HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-06-24, Page 47
•• -car, ._,66.6611.••••••_,T
. 6.
• THE: LIICKNOW' sinfmart-
.. .
centinued from -Page' 1!
41...Hackett's, mind,. was *lien they
arrived at the Coulter .home.'lw
ed by Cecil and •Fritnic garnissi Rae-
Vettentered. coniter'shome by an
onlOoked door, and, tlie*,: testified,
. when:they entered the kitchen, they
saw Hackett Ma:* over hii face
",7314".'fn -!rOln
an ;outcry.. • '
Tenths. prokessecrenthe'Stand
to have heat. te overcome hy eurprise
they, more • or. leis . entoinaticilly
seized- Coulter's area. They saw Hac-
kett, yank at Coulter's clothing and
followed the alleged ringleader.
• when ,he fled With a cry of 'Coact:On!'
An •Ireitaticen4Reve1Ver ,
" 'being questionedby Crown
Attorney, •116Imes,-,"each admitted a
•car -door handle:. exhibited looked like
one from the doer of .the demise
ear, and stated Hackett had ,heldthe
handle :as pne would- held it revolver
in the attack. on Coulter
"-The quartette iminediately started
• . . •
on tne -
hed t hlo*Out, hear .Melesworth. Hee.
kett. took Jenne ineney from the up-
holstery c•f the and -handed 'Frank.
,Garniss,n $20 bill 'with_ which to •pur-,
chase a new tire.' While the Ptirehese
was being made, Hackett,.,adeording
to :witnesses, disaPp,eared. They pick-
ed' him ,n0 from his' hiding 'place
.along the road': • and repeated the
san'e' lierfOrinnnee when * second
blowout necessitated a call at
Palniersten garage:"
In Tadditionto; the Charges, of ro 7
"tory . With Violence against, the Gam-
. ,
Ise boys, Ouiries :and . dispositions
were 'as fellOws:.71.
rink ,Garnia i Ferginra nete ' in
e mune of Jane Bell, of Belglive;:
in of; Prank Cele, *Of f4iicknow
of. guilty. tittering forged
note -,-Charge disinissed. Having 'Biel -
en ; goods, in electric washerlisirge.
dismissed. '
Cecil •GerniSt;-Ileving stolen goodi.
a. Cowhide, 'the property of .1.:146Mil
lan Of LucknOw=pien , of :
Cecil Garniss, pleaded,' guilty to e
Charge otuttering. a forged note and
not guilty to Charge of forgeryand
one; of possesssion stolen goods.
Sentence; (Was 'suspended Abe first
Charge' and , the, last two Were'drOPP7
rericeTrirerintinel-offettee;lnit-4-1," in-
waY,"..:Megistritte*Mite:told' 'the
ed,.no evi.dence.being submitted:77r,
&trio_ of littering is ,* serions off-
tiOn you 'would. got. a term; This
"A, 'good, reputation gees a long
acCused.. "But %for your Pest .reppta-.
tend to be;lenient. SentenCe: . be
It was midi ,clear that the father
*Rana inircilVed in the .Blyth robbery
. ,
" WHETHER 'YOU'. ire- 'a -oil in Or 1 • entiomer
tare? m04, PeOPloi.thiok and practise :
.; . courtesy 'towards those with .Whent. you do, business:: Youlbus
lighten' the burden of week and ttdd to the pleasure or she dayi:.
out...do .7.9.4 .sanse courteous habit OI .thought and
action 'onto the highway. and 'practise le tor/0d: your. fellow- •
niotorlsk when You'are: driving?. Aliifortianately niattyllO.nOtt ,
And -whit :There fp reaeon.. They just VIIINIC...aiffer.
toWards.their associates of thn,lilahwaY than' towards their
. ,
I Magest.:* Spelt drivers *sit you.now 'resolve to -Try C.ourtesi ,
In your:44,4am That you ..ref robe • from. '`eutting In" • Which.
iaoneof the areateschisaids or.pr.esent•dey.traffieund 'May. •
. put yen: Or: the other felloW .or hoth-of Ion in the dite.h..!, 'Dry -
_COtirtosy ,Initead.1That,Yon'drireakthe WOO. Of 'the *atilt ,
areIfl and 'never. "hdild :up the parade", ?Ant you .keeP welito
the: rightoesdit thies.4,1here feEe.',Of. Toolmo . ries *Ow never
.;•plitelit;,'Peeket,;',or OtherWise put yoer. fellow,MOtorist,."On the.
