HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-06-24, Page 7t. ' • ' ' . . . 77.7: ' UnParzion.01eSin..., 41`evr Mines dispatch, telV •Ing o'thearrival In -England orsome •'...3,800 children' film war-wr,acked`.Pil- . hao contains ,sonale. ..tharfUllY "" tragic • Paragraphs. As, for 'Mita:nee, this One: "A was not the children's.' phYsicall condition, however, that caused Most . concern. . . . The saddest hi-produet ' of the Spanish Civil. War is their over- wrought mental condition, ,brought ,about by the terror of the ,air • The: war has left many of Ithein ab- normally nervous, perhaps for the rest „ „Of, their, lives.. The y..have spent , hour •'after hour huddled in ''`refugios" with• frightened mothers,while rebel.* bombs.,"• Score 4 have -seen btotherS, 'sisters of little friends ' killedor maimed near' their homes." ' :caanny sensitive person read that. without feeling that the bombing of uninhabited town -by anyone, in an"./ land -is one of the, most shocking , crimes, of all the ages? -Guelph Mer - /.1 Declare '.Canada Could -Care--for • -114111.116.ti- .p.7.Thitere,Awodiuris5riseet.42,.61. PeopleSays 4u 4 0, 1ne McFadden at, Chat114111,, • • CHATHAM, •-- If.69 arable land Feti.40,,t1t0•,,liefit4,0,2,t-.1.,prtUig,,,VArt • .that,' :40.014 ''clie*PlaY'' red, • .. blue .and ari74.eg-kiand M PrOcijC.S Pr9PerlY , White•:. 'striped. Polea..,ontside their ri,Inited'ae.ene fn t4e Yworld •need go S$ps. WeU, that .question'inark has bungi'ir',' eldge. 14144 McFaddell-19.41, been answered by an OplanatiOn; We. :'thirti 40Pite.44to' for naturalization, at, came, across rcntly. it is polfite`d the Obeniag.': Of the country.... Oeneral out that.; the local barber used td be Peace hore"nrnd., ••in the local 'sOrpoti, where Pattent4. Woe" .pointing the, •reSourCes o 'Canada, .; the bled and han4K,04., The mile. iwfrio. Act land' ;of the 0Y4.1)301"cif the splint to Which 'a breic!.. 47 .believe the time his err.A.ed or en-arm...was .hound, the white „striN a better distribution of. Pe@Plein the represented th,cha,/ide,ges, 016, hvie ,the. world to. relieve the density Of 'POMP' veln that had to be opened,,and. the . Iation in Seine countries, he saicL It is., red the blood.-'--Eitchener Record, Said:there: are more people in the world today than at adY titrier.befere• it Came Truein history; notwithstendir4 War7 fe- ' . For 'aeVeral ,weeks'Alte King of ben:- Intne,::f1°°(;1•0and.(disease. it s sald mark had -been trying to find 'a ,Silver* ' there has been. 411' i•neree6e of '500'000'' king was riding in Copenhagen., His • horse; up- set by the traffic,threw, him. Cliris- among who rushed to help him. "Although in -,pain, the 'king Mounted his horse again And rode 'off...That in- spired Christian, Thomsen. ' He corn - posed a march, sul;mitted. it. A soon as King Christian,heard it, playe.d • he exelalme,cl!, ."Thet l's' the,VerY.thing!".' 1-.16 sent .fOr:.Thomeen ;and deCorated him. And a:poor .composer has be- come famous. A true , "fairy ... tale". from the Hens Anderson countryat last, -Halifax Herald,' • ' • • .*. Theo' Are TOO Many' Gana Qureiperience, is thatjt is' Useless' , . to -Prntest about the number of .re-• , velvers in this .provihce.; Nothing has .heezi,,•,dOne!' to decrease the • ,.nneiber. ,Ilarrdwe seem' ,cinite• content that*, shall be . done. 1. • . • at le,' diffiettIC•to . *here., • „. . a. •geb4.14ir4.44.Aken 'ejq1upon to nelie a. weapon 'end fightit out with..., un invader.; Tru.th is, he ',would be ,Poorly advised were he lt:O• try to do so because l the invader virciald ably ...be a:' Much better. ',shOt 'than' the . , householder. • , ' •-Thcre are ;teeth -in- the la* novv-re-2. garding .poSsessiOn weapons, but tha',troable is; tite teeth. de..net seom • • ; to COMe together and bite,Peterbein • Examiner. • • • • Rivers. Ilinder :the Earth' • .A.::.cetta.41.