HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-07-01, Page 8• • • THURSDAY, JULY 1ST, 1937 • th ; to.BORNUP ai, hel° , s , hole' reduczn �•w�:�--tip' "1r 8sT aci` • i`et .a'. a 'let �d wn: t doesn �let:pQu 40Wei extreme • lin ;energy .the: ss►.�y. ... � . a>iers.a• r : Ev ne e hbu1d :know, that., breadrtes ncit nisi ; faf• ,to It, is • a combinationof carboh Y Oates, for energy, and a special; Toxin,protein; that helps' burn of„ up surplus' fat while you ..are reducing: •FOLLOW, rs 3tou will feel splendidly energetic ' the • Bread THE T B. liIESTRI C[IUNTY . • )RESIDENT D lt :.. CA11fPAYGhl DT..BRUC>1;, 'AREA �PUNG SON. OF FORM DROWNED Caippaign Proceeding , . 'Meetings Have Ben ..Held.-Toa " 'Oahe .90% Of Cattle` Owuets Are: Sup Porting Movement Many interested Farmers:, , and others hive inquired concerning the. c progress of the T. B, • Reatrl tedAres. Campaignbeing' conducted in Bruce unbeer th114 cattle owners is being made l sen iewhat„ ` elowe yet the .results to date 'seri to ;iustafy the procedure, rm- ed• wasweek.boyWaslying beenMaaseieHarria.::agent 'Ther for; a'..time. 'being followed:teattle owners 'in: .• six : townships' have beet or are now'" being.,presented; with :the -Petition, and gopportunity. to. Supp _.or . t• or . re ject the proposed' clean up : of tubercular cattle -in Bruef County:: Several of these: townships have el most completed the' work of ccanvas sing the. cattle 'owners and `petitions are reaching • the County, ofce , -of the. Ontario, Department of Agricul- ture , almost daily.' 'At- the, present- •time' returns from' 1075 cattle owners have been. received •and'. of this sunt- ex `oma ; £i..vv . ,- Thee, se far' 91.3% 'of : cattle owners. are supporting 'the, movement. This" record . is ;in addition to the ., support obtained . In the peninsula • in • 1932 When over 86% of the cattle • `owners ,ink•; that•'area signed, in'fav�our. of the ,Meetings',,ie, which' the proposition' was: fully' outlined'have been held in all, but two townships. It is' expected several meetings will "', be . arranged for .the ;remaining municipalities^ as soon 'ass ;suitable . time, cap ',be ,ar- ranged, '' Anyone-, who is at all desirous of helping to :minimize the leases in - Thti ,Dist Plan gives about UII Calories a day • thereducing al •_ lowsnce' of,•the. . average woman. • BREAKFAST • 1. glass, fruit Jolts; Smell 'serving meat. fish' or eggs; 2 SLICES TOAST 1 w Sutter; 1 cup, coats (clear) •1,tp, cigar, • • LUNCN' OR: SUPPER;, 'Moderate serving meat. Ash, or ease; Av e • 1 green veget- able; 2 SLICESt 1 eq. butter. Average serving t _ i,1 alas'. ("DINNER le tease fruit or tomato ;ulcer Gen-, emus ';wing meat, Bah or fowl•! Aia'age serving'' 2 vegetables ' '•1 greenr Small serving simple des- sert; SLICES BREAD,1 sq. butter:' ea clear. 3 tap au lieu Doff t p ,Diet ---not weak, �nd'i irritable. Bread helps keep your, muscles firm. Ez-' treat . diets -7 often break down .vital tissues . end cl never t 811013 h out a physician's .advice - If.you 'want; 'to reduce safely— •we recoltiniend. that you take ;the main `. _,...