HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-06-24, Page 6;.,
. Three •bandits.Selipl!a•transcontirien.
Oup .andIts passengers,, and 'force
.mOnntalnelde to a', ;One* log ehack
A...taging forest fire, Creeping pp the• •
• •mountain,:threaIna to trap the :proPP,•''.
"Y.'lhei'''',"littnitilte'".proaA4fter4*---tientet ,nevv,r4,
eXploliva formula .believed to be In..
, , .
,!..Trump,.,Chemical magnate. One of .the-
,• ,.:bandits, giving ,a.'Stlagestiye twist. to
..• the 'bandana .'around,' his, neck, .hintp,
that Trump may be kiIled aalese he
focomes itCroaa";:: May Lawrence, Prat-
"tralPed" nurse,,, to wham: young
•.,,Nicheial.' Strand has ..,been, qulte at.
Ae.OPY•ep• remembers that She had seen
•„lint Converiatiott, with
and fears that hemay be col.;
••'!-rying the .forMnia..... ' • ”
, • ;CHAPTER 11
There Were, Only three . cots in. the.:
, Worattu,'§•,;•rochn, and • al. once, Amelia
, . ,
Bangor ',announced ithat "..would •
e• sleep:.In the bus...•
• .*-fiey,;),toy,f.,ie,....yOu,'":' Mrs..•
.• Jenkins. • „."Te.-„think.of.that man ,tray
with, that, '::..Yalitable...,fornatilal
••• .
• Maylni,he'S gOt;tOtne of the explosive.'
echnewhere. about iim. It might' blow •
us • .all to,kingdom
"Yes,' muttered • Miss Bangor.
on hi way to Washington. . I. heard
hizn say so." • '• .
•: • • lea pikes sno, e .t211..se,gme .a
surd:. for a •talekly-joeking.• Men like .•
Finley Trump •to• be the. central figure
, • . .
• ,, in'. this bizarre ,:and., rather alarining.
•.!..:.adiefittire: 'Still, the4thenght, of being
•••.preaent•••!•in ,•Mith •'.eraMped......puattere.'
.•,.'When."•.le.-. was- Strangled . with a.'; hen.
den•Alf Ike Carried ;out his • threat;
,y—shook her nerves...• • ' . •
don't really,enippese;;'thouph;.;that,'
• 'theY'd;•,kkfPrder • hithi";:she,'mused.:
asked•'..•Miss. Bangor.,
',lifeIs nothing to men` like "
Mrs. Jenkins laid „a.' fat,. cold •hand.
• '
rth•O -air!" . She Whig-
...;.Pered.,;: • 4,!kinr,der!:
tel where a man .was. kll1ed and 11
• told Mr, ;Ienkins-•••-!'
Miaw•Jonea,.looked at her: With con-
tempt. better keep that • kind'
• of 'thing' -to yourself," she advised. •
• .•-titit }urn 'Jenkins was not to be
, .
you .* think what With : the
' raZ,Ora and all the weapons we had,
taken ..froin° ue;• it. was kind . of fool -
for that; bandit' te'ShOW'tts What'
could be dime Witha bandana, or feet,
•• • a bighandkerchief?"' ahe '.whispered
hoarsely. '1 said to inYeelf,.'10;,that's.•
foOligir gestere• for him:, to make; All.
• • • •••;
As,: she 'spite;a diatan't 'eXplesioti•n•
•• ' • t
Shook , the log a..on e
•• ,tha seared face •of . young ToMmy„ 4r„
•uho,o,pPeared: in. the doetWay... , ' ' •
•• ..."0Ce•I'`. TkeY're.: blaktiff'' delOn
• • on the nibuntaini" the. bey:told, tha,
After; auPPelS1 :4aY':.f..?awrence 1•We11t, ,
:•,out: ter a ,stroli ,
Wished:to, get- away' •front •
%lipase,' and 'shib wanted to take to'Niek,
Strand.' Aint4.„!,,slie:.• knew. .1h6 TWas ,abt-
siii,,:eonid,'kikoW rid • 1.'63t. ro',.Shp
. .
. • . • .
co. FAftr
frank person 'with.lerself, and flow
she knew that, for the 1,first time, she .
had fallen aerimully ii love
AA she stood tliete on the mountain,:
, •
top, the huge gray :Shape of the bus
herore 'her; -.several .partielee, of
-fell on her hand. , Whatwould they
to them? Every one of them realized
that it was. a .'grave Situation,. quite '
aide from the question of •the 'banditti •
and Mr. Trump.,..Already, May ,aensed
a • tension in • the air
• ' .
• Niek• Strand , was -standing. beyond •
the bite', smoking a cigaret and. he
tinned quickly as the girl apProttched
wo Little Girls Were Lost,
A Drama of—the—Prairies
'It , takes .soMe such event as a, lost
child to ,e1,0*e tbe. deepestandten-
dereat., and most chivalric • of kuntAn
..• 1P.,4nnO.4.04,nP,,i4;11a.".;r0400tail.41.0-,,!Ipz?,h;otiper4b•tievet,.
..WOY... .. , . -, -
Take 'the' ° Cape' :of the two little
.., . ... .
girlei• around 10 Years of age, who
_werelest, iirthe hu country" beyond
-.104. f'..q_CM,.eit*OccyZiacA :41Fc'Z'c1._-,,..,.......„----Cv;r:'
„nays, And. :Or nig EST7.,T... mpg -In
Sorel), 'pf, 3h*. pat. ents':,cattle, they..
get '4PePP1',-.,Pd' • cleePet into ,','•thell,
', Wpoded,:teeuntrX and.. 'event:Unlit:. be,,, ,
..cenle.'ein4ited as *ell. 0.',thar040n7...
'lost. .'.. :. It is a, region in,v.- which 'wild '
'Arkiknel0 aboUncl,;,,•. There . are. 'beni4 '.
:aboUt :4 an . ugly • ,word. "fOr'••44Idreta,:
The little girls,triecito: sleep in the
Claill, ''fOrbidden. woods. ' They: tried •
to..eleep. beside logs,. • 11 was a ter-
rifying experienee.. it 'was, a modern,
"Babes in the 'Wood?". story,. . ....
AtiOite airplanes :roared, in search.
. , ,
Two hundred . farmers and others.
' loin .ebildren were the 'stile;topic Of -
conversation.There was general, dial
. .-...oritilitttf Wentir.-•we'le- „..
• "I ,wish. you were out of tale;" he
said, troubled- eyes onher love-
ly, • earnest face. Its a devil of a
pickle; and we max as well face it. ,
ilere—take' this, and use it If yen have ,•
to. I have • another."
To May's astoniah,inent, he thrust a
amall,reyelver Into her hand.
:another :'one?" she, gasped. . : .
"-Onder the ,:eutihien of inx sea .in
the bus," Ile grinned. 44Qtrite
I YalWays, de it. But because of you,
*eaten, dare ..etatt firing at
three armed , men." •
., "I'd like 40-.6... for.;•;thoaa'dogs .with
my bare hands!". Stra:ria :growled an- •
The • sound of •• another: explosion •
t.drifted Up. to „them: ? •.•'. • • • • • .
•, "Still. blasting!" vhe htlefli, •
"Lucky , for us those 'ereoks steered.
us 'ft the 'road jtiat'''W•liete they did.•
We'd .,.neyer have hieken. throgglq
Soniers says. He Was bee. scare lad"
."11rit If, they don't put out that fire
.dOwn, there" • • •".,
. "Thin that's the ,end said
-.Strand, , glanced at, ....the :Infs.;
Amelia.. Bangor's flash- .
)16i... Was moving •about. "There's. an
• unpleasant- person," he,cremarked,-
"There•Were not enough Cote lathe.
teem...ter :ail Of ...its," .explained: itak:
sboTpautiegithen sald I --I- came out
• here tOtaak you seimething. Are oy.On •
tea*. What you say you are, Doetor,
'Strand,?•.• • pleasel • ,po„ ,st know.: Are.;
you ,•really ••connected'.•With- that ' hie-
:Pital, in .Baltimore
ivhat?".".1-le'Was: mailing a little,"
• .
looking deeply • into'. her/ ariXioua•ayesi'•
.• "Or travelling With 'Mr.: Trump; With.,. •
that idreadful forMula or ..explbeive:Or
•whatever • it is?"..she whispered.'.07rOu.'
.• • • .. • ,•• ...
tee,. :several tiniea • I saw you talking::
,Strand's • face, became grave., '
do'..Yen,Wish-tb' knew?" he asked.
• "I•Ain. afraid:for yeu,":said May sini-•
•."You're .said.:Strand, and
Tlifted her cold ha..). to. ,bis lips.. "But
voilidn't It be better. ;if you ',didn't.
''.knOW?" . :.•
.Iccd :water ,seemed
,throUgh • may's veins.
• 'T.iten,•,yotr- 'are.
•brp'athed.... •,•• . •
,•• •, •,
•.13,u t .;there, ...Was riO oppprkhaity.,„for•
4..beyis1i •Voice Speke•-•
wt. ,„ ,1
,. • .ey, p11 .c.e.:.•it.,o0.a,,Doc?'
' itaiid 4okcd At. Totinny • A.tcher
.withent-AnY.....paSitular ,ple.astire:•-•Most.-
..people, „ ' • •
have it,"; he . saggestd.'•
Tommy ' kicked .at.. a 'stone.. "Vell,,
YOU1100," he Went on, ". Y uncle
• and, ine. left:,Los,..Angeles,...my"graild;
metliet*.g.ave,the • h 'lot .oe slily, stuff.
, • . . • .
•1 got : it, in 'one'. of. Iled'a' hags and
theles a .let of good". babas'' ,there ,
that can be,blown 1lp,see? •I thought •
wa• hie* 'era up and' tied a messog.e.":
to "ern And sant 'ern off 'in. tine °Wind ••
maybe •one of 'ad 'would •:.get Same-
pily, finally recovered.:
When a child is lost it is, one , of
those occasions when eoncerh, even
Heartache, is a general ,poseession. It
• is not confined to the family directly
involved. It becomes an occasion of
deep, personal anxiety for all who
know' of it. This is conspicuously
• •• , •
the case in this rural 'Canadian west;
where neighborhood is real, where
II .1 •
the brotherhood, of Muin so, often
„. .
-finds exprcsion..
In this hunt for two lost children
word finaliy thishe,4 abrOsa theagreS
that, ,:ohe• of the.:Wssing girlhad
been "rescued by IthEaris;" and was.
leing, driven in • safety to het' home.
eat from olden tiinel There was
Ionahaw‘linkediti, saToday
i 4s g eC1%.' b urni
a friendly • 'The Indian' on
.• . ,
these plains today is part,- Of a'
:hretiberlined j the
share's; .the „white map's . cares; he
sympathizes, ..tinderstan4S and helps.
-Regina-Regina Leader -Post.
(2,430er .
!VItridowtiti, ty Stamps
:Frau Maria Schmidt is asking, Vieii;
na courts •tor ia . divorce becausehe
•-•eaYir-Shele;441a.-.8taitip--alhum WidoW'"
. • •
She says that She had been happily
mardeI for 15 years!. her • hus•
.„Dand took up stamp coffee -Ong.- 14-nw
he Is so: absorbed ,in his ,hobby that
he neglecta, her. •
Rev.' Dr, John Pitts, of 'Liverpool,
during a recent 'address in 'Toronto,'
Paid:- that everyone; .except Mussolini
and Hitler, silffered at times from an
inferiority, complex. How'did he hap;
pen.. to omit Stalin and Bernard
' Shaw ?—Brantford Expositer. `s •
A SurrUner Snack
1 for. a: summer snackthan, golden
sponge' cake, fresh strawberries and
cold,.creamy milk?' We can't think of
anything that, Would, „taste bettet-ann:
go we give this recipe for sponge
. , • .
• co.ae.. It "seems, somehow,' a particu-
suitable cage for.. Summer be-
cause' it is light 'golden' and .very
laety.„' . .
" True: spOnge, cakes .never ball for
, baking tiowde.r. lit, the Teeing; they are
:made light, 'solely by the air that is
beaten,into the eggs. but there is rap:
:other kind of •sponge•,calce,that can be
.nraia With 'bakink'po*Elet .and.,which
• call ifer fewer '.egga.That is, theone
we •ikaire :chosen because it , Is., econo.
_Atind..„ta,clalte nod' 0-the•more
expensive kind: • .. ••
There is ':one thlng you , must' re•
.inenther, however, . making this
. Cake and that is. to: 'nee, finely.milled
flour, :If yOkipecity , the ,fiiieet •flour..
'on -the. 'lliarket •tirlaeti yon buy frenh
:your •grOcer;4'you'.need. have no fear•
that this -cake Won't be a Suedeis. '
". ,• . • . .
• ','Champion 'Sponge Cake .
1:14. cups • Sifted' :cake.. flour, ••:114 tea-
spoons baking Powder, teaspoon
'salt, 4 .egg...yolks, .cuns: sugar, .;4
egg Whites,...1 teaspoon ...„vanilla, 1 tea-
spoon grated lemon. cup boil-
ing Water. , ,„/ , •
-Sift f1cur otice,r'theaeurei add.
nowder.. • and salt, and 'sift to.' :
other, three' times. 'Beat egg' 'Yolks .
•until thick and light; -Add ih cup su-
.and foamy thtoUghtint;. add
reMaining,$.4:•eop Sugar. Very ,gradual-
ly and continue :beating 'until' stiff en-
ough. to hold up Ia., definite,. sitinY...
peaks. - Add ranhlla and lernon rind.
Add boiling' water to •egg,. yoke; . dtit.
ring well; . then , add flour all: at once
.• and •beat with ..slieon '•sMeeth...
Fold .quiCkly.,trita egg *woe. Turn'
into ..tingreased-tuhe pan' and bake in
moderate 'oven_ (350 deg.. .hour.
and 5 minutes,. or MAIL:bane. •Invett
. .
hour; or :Until, cold: • '.• •
Be tender with Strawberries
strawberries: needaffectionate
handling. They .dtaft: takeliindly • to
Shower baths: 1,ceen •,,th'era, away „ from
Juicy fruits—tasty vegetablesteate .more than their share of
• kitchen interest when used to adorn a set of tea towels.:; Here's where
• celor,coutite; so be sure*.to use;•the gayest cotton floss when you em-
broider these. Child or grown -nn Will have fun with this ',Set of
, Six," for it's just 8 -to -the -inch cross stitch. Pattern .1504 contains a
transfer Pattern of six motifs averaeng 5 x--7% 'inches; ,illustratibiF
of .all stitches used; dolor suggestions "' material requirenients. •
./Send 20 Cents in stamps or 'coin (coin preferred), for this pat-
Eern to Needlecraft, Dept:, Wilson Publiehing Co:"; 73 West Adelaide•'
,-8t,:, Toronto.:„.WrIte • plainly PATTEAN2NUMBE.R? your Nom. and t
• ,
. where and folks_wetilltknoit ale ut.,.11s..„.:
Serand;.•Sinilin.g,..:"arid the •,other half
• taillida, your idea is worth, you ..can
collect . When ,we gotback ,to'..0e.fety'"
• "Sure," agreed.' TonitnY;' •gotta go gp:, Your, .rOoni••,•and: Sot,. iem.
'upCialie• dark. Titoed• 'guys Won't
„ . .
thi Otit4du-worh:eatatertinanY •
thine •• ••• ' ' • '•
. As „MaY'rnored• away witli'•the boy,
she "leoked• back at--Nick-rStrand, lean -
itenelfalantly--again'st • a :tree,.
'smoking' Ids eigaret. Was he 'really
carrYing.' that • :horrible "thing •for
Trump? . •
Full inforination. regardiag'the ca0-","
ture • of., the • bus and •the plightof its
paSsengers was fled to 'ench, tat little •
halleon;• hefereTphimY i1imbed from
the window • of the Voinen'a'bedrOotn,
and Sat them adrift.in the strong Wind '•
On fi)' nlnhlfltOitltOp It spetrind.,-f
7.to..,ck.p6cP much fromthis Voitiale, • but ,
i.may felt: a little' bn".ter, when the
thiag- Was done: , • .
• . TO
•kk •
your dealer, about
• tho new .Coleman
t Stoves that inake their
own gas, or write
TheColetnan Lamp and
Stove Co., Ltd., Dept.
' Vil, Toronto, Ontario.
• School .Whcn: Marrie
. TOPQNTQ.-Unliker• a case • re:
..eently..reporthd from ',Rritain;
• ronte 'collegiate.; girls who ;Marry de
not stay iri :School after they, under-
take to be wives and hemeniakerh,
•; Theke have -been a for -UAW -a in
Toronto where girls Attending school
•-have been wed,but. principals -say
that• they -know of no :cases in Which
a young married Wciman ,reniained
as' a Student. ' ' • "
oft is not .surprising that a: 'few
of t.thera 2get '„inarried se • early:-.-Lwe
have some remarkably, good-looking
giris among odr stOdents, and nowa-.
days' they are ,taught Aonielhing, of
„ domestic science)" said PrinciPal F.
H. Olarkeoof Jar*. Collegiate. "
the ,faucet. • Instead, put them in a
bow.co.t4itate.g4nklift Omit -not 1:01.13,-
ther'fingere somewhat apart to terve .
as a Strainer: .The Band and Boil .from
the berries Willsettle to .the bottom.
For that reason; don't pour the
off the berries. Unless berries are un-
usually dirty, two such, washings will
be enough. Place them in, ii,voltinder
to 'drain.' Then rentoie cape., Rinse
again after ..remelying• caps If neces-
sary.- • . ,
'Never allow 'berries' to stand in wa-
ter; lose oiler. and flavor. ' TO
sweeten'.strawbetriee befere serving,
etain: halves or chop rather than.
crush them* in order ,to keep them "as•
attractiveas possible. •. -
, . .
Fresh raw erryTar s ,:•.
9 tarts '
One" .miatt lnilled strawb'eirles,
:cup,. 'sugar; 1 fia-
voi'ed gelatin, 1. cap hotwater, 1 up •
•.creafia -whipped; ,94aked 3 hien: tart
f Combine: ,i-trawherries; and • sugar
andlet, stand. •40 Minutes: • Dissolve,
. strawberry -flavored. gelatin .111' hot
water. ,Pour over strawberries. ' Chill:
untilgelatin hegins JO thicken. Fold
tablespoons thickened gelatin into
whipped cream:. Chill.. Place layer 'ef
whipped:Cream in bottent of each tart,
Ohill. abont '1.0 inindea., cover
with layer; ef. 'jellied' Strawberries,
pressing 111111 end .of, each etra3vflierry
'lightly into ' cream:: Add .thickened.
gelatin to fill a tett. Chill a few
min -
111(8 longer •and serve.: .
Heat is the enemy of 'color .and fla-
vor, --00--use-preservinr-m-ethetis- 're-.
uiting ininiathin of Iieat. The Bureau•of Home 'Econernica -suggests this as
one ofthree good, processes. Itis .for
'8 pounds ' of Prepared fruit the.
maximum .for. best ' teethe. • 1'
Processing • according to tlkinTineth--
od you Weald use a 'pound :Of sugar
for .each pound Of, :berries, and com-
bine.-tbetwain. alternatelayers„.then
let :Went stand $ to I.O. hour's •before
cOoking.; 'No water. should be
• as the sugar draWsenoughliquid out
'Of.the fruit., Ae.Sotin•ai they are ready.
.bOg. them, ..rapidly It or 20 minutes
or._ until_ the syrup is rather 'thick;
Yoii'lI need ,19 •stir it accaSionallY but
, Carefully' 'so , as not . to • break :the
herries• „
u es for "Ideal,
Guest -to Follow
"There '•is no law against 'a girl
• stadent being niarried,:',ether. than:
the requirements as to parental e'en; •
sent,",•Said Dt. C. C...C4oldring; sup-
erintendent of schools. '
. W. E. DunlOp, issuer of meriting°
licenses; said that if a• girl Were un..
.der 18 the cork:Sent of het...father, or ,
in certain circinnstances her mother,
would be nec2Ssaiir, '
' 'At the' University, . say the auth-
orities, Wiz quite a rare thing. for :`
.rnarried ,••nien•: to be in attendanee;
land, almost unknown 2,1Or lnarried
:Women to be regular day student's. '•
Send us.' your ,ntutte, and reeciVe
absolutely YEEB, 'sample . of dui
tary! Napkins. •Ifygeia Products,
London;" Ontario.
Issue. No. 26—'37
S.tranner Girl Be :P.4e1:4Iar.':If
' 5h0-," Can Adapt'Hterself
, .
No one is A iikoredelk•hite: Asset 'CO
country hens° 01 a.Weelt eild cottage
,?han a..Werhan.gneet'Whe dati and does
:Dray tenhis o goifLjtkcstojidp„.sic
, swim •,'Arul,,..Who„rXiyhea, t'vilight falls,
suddenly ;turn -oat to be an attractive
'bridge 'or-.''dtinee' Partner.- The trick, Of
course, lies: in 'being an active .sport:s:-
wOman without:Idokingit' twenty-four
hours A day, AriX, get,Itirth-
et ;With, the'•Othergnests as weIl'.as.
her 4100.00'4 'ifshe is
in het ability :to adapt. herself 'to. var-
ious Sittiatione, . : • .. •• • - •
: means taking care Of yoUrfskiit'
and 'taking care.; net to dYer.deVelop
your intadlee, while doing the things
youti figure ,ldan, 'slender. aPd stipphe
.1f. Yon play golf or tennis fOt hOuta
'and' Atours. 'With he ,auntenlation'au
face:And arins". and to'. hat on. Yew
' head, you just, 'won't be your prettiest •
at the •dintertitabld, : " • '
Unless ;it 'IS, fea1;fnlIy: bet; wear
glo6S ;When gbitiiik; and, het ,orz•bold,
always Wea' thiem,: When you :ride 'a'
• horse or thivo..a,,'earA tanker, 'ones'
will eoin'e in .linnak.
are elected., to help seruly down •Ehe
Yeeht) canoe; lieWbeat • or. whatovbri
• Do '40Ply..hand • cream 'Or',•lotiOn • adv.!
"eral tittles a day, ynartiCularty atter, a.
prolonged eWiirt, and use Cuticle dream,.
overy nlght, .
P:e0.0 a ainAll hat on,your h‘tid tvh6n4
It's-*.ot.W Win . te. ride In the, rumble
seat - and Wear A hig„, one it you
pQct , to Olt In. the '.sand thinning.
Bruer year haft every night and re-
inettibee.ttiat' thete are Varlons' .tonv
Aileato,torreet dryness ; in &WO isi,:nsh.
big alono dOes•liee-iloTtlin job ;Wirt-
ennii0 to atilt you adt. into We
aWing; et.reartangiii‘g. Your ,eotiture at-
irtteiltely •beferei •dinner. You can coy-
er• straggly eUtls' vilth inkirte :ben,
&Mitadaring the 1;41aytitnei, but
ettiVt. 't%ery., wall .to,i;,0,..:;dittl.et *ilth a
ride's Make-up.
Should B Natural
:upplick and Nail Polish teirt Be
• Dark foe:Church Wading
MOO ?Are NU. of •
June bridge these days ,77.church
• les, atid the AlSielike Corridors' of the:
e#y hall,:and,cepnty, hOtipe.qtent
waYW:,,' One of the big ,q11eAtterlS that
,ev.-!ry bride hs to tonsider..is what: •
Nypifilts1ifi1i'417WW01:ati,Vv4.lij hia, •
• juestion ii WhIa1i.:.tWo4hIngs, 'Should, bit
conSidered the color 'of:- the gown•
anh.the• tlabe., in Which.yOn are going.;
to'„Wear•it,' , .-• '.• • r " •
N4t.4r4lne.P4 iS the,. It'sYnOte Of'.brir• :
dal.?.make-uP,' If WS-..the',11410.•elkaPol at
the/City bent -Ike •:. prebietn:" Is Pnit0.•.
simple,: since :'yeti'd•,..weer •°°erdiaarY. • g •
street ..maketip keyed to the eolOut, ot
your frock. •If. Wearing 'the, tra
ditional, White In the, fernial totting Of
lighted. :church '• lipstick and ,
'nali PpliSh," can be dark.: But, 'if "It's., aii.
intimate honie .wedding„ Anything
tstriklug, such . as • dark fingernails, or -•
.an overdose 'of,' eye -shadow, shoWa,up
horribly. Alter
wedding 'view you nt much• :eloper • a
• raage-than in church. , • .
