HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-07-22, Page 1In.
1200. A YEAR -$1•50 IN ADVANCE
, •
. •
ONT�, THURSDAY, #11.Ly 22nd, 1937
.• .114tR•op:.31'. E
:Ple"trigleave or(i4!0 at Smith's Garage
I re eaye
ice AitesgOpnci: 53J:
Fowler, •
rillYSICIAN &:spitGEON,
Office Hous
100-.4.30, 1.00-00
Sundays1:40---2.90 PM,
, or By APPOintnisent '
'Phohe 85. • •
DR.. C. .C. EVELY.
• ;PHONE "115: '" LUCKNOW:
sure •outh—t, Moore.
FOR SALE- A, yoking cow, milk-
ing, due to freshen in November,
part jersey. -Mrs. M. :MacGregor;
.Kintail: • • • '
' WANTED -Man with car. Route
experience preferred but not. neces-
sary. Rawleigh's Dept ML -271 -M -G,
Montreal, Canada. • , '•
FARM FOR SALE -15e acres Lot
11 Con 6, Kinloss. Apply to Mrs.
Tyndal Robinson; !Phone Ripley 27-r
-frame , ,eottage rn excellent repair
• and,A. quarter acre- of .grootids .Apply
to MrsMinnie Horne.,
• '
era2 cows
1 just.:fresheee . -Y
,: :', ,
-old colt -John 1Kilpatrick, ,Massey-.
Harris Agent- LecknOW,
STRAYED: --4e ,the premises . of
Wallace Miller, Lot 19; Con 12, West
Wavvanosle, on., or about Atli 'llth;
2 Yearling. heifers'. Owner may have
-same Wy proving property and paying
-.expenses. .; • ,
• pERSON4,t,
.MEbi. GET VIGOR AT.. Oct!
.NEW OSTR,EX' Tonic:Tablets contain
' raw oistie: invigorators and other
stiMulatiti:One dose pep's. up organs,i,
glands. If , not delighted,. maker re-
funds price .paid -41.25. Call, write
geltIM'S...DIttIG STORE.
In the Matter Of the Estate' of Ann
Fareish, late of the. Village of, Luck -
now, in the County of BrUce• Widow,
deceased. " • '
• ,.Notice is. hereby •given Pursuant to
the Statute itc„thaElighalf::. that all
creditors. and others, having, clahns.
Await Arena Tenders
Before 'Submitting By-law
,76„Biba coipuite4 NIO! a-ge,
Council On MondayEvening And
Gave Much ' -Valuable .informatitin.
'Arena Construction;--;Tendeiri
On Iluildlne4TO Be aeceived`:Withia
.A PewDays
Tenders for the construction of a
coinmu_netOiall.and arena in Jpeknow'
have been called' for and will be re-
eeivecl withinit , fine dais, when the
nextistep :will be. to submit a by-law,
seeking the approve' of. the rate -
Payers to :proceed with the undertak-
. 0. Hipel, Speaker in the,Ontar*.
io Legitilature, and head. of .the con-
e ,
ton ./net the Village toencil• and other
interested citizens on. Monday night;
when he 'gave valuable; information,
in connection with 'the &instruction
Of . -.such a building.. This firm's ten-
der will follow Within n few days, he
adeised the /fleeting. ,
Mr. 'Ilipel inspected the foundation
on the .arena ;site .and expressed it
as being well reinforced and quite
satisfactory. With :his .firefe type of
construction, .ceineet bases. would
have to be added to support the trus-
ses which could be done locally, he.
stated, at a test that was estimated
at 'very little more than $1.00..00. • •
constructed many
arenas': in Western and Northern 'On-
tario, and displayed pictures of.1scinea
of these buildings. Two of these can
be seen in The Sentinel Office window:
They are both interior views of the
North; Bay arena, which illustrates
clearly the .•eZatt7tYPeTaf building this
Company. erode. The ice -space in
these pictures is five *feet longer And
wider than the surface in the propos-
ed Li/Cie/id* arena, Which ,Would be
• .
• , • ,„
'Next' Monday, Tuaaday. and Wed-
nesday "Quality Street". plays at the
1,yeeinn,Theatre, Wingliam; The pic-
ture is froin Sir. James M. 13arrle's
Play, With Katharine urn., and.
Franchot Toee, teamed in theleadingroles.
