HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-07-08, Page 1.1;
4, •
0.00, A. YEAR -$1 50 iI ARITANOE--50cs EXTIIA TO p. $.
(ounal Contracts To "PURCIIASE SITE
Gravel, Village Streets
."' ----2:-
_ _or,lc--To,"Se-:.J.Pono.;.:-In---August,-;-
. ‘
• No
Action', Taken On 'Application For
lna.chine. License ' 7 irl)• •!' '''. ' '
. The Village'Gotineil. on'TuqadaY,*ey,
•• ening contracted •with Dennis Hill-
laban • for the- 'gravelling of 'village
.., , . . ,
Word :Was received here the
latter Jart:of •Itie weelt. •from-
ilfteCt" tiro- •,"
e,rty had been,piirchati'eCas the,
site .upon which„ LucknOvy,'s new '
. 1)ost; 'office ',vvilt he erected.:
: done and the village, requirementir..... When. kioxer,:lopal
„ • will be Placed and spreadanywhere lumbqr, dealer; : opened a ear of
1. in the municipality • at, a post of 50c British Columbia lumber:at the sta-
fl for, crushed gravel. The, work tion' herd last week, they were sur--
• Nveill' be done -during Aaigust 'while ,Prised to find. an envelope tadked •to
Mr. Hallahan has his machinery set one Of the top boards , of the
op in Henderson's ,pit. The • •letter contained a note of.
No action was taken' on; the ap4; gteetings; from ',the Pacific. coast to
plication Of " Q. F. Knapp of Hauill- friends in, lAcknoW.• The sender was
ton, for h license to operate a slot: -Miss Martha MacCallum, who is
,machine on _the PrefiliseS 4dellPied by-emPlOyed hY-the Alberni Pacific Lunn -
H • be! Co., from. 'Who the ,.1(b.ad Was
Ant ten days are to be alleWed for purchased ,by the joeal dealers.. Miss
' knowingth ordr was-.
„ • . • the • carelessness withwinchsome going through, had: One -CC-the
ship -
e:village residents :dispose of refuge
in the 'dumping, ground teqiiiree
• clean up of the grounds to be made.
R. J. Moore _was instructed to attend
to this and burn any inflarnrnable ,Ma-
tter that creates a firebazard.
report . on the . water servide.
'check-up, revealed upwards to fifteen
additions and new services ' siace'the•
last check. In a :few./ other cases ad-
•' justments are required:
Relief accounts t presented totalled
$31.40. This .included accounts not
'presented at: the last meeting;
,tient accounts of $1.75 and. a . hill
\.frorn the:Township of Turnberry:Ior
•06.81,1. for . which "this . village is te-
sponsible. • •
R. L.., Treleavn,',
TEIL,EritONES.: • ,
,01fice .tteskteitiel 53 J.
..Dr. Wm. 'Fowler
. • Office. Roars,:
1.00---330. P.M.700-800 PM
• 'Sandays141.30-42:14 P.M.
• Or .By Appmntmen
pers attach, the. greeting after, the.
car was • loaded.- •
• In a copyright story in Thursday's
Free Press, w: Trestain; the rav-
ing reporter ,for that tells Of
a iniggy ride .witlf:Ire'V.IC. W.. 'Craw,
'behind. his titil.ze •winning mare, 'Ruth
which in : Craw's words,
"beats riding 'in_ aril: automobile ' any
time". ' • •
Craw, Who. left Lucknow five
years ago, for .Dorchester, has just
taken' over 'his new -charge near Sea-.
fOrth. .Prior to ;their departure, the:
DOreheSter congregation presented
be and Mrs': Craw;'•With a' chesterfield
•and. carved. Walnut writing
.16e6pd Vie. Craw family"'croated. when
three o grathiated.
from. Toronto ,UniversitY 1930.
%Walter in: theOlOgy. WhOta'nOWTI*---
ter' of ':,Contennial , Church, London;
Helen. in, reedidine, ;who” ,is .Pow Dr.
Helen Craw • Mitchell; who With her
:husband,' is 4on thisSionary work in
:Hanan; Ohina7Tand Evelyn, who 04,
Patedtii arts' 'op& is nowmrs. (Rev.).
.11'fatheWs' . Of St. Catherines,
1jis ISobel Ora*, the fOurth Mend.*
of the ;family is: a registered nurse,
now in Taranto.'
. 'Phone
. Floor Rug in 'Lucknow.
Inquire at Sentinel Office,
VIO.R.SALE=1;:.- 1927 .,Chev. Sedan;;
. 1 - 1926. CheV. Sedan. -
N, W.- :Wintetstein,
'WANTED,. 'Man lir take over pro-
'fita'ble Rawleigh Route.., Established
customers...-Must-.4.be.:-'satiSfied- with
-earnings-7'of'-$30-a • we�k t� start.
