HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-07-01, Page 5•)!
. • ,
•While trying to, hit a turtle in -the
Mill Pond 'On SOurcia3r;• )301 TrIea-
AWung •t:aroond And .accidentally
bit 'ReFgie FPrgl*PP. PA the head,
with. ,the blunt end of :the aXe
14 --was using. The axe struck hfm
abOVe the right ,esTe, and 'a severe
ra cchrn
the WicalieV'et tb4Laeeident
' *•
RIRTHDA , "Aigkerta,'
Sain Chas Harilileil.alor.
few daya lagt, week.
•or *
The upilP of the • Senior rclasiei
of,t Public. scliobl' who pissed on
• theA• year's. work, cOmpleted ' school
last T sday, while those who wrote
'Anal exams finished -school Oh Tue.s-
' ]lay. "
* * .41;
'tight inolithe eke the "."first Kids'
t.orrier. was published in thig paper.
• Since 'then I have Written
• •
wiph to thank all Who have helped to,
make this colunin.a success and tiope
has enjoyed reading .it "a•
ninth as have; enjoyed writing it.
ieERY.IE !
'. Mips. :Rutherford of the, Mission
'Training School,' Toronto; was the
special speaker. at the 'annual &in.::
day service Of the ,Wonieri's. Mission-
• ary' Societyof the United Chur„eh, on
'Sunday_ afternoon. Mrs. ',1".• Stiktgeon,
• presidenf of- the seciety, opened the.
Mot- a' d• -Miss .Mason
sang a duet ,and the latter a SO- CO -i17;
tributed ,,a•sedo. Mrs. W.'. 13ennett led
in prayer. -A" large crowd *ea.:a-Mai
'• interested in. the. 'speaker's..Splendid
• discourse; .,Ny10, graOrig„ other Subjects,
touched :on i convention: which she
attended in--S.outht-Carolina,---Bey.-44,
8- Mott„cloSed, the Service. • •
• Mr: and -Mrs. 'Chas.': Wilson (nee
11tierle C�1) .and,babe of PetrOit, were
• calltilliyaf "Jas,- .
Mr.. arid Mrs..: Jas. Hunter yisited•
• oVer..the Week -,end .in .1Seaforth and
'SalvatiOn.:Army ,WorkerS:. canvassed
• . the village on Monday for colleetioni
.::f#00.C4.: •
. `.1•laying is tlip,Order of' the da',,
, Mrs'. KePh4i1.,of Gull La. ke, Sask.„
is....yisiting•ilier_aister.,!'lgfe." AniireW,
WilsOn.4••• -4 . • :. ." .. : , • , , '7 • . •-(intended.• Or laat, 'week): : . •
' Xaxine__.Reid E4Pent Sunday . Tha'..seott rennion. Wee herd-at:the;
, • ,
001 her;•-aulA krs. Henry:Vatteson home ';O.f TOIninia-Wall-orrthe----hPuri,-,
*Si' Ale, Reid ahcl. 'MrS. ' Mac, dry between Kineardine and Huron
grqm'ir Iiisitod las Thursday with.the TevvaihiPS, on :SP-tPrdaYi !nine '19th,
1.44911 daughter, Mrs.!'Tho. :MeOreit heing the. 3rd Saturday IA "Ttu:10-
gis4•••(11e17.) G: Qeic and 'littleden- which , ie ' the date Set to. hold ..thi
glitey' of MatheSO.n.'• is visiting • the nieeti•ag; frOal Yggr to. Te-a.r.:1Y47:;•Wall.
•• .
forMer's. Parents, Mr, and 'Uri., Mae mether'a Maiden 'name ' WAS .. A•71414,'
.i,t,,h11,1r,,,M=t41,Z,Z4a;-:57::,,tr.-;22,at„... Ft.q,r`r;71-7412.;A4 443
A uccess
he titelOartme
Buckingham Palace'
'The, funeral of :Mt. Alex, MatKen-
, • With „the, ' pageantri that
•hus Centred "in l3uckingliam PalaCe'
prier to and. sinCe ,the Coronation,
Ake- follOwing, brief "-tles.cripti on of this -
.majestic manSion Will be of special
interest • ,to e r'Y , One
thing is certain. •The place of 'Buek-;
Ingham" Palace in the .heart of FA. mt..