-most-Angaging 'POrtrit
It is' one of NIBS Hepburres •
• •
On ROntlaY.; ‘701Y 110p four beOthera
. . .
time )11.14;. in :mei together.„
.over. thirty .37000;:
• The',•refutilon,took,place „at ,the
lionnistead, now ewned, by One '44110
•heathere, Mr. L. C. Mclver. The othei
brothers,: Were.:'''Mr.':;*:`..
'from Son! Francesco Califortiite- Mr:
K. C. MacIver: of 'Alpena, , Michigan
'and.:ge,!.Themes Ross of Toronto; Ow
tario.'. The only remaining member
of the '-femily •flet. Present is Mr
:George .A:. maeiver of Ebor, Man.
"Evolution in the light of the Scl4P-
tures" is one .9,f the subjects, which"
-.4 ---- • • • •-4.c r • '•••vrrn
Hamer' Of Hemlock City, •
'Visits Familiar Haunts
eel...m4 MacLeod Of Chicago
tinelMore Than HalfS Century
Ago- When He Gave "Hemlock
City" Its Name'
Mr. Maleohn''',MaeLeod. Of Chic,ago;
paid hi ;annual visit here last 'week;
.zenaWing.,4c4ilaintaacee:, hi: the 'ell::
lage and in the vicinity of "Hernioce
CityL on the of Ashfield, .*here
he was born, and which he named,
When, corresponding to 'rhe. Sentinel
more thOn haif a century ago, When
Mr. Brian Was editor.
As 'a young Man, Mr, MacLeod
took to sailing, returning to Ashfleld
each fall, He reealletl the old flour
mill and sawmill, in the neighborhood
Sale Begin
I t Tomorrow
• .,
Two. fatal accidents ----..----
adie,te AndeGente!". ear-;--And-Ltry:
oods-Dresses And ilose Feature
Opening •This Friday Morning •
Te..,'..111O'reeWe Friday morning at•*'9
eutt.,,a sensational 'setninet'.eleanance
ale 'begins. at Pearlinan!s wjth. Many
bargains in ladies' and gents' Weer
and general dry : goQ4s-f:
Hose at pe and2dresseeep to $7.50,,
Value. at 0..00, :are feattired. AS, open-
ing specials...Tee 8rsttwenz
ty-five people to visit the. Siete will
have a chance to get one of the $.1:00
.dresses,, while the 9e, hose are MAU-
eble tb, the first 15 cestorners.
•-Every article and gerniene in this
iic± stcir ar&"Ver-Leet4. aw
Fellowship Cieb, this FridaYeven-
ing at 7.45, and which should be
,beard by every High'Seheol student.
, A different program every ,night
gives 'spendid.apportimity-fdr train-
ing in public .speaking and Christian,
leadership, Come, bring your Bibles
and •a friend and be on time
for the Gospel singsong at 7.45 p.m.
Dick Welsh A , -Goderich, ace hurl-
er of Lueknow. 'ball team,, narrowly
escaped injury at the. harbor at Ged-
erich early Friday morning when, ondip oft .the.
end' of the Rier. Ire -drove his car into
an *iron' "nigger -head".. Dick forgot
he parked his car .in. gear, and When
he stepped on the starter the Machine
leaned against the two -foot head. The
front of the car was badly damaged:
It was -fortunate ' for hitt/ that •the
car was not beaded towards the edge
.:of....the_pler •
Hollyman'e ad, "Bread i5 not 'fat-.
tening"-:aPPears on Page five of.
issue. This series of advertiSeMents
carry a bread diet , plan, that glees
about 1600 calories' te' day -the re-
ducing allowance of... the ',• avepage'
Woman, and at the same' time allows
two slices of -bread at every meal.
thee not depriving one of .this • en-
ergy -giving .food. "
• or dentands-tigamst-theTEsta ee-of-t -irAmOunfloH.$1 439
„ said Ann Farrisle: • who died •on or
about , the twenty-fifth day. of May
1937, are • required on or .,before
the Thirtieth' day, of July A.D. 1937,
to Send by post .prepaid, , or • deliver,
to :Barbet:a, Giant, R. No. 3, Luck -
now, Ont., or IVIinhie A. Horne, Leek -
now. Ont., the Executrices of the last
••Will and Testament of the said de-
ceaSed'? their names, addresses' and
descriptions, the full Particulars of
1. their claims; a statement of their
• Accounts, and the • nature of the se-
curities (if any) held „by r theni -duly,
verified by affidavit. And take notice
. that after such last nnentiOned date
the said Executrices , will proceed to
distribute, the assets of the said de-
, cease -d among-, thepersons- entitled,
thereto, haling regard only to the
&abets of which they shall then have
• notice, that the said Executrices
will not be liable for. the said assets
\ or any part thereof to person or
persons of whose • claims matice shall
.. not ;have been received. y them at
.the time of such distribution:
• 1.9,D7a.ted the. N:inth, day Of .July A;1).
