HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-07-08, Page 1.1; e•• • 4, • 0.00, A. YEAR -$1 50 iI ARITANOE--50cs EXTIIA TO p. $. c.CKNow ODIT.• THURS13A (ounal Contracts To "PURCIIASE SITE Gravel, Village Streets ."' ----2:- _ _or,lc--To,"Se-:.J.Pono.;.:-In---August,-;- . ‘ • No Action', Taken On 'Application For lna.chine. License ' 7 irl)• •!' '''. ' ' . The Village'Gotineil. on'TuqadaY,*ey, •• ening contracted •with Dennis Hill- laban • for the- 'gravelling of 'village .., , . . , Word :Was received here the latter Jart:of •Itie weelt. •from- ilfteCt" tiro- •," e,rty had been,piirchati'eCas the, site .upon which„ LucknOvy,'s new ' . 1)ost; 'office ',vvilt he erected.: ;TSA'.$11.1ALL-,WOKUD*, : done and the village, requirementir..... When. kioxer,:lopal „ • will be Placed and spreadanywhere lumbqr, dealer; : opened a ear of 1. in the municipality • at, a post of 50c British Columbia lumber:at the sta- fl for, crushed gravel. The, work tion' herd last week, they were sur-- • Nveill' be done -during Aaigust 'while ,Prised to find. an envelope tadked •to Mr. Hallahan has his machinery set one Of the top boards , of the op in Henderson's ,pit. The • •letter contained a note of. No action was taken' on; the ap4; gteetings; from ',the Pacific. coast to plication Of " Q. F. Knapp of Hauill- friends in, lAcknoW.• The sender was ton, for h license to operate a slot: -Miss Martha MacCallum, who is ,machine on _the PrefiliseS 4dellPied by-emPlOyed hY-the Alberni Pacific Lunn - H • be! Co., from. 'Who the ,.1(b.ad Was Ant ten days are to be alleWed for purchased ,by the joeal dealers.. Miss ' knowingth ordr was-. „ • . • the • carelessness withwinchsome going through, had: One -CC-the , ship - e:village residents :dispose of refuge in the 'dumping, ground teqiiiree • clean up of the grounds to be made. R. J. Moore _was instructed to attend to this and burn any inflarnrnable ,Ma- tter that creates a firebazard. report . on the . water servide. 'check-up, revealed upwards to fifteen additions and new services ' siace'the• last check. In a :few./ other cases ad- •' justments are required: Relief accounts t presented totalled ' $31.40. This .included accounts not 'presented at: the last meeting; ,tient accounts of $1.75 and. a . hill \.frorn the:Township of Turnberry:Ior •06.81,1. for . which "this . village is te- sponsible. • • R. L.., Treleavn,', EttNilgt TEIL,EritONES.: • , ,01fice .tteskteitiel 53 J. ..Dr. Wm. 'Fowler • PIIYSICIAN, & SURGEON' ' . • Office. Roars,: 1.00---330. P.M.700-800 PM • 'Sandays141.30-42:14 P.M. • Or .By Appmntmen pers attach, the. greeting after, the. car was • loaded.- • , • GOES,,,FOR BUGGY RIDE • • In a copyright story in Thursday's Free Press, w: Trestain; the rav- ing reporter ,for that tells Of a iniggy ride .witlf:Ire'V.IC. W.. 'Craw, 'behind. his titil.ze •winning mare, 'Ruth which in : Craw's words, "beats riding 'in_ aril: automobile ' any time". ' • • Craw, Who. left Lucknow five years ago, for .Dorchester, has just taken' over 'his new -charge near Sea-. fOrth. .Prior to ;their departure, the: DOreheSter congregation presented be and Mrs': Craw;'•With a' chesterfield •and. carved. Walnut writing .16e6pd Vie. Craw family"'croated. when three o grathiated. from. Toronto ,UniversitY 1930. %Walter in: theOlOgy. WhOta'nOWTI*--- ter' of ':,Contennial , Church, London; Helen. in, reedidine, ;who” ,is .Pow Dr. Helen Craw • Mitchell; who With her :husband,' is 4on thisSionary work in :Hanan; Ohina7Tand Evelyn, who 04, Patedtii arts' 'op& is nowmrs. (Rev.). .11'fatheWs' . Of St. Catherines, 1jis ISobel Ora*, the fOurth Mend.* of the ;family is: a registered nurse, now in Taranto.' . 