Alen is assure; iidoes *typify- sorne,
.thing that is. eminently British: ',The
..•..•ri*G,E Fir!,
n3reathes. ther.e, -89ut 'So
4644, .•'" •
Who never to himself hath said;
PaY befPre I ,gO to. bed.
The debt Owe the Printer;
Wbo. never; suoh,a .taie eau telic•
bat then we fear, will go to.
•Well„ the, ' Wage, where.. there,a no
winter, '
Robert -M0Whl.'LLY •Targel'''*a,•:s a7gr -t$asir
A,lat;',07shridge at Orangeville ' and waS the ,day ideal the people 'enjoy- Majesty" ..gueen - M4,r.y.: "have • "oohed'
mq-sPr-P• ;VIOCP1Ale' 0119w.bra7+ ''7-'4eY'.'il-g' t-liems!i've Yl; v.,•FiQu:s,.sP94§ and , down ;so. many times upon the Sway-
P011otl aKrd :,1<eilinett: Laiellaw 'are ' Teeth* :11'ith"13•4-e•-...ao.(4110r 't9 renew ing crowds before the Palate' Gates -
;wor,,I,ing yyfth: hint -,:',. ,,, ', '',,,Ir.' 'old'frWndsiiiP' s'biit Ole' fiameial sidi't• ;0' UI:tieuiarlY. ori the 6,Ccasiprr Of ' the
"The Ira.S: :of • ,the- PresbYterian else, !We§ .ta en -care Of, there being, Silver Jlubilee-has becorne the aecus-
"this "weel4. when-t00-PoPi41 .cominittee: gathering was the varying: ages be ' i. ii '' • his',.. 6 - • " •i-
bhu.tekl,js being 31114' '4:;3,11:1:,r1rUr'S,4ei Of: kniee :sur, plUs, 'One •feature al31. the; g,i• 9: nei:„An, Igrs:tttonl .g.fpcier'. iiLli,„e : Sover: go's
(is in' Charge. Lunch will be served . ginning' at -the remarkable
'. The, "Women's; InstitPte, had a ,eight7;nine, eighty-seven ' and . on Within, a eenturY of its existence,'
strawbeilry festival , On Monday ,ey.- down to. thel child in its MOtheriS Boslenh.,p;•erldb.tahn; pPraouladceciaholas',UonfdevivlbintdedolYr
'ening, ' and the United' Church put on ,a•.t,*:-2.--Ny6. (!yi not forge thboo ..who
their ' play "Mother 'Mine". ' ' ' - 7 ,pited on iluting"the iear, but had a castle to be the greatest • }louse hi
'Last Thursday afternoon the Lang- two minute's 'silence observed in re;• sChenetl!priatii:611e PwtinsinbouTiivvIteablth..6eTobreieprIeN-7.
:rnembrarice of. them. The ;election of
officer's end .. committees for the ten -i expressly as; a private Buckingham'
ic!il II% year
aar.Plaelia4saant, 15diael;.k.cI; 5,:pasliedree. ciileohd- 'r„t1;4::,1?YacITitthijleuPeo4vet:ei.bgen'sreP:ir'Vda6t• de ..1.Pei.'si 1
•. .
side. Presbyterian ' W:M, S. Was beld,
at ••q'e henle:'d 3-:91111 :Richard-.
son Their. invited, the ia.dies of Calvin
a a • .^ • I • I .82
go.913'attendance tvvas,.,present . Mrs
Wm; Jos. • Hendeison. of .• Wirighain.
wus the:" spetial speaker;, and. gave a
pod :rePorf f: the Previncial ' meet-.
