HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-07-15, Page 7t`n
• atica in MY right side,. and had' haek:*
bed fer twoTr ',three*. weeks at. a tithe;
them Without feePng. Ankh
kept en titkineKruschen, ever' iince."
•• the pains Of sciatica. ardfrequent,
Kruschen Salts are notable for their
werlo in 'dissolving. pKic acid. Other
, ingredients of these 'salta assist the
Internal organs"to expel the diisolved
Large ‘Dogs Are
Most Dangerous
Should Not Be 'KePt -in -Town Or
. 6hief 'Shane .,hasit declared war 'On
,dogs; ,and'is advocating ri
This, follotved an attack on a citi•
the main' trciuble 'With . dogi` is
that probably 60 per ',eerie of. the
People. Who oWn them ,Olo net ,Under-
stand the* It tikes tinie 'arid Pa-
tience. to train a deg, and the, large
animals, partithilarly; should ' ;never
'legged ardmils' Cannot ,'be sacrificed
'and as. the' majority, Of, the two:legged
cannot "properly ,pontrol the ;four -
big cornitunity 'y .w.Sre :largely
ment for keepi4deogs .
use -4 far"' teaming.,
pin :dortearns" irr Kirkland' Lake
,: these. daYs, :rind- What 'dog teams-
the,re are dd net4appear to be 'entire.!
•.aSsertnient Of breed 'which: falls' un -
dei, the. category. 'Ai „ a Matter ef
fact?:it'is...the large, .mangrels, „mostly
iinctired. for, which, are tSe 'Most
It hard on the -"few real- dpg
traineks in town who.keep their' large
something has to. be. done. to .elimin-
ate Ole danger and'inuisanee which
at present exists; ""
dangeroaa and ,rinisancee, There' is
to the' extremist, a parallel:in the
uch Ado For John
Niagara -Falls Review
:.'effort haVing been: made' terbeantify.'
in toe -Omnk,'Oeieri." .that 004, not
'being cepied• ;la .A:nattalia where, .a
gardens, trees arid. flow'ering thrubs,
with tWe'' ;Fide lanes, .'for' ordinarY
traffic and ..bicYcle tracki off the
'',pOinted-.7-the job of WhiCh will he to -
superyiSe the planting of- the ,flower
beds which' be 4' blaie of -color
and more 5,011vedieerte Use,-
Peacon-lieralcli:•zwrites: ,r -
softly' callect,the :nap in -the • black,
TROI.,1001- dog,NOth the collie,
Initantly, the animal wheeled to -
its' bind- sviayirig yhy.tbrnig4117
:in rin attempt at perfect balaKce,
cemnianded his' master:
, The. dog 'enibled,ever the green on
, :the canine ; cadet ',trotted away, 20 -
'paces, :then torning
head on the znan's shoulder, ' and
!Wei,/ end practise your'ziausic";
With A 'dejected air, like qnany
young musiciane, When teld"to go and •
.:practise, the dog reluctantly crossed,
the lawn, nosed:through the dining.;
remit door, and 'in :a minute we heard
the thumping of the'leyTboardas tvie
ofiiitor ,all -the year, our aliMate for':
bids'; "'but there seenti n'ne 'good Tea --
son WhY all onr highwaYs should not
be tree bOrdered,, arid the new. islahds
beautified by :flower beds- and. fletVer•
ing shrubsr at least in. sirinMer. that
-of beauty: and leng Will remain in
the Meniory of these who driVe along
it,•qiiite different from our bare' high-
way, surroundingi:
• Not enough hai been done in On -
tail? 'to impreve the ;Property adja-
ony ofl, the readside' en smile high-.•
.waYa are •hideOus erections where hat,
ings,.alengisde" the libv!i• road .keep in.
...character.' With' '.the :setraundings.
•- `road and have 'it spoiled .by mgly
..haphazard: erectioni.'.' A new: read;
enhances the,..prepertY it passes` and,
it is het toe mireh tO that'prop-
:buildings facing the, highWaysb:
Advises Outdom;
Baden-Powell Commends Free
Air Ind Good Meals for Health
LONDON— Plain '-feod. and plenty
Of out-of-door exercise are prefer.
phY4fill fitheii-a-the 'youth' Of :brit:.
alio associated with Lady Radn.'••
'PoWell- in the Girl GnidevimoVernerit.'