Write Rawleigh's, Dept. No. ML -271
-101-G, Montreal, Canada:
2".30.0"; .20 and 22 ft.:: 2"x8", 16 feet:'
2.44",. 16, •and 18'feet. Beech hard;
*coed flooring -700 feet,: 1147
700 ' feet %" thick. - Thos. BOyes,
Barred Rock Pullets:five. and Six
weeks of age, Five weeks' at 45e; six
weeks at 50c,eholV S. C. White Leg-
horn Pullets. four weeks Old, for 30c
, each., Lots' of. 56 or over we', deliver
°them to you.
P ER S.O.N A L •
• •
NEW OSTREX Tonic 'Tablets .conthin:
raw oyster invigorators and • Other
stimulants. One dose peps up organs,
glands; q If, not `delighted,._ maker •re -
'funds price paid -$1.25. - Call, write.
- TAKE NOTICE that all Person's
having , against the estate of
William 'James. Fisher, late of the
Village of Lucknow in the, County of
Blame, retired parnier. deceased, Who
'died on or about the day (-4 June
A.D., 1086; are hereby notified , to
send :their s and particulars in
connection therewith to the tinder-
• ' "signed administrator On • or 'before
the3rd day of July A.D. 1937.
that •finniediatelY after the said date
. the ,proceeds of the, 'Sal& estate . will
be, distributed having regard only, to
claims whicht have l been -'properly
•'DATED at Wingham `the .21st' day
of .June
• E. .8, ijojyrood, Ontario,.
.Donald IVIaeDonald,:, esteemed
lifelong resident' of the Langside vic-
inity, Passed -a:WaY on Monday Of
laSt Week in his 81st Year:. Mr, .Mae -
Donald, has 'been pairtially invalided
\yith rheumatism for a number 'Of
years, and. • Was a ' most patient suff-
erer. Contracting the 'fin.. in •. the-
health,: although not Confined to. his
bed,' a. few days:: prior 't� " his
.A •Son -�f the. Tate °McDonald
4d. cdtherine. imac.Diarfilidi: deceased
w 8,, born..J,Kest gside On the
farm now owned. 'ITY, Donald MacIn,,
ty'r.e. Of a. famiy of seven, four
brothers,, • survive, Jack, William,
Angus and. Nell, all la. the West. ,A
14 -other, Alex and a 'sister Fluplidinia'
predeceased . him: . • '•
••:Th flineral .serviCe •vas held on
_Thursday,' at his late „residence, north
of',.'langside Church, •where :he has
heen. 'son Neil and
Mrs. MacDonald. Rev. 1 John- Pollock
of Whitechurch conducted the service
and interment Was in the :rieurhy.
-rem etery7-a-t-,4angsi aez--with-÷An gu
Macniarintil, Wm. • Falconer, • JameS
Morrison, Foster Moffat, Redetiek
Ross and John 'Machines, ,acting ;as
palWearers,• • ' ' . • '
An , esteemed • resident of,' tfie -cern-
munity, MacDonald . was ' or
many years -,a. Meinher of the Board,
ef. Trustees _Langside.'..FLaternally_
he. Vias.a mcniber ,of the Fdrsters. .•
„ ,Mrs. IIVIacI)ontild; formerly' ,Jane
-F.'raser;---pasSed away little. mare
than. 4, Year and .a .ago, ,Four
daUghters and four sons survive.
Peter :Moffat (Kate). Holyrood;
D: L. MacKinnon . (Belle), cOn. 4,
Kinlass; Mrs. Alex (Euphe-,
min) 'Ynsilante;• 'Mrs. Wafter
Smith,' MNibee, Mich.; andJohn,
Gra:rid Prairie; Russell,' Blyth, 'Wil-
liam, and Neil of Langsid,e. .
Friday, July 0th.-Musie Hogan'S
6 -Piece .brehestra. 'Admission; Ladies
Gents,. 25e,
Arena Club. Boosts
Booths:And Stredt,.Dance To, Or.
Over 570.00 For:' Their .G, •rcoiltig
.P‘Md.:.•'W4iF4 Now.Exce,t&'
• 1..50,00',. Mark • .
The Lucknow Aiten „Plub.:-: 0P0r.4-
it conjunction with the First el
,July celebration committee. •J/n,d•
siteceSSfak'day,.,that' "netted the Club;
slightly over, $79,1i0 Which boosts theii.
Lund to $1.56.1,5. as a ,result of „three
Undertakings witin a. 'period of the
.past ,three months. . ".