'Phone EVELY VETERINARY SURGEON' 'PRONE 115 LUCKNO..8Y. . Floor Rug in 'Lucknow. Inquire at Sentinel Office, VIO.R.SALE=1;:.- 1927 .,Chev. Sedan;; . 1 - 1926. CheV. Sedan. - N, W.- :Wintetstein, 'WANTED,. 'Man lir take over pro- 'fita'ble Rawleigh Route.., Established customers...-Must-.4.be.:-'satiSfied- with -earnings-7'of'-$30-a • we�k t� start. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. No. ML -271 -101-G, Montreal, Canada: LUMBER FOR SALE Heinloek, 2".30.0"; .20 and 22 ft.:: 2"x8", 16 feet:' 2.44",. 16, •and 18'feet. Beech hard; *coed flooring -700 feet,: 1147 700 ' feet %" thick. - Thos. BOyes, • . PULLETS: 'PULLETS' Barred Rock Pullets:five. and Six weeks of age, Five weeks' at 45e; six weeks at 50c,eholV S. C. White Leg- horn Pullets. four weeks Old, for 30c , each., Lots' of. 56 or over we', deliver °them to you. WALTER ROSE, BRUSSELS, 'ONT. P ER S.O.N A L • • • • , NEW OSTREX Tonic 'Tablets .conthin: raw oyster invigorators and • Other • stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands; q If, not `delighted,._ maker •re - 'funds price paid -$1.25. - Call, write. -McKIM'S DRUG- STORE. NOTICE TO„CREDITORS, - TAKE NOTICE that all Person's having , against the estate of William 'James. Fisher, late of the Village of Lucknow in the, County of Blame, retired parnier. deceased, Who 'died on or about the day (-4 June A.D., 1086; are hereby notified , to send :their s and particulars in connection therewith to the tinder- • ' "signed administrator On • or 'before the3rd day of July A.D. 1937. AND. that •finniediatelY after the said date . the ,proceeds of the, 'Sal& estate . will be, distributed having regard only, to claims whicht have l been -'properly •'DATED at Wingham `the .21st' day of .June CARItUTHERC • E. .8, ijojyrood, Ontario,. Administrator. 013ITUA.,11Y • ' DONALD ...MacDONALD • .Donald IVIaeDonald,:, esteemed lifelong resident' of the Langside vic- inity, Passed -a:WaY on Monday Of laSt Week in his 81st Year:. Mr, .Mae - Donald, has 'been pairtially invalided \yith rheumatism for a number 'Of years, and. • Was a ' most patient suff- erer. Contracting the 'fin.. in •. the- tig;,„.416:..had health,: although not Confined to. his bed,' a. few days:: prior 't� " his .A •Son -�f the. Tate °McDonald 4d. cdtherine. imac.Diarfilidi: deceased w 8,, born..J,Kest gside On the farm now owned. 'ITY, Donald MacIn,, ty'r.e. Of a. famiy of seven, four brothers,, • survive, Jack, William, Angus and. Nell, all la. the West. ,A 14 -other, Alex and a 'sister Fluplidinia' predeceased . him: . • '• ••:Th flineral .serviCe •vas held on _Thursday,' at his late „residence, north of',.'langside Church, •where :he has heen. 'son Neil and Mrs. MacDonald. Rev. 1 John- Pollock of Whitechurch conducted the service and interment Was in the :rieurhy. -rem etery7-a-t-,4angsi aez--with-÷An gu Macniarintil, Wm. • Falconer, • JameS Morrison, Foster Moffat, Redetiek Ross and John 'Machines, ,acting ;as palWearers,• • ' ' . • ' An , esteemed • resident of,' tfie -cern- munity, MacDonald . was ' or many years -,a. Meinher of the Board, ef. Trustees _Langside.'..FLaternally_ he. Vias.a mcniber ,of the Fdrsters. .• „ ,Mrs. IIVIacI)ontild; formerly' ,Jane -F.'raser;---pasSed away little. mare than. 4, Year and .a .ago, ,Four daUghters and four sons survive. Peter :Moffat (Kate). Holyrood; D: L. MacKinnon . (Belle), cOn. 4, Kinlass; Mrs. Alex (Euphe-, min) 'Ynsilante;• 'Mrs. Wafter Smith,' MNibee, Mich.; andJohn, Gra:rid Prairie; Russell,' Blyth, 'Wil- liam, and Neil of Langsid,e. . PARAMOUNT .1)ACE t Friday, July 0th.-Musie Hogan'S 6 -Piece .brehestra. 'Admission; Ladies Gents,. 