ing; which 'was. held • in :London in
Mr. ' ,John McGee and Mrs„
'•(R6v,,.): Pollock.- la ...duet, After
• the meeting TefreShinents Were serv-
ed .and Was' spent,
by alit'
.HE.' LEN&
Mr Prank COrrie spenttheweek-
Mr; and Mrs MaltelitpliVeatherheid end at his home. here•;, '
and daughter Marion' and Mrs., Ches. , ‘MT., and.: Mrs .• Jack '• Einersan Spent
ney:of Port Hope, 'Mich., w.ere,,,guests a ,daY recOntlY:. With the latter's -sis-
ter a. few 'days; •• .• ,‘:
Mr .PinkneY of Dungannon was
the presiding, officer for the. Entrance
• examination being. vvrittea•,.liete,
• 'MisSea M:, c., .Bui./herfotd, I.Sobel. •
arid •Dorothy Miller",1,Were,•recent
•nett" of Port'Albert and with Rev.- W.
P and Mrs Lane Of 'Ood0rieh....
, • Mrs. l?;• Farrier and. daughter .Mrs.,
D:. RoSS'' And of T..ucknew
• • . • -
were guests and•;111117s,Elhott
Taylor :on •Thinsday.laria. gilled. on
friend's .in "the Villagef;
Mr. Harald iftdo 'of... Kincardine,.
Spent :the 'week -end it his..hoine .here.
: The; 'regular -meeting. of the.'1".• P.
U. Wes :held on Sunday' evening With
the, president, 'Isobel •• Miller 'in, ..the,
.chAir. Stories 113/1(134 .10Viliel's. and
their liymni Were read 14y Jean
.Latirine .
in .mwic. nnli, merit of . 'stallions being - offered '.fer
R9hg.;.,,,••*asi•tic6ii, by.
inspected at "'least ace" every three
ler Vera" TaYlor and Dorothy ,
• .• _ , • _ Years- and Passed .bY the'Stallion En -4
were app9inted' as delegates to : 'the
Summer ., • 7.61The.rit-4,3oar4.""*he.' certificates is
• ,
„ The. .1".urk "Meeting Of the .,Woninnys Stied f011owing inaPeCtiOn. are ,namely;
, • . • , • • .
ristitute will, be held at '• the home of .0F°niillth's.e. th4end;,:::,nFt:P•rii';';
Mrs: Chester: ',Taylor On 7 Tbursdiy,,' - • • . ,
and., Dominion governments co-oper-
.1111Y. 8, at 2,30. 'HOW Call "Aids Ai)
ate: in paying -ern:lions aCtording
Stition St:; was held Monday At
'South Itinloes• 'church.- Members ',SP
the-familylrom a disnce, were'
and Mrs. joe Jardine, G-Weri and Ken -
• .e neth, Mr. and 'Mrs: Frank! .flessie.
frem'EvanStOri; Ill., Mts. Allan ,Hayes
, tort Williern.
A few from here attended the pre-
sentation sat „the' home of
:Mrs, Jaa. Webster; Kinloss on on ThurS-
day' eirening':, We Wish, 'them success
BORN -In Wingharn HOpital; on,
:Friday; Yui:ie• 0,0.; Mr. and
Mrs.- MeCO.,imell, a :dangliter::: •
' • :Mr:: and ,.Mrs; '4,.,..England:. And
•• .family,: -.Spent Sunday' !With .kelatives'.
' Mr. Ross Murray add. _Miss; ,i‘tary"
Murray, ..yisiteA' with mi., ,oh4, Mrs
- yin...Reed,SSundaY 'evening,
Ciur,-schoor:cinsea Tuesday for the
SUMMer, Viteation. . ' ;
th. old the -reunion .iekryear•-in u
at thehorn- of John Nesbitt's on• the
south line. • ' •
Mrs. Aire yi Emerson and Mrs,
Sam: Emerson visited at ' Mr. Dan
•Gillida • on Tuesday; -" • : ' • . •
We are -sorrY to 'report the death
., •
of 'Mrs. ,Shier: 'Sympathy is extended
to friends and relatives., • ;
Mrs. Harrigan of Winnipeg is
iting 'with; her neide, 'Mrs: Sara Ern-,
. •
, • „ . • • .
