HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-07-15, Page 8, • . , 'A I ne . , . -Bread Diet keeps. up cnergy —bdpsburuup fat:t rro, '•,r"""" --"-""- ,••=.• BREAD DIET PLAN - Orel about' len Olorlea repaina t.he average woolen ' • ' . • . .•• BREAKFAST • • - • • . J*04' • 00g,n ...2•sipcsa Tow; cOO'Pgies WOOFY'llftS nnilnr LUNCH OIt suppEu- - modwate,::.***0 110,7 'Of: .01•••••S• acei0.•Igetable 2S1.ICES BREAD, -1 sa,,hutier: . Arifraika imocOna ftnit'sa1ad7 ' • 1*Iaifllftk - • 'DINNER. • • 24,..:0,10i0-firnit..20.Liadsto juic• --Veneretier. eervina- , • fowl • ,. • ,41iref '-'1,erfing' .2 ',,ielLetenniee, .Asimpsa Hamm 1:01. butts: .. • ,1. cupoff,. te0 (0100!),' • • • 77... a. • s - HE:Bread Met is -a safe Everyone shoula knowthat 1. reducing diet„ It takes off bread itielf is not fattening. It pounds, Yet you. will 'feel is not just a "starchy" food— splendidly energetic while you but a combination of energy - reduce ,-- not weak and irrit- givinf carbohydrates and a - 'able. ' speczat form of protein that Extreme diets cut down too helps Aurn,up fat While you much On energy foods, ,. and , are reducing. , • , thex.plt... =break down vital If you want to reduce safely, . ,tiosues. 7-Aiebir-7thl -74-Ar—elife'Stillowthe'Brea&Dietr--It,giVes diet 'Unless your ,doctor ad- ,bld as the !pain 'Sart of • 1,visesityour energy food- ' • •,..7••••••• • THE LuCKNOIV ST$NTINEL e. •v• • • ro,--mor-I.W144Pikf4r4,01.144•irvrdeo::'.1010,51,0•••-• , • Letter To he-Iditor Within the Past month there have been two tonsecntike: insertions by the Brewing • Industry in the adver- tisements .of our local • Paper. Times have notbeen challeaged by the other' side. :-As A Citizen- of a Christ/4n coninlanitY, and 'cotnitY; known- prov.- 'bite wide for its, attitude on the tem- perance qnestion. I wish to draw At- tention to the fact that the Brewing Industry •is the Jilin edge of the - „ • , /4 !AM No cetintr. ali'Paeada PG•oivi Pet* men than•truee, No ,mati:that. eopies :from that calnq Need ever' inalgi-•exensei• ' • : The pioneers o1 OA queen's' Busk: , Have Pafnied. to their reward. DAY JULY 1937. '1..404E101( mi... v. CainPhell: Of Toronto; *40 *iting eister:Ars• Mit-Makue., . Miss Margaret • Rliellie; Of Loriden is •sPending the 'Week aV her , home .' Brake. 'inan-Were theY;-and--strcnie-of here` ini . • • Who trOsted in, the Lord: ,-- Their, women. tO0 Verir fair 'And,..i.wit as brave as fair.. WOOS broad „wedge_pf the Liquor a •,,,TheY gladlY Aid. their share, ' • • logfl," •• ' • And aging while tt their work. , Though tasks were hard.,and AV,iritqrS • long ' • ' No. One was knoWnto shirk., inarIcet. for its .goodS;• !as Yet, Withont ernAlIntito4 •It say -.that qwe,. eon, • t.rjbilte • materially" to the .ecOnomn. welfare, of this, province rend prOvicling •a ivrng for : () Does ,the fanner profit? : In, 1904929, (ten •years' sprehibi...; den) :the eonstimptiOn of milk. 'and. Milk 'products ! in the U.S.:A. Pei per, son rose 212 lbs. Or Over• 29%. Beer Caine 'back in •.1943.' •The next ,year showed a fall n i1k Production . Of. • :fen* billion Peunds with' milk- 'con-, • suniption 27% below health' require- "ments. In 1935 the brevving, trade in Canada consumed :near 3.4%; of- the • Canadian barley crop: Allowing $0c per bushel for brewing barley It .brought the farmer •$1,725,090. ,or 'less. • titan %I% • of they. value of milk' and 'milk products' Valued that year LITY BRE .."PHONE.36, LuCKNoNir. infesi-Kitivc nd. -Ataik Golden Wedding Nome.