" . Barbara Grant,
R. NO. 3 "Lucknew, Chit
Minnie A.• Home, . •
. Lucknone. Ont.
• IN THE - MATTER of the Estate
of Geetge. A... Brooke,: late .of the
Township of Heron in the 'County of
,Bruce,' Retired' Farinee, Deceased.; '
NOTICE' ia.berebY given ''pursuant
• to the Statute in. that behalf that all
. .
• Creditors reid-7-crther6- having --claims.
: ,Or demands against the Estate of. the
.said George . Brooks', •,wlio -died. on•
or about the .Twentibth day of SeP7
tthnbee A.D. 1936; are required,. eri
or before the „Tenth day of August
A.D. 1937, to sed y postprepaid,
,or deliver to George F. 'Brooks; R. R.
• 3 6, Luelenow, Ontario, or Joseph Ag-
new, Lucknovt, !Ontario, the Executors.
of the Mat Will and, Testarnent, of the
'said dec ased;.their tames, addresses
and, de. iptions, the full particulars
, of: claims,, a statement -or. their
. Accounts; and the nature of the se-
'ehritieS, ttay,'. held by them duly
• 'verified- '1>st affidavit. •
AND take notioe that after such
, kat Mentioned date the said . Eietu-
tars Will,.proceed to distribete'the'as-
sets .of .the said deeeesed Among the
persons', entitled .thereto,. having' re-
•,gard only to the claims Of whichlhey
• Shall then have; notice, . and that ' the
atild,-;executors . not he liable for
the said assets. or Mitt thereof
, . to, any. person or Persons' of whose'
claims notice shall not have been re,
ceivecj by •thern at the - time of such
Detect this SeVeitteentli day Of JOY
• :.A.D. •
• •••••
R. R. We, 6, .Litekno**T,Oht.
JedePli-Agkeiv,„ LacittioW,' Ont.
••• • ,tite.00tOri
Schools Re -Open September 1
' ,Under.' new Department of Educa-
tion' regulations,-, schools re -open
after the summer vacation on Wed-
nesday, September 1. Two school
days later there will be another
day,4the first, Monday of the month.
The Opening date•is earlier this year
ii view Of the fait that the first fella
on A .;Wednesday.' Had ie,owne,.later
in the week the classes ' would have
been closed until Tuesday after Labor
Day.L' !
Rev. R.'A..McCennell, who. since
December- of :_1934, has been -filling
.the position of Pastor Of Kii-oTc
bYterata•Chtirch; Ripley and of Knox
Church," . Bervie, • has tendered his
kesigriation end' will preach his fare-
well seernon on the. evening of Sun-
day, July 25. Prioe, to :corning to
Iey, Mr. McConnell spent a number
;or- years in various parts of British
Columbia and he :will return to the
&Met province; on the doge , his:
pastorate in the, Huron
All outstanding acceiintik intist :be
paid .by July ,31st l'airnent be
Made , to , A- Agnew', .Sepertest
Garage or at the .2Bank., of ?Montreal,
Luclino*.-e-J:1, MaeKENZIE.. '
Friday, July 23rd Music by ,I19gan,
6 -piece orchestra. Admission: Ladies
15e• • Gehts 25c.
••POR• SALE-7eYerting,. pigs -Apply
to Andrew Gaunt, 1, ye now.
ho -1st iirtown grove of big Doug -
firs is that Which lies on the IS,
Highway between Cameron Lake
Alberni, TheseCathedral Trees
hey have boon called,,hevet'fail
erill anyone who passes through
More than one ,gO4ermicteat
promised that they W,11 be pre -
Cd.' But governments coirie and
and nothing is done. Mr..'Pattiille
note.c`!elebrate his confirmation Iti
cr A bitter or More lasting
than by making definite' and hit..