-part of` ..our..eiergy. food Y. in. the ..form of: bread. OBIT ALEX, -MacKENZIE " . Thefuneral .of' the late Alex Mac- Kenzie, rwho died at -his :home, Station Street, on Filday, June 25th, at the age of ' 85 years,' was held at •Sough Kinloss Church, 'on' Monday, ':June '28th:, The aervice.•was conducted by Rev.- G. M. Young and was largely attended The. late. Mr. MacKenzie was' the last surviving member of a family (LOCAL and GENEit'AI Mrs. 'W. G. An drew' visited friends' in 'Londonduring the past week end Mrs Wesley . Twatnley of Lucknow is s endin this week' wits; relatives, P g in "Detroit? Mr. and Mese Hamilton' .Clutton;:' Stewart and ' Betty Ann were Sunday visitors `with Mra. Chesnut: Mr, and Mrs. W J, Little d. Elliott, spent last week `as: ";guestans, - ,�..t_._._(::.::, _. :..-vm�.ai.Ac.::.,..,.,so-tsa*M era ,e.Ah _,'•rc:•�, .• in ''Allendale Mr -=a M H. 5. Lh er n nd . Y e. _.., rs�,,�. v,. d, Mises ,T n • MacDonald of -Toronto,: e a , •,., , Qt are visiting 'at the home of the ladies'', sister;. Mrs.''°Robert Douglas roveme' 'noted in the e eon- Ja ... . , er, Ash- field' of" Mr. James;' Webster,. ebste ,: , who for several weeks has been gravely ill with a heart 'condition, Ma and Mrs. Thomas Perigoe, Mr. and Mrs., Rae Perigoe end Mrs. S J. Alton .of Toronto, were week -end vis- itors at;, the home. of Mrs. It Mullin.. ;Morris Pearlman: is visiting in' New York,' having accompanied .Mr. and Mrs. Josephs •Sondak on' their re: OLIDAYS HERE ALAI 1r.f 'get-any. .o Wool. U _ .t 'LADIES!' BATHING SUITS et :pure sotany, p: .. T ` T AND RU.NK1S•=-Pure Wool:.: CH�LDRENS 1�ATHfNG SYJITS T ,. " .Priced. A.t' ,,.• ...., _, , . , ,. . , , , .., .31.15. , and $1.50 -, ' detachable "zipper- op• Size 36-40., .1VlENS.,, .BAT$ING SUITS. , . . ,.� For*.,•,,., .',.a.. t:,.• •.*e •. ,,-y, A.., ,.• . . • ./ EF'ORE U 'GO. ,AW ;,• '—Ch`ifons 'Crees, Ser-• rt a t. £o choose'' from 1 , , P • e.liave an also m n ,t„�..,, ,des-eSwingtime, ltoiiday,• Pr - vice •weight 'New Sumliier -fill Sweeli ■r stake,„Toasty •.. . .d.. 0 ',a. • SOCKEES—Silk • Elastic Tops- for •your 8a ti► , : le Pr,: , 25c. • Silk,;;Pe:` Pr. , 49c. • sportswear �. _, Lis + �. , • r :no .. -.. .---._.._........ ...,.. .....,,. ..,• .25c. MEN'S 'MESH • and •:Mary MacKenzie; who as pion, -r eer residents .of Kinloss: lived. on the There was much handshaking went farm now awned. by Mr. • W. E Hen .on in town on.Monday,, as Wis. Mac deism), at:'the 2nd .:Con• He is :sur Intosh and Jack King, former resi vived :by ;his t! --- ---- es fOe - one son. ' • .'Relatives from a'' distance attend- ,Mrs• Hassall, who has been• illfor ing ;the 'funeral were • Mrs. A. II: some ime, underwent a 'serious op?.�” Hayes, 'Fort° William,',Mr. • and. Mrs..eratioi .:,in Victoria` Hospital, London, it F.: H. Hesse and 'Mr. and Mrs. J; M. on Friday morning: and is making 'a, Jardine; Evanston, Ill. • `• favorable, recovery:. BIBLE, MEMORY CONTEST : • ' TO BE HELD FRIDAY; JULY 2 .The• Bible Memory contest will be crred='from bovine tuberculesis-.. i eld this E`rida eXening;'_ � July nd, cattle cannot very well find.any sat- In the Lucknow Town Hall at 8 isfactory argKnient in opposition ,'to,, o'clock sharp. The contest, Will be in the plan. Furthermore the reduction the •, nature :of a Spell Down , and • a of'; the number: of sources of infection real-'.:. enthusiastic ;time', is : expected. through which:'human:' beings, par A Gospel sing song' and Sacred con - ticularlychildren' may develop the cert, along with "the contest, should MRS. JOHN T. GRIFPIN disease,`is surely sufficient• reason in`-lnake-the evening -'a time -of spiritual BURIED AT'KINGSBRID.C_ _ts-.r, the, successful ..