•• .1As. the -head of oife7Te7adrifig' iredirtYT
halon says,`, white needs •contrast."
But you can get, :enough contrast by
Using, a' vivid ,abade of rouge' 'arid
stick with a• peach -bloom shade .ef
• powder.; As. far as nail polish goea; the •
• lighter , shell-pinkahadesare recpm-
:mended. They are more. fragile and
bride,loOkirig, .EYeehadoWs • should be
kept, light-bine:or' gray -green ---. 'new.
,er the .too:Sonabie brown'or black: ' •
:Theelaborato. coiffure : that ;looks
statelyin a :church, aisle is best glion•
.tip hi favour ofthe simple r hair :er-
ten:gement fot the'IMMe wedding.,, '
..At this , salon the head hair stylist
"d.oingsciMe, lovely coiffures tci'•••Wear
With 'tbe different,' shapes and types": •
.41r,idA„*.10LAnd1on,:;al has • •
a' "Bridal )3eafity Day' serviee; in .
whialt • they de eYerYthing, :but
the wedding hOtiqueta,in your hancla:
Brides ,•Ceine: anti -...spend- the...entire • '
daybefore the big •event:getting.. "
special coilpre ' manicure; p•edicure,
facial •"makel,Up. and ,eyea.....a„,,a0,..othing.,f,•...
inassage to, relax'tieryes that get. tiler...
mighty frayed running •around, in :the
prewed cling'. excitement of plaas• !and , • .
,parties. The 'service inch:144 seirdiai,
. a skilled operator to the bride's home
. .. •
on,:the . wedding.. Morning for tti final
..,• ,
Perfect Figure
Erect in Potu'e-.PriSportitmcd, 'Gre4'te.r. itittiqrtzatc'e
-•• • Than' Actual Weight;
•liteeP• Exerciaini
tied around 'your •head.
Depend onsuntan oils by day and
abttening creaia by nifint_tb..keen'• year,
ceiniiiesien\\, froth, getting, a'. tough,
:weetberleaten look. '.,Thileag you'ilfink ,
Squint lines ai!e. attractive..07bn •don't,:
and lieithev Aron's': abyenel else),.',44ar
'tinted. • glasses during, the. day.. • .
Wear precious'little Makeup ,on'gOlf "
courses,' 'tenniS' eenrts,, beaches ..:;an(1.
bridle liatlfs,..',01 c_mtroo:; but dOnl:i
• eS'rdit , entirety,' l'APStiok is a .inUst
'Where:11:er .,y4nt,:.,:,are.,.:i._whates,Arett.,Ar:e_.
• delkit,i.,:year a lilIle more at night,
but ahr•t- OVerclo. the . During.the
.'hot months,
Charm. .:Feel hike a Dr.
..TeeltYltMr: '• Hyde., -character 1E, you
but 'do' manage somehow to look
the part whether you are, being an ac-
tive Sportswoman oi a :•rentantie,.
slightly. clinging 1. dancing. • girl.
• ' There are, 3,008 county divisions
and ,,,22 independent cities in, the
. •
United States.
ArictY.on'il Jump Out Of, ita in the.
' Morning, to go'
^, Th0, 11../eidhetil.t1Mlut two pounds of
• INflict bild,ilite•Yotat how &HIV If this We •
flowing froely,o,yoo ood.•doesn't digest, •
• It idst dccuys in the hoWels. Gan bionts'iiii
yotir stOmac ..Y.ou get 'constipated, Harmful
poifraiotgoto sour,
ounna world loo1 punk.
A Mete bowel Mel/Mime t dtieseit iiliVeys get '
' sit tho cause. You noed Soidething that enitkti
On the livet 3 wCU. It takes' thoao.g000/oid •
Carter's Little Liver Pills .to got these two
peunihiet,bile.fle*ing 'freely and Make you
tett'uli and ute,': Harmless and gentle, they
• Make the, bile•floie freelg.;Theg do the wefts •
: Ot•caiodiel• but hitire no caloflTeI or mercury In
theni. Ask for Carter's Little•Livet Pills.by •
IMMO!, stubbornly retwio anything, elm. Asc. :
Get, two annets of 7i3erotiod,pboidde
irpin your ditt§gist.... Sprinkle.' On .6" hot,.
wet. cloth: and rah the, taeo eently.
"Every-. blackhead- will 1,0 dissolved.
'.ale-tho.:sate..tuto.hattisintote *ay. 10, •
teitiOVO ''bittekheetki; . Have Hollk4
— "
' • 4.1`,.,„
4andtg u., igarrft,..c.;:rf fat and ibmornyipayh spots •
. . . • , • •
saya,•Aliele .1Iart:t'Sinart iteinen,•::knocy •
that One .shesId. pay •ap:^ritUcli attentiOn.',
to proportions to Weight and .tliat.,'
supple muscles and tirin.iiesh" mak*:
for, figure beauty": ' • , .
.2. Regardless Of .what you „weigh or. ,.
how tall you are, your stofriaeli shoild ‘:
° fl
9. S7fh ae
9 vb'ey
corrected o
' ;Stead -before A., full I:length lairrot
'and look at year body irota
18 there: an exaggerated, hollow:7in the t, ,
• e:enlre. Of. if So,..the.,chan0 . •
es aro ten td one that. yenr- •steratich :"•
-,,protrudeeTand •leolc
, larger .than tireY,'„rictuolly.-Are.", • °
• Now •%)..alk.',e'ver .te
• infg. about'• eight Tilichde' liway.'"fmai
place, ,the.,.centre of Your
ageinSt' the flat suirfav Condeutrnte on, , that: ,..
:hollew•fer as, fey :minateS.: ". '
you Press your tipino back yai'd,
tliereby flattening 'it';'" Stoinao).
gradually, of;eblurso..:•flatten all, .0E' nir
backboue agarnst thevahl. raise : :111r. •
above head. and Make.,slicituldow ti h.,
.,the wall; •too. Lown alion, ti".113'. V •
slieuldera And ,SPlaal cdiitinalfiAt enil‘•,:"
etraiiht...Neffbeeldtlyour. . bilis' tilt ,
*Aril peY.,:. 'mod 11)eposittott •fey.",,
" seeen la: 1,;.elek, and reliedtAS.,:soon 11,8
You get, ueed..,to do this new -to -You c'111'-
' reet ...posture, you will he ',able
;Jain it when'waiking or just standing.
Go bitck to.the inirter, :get ' Y,our.,.••
' body in .:the .poltion* it was hi.
___yuvare_ag"histthe wall, then. 1r •rpc "'•
at i.yenrs4f again.," yotieo bow rat
"Ty6i1r..,8101118011.8lmear8 noW, IIUIL Yoer'
backbone , Pinkest . straight.- bow.'
rtiqcli more' attractive:. Onahlero
and head. aro.' '
, . 4 ,
13e. Gpod Lett:'°
. , element, of comptitition dace
and should enter in YC'eNikrerigly '
all aonritry :fairs. 'We like . to,*:know
• Whether . or not an aninini.We own i3"..
better indlyidutdly than flie one
hibited •by -,someone else, if wo,' ot
the • satlsfaction would ;0' Many viSca.
be'Skiffletaitt'iVithblit prize kadany,
placings, it not made ageording •
to our ',Wefts, :rimy Or Inay not C41:111Igij•
;611r. prejudices; ' but We innet !Cara te
be good losers as well as • good
hibitor' r�f swine inakes the' 'stateinht
• that he learned attire about ev/ind tha
week that he .ex ilntect nt: megh,