• . .
"'TO. diese,suggestion" you eon add. Many otheri:ff you Wig Jud
THINH, and dirifel in terms of Courtesy. . so'dohia, You..
.4.1 greatly greatly to:the 'pleasuresntid sifetY'of Metering for YOUtS,,,....
. pelf end for ntharik- '
, O . .
I4K •
The permanence and lOw!up,, Thie durable. itofing. has extra • •
keep cost of this metal roofingrigiditY thnfinakes it particularly
makes it one of the Meet eco- good forroofing ever alight frame, '
' nomi'etd.bn the market.. Tate- work.The Boni* of its etiungt,h Is.
..1..ire•Ge4rvanii.ed Roofing gives ,theribe 't only fieethches apart:,
• eaten-- tovering-..CapecIty„, The moet copied roofing of ite kind. -
The ,end lap hi so, tight it ts on the market., Be intre...yetrget
• almost Positiv,elY •theiznine, economicer'Rib-Roll
-exCludea, driving Idea, rain '
Ask your banker for detail!' iibeut
Send red and rid'tei r&roofing on.th�,GOVernment•
maths for free esiatnetes: backed Improvement
*rite forinfOrmstion oti kern:loin din nain• • FT " _Aar vr4othanall.mitetal•
moigleid on the .
. h
head -teas
, . , . ,
the nail -hole.
, -plate Janiesway line. -Brooder houses, heating
• ayatemei incubators', layingeases. .ventilater •• •
systems. UseJameawayecistipmentforprofite.-
Eistern. 6 .
6.) Steel PIX)dliCtS
eREsTaou•Nw: 0st:11A' RIO MONTREAL end TORONTO
' Finite& • Fecledevalso '
1141}11..TEC, Hp RCH
1/1!„S„ Auhurn,
visited her mother-itt-la*4' Mrs. MC -
Brien. last IveOL
:We are 'pity to report Mr; James
LaidlaW .,is. sick with the
oeo mes is serious Y 117"'"
• , Mr." Geeide:,-Me.Clenaglian had an
,operation lest: week. iaa Toronto .
hospital; Nurse Tel:tiff is his special
nurse. '
Mr; end „Mrs: Qgilivie and'three
children cif Torentoare visiting her
father,. Mri, Clabb and other relatives
. Mr.: end Mrs. Rhys .Pollock viSited
On Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. Cecil•'
'FileOher. . . • •
,Mr.. Jaeli• Pollock left, on Monday
tor.: Orangeville, where he is going
to work. •.• ' '
'Mrs. itOigitt of Blyth Visited hist
week. with her anther, ,Mrs:. A.
ersen.- . ,
• - The „United Cliiirchrlhad a very
snecetittil 'tea .ineeting -on Tuesday
evening Of last 'weelcovilien the Blue -
vale young 4eOPie fkietonte.d their
jjay--`1116triesife:T1ntto- 'a well fitted-
. ehurah,'` •••
The Young ,People ef the 'trod
: ,54.47,414erro4•.474
'THURSDAY, jUali 24'iM lest
.4th, ckN.,
• Mr. and. Mrs.' 11. Attu, and .Hossick;
-visited hitt, Week *ith Mr. and Mrs.
Bt Biin Of Ikaridda and -Vith, 4fra;
Bain's sister in Ingerioll it 'being
the 0140 -first annivereary of their
wedding. Mr. and Mrs,. Bain ere both
enjoying good healthand their many
friends with *me :Nippy return" of
the day, •
Mr. San Nicholson Started on
P. 'Itabertsen. • sentae
, . _
'.da*a intlt roma, O.iith' Mrs,. R. Middle-
•••' ' •. ' 7 '
• ,
i.,...There was a geed attendance,..at
the W. A.lneeting.,,held. eetheborni
of' Mrs:- A. Ackert ,on Fridny, '
Gilbert ''.Hamilten., spent- '. the.
week -end ''with friend/ in .Toronto.
The july meeting Of the Kairshee
Cktb Will he held ',at the honee of
'Mrt: .Johe' /dadityre,
• The joint meeting of the Pars -
mount Club with 'the. 'Keirehea was
held in the Orange Hall;:on ',Tuesday
witiva4argef-littendanee.. ; •
Annie. McLeod, visited with
recently. ••
Mr; and Mrs. Albert Little spent
daY, with Mr. m.id *Or 'rhomPaen.
; _The W. of ,South
Met' on WedneedaY at the home Of
.Mrs.. Angus „ Graham:. • ,
, A baptismal serviee. was. held on:
Friday evening at the home' of Mr.
and fdrs,, WM. HaeDOnalkwhen,their
•intant son 'was baptized by the tiler.;
M. Young of Singh Einloss.
11,(114'YR ()Olt)
- •
Prineticrienigiteds: •
Mr. and Mrs'. Manifee (nee
Vera Johnston,. Were presented. with
a Puree of money at reception held.
in the Township hall Friday
.ing.• The presentation. Wei; ;Made hi*
Mi. ' Wilbert 'lledgkinsen. Mt. -A.
Murray read 'tie address, which, 4,as
'signed on behalf of the neighlian and
.,friends_andlilessrs. Harold-Congran,
Eddie Theinpseir; Joe and Harvey
-,Ctisaidy and Wilbert litidgicinSon:.,-
Misses. - Anna': and'-13ell - Ross, 1.0th
con, Mrs:: DuIleRIV
and__Mr: 'and
Edith of Teeswater; were 'recent vis.
kers With Mr. and Mr". Jameallaker4
'Mr. Nadir, Todd' „was home from
Stratford. for the 'citeek-end- • .•
Teeiwater, linnet Leta's' Chance ...Of
jumphtg' Into Third Place By Nos-
. Ing Out '11-1s Win.--44rrere Copt
• Gaise-rith. basing' Rally, Nipped
e'Arailingl.Teeiwater, team anaP•
ea "Monday, V.henr. nailed Tilif the
Ideals: 2 to 1, ;end ruined 'the S,ePOY'S
chime Of „taking 'possession op third -
:Plage it the .Bru4 1.,:eikgo! l'+*ce• T4e.
defeat .droipinack ,pucknow
'place tie ...With. Chien Sound •wilth
Tees*atee..clate` on ,Oeir- ..The.
Teeser's victory yam their !second
Win from Latlinesi , this! !meson, 'and'
the: only two *ins they have chalked
.belited ,9th inning ' rally was
nipped in the bnd,'after. Lucknow had.
got back one , of two Tuns they hand,
•ded Teeerinter .through errors. . The
locals :were :Iv`elikat,lnit;-4;.with-:
ider and his :pocket full •of 'rain, al -
John illiott Recalls
• Holyrood School Days
John Elliott, of O'Ildaa;"Pcml"
menting 'on- items in tirr Sentinel of
a week ago writes:
The "carefully prepared historical
-account of S. S. No. 4,,Kba1oss, with
its, old time traOlerattinteree-
ted me ' greatly, for I rememhered
cession .1-1CrieNV:-IV011.-3001,41 „
thq,, teachers. -nained;, 'etpbcially! Mr;*
K...MeKenzie; whe; Was in later days
,the . first mayor of Edmonton! Alberr,
ta;.,KOnneth,'With'•his twin . brother
Jelin and their yeinger,lififtlier''Dun-.
can (afterwards 'the 'Deputy Minis'.
;ter .t ducation. for ',Alberta). used
to trudge 2%, to the •Holyrood'
school, 'tie,' 4; Kinloss, in., My teach:
ing days. there. Ten L.,yeart, later, In
the school at •BreiskVille,- Ont.