„..n'.. ear, Ciederieh,.. On 'Lake., • 'lluton, rebeliee word the other' day that a Well -driller had:, got Water. on. • • ' 'WOW' AO' you know that • tisk.mater yOn: found isn't lake water that has seeped .:threngli the. 'soli?". inOnired, the •skeptical owner,: . ;• tti. begin *ith417explained, the., li,':dilleri.Ahb-da.ntt4,here is iheueeightY'' Kee,tabOire the level of .fhe',Iake waters, :and!, I , had to drill' down nearly , twice. 'that ..dietatiee hifOre 'I got Witer., But -Satisfy t your -consider •: e.gitatitill in the Eilitish •Isles; for ,mere irettleMent here. , • 'Pe, Patience \with the , cry ..fahgtta-401!:-Oana.-0144a,!-eald-theluttge.: qlt's,Teeotirces-are, :rot no use natii: ntilized;'''. he .sehl, . J0(1,0'e McFadden pointed' [Out that In eastern Canada aVera,ge, farms range .fr9M, 50 to 150 -acres *bile In Western Canada they range' from 160 to 040• acres in e2deat. In many. Enron, • pan countries indlvidual farmers have only one or two 4cres at their: dis- posal ,and, these :,. are cropped in - :To, PAceme ti,anadiass .the .jedge said, applicants Mast; be,taithful and, bear true allegiance .te'. the. l3ritiSh CroWn, and BritiSh institutions and ,rnuat, respect, and 'obey thelaW,..,;:, • 'There 15 norecta beire. fon:" C01117 ....,.zrieniern"411e said '.'1Viy.'experielMe, has been that -New 'Canadians are as.'law'. allding 4S,' the Britishbern And yvhy.. not'?Hem we have one of the Most ' :democratic' country in the -world -and, we will soon reaChthe‘peak of :,prac- tical social service legisletsiOn!.!„, Judge 1Vick.ad4en..1pointed out that as each hely Can:adieu., received the Oath .of allegitMce; he would , receive too a bard` et'. greeting from the I, Q., • 000. people in last thirty .yeaes,', or, b; E, This card 'should be framed and an- ricreaSe of &0000 per . the Aline 'IS remit here in Canada for 'Many where it can be seen at all times, . . . „ It ..nr e ofc , . WaltitAts 'froin .Meieli Lake ',•• Intereating.n0Ya, it) "tlitS diStrAet and l• . • to. all of the Canadian' West is,,the .in-"': formation that the, preVineial. eriament's Gov- ltort • experinietit smail tarnt,"*.at,-.41-rook*,,4tas.,...receige*.SOITY,t-.• black walnut trees •:. from the . 'plantation Pot H. H. Blancliet. at. Mettch. 'Lake; Quebec,' • ' , the„ Brooks.:.' :eiperiniental Which:: has Played such an .iniportant • , role In the .developMent • of .fruits, on' 70.0 'pralties.,7-*".1:117846f 1,ST*70.-r-cir'elL7 ...forts. to: euitivate that typo 0! welmit fii Alberta. The efforts will be watch- ed: with.•intereSti• ' their .,sheceeis' „woald provide Western .farmers *with ....a, useful and jtieboratiie•trOP, •And. it, would provide a Welcome . addition' AO Alberta's prOducts.,*. , Similar 'efforts; ;with' young . trees. • train the Satne..qUebed. plantation,, are. 'being mado at:the 'same time in Eng,' lahd, GernaeriY, Italy :and::•Syria.=-Gal7 itirk-Albertan',7: • • • , • TheLiire'ef ,the ft, Spring is hero and sumnr la prOaChing. ' The .man 'cle. (fie house,' is looking ()Vet" the 'old ;car; and: figuring :whether . do for another • Year::, Schne-"Of theta, Will'. keeP onfiguriW ao.long that the .