,• On July. 1St?, this-, Club . of scnioe.
tWerity --young Men, operated a. re-
freshment booth, a bingo ,booth an
the street. •dance.'ut night. 'Vile, total
receipts amounted.tO1171.7.4. Expen-
ditures • 'twete • $101.19 leaving .a no
PrOfit Of $70.55; •. -
;The assistance of ' the• Club mem-
• II
, We ;regret that in this issue
it has, been necessary to .4i9h1
• over considerable district cor,
$1.g",8:KY RAINFRIOAN't •
.This diStriet got,p, ;good, so4ung
:on Friday. *hew rein, :7A/hick started
,fc, fall garlY.'iwthe rnOrning',,
steadily! about boon-hdur
for an- official , measurement of .1.3fi
4nches. Higher tenaperattires
ed the first of the',week,,,! after. the
month of June being, unusually cool.
'HigheSf temperature of .the .month
was 86 ,degr_,cs, the loWeSt-39 degreefi,
.with temperatures in the 60'S quite
common during much of the meptb.
In spite of tlie.coolneSs of the spring
there has ••not•been a damaging, frost
since April, ••• "'
•ForMer St. Helen's Man DEpuvATIoN TO TO41191111TO
Killed Hear Hamilton
,G. Smi,11 and VB.'
!age Clerk JoscPh, Agnew, were
• with. the
'fff.t.lells? •
Met Alnuist-IPStaht Path: 'Railway. and Municipal Board' in •
When Crushed 13* A Construction; -corinect!on .With the.s..Arena, ,When
'fruck While Working On .,:fbe 'the ;41argelY sighed' Petition*,*a :
Highway Near .Hamiltqn• • . the '21Boar4.. „
' MacDonald, :aged 51 years
`Met n.riractieallYi • instant death
'Tuesday; near Hainilton,, When .the,
:svheels- of'..a, 'heavily loaded truck
passed, over his Chest. Mr. sMaCDon-
rild.',WAS "dead, when a doetort arisWep,,,
iog• the•brnergency 'call,. arrived.
Mr. MacDonald 'as a son of the
Ilate Mr. and lIn01..MacDonald
of, .gt. -Helens, where' William' lived.
til a few Years, age., When he ineV•-•
,ed o. Ilamilten. At the Utile of his,
death,1 resided at .LOwville, -near
Milton. •
• Mr. MacDonald was eni love b
. ., •
' ''`One In A Million" a dtainitic
musical Comedy with an all-star Cast
is the special attraction at the Ly-
ceum Theatre, Wingharn, the first of
the week. This. week -end, Joan Craw,
ford;.' William 'Powell, 'Robert Mont.:4
gemery' and Frank Morgan star in'
the Picture "'rile .Last of Mrs',,
Re.a4 the ad.
Brother And Sister Meet ,
Mrs. H. patterson, Mr. and Mrs,
James Kerr and daughter,MissMar-
Kerr: of Okeek, MicA.,•': and •. f.fr,
and Mrs: Oliver Clarke ,of..Goderich,
were visitors 'with Mr. and Mrs. Tem-
ple' Clarke last, week. Mrs,. Patterson
andMessrs: • Oliver and Temple
Clarke, are the Only: three surviving
members of a•'family of eleven, of
which Temple. is the youngest. It is
the first time in twenty -eight -Years
that he and his Sister have met.
, • ,
• *.
Related To: Florence Nightingale
mary' aimbeing to assist ,in making
an arena in LuckrieW a reality, • It
.is doubtful if there was ever MOre
energetic and 100 per cent active, or-
ganization in this village. ' •
,• Reports submitted at a. Club' meet-
ing on Friday evening, following the•
celebration were 'received froln.. thi.
following representatives of the var-
ious comMittees•.;•-7,Booth, M. C. • Orr.
J. C. Campbt11; _Dance, :Gerald Rath!'
Hugh ,Curnirig; Bingo. W. A.',
porteous, Campbell Thompson,
Statement'of Receipts 8z,ExPenditures
': • Arena Club •;. •
July 1St,' 1937,
IteceiPts. Exp't. 'Balance
Booth 8 69.79 5'4294 •:5 26.85
Dalice 46.25 . 30.55 • 15:70
Bingo..55:70 2770
5171.11 !Q1 19, $.„,..7.11...5,1
'['he :standing of -the Club. 'ah'.'pre-
sent is- Cash oir hand. .$156.15. '
, eXCellent'. statement is dile .tp'
the fact -that' Werk and COriCeasibtia
'were. donated. N.
' 'We thank the public for their whole
hearted Support.
President, W. V. 'Johnston.
•' Treasurer, E. H. Agnew.
Rural School Reports
IL S. K. No; 14, West Wawanosh
Classes as for , Sept. t; .4037. .Names
. • are arranged alphabetically. •
Sr. IV-L,MarjOrie Purdon.
,Jr. .IV - Mitchell Elliott; I Agnes
,Martin, Russel Purdon. .
