HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-06-24, Page 5Vo!•••;-"Or'p. , '11'11;11SDAIr; 4 E: 24 • • ., 1937R. ' • t' • 14141108rAglil11Ett7 • .....,••••••.•11•1•••••••,....,••••••••a< A I(IDS" KORNER (BY-C-'W,f T-) Tomlinsop rites Of Coronatkn • ^ . Allan -and Jack MeNiin.Were , isit- ing in Toronte Over the weekend.; * • *. * * '*' • i)11.T.IIDAYB-1,19)al *Go/lan,,' •* *, -97y to Wingham last, Saturday and - witnessed WC -Hanover' Winghani ,beil , • . • :The studenti•,;Of he Junior reaera' • of the . Public school who passed on their Year'e work completed...the 1937 rm .seheor last- MeadaY.-. • 4 7 * * *' We are: !mirk' to,. report 'that !Tip- , Pie!' email fox' terrier Robert Rae, livai run Over and . killed., last ForidaY.: •m ". : Alter a :len BIlless, Ross' llende!- . • Saturday. I (11.aid ()Var. Far .s.Severat , 1..onuon, England;, May 1.g, laa7., vDar. Mr. !Ty enriarAnn4 of the Earl Marshall is! directed • to invite •Mr, and Mit W. R. Tomlinson -to be PreSeOt at the, .:Abhey. Church: 'of of May 999*0 9040944 •4.09 Sgd. • Norfolk: Earl'.Marshall: • , . -•Tbese4ere-lbi 'WOYda*In whieh w*' , • were invited to attend tbec'.caroOtian at Weatinineter',. for, the Creivlifilg ot'aor chew, icing, It is impssibtefor me to desoriba t1n erViceo in.,: Order; that yeaMay have „a. trae: picture ef the religious solemnity and beauty .of. the, service, 'Ali Tuesday'. alterna9n and 'throughout the -whole niglitmail- lions thronged the streets. of London. .it. certanaly•Wae • nat.:difficult , for os torise at 4.36 iu the 'aiming -to. dress in order. that iwe could be in Our Seats' in The A'bbey'before :seven 'c1ach in .4:;fact, • act, .you t o arrange. o a ca MAFEKING Mies:1'00ga. Blake '16f Atimsk, 19014 rthe..'Tinekqend-Stli her ,iiiite;tge; ,and Mrs. Thos, Make.' .:hgr ,nf Sni*on4 Kr„: 0)4, Mrs. ,Thanl and. j;ean. -.0t St, iIe1ens• Vver$ the guests' of Mr, and Mrs. 440# WOV, ,4tOr. an., Sunday.. •. and Mrs;4L M.Kilpatek spent :theWeeh-end at Toronto -and Niagara, - • • ?Oa:II...Bernice'. Slake has been efi;. „gated af.: teacher . • „ . . School fot the coming year, „. • , . A. ntmbe, fr9m this burg lattendT the Webster '.at:..the h,caineq o 1r, and Mrs George • were .',1V1fins. 'Plorenee,....,S65verbY;;.4.11.; 'G'oderich„, Arthur.-.- Maskeli ;of Benmiller, Mr Eli Taylor. of .London and Mr, Richard Twarnley, ptingarion :and: Mrs ,..1-lare1d • Taylor and Viaited on Sunday - with mt::: and Mrs. Twamley. London r spent Sunday at the home of 'Mr'. and Mrs;''wiir DUNg1,4,1‘040141."' her s(h4 Cyril Ca9aPbell at Lanes 'MONUMENTS at first cost this past week. • " • • • . I • amily :of CorTio:a Corers and Mr. Pie niOdera nrichillOry. -fa thi. and. Mrs. Harvey1' Mole were visitors, .execution of nigh class work, *e ask: Sunday with Mr.; and • Mrs, „Wm, YOUto: see, thallargeat .of niq*. Cook. T.- • 4.4-4 any iifaif-fattar5 in On Misses Madeline Caesar and Feine All finished by sand h1a4 . . ma , have enamaetea eueeeseaut &blest We, import all .Our graaites year at. Laglaiow. 'High School a from, the Old Country 'quarries dir are itatt'le their !Aemispee"CivaeeSahr6mise PaP*Pc-.. leoecti'iln't.letahliers":3aggtP"V?u;nedallin. sidave alJ` 5"--" litY0Orp:'"/V.kelr-ShOritifiSlire'Mtelitre 77r.; 117'1 'E '1.); 11 with. iinproieraeat We wish thelit- At W t End B -dg 'WALKERTON; tle gtri the ..best of hack` to recovery• • Mr ' aturned rnrdi'd'aMyrst:rolipi: t.a,.•,elVfoire'lc,4eanizal,e• N4y..,114• ,Froasw.iiight rn it with h daughter,' Mrs: Jas. Me- _die- arish:„Mall,-.Witli. a large srowd EacliarriLondon. attendn D g. awing Ma§ enieyed to, : MlaSea. Cora and Evelyn2 ,Culbert, Mr. and Mr's. Fred Johnstcm and Raving our factory equipped with- .Frane-ee• 'Crozier, Beatriee Treleaaen and .Audrey Congrain and ConnY Morrie. attended Alehierant, Pal! hk, Clinton SaturdaY. • • • . Xi; Gordon ,Panigram, , visited. on Sunday fathei„...aar. :Thos. , ..Cangianir has been reeently:', , ' 'The,. • AesociatiOn • held .Of •ltrSy,10..e0., Hntriii‘ On- :Wednesday "afternocar-Jinak-Ifith-with'thirtarirez: sent ; part:Wee'. COadacted:. thelit,: reoniwzth a hYran; prayer and the scripture lesson read. by Mrs, Arthur Elliott after which final.arrangementa. Were.. 'Made., for ..the :Gar- den !. Party "Which is to be.;held"'on the church lawn July 2. The, ladiee- . were then tii,lren' out. tb. thee,Sliarimi lawn .Whore gameaand contests were: enjoyed:. At, the close,: a picnic inach was •serired • by . "Mrs: MaCKerizies group. 4, , • . Mr: Gee. Pentland motored. to .Thoniaa:•-eii1Suaday sister -r4 Mrs. Oeeil, SlOin,•At whose place 4 • •• , Mist Elleda Hunter has been en- gaged. to teach for the 'coining , year at S. Nei; 14, , Wawanosh. Mr.. and, .Mrs. Jas. .MacKay aina son:Jack of Tiverton spent. Sunday and, Mrs: Ralph Ni*on. Re*. And, Mr% John BoWering 'Winnipeg and Mrs. :Robt:' Philips Of Gederich, were • guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reed '• • . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson, Mrs. pieced on the, 'm +1 so .that we flcOald Peig thAugh the, cordon of pi-, gee,'At twelve o'clock Tuesslay:might every street eking 'which -701e •ProceS-, aiee Passed: was: blocked sono: traffic. catild':•.enter...., This, required thoireands of.:. policemen:. We. allowed with MrsMacKay's:. ,parents, Mr for a congestion and 'therefore. rived at the Abbey at, 6.36 A.M.,. eo, perfect , were the traffie The Bialiip of, ArgYle:- from Edin- burgh rede with us terthe Abbey.. We took our. Seats' and reniained there. The Peers, together with • the Peeres- ses.cOmmenced to arrive before .seven Ofeliels:. The; Peers wore their scarlet' rainreallea'71ren of bands ilenotieg ,their: rank. The Peeresses 'wore gowns sparkling awith diamends,:togetheriwith' their ,velvet• traina,, and,: ernilee caPeS,.. , and seated: the , ardt.: Startling •Pictare,, , As ane glanced over the various transepts Which, Were ,.rapidly fiuing youwould notice the colourful:, uni- forms,. of x the -military • officeri,, nayal: nutherities and • phurch'. dignitaries ,resplendent : in gold braid, with ladies lovely -in- gowns of • white or, pastel shades,. 'Wearing *Win. OStijCb..feath- ers..and • veils, diamend tiaras; etc., and fl dressed Axe :peoPle. do' only once ,irr leen. ;'Olhafin and ,tiernk :geed :have ile" • • 'The doors of the Abbey .were Pr:AP- culed their fltrane.e e'ertifiente'''' iatly closed at '8.30 A,. M.': Sborily:a.f- 'year's Work.' Teacher and pu- ter 10.30 A:31.1.', the Princess; Royal, thegKing's,; Only sister, arrived•.)vith the t'wo little Princesses, all wearing reyal.purplecoart trains The sat in chairs. at...the tigbt;,:ef „th,e COrenatiCal Chairs---faCirig-the7-- North.L.--Traasept, Where. we sat..•With One on each side, Of her,the Princess ItOirill,,WaS 'kept: busy answering :.cinestions..,l'uSt,, like any children Of that age, they were excited ond: enrionS at all the grind- eur surreunding ,them. ' A number from •here _attended ,the Shortly after,' Queen 'Mark arrived, ;.... reception at •HolYroodi in honor ,. of a truly regal ',.,figure'•, and ,from the • 'John .Helm, Mr. and Mrs', ,:l. Andre* and Mt. and Mrs.,' Gor.Con „Kiilchind. aidaY.'at Godeiith '8: .6,Canip Mr. and Mra.; Joe Freeman, and . family. of .Leeburn,....Miss 'Beryl Gard. nor Of ,Torento;, spent •Sunday with • Mr., and MM. Will Gardner., Mr. Vernon and. ,Ella' Hunter of 6th Kinloss, visited on Sunday with .Zion friends., . , • , . ' We are glad to report 'improvement -Russel Ritchie's ,Ccaulition thls _ , . , Week.. . -Don't 'forget the --Ashfield' Garden. .Partratt.11ackett's Church Ori Friday . evening. A good supper and program!. will be provided. :Misses Kathleen 'Gardner, Icath- ' pile are to be',coagratulated. ' (Miss Ada Webster, teacher? at Zion forthe past twelve years, has . been re-engaged here again for the ' cornier:leer. K I NLOU G H Mr.dlert• McLean,- Mrs. M. McLean, Mrs. Pierson and Mrs. B. Sleasor mo . tored to Toronto' iait week. • Mr. and Mrs. Maurice- Hodgins. Mr,. and Mrs. :R; Sieloff and Elroy • of Detroit, apent the. week -end with Mr. A. Hodgins. :Mr. and Mrs. Levi Eckenswiller, :spent Sunday' with Mi' 0and .11re. Orland ,Richards. • • .. • MraMrsA . and - Mrs. Arthar'1.Grainina,' were 'Sunday ' visitors. at Harold Thompson'o;Kin- i'se `Mary , Cox, Of 'Guelph, Vent the 'week -end at her home, con. 10: • Miss 'Bfuriel_zMeFstrlan 'Of London the North Transept., •ShortlY after , , • whisperer; abcat.Laie. ;there iS • no „: one . 't:1'..• as ..lose • o e heart .of e English PeOPle.' as she. Promptly as Queen' Mark, approached; they:: bum, .diate1y stood up and ..cadtaied ha "she , . . . • passed.. They folloWcal: her. uP "the step a to. the,."Royal. 'BOX. Then •follow,' dit'‘,,the --threeTpritices ;of the,: 'plikes,., of 1: Gloucester and Kent ancl,...,priace Arthur• . of CeinactOght:.. Thear: were dressed Peere,and .Sat' in, threethrbrie;like,elittirs2tO the,right' of the 'Coronatfori chairs and facing is spending a weelc at hie home. here. Ilitiethe Queen..arrived---apd-vvhile- Mrs. Wm. Bushell and SMI g0M441 she-caine-Adwri---the:nave;--the-'ehoir sang an anthem: She vvore health-. •fal but • simple- White go*n.' with a long 'royal :purple train, earried,' by six titled ladies, three 'of theni dressed - .There -will be oia. aerviee'. , the in sillier and three in gold, and sat ., of London; are visiting' her .parents, ''comaOsed. 'four hundred voice,, -.Mr. and Mrs: Hedgkinso.p. v. There will be a :•Distriet Orange parade in' the Preabyterian Church On Sunday, July :lit% at .3 o'clock. • Anglican Cluireh next. Sunday. The service willbe at. 9.30 Lint" the ' owing, Sunday July '4th. , , Mr. and Wird: Gerald McEver and .famly were 1S0ntleIrs:arleitOrs-at".44- .0.0dOingon's;. ••• :d " • Mre.'. Elwood' bather and Mr, Mc, gentian 0, Wlatednirek1 biro: F, Hodgkinson and Mr. • Netherby, • of Belk/Ave,' visited a day last -week. at 'Isaac Pint:mire. , , he regular meeting of the...phis' W. A.. will be lield,St the henile Evelyn McLean,. On, .Saterday, July3rd (instead of JUne 26th.) , . The Moine Heipere.,Of the W.M.S. 41!ESIT'dielimini Of , Mrs. 40. Bushell Vadneadiar. last. • ; ...The next: regular:. meeting Of the H.W I. will ' be held on WedtiesdeZ June 80- (please note ,e,iiiytige Of date) at the home of, Atte.' WM.' Wit14, toga. enlivener; .56.0' Pied TheMOOki, Asiiist,,: Mies' Vitinnigired ACkert. and Mrs. Thos. 1t9deinsi ianitation: Current:: E'venti., Motto— the Mather of invention. IteirailOirhat • ar-w lntiPcd,th'e4ri4nAs4he't,-thost-Mag near tlie- .She :Was :inunediately felleWed by the -King., 'who . Was dreia- ,e41 ,•hi, a :Royal Ptirple robe. ;He also sat near the. Altar. ,:NO deubt Many ;heard': the service' from, this point. on. Although 37QU . cauld hear the., service; ft would 'be.. difficult' to iMagine' the' earnest and siacere 'Man: per. Of the king as, he was' escorted tn'faee the four sides a tile, ,Abbey and PrOchtinied..each4 tinii by ,the „People sitting there,' After the Icing was browned in the Chair of .EdWara; the COrifessOr, aiid.the:Queen'crowned in a, special chair, they took their :Seats. in two' chairs Placed, in the centre of the Abbey. The Ring's .chair' was- two steps- higher' than the Queens, . a custom: no, doubt ,dating hack many. hundrOS' of years when. women oCcupied a :Much -:lower, eta - tion in life ,than When the. kink stood. emild notice a hght 1Waivering of his head, that the Crown was an enernious Weight, • looked, Very tired,,„ bait :refused.. any assis- tance ' wino& bY custom, he %ail& • preasntuay .4o you 'Moat adniire;' y r 4,0,1anersii *tip. Wmn WAIL itrn. tP14 itnagii180, ust Olt IliaS5' o.,f. *riding,jdwels Fred,;Thninlian* 4 hi* desCribe ":the rapt at, . , 1.14 coo. John-tentlon' of those-seVeritY,AVe handfeed tornierty a Ala eoijuitjiii4i; •lieolile for more tviici, and ' cent^OtlitailfAvIth Mill: and hait hears; I Adit't, :believe anyone of •- • • Cangregaitioii STAIRESR-QUINTUPLET 'KITTEN'S' Mr:. Eli Taylor of. Petrone, is this week arisithig his conain; Mr:.Richera 'fwantley, and. other _friends Ask' field. He was accompanied here ;Sum - day by. his inn 1)r, D. Taylor,. MTS: Taylor and daughter 'Grace, Wile returned the . same day. • BORN, AT -PAIAMERSTON . , , One ^ Dies—Mother Cats Feline Sir gerY Separates Dead Kitten Pram' Other Four .Siamese-qUintuplet .. kittens g. were borne to a cat 'mined by Mr.. and Mrs. John Wilson,. Palmerston., Four of the kittens, ire. but the. fifth' died. All five ,kittens !were joined. together at the abdomen by a band, .of in .real Siamese v twin fashion The' four 'that are living. are A 'very pleasant. afternoon spent the IOVely ferns hone'' of Mr.: Jos. A. • Killeugh on 'Saturday, where :the anneal McDowell' picnic was held with'' 58 attending., RelittiveS from Westfield, CaMpbellyille, Blyth, Lucien*, Belgrave, Auburn and Walton: .1 • way. The One that. died was on the Liicknow; were Sunday visitor.% with, end of the line-up, and in an exactlyMrs . Barkley Sunday.- opposite position from the -others, Misses Cora Fmaigan and. Lueille its heed being' towards' the -tail of , Eedy 'were. 'week -end, visitors - with1. its font. brothers and it was turned over On :'back. • • Mrs. 'Mrirson fed it from a spOon, but... it was too weak to survive: Two: nights later , the Mother '.cat COM - their - friend, , Mits ',Olive Farrier, Waiteehurch.. , , • 'MiSS Myrtle Caldwell of • Goderieli spent 'Sunday, at the home of her, mother, Mrs- Rebecca ,Caldwell. • menced • making a terrible racket. Mr arid Mrs Wilfred Nivens and and when Mrsi Wilson investigated....family of Saltford visited on Sun - elle 'found the tiny kitten • dead 'and the mother frantically, gnawing its bedY apart from; the ether, `finir,'Her feline instinct, apparently' had ' told her that it was certain death for the day With her ,.parents, •Mr.' and „Mrs: ' • ' ,". Jtei Reed,. is: hOMP from his work At A farm near Wingliani and not' enjoYing .the hest of 'health; • , others if the little ,dead body re- • Visitera at' the" 'home of Messrs. ineiried-',4ttached-to- them.' lifter-she....11erli.„..and, _ recently had separated the dead .bodY, ; she (sere on IStindif- Mr.' Herb Stevenson' licked the 7.0andi and apparently vend: sister - Effie Stevenson of Varna, her Jungle surgery 4hts effieient, , and on ,Monday, Mis....J,aa.:AitOn and Mr.:. and ,Mra. "Dave: .Alton of Luck- iww •to get around. recovery of the little and back with r and -Mie-- R DeY011-!- of Mts'Campbell' has been visiting . A .reception for Mr and home again to them. Wingham., _A_Meng..,:thoee. who attended ' the ' t. - .. . 0 . . ' • ..,,,, tile -Male.. of 'Arthur's Band ad u. aig !Webster. Picnic'!' at the " Goderich ' -. - ' ham, Mter lunch Mr and Mrs. Mole Summer School , Caniii Oa Saturday, Were Mr., and,. MM. Thos., Webster were, called, forward, and . an aildres$- apd.faMily, Mr and Mia. Victor Er- was . read by'. Mr. J. •II: "Geoghegan, ring ii, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Alton rector Of St Paul? Church,' Id Mrs.' Nelli , „ e Shackleton, that her son friends • Hi Mole'fi - 414'n' .before them,:. . s ...; 41.1 manrds;.....ii_ jOans.:,!t,Aoriltoolnci,;., ,rirrsii. . Herb '''''.eha' Alto" • ' - ` • was a table set with a F4rne and .T. C.i,.complete aioner.,o0 of 04114,'oo well. yovd, ...wag _.•ro,c,eive4' Txtp.4.d.iss_h. . _as miSeelltineous -. 'ft from theL . . . made •a ttmg re.-. , Mines,' 1;i44 . et.'' Detroit ; had . died ply and on behalf of tie. wife. They from . an operation for appendicitis. . ' • have the best wishes of the commut ' Much .syinpathy is- extended to .' h , mw. ity for a long and happy life' . . -bereaved ones: ' 'Elmer 'is a- for___ ,.; • . ... ' Dungannon boy,. and the 'deceased Master Jack ,Eedy entertained his hit by .a :truck and died,' blatantly, , one's „parents' reside • at Wingham• little bey and girl chums to a party , The 'community, extends their wasp-, , Beaides the.* she leaves to x mourn; in " celebration of his sixth1birthday- athY to his Sister, Mise„Mary Caert- bwe, children, ' a girl., aged :11 and.; a on Mcinday. afterziOezi at , his home. aey. bey 6 ,,Yearsj , .,, ' •' ,' • ' . ( His • birthday had 'been on Sunday, 'Mr. and Milt. •AdaM Johnstone and .: (Intended For Last Week) lune 13th and as Miss' Cora Finni- Gordon attended the 'funeral of Mis., Relatives to visit Xia. Wm. Carr gan,. Sunday school teate er to many Jane: Marshal at.'Clintonon, Tuesday. ' _; ... ' . b I 'CI' ' " ' and family on Slinaar were Mi., and of their', also bad.a ,birtbday, Mon - Mrs. Geo. . Carr and :ion. George of • atty;. ' she . was :; 'b r ..0 :Li g h hliii, ;Winghaing daughters; Winifred of the ..group . alscv, :and assisted ,,,in 'en- . Loden. .Mrs..: Norinan Wilson . Luck, .co.p.0* bederich, RosPital, . ,spentling hot holidays „at her home 'here- jobnaton'WeiracridontlY ; " hurt. while working' •on the ' 'adds:4 tt9hanek 711 id° dboardsahoi tdo, !Iff.:471,145. k sideie0ciosi f gA it the hi II :29off, g ssufrpripg; from SoMe° breleee be ' able to be. About agale • . • e with Mri." Roulsta,no last Week: • • :Jc4iiic041as r*Fnefi, hoirte:..after 14E404 with her :sistor' andMr iolifortk$,doLp.lotlyndRobb and Attnavisited e day recently • afre.Liftne and ftc%111101Yeivinee4,-e•pdflwi- Wthin3gihre.Man* odlIM-BarihndViire:' The 'entrance • lailina 'of No. lee Pearl Janneson . and Loaise Campbell' 6i pi: e:gm: :Ten, „rdeefnoe idpr .sircIr.. :Dolane, work,toei pn:kr:7y. • ui ih a a:4: flarola..And 'Miss Dorothy Berri •af'i Londein Mr. - and, Msh_-_:t David .Little during;the Week -end. . The Community Was shocked" tO re- ' ceive the news of Mr.. Jack Courtuare death:„ While walking Goderich from the: square to, the Park het ;wean LANGSID , n1111' • lildraric=f-th;eil-Part, 3', . m.2:Brown.liatflieeill bear so, '.. ';' tioowro,1:141,trii,...1:xanrsOhtearr.r1007iitRtaiel.Rehl!aVozililit.14,.. JI;ecbkoc.,770,6.4on;;.es,..,:c.::n :,vciafi iz,. 4aonstitivja-t4i. flti,,tiapu:sii,:,,,,,,.,ni,„,.:::;:p:.:::.,,;:;ogo.,,..ii,..t:Teid,n...:.,:.1,,:....,:....,....,:t:h.:min:.:rt..,,,.i.:80.,0,:k.. lotn:i..:,••••• Miss Grace RiChardionlies -gone .ia • .... -. .... . .. . • • mi.. . and. '. Mrs: 1Nelson ,riordo,.. and ..': Leona of OiiireSe.,:aPent .4nadai'''swi. th .Mr.,'.aacl.'lir's.,, V. .Ellier$01. : . , , MM.: Wiri.',:Brocini: spent ' the 'Pad : Week twithher ,inother, :Mrs, Bell, whe.., : his ' been 'canfined' to bed: for a..fe7; ' days; We hope for a aPeedrrecorrY.", • :The ladies.; i'af..,the, go.. and,;4th..,. „og :.`ht,e1.1,erill:;7.s..otanhli..ei:,:r:Cli:i0.'ti7.:ei.:5::rwes,t.ei.all.lir7ihiai:lig.13:::ehi.:9.67,6.:0•41:11...:11:. . :Mrs. ,. Thos. moore .:on.. Thersday: af..!.... • gaged as teacher. at S.S. NO.' g Mr;..T)pie., Wilson: ,it 'S.;.-2:NO.;„ SI.' .:, • , ' . Mr. and, Mrs; G. 'Scott, :Jeside...and'H' 'Walter, "epent, a few days., latt'. week ren, Norma and Irene 11cWhinney of Cedar Valley also" spent the week - Miss Mary, Jane RObb is .now by- ing in her house in the village, which was vacated by Mr; J. D. Richardson and family :last week on .the' com- pletion of their ,farni hem .ocioth- Of the. village, to which theyMoved. Cititens were very sorry. to hear Of Mrs, Hugh atflenn falling on a entertained his Yining .. friends...1'6Y, ally . they, played games igia frisked swam& - their :beautiful : and ' Well -kept lawn, after which as bountiful . picnic posupltPoer'4710,soedr.vte-irnd teo!,,,at.nbdeM: JaTphkey...r4es.7 the home. Of her 'daughter, Mrs.:46bn barn shingled tie fore! Part Of °this freshly 'polished. floor last week' at .', W. David Glenn ii having' his her, lig. She is attended by HissaEr, Ryan, *here she :'resides, and.„'hroke . week by bbyesmt rw.,i,, jsboilesi,...1 CAumireanng.. .0,1e gifts. from his niother and dad.' Many Idip-• py,:returni of the 'day to both these celebrating. , received was a, handeome. tricycle Ma' Finnigan, - it.N.,,, and is resting fairly' iiiiiiiteitiiiiie;• ' hdt...., it is ', pretty hard' luck to one Who 'is so advanced in 'Years; she being well in her eigh- tieS,. and np :till •now been so sniart -.RePOrta Came from the Sick ren's HosPital, London that "the. condition of little Don Anne Caesar is soinewha improved.. Mr: iU4: Igra. Wm. Caesar and family have the ein;. cereti 'bet wishes for a, Spee'dy VOTE: ALONE ,WILL ' • 'ABOLISH— . • It PARLORS' Conuaissioner Oclette of ,the On. tario Liquor Control 'Bid, told .a deputation from, Goderieh, seeking to..haVe.heer parlors abolished', from. that town; that this 'could be.'acconi- plished only by a .vote of the POO*. Phce reinforeeneenkf welt—offered' If required ,to. assist,* enforcing the - act during, Old Home -Week .in*.c.voil- erich this sunimer. • • „ • . • . , It was Grandad's ambition to .,"gig ;aiel a gar. , yes, and pat, Wanted: to ,haVe . a "fliiver And, a flaPper;"T'And- the son -- -will "-,probably want 4 "plane and a Jane", single,part f the ,Service. „ • ; Innnediatel • 'after the crowning Of the King. and Queen, and the4runipet,s' and. the people had. proclaimed them -they-t�-Aer:thOdtarlaad7-tooki, --sticranien0Oichwas-tyvery-Theituti,-; ful nrid, solemn part of the aervice. The Peereled by the King's brothers,: then :;Paid honiage,' Tey : then left:the. Abbey. for . their retarn, journey tO Buckingham:. Palace, through the throngi :of people; who rejoiced•ha: lieviag :the • traditions .of the: British ItOne.reby ',woad be , ; faithfully' icaz. ried out under ...the ...guidance of George, 'V,I; and our first- 'Scottish 'Queen, Elitabeth, Foll6Wing the ser- vice in ,spite Of. the reinaricable., ity- to handle, the traffie situation, 8 cOngeetioa occurred. This Was elms?, ed to same extent.. by the rain ...which tell in the late afternoon and a bust less London. • • t °tie' Canadian Menib.er of 'Perna-, merit. ,attempted to ,Walk td his ,hotele I .am told' be Walked' :fifteen miles. through and arrived *there at -imidnight. It was utterly impos- sible to, get A 'cab even if you had ranged for one. About ten ,o'clock that night, ',oe hired a . Cat' and th-, getter with Mayor 'Spergroye and his. Wife of Toront6, who was attach- ed to the contingent, ivent' up to see the, floodlights of ,lincltinghain Palace,. It 'was Etri impreisive tsight. The Pti•P laea appeared hit'der: the'' lights ,to be pure White. We: then left tired out' -knowing that the lights of the world , , were_ahining-.on_our. King and Quen •Since then we have seen Mani, ifl- teresting , places, but „Avill,,wrIte, you later.We are leaving • shortly for Northern -England and .Seetliiiid. ‘,With .kiticlast Peklmlat :reg:Rrd' 1•6 e'VerYon,,,eo, Yours Sindeiely;: " 1; W. $.* TOMLINSON-- ! 'Ditg-A;CTION'i .... Perfected Hydraulic Brakes ... Unisteel Turret Top Bodies by Fisher ... Engine ..'..afety glass in every window ,Fisher No -Draft Ventilation these' are the sit finest- featureein-motorigi.--- You see them all advertised as leading advantages of some of costliest earth Yet4Cheyrolet--'-and Chevrolet alone—offers them at the, lowest priees, and WlowelLoperating±cOste! ' • Buy a Chevrolet', and you -get fill—t&f good things „of' • modern Motoring,. wit,kody socii zng peak economy '--.--;Chevrolet coats- you leas for , gas, less for- oil and Use for • Upkeep: than'any other , See, it at our allow. • ' • '7- ' • l'aillasice--scietpriele rooms today' ...drive it and you'll never take less for your money tlian the car that 4TiVes you ::iriore lot leas.. r . ..„ • Chevrolet, The Only Complet Low Priced Car! ALL -STEEL, *LL -SILENT BODIES' BY FISHER' wsth solid 144 Tuf,rot op' and -tbaCteal- Ccriataie:,- • ,tion si•idipe:and `.roornie . ,Haili-quaditY:,Safett, Gila in 'Wei,/ ,window: 7 • • ;. • PERFECTED tiY,DRIULIC .1E1RA t • tin•Othest"eriott'tiiiiiiindealiilbmkOt eiyio'r autos , Car Ott Inw4i-Ptiel A.14 '„ '; • • • KNEE-ACV:OW all,. Haitair D. ;Aot .00.Adint tOinior4; ' only Knon-Aatiori eitn' give: ; • ' ' VALVE-114411AL* ENGINE 44 follow Anslgn', Out .givnt:mOro pOvOr, ,marinnentointlAit 00001 . iquillocLoctindnly , FISHER' .NO4DRAFT VENTILATION , (troth, smoke' sad windahisld.cloading., . " C -207B,` gi•A•ko • s ' or,,etanoinieal transportation , 0, Pktoiv !4.0ikt 16:04,116Atte7 A74:4711