% Of ginit;„bigt0ie .Kaneas Do :nomad' to. • Highly Esteem° :'Couille—Erotheie Sister' Fr0111 • Kinlioki Attend :Eveiit! AS. Well' As , Entire Faniily Of Nine. Children, „ . 1, • . • • ' , Mr:. and mrs':. J. S; ROYIe: of Benn-, lagto#,72 Kansas,. celebrated- their .50th weildink anniversary ,' Tuesday, June /5. 1937,. at: their: hoirin niid the Ep- iscopal: Church basement • At' noon a fainilys- dinner: 'Washeld, at •'the • -Church:, .basement, attended by only the-iminediate-Members ,of the fani- ily Open house WM held at. their • • horde : betWeen-the-Aeurs...oL2Ltill'...5. • . and -several hundred' neighbors • Joni • friends' '• • • Mr. and. Mrs. ,'Boyle ,'were Married - .60 years ago, at the 'WilliaM Rehberg home south .Of -this 'city.. Judge J. :Herr'• perfornied.'the • cererriorgy and •'I. the bride and, groom were .attended biPIVIrs. Herb. Quinn ,and: Alf. Joe cretois.. : FolleWing..: •their • Marriage , they went; 'to Iien-Sekeepifir • :old .home ins: tlie east-part':of, Ben- - ningtori,. where' they : •contintied to live for' Many 'years, and raised a• ..familyof nine 'Children,all of 1whoin were pre'sent Tuesday to help their. parents Celebrate the day: • , At 10 p'ClOck an. inapressiVe ,"tere. twiny was' at the. Episcepal. • church, As .the Lohengren wedding „march, • played :by Mary Kissinger; a granddaughter,. sounded, their four Aaughters, entered the church, follow - en by the -fine Sons, Who teok their • place on' either side?ef the .aisle near the :chancel stens, and • the ' parents : matched in betWeen,• halting „ the chancel steps and there renewed theirt wedding Vows :before Rev. Geo. Bert.: sOn Cox of.'Long :Island; New. York; a nepheW Of Mr. .13Ole;,, Following thli communion •service .was held' ' bY °Rev. , Cox; assiSted• by Rev. Ed - 'market 4.and What does • it --i10--te farmers' sons." ' •, (b) Does it,previclieniployment? In malcing 1,000,000 of ,beer, 113 ,persons are: employed. • riiking7$1.006,000 ef,%buttet and • cheese; 151 persons' are employed. In :Making ,$1,000.000'. of 'breadi. 315 persens are employed; ' In making ; $1,000,000 et' shoes,' 425 persona' are •emploYed• • • Which- rmillierr best aids health And: . happiness ••••. • (0) Poen- the ProYincial Treasury PrOilt?' • In one , province , of'.Canada the drinking citizens' must colnanne $7. worth of liquor per Capita to put $1. in the provincialo,treasurY. Sixty- two, cents of this dollar goeS' to fin- ance the -pence and thirtY-eight • (38)' -centeisrtlre•-rretincome4or-4reasury4 .profit Who get:C. :the other $6; What given to the'iconsumer: For a Period of • 12 months. in• On:- terid her 'drink bill was $68,000,000, nnd her relief bill was. $36,000,000, nearly Of that, anaiiint; Surely the •whole ,traffic under- mines the individual comiMinity , and nation economically, , • • • •• ••.• •One •• gannet. in one letter anal:Ver. the other arguments presented, but let us think and tot be blinci..Ito co. Your truly, ; •• A •Sentinel Reader. Although :k their. lot ..'-was'.'.