25e, Arena Club. Boosts `7F4nds-.00.July • Booths:And Stredt,.Dance To, Or. ea, Over 570.00 For:' Their .G, •rcoiltig .P‘Md.:.•'W4iF4 Now.Exce,t&' • 1..50,00',. Mark • . The Lucknow Aiten „Plub.:-: 0P0r.4- it conjunction with the First el ,July celebration committee. •J/n,d• siteceSSfak'day,.,that' "netted the Club; slightly over, $79,1i0 Which boosts theii. Lund to $1.56.1,5. as a ,result of „three Undertakings witin a. 'period of the .past ,three months. . ". ,• On July. 1St?, this-, Club . of scnioe. tWerity --young Men, operated a. re- freshment booth, a bingo ,booth an the street. •dance.'ut night. 'Vile, total receipts amounted.tO1171.7.4. Expen- ditures • 'twete • $101.19 leaving .a no PrOfit Of $70.55; •. - ;The assistance of ' the• Club mem- 1,71! • II Club , We ;regret that in this issue it has, been necessary to .4i9h1 • over considerable district cor, $1.g",8:KY RAINFRIOAN't • .This diStriet got,p, ;good, so4ung :on Friday. *hew rein, :7A/hick started ,fc, fall garlY.'iwthe rnOrning',, steadily! about boon-hdur for an- official , measurement of .1.3fi 4nches. Higher tenaperattires foliow- ed the first of the',week,,,! after. the month of June being, unusually cool. 'HigheSf temperature of .the .month was 86 ,degr_,cs, the loWeSt-39 degreefi, .with temperatures in the 60'S quite common during much of the meptb. In spite of tlie.coolneSs of the spring there has ••not•been a damaging, frost since April, ••• "' . ROSES ARE IN . •ForMer St. Helen's Man DEpuvATIoN TO TO41191111TO Killed Hear Hamilton ,G. Smi,11 and VB.' !age Clerk JoscPh, Agnew, were , lanai • with. the 'fff.t.lells? • Met Alnuist-IPStaht Path: 'Railway. and Municipal Board' in • When Crushed 13* A Construction; -corinect!on .With the.s..Arena, ,When 'fruck While Working On .,:fbe 'the ;41argelY sighed' Petition*,*a : Highway Near .Hamiltqn• • . the '21Boar4.. „ ' MacDonald, :aged 51 years `Met n.riractieallYi • instant death 'Tuesday; near Hainilton,, When .the, :svheels- of'..a, 'heavily loaded truck passed, over his Chest. Mr. sMaCDon- rild.',WAS "dead, when a doetort arisWep,,, iog• the•brnergency 'call,. arrived. Mr. MacDonald 'as a son of the Ilate Mr. and lIn01..MacDonald of, .gt. -Helens, where' William' lived. til a few Years, age., When he ineV•-• ,ed o. Ilamilten. At the Utile of his, death,1 resided at .LOwville, -near Milton. • • Mr. MacDonald was eni love b !ONE IN A • MILLION". • AT ,I,Y.C$1.TM,•FIRST, OF 'WEER" . ., • ' ''`One In A Million" a dtainitic musical Comedy with an all-star Cast is the special attraction at the Ly- ceum Theatre, Wingharn, the first of the week. This. week -end, Joan Craw, ford;.' William 'Powell, 'Robert Mont.:4 gemery' and Frank Morgan star in' the Picture "'rile .Last of Mrs',, Re.a4 the ad. Brother And Sister Meet , Mrs. H. patterson, Mr. and Mrs, James Kerr and daughter,MissMar- iy Kerr: of Okeek, MicA.,•': and •. f.fr, and Mrs: Oliver Clarke ,of..Goderich, were visitors 'with Mr. and Mrs. Tem- ple' Clarke last, week. Mrs,. Patterson andMessrs: • Oliver and Temple Clarke, are the Only: three surviving members of a•'family of eleven, of which Temple. is the youngest. It is the first time in twenty -eight -Years that he and his Sister have met. , • , • *. Related To: Florence Nightingale mary' aimbeing to assist ,in making an arena in LuckrieW a reality, • It .is doubtful if there was ever MOre energetic and 100 per cent active, or- ganization in this village. ' • ,• Reports submitted at a. Club' meet- ing on Friday evening, following the• celebration were 'received froln.. thi. following representatives of the var- ious comMittees•.;•-7,Booth, M. C. • Orr. J. C. Campbt11; _Dance, :Gerald Rath!' Hugh ,Curnirig; Bingo. W. A.', porteous, Campbell Thompson, Statement'of Receipts 8z,ExPenditures ': • Arena Club •;. • July 1St,' 1937, IteceiPts. Exp't. 