Jr. HI -Kathleen Bti/l, Charlie
Falconer, Reta...Pordon, Betty Thont-
Se: 11-A)onald • Newrnan, Archie
•Purdon, Angus Faleonet.
' Sr. Falconer,. 'Barbara
•R. J'ean-Logan:
A drive 'around.- .the 'village,' with
flowers blooming prcifUsely, 'findS
Many a beauty . spot. There is a wide
.1:tinge of :flowers beautifying 'many
homes and Public j5Iiices.i with roses
probably prectorninating. It is Worth
moment • of anyone's time to, stroll
to the rear of. the ,Town Hall' Co view.
the display of „Scarlet; red roses. The
boWling- 'green. is a itatice-1,- ,public
beauty spot Worth a Bert Ward
is Only One of many home owners;
who.. have .their surroundings quite
attractive, with G. H. Smith's
grounds outstanding. Bert brought
a white , rose Into. this Oil -lee the end
of ,the-w.eek,that. measured niore than
six inches, in • 'diameter. The:- rose
idoeinesVon .a hush. that is oma, -12
Latknovt Village Doe
Celebration Comeback
Afte'rnoon And Eveninir Perform:an-
. Attract Satisfactory Crowds-,
Mani See Their •Pitst Exhibition
Of Wiesiling--Eucknow, Wins - Ball
• LucknOW made .a 'celebration come,:
baek. on JOY- 1St; after an absence of
several years of anything that re-
•Senibled•-a•. day,--. CroWdS,', while
• not .particularly large. Were satis-
factory, and: the : day will show
smaii surplus, without , conSidering
the $70.09. the, Arena •Club made on
refreShnienti ad binge booths' and
:the .street: dance. _•'
The 'day .was.,,perfeCt, squeezed .in
between • the pi evious day, that Was
Cold • and the following:day that Was
el:timely' wet, !Some'. five hundred
people..attended the afternoon enter-,
taininent that incinded a -ball. game'
Lucknow '::' Pipe Bands, 25 strong,.
Osborne. ' , :were 011 the • grounds both,. afterneon.
Sr,' IV -Clarke Coiling, Margaret and., evening.
MacDonald,.:Jean MaeGillivraY, Mar- In the 'wrestling bout, John Giri-
OffY . of 1 Winnipeg, substituted -... for,
Promoted':frOm Jr.. IV to Sr. IV- :Johnnie 'Cater', and took on Al
s ,or ny" DunlOp,:the man . of the
• . ,
'III to jr. IV. --Murray Thomp- piece, • who ?Merged the"--Viii-ifet-7'in-
twp straight falls.• . • ' '
The bout .was. wen staged, and gen-
eraily'pleased • 'the. „crowd:" Dunlop
scored the first :fall au 35 Minutes
after; a;.seriei, of 'body slainslo the
mat. The ;second- fall carne.five .'min-
ute S •later by !the same process. .
aud-''' • Lucknow ' :earlier
staged. Seven, , innings of classy bali.
with the locals taking: a 9 tel. 5 de-
cision. Spotting the . visitors • three
rung in the fst,' Welsh' replaeed, 'Car,
'SQO 7, Aline Carter and. Patsy .Levet•
71, . Reta. Mason 624'...
Jr. IIIto• Sr, Ill -Jack Mason 64.
'Sr. .1.1„ to Jr,- III-÷HOnours. Grahani
MacDonald 8.,
Jr. 11 to Sr. II -Honours -Leonard
Vegan. 80, Allah .' ThornPsoii,73.
: Pr; to.. First -Honor ----Carrick .• Cal-
ling 88.
..* denotes illness egamina
No. ,eit toll. 15..' 'Average 'att. 13.45.
. ehe Stiathdee,.• .ruthers and 'stood- the • Hurons ,ork,their
' heads allowing' 'five hits and strikinr,
• S No .2 kinlosS •(Kinleugh). • • . • • Chalmers dn5•.
, out 9 in 6E. innings..
'; ,.;.
TiffinPromotions • dividedathe:..etchilitdutie's' ,for
. Jr. IV 30 Sr IV-Nerind Burt,85; wingham., w combed for ,
total of eleven his. .
• .Wingliam.--Mellor;'Somers,
Groves, e; Doran; IL; Rae, 3,i;d; Car;
Michael, 2iid;--Giirilay, 1st,' Sturdy,. rf,,.
' •
Lucknow--Greer, . 3rd; • 'Welsh., p;'
C. FitilaySon' cf 'IrWin1'41st; McDOn-
aid,. ss; R. Finlayson, 2nd; c;
Kilpatrick; 11',;„ carruthers,:p„ t•f.,,
;Scotch Concert At Night,
•The. Seotchr, concert in the evciiing
attracted some. '606 ' persons; • •with
Orineron.,”, Geddes as: indster of 'cete.
ponies and Ars. GT.- A. Newton at
the piano. •The \pfograin. Opened' with
selections • by..the Massed 'bands, . fol.