I taught a, bOyi Joe Clarke 'bir niune,
who the Preseiit.liaiyor„ of EdMon-
ton; and last fall \ in' 'viriting to ;Os'
hina, on•• his re-election • as MaYOr, .4
remirAed hiniLthat it_ bait. been my:
privilege, in 4 -little ...school:, .tite
County of Riace, to tacit, his 'pliede.
cedsor, • "Duncan 'llIcKenZie. the first
It was a. tidY ,Pitching duel be.•:
tWeen Welsh and Bruder, el& with
10 Strikeouts,': and an earned run
.dviceridslieotn:wiontpld 0. He,$,Yowene'dW8plahill'tst.he
•• .TeesWater got a 'Ain' hi the first
inning: Gorden Irwin, who has leen
tiirnitiein a sweet 'game at the hot
• corner, had an, off -day. He fumbled
Habltirk's roller, is she led off in the
first Parker dropPetk win at Clarke!"
feet. in centre, %vith Habkirk going
10 third to score when Irwin mieeed
grounder. . Welsh bre dovin
and struck out, the next three' hiit-
... In.the 6th butninenthsited Dentin-.
training., at • the' 'Western' ..,Mbspitail, iirlitelat-bireir'.. relied.' .
TOrkintO., le home for a ,few vmekii: ; 'Welsh forcing , hint ., at second John -
The ..Girlio Handicraft Rub, •Noth. .4ini .struck,Out.:tiiiyileY; Binder and
Mfireie:7.s.::3 ,siiikoil .13. lender,. skip, ,fr,t, .Hebkirk got., scratch .sl ' .the lat-
he eengratulated nPO*.riteeiving. tiSi ter` iicoring, 'Weise: Paike'r ', etrnek
in.,the. project ';:"Clothes 04 ' - • '. : ••,'• , ,
closets:to ete,t-,-at AcideVement pay: . ' In : the stk. LocknoW, nOSS-ed.. their
in -:Clinton; on "Satarday. Thirdprize big Chime: Withinte on and two
in.the Team.1:!e'n1cluiltrattif:* 7144 ; 'all 'iNIVveal$rsli, 'toi3"I'lodiedr ;thsiikiiac;fannedine.enetionj7lt.lisie4il
the PrOjeCte viiii :aWerded. te•the.tt: .
Helen's :tiara of 'AnOP Watson and
Etta ,Sreiin.', Others '..sattending Were
Mrs T J. Selkelik.,Mia; McKenzie
*ebb, who will, bathe local leader
for the fall. project, "Bedroom 'Acces-
sories," Misses Sadie McOliarlesi.V,ere
Taylor, IanjneJi1ller,•.with 'Murray
Taylor and Allen. Miller 'es idivers.
A."*.iery initicetieful.gUden party wes
held in :the '.church sheds. on PAdgiY
;evening lett, • when the, Whitechurch
P.v.. 'gain a splendid PresentitiOn
of their fine PIy "Mother .Mine", • '
7311.Ted•Hotireleft on:Saturday:tor
e trip to • blia,honie in England; . ;
.The reeds'.Meeting of the Y. P.
U. waslield onSlundity evening with
in ettendence, of 19: Vera Taylor reed
and .Mrs.: Ezra 3VellWeed,
Mr, and 'Mrs, Wesley Leggatt, Mr.
Gordon., Leggett and Mrs ; Rey Mc-
Gee Of Winghemi visited on Sunday
with Mrs. A. Emerson. .
, J Mills of Walkerton preach-
ed very inspiring 'sermons . at the
--Presbyterian, anniversa5*-- servicelast Sunday. Special ;music was ren-
dered by. the choir assisted by Misses
Myra .MacDonald of ., Lucknow .and
Pranies :WilSon Of
ehurcli here presented their: ley;
,.""Kother, Mine" 'at ;St:Helene garden
'patty' lest Priday evening'. it *iis
''s"Vatr.*:Vitt#7fol. •..
-VIsiteil, on Olinda( with .M
• z.
• • .
. , , . . •
Doris Eadie, Merit johniton and. Mr.
Congratulations i are e , '7d7e, Misses,
Jack .Aekert„ on passing. their En-
trance . . •
'examinations; on their, year's
*.',.4.)Mkr.s.' Abner' .Ackert.' wit'S hostese to,
, . • 6
) •
the' W,,A. • meeting.; of ,• Mrs, , •Fred
ArMetrong's grotip, trem the ' pio d
ChUrch, Lucking*, on Friday, •
. .
. „
family spent ,Suriday it Mr. Mark
Johnston's •
Miss Eva Culbert*,' 'Mr. and MI'S.
Win. •Eadie Doris 'Doris, and Lorne were
Mr, sit(' iq& Harry- Ticlibinne "of sdndnY guests M•r*, Charles Path'
Goderieh, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne, Diirnin ers
and. little son of St. Helene, . Mi. and, -kr. Sam,NicholSott returned to his
Mrs.' Duncan Kennedy " of ,Wingham, home Saskathewan this *eek tak-
Mrs. John Reid and Mr: Iloridd Reid 'ink nith " him es his,tride 'Miss An
of Auburn and Mr. 'and Mrs. James
McIntosh' and.,MiSt Dorothy: man-
losh of Langside, visited , Sunday
withMr. and Mrs. David Kennedy:
:Mr: ,and Cbarlie too and
!family of Toronto, visited on Sunday Teeswater • .
nie Hughei,'601"con. COngr'atillatioris,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harrisand
IVir. 'anti mrii. Harris Spent
Sunday • evening.' :with Kincardine
friends., ' • • '
the-itripttire' .The. topic "Mus-.
le • APPredation", ,prepared. by , Mrs.
Duran Phillips was 'read by Gordon -
.- Mil- annual Huron-Preabytery
Y. P. 1.1.. be 'held at the
Snminer School 'grounds neer Goder-
10 next Saturday.- •
Ws. Charles Durnin Si.; if§ the
mayor of EdmontOn:-..-, .
, • . .
',.Another• article, .Of sadder tone, in
last' week's Sentinel, ."reported. the
death: of.".11(is: Alien:Hunt, of Rolla,
.NothDak�ta, formerly Alice Grey;
a 'Well,: remembered , ptipil Of . the
Holyrood..scheol ‘. in, the Seine period
as the McKenZle• boys, •
• I had .lost track .cif heruntil a .reM-
hdicent article of.
the: Sentinel • more. than a:leer' ego,
ciinieinto her; handl,- and I' was de-
lighted 4o receive ifrimi •Iier an:. inter -
eating letter ealled forth • by the
.rea utrirdinirrtentufel7ifetch.
Plied Or. ginisc._ Other cOrreSPondenct
foilewed, .Ord- there *eaa More 'Ter.
cent, lettet, of . hers awaiting reply
•When;.the 'Sentinel, reported • that she
bed passed aweg:,Idy' letter need. not'.
lie*: be. :Ttitt4III. :f -;csn Only, extend
syniathy te -her. Younger .eister
he, Mr James Baker of „Holyroed,
'als- an eateeMedformer punil.j,
ceu Theatre
Show Starts ---At
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
;JUNE 14-25-26
And A Colour
Coronation Pictures -
blandaY, Tuesdiy,„... Wednesday
Roy i',111;u9Kinilp°140eled off copy tfhioosme walihanoldit smelly°, inrteapy.oerstt:
With a 'single advineed. as . Webster
naines •'alPhabetiCal order., Of Sari
g014o4a •04.• Sal.kii0:0*"t96.1.••:4'"',' •sindents tli.Ole :Far*
,ingt and•MCCeitney smash-
tBaker;.: Areltie., Corrigan,.
'ed a- drive to centre, scoring' EilPat- J.orrigitn, Isabella „Hunt, John
rick Theffraolig,g.eltred As..om
was second..4E.dceneiimunen
zip;ice.".let.1•,3feKezzi,, Sarab.
Fora' 1.1111-11pr.-Wil.
the threw in to .13fluier• Itam Baker, , Arthur.: COngran4. ,bIel-
Teeswatet ab r II PP . a 'e he Falconer, Alice-,Grityr: Alfred
Habkirk 'ef 1 1' 2 '1 0 '0 Heiner Norman' Kerr Lizzie bleMuI-
'Parker'2nd '.0'•.! 1 ,' 1: 5,.' len,' Garret Switzer.
Harhee,' 3r1, ,0 0 3 i 0 Th;ewere, .intd addition to ifiese,
in theseiondb000k; besides ,elasehe
,Part IIand. part I„, and one in
Form y, in, school , and
Dentinget,' 0 1 1 0 o
‘weiss., • .0
Jobuitou, 4st. 0: 1,' .9 0' 1
c.. o :1 9 1 0
Bruder, 0 1 030
2 8 .27 10 2
-LuCknow- Po a
. 0 11 1
Clarke; ' o 2 •, 1 . 01)
311 0 1 , 1
',iv:, :0 a
Finlayson, 2nd p b,.
Kilpatrick /1 If..I 1-1. 0 0
Carruthers; o -
Cuming,'. as. 0 I
"lst :0' ..1. '6.0 1
Webster, rf. 0, ;.0 1.‘ .0
guest of her daughter,, Mrs. McAllia--
ter it DreW.. • `
Mr. .. and ,Mrs. PereY %Ile: and
children of.. Xitteardine were week-
.enft_iisitOis_TitliMr...liks. Hyde.
The July meeting, of the Women's
Institute 'will- be held on Thtirsdag,
July ‘instearrof ist.
:The. .joint,,, meeting , of the. Para-
mount -and
Meant and • the 'Itaireheit
Was. heht::.in the Orange : Tues-
da4:Jtine • 16th ..F011oWing,. the Open.
110g ;ton4uct4d. by the Prea,
ident, the • Minutes of::the.leet Meet -
leg were and adopted. The. roll
call :Wig iintwered " -by "ProVethii",
Mrs-. Middletani` president the
Kairehea 'CIA!' then Piei Charge
tdie2inenting-Oeninaunity:. tante were
aline. The 'roll :064 Vina ItY'L 'ftiliOrid••
ed. to: by YOUr faVerite, Month. for, a
. &nit. The apiendid', program cOn7.
,sisted of an. instrirsentel., duet
Blanche MCDongell and Winnified
.Ackert;.' .Splendid readings bY:,(Revi):
bire: Young; Oen- dancing by Doris
Irwin, accOinpinied, by...Lorne, Mac.
Denera','on . the, pipet Wei' 'ninth
jogedt. travel ----alk by Jetide Mclay
was, ,yery interesting; duet by Mrs.:
Carruthers and ',Kathleen , and a
mouth Orgenielection by Mrff.
dieton'acconinanied by 40. ban '114-'
.entrent events given
hi, 'MISS.,' :),(pteoa, tottoie4. . a,
duet on& Certer;
'The -meeting' WeliArCeight •to a close,
by Sutherland "thatticittg the,
Paramount. ladies ter their invitation,
jack HeriderSen : thanked
the kairabea. :toe iheir ik#U en7
iVas sung,' 'with.' Wita served . a
:social' time anent- ,
; Mr; and-Mr/to:, Herold Bogie nf
Anburn, spent 800y. with and
Mrs, Win; Kernoton, , „
Ur, . Andy .11Aitillton: iron Gelling:,
,'S• 27" .6,-. 6
. . . , ,
hit"; .7.!'-crattie,.
Johnston. Stelen'. ,besett, ,Ilabkirk,
-iing-Ketc:stincre ,woliiii-40-,7prif:
der 10:. Base on liallic•Witleh
der . 'Left on. bases, TeasWater 12,
Liiticnew 'S: Runs' hatted:. in,. Ilabliirk,.
McCartney. :Earned LiicknoW
1, Teeswater , Unipires:-McCoy,
Thompson. , • •
Scat By:
irooiwator 001, 000-2
-000," 000. .,001-1,
League' Result; ,
_Clieitley9 • ; -' Ranove
. t`Teetwater Kineardine' ; (rein) ,
Pert- ' Chesleg,--3
.Winghern.--6„. ,
*O'wen Sound --5. .Kineardine-4.