Dr. Arisen Qaw, Of, the University' Of Southern Califeinia, congratu-
lating John 13arrymere. on his reeent ,brOadcatit Of .".Richafcl.' the Third"
ris other. Shakespearean authorities arid Mis_.- Elaine Jacobs. Mani- "
. more join the' admiration party'. In rear (L -R) are Dr: Victor L.
Clittick, Read Institute; Dr. John 'B. Cook, 1JSC, and Dr. Edward
Mims, Vanderbilt.
'."The..fineit ,men lr have. ever met
have no gYnniaSia " said' 'FL at a
dinner here,,.' Said Physical train-.
lag for: underfed hoys', was not the'
right way of de,Velopingri strong and
irealthY' natien because no two bays
great many were ,:not., fit' for 'the.:
work given -to a Whole squad.
c.:Corrimenting editorially' on 'the ad -
,the Chief. Scout has the satisfaction
of knoWing. that': the ideai Underlying'
+is Twist memorable Work 'have net;
been. shperseded by rig* fashiens.
"the ithportairce of bringing
VigorOus..Outdoer life Within reichr.of-
predated-, more --than2:30: years
is now being acknOWlecigedi rather
belatedly, ...hy whOle 'nation.
tiro:tvorid,.are indebted partlY to the
Scout 'movement. for their Present
. good health and physical fitness."'
Smeltei.' Adopts,
Amone agricultural,, problems, like
the ulis' and downs of the price of
ler, may he inelnded .the cow -at,the
amelter. This cow,. Picken's Patty, it;
an .4yrsh4.o whith has 'reined :milk
out, of herself. till Medals have been,
Patty meMbership 'in the Hundred
Ayrshire Breeders; and so mrist
notable eveni :for a' coPper ,smelter.
It is. a -tribute-td -Picken7s.P.atty...
is greater tribute probably, to
that when large industrial. concerns
take itofclo,;.7.rind ',gardens inte' their
keeping, they, do 'their 'animals Well
and: theY 'cafe :for': their roots And
.,railway stationi:
their hossies.as Consolidated Sinelter
the. Milk' And butterlat _production.
for though, this -Patty -ninst
--pretty, beastilie is. tilmOst certain to
have. the advantage, of less favored.l.
king, and, be fed. with. 'that, gunning
care ler .the concentrates' , Which
these 'companies; rinituy
13i inclizied, and sniffing 'coPperfurnei
mingled With the ,SealthfuT 'aroma :Of
ilij,,farinyar4. demonstrate'. in their
:Say:theY, do "it in their smelting, se
why not In 'their ntilking7. thia
-ment-te take interest in a eow *hose
'productio'n ..figureS are -twice•daily
. an. ungrateful' .beast if . she. did not,:
• ito ECE1'.4T mill runt! /nine Ora 'from -the ragti--graire oro -shoot on—the- • Bigsone popeily_-nr-_,Split... Lake, Gold .Minee
, -Lai Limited showed average mill heads Of..441.85 and nn aVerage ieeoverY of $39.55 in. gold ‘per,.'ton. of ore.: The ore .shoot., has
, been striPped and blasted: for a 1ength 'feet and shows an •averagiv'width of three , feet, The ore for runs was
taken -,at regular Intervals along the fidi length sb• far .esposed. The vein is nteeiy mineralizesi with fine sulphides,. and natiVe
:RecoMmendationic "of the company's, :geologist 'Call for shaft. sinking., infinediately, oh' this high grade deposit • -and with this
`-. first shaft to.. be sunk, directly , on -the orebOdyi informatiop 'regarding the ...downward Continuaticin of .the grads shOuld
• 'In vie*. of the results 'So far obtained In the' for% of--consi'stqntly high eyerage. values over iniportant length 'nod .Width;
the underground deveiopment• 'program may oreasoilahly be expected to quickly piece .a eauffictent • tonnage- of high. grade. „ors'
in..sight. t'b- Permit establishing the mine on a producing. basis. '. • ' ' •
StInCe, the •aboyei 'WOrd .has been .rieelved 'from the' .1PrepertY that ''a nevv..find . With heavy showings • of
gold ,has been mede at "a inoint 3,800 feet .nlong the .strike.ot ',a vein. 'No. 3 Vein is located about
400 feet from. the' first 'deposit referred to in this 'advertisement. ' Regarding this 'new And; the coMpany'r
engineer_states, it 'le undoubtedly the continuatiOn_otNb,._3 vein. end...that it "npPears, to be .the,.moSt; im-
portant disn0Yery on the. property to date, . ' • • , • • • • .
