t with Christianity .a,h the Christ 1fispir;h;saidt,.-' Referring to ,riiodcrn ' trends he pointed tothe great, strides_made by ; sciennee for the coinfoit of ,niarticindi" Drunkenness , has ' not disappeared; but it is "not a tith." of 'what it was. • CIiifiETAdvertjsjng • AGENTS WANTED ' poirr• riAn' AGENTS'. WRITE. VOX, CATA- _ logne • and prices Big rrioney inaking proposition. ',United. Art,' Toronto. 2. . . , •• BADEN PULLETS ,AT BOCK 'Borrom.. A LL PROM": GOVERNMENT 'APPROVED * CIL.* blood-teeted breeder,,•• sired' byb.ig . 2 meek *olds; Barred 'Rocks ,$14.40, Leghorn, .'31.7.05; 3 week •olds, Barred:I:Mocks $18.40,., *.Leglionui .521.05; • 4 week olds,. Barred ' Rocks $23.40, Leghorns „120.95; 'Astiorted .Bree0s...4,6•' • weeks 'old $20140: ShiPped', C,0.13'. anywhere. ' Baden EleCtrls..,phikk,illatchery,...._Baden, Ont. !Duos WANTED; • "WIIITE;' • HIGHEST A."4 Premium paid , 'on ail • grades; hank ref- erences, A; Baran*, 5 ;Kane Ave.; 'Toronto. . Good Used CIO -thing t 09 :MEWS SUITS, PORMEItLY, $35 to 160,, „ 4.1 when new, now selling for $1, $8 and, $9: Made by the best tailor,, Ir 'canada. Able,. a $1.75 and 22, 300 'kpant,, ir! of ' new : flannel •tuit line of , odd pants and odd saadtdistcadcatti osn, . $6116.504.,, ' $1.95. . Send, 'money ordr. anteell or money returned; . The Yonge St.• .. •Clothine c.d.,. 5:2; TY0o0n2;A, pSlity,'..To7n..bla 11 :- : " 1L1 NLARGEMENT '' FREE ^ WITH . n;par. • J1:41 25 cent order.... Roll' films developed and . eight, Prints 25 cents, , reprints 3 : cents each. Brightling, 29 .,funfintond Street East; Toronto. , . . - . • . --TWODDLE PULLETS AT BARGAIN PRICES O. WEEK. OLD, BARRED ROCKS, $15.95; .4 New ;.11ampshlres,' White' Rocks; $16.95; Legherns, '$19.45. 3 week vitt, • Barra& Rocks $10,05; Leghorn,, $23.45. "i• Week. old. Barred Kockir,$24.95, Leghorn, $28.45. Ali pullets from .cieVehtinent Approved, • blOod,tested, breeder/4 , hatched Irani big',„eggs.. ,Shipped C.O.D.:* anywhere. Tweddie Chick • Betehery,„ Llinited;; Fergus; Ontario. 1 voattiat STOPPED' In • For qiiiehrellef from the lichIng 613) roples, blotaliesi essem;ittillate's foot, rashes and other skin eruption; . aPIAY_ Dr. Dennis' Codling; itritimpti6; D.,D:Di • PRESCRIPTION: ,Its gentle oila soothe the Irritated. " Car, greaseless and oritioless—dries' heti 'Sfrilie'• the moot latenari itthinginatantly.' A 85d trial bottle at , 'drug.atores, proves it—or money bask. Aak for-.• 8S . ' • guo,o004. d• Felt' Ors and., isaStsustunirsViisnoiniamssiunansainat. • • Mary Acres Sown , . For Gar en Seed IITIIBRIDGE., Alta. —More than" 600 'Rens of irrigated land in thie district has been eantiacted foi 'by the.Assoeiated Seed: Growers to*.grow peas and beans for garden seed-. Thus ,pea„ and bean aereage iu Alberta has inci.eased bY a'bont 36 per cent this , year, with a total of 5,000 Neres,tiriaer contract throughout ''the.. Provace.'' Moro fanners tried to obtain, cen- tracts lot the' Year than companiea " could p,ossibly centract. Last year -peas.--„nrere—grovn for $40t Etb-n; bt contriitts for the corning.cron' oet the„ _priceitt a -tom Price for ;beans- - is 490,, or -$40 'higher than' in 1900.' ' •..