• s' 13 innings': ..; '
TeeinVeter-2..' „ Luoknow2-1.
Standinit UP- To Tueiday ,
Port tight ' .857
ChealeY, ' 2. :714
wngharn 2 .600
IlehoVer. ‘. .671
LaieloriO* 600
Owen Sound • 8
Allenford • , .400
o• . ..000
„.. , * r *
:Th0 Sepoyii are deserving a at
'feat tWide the ',banter,' Of fans that
are itithing vont to their, game".
• • 41-* * •
'The hist tOtir ',battles have bei -
worth 'two' b.itw anybody's money,
with. the locals 'taking three of the
fonr. garnet, which is it! 'Mighty good
average ter bot teem, '
.•. o' 44' **
(with her mother, /Mrs, Alex Rintoul,
.and Mks: S'ian.' CetelOngli• and
little' son 'of Collie, Mr. 'and , Mrs.
Vines end , Mrs, Gatribro of , Palmer-
ston called on Mrs, David ICelmey
on Tuesday.•• •
ford buil to Mr. Johnson' of Hanovet
6 66,• . ,
s ,
'Mrs.. George McCientighitn is 'in
Toronto,: her hu,sbarld being in the
116$1ital; there. ' ,
.' ,70byi P., ratetflini rffilt
his coitain Mr. ken:
cp11 osS coRn 's
Mr. and "-Mrs. John Rest, 'Mr, and,
Mre, Etion Eckenswiller, 'Art Hod-,
gins and 'Earle Kodgins, spent nit
evening: with Mr: . and° Mrs, Harri.
, Mrs. 'Walter' HOdginli Is spending
It' couple of Weeks with her daugh-
ters, ThomPSOn and Mrs; Taylor'
. -Mrs: IlawartHaldenbY was in KM,
Cardine one day last week.:
Mrs; Albert tittle
'clefr4Cently with Mr„ and Mit3.
Thompson. ,
liftei third eerti-
ta 0 the whole it Vats a full
11:71,FtELI) NOT1ES:
Mr.•and'Mrs.,J. Hunter' spent Sun-
day with Mr.., and Mrs: .,:Jno. Camp-
bell of •
'Laughing at Trouble'
Colour Cartoon -
"A noir AND HIS DOG"
pecia EUNI
Mr. Orville' Deruill, spent. Sattir-
dair '.Ovith. friends . in London,
Mr. Gordon Congram, is Visiting:
friends inWinghare: .•'
Mr.and Mra. Wilfred Drennan, and
children attended the .)11,insterial.", en
'Laymen's, PresbYterial tit •
Mr. and Mes..'Will Hinter attend-
ed :the funeriii-of Mrs. Hunter's aunt
at Clinton:01;ms* afternoon. ' •
Weelcend viith their son iRofx and
-• Mr. and Mrs: .A. Hel.m; Mr.' and
Mtn. iteb,..:11ehn and am! Mrs.
Will Hunter ,and faniily attended I e
Ilelm -picnic at Kincardine' One day
last week. . ' . ,
Miss Etta McGill spent'a few days
in town last week.,
Gilni4, 11.414'
hprie jd)ieedidon ;
success A :gpOcl,:proira.r4 was Oren
the:: BlYth: Or.eheatre. Proceeds• *
864.00. •,
Mr arn Mrs
gnis and JamSrlatSahredil wha lonotl4n :PtaP:r
Pi (1St ,
ed t Orilha on
the • Week -end 4rlth frienda. 'there•;
Mrs, -Slierweoiland 'children •are •,
mg •frein7Orillia, to' Mirth llay, ..where
they 'intend spending: eelt]Ole . of.
Writik4ailth rho( and .',Other
• ,
Mita Francee, Croier, Beatrice
'Treleeven; Audrey congrany 'end,
'bonnie Morris' and . Misses .Evelyn
and Cern. Cullielt' attended the' ,Aelt- •
leiernent ..Day; at. 'Clinton ,on Satur-
the giris eteed. high
in demenstretien and judging.,cOnkr.
Mr.., and Mrs. , John Emmerton„ o
Kinlough spent . Snlida*: at titer
:Mrs. 1CheiniieY Spent the Weekend•.
with her daughter Mrs ' •
grand '
. Mr: and.Mit: Stanley Fine" :and
daughter of ,Torinito,,. ere SPOOK
the week with Mrs.- Fines' .brothers,.
'Harold-: endCecil Blake
• •
cardine Penetangs .113 and
when they eerie to teektliti always:al
claiSie battle. ' •
.5 * ,* , •
' Better'be.On. hand for this one, ,f0.
tore; the next, home gatne',Is',net..initil,
July • 10t11;... when , 'the •tleague,',1eading
Port Men: Amnia come .to. town: ' '
, , 4 ,* *.
The terfate Of...the tennit courts
is new in goad Condition. . rtio, his
been going :on Since, the beginning
of the week, and these 'using the
Tc°htlirte SiShvaertP;r.gePra°itti:ydinig. fast tefoitinet
Mittee Which,hris, "Spent Mitch ,tiiiie
and Work. getthig things Into .shaPe.
• Due „te the lateness CoMmeneing
playing' activities; the: committee 'hag'
-decided t� ' set..the dead, line' foto pay-
ment a tees at lube,, 80th.." Until
that thne' eOrYone •‘‘0,111:' be • Weldable
to .Play as the Club's gtieits. • The.
feet'*re $2,00, ter each
Messrs. E,Iton McLellan' and ;Win, .
illiestirnTtt;enioe4e.• e to Head'
Ellen 'Sturgeon .:af; ,ICincarditie
. .
Is visiting. her sister;Mrs J. T. Arn,..
Peter and MMrissliiR13°eYthPeArtern'eMttisosf CLlaorn':
derthoro, were An Toronto ' on SundaY;:..:
lkir: J. T. Geddes; Mr.. 1.47railk Ged-
des; Mill. Bpahell. and Mr., and,
Mrs, • Douglas Jolingon „Motored .te'
London on'iStunday. to visit Mrs. Ged7
'des/who is;gradually intProving,
mr.. and 'Mrs'. Wm.. • Barrett,. Who ,
haie :been :with the. ,latter's parentcb•
and'..hfris Noble' Harrigan. 'toft
ThursdaY .tO'..return to their belue.
in Calgary', . Alta •
.'7#4a0. -.8adie.-130sifell. returned '
. , „
Toronte;..after • a tare, WeitV•k•heliday
at ,:her•: henie
and Mrs. MC:Vella-rid and'.
aceoMPenied M.( ;Mita. PrEin.,
des MeLelland, And iViaster: • •"
Merritt of SpringIake, Mich. , Metered
to Paltnerateii: Oti.:'SUnday.
Mr: ilia Afft; Win; Greham, con. :7, ,
Were Sundig visitors in the Village.,,
:Mr.; and. Mit. itineshaw, • c).;,.•
ler.. the teinilY,. For thOsn.,Whejhave... .Raddelli.L.RaSko_..,*ere.....:treneWhigLeK
litiVerldaye $i 00 acquitintithdei 'around Abe Village -Ca •.`,'
Ce -Operation titiked keePlOk..Off
the AititlIACe 'iittOt OfttOritle
Ot the- courts! unt4 they are Perfocily.
dry, .
„,„ . ,
A inibatittitiel redtiCtion en any
Vinod 'spent a daYe 'With frienda • 'The next -bottle goine -it Alwis Set, nn nt nnu TV
WHediiiiiday • •
, find Mit. Ortia' enetioitse
.(ilee "tine tiglitet
Shirley,. Visited friends in thi keel.
ity ever' the. Week:end.
.:*•. 40,610-0U • ..ki01.00telio, con-
• „bore. , urtrav . (44th pthloeci ,enxe,ocuottiivre.oLdtter. 'Frei last, 0;suit`day. r 'rerisb
merebers, eet a services, nithe Re vie -