-..--.letio.. • 1.t -cd.. •o ,_ ...s.• attending. 'S, QUALITY ,6RE `',''PHONE'' 36 ;LUCKNOW:: ' s - • WE' NOW.. HAVE. • NET: ate Oe C leaner "WILL NOT RUB OF RIPLEY ,BROTHERS'• WIN •WESTERN. SCHOLA SHIP'• „, To Reeve;'Duncan Munn •and Mrs Menu of Ripley has come theunique distinction+of'having both• their sons wi scholarship ' : for the'tire; ' just n � psjust concluded at•;the Ueiversity'4I West; • ern O , On n ; London. . Jain ri•..his, fifth year in J n m o , 'Mu medicine; received ix firsts in, his subs jects and, won the Essex.,County Al= te Tic ' u ni Scholarship le Obstetrics. His brother LiiineT' won the. 141,.cCormick scholarship valued at $250;. and will s ent• the `text ea ;:in. research work. pY f -.in-th ad-.. hr, `ill..m e_ lloth-lirot e s w be gr u c ss.tmg dating ' la of1938. of the present campaign The funeral of Mrs John T. Grif : Cattle owners who.•:do not fully have 'learned 25 ;verses and ever .• per - fin; former': resident of Ashfield Twp ;' :understand the ' facts. concerning ,the feet1y, please' be at th� e hall b y 7 pan. •who' died • • in Detroit, 'was : held at ;eradication 0f,this- disease by'means' Those who -are going to sing will Kingsbridge :on;' Thursday: Mrs. Grif• of the:; Restricted 'Area .plan should_ `meet,for practice Friday semina of fin; ,beforee her marriage.: Sarah' O' learn • the facts from reliable source 10o'clock.; I Lou' hlin . was in. her., 78th year and.only. Altogether , too' Mang, fantastic Will those i'n sympathy, with the Was, predeceased .by -her husband ideas' have been .,circulated concein.! contest,• :kindly invite :y:our ;friends: ing the - T ' B. test. No doubt many have been 'designed or ;no other u ose.than. to' `knock a good 'cause - The 'proof of `> the.: soundness ' of ' . she • - P:: E. IL Mrs. 'Minoan MoInt ' r and: . . Mrs. T J:;' Lannan, :Ashfield; Mrs. plan , lies in the Many, thousands Of many , sections' of Ontario and: ane, a ;who : hive ' gone; through: the. , pyramin of T. B. testing under •the.•Restricted Will all•the boys and girls' who many • years' and had been living and "be much in prayer that God alone with', married' daughters in.Detroit: i ed f th may` be Glorified. • Please advertise Mi•d. elsewhere. A large family' ser- p rp the :program as widely -as possible' vives, Y e Lorne MacDonald, Murray Mac-;'�: t onuld, Frank MacKenzie;'and Doug. Clarke, are in.. camp, this Week with the 'Scottish Fusiliers of,: Canada,!' near Thedford. ' • •edef. r:'� slur ro `�M . . �eviYBoyl�h�r` X► Bennington, Kansas,.where he at-, tended, the •golden wedding anniver- , 'saryt of.' his `brother, Mr. Joseph Boyle,;z and Mrs; Boyle. 