'Balance Booth 8 69.79 5'4294 •:5 26.85 Dalice 46.25 . 30.55 • 15:70 Bingo..55:70 2770 5171.11 !Q1 19, $.„,..7.11...5,1 '['he :standing of -the Club. 'ah'.'pre- sent is- Cash oir hand. .$156.15. ' , eXCellent'. statement is dile .tp' the fact -that' Werk and COriCeasibtia 'were. donated. N. ' 'We thank the public for their whole hearted Support. President, W. V. 'Johnston. •' Treasurer, E. H. Agnew. Rural School Reports IL S. K. No; 14, West Wawanosh Classes as for , Sept. t; .4037. .Names . • are arranged alphabetically. • Sr. IV-L,MarjOrie Purdon. ,Jr. .IV - Mitchell Elliott; I Agnes ,Martin, Russel Purdon. . Jr. HI -Kathleen Bti/l, Charlie Falconer, Reta...Pordon, Betty Thont- Se: 11-A)onald • Newrnan, Archie •Purdon, Angus Faleonet. ' Sr. Falconer,. 'Barbara Newman.:. •R. J'ean-Logan: , A drive 'around.- .the 'village,' with flowers blooming prcifUsely, 'findS Many a beauty . spot. There is a wide .1:tinge of :flowers beautifying 'many homes and Public j5Iiices.i with roses probably prectorninating. It is Worth moment • of anyone's time to, stroll to the rear of. the ,Town Hall' Co view. the display of „Scarlet; red roses. The boWling- 'green. is a itatice-1,- ,public beauty spot Worth a Bert Ward is Only One of many home owners; who.. have .their surroundings quite attractive, with G. H. Smith's grounds outstanding. Bert brought a white , rose Into. this Oil -lee the end of ,the-w.eek,that. measured niore than six inches, in • 'diameter. The:- rose idoeinesVon .a hush. that is oma, -12 Latknovt Village Doe Celebration Comeback Afte'rnoon And Eveninir Perform:an- . Attract Satisfactory Crowds-, Mani See Their •Pitst Exhibition Of Wiesiling--Eucknow, Wins - Ball • LucknOW made .a 'celebration come,: baek. on JOY- 1St; after an absence of several years of anything that re- •Senibled•-a•. day,--. CroWdS,', while • not .particularly large. Were satis- factory, and: the : day will show smaii surplus, without , conSidering the $70.09. the, Arena •Club made on refreShnienti ad binge booths' and :the .street: dance. _•' The 'day .was.,,perfeCt, squeezed .in between • the pi evious day, that Was Cold • and the following:day that Was el:timely' wet, !Some'. five hundred people..attended the afternoon enter-, taininent that incinded a -ball. game' and"--wrestliy----W"inatch..Kitclioner(aad• Lucknow '::' Pipe Bands, 25 strong,. Osborne. ' , :were 011 the • grounds both,. afterneon. Sr,' IV -Clarke Coiling, Margaret and., evening. MacDonald,.:Jean MaeGillivraY, Mar- In the 'wrestling bout, John Giri- OffY . of 1 Winnipeg, substituted -... for, Promoted':frOm Jr.. IV to Sr. IV- :Johnnie 'Cater', and took on Al s ,or ny" DunlOp,:the man . of the • . , 'III to jr. IV. --Murray Thomp- piece, • who ?Merged the"--Viii-ifet-7'in- twp straight falls.• . • ' ' The bout .was. wen staged, and gen- eraily'pleased • 'the. „crowd:" Dunlop scored the first :fall au 35 Minutes after; a;.seriei, of 'body slainslo the mat. The ;second- fall carne.five .'min- ute S •later by !the same process. . aud-''' • Lucknow ' :earlier staged. Seven, , innings of classy bali. with the locals taking: a 9 tel. 5 de- cision. Spotting the . visitors • three rung in the fst,' Welsh' replaeed, 'Car, 'SQO 7, Aline Carter and. Patsy .Levet• 71, . Reta. Mason 624'... Jr. IIIto• Sr, Ill -Jack Mason 64. 'Sr. .1.1„ to Jr,- III-÷HOnours. Grahani MacDonald 8., Jr. 11 to Sr. II -Honours -Leonard Vegan. 80, Allah .' ThornPsoii,73. : Pr; to.. First -Honor ----Carrick .• Cal- ling 88. ..* denotes illness egamina No. ,eit toll. 15..' 'Average 'att. 13.45. . ehe Stiathdee,.