•season, may:be over that:. the. water • in the.: Well has. risen to within -sixty 'ffeet of the surface, altliongh, as r have said, the' lake level la eig,hey feet' beldw other %voids: ,the:, level of ;the: wai•O. 111 Ibe 13vel 'or the I., Must ItaVe'' 'well is abOut tWenty feet "above the , struck a different source, ,itibter- raneha river Under pressure sufficient AO Push the:, Water •high Up in Your Convinced, the:cottager liatelied to • the driller'e claim that he could -drill a well in, the lake : and get a column • of w@ll water :whose level:, Weald be ' .k.igher than that 'lit bid lake' itSelf. s'• All of Which is easy to under-staiit''.,,if- you •.'bin understand it. ---:Stratford Beacon -Herald. . . . Canada's. FlighNiray Accidents. .' :Avery:: canadian citizen,• wilt agree that there are,:toe inriny.Accidente 011 "the TOadS,yet it . cerne as a aur - 'Ilse -to learn.' that' the nuifiber Of ..d_eaths in the •;Dominion. iS the • third :loVregriif-the-LWorld in prohoi thin to the' inuniber of ear0 In usa.:A. iable ' • • comhiled...by., the .i4utomol:p19.. ..latturera' ASsociatiOn..nf 'New% yOrit: .•;',1,•shows,•the following . percentages of, '.1,,..deliths per 10,000 vehicles:: ,'• :s .1 'cr ' 1.7 New F,ealan , .. . .... .... ... ... . .... ., . .......„..... ..,.4 , Union of South Africa . ' , - Canada . 'Denmark' . ' United States •Australia • • NorWay - .. , .„ . , , , '"" .14'.0 ' Irish Pree, ,S tat, • .. . .. ;,.............. ..... ...,.,. 22.i: ,slty .,SWeden ., :....;,:;,,." .4...„„..... , 20.0 ...„,e,ngland 'anil, .;i' arts ,"........,.4. 34.0 66:5' . , Chile „ „. ;..:, .„ ' , . • 40.0'-, ' Netherlands . ' 44.0 ' ' 'Scotlapd. ....,:. . .. . .... . .; . ..„,...... . .:. . .,,.;,44.8•,,, Ceylon ,, ' ' „ ....y .. '. . 46,5 „ CermarlY ,, ' • 4 • 46.6. . Switierlatid ' ;" ',.,','„ 50,0 Italy ;-,.........., . . . . . ,,`,." . ...:":. .. --,,,,,,-, 69,4' 9,9 • 12.5. 13,6 . • otls'..0. &Mike' 111,YelitY-41.6eip Of Thanis Water'we§ earrYing ',sewn tinui with it, Where • did •it coino trOM, The answer is, Vii- Vietze.. • It Cattle front, sonic farther's ' 041 r It Wa the Strii Y:ealF-11.11d f,01; generations to:do:Me,. to glTw his e;oI)s, Ile Jut. fl,.t a v,oty stipPly it-ti;.:feW-"Inelier tit, 'Most ; -,,Land i,t. lakea.ynars to skid., an In& • ell' Impoverished grounds, That is the ' loss that., hasn't boon 'countedin the InewSPaPe'rp'..hat it IS tlie Worst leaa , . Oayber ISIgitia,' • ' Mot �t :iis lfltist bava..*Oticlored Seine 'other ,lioW.If Oftillehbdut . . • . , . before Any decision is reached,. then the bar wilFagefit: be housed 'for the . . . . winter and Its Owner Will coludenc • , . . . that he has 'saved h lot of money just because he his not takeninto •con- ' -sideration .the costof Upkeep on the: old' famliY. automobile. But what we 'want to say is that the. . _ hire of the road -is Urging.: the long • 'drive tot:Fite' week . end and the even,.. • .good idea. (0 give a little thoUght. to the new ConditiOna:. this year. %To ..apply a' little time .., and thought- to the .ssfegtierding .,of the car and those it Contains. To tnalie' frona:nceident.Peter- boro• Examiner. THE .EMPIRE Queen Mary's Laugh -: • Theagh_no,,RoYal lady - ever bore herself :with greater4ignity When', Oc- casion requires,,Qtre,en MarYrte *hem 'the •' Empire's , affectionate greeting -a. have , gone on 'her. 71Ith anniversary,. has no liking.. for rigid etiquette in .priVate. .t• 'ThorQ is a story of a hoteeMaid,„, ' just :promoted to the ;upper regiOnie, oi 'Buckingham: palace, being.. taken., • alk.en. hearing,WhiStling in the cor- rid 'leading to 'Queen 'llary's, bed; She was suit Moro .astoniShellon.. discovering .triat the whistler was the ,4tieen lierSelfl• .• ' Who Co* 111 bonteet: With her ,know, the ,,Q.tideri ;'1140ther has 'a teen 'At.„niet, d 'genuine, laughter. , • ".