• late a.rrtingernents to 'Sive those'
s from degractieri. Vancoiivei.
•vine°, •
en'nid balls fOr tide la teueeereent's
VViinbleclon a--kopt ill It"reftig7;"_,,
tor so that their 4bottrico". Wilt not .
te eed Y e tb the Sum
' ' xpostire te *
• . , ,,
(9. ... .
I •
Hydro 'Veers To ' Benefit To Above
_Amount While Municipality Refund
Totals' $300.64. '
, Last week the Sentinel 'reported that
local *hydro users are to receive .a. ten
per cent." refund based on the total
billings' for ;1936, Whichwas roughly
'estimated by the locel eonmnieeion at
thatl-time-,--as -amounting - to-ffebrne
$c104A16;:r. iespse: or nt fsrtoamte st,teh eOnLtuierkie!iollwydi:reo..
. ,
fond ,will total $1;439. plus a refund
Of $300.64 to the municipality.: on
Street lighting -and -water' system;
The report states „thatthe tete'
estimated saving to consumers of the
,Georgian Bar,sySteM,'•62 which :Luelc-
now is a part, is, as follows;-
Domestic lighting
Cominercial lighting 10;483.00
Street 1,736.00'
• $57,13240
.Sitiafaetory7financiat rescilta are
recorded in the new Hydro report in
respect of 1936 Operation of all Geor-
gian Bay ',syetem Hydro
ities. 'Total .revenues on the aYstetn
were $812,344 and, total costs; 1756,-
523, leaving'. in the adjustment $57;-
552 to be returned to 51 municipali-
tiesan&$1,730 to, be collected frotn 8.
The 'revised interim rates arranged
for 1937 take into account impending
-additional caPital-teeas/Lto-lte_incur
red for additional power supplies for
the Georgian ,Bay SysSystemmunieipal-
itieS; Of the fifty-nine • municipali-
ties • served, on a cost bases,
14 Willreceive reduction in interim
rate, 3 a:slight inerease, and the 're-
nt:tinder no change..
.In addition to the above-mentioned
rate reduction, refunds to consuiners
in 19 municipalities were also author -
lied; The total estimated refund to
these consumers will amount to $47,-
268. '
Refunds, will be made in 29 muni-
cipalities in respect of power for
municipal purposes and the total
amount to be refunded will amount
to. $11;591. ' • , •
The consumers in the Georgian•Bay,
SySteni will, therefore, benefit by
$110.991. Of this amount $47,268 wili
be :.refunded to them. by a deduction
feoin•their monthly bill: $52,132 will
ubiti bill
taideedaunesteodi Irraotole reductions.thel rmnt 11Tict
fund. to theininn
. eipalities . ,$1' , 1
' The operating reports of, the
' System show that the :munitilsal gee-
trie utilities, so served obtained total
revenue for .1936 .Of $1,198•781;- total
expenses amounted to $1,090,863. The
' net surplus obtaining for that year'
It has been. succeeded; however,
the .ebopping mill,of gr: R. A. Grant
'Which Was, erected' On the same.
For ,48 years, Mr., MacLeod' bas
been a continuous resident of Cie-
eago;• Where he is in the contracting
business. ' For 53 consecutive sears
he has been a subscriber :of, The
Sentinel; which he still values above
all the- other Pa -Peri be takes, Se far
as,. news of interest ', to -.him.
is. concerned, for; • ' seite. .9i
the long Yew's he hes.been.aWaY,'Ithe
eittee of hie, is still 'dear. 'to
hile,.'accordiag to his "parting/. re -
Mar "1a_ilk.,,Lfeyer,Lforgel;tlie_lpiaes_.;:
I went about bare footed."
Culross i' . •Disappeared Into Swamp
.. craft,* Dieeppe,4red ' Believed,
Into telress Swamp in The Vicinity
Of The .Alps ;
According .to • despatches 'from
Winghain, Hugh Russell, 'a..•"Culiose
farm worker, disappeared On Sunday
from the honie o!hisemployee "Nel-
son Pickell, of Culross Township, and
on Wednesday . had still not been
Swamp hind in the Alps was be-
lieved to retati...the,, secret. .of • .hiP
whereabouts into •which he disAPPaar-.
