The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-07-01, Page 7• • -7*•"77 GOLDEN TEXT "Before they' L will answer, •Place;• -7 -The ',children, et Israel liVed; ler "the moSt part; dufing. their r residence in Egypt. in the .land of GoSnen, located,, in fhe eastern , part, tbO southern point c. brethren, and .0j that generation." 'Joseph wasksthe one, through 'whose prestige in Egypt the Hebrew people , Fere. alloWed se many favors; strong- • .tgypt. With 'the passing•Lif any great atatesmari,„ er captain of Industry, Or lined With wells et brick,:..Maile..Serile with arid some Withqt4 stra" There ' is little doubt that ,theY, were intend, ed for the storage ,ot-grain and other the more theY... pnnItiplied and the Fere grieyed,beeanse of the 'pliildrpti, of Isreel,ic ...The. word hero„.translat- ways -a :feeling ;91 Egyptians; ,,gnd re.. Semitic, were' atheists,. :because pot raelites, ,were the': more tereign, race *of shepherds.% when the *1-lehreWO., grew into great physi,'. Cal2 force', that aversion.,deepen,ed in- „4-, "And •the :Egyptians made , the ro efts CAlgary Albertan ',arm the files of the ."Old -Calgark Eye -Opener)': An aged,,Apd doddering 'gentleman involving inheritancesp't geodly and nan-existenee ef other heirs than the old gentlernan be ostabliShecle „, ' "Have. you ever bad any' hrbthers or sisters?" asked,tbes attorney wbo eeridgefed the direct eicamination. 4.`It that .lirother Still f'And told .you abont 15q year's '4`The witness may have the right to , set' himself right, if possible," said yOur honor, my father mar. ried •When: he was 1.7. A year later his Wife bore hiin; a ehild and died.' The -Child died within three months. My lather; remained single ,until he is, Petteetly ••n'eitiiiii.1": that the. Statement of .theirdeath of , all 'those. ' int JoSenhts' generation. should' be . tot; in the Conditiond pertaining to• Jos- finitful, and increased abUridantly, Ugly rnighty•rand,the land:Was filled 'With:them.," In :this.:verse; the writer in the rate of incredie 'though' of. •,inerease' through birth., The follow'. • • net so much to ,aliSpluta; :want of ,the people Of the, Children of.. ISigeF Are:Meta' and mightier than, r. is, and get them.up ont of the turn ; for • suek A- suspicious attitude ,. ,. the ;first' Pleee,...theY have: never been th'e second place, 'they :Were .eo. fay- ' ter ivith "lard service,, in mortar and- t° wham" I ‘waa b9°'' a yai' later' hrick.,7.' "The' mortal (lite -rally ' ncT. Q5. Xoars of age.." After profuse .apologieS the exalW whlbh was used in ancient ination-.P,roceeded., ' Egypt, not: only for, hri elcsr, but also for meitak: in .the latter case, it .was; usually niiiced with •potsherds." "And alLmanner' of •seryice in the , field. seryiee,.; wherein they made them aerie' with riger." The work -"in the field", consiste cons rue water trom the Nile -to the' fields, and the 'act,bal Work of irrigation. This be •' brought to the high,lying •.fields. frern', the ori,e. elevation, 4,o *nether,' thani:whiCh nothing was -se :tiring in the daily work of the Egyptians. . of -those, many days, thq the 'king" . hardly Conceivable that he cenld. hive otably Situated in Egypt, that. thera. '''',Wo.iild•have been n9 reason for''their ':Mpreovet, the Hebrew' peeple-, '" *Ore • by Abeir. miroaulgua out -calling • by God than they -were by any blood '.i'llierefore they did, Set over thetrf. -taskmasters." W:•erp. •'41.0 gtfliet thein With their'lintdena."! orni"s strength,',' and the' word used 'this 'Would be the acturii..experiericp EgYpt 'hundreds of Yeats • been the Phortioh.:in the first chanter:, kiel.:sighe& by 'reason .ot bond:. :Carrie -up -unto cod- by ..ieas,op, ef the bOnclag*.7 'This allusion -to the . tion with the' notice of ; the: - death: Siainate imply that 'they honed frorri the cnange of government, and. that when they Were disappointed ' secitienco, -they cried. to ,God. for helP, itfter7the prdpb.ecy-' *a s --,--titter .s4.1-14 they. built' for 'T•liataiin ;,,StOfe 4 Minded ,by,Itaarnses„II; situated On the banks of the 'Canal ethineotitig . the' Nile River' Wfth ,the •Sca. • It's ground plan was In .tbe forre .. strung, walla. Within this 'eneldeure docitotttott to the ,g0c1 the Setting. Sun; and ,subterranarin New Cheese , AqeotIltfig to the amended regula- tieng of, the' bairi Indnstry• Act; all Canadian cheese destined' fOr export Moat he held in the puking togin for from, the, piess before' tieing placql in boxes) 'The elanses of. Regu- date Of, Mantifac are anY cheese dea- cheese 'nntil -in his yudgment (it Mature pormit tial, the quality being ,pi-oparly'.determined. , • rael; and,. God took knowledge .of unto thein:" "Thp knowing ,Mearia,' ..not 0144 'acquainted -Will( the ,pir- eurnstances qf their.' condition; :compassionate... •appreciatien of it. Geri entered their ab 'and. lo6ked'. S'potti• fang -who cannot bear :to leave the Stands rie boat ra&es or ,,tennis matches. `for • s,oniething to eat:night like to carry,: lerig and six --ins- aerosa can be ear- - .:ried over .the,,Shonlider easily long. strap; •InsIde are' thermos hottle. find shridWich tin krge;,eiptigh Daiiiers -Of the Lawn, we draw attaitipe that woMan in Ha:Milton cut her hand 'badly when working one ot those 'contraptions. '•Aird. to 'mon •• bring the Ireminder that, n gentleman suffered 'Et Stioke shortly after 8 hovint a• lawn 'lower. ;Just wlio sbould Cut the grass We do brushes used; 6,700 lbs. .0.sciap,.; 720 lbs of punitee powder.; .2 500 floor cloths: PortiOns' bf the • '- cathedral.. have not. beep cleaned' for pop years. , of York' 1Viinister 'office of works. will he higher rtIfili`Ahe coat of the'. .firture air babies will : have theit names indelibly •".sunbp.rnt”, on thei. bodies -by a, new: Water-cooled • ,777 • • B DOROTHY Connie', Boswell iS the: latest radio -'tledel's."' But the gost exciting news - oil' the :Parairiount..lot is. that :Mary. --supporting playei.S, a.re. sulking. 111.9 picture: :called ,:`'This Way .rlease;" was supposed to „star Shirloy; Ross romping .off with all:, the, scenes. . It looks as if -Kenny 'Raker of the air waVes will be a strong rival of ' Hing Crosb 's the -screen Njut souon• as "Mr. Dodd • The pro4pectivc eam.lidate was earl-. vassing ler votes. Ile .44140, on ,Robson,: who was an enthusiastic, amateur gardener. "And when I ant retui'ned for this ward," the can,,Ii- date 'began: "Rush)." Robson' warm., hirp. .."Pont get ideas intri your they. ;lever return . anything." good. ;counter, • I'M- Naying ip the 'Wen; Whfit'S ht and sevii. released. -Walter • Young singer to play let-brin see as much • hat been filmed. er' Was just What he had Vali leek- • ing for. • Kenny Baker will have Pat' ing•yenng Worrier' in All Ileliy'weed! • . gar , recen ly found, in ondon, Eng, after 'being rutising for a *eek. ,•• She was ill' apparently -spfferitlg frOM loss of memory,' The •toriner, • twine of 'Lady Cynthia AsqUith,:mOther: of Michael Asquith to whom • . .Diana's engagement Wes 16 be arinouneed shortly.. ' ' Bras • Bing Crosby ;rage and violent protest§ broke. 196se and. Models". When he4-nen like prettied tipin 'knee ,breeches and:lace ...MOtien Picture produCers 'aro, trying . lett ..TilYtbr, (nit 'bf .-;galloping -through:: :Barbera teek:'a..•-easty' tall: the other' header 'iari.'the sliPpery'•floor 'of .a when stre.arns.,Of;•touristS • 'nicking,. and ',nobody' reezusinizea• them. It. is te, be, heped: Stanley. Baldwin did mot forget his pipe. in the lionse —Of dornmen,s.',...sherb.nonie.siord We v; CW W:Itk Some gratifiaation. the SignS of assension in the ranks. • et. child ,psyeboieg. 7,We are not inc. ren and clop arid old .stel engravings —hut 'WQ have felt., of recent years. ths,,Ohe importance 4t the . Child has heen beYond all reason-, laving possibilities. of eharrii; and in- ,:eorre.ist,,,wih;iht, al'd4tint:iot.iriitoa'n, :rS..,evi,rioSinatiao:•,. for, US: ,• All .the romp 'and': pleastre. is taken, mit .ot,!coriVersation which. , reduced to.the level of a pedagogical - that •eVen the child' psychologists. gra..., beginning to...feel the' Strain. •,• teachers. misted. by certain .fatse dc$O- Atines' that have: gained a. vOgile: Under, theao theories; ,statement'.', of - disavOwalechoed ,in siniiiar Statementl, by other Anther: tion • of ,•the "hair 'brnsh.... The. child • • . problem. onlY . When •it',1s,' treated es - ..a 'prOblem. .There . is ....a:, 'Starting .,..pCychology, 'fen/riled on 'shell: teyelu; :tionary precepts as "Children."Sh•coa..,. 125 Yeais of TuheriidOS:s Huniorist's Idea. • at. are ,London so0'beearne geodrieek.brown When th.giraffe decided it 'wes•goOd for food... 'e End Of An 8,000 -Mile Hike !•enlos:s.,..statisties in the world is statistiai: of. New ,Yori.e; the .125 years' of ",the :Study; pub,: ;1882 ' wheo 'tool ..tate fluctuited betWeen 300 and 460 .f6k each 1014,0.00'. of Population. " As . fresh air •of the 'country' less likely -.tit,: have' tuherenjosis than the of7 • ,fice worker ' spends., his days: of infection' is. fer the a in ed liy. any answer ether t whites' . 'Same conditions.- N'ew., York, Where ',few unLy- • • • ,,,obtat.itiora of val.,10.6 toktaiii. In any accident 'the '-'onry :thing in. Shape; without , torn:rim-clear bettor than .presbnce 'of mind is ab- , • tion. with .one •another, and approach-, ,... son.ce of .hody.-4lrandon • week: Ottr repovior,Will :give you-. 1.4 spdt, President Heber e, Grants head" of the Chtircli3Of Jesus 'Christ of ale 'Latter: Day Saints, who sailed ly 10( thembera 'of the Mormon • Roy ScOutl 'Juan Carniona (loft) and Rafael Petit reAt eir td feet, ,en, .1 he sf ens of the coitol .as.they arliVa in Washirt'At:r'n at. the , 'cotton when it gots wet, so `Wd 'this processed d Of , 'batting., beach costuine great, won't feel "A Mad row fey. tho furtnnn StIpPOStki, 110: i711: t)11710 -141t airy ;rite, tens trrtxni '0'04 a� -tz , r li+, . ir;i`< r t • 13 V