HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-07-15, Page 5'0
• ',
•"'..t111J:RS)11.2%.:14' ,
.% .
• (Held. OVer;;Front, List Week);
Nerth" street United Chpich, coder..
ichs_PrefuSelY, decorated: Tith
ful peoples, delphiniums and fern,
was the accab ef •the season's- out militia:IS at '11 p'clock Wed-
liesdaY inernings June 3oth,. WIlen
Miss, Mary Helen, Ruth, Lane; 'Drily
.'daughter :of , Rev, W. "P, •Lane entk
„.Lene ,of. godoricti, .waS united'
in, Marriage to Mr. 'George Ernest
Myers, B.V.Se., of Goderieh, third
.. •
, Mr, Jack A•ckert Kincardine,
spentthe week -end, at his home here,
:Kr, and Mrn. ;Bob, Elliott and Edith
of Teeswater spent Sunday at Mr,
Mr. Rahei eulherft . Eva and
Lorne Were Silpday.,,yisi.ters at Mr.
Wm. Eadie's. • • ' •
Mr, Reggie Broem. spent Sendai
with bi'ssister,' Mrs. Cliff. ,Young.
,..„Reggie is sporting a ear now;
. Mins Mary Johnsten,„ spent »Friday
afternoon With Ming Winnifrdd Ackl-
it •
Mtn "MyerS, •''Of ,,Mitchell. :the ,cete,.
•",•oriOnlY W/as,•Perferined.
Lape„..fathet uf the: .bridei-fiSeisted-,..bY:,•
tinelee,.. Rey.. D. .J,„ Lane9fGQd-
, r..
:Fc» -
The Jiide, beutifu1IrgoWried.,in
:pink. and Ailue,: was Shppotte,d, bly... an
Lane„ :"Pk. "Toronto;
.s1(e.-Wa1ked liewn:.tbq Sigilp to the
•p1pit railing, here the groom Wait-,
'• ed yith his larethdr, Mr, Wilfred
eteti rvI-
of '.,JamestOwnN.Y., whoacted
an greomsinan. She wore..a 19ng gown
. of 'dusty pink' taf,fetta with „closefitt,
ing hodieei, short. ' butterfly, ,elegyes;
•..bbutfant "skirt, and Short train.' with
• : matching 'Oink terbari" end. :Shoulder.
veil of 'pink a .sliort'., jaeltet
••trinhned :With turquoise:. blue, long."
pink het [gloves"' and ttirquoiee bltie.
sandals. She tarried a bonen of
; hreh --roses;• p
•gypsophaiin.:: - • . • . • ,.• •
The bride prededed down the' . per0-nrkt,gry 'Warning has • been
'.."beth Thpinpson. of. Toronto , who ' 'MI Oi.e
aisle ..by the .btidesmald, Misn: sued by by...the' motor vehicles .bratich..0
long 7 tUr,qUOiS' ' bine ‘.•gown. • witn the oniario'...d'epart:ment.of ,highwaye.
inatching :off•-the4face.. hat „,:and, ..laCe 'that owneis of commercial " 'vehicles
-eleven- ad nilverY.:slipPers. She ear- 'folioemoatin-g. eigeway'a_
in the
-.tied ,a bouquet. of Tokee roses. ' • •
'‘ pitting • the entrance,- of r. the; ;bridal Pr°vince.,An• Sunday:Ivey futile -.their.
party, the -LObengrift weddinernatch' liceete& Cancelled:. The •authority for
,.• ,WaS played by .1Ii R F Player, Mils. .stispeneling motet 'vehicle permits for
,J3ic..:vithe played softly .An'tlie, 'organ nneecensaty Sunday, •.
:operatien,,i's eon
• ll:thrpugh the 'ceremehy., Duting.. the.
iin.'. i.
i.0•1.ing. • of the. registeri.• Mr:* •taried. Section 20 of Kighway. s;
Menowi1. sang in beautiful voice, Traffic Act. It ',:ie..net• the. intention., of
'Because" and 'And •;the hiidal parte. • re'-' the :department to interfere in any
...tired, to thd etrains.:Of Mendelstiohris„ way..!with. thg. • operation of inoto.r
' 'Wedding „match'. ' . • . . • • •'. ; • • '
'•,' The, wedding was :attended by hun•• •tiucks used for he conveyanceof
:.drede.• :Of , relatives :and ,friehde. fiom rnilk br....etherneceesitiee'o lIfe or
:..:,..thany..pOints; -near ..and :far :• The ':uel-c7' .those."'engaged.:ire,:lines," of.,:beeirtese:
'w•ki„iliiite, that nnist. be., oPerated. everk
TOtoetOt • Ur.' Wm. • CD nald A1, 71-07,r-776.1.,44tatirr.467.-Kerte.rat
of •Baltimore; Mr. 'Robert - MaieD,ini- • peblic....ThiS, warning' has .ePrrie'.",. as •
'Agiridoint :and Mi the .renplt...of 4. marked iperease in,
.,eorge..Irlie.vin ofbride.New, Ynik, ; All :are.: 'thenumber of trucks on highWayS. onrmn»tediately
.after • •the Ceremohy:Sunday
the. bridal party .gathered at the, home r
of the.brides Parents, .where." nearly;
one mouircd. guests .,:were received . ;at ..the 4 groorn'S.. hOine , on :' Kingston
'Mte......11ahei 'mother ..of the bride, mid: ..itraCt's":.`whore be..'hni cAablinhed his
Veterinaty, .Shigeon. lie.MYere; etepinother Of the.gromn• -Myers .i8 A :graduate "of
•• .O$Mig4 1;J/tr.': mwtianseeelie.aliiiiineildir SITIOia"e*i(41 sit "Toronto andthe Veterinary
: • ,. !•viro
taffetas With • borigent.. skirt„ CollegeHecame to Gederieh t
•"coat with .7short sleeves long white YOai's 'ago: ' • • • •;-
gloves . and hays)* blue le'ghetn • hat:. ••• T.iie• bridesiS a graduate of Tor.'
Myers .*ore a ...loyely. e19.wri .,of 'bah :conservatory: of Music .in voice
blje triple ' sheer crepe with ,White hat and Piano...She. te:•active in the chitch.
and •accessories ' 7' • ' . •40ing a"meteher:" of the choir; h C G HIS; ,TU.R141.
• A" buffet •luncheon wa..s.drv&.1-,.anii,. .1.T. leader, Sunday ."..sch.pol . teacher,'
toast to:111e' bride' was Proposed "by •and wee also leader • in ‘‘ the ,,widower going through'
. , _ . . , . .
h8 de -
Rev W. D. :11/1a4knakt: oAgineo
f rirt, Patted ".wife's - Possessions.; decided to
to,'Whieh .the..grnein reSponded pleas' • IT•hbSe. attending • the wedding',.ftont. keep as a inoraOto a b4t which he
.nntly ThPee. •issisting dutin.g ....the .iMt:.:of town Were, Dr- and ;MrS;. cs•W• had alWaYS • odinirof.... was: placed
; lericheori. • Were .MiSS. MYe'm . 'Mrs enarles Knaggs,:. and . eareftilly on ;a • shelf and Was ;not' dis,,
Of Mitchell; • 1111i.Se 'Madeline tin of is', •I'Cliaggs; MrsRalph Sumner, all turbed by his ...second • wife " who ••
, .tergleticht e•---of..7-Tor-' :0 f•-••13.ett Ifiedf,;Myer •-quirectrablihrjraild7 was . told -7,1104 If
onto.*iss»Beskip Jane • Jahrestown,• 1>1.,.; 1VIrs.lentritati...ROYd,--wasAtePt-Lin:,,memOrY ;of his first wife.
iss oris nnton was.,a recent.
Visitor With fri nds at Listowel
' wish, te -eorigratelate -Miss
„C•artuthers . and Mt:. Jack" Ackert,
in va$P4Pg their , Music 'exams with
horiours.• ' • .'• ,
• .trMts,,', Wes. :Pollock, darie.", }Toward
told Giiernek of -Clark's,.,,sPent • SeridaY
At Mrs. Alther:Aekert's 'and *ere .ite-
cOmPahied to.;.,.Clintoii-.1,,y Miss ".GWetri
AAltert. ' '
'Misses Anne arid . Isobel and Me.
Currie 'Oolwell; were recent visitors
at 1V1r.. Ernest Ackert's; - ' '
Mr. 'and Mts. Howard Hatrie spent
• Sunday with ,London friends:,
." Miss •Florence ,Leeson spent. Mon-
day eveningiat • Mr. Thos.. Harris',
Carruthers, .11111M, Kath,
leen' and David, spent Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs.Eldon -Lowery -10th con..
The l Women's Ingititute he d their
July -meeting 011: Friday at :the hoille•
II' lane •TW. IL: Farrier. The: Meeting.
opened With , the prepider4. Mrs.
era 'Shelte, the Chain, Community
singing Waa'.eniaYect -The fin-
ancial ,statenient showed garden party
receipts.; $44,50; guilt • tickets $12,16,
total- W66., Total. expenditures,.
• 90.-,PrOceeds $34.71. It 'Was decided
to giee the caretaking to:14r. Geerge.
Gartoe; Sr., and »that the fiewer, cent-
• mittee he G. Gillespie,
Rhin TOI.L.Mit- and, .Miss,:e.:" Mowbray..
the bridge OA: jalY .36th. and
• each le. to •preVide 611PS hild• lemonade
thernselVe*-;Roll .011. was Answer-.
dd.• by a ,,cool , refreshing drink and
'hoW :t9 make it.: The, topic "Stains
sod» how to reme3re, thete. was ,giVen
bY•.• Mrs. Cecil .Faleeeer. .Mins "Agnes..
Gillespie sang nolO,' A -contest fO'i•
kitchen.".41nIn1;.•;with, judges•Mrs.
G, Cox, »Mts. Jas. Laidlaw and Mrs.'
Alex Inglis, was.Won by Mrs. G. Gil:
• lespie, whit receiyed:the Prize, tose
bowl.- Miss; Winnifred Farrier then
conducted three: contests. The meet-
ing closed. with the National Antheni
after which lunelt, was served. "
Mrs. • Lovett. and Charlie of
Catherines,..Mr: and Mrs. :Percy Vin.
cent of Auburn,' spent. :Sunday :with
iMra.1:ladelMMr:sr. R. mSteuragirotn. 'Morris; '''Pat
Calvert. and Kr. and Mrs. t. Morris
of. Chicago, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs? Theis. patsy; George,.
Dorothy. and 'Cal.. are ,rentaining for
a few weeks. •
• ,
Mr, Jag. Morrison Of: • Amberlek
spent the week -.end at his homehere.
• Several fieup this vicinity attended:
the "silver . wedding • anniversary, 'of
Mr,. and •Mrs. Wm. 'McInnes, held a
their home,. 10th eon., on .Friday ev:
ening last.. All report a good time.
.Mrs. A. Murray'. and sons; : Robert
and &Meld „and their.friend, Mr. jim.
Love , of , Toronto, are spending-, the
hOlidays, at „their summer 'home here,.
• MisS Velma Stuart spent Iftet %week
With Mrs. D. Martin 9f :East .Wawan.
HE11.01,ET is•big
a 'full. 1I2%-incli Wheelbase
ear. 'It's big in 'power—with that
• smooth, lively Valve -in -Head
gine packing full 85'. ilei'sePnwer
• under the hood! 'Yet it Coats yon
, :less for, gas, iess for qil and Iessior
'upkeep than any other car, in. its'
• Class!• "• ,
• "Better than 20.miles to the gallon,
O(: gas in" heavy traffic," report taxi
-up •es• er--gaz-
,lon;"say travelling salesmen Whc;..
, ride ,..thellighwamo, day in and- day
Anyone who says you have to pay
bigcar price s to enjoy ,finf-car per
fOrntance—fine-car ro om ess
fing-eat .peicie--7Oertailily hasn't Sat
behind the wheel of The Only'
CoVnplete.,Lalio-Priced Cart Enjoy tiMSTEEls. TURRET TOP BODIES by rxmirR
, that experience for YOUrSelf,loday,,, :6;;i.C6.1.00"Pigir;. slieSty.teegli•astrY, with. silence • Wider, •,
Once you 'drive' a Che 1 t y
. • never be satisfied with le • than ! PERFECTED HYDRAULIC ;BRAICE't:'
:.Clieviol.dt.•Valud for r 1 ';;.,,nized everywhere ,s safest and smoothest. ' ec°g7
• • • . HEAD •Ii14li-COmpression :Engine.
Pahnerston, Were inatantly killed.
;by lightning whenrthey sciught*:' re:
O fuge in, a barn from an 'electrical
-storm an Monday cif. last Week: The
men were sitting on. a , timber near,
the. wall: when the bolt Struck.- They.
were: killed, instantly in •the Position
in which; they vv,ere ,sitting. Clarence
Perkin; a, son, • Was shocked uticein,
scione, but: was reatored )33r Abe'
orts of ...Jelin' ; Of. Listowel;
fourth Member_ eof • :the Party., which
was. employed at • concrete • work..
Willis, who mettle/it-430°re had
innved away from the Othet three,
was uninjured.• .
Jean Line of.We11and Nliss".Marierle of • Hann on, Miss Ablaze Ir .in, Miss . In due course the, • second wife dee.
4cDona1d of . 4-gincoUtt, 'and ,Mins. • Ruth • 'GIendimmin, Dr.: land • Mrs .- parted .this hfe and again the :her::
• Mary ' Buchanan, Miss ,Evelyn Coopei 8 p, Lane. and Mi Harry Lane, all eaVed Mart. selected, One of her has;
.•.;MisS Laura Johnston and Miss'..Esther. :of Toronto; and Mrs. •W. D..; Me- This was placed 'beside the first hat
7:•,Humei al1791.-:Goderich.., • • : • ., • Donald ..of • Agipcourt• Rev and Mrs at softened the-. second less; and
, After the :reception . the happy ...Andrew' Lane . Forest, Mr. and a third !wife arrived in the household:
• 'counle ,•left • on a:Motor. triP', Al..: mfrs.: J. A., Myers; Miss Marion MY; She also was eurions,When she 'found
gonquin Park, , the Inisle: wearing , a er.53 Mr. Edwin Myers, "Mr. and Mrs the the;.' Millinery and asked questions
• navy bluelinen. suit, 'With inatchieg .Lorne Jackson, all .of ;Mitchell; Xias- The husband' explained , that the bats
, gloves and ppred and a,yellAw,fiaptil es Nellie And Margaret Malcom, Mr. had 'belonged to her predecessors and,
Ca4t,' With matching ',halt' tailored hat, and Mrs. .J., IL Lane,' Mr. Ms were kept as mementon. ,••
and'. suede, shees.' • Hugh, Lane, Mr.: and Mrs.,, Malcolm :"That's all right," she replied,
•:. •
On th'eir return from their wedding ' Lane and "Mr.• and •Mrs.• David • Alton,"but the next hat that •gdes up there
• , trip, Dr.] and 1VIrs. Myers vvill yeside .all of •Luckhow.... ;• • . ,is, going to be it. bowler.? ---Exchange.'
- • ,
The best.niethOd.O. determining the • proper control of COUr8e, education
merit. Of any system of goVerntuenp ;' .begino, for then public .Opinion
control Of the- sale of brewed inalt courages excess.;
beverages is to apply this ainiplOteat , Unfortunately. it takes time tdre=
. ,
• • .
If the :systeni aim at eoptioir, at , pair the ravages .of prohibition. A.
making people "good" against their' : whole generation were deprived of.
Willyit is not only undeinocratio but, -• ' . the opportunity of learning moder—
experience as Shown; it will fail:. • ation. So there are still abuses, Which
govermnent control corrects.
A careful Study cenvinces* that
a.'sound.sptiblic. opinion is growing
• • in favour of reasonable And tern,
tion of these wholesome, m»ldly stim»- perate enjoyment 4 The present 001 '
tilating beverages should only take. ,L„.; tern in fact yi proving successful.
, in private behind shut doors, In: the Meanwhile prohibition ;
cannot give people the briorttinity „ , tremists use the behaViotir .df :the• to learn •
to„oe'them sanely decently, .Vidtiins of their o •Wn ;legislation as
end' to their:own,advantage, art argument for repeating their fatal
,Wife -ti
on the ether hancl, they Mistake. •
are aVadable inpubJip1ace, ,unde_r„.„...,
• ThiS advertise*. ent s inSerted 6;0 the iretrOa.
in4q.1.11thiSilV. in the interest,OtA 6eiterpti6ild''
understanding of Certain aspects' of the
p'1•60enis »of tentperaaee dnd at option: •
If the 'systeni:aims at education, at
• frisking it 'easier for. people to learn:
ael*control, it is, on the right track:
Any inalaterIce that the,consonb-
s, ;
.,•.matt•r 2spassenier Business
• •'• -colWe " •. .
delii1010 fattairTribiaii•'rcrivirsriPiarr
Vazei„,liceme additiena4„ (Piker'
,•0 iiihjeet to.chauge Without riOiice.)..Monthly
lusymenti to mi., U#s Oit the Getieke,,
• Motors,thstklinsig Plan. • •
• The heart of Chew...diet depepdahility-teconomi—andi
' •bi-illiant perfotmar_ce: •"' . • ' . • „,- : '
• r.,ISHER NO-DPAPT v.gr,i1LArkiciti . Ehds
•clifts and Wiriclihield yon to
`t'seoop , in!' •fres.% air • 'on.'hOt days. • •
On all Maste: De Luke Models. •
.• Mienes Melda • and Wirriiiel.Lane arie'' . '(Held, Over yrozit Last Week): . • ..,
attending • simmer' sehOol , in 'Lendori . Mi Finlay •McIpitis 'pi' Algoma arid -
this' :month. : . . : • . •• ... • ... . ' • ,his •daaghter. .were !visitors . en the
Miss-. i. Dorothy ' • Paterson. of • LUck- sixth ' and 'fourth last week.
,-. The- -,'Tutnberty'• S.:, S.:••.:NO.. 11;`: held trig "a
liend'.' Mrs.'sHopkins" 'of • t hiedgois spend
ruiiv.i.risited last : WOO': ;with .:her con-
..,',..c,:inmsts4„._._ad-la';',vaen_,,...,,d E"Geri.ifiV'aalt.siht...e..r." ):f their ,aihrual .pieriie iiiffurnberry.Ags 'Mrs: EarL:Rlake arid family
E __Hof•golcyinwse9epks:,1.:yitia ,.1;".etl,$!.8,te,,,,71,,'.1-17.§.
. - :-Clint7 .7.--ineht a few days • recentlY, . : ••
Mtg....Wilfred; Farris has left :far rictiltriral Pak on Wednesday after-. . on, . •
'.. MiS:.HoPking..: of Chicago . is spend.; With. her father, Mr, D. AcWhipney„,-;.:
sno.enT-he'.2.eltildieri,---bid ,,goecl, bYe-'7,.-1•-to' •
:her, *me. at Seinariask.:. •,•, . , tlipir feaoo kit....F4Ii.ek; ,J.0.10rcogh... ing .a -..'f6w 7 weeks • with „her ' sister,, a,ncl, ;brother BeriTIT ' ,.... :.,... • ..,. •••,,,s, ' . '
Mi. i;ednai'd 'Alien .of '. L9hdOn -•'.hie
in, Pmentt..t4hnestiD:masit,s,:twj:ck*mek:e:::: iodfayAinbg.: ,.j,eolli.,,se..5.1'..i.i19.tiajoInitieet:if7:17‘...ti,:ltlielleiiss.beest§etthi.°.otnoeios.lcf.h:Teer!s:Fw:hhae:. ,:.1.q1:14.E.11.11.171:db•diVigl'i..ai4-s.°Aii 'm've-LePil 6-f.' Afrn... John Menaiy are Mr. and 'Mrs.
,with••Mies" Vera, Little.. ' :
• , .
lick:. treated all. the „childtere.th.c.hde-' .j°1":1
"L.,,, .oA.nidro..n.a.risdp. e,,i‘htti'.s:t.1,1.te'aNneperilanndd-', :otp'.'n..'.1.161?; , ari la a.d i,
ViSit61'S ....t the shOme .,o,f, :kr. .144...
'etnetliy, ' Seek.; . • Mr. •'.and ' 'Mrs, 'W1W plate. herS and „erackley . nuts ,to end MacLend's.. r . .,. • • . ...7" , !Kenny ,campbell and, family aed. lift..
Day 'of . Hamilton, :Mr. 'Old: Mrs.'
Johnstone 0± di .. Lucknoiiii, ::visited ,. on, a ,klotioo, , piolii.. • . ,, ,,, .,. ,: , ,, - Dettoit.. visited • last: week • With : .Mt...
Johnstone.' .: '. .. .. , . .' . • •:, Mini picnic ,. on. the banks of : the: of ll'or ent6,'-' ate • sPei.idhig. h".feW Wee.' -in
dpnhie, leY.land Mr,' Herb Beg.leY and • sox ..
children of Detroit, Mrs Will Beg-:
of Hamiltoh,and Mri.,,, George Ander4'. •
lqrs.. Lenfield ''. Anderson '. and "
FtidaY • with ' Mr. and,. Mrs.: ' ',AdaM. '.' The ', City : Mission held . ;their ' ali- . lgrs'.: Bile4ton and,..daii01.3te
and IViri. Daii ..MpKinrion ' (6th 'eon.): ..
.. Mr: and MrS. Melvin Ray,nard. and :Maitland..? tiYer-north :: of 'Whigharm: eOh::.0f..:Ltieknow.::"...........`:-.......L:_....::::'......;;.:,;-;.......:..4.-
With M l':,. Itetile it 13 ilitlatifi.: • • • '. ' ' • .
family visited. 'with 'Xt... And. 'Mts. .nenr' the ,C. P.. R. hri'.dge• .A real old'
Mr. and: •Mrs., • Cecil GoldenofDe-' ,.. Mi''' anCt. IVIis'; Ben Comfort ' "4: 00
James Drennan on 'Silnday. MiSs."'Jean fashioned basket picnic, ball' games; troit. spent „the week:erid at. Mr. R. ri,nnie A$..,St...C,atheriees are spending ., .
,MeIntoSh' of Windsor Is viSiting• with geheral". fun and cbMinenitY ,singing. •
,McDougalr& .• it, . .: . • : •the . week_ -with: "the' lady!A„,. 4larothers,, ...
Mr.:. ,.and.": Jet:: James Drennan..this and the Mission :young ; Peonre held • .. • . • , - .. • • Meests. Harold, and Cecil Blake. , .
• . ,
g tni••cohchide‘ a: :::s',:n‘li.anliilt°n • 'of T°r°,n.to .v..i$.:it.,e_d, , " Fourteen ..members' and visitors
' ilaitors•
. . ,last : Week, -vi"ith' Mr. .arid:Mts'. Gilhett
Week. • " .• • • ... -• •
;1a1etia.16.goened 4.tiirtnen.*, CU.,.
Jean • and, Roy ,. of Lacknow,, svisited
: .• mr, .And - Mrs. Alex • HaVene, Terra,, Were- Present, at the W.. M... S. Meet-
have ''.eparlY completed, the , grading
' The. .• TOW1And' Construction' iCh-,. ,..8iiemnit... ajoili4.,m,‘ct.Littcdivi.vsnidste.mi,17:4siie.:. ;:Citli,liooeg:iiiitalit.;;:ilgt..h,y;A:Mylilir.s1:::71-.Meo'l.:S;v6ahe:liet,M;.clia.:et:Vitha:711:1:halle:1,1i:itYseohnil:T.4.31ric;::::,..::
With,,,frienits' here on.. Sihiday, e "Ited . With '.mte.',..1,,, Martin .du•ring.. the
:. Dr.". Anna 'Wright d Saskart17al vi:-"'''RiVett taking -I charge. ,Readings ' were. ,-
, •
- week. .... r , i , , • .. ' , .
'"n• the 2 higlicwaY• irGin -Win"g'haln:' r"t° Mattin • of RipleY.., • .. '.; • • y -.;
,,Solnyotihe.t.:h.dc.:Ii inwteenddri..et8od4,sta,Trtti,e layingMi.. Mt. Harvey .:MeDo.ugals spent a...few•
ewe :before going. to .: 'Miss ' eatrice; Treleaven attended
gradee irave all been 'eiit 'down, , "tile•:.4a. at his'h
.ii,-.pienie At. MeneStung. Park: on; Wed, •
Guelph to .take the , summer eetirse. ' -. • ' . • ,,, '. • •. '
holloWS.•,filled;: and it *ill 'bp a.:" rear
't,rom ,Last Week):
.; Fred'Hothe returned ,home lest
Saturday, from a two weeks' train -
nig ' 411 the Canada • 1V1ilitia at 'Gigind
4th COM
Mr: Fred 'rreleaven 1.`ind _son
rad of. Toronto. Mr.-AntrieTreleityed
and , Mrs. Frances. Courtice of Dun-
ganon; Visited Mr.. and- Mrs. Pert
' Treleaven On, Thursday evening. • '
-Visitors .vvith kr: and Mrs. Helii•Y
Gardner duringthe vi'reek were
Miss Rennie of; Hamilton, Mrs. •Herb..•
Gilmore. and. •Son Lyle ,, Of, -.Grimsby
And, Mrs. „Rpbert ancl 'Maty of
Luckriow. • . ' • ' • •
• We ' are Snrry to renort, the illness
,of Mr... Samuel. itee!..1; who, -iyaS* taken
to Winglrain" hospital,. oir.Monday last
suffering froth ,plaurisy: We all wish
a "sneedy. teeny -qty. , '
Mrs: Jas.! Of Toronto bee
been a ,,gueet this PaSt- .two , Weeks
With' her cousin ; Mtn. Sain Reed. M.
and Kit:: Joht-ii Reid Of Aributn• vie-»
ited vvith. tml, Mrs,. Redd on :S-a.n,
'day last: • - : . •1
1VI% TT• t 't •
, iss ee a, __uti et spen p e
of !claye.,with• het friend, •Mis?'!Hild'a
Reed of',,Pine,RiVer. , •
level read When COniplted.'„
. , . ., . , , . , ,,... ,,.., ..siriMmty. ativli;i:Mh r1/.1-•r.:H,.. ,,a,•hig,did.xdilre!o,iii.:i:ii,:i$Fi.toerl:..w.hitke„c..ha4a,.zd,chm,r,:a4.A ie tibil'e6rstt.p:6aft,.eurs;O:13...eoitt.'.., .
of London. ;Spent the Weekeild"With. •Churelf;. Duhgannoh, on ..SunditYi, -
ti„e:lvii,7 1,•!,f :a rin(le, r,,IN,,i,e.s.',. 0. p.-:i.:.t,...;3a:it, '..n'd ..;..a',11ci.1,s, :.tOhn64..,.61‘iilliilt.. ilysleIl. „pRreviide. it:fidat:,figttreonitdioecion....,,,:.
Mi' i and MrS.'''R.-..Bain.:.• - • ..".. - .... .
, . ,.. . ,.. • ••
. 'MIS's' ':Anna .,,•• Graham; :.y,11.0 under-.
... . . _ . .. . . , . , t.,.Mies . Elisabeth -,111CIver •••ao .mis!.§: 1?bo ,,,k.c.:s‘41:,-.6SIE::i.i.Wei.*8'114t:i.46::lili'': ' .
• went; an Opera tiOn. let hpii.endieitis . in.•
,t)re.. "Wester:in' Hospital, .. Terente; .',..is'
„qiierlditlg A. feW .weeke at her,. home,' . •
iiienius Mark Bell McLeod.' left.. for Guelph '8naday,.july: l'ati.-i;._,4,:: ..:,•,4P':.:.iri.etL
. ..11.1is& Ba8, ' Lana: Of :Glen Otchatd,
As•.holidriying.. Nrot.i. .hcr,:fmrctitso.,.m.r. to: take..:a five. •Weiks' Couree:•'.... . .•. .11:00. a..n.t.,-11"nited.. Chrtreh.. service
tild um. aoh.ii Lzii),6 ,.,, , , . . . . Ati., ailo iiilts., ,'collihs., f ''Ypsiinirti ; .7.00 ..p.:111.. -St'... .Andi6V,..6 Preeby-
....•The peeabytorian . sutidar... .soh...0.0.1 and ;Mr,. find :Mrs, Siriith. di ...D etroit ;" .:Oti-t Church : "...... '..
,,.. . . . . visited ' on Friday wi.th My,: and Mrs. ,,?7,Sr.,01,1(.1saY,1J„.1.i. bliO.t;li"" ...; ..,.. , .
, ,,•(Held ..,ove,e... irtloo.1dit. weok). • niciiio vas. hohi,,on, Saturday. litat at ,
Killeto.ditler .., ,., • . .....,,, .,, • , .,, „ , Dan, MeKiirnoti,...whild.nver 'te,. attend", 1-,:bo-P•m,-.-Clinton . Relews • ,
Miss '• Elleda' ' II:Miter' is :: ,n'T',. e.,,, 1:1\i/leit::..5.1c)ellity Btiont.,tali;,1,,jek" c.f st. cat., th, efhlie'ral , et. the ,late., mt. lictimiald ,.. .,5•4;307i0 ,.1:',11:11::::7:101./art143/41HInenY;_olsitltati•I ,i0,:tvg.,:s,
tiViihs'te.';'1),I6.,tc:i1.4'1':ipt.alltic7.•11";''.11.1if,1:Mfthaisl(lei;. A,1d. 's,: Ji jrcs.,,...H9dgAii.. .. , , . • . ,... . m ,y1,,,i e .. wi... ; .. • rs,: neiqtaY;'Jtilk,..20.th--""t
wi • ei.- paten s er.s.S,i.ditar't,,,.... . ,,t d . ..t.,.'h .. m . .
Arthur V, reeatan .O.f" , 14.e.'ebV-ilif, s'Pe'n.`. . .. iirs,, B. ' A', ,.arahain. rettitned. ,honre A• 7g4OPs're..lait. ''''"!P°k". ' . :1;1;?-155:-.--.Ai.koQi,dui4nkne.7..linTil'iloltv.. '
a few-.daYs, wi,h..t.hei.rr.'gri,.d.parcritS,
front ,ListoWeI„ ..Wherd elle spent .. the
, . . ... . . • . , •
, ,•, ,:,.... ' ',..
'Mtg.'''. fithe'et 'Oi,ittinerf,Messit..".0ita'Y''. attendoil the. ' 111verStaile wbdditig 'at. - "
Mr.. 'tied Mrs.....W.,',11%.:"Oatthiet. : • -
Win .14; .tii.rtios.p: aii&. Cecil' Oatchri3O, and 'Aft .',§.; 4, k.:. 1.., Ano„13e'ss. aod ,slOgit mi.,. art .1, . , 1. , ., • „".. . • • '. 1'115 '.1).'111.11'11.iiar'1.. ..'
ti.ilTiolifieSheo,jdfititieint,idith!plp,Vogl.i.:.901tiatd4poiiit..d.:lit'ey''', ;1‘1, :,Atipc:;.1.:,r.tlitet6z.;,. 4., Iiii,,i.,h. ,;•L'iti21; '14.,•1...,,I•ti,,ici
last, ..WerE• MtIgi.41%.: 1-Ielirk,',Lane„ John, ,.ist.),g,.,mne,';](,tthe,l.irod Stewart., , .Mr.
• .. , ,• - . " , ,
, ..
'CP.:1.11cl, S$.. CORNElig''''
.• - (Reid :Over Pt:ro: m' L'a. st. Week)* ' ' .
. ,. •
g: Mr s CI O8Snian, of. Tototito. Wedhe.i3seiliiinl.:I.L..,.....,
• 12,,t5 'p•iin.:--,Vddie'. Allari...2 songs
12:0; p.iif.-.-Godrieli,...iteViei••,:..!:. ,..'
1.00 :p,Iii,-Staritt,, fithriblia'.§.. .Ii..11,' ' •
. . „ .
pa.4 we'bk. 1,it1.1, ' her danglitPr;': Mrs. . •6.,,,"10-1.;enrgind 'Luther
don and Andrew .;Ttitchie.• • , , ... ,./ • tdodorich- on' WOdile.S.daY: last, .. . . 1).-et'..t - tha.: we end wl,t1O.';''''At1', al.';i1 '3J,;5 p„,..4.1.tf.l.:.in4§;,::i id: .'„Itrltigrire't•
an4 John Oh' SunOtill *.bi'a ' Mi ,Onii,. 1,... 001 lidItt 'it , the,.. oiii,e., 9 , ts,.,., in,
' vititots 'with Mrs, . ChaS,, Ilitehid ' Th.e. regrilar meeting of, the H, W•,..Aft; J1 -I rt . ' ' .' ' . "1
i . , , f m w , . ..414,s.s," I,ene Itess. hi. ••'Y isiting het sts---. „1,10.i,„,,,da,:”....'...;,11'1.s.,.• ',12,,lid'....„.7,.. • .,' • , _ ".° .
-Ana, Mrs. Kenna Tiniin8i -Mr. 4Ufl, ,Nri..S.:•A.., 'Aekery't 7 . the .cli:fir. the 2 ' Mi;:',,. and
.Mrs; _iobertsoo . of. Ltieki.tose, Kr, Wall. . 9,uir,o85 With the • prenident; t6r: '. 111'.°7...1q.Si,,,4‘..:11f.,:!..t.ii.liv.1,4,\,08,d'i.r.t.,:.‘°.•:-..ail;11'..rdi, i..i.:,.).:ic.,.si.1.,.. :,,....it,21:‘,.(,,..00.1.:).11.,iiii:.;.-,,y10.1,i\l,outie.i...icii,gat.-;*.,.8.4,..1‘,v1egLoii..1. 1a.,..t..,r,.1..., .
'1Vitikerit:d1::7,:61Vet), a:0,11161 '1:i..olf1(1,i;DMe4.t!''ro4iltj, .1.'•.'S• t.'S''...'t.j'4e; l' ' 1.i..104..•,91.1"s'i'lgp'oitieel.d,A;!!it,.f11.dtielt..•iet,th(:).0,cliel.1.:v11;1.t'ls„dintteillis;::.,,I.,)4.1itiiet,s,1:11r1IPitidl(d)g:i,r-181,1',.:1•10t1,...1'yt.:;;ot ,cayii8,0. rrilis ....1!,,,15..'....,,,,i.,1-1.1t.,,-•t,s,I.,ivestock, g,itid. Prod.Oed. •
: Mr, ifuvi`4-.Aildeisoll. f,§ •ftif6)41ip0 i).etji(,)9, it .'.a....7,:•.tec-'tliee`. A.(1.;Asilsj teileb.f.. ' is. nursing' hcr,inothe.t., 'grs! .}1061018,: ,. ''"
Sit.c.'shlotiliiieee'' l'§iii°10.66voittii•tl'etilottlii.o.tIteidil:v.....Pol'7i1MitY.:is: .,,!iriligt....1,,,.1.()......,r7i.' ''.--••-•:arinndfartittitiOr.1--;,aild A : fn.r".' a'cks..' :. '1 .' ' 4 ,-, . ..,00 15,...,tn,--Gtndys 1,)ickeii;„'' 'piiino.,
0:,10.im11,-.•-tofn '& Luther .
, • (.1 'by tho doh, ,.• - Mt: .,11Arry Poilgins,, M,,r. and. 11irp„' tpf.idif..i Jos, „),,,4y4 ,; . •,,. ,.,,
'llarvey..Webster'S 'coliditi,oli,.
Pall Tli41111)011 And t"111Y, 1\11%: and';1'AtillY:: 11,...0.9.. .
tothn. spslendelit.111,oentiol!oyi(its., ..1.4.1..armi,pstni. • .
.i...1141.,....6nfim'h:rdic. tn.°. *1'6041,.'tiii'6,,r.' ,.'80,,..,iit ,,,' fi.j,...',1ttin:lifi,•r4. b. aiir..ti.i'll'It!,i:',tir !ti,o,,,,t.tot.,t,-...6"11\lre.,,,ee‘.7it6€V,i,:,. A.',...,.. tir6Ve.'11.1;e:°:11.iiolscl1::\11ost.: ,:•.,,101.(11,e 1.11.1,1,0t.,pijil(t.'r \,..‘'.,..0'noi,11,!,*1.... . ,., 1.:1,),.0.1,1.141,108..-,--,. S. Ftlar-',.t., , Trtlab. 1, in,',8. s',.!-4111:
,r/Oejirkki4s, 111.....i'V.1,,ldr. .i.il, Ilt;,: 1M: ,7v,'.1: 4.P,...tt ' -11,,.t1;:iiie.'iliie,i.kiiitlililtrC':. 6'estt.liviieg'..doitibgy.11)t*sh:oilidiil :8,0'011: eti,tildlc •.:41111"1.t,,i.,,t, ,\..:1l,t7.„!',,I..f.thy.. 3f...,11,7S:s,,i...V...altel.•,. Itud'' . 610...—"Csiiv .'1,;:on.,:thatdo,14 '0...relteetra,
.!Iliti,--0-.64;vavdti-ift6ilt-it.,t:'plti.t`ibet.---,e,aiiiifitft l'ir."-,1e'lllir"Aii.,' • 7. _ • 7 ..;,' ' , gi;.; . thm. Icii„g7T'lliiiiI4h', • s•neiit-Tt?'"lie'':,S'.'''''L)....i-Ullst4s)tle"ry-1•14(41111i*.1.61i—n,.'"6.'•ft—is'i-,
darriere, ,.ehlled ''ori Z. loh. !rieride , OP.' ..,MIA,. 4nn: Aniigrgon •lins gene ' tit ..A..604.,..ontr with reintiYe& fit St,' Mate.7.4. SAI:iii.ikt.,,, .t.oly ,:!e..1,11:1i,*.
..$1-1.4A-4SLA,*.-Stl ...1-L-•-i-•••,-,•-•-,,-•H., .,' -; •-••• • ••;-•;• • - --'-. '--(4tIolpit--iti-Ltalt6Lii,-- tlaiiialov,t6t4te-,,,itii: '-'-'44 -41-11dy,gri.•--ibtk---.0 ..'gr,.--atrit,--7-411;i1D.—a7ar.'-'4)0itt,tgs'Al--•;.* A6-,-- . shatt--:---
:sits,: •it .:p.ftlfitsr bt-,GttstgOtOW'r,i4 it'. A ,hditittred, ' r'. '' - " ' sr , '-i1,ti'8r. ,'CrtIA...ii'Yttir an:a: Iklr.''Att fratigins . '. '" Ins”.: • . , '
InftY :daring' the :Pa.it, weelti. • , . oli'd '11ii,r"Y Anne of, T:ona •-onAtt„,. N. Y, n,i‘eii'.,.„ . . ....„ , - , . . : . 1 2,3r, .p,..ivi.,-("It.S'N' 1111.1,1311lio§.. ',..
tiotvoci old itoguttlataird6 in.. t114 Vied:•‘• Mr, Airdi .V.t,g, Cliff I 1, „Cliloiid .$.1)etit,Surlday..i‘qth '1\ty, and: 1V.ti•$1-:: Wiit. *11.13.'it.iii...:4Patn'iers.' 1lMir .
Chligratitilatiorigi. • to '111AA, , kildillr' :tolriNf 611'..flietaig liot,6 oti. Moralay,..,..% ....11.t.1,41.:...11168..• .e.'..a'AAlick.. `.1111A .rotailled •.. 1..061v.riv..--Padto, .&. 1Stovin./Oomili-
Itunt.nr, who 4nA; Attdeo'oglit .in iii$:- tittin, nototliv 0m.)1111601 iS'.'iliSitiiig hhint 'NOM' „' tOrente :,..itIiiiit.1.1104,0 . '0A[45.' P':111,••'-•••Iff 'Ittit '. SPtittlight ''''''
ind:iie- gorinnt gelioot .exnniinntioit.L , Viritit het' eanain,: Itathleen Lane.. she ,t.vilrilavo :boiler:limit •0 : »» ,. Item DonithiSS, - •' '
Misa,Tean• Lane haS.:gerie 'to Lon -
,don. to' 'take a siipirner coute in
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Boyle Spent n
few dayS, last 1. !Neel: with •' Londoh