' 'ed After :the noon meal on • Sunday,
r_taLthaf„,..he...had. been normal,
and Was. a good worket. Poorly. Clad;
heeame to, the Pickell '•farm before
ChristMas,..where he Was. giveit-'Woek..
Russell Is described As being five
feet six' inchestall, .of swarthy coin-.
pleXion knd.,,.wearing •• black rimmed
speetatlielle has jet blaek 'hair .and
was .slight in StatnyeHe was wear.:
ing a white helmet,' dark .everalls
blue, shut when he disappeared,
• ,-
. • • •
Lady .bowlOrs1.held an Irish Treb-
les tournament on Tuesday,With
iiinetinkeentered. First prize, Mak.;
.k,ets, was wot-i', by Mrs. IL llevilie's
rink of Cargile.Nrs, Howard Agnew,
Mrs: D. Huston. and.';•Mies,..,•1.kina.
Campbell, wan second prize, deck
chairs. Third prio, mayonnaise:
dished,. Was Won by Mrs. T. Clarke,
Mrs. W. A Porteousand 'Attisi
drey Fourth prize, ,,silk 'hose,,
was -Won by. Mrs. Wellington Hen-
derson, Mrs. Austin Solomon. and
Wmi• Schmid. Lunch was served
at 'the green at tea time.
A prettysuinMer---'
-orletPl'ancli750-11:16-••-•17-rBOOffklterl!" dr:thlate 's:
killed So
riIat"Guithal4nd*iPertaP°!.where h
was Was holideying; when the car in Which
he was, riding, eVertnined.
C. eR6gijrulits13iantr,ciki3nlea,of ‘ciii:
died f:in
pital, a few hours after two carS
erashed near Underwood, Monday af-
ternoon in which accident five others
were injured.. . • . •
The condition' Of Mrs- T. A. Muir,
Of London, a passenger in the Beard
icar, is reported as fair. Mrs. W.
ComillY, a recent bride, and passen-
ger of the other' car involved, was al-
so seriously hurt. ' ' '
Severely CutIn Motor
. _ „
MishavAt Burgoyne
,A1?put The Head In Motorc011ision. ;
That Considerably -Damaged Roth
`.tars Involved -Lady In'.0Iher,'Car '
SnIte4i.:7;413rolien 'Collar: Bone. . '
Mr. Jimrrek Mitchell 'Of -the Tovi...,
To -
land ...Coti4rueticin ' Ceineini[reeved •
Severe cuts O13out the heed in a motOi,;
. .
coliieioe last Thursday, at Burgoyne ,
near, Sonth mptce hwhere ,the Tow-
Co. is - gaged on a higliwaYe-
surfacing contract. . ,,. *- : '
, The other car involved was, driven_
by , Mrs. J. MacKenzie • of • 'Owen :
Sound, 'accompanied' ler three other
'adies enniete to ' Kincardine to a .
ele tournament. 'The ladies suffered '
down for quick selling. Seme Of the,
bargains are listed' in, the half Page
advertisement on page 8 and the pub-
lic would be well, advised to read the
ad -carefully• and be Prepared to take
advantage of the many big values
offered, when' the sale swings .into
action to -morrow morning. • • ‘•
Bclys, AND Gums' cAmps
• •
The -date set for the Boy's'? Camp,
at Miratnichf Bay, near Port •Elgin,
is from August 2nd to 9th; followed'
.125! the Girls' °camp from August 11th
to 1.8th. ,These camps are for. young
'PeoPle fi�m 11 t Irbea-11"-• of -A -gr
and while it is the Bruce Presbytery
camp of: the United. Church, it, is
open to anyone regardless Of 'Church
affiliation. The costfor the week. is
$3.00, .plus 25c registration fee. Spe-
cial attractions during the period • of
the boys' camp isra field day on Sat-
tg,dey.,,a_p_open air service 011 Sunday
and a Sunday evening camp fire.
-Mr. Alex 'Smith is a ,metnber of•
the executive and, information re-
garding these camps may be secured
from hini.