• Mr.••• and ...Mrs.; Isaac Nixon and
"c1iildeen and my.* John Irvin visited
at Jblin Einersen's last ,Wednesday.':
Mare' Owners Should.. • Make Sure
Stalliona 'Oar Service, Carry
. High :Certificate • ' '
in order to -.improve-horse breeding
in • the Province • of Ontario, the l';',.!n;•
tarie Enrolment Act, paSsed.
bythe Ontario, tegislatUrp con A:uguit
1912, provided for the Use .'•of
purebred Stallions: only, in. the ' Pro -
ince after ;the season •of
TO further indicate the relatiVe..,
. A ,ntirnber of our Yin;Ing people at
Jthe 'Bruce • County ,Jadgini.,
coivpetition: in Chesley; •last Tuesday:.
• We congratulate Mr. Goldie L. Mar;
'tin, for bringing home the silver-,
given. fpr, the highest Standing„, in
• jtidging: horses, in a cls sevent,
Young oen.
. Mrs.. Jack Hamiltoti-Was reCent
, . . • , •
visitor ;with!, . her 'sister; •C.
Str4hdee • at Ripley. ••
Mrs. LlOyd Stein; left .on :Friday;
• Morning f6 ,reSide at 'Kirkititid„, take
where Mr;;Stein 'has secured „einpley-
••: 13,3
Mr, and , Mrs: WM., McGill 'visited
., :with •Mr, •andy 'Dahmer at
Millartbn..• ' • ,
• Me. •••'Johi.i D.; 'iSlartiit attended' the.
• Stratford Netlike' "School: gienic "held
...aouth of Goderieli;last. Stirtorday, .•
Honor Newlyweds
• '1.4644..TuPsdasCevening, Mote than.
two YEMIred • frientis.,:and anoighbOts•
gathered in the Poritfinehet te;
lionaar the .neWlyWedS, •Mr,. apd; 'Mtge.
Arvin l-latniltOn. The, ..Was beaut-
ifully With .. 'aeas.onal)le
' 'llowers • for the': oCcaSi011. the: 1110'.116;
gtoom, ireolvoif fiihrty
.• •gifts inOliulins We:11. •fipott
•,ptl.re; Petaetited by •M.P.?"..OrVille Fin-
• • - • laySon and' Mt', Goldie
'of „tliCif intuit hided's,Mi
thanking; thot•104 thafi• Ithichiess;and
liodi*Ist!oo- offet,-.--41th„-Ahost••:_•..-411...
joifted in Singin-"Foittioy. oto,jony
• : go6d.telfilWer .T11.6 tatiuthittoe; tho
, w.tig. iltittaite and ,h
ploistittt tirno. etijoydd: ily iIL
Surnmer_ Entertainment • for .Farm
Wonlen”, Topic, ..f.'Saving' Work and ,.vthicee. Ac;ufnitteers-eo.f4.",Loroal%left,J:e1.theL.:
Woman Po1,3*".. HosthisesMrs:. T.
These' premiums encourage stal
Salkeld. 1VI'lle d
lion owners to purchase and "an
Mks. A. Gaunt.
tain--•-for horses of ',high
Mr. and 'qrs. Jack Curran and
children .spent• Sunday With My," and
Mrs. Pharis • Mather S of, LuelTolAr!
gr. sand, Mr. 'Wilfred Dennam and,
family Ppoit evening •••with•
Mr. and,',Mrs. Herb . Stdthers •of Don•-.•
' Mr...and Mrs. JaRivett 4ncl
„ .