%'. It was Xeir ilardierio flatterer of Royalty -who Mice:tleelnreti..that;Jler • MajegitY'e .Wee the. Most cheerful. *Ugh 'lie had ever': heard. the Weddini mote: • „. The • Dean.' of JOhanneeltg ' Is . gloomy. lOtika aakfined at Wedd-. ings.to which the brlde edinee .Splendent, and the bridesmaids ,and :pages appear 15 bright way,' calling; such , betemotifes • “octraVaitint. •atur. tawdry" WhaC', theta Weald lie.'haVel Not, attrely, the dralinest :of .dregiater Office? Solemn voys will nbt, be.ileard, los reVerently if.0041).f.flo. Oar ,are jOyeti: (lay. • With .iliarriage ,gocs' "7" .and „feasting; Why • not wear littiipinass,itifthe AreSS•as wcll aS 10 • die...heart, For a Worriad, MeinoTy tneas„,. back, and her- Wish is, that the-re:colt .10etiOn should be ghy- , , WO Want .ne•pertaiveiteSS' at Weddings and it: WOUld •be, 'he incongrimuito militie•the Ulla as the' brido Iti itOneA Deily lation of betWeen" 40 'and .50 tnimiionf. dom in all .thinge• and the haaii:of Statesmen' are giving this' mat- Christianity upon • which the law is ter more consii,leration. There IS an' founded. ,Sporting ..C6.111Intht : Did you .•ItneW . •..• that "Twenty Grand and "War ' 'Admirer., carried Charlie rt - *tiger. ^, past. s the :finish post at the Kentucky Derby,' Making 'the two. 1.eStest b ..'..2.NoWactayd'every, one .seerhsk to..: be .• , out :for records, ue•v* and *.entirely different.. pave yr,14, the boxer, has only. boxer- in •many day, to Win' the: "daily' cletible." • The Kentticky'berhir has- ii.een °keit' three times by Earl Sande and Is.aite • Xurphy,.... !.. `.: Year:. they . are cutting down the swim. sonie, The ' race is to be 'outside thesea-wall, the men -.going pi.:iiiilcs, Aad the wOtheti three, With '$0,0,00 for, the total Prize'''. Money, for both.- • '... • tn,'it''fevi, years they, 'Will pA•oba'hly be holding it at the r.g.C.A.,, with ,a cdP2,`fOr the first .prize, )tiat temake it ;more exelusiye: * Tiarrk, Gains; the colored Canadian ' boxer, made betWeen',A03?',:iiii'd 4934 . i..nppaly '$60,009 'tit' 'fights in England. They say h:s- biggest pursewas--- 7hrtilfricr- t13;0004-711e-niade,this when - :.‘e'ddaeinf°s,4tyhOhastC:a*e4aa.te' -,n most of the lieaveiglita • overseas; :-Worked his passage -to kngland, on a cattle boat . 14 years ago, . • •• • Brief Comrikent A's this is written, eieute=inact: .14e7r York iSlohhing forward' eagerly: to" :the chz,neling7Braddocle . fight:- Thil isa unitilit sporting 'eVerit,eri, imaginary prize-fight.kor. the tnYtii-!•-• ical chanipitinahip' Of the world:. - Age..doean'C'ertsade much. Chang- ing labels dOeSn't, seem very, import- ant after, you learn that it, ,doesn't ,change what's in the bottle.nohert 1...Nowt I -fl .Review • .1.,irges.:.13;anty in 2Building . Loyd TWeeclartinir" celled:on Canadian engineers tonight. to aim , their efforts, nt: the ,esthetic as well as the utilariatt in ,building • "the 'thaterlai background 0! .'a :greati ,natio.a7, •: ,Canada'a'.,OnYe,rnor7Qpiabral address- ed . ibantinet.,Of •the -Engineering- .,,aenneeeennial".'in a • four-day : gather- ing. He spoke to ittere, than 500 . en- -, • , , „ . 'gtneers from .Canada And, ettlmYs from, n half-dozen other -.nations.,. • • An honorary life meinber .Of the inetlinte,:the :Viceroy •fcTits • Mein-, bers,.'; it . Was, uinest necessary!' 'Or . them to preServo a balance :between :what..,1$ . useful .and What,.'it,heautiftd, in their .projects. constructive powers ninst be •Itet,:lri.•harradiry with .; nature: • , , • . . • •. •• "Even '15 'Canadai""...Lerd'Tweeds-. mint -said, ' where you ,Itra 'dealing . . . r , witk:nathre' in it$ Wildest,:fOriii;_the engineer should also he - something Of: :the artist." At the:seine time; he etn-",. :.PhaSiZed,' his belief 'the Introduction of human interest 'through :Seenkry.,.:,4beri not sfolI,• • but ;rather, dignifies,' any landicape.''.: • •-• •••• ' .. • • . , • • • • . , • . • •- Potato Men find. Markets . v...BETOtIo'fcqt. •H• tnconregeil. by -.•-,-devehmment-cit-rre-wriaricets-in;.,SOnth.,- deveityrinlerit.;of,new•iMarketsiMSenth,:_ -ern.' • United. . States,: markets, New ,'ErtinsWicks igrOweiir are. giving great er .attention to. 'seed., potato pUltere: South Africa -.also, has been sfiggested. as a:potential Market.' • - ' • ..• I % / Seed Poteto.-aereage in the Prov- • „ , ince lials • year ,is expected ' 'to :.double that; Of 1.9.38•;•• with table .iitotIt'' show-, Mg.! a' smaller pereentage. 'of, increase.. road Year MOO' acres Were Elwin for ..seed.: The 41937 acreage Is expected' to be .'mOrtc: than 6.Ao.' More &Piers enterige Ore....seed' business in the - St, jelin Valley coundei of,t•Ork,-' Carleton and Victoria While •ezpan, i.oh.also.:istanticipaisd:inAsentigonohe ,bountY..: ' : • Osculation Leads to 'Court . Mango. A. kiss caused. Donald Patterson of Toronto to zig-zag in and. ont.op.trziftio on Long Branch Avenue •'` C�mmentary on the T :..111.J.QHTS.,:OF. THE ,),(/EEICS • ,:„• • • Vy..Petpr R4n.(14)1 • Seventy three-day of the nrat ter- . n4 ' -p ts tor. v pjidpd thinisurgdit -Ortipaiakr!' of,beneral, DeVila began the task of :."riloppin up" tthe'- aacient Easque: capital , 9f,Fighting from house to honse; the .defenders . still hang en. grittily While .retngees.: have, indireck'down in t1i6usand, as they at; tempted to flee . the, City 'under, the murderens."fire Of the. Italian "Black, • Arrow' 'column. An indication that • the ;sieg was actually over and that Ilope of -staring off the advancing ercenaries was over, Was the- depar- re.„„of the ilfitish, cOnsul- from th eity. He was rescned• by 'British :ors from awaiting ship jhst Outside tbe death sWebt'harhor: Latest re- ports say that 'General France is • 'iransferring . iib hordes: -in- t11:0t114-alltie- lq the ! Madrid front Where another . terrine' ash ffi•IgrgP.4g.• _12y9the orders, . . ' Crisis Averted i7dt.__Ifinag„4nanr: r.Srry'e"ii,' an. anfailiffreTarr :ea.the. strength of . geVeriiment, Fired bYr, afinancial criscs .nceaslon- ,ed •by A, steady drain Of gold because. of "uneciiial trade, :"balazies: ,Prernier.: LeoniEltini:Jaas Mai .won a. vote, of Onnf1deli4ez'yetes of:Corifidence'.are a reattliesof thb system and . supporters -of ...-govern, meats' More Often than not tu"ii 'against their former colleagues on the slightest pretext, .Such was the ease whea. greirder, Bluai'S,' :Communist leputie getwed up' against 'him only to be raet•'.ivith surprising Opposition • froin other section of the ,Chamber, 'The, Government is nnvi; empowered with extraordinary financial powers to ,suppertiliezfranc by-xegulationAtther discount . rate • and a :•crisis ' might have been of :World imnortance of the Loyalist .(ravr'7017.-rfie .delyiehtkr stare7er af;" , _ _ renuested . all '.civilians to leave- the • ,fairs has • been averted; • at least for the tiine. • • Financial. Courage •teli064: • ; • After ten inonths. comparative • Strange be.w echoes of distant,,tinin- ••stale • mate, the Faseiste. sditta! to be dee cOipe ..Ctese te..honae, Two we,eks geting' a:on:m*1113re:in:.their attempts: tagoFAMaticial .rnet With to sabilaei,, the Will of . the . Spanish the'annouricernent by Canadian. paper pedple.. • just pride to the fall; of 1-n.91:lacers. that. priCes for •fine .p4Pers bao, new tame .waS:injeCted ;Intotheir, and, ,‘,boarde*. Were . going .ep trona. $7, councils bY..the .'-atiziouliceine.rit Of a to • $10. per .ten..1 Among...the' reasons tie* loan obtained abroad • for .$1,0.0;7, givbn 'bry manufacturees. for this' rise. OOP. 'The' announcement was male by (atneunting E,3•% •:0ver last' year). a'fOrMer Jobaece illiterate • was .''thir.....s,careity of •sulphite. ; '$uh• Juaa March, chief .civilian backer of. phite is the: bleaching qagent • In the the revolution.:. No one 'seents to kno'Sv- l[cheipleal.' Wood pulp. Sul - where it • is to Coale froln'.bUt .there • Prilne • ingredient ,O.tH• •el -se guesses, , • 4143.%• APPare,A., therexpenditure .niay turn th.ti tly. trianufae. germatty: • and the Pe- t'. tare te,i4PloSivea,is".,Uf.linoreftlipor7!. • ...A„)rof Vi tO throw geed -morieY tance thia.:unsitt, tt,.world .• to - after had. .S0 "far, the Cainpaign,. he fiay,',Ihen the maneactnre o '.''• .. t.PC- not .been nnich ,'`ef. a .success . bat ,fur- iper. .„ •The. Bilbao r :seeing. to .1iFa.r. the hue* bustle Of'in., this stil•t*PnC:' • • :liteTliational..lie,adaclies, we :a:Moat..tOin • •• Beauty. in DiSees.5•• 'dOt;.tci. trientienl'sonlethino• .WhiCh. bap - And. in .Geerrtany;••: allis not .:.pened right. liere 111 Toronto.• It will, :e.ChancellOr personal not shake the depthEof thenationhut , friend .'Eind'the••Director. German ,State • stand, out, by contrast. 'vvith 7 .Motion Pictures, Leni .1tiefenatehl- has • With the other happenings • Of... the been •:4-01.teed4 of having inon,-Ary,an'! :i;kieelt„'....Q4' all. things it • was :a ..04rii; grandparents. In irtesi ecitintrieZ,:'suchp. imagine 1t,;y9u:..Cnn;.; the. Icourtyard.ef • •a fault would not,.,.he of any an, ancient with a party 'in pro - lar importance but • in. ' Germany „where grets.. on a 'terrace at one ,Mid, :strings '.the: Nazis are ,engaged., in • atairirling haing plucked., with °lg..' English' airs. out -their Jewish intepeett;ai ..class, There may • have ;been •wartii, 7struggles the accniatlenla the ••nezt,7thing to • la the' financial..!•wOrId,'.ednaprale •;up - ruin. The Charge was made by Propi,. sets; but 1:Hart'euse on the night et. gends, Miiiisteri:.-cnebbets. :at. a. social). the Graduation ;Bail znight; have.heeil; ' gaftieritig..lt has sinceheendemied !Mr.! ''sOntething, odt of,..another, ..centurY.. '•:11rure.,invention". The interesting !art. .Por :those. who leave -the • cbliege balls' for conjecture -is juSt.what..;chaneeiter.; tilne,:..it:Wae, to • all 'ptir-. Hitler • thinler ribent., it an' aim : pa, poses another way, ;set apart, from 'the, • what action he Iwould take it he charge , one they •Iiive,•liYithiS time,..entered.', proVed, to be true,' jt:.is well known • The going:tor college graduates ,is not that. All,. tethe.WordenThelitaTrfialre'-. 7ItneWn, which -.1s not nl'anYrthebeaur,*'.-triereAobaL:titia-ineana;;-r;we.hoPer •tiful ,actiesS .favourite.• • • te,r,4:,thcingaz.t.,.cf-ttem....;...,,." .last :Sands*, according to evidence in • recently;•••when „Patter- son appearedto: answer S:•• reckless •driving charge. A. girt riding . on :an- other 'man's lap was the, canbe of the 'trouble,. according to .the 'eVidenee. There_were •eight persons in the oar, dye of them In the 'roar seat. 'Patter, -son 'paid for his with an. $11.:50 line. -.; - • • . Noted Wee*.SoJd, NEW Di- gest, we,ekly • neirs% magazine, was sold outright this week to the'7.1tevieiv Reviews Corperation";rherlded•lbY' the veteran •rnagazine , editor," Albert ' .The sale brings' two of, the . oldest* • „ es‘ ritz4n::-Takei PrePaiOneijy- These ''CIOudeiter artuntlet" fightirig- planes. ?II'tho $tiM:dst mahincs ii tla2...45.e.rVide• finer ,shOWed thpir POWCI'S to the tinKin-g-a drspla ;Itoyel Afr Porce apredronles thr,ougliout the country • a, roffrattion: the •,a6Puritlete';ili iMht °Vet SO , lleyal Fordo, With', a ihising. Speed of 260 1 `Ailes ail t frOm thoeqnseren.‘ 910 4.citt list. On Alny,,,,,,Ztilb tlieY• y given nt nc eaon w.th tile timpire Ay. Day1 when were throNfn .oreit othe!Poblic. • gmi.nts•urb s40*.fs•t oino sody 1Cetitey, ' Magazinesis'.4meria..tinder the same ownerthhip:•.; The Review. of Reviews was founded in 1.891 and the DigeSt in• 1896 Practically the entire. oWnership of the bigest had been in the „hands, cf. It 4, ,Ouddiliy, the publisher., an wilti•ed 47. Fimk, whe has been ,editor, •In -chief of the Week137.. ' • 'flame LOarii$4,4720:000..':: ' a'reeerd-bre.ah- .,Inerinerelis6 dbritig,tlie.7Petiod- f tern• ' to May total:loans.: . . - 'under the'.aorne IniproVernent ,Plan of the ;;NatierialErnpIoyntent, eon:- 'iraiSeion ninourited.lon. the last-banfed • date...to divided • aniong'.11,7. 844 ....•.borreiVers...:,The,:, ',scheme was placed ,onerotienlast fall. • , According figures issued •.cting ..thetto were 2,670' leana; arraninting, to. .$99$,091y.durihg„the 'four -Week., pciled.' 0011ir411.11'..tica -Of.. :1,000 pontilation,, .Tovotit'o,: with 1,018. OIllOutlt- t 3t,i156.31 still.' headed th'e May 15, both in .nainVer.`iiild • • atnaunt, although .gontreal • not :far hchlnd.' Montrealleans tuainber., • da :04, but ainatinted, to' $361,4200,, Vancouver•.renrted. 544 h3anS, total . ling .$1.74,40720,••.fo1lowed by. peg„ with 389 leanai. for •$1.f.'4,175,.72, mon on an lwa. were „ilex ,10 •order, . •. • PePP1',411Y, speaking; `citieS'.: and tevina -retorded 'notable increase, The ;',ro,wn Of New Waterford, ..tvhiCh has, IlInde U1 •Ot4staild.ing. rec., '61.•,:t• Idans; rep,orted. 174. linotaning t� $(36.:(180,: as on May115,, aliebigehniiires Trucks From, QtJlltEC1 H'AfOlor, tivalcs Will hot be perinitted to 'convoy inorchandfse , , bt shy. doscrintion, on iligifays of 010 PP0ri1r00 011 city streets en «SundaY in flourc, officials o' the, At- " to rney-0 ;`,fi oral 's • beim rtm 0111 4 n- am! n Tort „las L. : Traffic. ofileora tbrougheut *he 171',0' vin or! 1I( Se 1)0611`.' in strut, to.a: o't the new tit 1 i ettioei • 011 }1411(11N111',Vr flaV0 be'oll &Noted tt Son truck 1111V - and owners,. contain Whit' tile " „ ugurafirlit- -‘ . • • = • „, :Mot lion§ hod, no, byesot sfl hut ,pt their 1n:1011t1. the ottt }ett. litit 111New. YOrk. Post, Capada Ot ing to Chance ' COce4i, CrOss-rhErn. 'Teitii.-Ofr4PlAne4' • '''''''' ' Thorough fpr June* 24t.l! Flight the.OrrkeAvW.ar4tin•—pnTtheqpzirr4Sne4r;Qlx:otes are r.e: leaving nothing to chance, when, on ..,aer..oss thTfew7Ast,.1:taaOrttiinc.i.1:10.,intrs. ,...,„ June :::::1t:iti‘rf„ ligibta::: made 1.:it(hiereq,'q' xieineix%..fgwil,frci. fscOitaiila.t.,t,hn';',' '134,:lcilia • 7 fri.iin Op. ,United - ,States, ..eeatWards. . .The M•itish plane' will be; ,Oprated , bY? Imperial 'Airways,, the united ' Sttes rnecitine. by, Ran -American. , ' ,1.2,,lahorate area,n,,gerilents •liae" been; Made latthis e.":d ixy :the Canadian r, Government to ensnre complete anci- accarate,rePorts relating•to •rif..et.etIvo- • lo,04:c9nclitions,. be lig given to. the ' . ,..flii.anetrise. aid It:Onafroal?1,ii:t'phYqe.r.Notheit4 NAoriir tehr i eAata... • • • . , ' , ocintinente the radii %branch of the 'Canadian Department . Of Transport , willcollect' weatheri reports. These , will be sent in ., fent., tittles a day to ' ,the..--,Newfo.undiand ..-, wireless-...; :station at lietwood. ' 7 is. service ' w:11 begin- about a.