•The summer school camp, with a
registration of more than seventy,
recently concluded. Miss Laura Ham -
Mee of Kinloss, was , among those in
attendance: ' ' •
Mrs. G. Grant Reddan, Toronto,.
announces the engagement of her
daughter, Margaret Louise, • to , Mr.
lla'role B. Berns, BA., of Fort Wile
liain;: :Ont., son • of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas .H.' Burns of Lucknow, .Ont,
the wedding. to take- place On July 31:
• , : :
Early Days At Kinlough
. -
Edward Thompson' Had Deal 'profea7
;siert Of Blacksmith:. And :Dentint-
Late Alex Reei Careied•gail•From
Litelen-OWTo Black Horse -
• ,
. , 13y J.: W, MacLeod
.A travelertraversing the southern•
Part of Bruce .County between Luck -
now: and Kinloss,, more 'familiarly
known- by the name: "Black Horse"
derived from a tavern •situated there
whentaverns were more numerous
and . Of a different 'style than now,
w ill pass .through Kinlough.
„ Only a hamlet, "Kinlough :has: stood
An'the .oad-sinceTearly-days,...._bneiLlyv
1850. In the year 1864 it had A popu-
lation: of 23. Today it has a. popula-
tion. 01-29, but in the earlier. days .the
Population'l on surrounding ' farms
welled .by large families of - el/4'1y
ScetS, was double that at present.
I.: The oldest Settler who can, recall
Kinlough of another age, is ThOthas.
Malcolm. Reininiscing on early daYr-ii
'1.Kinlough, he recalled that In .the;
Siicties and seventies Edward Thomp-
son doubled in the pOsti, ,of black -
Smith and dentist: Officiating inthe
latter capacity he used an inSteurneet
known. as a key, with which he never
failed to 'break off the teeth .before
tereevipg it, which caused more than
consternation amOng the settlers.
. .
! In the sixties Kinlough had e, hotel
h school, three' churches; a general
Store, blacksmith.shop and "sheereak-
short,. Of these one still stands
as part Of a. teshance,the-ii0h
mallY.bnilt for :a,' store building
Kinkitigh had its inception in 1854
When Many Scots t families; Grahains.,
MacDorialds," Maleolins, • Baileys,
James, Dickiesand Youngs along with
Irish families,: Pinnells and; Corri-;
gans, -1-1aldenbye,./ted Thor/inset/A set-
tled the 'district, tl'hep the cothmunity
Was selfisuf6Cient. The firdt b•Iftelet
Smith, Mr. Porter, made his own Neon]
by burning a coel",.pit on the reed
opposite his iThe shoeMaker,
Carpenter, 'plasterer and stone:I/aeon
all resided in the village. There Were
ethers, too, including cattle and horse
dealers, surveyoi and.!!rierieryman.
When the early settlers contemp-
lated digging n Well they- first eon-
Sulted•••MrP. Steve Bradley,' who had
eeneiderable reputation as a diviner,
telling where* water could be found.
Mail was brought to. Kinlough by
Alex Ross, the stage driver, who rode
horseback in •The *miner, and drove
a euttet in the winter; '
• When-diverAiona!we-er of
broils as they' are IOW Orange lodge
and n temperance society .0ourished
in Kinlough. Hach Year the COOd•Will
"ledge Of, teiripeetteee, Werkeek-helit
.progzere in the school and later in a
hall which they erected elate' ' With
the Ore/venni. •
en/relied' at Dun Workiet-Cettage .• at
'Point Clark on Wednesday,.'Jtily .,14-th;
at high noon, when Sara:. ChriStehe',.
eldest daughter of Mrs: .McAuley and
he late: John McAuley; Was United
in .marriage to. , Francis Herbert
Ritchie, Youngest -son of the late M.
and Mrs. JAP; E, Ritchie of Luckno*:
The.' "ceremony was performed by
Rev, C::11, .MacDonald of tilleknoW.
The '.bride ',I6oked: charming in her
gown of white silk crepe and -tarried
betiquet of 'pink' roses. Theywere
unateendedFollowing. the ceremony,
dined/. Was served to a few guests hy
the, brides Mother,' the...table •being
centred. .bY a. font -Storey • whiing
,cake; The bride and- groom lift on
honeymoon tilp ,to points south, the
bride donning a nay blude ress with
cape trihimed with white, thia white
aCCesiories,to.-iiiateh, .On their return
they will reside ' oh the grown's. farm
on the .h;itelgth„.boliieSSiOn.....oi Ashfield
Viele enany:trieride join; in wishing'
'thein many -*ars of hippy niarried
' • '
, .