• .ruthers and 'stood- the • Hurons ,ork,their ' heads allowing' 'five hits and strikinr, • S No .2 kinlosS •(Kinleugh). • • . • • Chalmers dn5•. , out 9 in 6E. innings.. '; ,.;. TiffinPromotions • dividedathe:..etchilitdutie's' ,for . Jr. IV 30 Sr IV-Nerind Burt,85; wingham., w combed for , total of eleven his. . • .Wingliam.--Mellor;'Somers, Groves, e; Doran; IL; Rae, 3,i;d; Car; Michael, 2iid;--Giirilay, 1st,' Sturdy,. rf,,. ' • Lucknow--Greer, . 3rd; • 'Welsh., p;' C. FitilaySon' cf 'IrWin1'41st; McDOn- aid,. ss; R. Finlayson, 2nd; c; Kilpatrick; 11',;„ carruthers,:p„ t•f.,, ;Scotch Concert At Night, •The. Seotchr, concert in the evciiing attracted some. '606 ' persons; • •with Orineron.,”, Geddes as: indster of 'cete. ponies and Ars. GT.- A. Newton at the piano. •The \pfograin. Opened' with selections • by..the Massed 'bands, . fol. Owed hiter with nufnliers by the ' Kit- chener band. Lucille Catiipbell, Sedond ,d ced se, Seotcli nimiber and.' the' le Winner .itt the Waterloo Festival pAgElIALT, 'SATURDAY , The scasint's classic is billed for 'this., Saturday at- 3:30 o'clock,. when Port. Elgin', Bruce League' leaders nieet the Sepoys, in., Caledonian P,ark'.. •The lectils" need' this game and it should be .one of the ,best'sgames to date. at ingles IF •'ArriWng' .Net:Week own 10 Last Year s Level rKe _OP i.Stewart Lumber (o Phone 34-w Jean Thompson 81, Marion .Walsh 74,, Dorothy' ',Pinnell 61, ,AUdreY'. McFar_ lan 47; Jr. to tSr. "iII,,Everett• Lane 81. Ethel Haldenby--10-,- Ena---Pinne11-573 Rarph Haldenby, promoted ,ori IIS year's Work, • , . ' Sr; 11 to IIt--L-Riith'"Guegt 7 Edna Jackson 67; Jack Walsh 65 '• Atianged. alphabetically • jr, II-7-Wyanne Bay,''DOnald Bush - oil, iIaroid Guest. ' Jr„- Hay, Edgar,. Guest, V9lnia Lane. • . pr.-Kometh, McFarlane.: ,'• No. on ,r0I1 25. ' Ave.,'att.121.33 •• • Jean M. An*der-son Final eicams herd the last of, .Tune. ' ..Frern Jr. IV to Sr. IV -John Ails - tin ,•82; DdrOthy Drennan ,70; Grant Parrish' 61.; Vincent Austin 66. • ' Froin to 'IV -L. -Warren Zinn. sa; Evelyn Little 83; ' AlViti Drennan ;67. • IVIary Louise Borteoitt; Mary. Le,r,- From ',Jr. /II to Sr. III -.=Marguerite; raine johnstoh and • DOO's janiieson, 02; Teresa, Austin 76; 'Retta McGee of''Xiechener'iji his IsAiller„74; Catherine -Sinnett:66. •• . • 'bro`ad •ScOteli recited "Borne' Ad. From II to 'Jr', III --Clarke Zinn 87; Elaine tittle 13; Elwood . 62 iftek varrish 60. • ' • From 1st to, Tina -Patricia Sinnett' 'pi; harry • Campbell 70: ' , ‘. • Fiona Primer to First -.Lorna Llt- •tle,, George Farrish, 'Wilfred Primer-7,jilinny'',Sinnett,,.., Beverly Johnatoe. ' No. on roll 25. Ave. Att. 23.8, • Duncan lVfaccay U; 5. 'Pith -in and •Aalifield • The Pupils' nitMes aPpea.t the, 'classeS•.to which they havebeen pro - Salars Hornpipe.. Other.cotch. on CompaPY,„ contractors .ir.. charge . •of highway construction on " the new Midale 'Read at Vreerriaa; near Eu rl- ington. , • .• • At the time of the accident, .tho• Victini was standing' near. a large combination, machine, used for ',mix- ing, and layingcement, with his back to the 'truck when it .struck Fellow • workmen did not • notice his perilous position until the backing truck was almost Upon him., Their warning..shout carne too late to pre- vent Min beingknocked down by the machine, the back . wheels' of which passed 'oyer and: cruShe&hiin. ,First knowledge the 'driver of the truek.,'• Norman Carr; of Toronto, had of "the accident, WaS when • he Saw workinen rushing toassist•the unfor- tunate man:. : An .-inquiry into the Ciden ac- vil1e :held, .The- nei'aI ill he 'limp this ThOtsday... Mr. .MeeDonald, is •`- survived by his Wife,' formerly Mr. L,ncli and --. a. 