'rhe • congregational; and. Sunday satisfied cattle owners throughout 1 resente4;' With Bookcase I' Killam, Mrs: Grilbn-•-and-Misspell in :Detroit -Mrs.ri Mcleinnon...iii-Park- C d During; a recess period last week, hilland. two sons, Albion and Frank, the' pupils' of Walkerton. Public -School in Detroit. , Requiem highass ,mroves. assembled and presented Miss leath- sung • be Rev Fathers McCarthy and Area plan.. erine Marlyn and; . Mr. Mr.: H.. Alton' Garvey •�� 'with a handsome, bookcase, the a gift I . Miss MacDonald', Rooi i Won Prize PAISLEY; LADIES WIN In the' set of,'exaininbtions conduc- LOCAL • TOURNAMENT tellby ' Mr. Anderton• in W,ingham `'.' I Public:'School as a test of 'ability !in Nine rinks-coinpeted`in' the ladies'. , a a p .music theory,. Miss Myra M cDon ld s tournament here last week, with Mrs., Jr.. III Class obtained the 'highest, McLennan's; rink of. ;Paisley'. winning ';avers n ' won the prize donated - . , Sea and _-, let' place with :4 wins; an' a pluss' of by Mr., Anderton.—Advance Times, 14. !Second;. place went, to Mra; Cool's rink :of Wingham. 'with `3 `'wins and a plus of 16. Mr`s. Hamilton's Lucknow :rink won` 3rd with .. 3 wins -school-picnic. of ' Lucknow -and Dun gannon Presbyterian Churches, will • be held : at Harbour 1Park: • Goderich; : , next ''Thursday,' July`:8th. Mr! and ': Mrs: Wan: „Wilkinson and Mr: and Mrs Charlie Elsum.arid son Frank of: Woodstock -and MrA.. U' -. Touchborn 'of• ;;Goderich, spent the week -end with Mr.: and Mrs: Frank,,. Cole. :: Mr and Mrs 0.:: P .Lyman ' of. uck �t r . '•Y motoredto L Roches e , .N � • now and spent •Saturday. and: Sunday:,,. With Mrs: Chesnut, They were ac; companied by Miss Wllena, who liaq. been in Rochester': being bestowed .on behalf of their, fellow teachers and .•pupils Both the, principal and 'Miss” Martyr: expressed their gratitude in ;a ' happy Mr. Gil S. McIntyre: of ;'the High-, School "stiffis':•spending ,a• week at his home ;at Paisley, _before,,;commen cin 6 '� . his second year ' ' specialists' , Duras P Yst 4 c 'inn h 'sic 'a Toronto Univer- ..• sits during July,; and : August„ Bill MacKenzie is holidaying with armee.his parents here, having completed his. first year in"the study of"osteo- South .P g Kinlo .:Y. -P. u ispis.,brother' - om atki ` ' Chi a o ,Teine at :left .y,orf recentl f Timmins where he is employed with the. McInty,re�Minin .Company Parade • .'••C se ' O e h e f n �• g. . distric • Orangemen. to :'Local and t RECEIVES DEGREE ,r Mies • M' .Tran Newco ib McKinnon was i The final meeting Of the .South. ,Kinloss Young People'sy..`Societ , , for this year, 'Mar held Friday evening °in:.the . basement of the church with a good,.attendence: The topic. for :the .1 1 ONE'; WILL. •. ; -BART WHO Y ACT •.AS N•:GEDDE ;.ItA55. ,. \CSO S, MASTER OF :(CEREMONIES AT GRAND SCOTCH CONCERT,°IN, :.LUCICNOW THISTHU DAY EVENING, AND ALSO 'CO1rDUcr V IC MALE • CHOIR • • attended �4Ir McGil the number : of about 150 _ -a-member-_of-the-recent,--graduating f rth d evening -was a u ;er-• iscussign on Rae - chiefly a ' • Stanley. 