Owed hiter with nufnliers by the ' Kit-
chener band. Lucille Catiipbell, Sedond
,d ced se, Seotcli nimiber and.' the'
le Winner .itt the Waterloo Festival
The scasint's classic is billed for
'this., Saturday at- 3:30 o'clock,. when
Port. Elgin', Bruce League' leaders
nieet the Sepoys, in., Caledonian P,ark'..
•The lectils" need' this game and it
should be .one of the ,best'sgames to
•'ArriWng' .Net:Week
own 10 Last Year s Level
_OP i.Stewart Lumber (o
Phone 34-w
Jean Thompson 81, Marion .Walsh 74,,
Dorothy' ',Pinnell 61, ,AUdreY'. McFar_
lan 47; Jr. to tSr. "iII,,Everett• Lane 81.
Ethel Haldenby--10-,- Ena---Pinne11-573
Rarph Haldenby, promoted ,ori IIS
year's Work, • , . '
Sr; 11 to IIt--L-Riith'"Guegt 7
Edna Jackson 67; Jack Walsh 65
'• Atianged. alphabetically •
jr, II-7-Wyanne Bay,''DOnald Bush -
oil, iIaroid Guest. '
Jr„- Hay, Edgar,. Guest,
V9lnia Lane. •
. pr.-Kometh, McFarlane.: ,'•
No. on ,r0I1 25. ' Ave.,'att.121.33
•• • Jean M. An*der-son
Final eicams herd the last of, .Tune.
' ..Frern Jr. IV to Sr. IV -John Ails -
tin ,•82; DdrOthy Drennan ,70; Grant
Parrish' 61.; Vincent Austin 66. • '
Froin to 'IV -L. -Warren
Zinn. sa; Evelyn Little 83; ' AlViti
Drennan ;67. • IVIary Louise Borteoitt; Mary. Le,r,-
From ',Jr. /II to Sr. III -.=Marguerite; raine johnstoh and • DOO's
janiieson, 02; Teresa, Austin 76; 'Retta McGee of''Xiechener'iji his
IsAiller„74; Catherine -Sinnett:66. •• . • 'bro`ad •ScOteli recited "Borne' Ad.
From II to 'Jr', III --Clarke Zinn 87;
Elaine tittle 13; Elwood . 62
iftek varrish 60. • '
• From 1st to, Tina -Patricia Sinnett'
'pi; harry • Campbell 70: ' ,
‘. • Fiona Primer to First -.Lorna Llt-
•tle,, George Farrish, 'Wilfred
Primer-7,jilinny'',Sinnett,,.., Beverly
Johnatoe. '
No. on roll 25. Ave. Att. 23.8,
Duncan lVfaccay
U; 5. 'Pith -in and •Aalifield •
The Pupils' nitMes aPpea.t the,
'classeS•.to which they havebeen pro -
Salars Hornpipe.. Other.cotch.
CompaPY,„ contractors .ir.. charge . •of
highway construction on " the new
Midale 'Read at Vreerriaa; near Eu rl-
ington. , • .•
• At the time of the accident, .tho•
Victini was standing' near. a large
combination, machine, used for ',mix-
ing, and layingcement, with his back
to the 'truck when it .struck
Fellow • workmen did not • notice his
perilous position until the backing
truck was almost Upon him., Their
warning..shout carne too late to pre-
vent Min beingknocked down by the
machine, the back . wheels' of which
passed 'oyer and: cruShe&hiin.
,First knowledge the 'driver of the
truek.,'• Norman Carr; of Toronto, had
of "the accident, WaS when • he Saw
workinen rushing toassist•the unfor-
tunate man:. : An .-inquiry into the
Ciden ac-
vil1e :held,
.The- nei'aI ill he
'limp this ThOtsday... Mr. .MeeDonald,
is •`- survived by his Wife,' formerly
Mr. L,ncli and --. a. 'stepdaughter,
. . ' •
Si'- brothers and a sister survive,
(01 in. Ponaldand . Duncan MacDon-
ald of I$t'.• Heleinsv John A of :Wing,
ham; Hugh 'and Angus in the. West.:
'and Mrs. MeAllister of. PuSlincir. '
• •
Public School-RepOrts
. .
, . • . . .
. . . . .
Memorized . *)erfed1Yillinkb0 ' Or
SChOOIS Represented In C4146141
. .
The'RIble .Meitiory contest has ceme-,..;
anJ -gpne but the meinori, of. the
received still remains. We.