The 'lunlaitng Pigeon which. receetly
came tath4larma.* Mr. Jarhed,Web-
eter;., was. one ofa group of birds
racing fermi. Minneapolis to Toronto.
In our last issue,. mention Was'.nuide
of.a „letter. received from J. •Higgiii
..Son of'TOiOnto, who sought the epin-
plete number on the leg band, so • the
'bird ,might be traced. Many of „these.
birds are quite valuable and Mr..1-lig-:
' •
ginson d. eight birds in the .raee,
ouly one o which jetuirghere er:ittd.nthrough.Heaildc
.be happened : to Pick up in Toronto
at the honrie of Mr. and Mee: M.'•3.
dereen (nee Ane 'gaeDeeale).
Mc.., and . Mr's. SandersOn. were
weekend guests at her home at Par-
amount, -when they informed thePuh-
Ilifiettlidt Mr. Higgiligei-Vai-grixioui
.34„.get.' further information about the
bird. . • .$
' Mildred Pinnell, of Kinlough, is but
feet years : Old but she caused a 'lot
of excitement on the Glorious Twel-
fth; She had. come to Wiertoh, with
her father and they were staying with
Mrs. Chas. Travis.. • ”
She had. been playing with .a little
red wagon: The:Oweet came ane tbek.
it away and she 'started on its trail.
Through toe crowdson,Berford. street
she *ended her wee Unnoticed and
on up the hill. Nowhere._:_.conld she
see --'-the-littlered-.4•wegon,--;Wheri-,- she
came to Miss Greenlees' she walider-.
ed- Up to Ofe-doe-ii-var,710-Weleie 'Odd
waited expectantly., -Miss Macauley
next doer saw thc. little figure p.nd
sensed something must he arniee that
Maid was all alone: She
called to the, little girl .,..gehe• came
rehning.gladly :fer! by this time she
began to wonder if she would ever
utt- the -little'-•iede wagere• 'Maybe,...teo„
j .
she began to Yonder est where daddy
was all this long time.
She was welcomed to the •Macauley
lieme oand 'given her dinner but 1,,,vho
sbe-rw was or-,-w,h ere,,her-'-lienlale -Werei
, t
was impossible to discover. Marie
tried to 'get in touchwith the police
and, also !spread the news ;far and
wide that'A little stray gid had been
Meanwhile nearly two ,haotithrei; wasahads
elapsed and the distratted f,
hurrying hither and thither-l-ookirit
for his little' girl. Ile asked the drum-
mer to pause so that he ,could have.
the .matter .announced at the various
eating :places. When he got .:to one
of the churches a latlY told him of
the little -renawaY. at. Macaeleys.. He
hurried :up the ',street in his ear .bht
not being, Mire of the house Went ,.to
my, daddy'? and soon she was in her
father's, arms. . •• •
• The grateful"daddy" came ' in to
Mit a card -of thanks .(which he was
willing to pay,. for) in'the, paper, but
we were only too willing to broadcast
the good news without any charge.
So .all who assisted in any ;way in
looking for little, Mildred ,accept the
thanks a Bro. Knight Pinnell of '454
Welland 'Lodge
, Kinlough, Ont.-
• Wiarton Echo;
On the g ereme, twelfth the entire
male population of •Kinlough ane dis-
trict would walk alorig the road tb
meet' the Culross ' lodge and together
they ,wduld proceed• afoot to Black
Horse, pausing on the *ay to 'par:,
fake of meals and :refreshments at
taverns kept by pmnccr , bbnifaced,
with refreshments being 'sought af-
ter, ..more often too well than, too
wisely. • • •
Kinlough district farms of the pio-
neer era in the Bruce section of the
Queen's testi were not so large, con-
sisting of five or ten cleared ricree,
witha leg house and Stable; Roads
and se/ale:clearances served, as pas-
ture fields for livestoek, with only a
slash serving as'.17t-fence, This led to
countless dispute's between the set-
tlers ' when cattle destroyed 'cropS:
One :farmer said of ailbther, ut have
a ;big hand and Tole B-• knows
Despite its. longhistory,. Itirilough
lilts not flOnliished-; ae firit • set:
tlets: expected: Nestled On the high-
way.' it bespeeks in earlier tlaY
which IS recalled- fe,w old t-
tlata and by the descendants ,Of the
pioneers, who are numerous inthe dis-
trict, '
with Mrs. Jack Thompson receiving ,
a broken collar hone, and Miss Lang
of Brantford, a • guest of the. driver,
had her ankle broken, * '• •
Joe Kr of liViegilarn, riding with
Afr. Miteheil, escaped' with a "single
cut; although the glass on his side ,of
the car was shattered. 34, Mitcheii,,
his head swathed .in bandages, was
removed :to Port :Eight for further's
treatnnent. A deep gash; in his head
bled profusely and slight InteOtion„.
later developed, but he is now gett-
ing along nicely
M4i•giteheii Was 'driving .north on .
the :Elora .Road, a through' highway; '
w , en ra.;ac' erizte star ed across -
the ,intersection, after she '•is,renert-.•'• :
ed to have stopped - An ..eYewitness
stated Mr.. Mitchell was driving Well,
below .the speed limit, and ' as well
slowed .up at the ,,intersection. '
siderabl3r. dariteged: The McKenzie
2ar was spuri Around- on the. highway
With the Mitchell car -continuing to -
Ward ''..tbe left hand side of the road,
to graze a tree . before stopping a.
few inchesfrom the fence. •
iliGneornris,e:AreTwaF:itiaili:„ To, Detroit ..
,the sudden death Of her brother; Mr:
. • .
lc' i0ipnatrgicokndiaeyceltivfetedietohoeleagdrsi.:eMwislioonf. ', •
. .
-HGei-6s.r'. gdeeatT17,4witisi!Y.7:elaatintie-e3):::"-tfrg-mt:' b4rti
which he Teeeived while.at Week.'The,
:deceased is ' e son' of gr., Richard
rrieamleYeand the e ea. T..anilat. ;
'Oungannon. Mr and Mrs: Kilpetrtelc .
left. for • Detroit Tuesday •morning to
attend , the funeral. ' •
- IVir....thui. Mra„..Eloyd :Kilpatrick and
, little:•son, Dickie .Of Deerberh, Mich. .
areth'egaetshtis.s,' 0..!,,,.e*eicr141
.... And :. .r.i...... a.:.4
Kilpatrick :-
_ .1Virp.' -"Hiram- Moffatt : and -two, _ Simi,
Keith and Donald; of Union, sPent.
the week end With Mr. and Mks., Rich-.,
of Denville, • ,4: " '
The Annual • S.. S. piceie will be,
the week -end ;with the foriner's din-
.ahfeil..ed.r.nd000wne..:,at .th!e'river thisIThuretley.
Me. I,:aed' Mrs.', John ,KablfleIech. '
Mr. and Mei. Garfield Ellirker :and. • .
tMrotit,an:sdP el‘iipt7Celitteej;- ,Btri, ;WWII O'ohf' riM::.:-.
and Mrs, George TWamleY. ,
' •Mr. Lorne rphillini is assisting , at ..
Mr. Charlie Darflires of St Helens
, . - , . ... .,
,ot,preseet.•.'. ", . .' . .' , ', ' .":• " • •
A very pleasant‘.eyent took place ,
at the bome of Mr and Mrs.,Georga
Saunders on 'Sunday, July '1,8t1t., it
being the Occasion,"of their .tweetieth
wedding . apnivetsark. • About forty '
:, • • ireseet-intleeing."friends '
: •
from Ailea 'Craig, Crediton and Kin-
Nr ..Of!'of i,,;and MrsJacob 1 -hinter arid
nt,., Helene, ere
is \,,,,..eIti,e,,.:7,..etLi
guests •of, Mt. arid "Mrs. /lenient Phil- ,
lipi 'en Sunday. 14 '• • . ' '
, '. .
..Recent visitors ,with Mr. aed Mes. •
W!' o'o‘tisl.-olifimiStk
tz?glie!liennsl,t1Mci°4ri,M/orhsn.LIIP•erin:i .
and -ur. and Mrs,. /iok Gardner and
family.. of Zion.
" ililr, and Mrs. .8. V. Stethere slight
the e.eek*:•eriel Nk!ith feiends at Essex., '
An individual is found who is •
Iable to Put ,.off the readinvglass.
help beyond 45 Years Of int er:
_ But the inaj_plkt$7 ,at: 64_ timeL • .
,wofieve; it vier to air their eyes
fdi lose work. '
kitsiotriti SERVICE