'PresentPubliC' .01Tering-01 20 cents per share
ereasi her milk „'prodactiOn. And
ate anxious for'sher efficiency. „
A bovine, boudoir is not usually
eipected to' be found in A' 'smelter
Plant„: nor are the' rural airs of 4he
'barn eXpected to be saiffed. where
the fumes of coPper are what make'
gained 'May be a tribute to :herself
and possibly is, a greater tribute to
the7.care given her. Which 'is under;
stood in cow',,barns generallY' to 'be,'
anbther proof the fact that, even
-without. the help Of a smelter,, Moit
reSpond, to better , feeding and
JoreStation 'work par red oat fer some
years, at the Scout Foreit near An-
gus,'' Ont.; :the • Scouti of Fort Frie
thissopring.pla.nted' 7'90 saplings on ,
'property their ' Scout, cabin:
Beamaville Scouts .plinted 60 trees
in the,,ganio, preserve south of that
toWn 'aUd.a group of 'Ottawa Patrol
Leadersiplanted, the same number on
The 'King's :Coronation Honours
,ures' prominent in Scenting, in many:
,fparti of the' Empire, In' addition'to
,LOrd Baden.Powell who received the
the Lord Tweedsmihrewho was .made
Privy .Councillor, the liit Ineluded
the Hon. Sir Patrick 'Duncan; .Chik
Seout for the Union of; South Af-'
Chief Scout. for: Sir Her-
bert Emerson? PrOineial Chief 'Scout ,
for the, Punjah; the''.Raja of
Chief' Scent", forTIihircnipiir
State. Ana Sir ternaid Reurdillon,
officers on 7Poillt miri
bridges, , manned,: boats, - and :kept
sightseers' from coreing'into.the:citY.
the pelice. statien they took Oyer:,
the, telephone §w.itohhOaid, re-lOasing
,cifder, Seouts *ivied' 'to -the; fire,
te handle traffic and: the proWds. Red
-clotning depot' 'messengers'. were fur-,
nished the ,different • departments,:
and. other Scouts' kept titi :refugeea
water: tOok :charge of 'last:Children,
ran 'messages,. stvent the floars. Gen-
erally; "Their *Iles, cortitedrisness;
*Mingo:* and qniet earn
ed appreciation 'and:. carruhendation•
on all Sidei." ether- wordS„..Lon-
,don"s ''S,eouti lived ,up to the best'
confronted 'with SeriouS test'. ,„
London; Ont.,: flood'. concerned the
servicei Of many kinds rendered by
ok...a radio, mobilization call; at• the
request of the police 250, boys and
NEW' YORK. --,Prediction that mi-:
writing's -=will become A universal
.practice of libraries and Scholarly in-•
stitutiona in, preserving_ rare "Volinnes
i.and manuscripts; was ma e.a a con-,
ference of' the 'American Library-As-
'Mierophotographic,,,' reproductions
conferenee to give librarians pies -
Of they technique. The print 'pre-.
.jected en--theLr.-screen was Moved:
Slowly along by A Motor which- eguld
'he adjusted to keep paee with the.:
.jectors operated hy. hand, were' also .
Ah :entire iSide of a daily paper
can -be •repfeittesed On .twe feet film
and more then ttvo complete' c.opies
, of a telephone, book .carr, be" photo-
graphed en a film area less !than the:
area' Of One' page' of ,the book, the
chicks from "blood..tested breeders. f).4Y•
erels 'LeghOrns $1.25; ' Road $5.50, Started.
Ch1cks 2 vveek' old add 6c, '3 week old •
eight printa. 25, cents, reprints' 3 cente each.
• Brightling, 29 rtictlincind Street East,. Toronto:
COOKERELS• Leghorns 51.25, Barred Rocks
pLri, add .0c per chick; 3 week 10c, '4 week
Tweclelle,Chick Hatehery Limited, Per:
'TORTURE in'A Minute.
„ptmnies,••ethiete'a foat,.seales,lashes and other. skis
..less=dries fait. "Stol'is the moat beanie itching
..or money back. Ask for D. Pagg_crit PTI ON. ;211
The 'man' in black, grinned; "take -
for .him.?" he qUestioned. we'solcl
, till WS. own „Wo 'would, not have two
thousand-. „dellers, but you couldn1
buy Laddie.. 'He' hot fer sale. He
is only two years old and -knows
-more than lots of :peoPle." ;
' That man 'doesn't live in Straford;
Perhaps it is just a's well, with, a.dog
, like, that.. tHe tvotildn't :Part . with •: •
him. for' anY. money', yet „there' are
•a paeee of. 'poisor.ed meat, like they
\• delia,htful• 'city peonle.wha sink so lo* •
ef Most" berittifial thing: in
human exPerienee. 4_ A than' mai' be
broken, windows, . or In the manslons,
be true to him •unt;.1 No
, may have turned against. film; when
'friendship of 'a .ndighbbr: hy ;taking
There are times ri dog a
. confounded »nuisaace. Usually ,t1 -1,a
the fa,ult Of' the owner, rather than
flOwered.bedS; chaie the eat; and bark::
: in the Middle :of' the,„riigsst when We ,
are trSiing to get: someli:eep; yet none
-of-theie' things, justifies., -throwing the
2. It. is diffic1alt descr.be.,the dog-.
°•poiserier ;.The English langiage is
fur. but even then your •definit.on •
, be quite inadequate.
200;000 Shires ,are' being' sold at. '26., cents 'Per ' share.' A.... portiert,of this . Offering IS . open' for. linbIle:, SubscrintIon, „
The rikht IS rederved to", reject • applIcatIons In Whole or.',In part and also' to, award 'In anY case , a smaller number: of shar.es' .
than itpplieds• fort _The Offering- In:Ala() subject to. ,clede withOut 'heft,- Applications...should be Mailed direct btt. SPlit* Lake ,
opal MineS, Limited; Dank Of IltintiltOn. Building, VOrouto, .,Onfario..--7 • .' ' ..
.' Sold Through Financing , • 'f83,405' sliereS' •
• Mines Limited and available' for studs •
ftfitherSfinenting.tis May be deemed tie- • • .;
Eake (laid Mines Lithited.
Control' Measprei Stop'
'Timber ,DestrnetiOn
President 1-0/014 C, TOtOpto, not,
e is
1 ,hereby Make applidation. for' .'•,.
''the..CapItal Steck et seirri
'Enclosed •plettse find the shit.. of
fistle arid:Mail' these. share's
eife,tt- wine;
cltr41.3L,R, 23-0,040,0
inerchantalge4umber. rind, the.' young
grOwth 'on, 550;000 acres in. Canadian':
riecoant for 'the lass 'Of ,
....destruction eatiSed iniectS. and,
'tiallY,;„ greater, .-were ribt.Tor the
•preirehtiv& and central ir,ibasures that
are taken by the Doi/union and Pro-.
%.in a test min Of 501.6 folleS, a ,3:9•jd Chevrolet 'Master 'Six 'Coach..
,consumed .1S, gallena -of, gaieline to .wif..eh:A70.-d-Pep. "Tablets. lied
.14611. rrae•rage of 28: Miles fist- Without
ggSbilite was,tised 0,11 lidtb.runi over the Sathe roads iti.0 'Ira, ad. .
Pistil -lei -it the cathrtretor ,.T.esti, 'Were eemlueted by
Well:: known Torenta" 'firm. of. 'nip:eating .1.111CTeitirig,tngiireera;
Mended' for uso in Autos; triicki., iriotor-cyclas, 'tractors and all
(tt tablets treat 6$„ gailoris),; use ten ,
'At:any rate, Braddock: proved Ile .;
This country 71006 st:adly 'to 1.6..
' 'from. 'its troubles.-=-Iietroit
'Li le ritiorri.'n ust be brave. Mos.4
lI't ;,yon, look„ Slokely when., at .the
beach, you'll see where Wi'N'Ort• 1;,irked
theft' husband. oltrrinO. last 01,,,,ter's•
bridg,r. games and v'esi
7..euerre• outside :the box Offie(;-
bridge structures and' in construction,
work is impregnated' in orceiiitc. s