Wish* that the -.voices of these :'#411104
•young contestantS •might have. been
broadcasted across' our. beloved land
,in an attenipt to pwaken lip fathers
andt.pothers to a realization of the
ohnial need of. the Youth Of to -day.
.We. were greatly encouraged ,not
nily by the .size; but also'hy the spir-
it and enthusiasm ,of the crowd of
men and „women who'•Were present for
the • demonstration. The number had contestants were more :.than ,had -
hoped for and the quality of %the
was bea,utiful.-There were 1:02
Mis's' Etta Thom and )4iss:., Maty
Nightingale cif Chicago, :have , been
,visitjng • With Mrs..David..Grillies and
erie a ives,- in • the cnnnunitv.
M's Nightingale's great grandfather
Im„yrtprotts.41,44: 11111 with the
Lac; Nightingale "The of Floi-
�f-the.'Vord,. have encouraged the
Criniean War.
•-„he .entire . hst,IWas covered and re- •
viewed. four girls were still on the .
platform. •
The • Contest was 'won. by the pupils.
from. the Whitechurch Pnblic. 'School;
first prizes going to Doris McClena-
'Iian, Mildred
Moore, Ilene McCletp.'
aglian and. Mildred McClenaghan.
ecoid Prizes were • awarded' te. Max- i•
ine Reid .of Whitechurch Alia Eleanor,
McFarlane of Kinlough. Third prizes
to Esther Patton of Lucknow and
Margaret ' Wadel of Whitechurch.
Fourth prizes :to :Hugh,, Grant- and
Mack , Rutherford of Belfast, 'Roberti
Phillips of LticknOW.-joy Carter and •.
Noreen' Thonison '•of .2nd Concession .
Great Credit. is due., net ,only to the
teachers, but also to the. parents of •
'these ,boys .and girls who
the. opposition of ..Satan to God's':
' •
.Receive :Schools :
- Douglas, Clarke has .been aPPdinte4
.teaeher of third room" in the. Powas-
Sari public 'school. Miss Isobel Doug -
la. ha's been engaged as teacher in
"Properity school • near Dongannoit'-
Isabel.,is a merriber of• the 1937 Strat-
ford graduating class.
. '•
. Room. I ,
.' 'Prornoted from:Sr: I . to Jr.
. . .
irm•e ,ARDif:XEY- , ,,
ILT.,00linio4rSpDoio.tneaoludii•• • N. michirols.'. Mary ' ' A 'quiet" but pretty Weaing ' vias
. ,,olemnized ' at ' the • twinge'. LiicknOW
Johnston; .' Roy : Aitchison. .•. pais....•;en Wednesday, June' . 30th; • at 3.1.0
George Chin, Wilda Irwin,•. Elaine. 'a.m.; when Greta Noreen; -.eldest .claii::
IdRioPcn'l:iina,H.rdaC•,0;Ti'eliretti:Vie„Aii?1,1:1G617;r4allynetinGenOMd116carCrlik,o'e,niGg..o.h. rt:., . i.,1Ae'illyat;get/.toeci!".ANEvIi41:1k.eotin.,:mdmi7apsi.':i':utTihihtaeordidn,a:i,ssci. ynimoi ae. okrf-.
'.Promoted.' frOin . Jr, 1. :to '' Sr. ..4.,-,.,,-- Mr..,:and, ..mes;.. w.:., J. ,Pritchard„ of
Iloriours--jean TaYlor; :Margaret tre- TdOcknow;: Tlie -,ReV:.„C.,.'11..MaCtionald•
fred, Black.) ties, ' .BettY ' Teiii711.1aC,' ."7-710-'' $1..iclej-t\.'h's Oh.rh.li*F-.iii-,dra„rlile,'
leaven (Lautence Salkeld officiated. • •
goWn of :white slik net over
(Bei•yle Soloinon and Jackie' Forster) taffeta and
Joan M4,Quaig, 'Jean Reid, :Bob_ .carried pink Johanna .Hili roses and
.L)YrAQiesog'mlicecA'atirtn,h,ejyeanG1*Teren•Ideottivyenn.8Pteaviisj: u)a4len.„ hair fem.'. Miss Florence
:Hockley, sister of the. bride,. as brides -
art (Betty Marie Griffin' and 'George inSid, wore an, ankle length gown of
,organdy NMI 'White accessories
and carried •Johanna. Hill rOses. :The
Boen11. ,Poin,oamoted.cQonu tgr.eJeonYpJurolvins-. gloom was eurPorted by his friend,
Sr. II to Jr. the inimediatc• fiiends of the families.
at the home of the- bride's parents to
:17..eal. ; • -comple7--Inurrediatelv-following-the-re=
h lu • 'h
Ve wish to publicly thank the
editor of the '.Sentinel.i.for:.,lia ,arden+;
did,••eb7opetatiori,...also.-•'-'1Mins • 'PeggY;':-:..
.MatDonalit- Miss.'".Eanice. ..NetOtorti.
Mr: ,Rex. Ostrander. •.and Mrs. Patton
for ,their. ,hel.P. With the music .and '
the , boys' and gttlei who sang so; 'beaw.,...• -
tifully. :extend.our thanks
:II.,..'MaeDonald'and 4o4.4
for, -their part on • :the,:•Progrant..•If
*se boys and girla.'WhO meinorized
the...25•vetsei Perfectly,. and who were
not, able to be present at the eontest: .
will ',call at...the,.Christian :Bea , MAO%
they receive their prized.'-..,:.. " •
•• Pearl E. Henderson.
• • • '
' S. S. No. 5, Ashfield•
'• Jane Promotion Exams
• Jr. IV to Sr, IV -Possible , marks'
750;' Honours 563: Pass • 450. -Keith ,
Hackett 661;. Keith Ritchie 546; Rua-.
sell Ritchie (absent through illness
tit promoted on year's standing). '
Sr. II to Jr. .III -Possible marks
525;-'lloriours.-194;Pass 315. -Lyle
, Ritchie 473; Allan Ritchie 405; John -
n -y -Hunter -394; 'Eric. Hackett .361. .•
t • Jr. 11 to Sr. II --Marion Gardner,
.480; Lois Hunter 408; Lorna Hunter
Pr. -Freda Hunter.
Ada M. Webster.
D Ida M ai Eil Mr. Eddie R Gaunt Of Dutton...After •
the ceremony; -a-'-',dirinet-Was-t,served
- In +1..evening. a wedding recep-
Oii RDOobriesitaPyhltilrl.ipsDSolinnira et h
• A
Mac Wehster,
ley Culbert,
e bridal
.1°ef' left hebridala
Ma.cCartney,.1Billie Johnstone, Jessie hciiiey.tefoc,i-L-to,„. Niagara, FallS. and,
Reid, „Alma: Solomon, Patsy Treleaven other :Lpeinf,s___east... .0n::tbeir'•.retarn
By Examitiatio*LMait ,IvfacQuaig; thev will ,reside at the groom1S," home
George Taylor, Lois Henderson, :Buth on ...the 12th con. ot 'West Wawanosh.
Havens, ' Allen `. Johnstone; :Ivan . •
•The ,Marriage took 'place' at, three
1. „promoted. To // oeefeltocikoo'r'ons eJuneet.u2n5ti the, d inclituhrecii,Tatori?::
Albert Chin,. ,Gorden. onto, of Alma Alida., daughter',of .Mr:
. Allen Stuart; Ann.: and Mrs.:Edgat.A;.:GteentO
Mr. Dun-
stiopg, Billie Mactront...ean.: .Finiayson," son :of
, • . • Donald,...Eiplayson and the late Mrs.,
" ; • '• ' • , ' H. G. :Sherteff Finlay's-On • lof • Lochalsh. Frank,
FidlerOfffciated. •
•• . • . .
jr. 'Ili to Si. Ili 7 ; • bride- was give 111
NVintersteirr,----Jim-mie-F-eiguson, Ror,
y 'hei father. She were a navy blue
• 'On 'Yeats's, Work—Reggie Ferguson, b
sheer frock over printed silk with
Lorraine- Ferguson', • Verna I)ahnter, 'navy baku hat., blue. and . white, ac -
Ronald Johnston, Bill :Chili, Georgina .
oedgheg•an,,. Doreen , mil,.1.,. 1.,_,,,,,. cessories and her corsage was . ;of
. , :.-N-4 .4 r'`"';'. Goodtime roses and, lily-of-the.valle .'
A'1131i;: Exarriltnation..- Jean Webster, F. -0- s•
Mts. G. F Hatters ...was her sister'
onlY, attendant, Wearing. a turOlioiad
'NOrman '1VlacCartney, : Mabel Mae- 'blue and yellow . paisley freek. with
Donald, Esther, Patton,. Itennetli Web -
iter,' Ronald McInnis, ,KathrY,11 Ag. blael' hal ahd .accessaries and . a dc'r'"
neW, Jack Wilson-. Donald Johnstone ,FSaintiedy%fpnYt.e.blii.°61'1.1'el'r'd$06/.0.iTgrr' groom, was
Warren Vylds, Billie Button..