• 'week before the .tiCtual 'clate'ortrier-,'". flight. From 13d:tweed these. Will be tranginitted.direet Pl•Foynes, Ireland.' The DI r'itiPshr.'lltpil4anFeligW!litil take !iff frefn Seutliatilpfon40 FoYnear on the ' first.leg. ' The next. hop, one of 1,906. ' -nOleS;•, IS ,from .r•pynOs to .Botweect.. ' 'Ihe third' leg of ,approximately , 90,0 iniles is to Montreal. s'.t.i.o.s. pilot will •folloW.:. eitherthe. i.:Ourse of. the •St. Lawrence' or cut straight over north-., ' ern • Cape' Proton and' 'Ne W .13iune- . • . ..:.Whieliester route.. is . used; AM*. - . '..' eciuipment has been •installed in •hi, t. 4";-Cankdiari, transport, eerVices:: '-, :intrilrOna Wireless stations •operated • „ 1)ireetiona1 Andedis • are located at ' . • 4TiihYeSjje°1bnave been, stiPpliemented, .£10 .tililt the -a:e,rW ` nay !gators-will: :have, ' no difficulty,. whatever ' in ,fistabliSh-.. „ ing' their , position' Once they . snm0'..: Within the zone of the ,Cairedian .sta,,.. '' The seryiee Supplied to • the ••Brit- :: . 'ish• Plane !Eoesialso 'tO...: the :Pari -Amer- -- i frail,. _Which will take.- Oft frOrri'• the, • Long ,'Lllaind. seaplane 'hese. ihiroSt •at., jr the • salne., tinie.'the British 1e'es . Southampton. These interested are ' speOrlating: Whether, on this 'ikiS ctre. - occasion,- the 'east and. west bound ..,. .flier's :*ill .cross - in.. sight of • each' other, -. •stimetvheie oter. the Atlantic. ". anada With Tpp Tourist 'Nations. Buzineto Now 300 Million _ _ npalli.TDr. Riddell :Tells Labor : Conference--'— GElypvA. (hall- delegate to 'the '.In- . • • . ....ternationat -Labor • '• Conference, :last : .,,weelt.'tirged the:conference attempt to , .bring abOnt.effe.ctiVe:iealleatioa,of •the: • interdependenee cif),..intiluitrY and. :•tigri; • .Foltlire. rIe Ahkgestedfene•ot the wealtaesset • ot"the international . labor office . was that .it dented top Mach attention to, • industry and: toe llttr0 to agriculture. "Sometirnes. Ibave felt industry . been trylpg • to pull ifself :up. by its OWit- bootstraps, net realizing :that' 16 ..prospelLitY;,ta;closely_viraiiped_fin with - the' welfare , of; The /other and ;larger hair Of- the. World's •populatio-n," Di, • • ' 'r d ' ''••• • • Riddell' garee • • .•• • • , Since•219.3.$;, ,he .13,14oCeeded, 'Canada, ,had eontinueusly endeavored . to • open. UP the Channels 'Of trade and licr cus- tonis 'administration' had been greatly •Reneficial ,effecte of " -tiatio•tis with a ,namber of countries,. . . ed Sttes;"':already were ;being 'seen'. increaged mport .and eNpOrt.. trade. , .itiddell said Canada ; raplp, • aniong 'the first !:(5f telirist ourittle$, .,witli,.,-businesi now imertnting 'to • ,thotit ' 000000 - • stands fifth aurang the ./trad.hig..; no..? • . dons ot•world,, ' ' , . , • . • corn, ,,int.Dee.tHecetrivme en Pickpockets Decide It Wisest'To Submit to Her Commands •• • rNIPANT Detective 101110±, Was WartnlY ',praised by- male nembera.:,Of the: 'police force hore for iiaking g.pod man.•si.Zedjoh!,'"Sho, arretod tWo inen..•.eharged mg to nick pockets 11114,11Mteile,d theta nft.:16 a Polfe'cstatien, WhCr(' jt was • frotind, They have a, tOtal of SI arrosts and 'JO' tonviriOns. , , Sh.'hal&Y, who is assiktcd to the pialtpochet •ACIttriti; was 111011e ..Wi'1.04 Aho o ct c tWa fl11l, Jt1001 COPP, 4 And lark Croon:berg; ,40. COM!. zionitheit. to ,111`I'Ct when trn1,11.. •11, IfitOtt an d • .111:4 ,0)01.1g0i, .t11-60111Org brokt,"rirwaY and, tricd10 FU)1, but, cnar,ici,d' his 'Cho millti!oOrtNa.M'etilfIll (41A' tettNe fiie tWil "illot‘i over his` head, • ••••. • , A :turoifto. woman wants, isi.ttsd koinst ..so ming', A, expenifee;f01:Alt.tit pi'ptcction' is •:Are:1T:411'g SonP •thte: ShOter'S iiietith,Toronto- Star, : • • . • ,