'cited Pot t "� a � ': nets t _ U i d Divine• �irursh�' : in`.Teesw ter Y ' e 'n ' The parade' made the. til here by motorcycle _. •:-- - -�- - Church,' Sunday ,ev ni g:: P' prize, with 3 twins' .and; a Plus. of 8. in literature;.. science; and the • a ti>fi; MacLeod.' Nearly. all he `young pro. _ , • h r Coun Marshall. . _ .;:inks .'were present;, from Paisley, :which iv • her , degree.Bach- ' in ascus ' d ,was. an c a ge Af tiT Receive R : N:; -De Tee,. '' • . .� G ... gives the of pie. took Part.., this d ales an . .. o , . g i. _ ... er, and heads . Win ham and-Harriston; , .: '•_- Peter T. Cart n►as d , v Misse Jess MacKenzie of Luc ••. g -•_ elor of-Science.--=Miss-McBannon,�who, t:.was found'.both :interesting'�•:,:and' ,._ -.__.: _._: _ _ ...._;•�...:,. _- _,•_ .. _:. • sr.le ;MacKenzie k Mie Bert Ward. n. as •bwent -one ears of a e is a ,instructive Duran the :business er- •:. •.. ': . new andEmma' 1<Iamilton ' of 'Huron , livray's '.Paisley rink' went fourth cl ' •' th niversitof-Michigan,-,. er, le b" 14ti " °`Des - p • ass of e U y the Book`af Eathe y sa u Card Of Thanks • daughter of; Dr. J. D. McKinnon, a , iod it was decided to hold the •.Young , Mr. Rae Watson of London, visit- Township, were among ,the list of e- e _ .,. ..- Mrs:: `'riur'ses successful -i . assin 'the Ma' TheL-Family, o€. the Gate . Mr.. Alex former sinless .boys People's , pic>lic =ill -conjunction :witty ea: last Week -with : Mt sand W. , 7i P. , g Y MacKenzie! -- nurse re istratio are' grateful: to, friends* . Jean and her:.sister Margaret :are,.the Sunday School picnic toward the L. MacKenzie, Rae' : is in busbies on:elcarnination for 'registration Hos- O NEL•%---In ' Wit -whale 'MeC N,. :pital, on Friday, June 25th;' to Mr. and Mrs, Allan McConnell ..of Luck- no�.'w, a daughter, - th ° :De=s ,and ik e for ,their kindnes el o e lett art July .. C m tte s to n , and,neighbors' s°' w n to. er of J e e Y g s w'o Y Y. p Y lig $ • man : here'. whsl a .the a o' mi " W lli to street . `carr im .a line': of- in Ontario . as required. by. h . a h -'i of their recent :vise for tune each summer ' with . o lifter a orts lunch trans arta- : fishingand hunting :supplies and..light partment of Health... .�essie is t a symP,at y. t t e t me t, a ,: .. look, r . p P -- - • e o . eeeeat .' of St.' Jose p h:s ,Hos itel,. bereavement and . to those ,who re their.aunt .and uncle,,, Mrs. Robert An tion, .rte- were ,appbinted and . every :hardware. This; season he 'hes some. g e P P , • , i ,is London'. and Emni of General Hos- membered him during.his illness: drew and Mr. Andrew:, thing points to. a good .time • :for. all.'forty bicycles •for -rent, which .are to , a . e vital; Guelph: 'Mr. and' Mrs.` Wm. MacKenzie and '..• Miss Tlorothy MacKenzie.of, Karlcar-: dine: e.: and.';Miss Margaret Halle ; of' •. Cobourg were .S nday guests St :the Noviof , e Mr• andrs. ' .; H. 'ebonite. or, .- r - Ac s M � c M K s enzie and, Miss, Halle ar . members e me sof the. Hanover •.'High: C •.i,- , - S -School- 0 a :' 1 st tp, Miss MacI{enzic., Having: tendered her resignation as she ,plans, sail he latter. to s e a to part of . t month for' .West. China, ' ' • M.. i ave Been Supplying if C�ngoleum,. s `�►t Tile Old 4ow. prices - -:', Friends• About oo :4 Homier • .'T Linoleum You Neil is Sprin elto: )ors a 1/4 1.1 • • • • •