'stepdaughter, . . ' • Si'- brothers and a sister survive, (01 in. Ponaldand . Duncan MacDon- ald of I$t'.• Heleinsv John A of :Wing, ham; Hugh 'and Angus in the. West.: 'and Mrs. MeAllister of. PuSlincir. ' • • Public School-RepOrts . . Won.,13.14...e.:MeirsOryt..COOtest...• , . • . . . . . . . . Memorized . *)erfed1Yillinkb0 ' Or SChOOIS Represented In C4146141 . . The'RIble .Meitiory contest has ceme-,..; anJ -gpne but the meinori, of. the received still remains. We. Wish* that the -.voices of these :'#411104 •young contestantS •might have. been broadcasted across' our. beloved land ,in an attenipt to pwaken lip fathers andt.pothers to a realization of the ohnial need of. the Youth Of to -day. .We. were greatly encouraged ,not nily by the .size; but also'hy the spir- it and enthusiasm ,of the crowd of men and „women who'•Were present for the • demonstration. The number had contestants were more :.than ,had - hoped for and the quality of %the work was bea,utiful.-There were 1:02 Mis's' Etta Thom and )4iss:., Maty Nightingale cif Chicago, :have , been ,visitjng • With Mrs..David..Grillies and erie a ives,- in • the cnnnunitv. M's Nightingale's great grandfather Im„yrtprotts.41,44: 11111 with the s Lac; Nightingale "The of Floi- �f-the.'Vord,. have encouraged the Criniean War. •-„he .entire . hst,IWas covered and re- • viewed. four girls were still on the . platform. • The • Contest was 'won. by the pupils. from. the Whitechurch Pnblic. 'School; first prizes going to Doris McClena- 'Iian, Mildred • Moore, Ilene McCletp.' aglian and. Mildred McClenaghan. ecoid Prizes were • awarded' te. Max- i• ine Reid .of Whitechurch Alia Eleanor, McFarlane of Kinlough. Third prizes to Esther Patton of Lucknow and Margaret ' Wadel of Whitechurch. Fourth prizes :to :Hugh,, Grant- and Mack , Rutherford of Belfast, 'Roberti Phillips of LticknOW.-joy Carter and •. Noreen' Thonison '•of .2nd Concession . Great Credit. is due., net ,only to the teachers, but also to the. parents of • 'these ,boys .and girls who the. opposition of ..Satan to God's': ' • .Receive :Schools : - Douglas, Clarke has .been aPPdinte4 .teaeher of third room" in the. Powas- Sari public 'school. Miss Isobel Doug - la. ha's been engaged as teacher in "Properity school • near Dongannoit'- Isabel.,is a merriber of• the 1937 Strat- ford graduating class. WEDPIN.9.-BELLS . '• . Room. I , .' 'Prornoted from:Sr: I . to Jr. . . . irm•e ,ARDif:XEY- , ,, ILT.,00linio4rSpDoio.tneaoludii•• • N. michirols.'. Mary ' ' A 'quiet" but pretty Weaing ' vias . ,,olemnized ' at ' the • twinge'. LiicknOW Johnston; .' Roy : Aitchison. .•. pais....•;en Wednesday, June' . 30th; • at 3.1.0 George Chin, Wilda Irwin,•. Elaine. 'a.m.; when Greta Noreen; -.eldest .claii:: IdRioPcn'l:iina,H.rdaC•,0;Ti'eliretti:Vie„Aii?1,1:1G617;r4allynetinGenOMd116carCrlik,o'e,niGg..o.h. rt:., . i.,1Ae'illyat;get/.toeci!".ANEvIi41:1k.eotin.,:mdmi7apsi.':i':utTihihtaeordidn,a:i,ssci. ynimoi ae. okrf-. '.Promoted.' frOin . Jr, 1. :to '' Sr. ..4.,-,.,,-- Mr..,:and, ..mes;.. w.:., J. ,Pritchard„ of Iloriours--jean TaYlor; :Margaret tre- TdOcknow;: Tlie -,ReV:.„C.,.'11..MaCtionald• fred, Black.) ties, ' .BettY ' Teiii711.1aC,' ."7-710-'' $1..iclej-t\.'h's Oh.rh.li*F-.iii-,dra„rlile,' leaven (Lautence Salkeld officiated. • • goWn of :white slik net over (Bei•yle Soloinon and Jackie' Forster) taffeta and Joan M4,Quaig, 'Jean Reid, :Bob_ .carried pink Johanna .Hili roses and .L)YrAQiesog'mlicecA'atirtn,h,ejyeanG1*Teren•Ideottivyenn.8Pteaviisj: u)a4len.„ hair fem.'. Miss Florence :Hockley, sister of the. bride,. as brides - art (Betty Marie Griffin' and 'George inSid, wore an, ankle length gown of ,organdy NMI 'White accessories and carried •Johanna. Hill rOses. :The Boen11. ,Poin,oamoted.cQonu tgr.eJeonYpJurolvins-. gloom was eurPorted by his friend, „k—Jack ,eTreieuary Sr. II to Jr. the inimediatc• fiiends of the families. at the home of the- bride's parents to :17..eal. ; • -comple7--Inurrediatelv-following-the-re= h lu • 'h Ve wish to publicly thank the editor of the '.Sentinel.i.for:.,lia ,arden+; did,••eb7opetatiori,...also.-•'-'1Mins • 'PeggY;':-:.. .MatDonalit- Miss.'".Eanice. ..NetOtorti. Mr: ,Rex. Ostrander. •.and Mrs. Patton for ,their. ,hel.P. With the music .and ' the , boys' and gttlei who sang so; 'beaw.,...• - beau- tifully. :extend.our thanks "t57-ReV:71.7.1C-MiieGilliVraY,"-Ret;""'C.:- :II.,..'MaeDonald'and 4o4.4 for, -their part on • :the,:•Progrant..•If *se boys and girla.'WhO meinorized the...25•vetsei Perfectly,. and who were not, able to be present at the eontest: . will ',call at...the,.Christian :Bea , MAO% they receive their prized.'-..,:.. " • •• Pearl E. Henderson. • • • ' ' S. S. No. 5, Ashfield• '• Jane Promotion Exams • Jr. IV to Sr, IV -Possible , marks' 750;' Honours 563: Pass • 450. -Keith , Hackett 661;. Keith Ritchie 546; Rua-. sell Ritchie (absent through illness tit promoted on year's standing). ' Sr. II to Jr. .III -Possible marks 525;-'lloriours.-194;Pass 315. -Lyle - , Ritchie 473; Allan Ritchie 405; John - n -y -Hunter -394; 'Eric. Hackett .361. .• t • Jr. 11 to Sr. II --Marion Gardner, .480; Lois Hunter 408; Lorna Hunter • Pr. -Freda Hunter. Ada M. Webster. D Ida M ai Eil Mr. Eddie R Gaunt Of Dutton...After • the ceremony; -a-'-',dirinet-Was-t,served - In +1..evening. a wedding recep- Oii RDOobriesitaPyhltilrl.ipsDSolinnira et h • A Mac Wehster, ley Culbert, eption e bridal .1°ef' left hebridala Ma.cCartney,.1Billie Johnstone, Jessie hciiiey.tefoc,i-L-to,„. Niagara, FallS. and, Reid, „Alma: Solomon, Patsy Treleaven other :Lpeinf,s___east... .0n::tbeir'•.retarn By Examitiatio*LMait ,IvfacQuaig; thev will ,reside at the groom1S," home George Taylor, Lois Henderson, :Buth on ...the 12th con. ot 'West Wawanosh. Havens, ' Allen `. Johnstone; :Ivan . • •The ,Marriage took 'place' at, three 1. „promoted. To // oeefeltocikoo'r'ons eJuneet.u2n5ti the, d inclituhrecii,Tatori?:: Albert Chin,. ,Gorden. onto, of Alma Alida., daughter',of .Mr: . Allen Stuart; Ann.: and Mrs.:Edgat.A;.:GteentO Mr. Dun- stiopg, Billie Mactront...ean.: .Finiayson," son :of , • . • Donald,...Eiplayson and the late Mrs., " ; • '• ' • , ' H. G. :Sherteff Finlay's-On • lof • Lochalsh. Frank, FidlerOfffciated. • •• . • . . jr. 'Ili to Si. Ili 7 ; • bride- was give 111 NVintersteirr,----Jim-mie-F-eiguson, Ror, ,41•11••••,111111•11, -- iiarriage y 'hei father. She were a navy blue • 'On 'Yeats's, Work—Reggie Ferguson, b sheer frock over printed silk with Lorraine- Ferguson', • Verna I)ahnter, 'navy baku hat., blue. and . white, ac - Ronald Johnston, Bill :Chili, Georgina . oedgheg•an,,. Doreen , mil,.1.,. 1.,_,,,,,. cessories and her corsage was . ;of . , :.-N-4 .4 r'`"';'. Goodtime roses and, lily-of-the.valle .' A'1131i;: Exarriltnation..- Jean Webster, F. -0- s• Maleolrn Mts. G. F Hatters ...was her sister' onlY, attendant, Wearing. a turOlioiad 'NOrman '1VlacCartney, : Mabel Mae- 'blue and yellow . paisley freek. with Donald, Esther, Patton,. Itennetli Web - iter,' Ronald McInnis, ,KathrY,11 Ag. blael' hal ahd .accessaries and . a dc'r'" neW, Jack Wilson-. Donald Johnstone ,FSaintiedy%fpnYt.e.blii.°61'1.1'el'r'd$06/.0.iTgrr' groom, was Warren Vylds, Billie Button.. • best man. . • .inelncletra• mimber,. by • Dorothy, Webb, a Swed &tete .bert and. Etta • Belle,. MacDonald and the Scotch Rcol by, Mary 1110ted--, • .• • : • Sr; Raynard,,tileen Uej derson. • 1.1T,-413uddr", jr. III -,Donald, 'Hamilton, Gertrude RaYhard.'• •. r • • -MaeDermrd;.fvan kderson. ' " Itatililton, _ pr',,,parothy__Itaynata-; • . Gorcron Cimpt3elt, • •. (Continued On Page ' dress to • the Haggis". and an :dreSS.. to 'the' Tootliadlie.'",„ The • Mac 'Keridilek '•vocal tmattiette .1L6Cli alsb„ • Kathlceit,',• Bertha,. ;May, and Douglas,: were ,.,'popular With•thii numbers; followed later With i 'het! by Bertha' and May :withguitarae- tompanirAnt by Kathieen:Their closing miniber was a g,ne11 aorim "dedicated. to G. 11,..Sniith and Cant. eion, GeddeS"., ' Cameron .Geddes. followed by tt. male cliotii;q of 'Over.. twenty voices, thaLled inconitnunity, gh1,0juk"aethe'. 'conclusion ,of ah fnter eating pregran,(;'illat was. f011OS'Ved by Street;dCnce. • • . - AltOgether'• the: day. Vag . quite, sat- ifi,tviceirtli'a. IS "minute. arrangements,. that.,Were "'Ogled Vita' When .OtherijVentS" that Were ipiihda failed to tTirough Thj •day. .1,-a ;Re - the i'!ettirit!'of an 'anfitittl. "bilr..4y,o iii I,iickrioW that will be planned to_become*.„Iiiggel1 and,„heit.ot, 'until it :again, resembles- the: fainons Ca1edo0an &tithes .of Yeats' toll° by., The --reception was -hold •": ••• Gables.. mrs. Green; Wearing .May- rornotion from Sr. III- to Jr..TVivin chiffon With navY. blue hat and , . On Year's work , AllanMcKim, eorsage,. of •cream roses, received the Mervin; Helen Salkeld, Leine bridal .partY. Later the couple •left by Reid,. 'Norma, Ritehie, Doris Wylds, motor' for the 'Seigniory Club and a Jean, Bushell, Ross. Ilendetson,., . •trip through 4he Adirondack. On By 'Examination -Total 600, Hon. their reg'irn they Will live in yorento., 4500' Pass $60, -4=.13a$s-,T.irn Purvis ' Those who.; attended. the Wedding 422,, Stanley. Prest 469, jim from. Lochalsh ton.. 408, Russell Whitby 406, ihytbn.: Mary a,pd John.• • soionion, 404,, Carmen ' •' lan .360. • • . , , .••• ,'.••-.Reconfinerided-DorcithY 'Paterson 340, ,I,AOYd 'Steward ' '343, Donald Mac,. Kenzie • 301,'":RUSsel1 Atinationg' ,g43. ,..,margort" • , . • • ITV 1o,Sr;,rv, Oii Year" Standing - Helen Orr aha, Betty. Taylor' ;(ties) ;' Catherine Johnstone:And' Celia "Wilson. (ties); Bill TreleaVetw Sanl, Chin and Eileen' Geoghegan (ties). ' .;BY\ writing. two Dahtner, Itathieeri Reed, Jean : -BY Ono\ txammatitnis'.-; Total, 650; • to. Pass 890, Hon. ,486 -,Roes Pateiton74512,,,..'71Ceith`;GQllyer 424, ICathallne ?test ''422, Feed Webster 420, salt MeQuillin 417-, Tom 'Patton 36R ,(R),,nArtiest,i3ottoti 326 (R)., 11V-4-Yeaelenteffiled)7. 1C MticDonald.• ft: 't. Miniater ,To, 'Leave • It is . reported that • • Bey. J H Geogheganhas been appointed rector. at •RidgetoWn and, Will.leaVe Lucknow , the end of .Atigust, 'after n' five-year -pastorate-inthe Aotal µ IIELP IS SCARCE With a,-...biniiper..._hay serop,t0 he harvested, -farmers in this •community are finding it difficult to get help, and • ' in some • cases almost impossible. TWentYrfite,„: and., thirty dollars, . 4 mono seen is to be the run of wages., Two dollar's h. day is being, generallY, igked by help available by the .day. ' • .1 ERAAIRENT • $7.00 §II.A141309,, -F1141.,GEB WAVING' 'MARCEL, Mike Appoiettneo,ta.'A HAZEL CU LBERT • .PlIQN1' S CHOOSERS... and, 'buyers of glasses , may' not ,realize • it, but ...they are taking • a. chance with their niTst precious poisession-their sight. There is • F. , T., ARMSTRONG'S a better EySIGHT ra Lucknown, sE RvtTHAT.c • .APID. S TORDAY. ONLY: tiltr;§gts-"-:-.Tho&o •••trd 0.1e.t tyio.s, te61. .zsniiiiter shades' CtilsE Ditt S$i„7,8-41otal.,deSigits, also seine .. Checks., kor stomsILK....;ii08E—ctfitirm, pr , set -416 79e, Special ' Friday and' 8aturday Only: