HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-07-08, Page 6-••••‘, •"1",
• . .
Tb'ree bandits, known as Ike, Lefty
and Stutter, sense a trans-contusental
'bus and /arcathe driver to guicre
it up a mountainside to a lonely log.
aback. They -are after a secret new 1
• explosive formula believed to be in
• the. posiression of a passenger, Finley.
' Trump, • chemical , magna.tie. M�an
whfle a forestfire, creeping up the
Mountain. threatens • to: trap the.
grouts,. Among them are • May. Laiv•7
.I•jsels . Strand,. who has' been .at..
tentve.'May;' and M:ss •Jones,
school, teacher.- On the first' night;
Miss'Jones &vas tiM bandits! coffee.
• and, Wben their are asleep, in the
in creeps in. and,tikes. Ike's
gun. Then,' 'to 'bee horror; she sees
he, has been stransiedwith his own
bandana: 'Lefty .starts • to wake'
uP,,...she'hastenti•hack to the, wameh'i
bedroom. •
. - • •,- • • .
Clutehing' the revolver.; Miss. Jones
• 'listened'• tensely to Lefty's startled,
''Cui•sea as ;he. diseevered"' "what had
:happened 'to Ike, She lieard.hini try,
she ting at 'Mf"n vou g.!
, ,
did in Ike did Yo4.!". °h,
• sharled:-. ``.SO that:there:1 be One.lesi;
„ . ,
tci ,Sh•ai...e!"• Ike trustin' • you, • • you
, But apparently, ',Stutter was„.;m3t
„ rousing., ,Then, anether. „Voice 'joined
,Lefty's r_oom. • • -
"What's 'dein' 'here?" • '
• _ ,
.14111:s.• Jones • recognized. the. Voio.e.'
of Doyle, „and ,Peeked throngly..,
the •dboinkalt: ..0637le.' stood :iutl.fe-xien,
'tee' Behind' hint '..ivat
. Jim' Spitieti.. .
"Sav" said'the,
ing . into ,Ike"..a. bird •, is
dead. Mr. Doyle!" •• •
;"..Atid iny pal here Aid it!"-.tiPated:.
Lefty., 111\TON: ii011-.Proba:My try.it on
Met But ivIto'tOOlt., Ike's gun? That's
• „What 11 Wanta knew."' . •
'Well well Doyle,' 'bend-
_ . .
•,•ing."' Over Ike.: ."•$e'lie'S been ,Strart-• .
gled. Perhans ! • as ,you,, suggest •
you re next, Lefty." •:• •
, said the bariTt.
• .bus.,4friVer• "Iinagine thatil'Instlike•
;•he suggestWinfor-iiiipis own:• ,
"Yon Wise 'enya shut :un and get
•the rest ef Yont .pais," • snaried.Lefty.:
•ffrgetta;find.,,Ike's• gun." ,lre.leeked
of" &titter. again. "Say,, he. acts like.
• .lief,abesen.rdoOedi Get ,the, gang, lout,
'10e.1".• „ • ! •••
, May.. LaViteree,, awaked . by, the:-
Voiees in the living' roorti„. had ,stolen:
• t� Miss Jones': it.the doer. Mrs.'
'.:• 'Jenkins•
. ;
z,ornebody+Inurdered...i„,,tke;„! Ntiss_
;Tones. ,whispered to Tv ay.: 'his ,
oWn bentlatia?.',
.May,, suddenly ," 'remembered' Niek,'
likete' dcv for
ihose dogs. with "my; bare 'hands !",, A
--not., answered•kirnu'estienS '
' Trunin' and the'forintila, :
Her eyes drOPPc-cl, tOi-' the
Ue scIij1' toacher's. hand.
•• • 4I -Tow . did you 'get'
;-•""oTpalt- Sk-,TOnes-"proinpt--
. .`!Lefty.thiiiks
'Of course!!' Ma.y dreW it" breath
,,,pot Stutter couldn't .have •done
centintied. "Miss Jones. 'He Was
• iraggetl.: '1 rugged
'''What I"
"Cliiid,; something had to be. done.
sleeping tablets in ' the •
'etiffee and did' My best'sto .get !the
weapons ; but .I.SUPpOse Left, doesn't
• care for ooffee—he Woke- up;" •,' • ,
They .went into the: IMO,: roOin,".,
wher,e,the others haEI assenibledi
"Where,!' IIs ,Jories asked, attd•'•
doily', "is Amelia Bangrit:'",
-'• kill Miss ihngor,"
iald little Mr. :Jenkins: •.
; "They'd have. time.? „Sala ;14k:
•rrinnp., '
, Don't sneeze ;blackheads dissolve
them. .Ger tit,70 Minces. Of 'peroxibe
' powder from .any drug store and rub'
gently With- .vet, hot cloth over the ••
blatkheAds. They simply dissolveand „,
disappent by this Safe and sure method*.
Have a J-lellYwood complexion: ^
'Send uyour . iiaroe;nd,receive
FREEi.." Sairifle of our
Higheat 4ua1ity, Hospital.' .Sani,
Load'oai Ontiirm•
Doctor ;Strand, atter 'One leek at
Stutter, had, made no •move to
armise the meet Miss Jones touched-,
hi arm.. •- • •
'4Let's go Out; and reek for:Amelia
'llangor„"•, she. 'itiggestee.
• AS she spike, 'Red. Dole, who had ••
been Moving aimlessly anent the
• T001,11 Made .a. sudden leap. and 'fell
upon' Lefty': .11m •Somers, as though
;Aka s:gnal„. stir. ang assiStaUce,.
theyLefty's gun rn a moment. tract'
disarmediuri OU4. oyerpoWer4
:it, had '.been ' dope. so quickly. and .
.with such':cool. nerve,. that the bandit
hadn't a, Chance; 'lie • was "'quickly •
'bound, and then, the Sleeping :Stut-.-
teriWas also bound,with ropes that,'
7,iikina.brolight from the. kitchen.
• 'God. said •Strand.
Miss' Jones It:niched. his erre again.
"I'M • ;worried' about :the • Ranger
Woman' ,She Saki, . • •• ••• •
• :'Strand .tereed. ;toher at -once:
•"'Let's' ' he :.agreed. • •
The lantern 5411 burned ..,at7the':
-..d'oor!!'of . the bi,. but all, Vas silent
'-witbie it • Miss' Jones
;intA• dead:, Amelia Bangorwould
:tut '''.`dend.;.,nsleep"•::better dest.ribed„.
She bad-arranged-a...bed,. upon
Sand, ...with' n rebe throWri '
• "Lrihk's4is -thounb . she • too- • Might '•
hive- :been:: 'drugged," , said %trand. ,
.• • ;
• • "I'•did' said Miss: :Topes. • "And,.
1. got !Ike'S; gun," Si pulled it..frorn
'the- petket ..of'. her.' robe..." . . •
'...Then; in 1ni;',feW. Words, she related,
her adventure of the -night,' •• •
."And: tell that ;girl'..Of.yeini. you
didn't' Strangle.' -that • man." • she AU;
ished- think he thinks you did...,
"Certainly , said 4Strand
in ‘aniazernent....'.....„. "
l'Atnelia Singer 'Must. beim had.
. . • ,.• . • .,
sp.rne of . that. coffee," -Mused Miss :
• • les,": 'agreed' Stran& "But 'the,'L
less we Snit about i drugs, ,The, 'better,
With 'A killerin' Our ' • .
'They -Started. rhea, to.:the*ouse..
• •• "Stater .ceeld; not, have' •strangled. .•••
Ike"..'Stfand-7cOnsfilet-e-df1le'S', tins"'
••:dead :Only!'a•,feti :Minutes 'before' We,
found lum.1.1efty. Might have .,- done
••Btif 4,011 .sai".: that
The Only .conclusion
IS that one of us ..did 'it"; '• •
.'•'ton might: SriSpect Me;'': said 'kiss.
..• „".,1311.t. I Said..:Strand
ning. .• •
• A-Ettle. later, unable to .• sleep .
ter all. the eXeltethent.•Strand • went.'
Out „alone' into ' .the...fire,4WePt night,
--IftbeAtitild- • ofily ,of
..tbenr:nil-.7-nut Of.' a•sittiatien..
hourlv in,L0r,eaSing horror*:... , •
' • Walking Awn the; uneven uarrow,',
.road.be kept looking for an. opening,
be had -noted, .threugh-... the,i dense
J?int1y he. found it 'and!
:started down through it, 'pushing hjs
.wAy: slawlz, and cliinh$g over
ders, .Witb•the..deseesrit •growIng "ever
'teener ' • • ; ' • • . . '
• " • •
• • :,'The fire appeared to• be off to his.
left antt 'then; . was •,..i.uSt , 'thin
. •charice there . Might be a•Vitay. of -
escape,: 'acroSS which . the .greedy
•‘..flarries had rot- yet. flung a. barrier.
Then—his, heart sank,: and he, stop-. ,
The firaWas Ilia feet.: ..Aafar
.aP, 'he.. Could , set, he .,was;.. ?it -timed :in,
by. flames,. There ! was no opening:,
• He. had been a feel •to. hope. Refere.
long,. that •raMintain-top .be
•' :Suddenly,. ha' beCarne of.
.danger -L -mit 'from .the .lnit
above -him' ' • "•,.. .
ot a, teeond too •Sobni , he thre*"
stumbling, • out Of ,The.
'Of an •etantrions. boulder that, caMe0,
ttinibl:ng upon •him, :grazing
• 'him: • and, hurling linn th'e ground...
Re' WaS. ittoMentarily -stunned. and.; as
he sleWly,•regained Sensei, he had
• .the iniPreasion swikt..Augers,upoo
.hioi; of .e.thelrotigh scareli' bis ,per-;
Son, of stitnething binding ..6Ver. his
• Then,: he can* Mit, Of ',It; t� •Ancl:
,Iihnielf blindfolded.. '
• `' (TO; RE,:i•.CONTlifi.TED)'
• Giettlifig Tati
.1qo tne hasbeeti knerwri t� eonSUlt
his 'phyScian befete atntiiring faSt
teutitan, but mouy. hois :hod to .46, SO
A deep: ,hireeie Will ..liortly be the •
*most pciptilit shade. and it will he,
Iseught. heedlessly , by. Iusioy,___..,46:et6P;',..
say a• had ease a Mitiblirli !tete.,
than and that
Bridal Costumes
Winn= Research,Of
Museums• Inte Theatres
• POSTON, Theii• costumes 'des-
cribed in -detail lay Mrs. lielee-
ia Meyers, brid of tWo centuries
paraded the stage of the MetrooOlitan
Theatre for a, largeiand delightful au-
dience.; ,Mrs. Meyer.is• described by a
newspaper writer as "one of the. few
women ta bring costgaie research dut,,
Or the 'reilaeiinl :hlt.0:0 the. thegtre,•"' '
WAS from. 1,'06. 'to the- present year
second oldest, 'A.therican 'wedding .
dress; worn originally: by a &dein •
bri'cl-of '1736. Another goWn was a,
• Copy if 'One worn bY'a' BOston bride
a - ,
given, Awa'y, by Lnfaiette Who had
, ,
„ Come to , the ..carnerstone Of Pno-
:her ' ' • . - • ,
' gotten .was Met used. for e bridal •
gown in the seuth, 'a decade, before
the war, between the States, at '
'Mrs. discloses wken southern.
weinen, became aWare. of. henie Indus!.
tries:, • • •• •
Thd. Civil W:et,.Wedding.teek Place
In Atlanta, just whenlierman .arriv-
est, The •bride had. the presence ' of •
• mind, to Iock, .up the grOomi,. the • wed,,
ding, cake.. arid refreshments lin. • 'the
t the northern soldiers
e thaniffer,.
n There vfaa, an tiriginq• gown in the
Tot. Mrs..Meyer called it "the tragedy'
bridal gown," as. 1 Was made by. it
girl whose fiance was one of the' last -
casualties in . the' SPanish-Anierleari
',Aar. The Gtheion., Girl .PeriP(1',g0Tai
was worn it the Mettopolitatr bya
young:woman . with' 'glorious red hair,
which she 'adroitly arranged in 'limit-
padour"style. ••
- The 1937 ,Wedding gasin Was aniun-
:usually .e.harming. model, -of :white -
,monseline . de Sole, •In .the1"..Empire
style. A short veil of oleer, starched
lyaaoredswlaosng7ora•.:0VOr; a :t, Seven
For Teachers
. . .
eir- Ottalente, The tefieher4 not
91alinl.1144.14:4Ye owt4 to the dozens
of other duties', neceePnry in: CotaleC,'
thin With lheir. position and: Mainly'
the. marking,. ef .exernination..paperS.
So .if and When , the new .gadget he-
con,aeti, employed, -the
Workled..01.4.14PYPee Of Plages Of 'learn,
jng may throw their 'hats into the air'
and glite-three. hearti Cheers.• ...: •
Phe device„ v,v.hick.. has been spon-.
; Bored at • Athens, said! to. work
With the speed of eleetrieit and wiTh
correct an examination.. Paper. �f the.
true,. false or selective: questions var,..
• iety .and the.grado pp, a meter. ,
150;',4:0$44evel„0147,444,' •otot:,ti,11;410,44niv_e jir4StlitYci•
Pro..112. c'tiRg ',1CP-7'-7'4WW1141#.4741iet'S
01P..P.t.; 4.1*.cirha on ..the
princiPleithat a.soft penal *tit IS
,eetrically continctive...•The current Of
•electrielty flriwing,,,thrOngh "ilie7" pen..
• ell. marks Made. by. the student-
•es..thatecoidliig, -device : to. function, '
' TrelY, seek a, del/dee should.:!teanIt.
1it7-1 great: sali,147Of
.tion With the operation of the device„
theetudent, Writes his answers. la one
• or two Or Moro optional columna on a
standard 'printed: form. As each paper.
is insetted in the 'machine; 'electrode
'blades' descending. on...the. paPer. dete.t-
mine which questions have -been .aft• 7
eWered .Correctly, whe,
,.ther the, doilce•can' be...made totflinc7.
;lien. accurately.• •
The •development of a gadget.to Car-
reet ;and 'grade ',,exaniiiiatioir.:,,.papers
• catioe. • At least It wilL. simplify the
tasko teachers many: Of 'whom do
Work .104 Weirs. after. Sehoel'.0'cloSed
to, mark the examination •!'papers 'of
.Secip?, r: a ety
• The hinetioswhethor their'luoasoy
due,, to.. Speed mania or congenial'
carelessness; .or .sheer 'incompetence,
should be.' remoyek from, the .„ high-
'HoNiv' can', thIs be` done?..'
• There' are several methods:, • Eye,
'sight 'tests- And driving tests •WoUld
weed' Out • the •incoinpetents. yhose
who have proven themselves 'reckless..
can be: remOVed. by Suspending Their..
hcenes Aiid o proportion of those
WhO, haie,,:pereistentiy, got into WI:
dents -but have; not collided with,the
la* eat. be -disemiragedby the ins,nt,
Alice einnbanies., ,every. driver, bed
to insurance : pqicy before.
wOuld simplify the, proceSs-df.aa41011g
the. highways Safe.The'. Ifaneenvor
•, The* ciretis has jtiSt• sygned a:labor.
- --agreeMent;--The ,week's greatest
• ,stance.. Of • exhauStien was the -ease
; of the union man delegated to icket
the mair'en, the ..flying trapeze —H
I in Nev Yotk Sun ;
..Neoloopint gyer.sc;...githide!. Let Wheeler.
Show You How
,.., .d..!.. ._.!"..ifii? Ht
/1 ir#7.0%ir,.. .94,4 itfifr
-.11.1e ilit:tii
/.1:1-1 4'. ‘0"/"Yforfelr.0.47i1..41;;
:. _
!1\1-t-E-BLEPO ENT-. MOTIFS. ' :PATTERN, .15_09
• Po t':codlenoint! • It's Cas-7just half....a, 0..opP-stitch, done in wtol ' •
en" canvas. Novihnd in years to pOnie;' you and your 'children, will
treasure the fire Screen; chair, purse or .pillow-og needlepoint, yvh.ch •
today offers such !pleasant stitehery. The, design, is given in line With
Milori"0.-ele,arly:inarkedi.,...Pattern-.1..506,..dontaink::.one. motif. IVA:, x
. ' 14 inehes L. otie;inOtik\ 126 ?5,liiine e ancIrtwO and two re,Yerse motifs
.. 4 '.it 414'•inblies i' a \ ,5o ,r,,,,,„ii ,
' tratiohAlioter :Al requirencientleg he' i 'do d.tlIe 'int. ' ',,.'..-',',
illus -
Send io Cents in stamps' or poi ,(Pein .preferred) for this„pattern
«to NeedlecraftibePt.', Wilson ,Publishing Co., 73. West Adelaide; St.; :
. Toronto.' Write . plainly - pattern : ii,i'-flinIseti \your .: name and. 'address:
ize ;lasting: We, 416. not know the
Medical 'terms covering these results,
but, in ordinary language, suntan
makes you worse than 'Miserable.
preVention hardly requires' a:
tho sun's rays rather than a quick tan
should /4 the iiiding tuIe the
first dayof yacatfon:. • • `.
is 'only natural that the •most
will be .M.acle of the holidays but
they *mild bo made a time4Or re-
cteatien rather than an' ordeal by
fire i -This is espeeially pettinent ad-
v ce .,to those holidaying by lake or
i; vet, suri4aYs are reflected off
\cater With ettraordinirY burning,.
p •wer. "
.1. •
Ginger Orid tre
Are `‘.KnOcli-Krietir,''
PASADENA, Calif.Liuger og
Vrpit .AStaire '.both' are:
kneck4crieed,l • • ,
The California Osteepathic ASSoel,
atien 'was Aold it- was one of the
Secrets of their 'danding" success
•* !lheir ''dexterity, or the 'race1 Of
billet . and esthetic' artists like Theo-
dore 'Itesloff or Tarichon WOIY.," said,.
Dr. Rtilliarn P. Madaen, of Pasadena;
'is dile to the 'fad that they are
knock...kneed. • , ' •
„qn fact, ondcotild make ,the
. •
'Startling, assertion,the best dancers •
are knock-kneed. The anatinny of the
pe1ViS,' thighs; knees andIegs , put
these trieniberS in a , knock-kneed
position when they propetly stipport
As coristru6iideOf the Interritt-,
tlonal Thousand •Islands bridge pro• l•
ceeds, the. wibeiterefi who said • it
their aner.:--11reckVille ,Reccirdet
ahd Tinio
onien Say it
• Feflet'atifin , Fet.44gazes. "n0v-'04..;
Of 1110oci41. FPrests
• h Qj 0We ''ev'titi ,EFriel'd tsie:t7' oMee sO
0111141 are saying it .• with Areas inIthe
• fOreAs. of the, nation. -Throug4 a.0.117." •
•Ict, "lunched 'by. Mrs.", IL G. fib gert, •
:T:ction chairman .pf federe-
thOr 'are establishing a green,
net•vork ,of tnemprial fprests operation with the ;11- $;- ,
Vice. ;: ."••
.41.c.,Ahr•.,-.3.`,....4.4A..i.AT, 57.
Mair IA. MOrliaft
, • • .
• • -0cOut, Daraty • ...
. Coconut, in alinostany fertU,, is • a
:-favorite. . !There are, et! 'Many „.usea.
for 0mpg...delightful, nitilgt shreds, Of
goodness that every,lioneeWife' should
nicee'Oa taKton or sealed tin of it an
hand: She should 'also be careful how
She: buyscoconut because its good
.,•ziesi it lost if it iin't. perfectly ...fresh..
The only way to be %sure that .: What •
'especially :constructed to retain ...all
, the .;:moisture and 'freshness' of. the
, . •-; 1.. '.
• There. are tWo, kinds of eot000t,,
souther* ttyle, and 'prerniurn• shred.
. The first,: is..'iMed, for 11.tobbing des:,
serfs, :sprinkling. over frostings and „.
fruit cubs; for, fluffy Whips.sand. mer-
mixtures ' and the sieond is
.used more for fluid or Peini,fluid mix
' tures-isuch as piG fi1hns, enstards
and pudclingand as an ingredient in
"caokie. ni.'„xtureS.: , .:Thetigh' in:: nicist
recipes, either style. may ,be used, :it
'is ''best to:4e the' kind1called for, as
4s: especially ;adapted to that :par,
,ticular retip-e.
Hero is n deliciOus idea for .the tea
holt." in the tarin of -fluffy' codex -Mt:
balls 'Which: a.re a treat. when Inade•
with • fresh coconut, and fresh
• nut Tcis; 'the real • secret of the siiecess.
of any :reciPe eall!ng?for coconiit.,
Cup., Sifted cal e flatir
. 1 teaspoon baking homier' •
3 egg's• ' '
1 c,UP: Sugar , ;
..2 teaspoons lemon juice
,fl tablespeea: hot-
ctip tart jelly
Can eaconat,' southern style:
t: • ..46..•
Ponstitute• a ,'real :contribution, to,.. the.,
public good, -it 'will ' stand."fbrevPr
xnetnorlai+19 the farsigl4ednbse ,
, of •elab wciinen and, their lotig-tipte
:tereet in Nthe ConServation et.the, .; •
0:ores ',wealth"- Mrs.... Boge rt aniMunces.'
While this Pleettag`Pr.diect was. le-
itiated 'and developed in :"the Lake
• States under the slogan ' Three s
f,pr'.apenny,0.''plantieg coSta ere,
er in •Other 'section. "And the cost
Varies . froln $44tc $10 an age, .with
• 1,000 seedlings to the are,
' Under thia.idan in:'the.federal 'areas
• the Fprest,SerViee furniehed the site, ,
•see.dlingsk aPd. the SP:P:er.Yisi°11;
'also agrees to 'protect .from fire and'T.
other damages and -to rePlaiit in 'case
' A 'rustic 'sign
•'Sift •fic;tir tuna, measure, add bak-,;-
ing powder, and sift together .: three
timet. Beat eggs. until .very : ,thick
and light.and ,nearly White-. (about tir
minutes:). Add .sugari gradually:
beating constantly Add lemon juice -
Fold :in •flour, a- small amount at a
time Add niilk, mixing.qukly un-
til batter* is ..smootb: • Turn at bride '
into small cup cake pans which have
-been-greased --VerY-
Deg. 20minutes, or until done
. Relieve from 'pan . peat; jelly. with
,•fork until -cif . right.: consistency, , to'
•Spread; When :cakes are cool,, spread
.with jelly; roll In coconut. Makes 33.
Dirty Cities
Letter 'to ;the Calcutta' •Statesman: .
Must ProteSt: m'aitt. Viger,- .
ously against the 81aixn, made in your
news columns today, and encouraged:
in '' youi editorial: .colunins, that 'La.;
' lOnia to Cajcinta.
hote isrthe'dirtieSt sr in t.h. e.,,Werld.
Pride Of Placelbe,
*Almest .,every. overses"..visitcir who
.:dctiring .amonens' ,cornmentS.n.on 'Allis .
distinction ..,and their View,
*beenabundantly horrie, Otit .byer the .
*less, in the Press and in_ letters"
• to 'the -authoritieS. I know Lah,oro '
, .and I,..agree::that, it ,has, claims :to. an
honorable:mention; ,
of real, tall,pervadi Muck:it, 'Cannot
t 'in the!natter
.,bope.'t6. ecirlie within hailing distance
• of Calcutta. It WOulci,:iiideed, he: Wise
!not; to Coine' within . hailing. dis,innee.„
- . . . ?•••
cutta is the dirtiest .dirt in -the
• world.L-, Yonks, etc.---Mra,:G,
derPere.. .• ' ..
Will. be 'eret-ted. b hei-falVat"- s iv
‘, what, is being done in theiliinterlde4; •,
:bighWay,.' where, moterists. •may • se •
on. .the tii,tGe pi lel 01 itne:lor along a
. ,
!Often interested gicage Of weraen
. go, intoareas needing reforesting and .
With foreS't offiders s1ect a .suttable.
sitos, ranging in s4e Itorri 40 to 1,000ncies .,
. •:•
Minhesota, end Illinois' are jn
aftein•g 1,090.4ere tracts. , ;.,• • • ,••.!
Stlmulating. hit. phases -of 'conserve-
tloii daring' the preeess of • establish-
. inent, communiti% ' sehool • •
and state' ferests„,these littIe forests
of 'selectiv,e, cutting;.of the ripe. trea,
„•• .. • •••,,,•
la the 'right ,phke.,at .
9uly.',tPees,i'Marged by a fedei4 for-
dOpS. 41.4.(r.Permanetit" Me, inorials.
•„ There'-iS,11nrcepyright 'on-thesa. Poo-
OP.eratiVa forelts,40M1 the , • .
t� oinid
gionp, w:thn the
reacla".of All' •
::,Vieconsin, the shol, thlhlren. hist •
Year coniinenced, fiveyear Arber.,•
'Forest' in northern WisConSin, TheY
,nare 'leatning to respett...tha rights, of,..”;
• others and to feel areanonsibility for '
•the fore'as, ef the '.future:
• . . , .
' Through th...e•Colonfal. perio4.and stet"
',..al,inpat '100 ..Yeata afterward Anieriea
ha#.1-.to coniefous polity Of. ceniietva:.
tion,. NOV the 7old Sense Of 'frontlet •
'ha S Vanished, andwomenare •id,ifitfig,.
in the Movement for indre, intelligent'
larteminagement.' • '
of Iiie•_-IInitedStates-,:is
„forest land, what. use „ is .:Mada 04
it authorities de,clare,•7:,will in- large .
part.41eterniine the: deiign for living.
F, A':.Sildmr; foreater.ef.''the
United • States' has ' declared: that
he'nce .Arneticals. i,v'epdlands. •
Shall: be: I poked' :Oen firsi• as ,agen s •
• socin12:betterment', and •,then„. as
"theatres of:eoininercial enterprise:.
'• Koncompetitlite.,ernpleyment;, in the;„,,
1...fareets‘. akes1„ an immensa..apfrear..tu':..
*Omen, WhO' nee' the cutover a,reaS ii$ '
. .
' teServotra,,.ef. hard. Wier,' h,ffording
,atractive. Work- that ,wiii hull& .
up. a' .Publie' ptopeitY. of 'national . .
• Portance. -Much of thaltilier,; got;
''.the ' tip Of reerealion
• Within 'a ,day's.,drive .of the huge 111
dUsti 11,1. Cities', Where, 'free and.. infor. •
• mei re'creatien part 'of 'the a .,
. •
Schtip 'Pals Laugh
At •
Girl -farmer
And another thing, th'..?dirt of Cal
.0, • '
•Tenn.. -7- Although, ,
lieekled by fellv niemliers when ,she
:joined the Ai 'Club, Ruth Williams• ,
an attractive, blue-eyed blonde, who
'might pass for A Vollies,chorine;:Btill
is1,dctetriiintd to become h farmer; ,
Miss WiI1ns4 n Thnior in theUni-
.yersity•ot Tenussseo .061166 ;et', A gri• ,
,cultufe, chuckles 'when.' she „rOealla•-
: hoW., the 'all-male groq, laUgheri.
. her, When She joined th,
The, Siendet ''-gir], froni\I riori
• N.C.,-,:she's the only girl entollqd
the Tennessee-, AgrieUlture
ha 4efinite ideaS 'shout-» faint life,
•Itn a grand feeling to itatul, :on a• • .
hillside with your test''',6ffit- vm yotie
.OWn land' and Siltrest tent ,fieldp; or
chards aid garderi. bateht-S which you. •
have 1cteated with yef r"- own
she. says, •
•".1 'raised On' a farm; 'I love
the 'Country and think fJtrriing is the
hit interehti Wot
• .11,ortictiltoro otia tencla to'heli) mom.'
age er fathcYs.. tothr,
. Woo Ad' thinlo
nVOrY *do „
eiilStM tiutdo4t, ruited who.
. ,