$.0naeWhat They , were 4 14ppr: ot They..,reaped a Aey: hqn�st top; • That Money never bought, " • Though sons end' daughters: bora to . them • • : ' • • • , • Wetd„.all. humble birth,. No 'rine but Will admit -that they • Were all 'Of .sterling worth.. • Then when :the PoPulationi•grew, Their. , young folk went. out 4nest.: On Prairie,. Monntain, sea and strennfii • They were acknowledged:beg. , The, Ovine geed, sterling' qualities That Marked -them when in Bruce,, late family,- includin--two BPYle's brothers, William'and. Levi, and a: Oster; • Mary dok; from Canada., pat down at' the' "7" shaped table' in' the .EPiscopal 'church. base-. Ment :for dinner 'after the service: This group included. all. of the nine Beige children- arid all of the- grand - 'children. Daring dinner a , group of original„songs, written esPeeially for the •oceasion, were sung: • • . joseph E. Boyle of 'Chicago acted as toastmaster. for the program which -followed the dinner.' Levi D. Boile. of Boyle's • brothers • and :sisters were Anthony, Kansas:: Paid tribute to his Present :and manY members of their parents in behalf of the RPyle ,families:' These included i Mts. ' Aug - ren.' The Rev. George, Benson Cox Of Ust Hoheirsee;• Mrs, Willi:tin- Hegrefe New: York,, 'nephew • of Mr: Boyle; of Salina, John: Essig of DeriSr, Col? Spoke in behalf of ',other' members orado and Domain Essig.. , Of.: the -fariiily, pointing, .Out,' that the Out of town '-gtests. included:. Revoccasion . was , one of ,the inost-unique-Geoi-,Benien--"Cole,'4of.LLoricAslandt_ to be eXpe. iencediSPeciallY the fact New ,Yo -Pk; Mrs. Mary Cox and Levi that all of' the children_ as well--"'-ac-Boyle-of-7-Lucknow;--Ontariop-.-Citnadal.: the parents 'werei Present.- Musical •of MooSejaw, 'Ssisk„ nunibers were rendered by Canada;.Mrs; Bertha Eattman...11en- ' d Mrs Mike Mr, Ira •Cain131?P11- o TCauiskaslug is, :Spending a, month',. vacation at heine here. ••'• , Mr;Alex MacKen.Fieof ' TerOrite, has been- sueeclieg. lea MacKenzie- ,hern with his P.areete• ' ' **1!9**;!11•1110. • For! .Canadaown •: And, now the sena and the grandSoris :Of. these ,who Wandered West, Gather their' labour to recall With Song, and' speech and jest. . Two' hundred' here,in: Vancouver!, Gathered net •long ager•: With joyous songs and merry hearts • Tn0Ar love. for! -grope :to show. yet. of •:..th4 „week , With her ,sieter; ,:sehAsto4 at Sarnia, • Pr. and 1/11*".. David: Forester and daughter. „lean' otMonteaI, . visited James.Fiii•ester; last ' .Mrs; amPhell and' "jciel -Naylor of-' Terente the home. of Mr ';:;and „rs.. Rat ,M, R. H. Thompson. 2 • • Mr: and' Mrs. Thomas Aitchisen, Mr: Cliff 'Aitchison and .• Jackie, For- ' ster,sjient••Sunday'in Harriston, With; Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Aitchison: •Mr:• and Mrs; Robert. Rae' and. Margaret and • Mts. Porteous Of StratfOrd,'•left. on. Wednesday: on a ,•• meter. trip t6 'Prinee - Edward Island. . •, IVIiss Irene Haines and Miss .,Tane : ' 1!) • were visitors • !"7--- the, xemembrances , Was • a bouquet jot fifty -roses, ' sent by .Mr. and 'Mrs. Jan D. Allen of chicagO• ' .• In addition: tO the: two ,brothers, sister andnephen, of Mr. BoYle's, who attended the Celebration, all of Mrs. When they 'chatted • of the, borne The places' that • they „knew,— • Of Walkerton, and of Tara, 'Luckno'w, Teeswatei too, • , Paisley,.-Che,sley and Kincardine, • Southainpton by the lake, . Or of •'l'iverton or Wiarton; Their .hearts wee like to break. There----w-Frelome ' '.•• And socne• 'Caine -from Mildmayr And, I :saw' serne frem Hanover,. • ' And some from Saiigeen- way;• And some there were among the ••• . • • Caine not from 'any' town, But lived on some parental farm Without name or renown. ' , They spoke prondlyof Canada,, And of the: Empire too, Ontario,' he best province, •As you And I would do. • • But:when they toasted Bruce County Their' hearts were •filled with . joy, The name recalled that•deai old home, They 'loved ,as 'girl and boy: ,CHIN,ESE-• :14.A.Np ,EMBItO1PIERED.P.I.L1,9*: PASgS-,:42,". Wide '9aoil quality cotton.' Pair 98e. HA,Nti;' EMSR611),EREI) ',LINO SETS, 77 Natural' Colored Lieee. C.4;1h 3$;i3,6; ,Seiviettea.. 1202 • $1.95: • HAND EMBROIDERED RUNNERS,438x36, 18x -15:18v54-:" ' gr ething cliff- erent, Pair TtiWt1.-!•L•INO-Red"'" bordered:- $peciaL - 4-44 T.TVEL.LING Linen 2`,0. :13e;' 35e. , ' •• • , , MA.14Y . OF THESB riECKS' • ABB CDBABilit 111.4isT • . CAN BUY': wifor,,,ERA:1 p„.14,9W''. • ' TERRY -Wefghti lona ",•-toi, 'the' ,beath. Yellow ...,... , . . , • . . 28e. hist% week witirlir.. • ariff-7.. MeeKenzie and:, Miss Hazel. Welister. I •Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cole attended the7fiirieral'of ,Mr. Cole ' brother at I Underwood',on Friday last. Mr. 'Cele! obServed..Iiis 92nd. birthday en jill3r• • 4th. • • •" • ' . • !• : I • .Mrs. Dr. ' ZaeA.achen Brenner, 1Vliss Effie ,D,edOnick Mr, • and Mrs.! Dickie, Farniington, Mich., were I girests. with,. Mr: and Mks, • R. J. Cameron.: • • Mr. and Mrs."Johir'-' McCall. of Ab- etnethir, are visiting with, friends ' the community: Mr! .Me - Call 'was a, former implement dealer in Lucknpw., , • • • Mr. ''.'Alerc; Smith, .Whe •has .spe t th ast term teaching in 'the :Indian resitiential—Schtiel--Lat-•,-Brand — 'holidaying: with his parents, Mr and aits... J. J., Smith'. , • ' • Mr.: Jim , and. ,Effie Campbell, 'Mrs. Fletcher and two children Of lIder•.... ton, Spent the. week -end' With their uncle. Mr. 'Jelin 1VIeVicar. at:the home Mr. Duncan ',MacLeod. . • • - :'• ! Mary.. K. and Audrey Jean Kissingei. ry m . and . Mrs.. •A place where men are • proud to live and Dorothy Rae -Isabel of . IVIinneti Kottinan of' Ellsworth 'Mr. polis. •' ' '.''' '. • •:•• ' • ',:: • qe9. • • ,Lockhart • and Miss • Bertha ..". or proud to: say they're from • • • .,:rhe grAup adjourned at :42 "orclOck Brow7dOf Minnetipolist• Mrs Jininile- , -:. :- - , • - : - - . • - • ... : ,,: , in the. afternoon te.- the 'Boyle, .rest- Xing • SOlomon; Mr. and Mrs WILL FARADAY denee 'Where a reeePtienr. was.' held. Worth Boyle, Ralph Boyle and Leland .Vanc, Over. • B. C. • , : • ,• • .. . , . ;So ....here!s• a toast .to- Bruce County • And one to'.all . her sons, And 'One • to all her -daughters fair - As . • long as '',Satigeen runs, ' • And one to all 'Bruce: Boys and ,Girle Who've •settled,. in this West; Success toeacli and every one, • FOr they are of the best. " And .while• We' Stand in- Silence -all; Withheads • bewed-, toward. -"-the. earth, 1 . ' Ne111:1-drink-ar,--Silentr--tOad-Lt0- • MoSe. souls of' honest -worth -- Our parents,..arid their parents too,, • 'Who madeBruce t�, beconie for '-IVIr: Mrs. Boyle • until -five Tangrac, o _ Nearly 300 friend's .of ,the SpenSer. TaYlor. and. family of June- TAKE • somg OF THE. "'' family attended. The farnily-,and tion City, -Mr, and Mrs. William Hog- r r atiVe• s. from Bennington Niles; .Salina, fete, '1VlisS' Pauline Hogrefe and the . CHANCE • OuT OF: LIVING,. A °Sepik teorge 'Mrs'. 'Mills and . daughter Edith of Ottawa,. were recent visitors •with Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack 'Carter. Mrs. Jos-,.. eph -Mille' is a cousin of Mrs. car-, ter?s and it was the , first. time they ' :had Met ;In' twenty years. .Cominenced 'Sailing Elliott Webster,' an: einpleyee Of. the Lucknew Table co:, has 'taken ,to Sailing., He left •fer Port•Colberne the lattei.' part ef the •week to : join the, • .trewe of the. 'lake freighter; - ceOrge- DorioVan, : "Doc". and Jim: stew- . art of Liickn:eware ernPleyed.,on this boat • - • • • r • HUR N AND KINLOSS -,' TELEPHONE sitsTEm , „ THER IS STILL PLENTY OF, TIME. TO WEAR WHITE . SHOES. NOW IS:, YOUR CHANCE TO BUY- THEM •• • • . •AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES , W HITE AipALs Cuban 17,1c. AC, •• • ' 04/4 atvii; AN ASSORTED LOT-. Of White Pumps, Ties., and oxeercis Shoes that t .-98 • seld‘-'to .$2.95..""At w ewe • , WHITE. DRESS .SHOES,• - In Ties, „Sandals, - caber: and I $2 49 tontinental heels.. • Reg; $3.45. At.-- • . • l'ile$1'4r* — • _._ .,_ WHITE . SPORT ,DXFOltliS • AA, A, B." p. Widths. • Values' to $3.'45. '' ' .1 - - • Clearing -At . I. , . $2 -69 . . i.).M.P`LETE. !STOCK "SHUM)LK", . „ . . OP, WHITE. •111?1,1SH, womm•••• July'3rd, 1937.:: -.- The CamMissioners. of ."the'..Hurort • and • Kinlebs Municipal : Telephone 1•. System met in .the' Secretary's' office • on the above date at 8.00 p,ra: with: . John W.1 ColWell in the chair.- Mem- • bers present' were Dan D. BieD04hid and Neil MacKay. • ',1Vroved by. Dm-I.:D.. MacDonald and • seconded 'by .Neil ,MacKay that the: minute of last meeting be adopted as read (carried). • Barnard,: and -other points joined in Rt. Rev. It. II; Mize, a Salina ! Mr. , this, inCidents in, . he history' of the Of Wells, Mr. and: Mrs. Willis.•Beichle ticket? You 'don't- always expect to Boyle !fetidly' -Were recalled; , • of • Culver,.eMrs. 'Jane Locichart ,,- of lose, .do You? But you know you _ Tbe. day's_:,:_progritm .'ives' brought- Niles, • Mr. and Mrs. Karl DeniO Iland , might . Do Yeir; ever take an occas-: td •a , fitting ,elimak . in the' evening. daughter' Bernardi-- amt Mr.-,- and ,:ional chance., in ' traffic, ' either walk- fitting' the ',. •Bennington ' 1V1uniCipal Mrs. J:...T, Fisher .of Salina;:who were' mg or driviii-rt.',.YdtillEVER expect Band Serenaded the Boyles , in the present. at the :marriage of Mr. And to ;loSe;! do. you,? But you . MIGHT, presence of : niany friends; Intereit; Mrs.. Boyle' 50 years::agO„, , for ' you are , ELEVEN- ' TIMES as ingik, Lewis ,Dale, director a the : 'Business -irnen aryl' friends -of. Ben-. likelY to 'be -71(1104 Or:injured in .'an band,. is a nePhen,F-.of 'Charles :Dale ,niiigton ezPreased. their , tribute _ to' antoinobile , accident this, year :as the •whe . direeted •the . Bennington Band 'Mr. and, Mre;• I3 yle threngh a gift holder of A 'sWeestaked ,ticket •is to fifty years ago 'Wlieri :it' serenaded. of s chair,:. Mr., oyle ha's been in win even a snaall prize; Yon are on : Ines . , . , . , . Mr's, .13oyle. Messages .earne from D. Flee been active iii etliot affairs , of YOUr Stake Is. a,' feW dollars at most, Carter. re.Paira.: th Trailer $4•5'0: . ' •,' •'• . : - ' •, R': li.' MartYn:•Sec'Y. 'James: Itiley aits. "ar[u.tonit.rnereil..•••Nt:iii,dh.ch" tp,:f.,.. !S 'Senator' ' MAi;ill and - the IIon. the 'comniunity: • - - ' ' • ' Pint' when You. gainble.-in traffic Y01.1 •Stroniberg-Carlien Tel. mfg. cn., ,. .:. . : .. ' 1;.°0t:o..7;!• I fe .• Irie I 11 I: ' '''with The celebration ll .go down . in IBET YOUR .upp..:Vbetikgr: you, are • Mdse.' * $15.85. Dan, D. ' MeDatkaitl' Rtl'U.It101)' :i.FRT.I. T.II,E .§ou. :171, , r'ye::: tithil:tY:,she 'i8 not en joyinti , , , . .i. ni o A I, earn , historAte, Oil'of of the outetanding of ' a Motorist or a ' Pedestrian "TRY. IVIemliershiii ,fIlVestern CburitY Te/e-t... ' its kind eVer held in Bennington.-- 'COURTESY" all the. time, arid take .phone Aisoen. $1.00; William Wilken' • -- g ie 4,•• . .Benniegton News. • • smile. 01 the chance nut, of living. ' •pole $1.75 f .060, '.1 Eininerton,' Mdse', kin Theories; IItintow,of Detroit is, hest ef licalth:-.-Kincardirie Novi-, ,. • , , . • , 7 I a !picnic lifnch in the evening. • • At :and, Mrd., JerYy 'ITarta and; •Katherine -PO you .,Sweepstakes Moved by 'JOhn W, •ColWelt:". and the;:foliewing• 'accounts:be, paid. ' , • • • . • - _ segoncied' by4Den D: McDonald .that The ',Ontario MuriiciPal•Board.$5.00; 50c; w. :covi.veli,, Meeting nnd, aguin .accupying bis eottage at :Point IV1r, Hanto'n: returbeil• recently $15:55,.. "S. R.: ,ColWell, poles $80$0,;, n • D.. MacKay,. niniee7ttinng!,I Belt Telephone' „Company, May te•lis;:'triPs '$.24:801 .Neilm r spent in sunny RipleY.--HYdro Stinadiaii_TeleL,41. Matt.. Peril/nen; car to cocveniTforn41„...He__.;,v45:_there.,„._- nhories and supplies Mdse- $117.78, .tiori ,$5:00: 7-7 • $182.75:- W. °J. ,Lane; Salary Jane Moved by •John V. Colwell; second- o jouine mg to•th •seuthei. n •wirithr .• $135.00,- stationery 1,0c; Matt Gern...i. by. at the. .Telephone lateg resort in • search of. an ideal climate: ide11,-----salary 'June ,,s1.00.0q, operation' for.. -0S7/ thA•same :conditions ,far • from acct. $35.01:4 :Francis: .GeWirued, Work Mdved by ,thin , ivIeDe,nald, • sec- ideal,' during :the Pest L•eaSen in :that e •aOfl " 31 25 Uq of car • orided by Neil! McKay. that: therates •far off State.' Th,e .ballnY breezes, on A R L , • , . SUMMER COATST-Thesp, are in 'fine's -proper flannel and -,PaStel:-, shades, . 11)4s,' ate:I:trice& this- week -end :for; ,Only • YOUNG' MEN'S SUITS,7fT.hese, `suits are' In smart 'sumrner .; Tweeds flarinela. They are,styled ; With 1. Sport haeks and • pleated- trensers. :Priced • " LUCkNOVV ON PHONE. the • noyleg'or : the .6eeasien fbeit; buiiiness 'Bennington, more THItiTY-TWO IIMES. as -likely:- te 22--40:" 1.937 lie :11'.'cri'se.d. 'Ie.:27'57,1:i. ,Lii,avkief;•01-riautrionrig•,i7it, cnjoyed marriage,..." • , ' • ;: : . • .,.. than,fiftY years; ' was police •judge lose konr. life as Ythe $29:25, $28.12, .• Itess 11::•:Martyn, (,C,a'rried)., ;•., •••• Many., beautiful. : arid reMem.. for forty: years; 'served on the school sweepstakes ticket is to. win a Maid* $45419::' Worlinien'a C9111Pen0-. . meeting adiqiitned .th' -nlee.t., again the . trip to, fitia,'Califerrila, , by,, brkneee iyete- reeeivedc• , Mr. -.slid boar& 'for nearlY.:,twenty •years' and Ptiie,• When.,',„you!: gaMble in. lOtteries thin Board,. Insiirance: I.• It on August 7t1i; inotot,, and: on ,big return 'yisited mtg.. ward . Mize, Max Cole and Jimmie Guy T. .Helyering iri Washington,: D. " Kissinger, grandsons of the . couple,:.C.; 'from Ohicage. 1VIoosejaw, Canada, acted: as ugher.• • . 'sari Antonio, . Texas,: and , other Thirty -t� ineMbers of the ,iinited- peints. One 6f. the .most striking • of . . . • . • , . . .-4V0' :BOO:4 upplying Many h Nice Congoleum, w Price Friends Abo{u oo ' inoleum oLftd Feltol our Neighbors and • ,•