,. Mts. Bert' Treleaven spent the rWeek
end With friends in LucknoW.: , •
freni here:',Atterided tile
Ashfieldi, garden' 'Party at 'Hackett's'
'Chitral :on I.Priday••night:„.:, ,
•••• Anna Mae: • -Treleaven
tilcknovi. Spent 'the week -end.' at .110
Mi and Mi Jarne Culbert ancl
laniily'Of SundSy
-,kiith,,-,14,21-Ind • •• • • inn]
'Bert ':TreleaVea and..." family,
visited, 'with. Dinigaini`en :friends; •on
Sunday. 14•j .
4uatity 'Mare owners should' take id.:
vantage �f this hispectiOn and en-
rollment by anakirig 'sure the stalliplis
used for service carry a high ter,:
tificate, as it is ..only by the use .of
the best, sires' that horse .owners can
hope th improve the general standard
of lieres in Ontario. '
• ,•
1 '1. , • .4, „+1. • ,1- - ^1
"TIIRg. RA*04 $$ LIVE
Three af PallnerStcaliS five, Siathes�
kittens 4..re Itying• •As reP9lied last
WOelCf' the :mother 'eatt :Cat..n-WaV the
?heraltlw :fiVe- after death-
., . •
and. then, PrOceeded elit" the, hand.
of that j'aihe4 the,• other four,
one or-wtooloolftter.340-"`OIferaT.,,
injured- Woodcutting • -0
.4u irM.47.e,r elps4k)iPnoViri.ehientieur•rt:f,
while opepatiing wocidcutting eut.
liers It is • here.,:that, the
cession ,assembles,pii.th„-e occasion ,of,
.gtite:13anOets," and Ev,er,ingourti::
The, fUrnitin ' onSists -of exquisite
when 1% came Off - he, !puloyr, •Ilis
„. h•ea-cwascut r
eFuifirg four 7sr„.i„tcheS.
and 'his arm and !leg, hOtti •.. ' •
• e •
examples' of Loijs XVi style.; •
, The.,:ontatafiding featUre .„.9,f; the
-Stat • Pining.' Room,. :Where:. State
Dinners are h1d---7,.and. alscr,the
Derby Day Dinner, given ta members
ofthe Jokey Club -.-is the inagniV
cent' row, . Of full-length Royal • Por-
r.Toptrst.,...whoh,, r was 'here last
there'. were two ;Windinillii!•*liat has•.
beecn f' the Othei-. one •
'Native; •We had tO take it doWn.''
,ToUrist::Why?. ;•, •
Native l• \There "-Was. Only enough
Wind': for., 01;-.
traits. Apkoxiniately pi cod • inthe
Centre of the ro* is .11, Imposing
portratei nine feet :high,. of George
IV, the ,builder of the Palace, painted i
by Sir ,T,40.71,,,,,,--11,,,a10-04e* bold
tones of this: monumental tufinting,1
. •
Modern: Youngster -What are 'pre-;
yeri,latber deer - • . .
Mother -Prayers , darline.are little.
messages; to. Gpd. •
• Y aungstet-Qh,_ und we, §eria- them.
at. pight•to get•the cheaper'4ate? :
Rif 0:11441144 'iatereat
here was APIelaniced in.P4eknentr re- •
i centlY,. 'when Mi8s. Kathleen Sielaiied*
!only: .daughter • MINX'
MichaelPiegfried of. town, Was unit" -
led fn marriage to Mr. Calvin Purvis
:,YOunOest--sen F'Prvia:an°4"th
Ithe FreshYterian manse in the SIPPY
,Mr. and... Mrs. Purvis returned
!from" a "honeyino trip by motor 'M
Guelph, Grimsby' . and Niagara Fella' •
mother near
them happy' ,Weddfkl:
•'N. S. F. •CHiCli. ISPI,861)8
Setting for the, Court. We ?lave only. son; buff,. 'and gold , for ' the • r0One,
t.,..coropare.. auckiTighani . Palace with „Which has been designed 'te..harmon-:
the ,:great. State •Palaces l Of the.con-, ise with the PictUre.
itinent :to .1.3e• 'aw:arP tat 1j - of :'• SPate 'is's...lacking- to conVOY nny'..'.
4e -
'the King: 'of :England i.s, a home ' •••iri thil e'ialmost; Priceless ", treasures
- , .
,of the Palace: „Bu.t .sufficient ' even •in
t,ithese ad; 'e• i n' . . bare 4)7,.i.i ii.si lt i; be. lel ii.e. :.1.1., thathiri4dstohi. neb :S.e.attlra4t)'::Apart-
ments beaekd. .
ground to-any:Of .the inner state pag-
eantry Which will grace the •;.Corona-..
:the reit sense of the• word. At all
everits the Palace itself :during the:
,reign of King' 'George 1/,wei set,Ore]y
established aS the home of, the inapt
home-loving:of ...Bpjrat, Families; ". :the
seat of a brilliarit 'Court,. ;the pivot
round which the 'British' "gornixiOn-.
'Wealth turns,""the shrineof. a' natiOn's
memories. ' .:• •
, • - • •
.!Ti•-ietIState''':AiSartineutA' 'aro entered'
Ilirengh rnarb e doorway, at•.
the .',head.' Of ••• the., •••6 -and ,Stairease:
They hiclude rionis.. • 'On.•-th..
east Side, ...Olaf. facirie,the. • cluail
rerigle,...there.1..•;the Guard Chaniber,
the -Green Tteem,, .,the
,Throne ROOM": On the *esti...or ,garden
'side; Of4hePalacer,-ii,thel-R001',Oha
Oka White Diaing Room the
Music Ithoin, the Blue Drawing Room,
and theiState;:Viriing'Reorn:, The ilk
TaPeetrY."BoO,rn • a4.4 the Picture Gat -
of hich are lighted froni
above; 'Separate these two :long
Iges .ap•artinents. There is • , also: the
"State; RoOm :;ar4' State • Ball:
Boem: ..ine State Slipper • Rooni.', With
the ..adjoining "-These Were
added to Naah's wOrk. in,
The • State, Apartments are remark
able for .'their series tteat.:folding‘.
•th.,41..or , doors, feet high 04.
. •• „ • . , .
seven wide, -.which • are, magnificent:
"examplei..Of.:0.-ft,§414,nsliiii,s and Peil•
ings,"Of 'the Palace: They are inade'"of
Spanish .rnahogany "elaborately nionn
. . . .
Ceirrn'Orm' •..'
panels : of: looking,' glass. Each glass'
panel has • a . mahogany panel above
with ..Various designs in• oririelo74he,
teette device , ;each 'Panel:: the.
Royal ".C.rovtrii stare:uncle:4' by :the r4y..§
Of. #1,6 40ers:a.re„toMposed , bands'
:of small.14:fletitide-IYS also in in ormelii.•
•The doorways are framed in marble
architraves With.,!SUnk mouldings in
Which are mbunted hands
with:rosettes: at the corners.',1 When,
as this year likely to :WitilesS ' the-
: these doors are': -flung ,wide;
•, . • •
the illegnifieeilt Vista is difficult - topass,.-even_n1- the
,•realin"•:•,of . the
• Aka setting or the p4gean'try,. 13f
COnrt:,•cerernonies,'.11;ali'S.: chain .
great..raeins ,C01,114 hardly :he 'bettered..
The fortiituro, 'the .porcelain, tbp, g'it-'
'tering thandeliers' tfreseri3Og of.
ekquisice." •candlebra;-'' Unite Make
a,Magnifitance•rthat;•.:is at :once digM
•fie'd and should not
bp.•fpygotteri. that, • the. State
thre.": stamp
".tas't9,, They 'r Were built
to is �ider,s' and are fihledWith the
[he world knoW QueenMaiyas i
: •
The Throne Room is•t• splendi4
apartment completed in 1833. Ariad
lightedhy Seven greet- but-gla'ss than. -
(fellers, .00
6,0 .1x a4t!. tis t:.,4cil6obeii44i.at:i.ci..01iyi: f1iig Gorge
- • • .
• The' 1161116,VraW!ng Boom WaS.term,;
6)4 'the Paft,;;R:oohl' Of the palaCe..,,,It.
is Probably..tht -Moat heantiful. of the,' •
8hto.APartrYlenta.'lhe:teilfrig is oho,
liorted'.by toluimis ,pAipted to: repre- •
•Sent'.onyk:. and entiehed:' :With ,. gilt;
trfets1; dimititIS, The *Ails are hung
With ttitqueige Ali& The deep 'Twos
a the pietui4s ;40c1 they.oiqtrisois ;
et 'the earpet' ,Ictitt the ,wh�le
• into a. .rfoll.,ta,`•4•0kota *
, ,
:which pests Peas: to" reach ;the flail
Iterela • are ..,ainelig•: firreSt" .
The "MuSit ;lefty
;deined•'"ApArtinetit.• jit s'UtrOdlideil
hy tif fattill • :PCtigliOlii
MONUMENTS at first cost
•Having our factory equipped .,
the most• modern in4Chinery for the
execution: Of' high class work,, as
you to 'see. the 'largest display -of Mon-
uments •of any . retail: factory
tail°. All finished bi sand :bleat- ma-
chines. AWe irnpor all , our granitel
from the • Old .CouritrY', guarries. (lir!
ect, in the roligh. You can save • all,
• Mr; and, Mrs: Rebt.;• •MacDonald;
'FlOrence and ek spent Satui'day
eVening • at . kiss K. • Hess"; ;White,
Mr. and Mrs.Howard Harris; Mrs.
Thea; Harris:and Earl; .Mrs,• Almer
, •
I ,
.4ckert and Jack and Miss Bobert-
son, ....Spent •Tneiday" evening of laSt
week 'with riends.'at • Alma.'
• Mr: and . James: I3aker' were
an: :redent.OsitioS.01 MrS.:Alinek'Ackett's
• .:Mr. :and ;Mrs. • GeOrge Dieki% and
faMily. spent 'Sunday :at Mr. Austin
Restitution Made Two K11.11080 Farla-
eri By Alleged issuer Of N. S. F.
'awe", Wha, 4.8 He Is Ta Be Mar-
ried Shortly, Get Suspended, Sin-
• tence
. •
Christopher Diehl of Stratford, who ,
had, been before Magistrate liVa14-e'r
-4, •-At -‘iireE -COWL' gas lib
• local dealer's', agents! and middlernan.
profits by. „Seeing sus. '
A West. End 'Bridge,--WALKEIITON
Wtkerton, charged with fraud, was
giv n two years' suspended' Sentence .
last week .up,on 'Making ,rentitution; .
for S.". ae•okol which he passed
including twoh k 'snood to fin's-
•: .
tbe.:Larigside .frena
whom :tie had purchased potatoes,. • •
I:• At previoussitting the Magiiit.
trate 'Wall on the point Of banding' .
out a jail term, -when accused:• '
formed the cad', thht was ta be
married the latter :part of this Month
and, that the banns:1114•!_iready been
pitialainied. :An opportunity 'to ',nuke
full re ion was then afforded and
, •
off 'with a suspended sentenee..
Professor' Wife. A truck rah' over
• A -s-en -minded essor: Was I
yvearing it?
' 1V1r.." HoWard tegge Of TiVertoi14.
... AgifFiEtb ..1iPerit. "the 'week -end at his :home liera.
. . ,
. . „.
• . '
Mr Regie Reggie Breath spent the week
...L.:.............. '
t " terty.:pitking- is "the "Order -Of the end with; his sister, Mrs Cliff YOuog.•
, • , . . . , • .
tiftSi; ;F4Yeri'bedY; is b0s3".. .:atilc.l'Ih'il'i, ' ',Olt', and *4...Sohn Peterbough and
the .bemper trop of wild Strawberrie9. family spent Sunday a Mrs, Bache]
, .
The Presbyterian . Si:0day* $ehool, ciiTher s., ...
.• • . " . .
has Planned to 'hold :thO'r:aninial liic.• '-"IVii"',..' 1-16.ward Johnston is 'insisting
nic Oti , Stitiirday; !Tilly 3rd '-. at the at Mr. Win. tadie's,
Stnnyner ehOot; Kiptail. . , ,-, ,. *I-. and -Mil. _Wilt ' Jackson 'spent
.. •,, _ _ .__ . . . • ...
Mrs,. •John .N.- MaCICtiO:lei.is , mak, Friday •,evenire'n't • Mi•Mark, joliti,:.
ing.„an. eiteritied.'visit mitt' 'her Ono:, stOn!S.
.ghtor,-Mit, D'," .i.. Mliettiiii, ' lift,.. and gri, E.. A. Palrilet, tohi;
." 7 113'. ' W.- ' ••' -t • . .
; 'riiiiis.tet. -thifictovloAish :is toebtv. oPd illip, ss 1Vtargare Palmer of
filg .cohgvAtuldtions haVing. pliSSod, Kineardineo, and MI'S,' .Wili, 1W:1:Wray
aft d ',iVittgaret Ariii • of ., 'Ph -riming,
-bis entiltne•6 olt hit Year'S•Woritv ' •
Mrs,. D. 'Fattish :of:S.0E0011P, ask, Pen .,.44, ..rt os; I art's .
' ' . " - ' ' 's t• Sunday.' ' " M '111.1 " " ii ' ' '' '
3'$4 'visiting lier...,SiSter, Mtg., B. 1316aetf; , , . • .. ,....,,,,L.,_ -;.;,. ,.
' ;Sdhool; tio60., tills irubsday . 4114. .,
the children' '0'e : onjoyffigt a ‘ well ' ; A akin* Walked onto,a Clialltantitill
Ovii0 lio*IrlY..* • ' 7.',:-"- . . ' -.--', , .:1-',:' -14-ft. -ghge, 4is7ti; 'moo .was .sitiglii;:„il_
Mii. :old 1%1i...4, stitd.oil)soti Spoilt •qi.. Vot,'PlOiity' �k Neothill'iP' After the -an.
"day i;kedritIst. •,mth,Ntt, himilvtit.: mit, hito '1dt ;t14 thigte iit'k)biibly-; 1144 A
Gibed* Clinten, . . '.. ;;stotit, ;
• ,
We assume that none of onr readers would publicly
defend drmikenness?
squarelyThenlet ns took at the 7uestion fairly and •
Both at home and.abroad there have beet.
exPernn. ents.vith4piohibition. They have all been
wisuCcessfut-Therhave all proved that -this
prohibition 'unreasonable -restriction alcoholie
beverages does promote teraperame, but does
.•• , .•
•the oppositel.. •
What happens . ,;'when eg door
bootlegger's door opens. •
'Normally law abfding-peoPle-CenstantlY.an
unblushingly the laW!. , •
Don't let this happen a.gain!
•People.*ant social relaxation. Experien"has
shown that 'they will get it whether' the law permits
Where thiS relaxation is easy to get there it,
seldony-any, abuse: ,
The, right' method,. then, .of combatin 'excess must
be to eQntitiue to Make it lawful for people to obtain
, mild, healthy beverage which will help them relax,
enable them to enjoy one another's company, without
inviting, abuse.
This is the British traditiOn. Because s,elf-contror
'rather than law control is the British tradition!
If .the prohibitionist i 'desire to abolish the evils f
excessive.drinking, they should re ze that he
destruction of the preSent Carefully controlled
facilities is the certain 'Way th driVe mer to abuse!
° This cidverti.sement is inierted .4), the 13roni
Induttry in thetrrestof ketter public understand-
. int of 'oettain a,,zpec4s ,the problems 2,1 terii?eratide
and local Option " '•1