• best man. . •
.inelncletra• mimber,. by • Dorothy,
Webb, a Swed &tete
.bert and. Etta • Belle,. MacDonald and
the Scotch Rcol by, Mary
1110ted--, • .• • : •
Sr; Raynard,,tileen Uej
derson. •
jr. III -,Donald, 'Hamilton, Gertrude
RaYhard.'• •. r • •
kderson. '
" Itatililton,
_ pr',,,parothy__Itaynata-;
• . Gorcron Cimpt3elt,
• •. (Continued On Page '
dress to • the Haggis". and an
:dreSS.. to 'the' Tootliadlie.'",„ The • Mac
'Keridilek '•vocal tmattiette .1L6Cli
alsb„ • Kathlceit,',• Bertha,. ;May, and
Douglas,: were ,.,'popular With•thii
numbers; followed later With i 'het!
by Bertha' and May :withguitarae-
tompanirAnt by Kathieen:Their
closing miniber was a g,ne11 aorim
"dedicated. to G. 11,..Sniith and Cant.
eion, GeddeS".,
' Cameron .Geddes.
followed by tt. male cliotii;q of 'Over..
twenty voices, thaLled inconitnunity,
gh1,0juk"aethe'. 'conclusion ,of ah fnter
eating pregran,(;'illat was. f011OS'Ved by
Street;dCnce. • • . -
AltOgether'• the: day. Vag . quite, sat-
ifi,tviceirtli'a. IS "minute.
arrangements,. that.,Were "'Ogled Vita'
When .OtherijVentS" that Were ipiihda
failed to tTirough Thj •day. .1,-a ;Re -
the i'!ettirit!'of an 'anfitittl.
"bilr..4y,o iii I,iickrioW that will be
planned to_become*.„Iiiggel1 and,„heit.ot,
'until it :again, resembles- the: fainons
Ca1edo0an &tithes .of Yeats' toll° by.,
The --reception was -hold
•": ••• Gables.. mrs. Green; Wearing .May-
rornotion from Sr. III- to Jr..TVivin chiffon With navY. blue hat and
, .
On Year's work , AllanMcKim, eorsage,. of •cream roses, received the
Mervin; Helen Salkeld, Leine bridal .partY. Later the couple •left by
Reid,. 'Norma, Ritehie, Doris Wylds, motor' for the 'Seigniory Club and a
Jean, Bushell, Ross. Ilendetson,., . •trip through 4he Adirondack. On
By 'Examination -Total 600, Hon. their reg'irn they Will live in yorento.,
4500' Pass $60, -4=.13a$s-,T.irn Purvis ' Those who.; attended. the Wedding
422,, Stanley. Prest 469, jim from. Lochalsh
ton.. 408, Russell Whitby 406, ihytbn.: Mary a,pd John.• •
soionion, 404,, Carmen ' •'
lan .360. •
• . , , .•••
,'.••-.Reconfinerided-DorcithY 'Paterson
340, ,I,AOYd 'Steward ' '343, Donald Mac,.
Kenzie • 301,'":RUSsel1 Atinationg' ,g43.
• ,
. • •
ITV 1o,Sr;,rv,
Oii Year" Standing - Helen Orr
aha, Betty. Taylor' ;(ties) ;' Catherine
Johnstone:And' Celia "Wilson. (ties);
Bill TreleaVetw Sanl, Chin and Eileen'
Geoghegan (ties). '
.;BY\ writing. two
Dahtner, Itathieeri Reed, Jean
: -BY Ono\ txammatitnis'.-; Total,
650; • to. Pass 890, Hon. ,486 -,Roes
Pateiton74512,,,..'71Ceith`;GQllyer 424,
ICathallne ?test ''422, Feed Webster
420, salt MeQuillin 417-, Tom 'Patton
36R ,(R),,nArtiest,i3ottoti 326 (R).,
11V-4-Yeaelenteffiled)7. 1C MticDonald.•
Miniater ,To, 'Leave
It is . reported that • • Bey. J H
Geogheganhas been appointed rector.
at •RidgetoWn and, Will.leaVe Lucknow ,
the end of .Atigust, 'after n' five-year
-pastorate-inthe Aotal
With a,-...biniiper..._hay serop,t0 he
harvested, -farmers in this •community
are finding it difficult to get help, and • '
in some • cases almost impossible.
TWentYrfite,„: and., thirty dollars, . 4
mono seen is to be the run of wages.,
Two dollar's h. day is being, generallY,
igked by help available by the .day. '
• $7.00
§II.A141309,, -F1141.,GEB WAVING'
Mike Appoiettneo,ta.'A
• .PlIQN1'
and, 'buyers of glasses , may' not
,realize • it, but ...they are taking
• a. chance with their niTst precious
poisession-their sight. There is
a better EySIGHT
ra Lucknown, sE RvtTHAT.c
tiltr;§gts-"-:-.Tho&o •••trd
0.1e.t tyio.s, te61. .zsniiiiter shades'
CtilsE Ditt S$i„7,8-41otal.,deSigits, also seine
.. Checks., kor
stomsILK....;ii08E—ctfitirm, pr , set -416
79e, Special ' Friday and' 8aturday Only: