HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-06-17, Page 7•,.
r, •
• .0.,Efenttl*, eYalistS,'47:0
• hge the.:CitY sCouncil, have• .„
sillitited the triffie officeryte waVch
for' motorists whe run through traf:,
fie light's, a special watch shbuld be
' 'kept on cyclliate.. ;Many Of them de :
not, pay the slightest attentlen to the
'• traffic ,signals, believing,' apparently,
' that. they are for, automobiles
„so they rush right past to the danger
Of pedestrians crossing.—St. Thomas
• , The people who are hardest. hit
today are. the 'middle class peoples-.
The rich, even after paying very high
taxes, 'still have enough left taen-,
• able Ahern to ,live cOMfOrtahly and .
often luxuriously. The very ,peof are
better looked after today ,than r they
irver were. It is the Man On the inod-'
erate inc,erne, who iStrying to; buy;his•
Attie &fine, educate. his family, keep
up his insurance ;savings; and trY to
4 put' by a little ' far the 'inevitable
• dal Who findsthe going
hardest.--4Cingeteri Whig -Standard.
as worthy Of inentien; c
Kant at. 74 wrote .his • "Arthro,
pology," "Metaphysics of
rid --''Strife, Of the Feetilties..V 'Tin
teretto'. at 74 Painted' the vast '"Par-';
adieeir a :canvas 74 hy 80, feet; Verdi
at 74 produced his Masterpiece,
"Othello"; :at 80, "Falstaff"; ,and at
$5 the famous "Ave Maria," "Stabat
Mater" and "Te Deum." Lamarck
at '78 completed his great zoological
work, "The Natural History of, the
Invertebrates." Oliver , Wendell
Holmes at 79 wrote 'Over the Tea-
cups.". 'Cato at .'80 begaii.:tne -Stay`
of Greek. ,Goethe at 80 completed
, •
eing Wast
Alberta Helium ••=-.. But Extraction
Regarded as thiPruBtable-'
. C.4140ARY, o't cubic:
feet of-. helium gas, fluitEge.f.°0
dirigible* ellelip as Germany's giant
gns,"111441t'11, svifidlit'eefisr'eind4e'°:morf'e:ill'16En1-.
200,000,40" cubic , feet Of gee
TurrietyalleY,!oiIc fleds.'
, • S.:riof.rtsi. was di...scevered here there
have been. 1-Yr,opesa1s .from time to
tinte to erect •a plant to extract .the
and Since ,the cileStruetiOn of
tha Hihdenburg the Object has-been
again iethe fore. .
A Dominion 'COVernment report a
few years ago diaclosed that helium
content of Tgrner Valley . gas was
only, three:tenths of one per ' cent
and experts say that,A' one per cent
content is 'necessary :fpr economical .
,extraceen. '
r ‘19.11.,..Prole.ssar.,407..C.,;,,maennazi,;.
og Toronto, erected an exPerimental '
plant in 'Calgary,Ancl!' sem
reportea 037'per--Ten purft• was- ex
tracted frein Bow Island gas- The
plant, was closed during the War and
'production - of helinin ; was never.
realised on -a 'Commercial scale:
' It .is 'believed- same of *''the new
wells' now drilling. may uncover gasc-
fiews. rieliels in helium so4..tIrit. an 'ex --
traction Plant 'Would,. ,prove'..com-
mercially .feasible.' ' •
. • •
News Iri
Review ;
• • Danigepa'of. the LetIA.th
• , , ,b ladies 'w o run„ aw,nmOwere we
, ‘draWAttention that •Wonitn.,inHany..
• Men cut her hand' badly when
one of •; those , contr.aptions. i,And
: to men, we bring the reminder that a. ,
'•gentletijan'ied'ffered a • stroke shortly
after shoving ',A:. lawnmower. I Just
.•,Whe should ctit the •grass.we,4a not
For some • generationenow. it has
been man's *lot ..to,„look..as drab ;and
uninspiring as . the barber and the
tailor 'can make him.. •His da ly garb
is dull,nnd his evening attire, funeral.
Even hiPbrief 'rebellion .on'the golf
links is Wilting; gaudy hese and,c!as- .
ettaingknickers' are .even. now giving. •
,waytci plan, grey, flannel slacks. •„
•This is not good for A Man.: The •
strUtting-instinet lies deep; • and 'it
Cannot be 'suppressed. WithOut canon*:
disturbance somewhere. It is .rnote:
than a desire to get".a' night .out ac.•
.casionally:that,leads„,a,;fellaw,4te join -
lociges.and eirev:s gold and piir2
laY,, not restore
selfzcorifidenee ; but they may sett e ,
leaven working. , , -That s'..;:ep• Once talc.:
men may again assert thenlielyee
. -and rega'n the -right' te4oak--as.icolor-
ful as -their' weimenfolk..:--..Winnipeg...
"Crossing. the Bar”: T:tian• • at 98.
Painted his historic picture of the
"Battle of -Lepanto".
' There is Plenty of romp 'for eld-.
'erly and: old men in the 'world of
action: i„..For instance; Mr; Baldwin
p...;oes to the 'Hous e of Lords; but we
IneY be sure that his eerVides Will
still, be at the diepOsal of his , coun-
try at any tirne she calla Upon ,h"rn;
—Montreal Star; . '• • ' •
A ,13eLt0-. Quflinok,'• '
'fliero: is much 'gredtei cleinand .for
the' ,services .Of, graduate ,'nurses. at
preeerit, than ' Was the case ,a few
years :ago, , according , to De..;F: W. `
• Larip;rill,. superintendent of; the -Ham-
ilton General Heapital, who ' ,gaVe-
some• information- Onthat subject te:
•:the ',beard of governors recently.
• During , the year _severe der_ _
pressiorOrc*192-97To 1035, gradti-
•: 'Ate nurses outside the hasiiital staffs
"IfiraA' diffieliTriiine,:: for the ..rearo)i
that ,many -people Who Were :unable
to afford nutting service ellen ;When
'that was 'urgently . required., Today
. it appears: that economic tecevery
lie•As in :a better position to,` hire a •
puree if one is needed and .thel im-
provement in that direction offers
•,opporunities for those Who' have..
ta1enup -nursing ai-aprefdeeidr
, In the long view, there Ought to
.he ;s' ill ' greater • opportunity• • fOr.
Tlyen a, uperfipial 'survey
: reveals that • large percentage :of
the population' o'n(;ounters illness of
• moreo?: less gravity and 'that con -
clition 'does not apf.,,car beet:nil°
reassuring. ' Today:, thretighOut
• Canada there: fire hundreda,of thous -
"ands of' people who require, Medical
and hurelig ,attenticin,'Why the gen-
eral health of the popu]ati�n: should
so uncertain is hard to. explain "
but it is noverthelessone ofthe bid
• PrObleinS• of our existence. .and . it
:loeke as if the work Of doctors and
nurses IS becoming more rie`QaSsa0
As civilization r"tion,to so-called
''• * • •"-ti-Ohscrv-
• A. `L.0 ii i ior of
jarnestoncl.;PhUrch. Torobtci,is quit
time, the pialpit' te manage a 57 -acre
faith in the G.1:11-nOy fruit district,
vAlued at $75i900. Ph,.:\Yeit,' if
: that kind of farm, 'there'll be some
,• hired helnt liert, Woodsteck •
• '
tinie When ttlenitich is being
• sptketi and writ'ten ilhoUt the dernatid
•• Of,--younget< kte shall 'give
metty to them,is ot rettll interest
id note what las btdtt Abli1oVed by
, so1fle-elderly0.eopl0 ifl hist�ry. Tho
Religious Telescope
0.41.3Alt.:i that '
' •
11,4*; a. Bad ;Idea ;
Advan-ce 'fashieh t'P is that .bath-
tunes this 'season Will con
.sist 0.41 gas :Masts. and tin tate,--at'
Mite taireart,qcoachea
Star- '";'
' • •-•,-;L:•-•:•1;'•
. • .
e EmPire
. '
• .A Bite .4114:U SUP .
• ;' Coreffatien., nays eerie
of our great:. Wet End hptels were
really ..Complete cities,: •
Consider • one of them in Park-
Wherei.oVer 2,000 gliasta.' saw
the 'pr,ocesnioii., from windows and
stands ,at : prices.. ranging r from 2
guineaS: to .20 :guineas.. ...(Poi• those.
paying over • 0,..giiineai breakfast and
champagne were, provided!.).
teen %limited • people we.re at,.thegala
, 'dinner in the 'evening (tickets„: £3
Ss.• each, . Paid." in. advance). :Three,.
'hundred and fifty extra •waiters had
, .
:been engaged to ,dear' with the 1011 ,
phrtant:tnetts who dine d-.• "and '"itip,.ev
ped in the great, ballroom (air7con7.;•
ditiOned at a •cost'. of 225,000)i. The
Manager of .th'a hOtel had ordered, .
220-,000.' worth of Wipes to add to
, his .narrnal,:etobks;•, and. two :tons ef
daviar:ferAhe „Coronation_
. 'Housewives ,inight,reflect that twelve•
men itocik ;tett hours to wash up' the
Gc.),006 •
At, the:'$ayciy.arrangernents, were .
made to serve no ,fewer than 9.000'
.f Meals between supper,thile thi Cor-
onation flEve and the dawn of May 13..
One.. nionient . the' • 'Overseas,
,pWitelibOard 'tit:another of ent
• larg-
cist West 'End ••hotels ' had Celli ant 6
thrOUghfor giiesteViiiinItaneolisly•te.
• places in South Africa,, New...Zealand',"
Australia, 'Nertli. America, Canada,.
India, Brazil and . Caner:ea
•probably a 'record ' ,for One • lioteLY.-t.:
Oteriefia,' Daily ' ' • ' • •
New Title , • ..••• • •
. .
,When..1. wrote . About , 'Sir .Robert
Itornt'sneW asked- vvhether'
_ _ . .
it would be Lord Horne ,or •L'Ord
flnmannan.:It has de--
, vided to have it both wayi. itild the
de.cision is Censililee* The • retention •
.ef his own ..name, saves him from'
thc' fateof Mani -a -.Tactical- Who
basee, , far „ as the: plibl'c is 'con-
ecirrie&-lost his identit,y, through, the
. adofition of a purely .territorlal title.
• And "Lord Horne of 'SIarnerMan".•
, ,
blacksmith's' pay wa'k' 'really to
blame : He ittited that there ' were •
, . - . , 7 . . ,',..-- ^-
* se , few apprentices becalfse the.
smithies were not mak' g: 'sufficient
• The 'convention. adopte , a motion
td petithin ' the- gu.sVerp oat to set. a '
standard fOr all 'blacksmiths.' who in-.
terid opening their own ehops,And
to- ask fOr the reg:stration of all
preserit 'shops. ,
. . ... •
-;Other-•,-effiberiLard:•;„„firatzie...6-pre'si-• •,
dent,F.: E. Gilroy, Seoth Mountain;
2nd Vice,1Preeicient, W, : -G; Cameron,
Falbrook;;;' 3rd .vice-president•, James
J. irauglier, Kinston;'"trasiiiker Don
•IVIadmaii„;;;• Teronto;,•:and, peclretdry,
EdW,ard :•Iii•earnek,. MacIntosh',IyLills.• '
Start Pcat TriP
ning to reach Halifax in their 21 -foot
rairboat within eight mentli's, three .
Edmonton youths, Jack Peters, Anton
Olaser and Fred Peters, rowed east
down the North Saikatehewan River.
this week, after passing through here
,•;•on 1116'10st "Tleg of thetr inlands:water*,
ddyesey.:Lfrern the Alberta Capital.' '
• , ,
nadian Foodstuff: Needed If
• •• • ar•Caink`,''
ZoioXT4-7the...ii)iiipiiiinde of a,
large agrioultnral- population, tee;pro-:
vide, it spiritual : and.'Moral •back-
grolind that is 'eSsentiai to ',every .na•-•
t7.611., 'Was discussed I' this week , by:
Arthur p. Street, • British farinet,`..
author and "lecturer at the luncheon
Meeting of Alsip,: Royal Winter *Fair
[Association, the Canadian Club and
the.. Emp:re C1u. ';" •
During a :period of troabloas.:tihiee;
Mr., Street "pointed out, Britain faces „
.the important • task of maintaining
sound :agricialtural" indtistrY,'„ to
•'previcle her *rib foodstuffs "if .`and
When ,the World, gees mitcl.Pt . Yet; be
• saidi.at the same time 'Britain ex-
pects that When •War brcaks out Can-
ada t'ill
continue to send -PrOducts to
Er:tain.., For 'this,_ reason, : heBritish
recognize; the
portance agriculture,but
• hope that Canadians will 'recognize
• the :'necessity .pf British agriculture
being', maintained and ; preserved is •-
••VitaN to. Britain's future., ,
'KINGSTON—Thcre are los of;
1PrFading: Chestnut ' trees.' but :there
aren't .enough
fact the menaberi•Of this ancicnt
profession are. worried., ri:# it looki•,
.as if themighty men ,Will semi •he as
-:extinci As hoop -skirts, shaving
•and ritagielanterne: : • • ,
The tragedy.: of: the.: profession, or.
trade, as you Will, is that there isn't
enough' young 'bloecl in it: ' That's
What J. J Tauglier of •Kingston eaki
• Iri fact lie said, it at, the convention of
the Master Horseshoers and 'Carriage
-7W-orkers,' Asecielation held at the
• •
• Thie gathering brought out • 20'
'delegates. and 'there Was -Wen the
question of 'whether theAssociation.
;Should 'eontiptie ior 'not., Eventually'
it- 'decided to :Carry 41-4 ."
• But.. it's like Mr: Tatigher
_There' •veryfffit.=.-Oprentices
learning the trade, 4 "In 'fact," said
be, "I visited over. 35 shops And most
• of the nien in them were between 66
, _ _
and 70 years old: • •
'• Tri only ,Et few.'were there, Men un -
'der -40 year's. ' He. .thought that the
•.comptign.to.r..on tke
.Ct •k•44.,...Yri•o-r•-,1*
People. • are • .apenaulSmoney,. again.
and..10,yeLagengiee are johking for -
Ward to one of ,the. 100104 sunirner*,'
,SeaSOn..in SeVeraf.Years.,That.the'•rush
bas already :begun evident from the
ho -found in -almost • inirposnible :tp,•
book passage for • the; 'West • indvfes.
,cruise •forthe mon,th of 'dub"; Tra el-
leits to the Continent say that Trans.
atlantic bookings aro- alrnost as. bard
to secant,* .
„. Not ,only have bookings Inereased..."
but tile travel people pay that the class
Of adeoinmodation "Seught.this year is
bettor. T.he big demand: Of the season
,is the expense cruise" and. this.
'the agencies are offering to all pl.4°S°
-rd--at all ,vieSince- thcQor.na—
lion, the big European attraction has
been the. Parih•Flx,positkon. .Dogged:.
First Air Mail •
Ave . thousand, letters frOm all parts
of. tire' worid. Were ;included in the
first fl:glit of ,the new -Prince ;)George
to Fort St,' 'James, Taicla. Landing
and Manion Creek Air "..Mail Service
Post 'office officials of ,•this Northern
ton' estimated. It
is the.first air mail to fly regularly.
to.thelsolated points in the nOtthern
part. of the Province, • •• • ' ••
•• FO.6.3 Prices 'Rise.. • .
SASICAT00,;1-- Price of food
, last Novemberand MaY', 18 and' •26
per. cent sicc Npivernber, 1935, ad, -
'cording to ‘figures presented ' by the .
Central COuncil of .Vileinployed to
the Young Men's Section of the
'Board. of. Trade.: - The ,CoUnci.1 asked
for an inerease in relief:grants . for .
food ;because of the 'rise in prideS.'•_,
...Claimi.Tarthers• Shoot . , • . • .
ronto stock :broker, appealed to: 'the• '
Mirth :York TnwnShip Council '• this
week to rescind af.b3trlaw nnder;whieh
'clA;Med farmera. Were. permillted,
to shootdogs found reaming on their
Property, "There' are many :instances'.
of -,,Warittui 'scrueltY; seine Where Iregs,
are :appareritly....deliberateli'Welindect':
ancl:thett jece to die in agony," lie de:7 :
cier,ecL,:, -The ;,61erk;speirrinclout. that
there 'wae'no township per-
'ancht` 'shooting'. "It is. :per-
undef 'n."'Proviriciat.statute;"..
he -announced, .and the 'matter. was .
dropped as the Cduncil 71. abk.6:d AU' ,s
•"; . •
. .
labor ,ti. e, th'e big. show' is now's.
open and the last buildings are, rap-
idlynearly completion...
Steamship and riilroad. rates, While
slightly higher are not .Much chang-
ed. Motel .ratet, are •rising, however.
According to one :authority, „the tra-
veller. will., pay 710more for iceo-
mritodatleif this year than last ,while
those :Who' haunt the ,summer' resorts
will find 'pr4cee up 15%. •• • .
. Wheel of Fortune
„While most, of are looking fee an
jnoreaee • the weekly- pay, • elieque":
. _ .
, as a reflection ;ofthe better times, re
.41s-'some;4peoPle were ..ia4 ,Weett:,: As .'
for 'example the torontoniait'•Wilf)'
„ , „
W011$80,0K.on midday 'Sun,. winzier of
English Derby. Or to take
. ,
'another turn ,of ._the wheel, ',Mrs: Mary
garet Strong 'de Cuerai, whose only
'earnrrilent when 'she Wae leforined that::
her :grandfather', ,.jolin'Afi; Rockefeller
had left her $25,060,0007 WAS, :"Ther.
Must besonie mistake," • -
.1.J.rged Property' Taxed'
•WINNIPEG -2- "9:TaxeS. should
„levied against iseepPants of •prOPertY,..
;whether i..6Wrier ,or lessee, and :Ow •
basis ' should, be rental value rather.: ,
than. the -Present._ system based on.;
, capital vaTue,,,the Winnipeg -Board of •
.Trade , •said- t1ii ; week in 'Making...,
r,edornmendations. for impreVenient of
' the :city's financial position. ;
Anieng?other 'anggestions, were . • ,
•more vigorpns policy of tax ;,collee-•',
tion --end, investigation, of , the ,city
• •
Manager plan of administration.
' Caterpillars Commit Suicide .1
SUDBURY— Thousands • Of tent
cflUOilf4rp, apparelitli:"ti,red Of it
all" -because trees lhave-been .stripped '
, by their predeCessers,4 are joining in
mass suidide.in this district. • They
are "Marching"' over the reeks eking
the-ebere-; on the_ south_,side of Lake
Rairisayi; continuing the parade into
the 'Water,;. where they are swept ,
• away by the 'wates.',. :
. .
.DolIar Enipire.
, Those, money bareng" Who Are still..
a1ivJippQar to, have adoPted•the Met=
:to,.1...!Wlfat,;Wer, have, we • hold":
least; that is something• Of: the infer -
once taken, from J. I j. • Mot$0:4 .consp,
Ment ;oh the tax. laws." •• If Cengress.
„makes. stupid mittakes'. Which leaVe.
loopholes . in the law, it is 'up W. 'Con-')
. . .
• gross toiremedY.lhenli.not for us„,tax-:.
by -saying Inat.,,h4kad:• nWiiicornorit-„
• ed his. Yacht .66 ia.1.0etlmIli,: of .tax
ion because he ,!ditl not thinkft-whr
• . .. • .
• :k
• "
• " The un
• •
•,1-Bat,force;rst'n,etfOrgetTen. ';.71171.fig
•.are being laid. down :for two 35,000
ton. Italian liattleehipa, •and,..thewoulil
be • wa1 lard has de Clare& his intention
o in er
to"' 140 'ships Meanwhile English, ".fab'.,
toile's and shipyarcle ale so busY With- `
urrnarhente that''Canaclian -ininortere
say they c.e.100t guaraMed
of English goods. • Right here;•,%dea-',..
treet'S,, for '',114.900,000.: In war' sittiplies;
'have ,reeently been,.awarded,„ • Foren.:
Canada's navy, SeCend-,;hand:tliongh. ft.
is, •lias, been irieremed by the pur-
chase ,of t-cidestroyers' from' Britain.
Oo or v
Woman Is Goa17-7‘77—
LadY TWeedsmuir Evresees Wish
At riati0Ual 1.0.D.E. COuven-
-tlun in Quebec.
QUhBEC—Presentation of a' MO
reemhe:rshiP te Lady TWeedsmuir,
' featured opepin‘ ceremonies of the
. .
, • • Clercial. Incomistency
-Last week saw." the otilmination •Of
a royal ..rOnfahee when thp .piike And
Duchess of Windso;: Made tlieir yews
in the' preseine, of clergy but without
the -blessing 01 the cliiirch Historians:
:are, commenting on the; peeming.411-
•conalitenCY•• Of .refusiug. sanctipn
. marriage: • because:. of a•dlivoree
When:,,tke'state _
,caine;:into-Tiieini itt the:,-beheet or a
1 -ng ;who :created. if .,for. the purpose
Of; sanctioning thedivorce' and ,spbee,'
.quent marriage. '.Archblahop Crimper'
• Qf CallterbUrY 440 • the ,,rnan and the
king Henry VIII.
'Death Of a, General '
Superstition failed to saire;'the life
of ',deneral, Emlli� Mola. Spanish
surgcnt . commander in ,,ph.arge.. of -the
.siege of. Bilbao. The general was conce;:.
told that he, would die witlf his hoots -
on, • Flying through thick fog to a
• meeting with General,. France, ,Molas,
;plane crashed inticitire.eideQf
When ••th ' • fou d his body
were:.fie. ;epees.:;.,Cierie-Tra•Frifala
alWayi" reirioVei.lija,.ehaes when:
but 'cad it not 'SOO hire, 'Whea big • hour
was Struck.: •
,Matchmaking .
• throaili'a 'severe blew' to the yell
.caase,. the • campaign!' against • .1;filbag
gbes oii with as.' :severity ,as ,
ever: :Prom ,Italy,,,COnies", word .that
Mussolini in .planning. to. do . by grade ,
What he has feuriii.;.yery f1i4ieoft..by
Pence; Itis said, that he. Witl:,:propoSe
...pn'etencler', to., , the ,,•Austrian
throne';,• as thenext King or $patn and
thind lIinl to Italy will rnrryhim
. 'Preserve The Peace: . ''
,,.,-Alat :money is ...said, td,ficild'the'keY
to future. jevente inTthal :Far ,'"gistL.::
Mone.Y ' in .the shape 4Ji, ii. $40;00006; •
'' tritish< fOrtigteijon_prograirLat ..,.aimig
xciiiii al.0,.,....1: donsistent investment
'Poi.i4,---Fiaacif4 iern Ohl .. :The Japan .
.'ese n,rt thelkiie:titi;•6,ei,z king, a liety.
Ang1646 p a n ese: pad' Of .friendship as
a•',MenitS .of ., 'seen:ring ; a piace-iii,-,tne..
. new' World., etonoinie . pleas. kinked. for ;
.6iit of the ;iiiiperial• 'Econiiniic, den-
'fere/it e'':now' taking .Piete.'jfi'. London' .
. , . , , . , ,
.anVposa,ible..0O,oPerafien , : Of Great
Britain:, and the United States.
„ .. . „ .
iiirpc.;:tiff.0:•s/skitiii,eilt-; 4.4 .,,d:L't7:1'#'',;:'"ete""'"trl#
tiVre. '14Si NV.o0i‘'.
iffS Olt mbeship,Mrs.
President,' prei'aect, her 'keelleticy for
the keen, interest he has shown in 7
the work ofthe order •• '•
the 'veArs that `.-1. -• am in Canada "
, Lady' r'N.iteed,,,Inin:r"aJ in, Ac:moW,
cdT4a3cr.4.. . 'She alae.expreseed.afipre-
'elitiOn'Of the. "kenerous c3ntrihl'L' n"
hy'Ahe wh :eh' enabled her • te,
lbraries in the, Prairie;
Provindes. • . '
.• • Appealing to the 'erder ...for aid .
_VV•heajlf.„1: s0 -1,9m -e. 0:leYgLe.130.4
her Kryid respurces,..her-Excelieneyal-
4As received ' -5P0 .books,
•I'weedirnuir expressed, a wish that .
,before leaves Canada; thee Will ":
• be a sufficient O tipPly to enable wo; .• •
men in all parts 9f -401e likominion to •
' g,et the ,books they • want.,', con-
clnnion; her XaMellbncy •brought
• ings; from., Lord TWeedenfilif, '•
:riariG:eneral. • • $'. • •• ..;,,,:•
• ReVieWng' events of 1937 in :the ,
Course of lier, Presidential. address.
, iMrs. Lumbers Stressed'.. the import,'
ariee ..of peace and-,iin'ty In the Em-
pire, and urged, each •meinher . to. do
," her •ehere by taking 'part. in. "every-
thing t,liat 'WOUld. benefit'. conditions t•••••
in our 0 fl earnininiity."
-• Delec•ates.livere urged by •A
Gaillard of.: Toronto, ' tational. sehre, ;
.tarY lilkto do our -best in ait�ur; Mr- .1
• dertakirigV!'•:an..furtnering .thd. yar.ed
. :efforts •-cf 'the.. organization; The :re-
port ' reaffirrned, its Pledge: itti con-
tinne iiffOrt8 to .COMbat•',CareroUriSsin
• in Canada by bolistrnetive Methods."' •
Men Hiti)e .
• Choice In C1oths'
150.1\i'LON,-; A. mails 'ward-
. . •
...robe ranges:Iront'oVereeats,.
And 'eVen,ing• dress, to , beach . and
swim Wear. It is a• Mistake to Vis- •
iialize him ' changing fr:orn- one, jacket
snit to :another. When we' donsider
„ . . .
topcoats for ;different puipbses;,,Var,'
•, ietyi. in . e,vening dres; the; abtnitariee--
of styles and.rhaterials.for sport, and
..relaxation, • it .will be .seen that Man
does himself well sartorially: Yet it.
is ,dull ,antf, drah,..,outshone' by. his„,
Niblatile: partner.. Thic, 40.,';‘.e.anaer
boast such rich • fabrics and.giewing
calcite as 'his eighteenth :century.
cestor; • but chbiee ..is: remark.ably:
wide in cut, color and den.
Edward -wants to live in 'A.ustria.
Wallis wants to live' in Alum:Ica.. They
will he in 'Anterica.---Trunpa Tub
nne. , •
' is: i's" tho, Wiiy.. .cieate ;tt
porting Comment -.
• . Wl1,', • folks,
. afterthe. rum914
' up •et Thoincliffe
:and lie so-called
Par sport :friend;
let-tts hie cur-
te,•. other
It; sedins; that.
' everything is
to, •Aght.4.on.LeniS'•
• in September "if"
jpg ,4gfcp.-ts Champion ',,,Tames
,have • ,,•••
Here issomething yon may very
have ,guessed. Since: Sir lVfalcohri
• Campbell is the 'worlds s0el dein!'"
it ,is -only natural to think that be
'would trV, something e se new an •
different: ; ' •• '
• , . • - • • •
'I-Ie.:lids tried 'hs hand at explor-
ing; In.:South A,rnerica, the allies.
bird's sifilipoi hunted ,boried"ti!4silie
in a. big waY.,:
-7:4-Szra-pittrol: t b.. I ,
Powell stole 'seven bases in, one 'clay
, . :•• Pete Wocid in 188$,`"beaned" 34
• batamen,• And 86 crciatect en amusing
rverd—lic. alSe had 59 ..putobts
record • wil.icir,; Still stands.
* 4.4 4. •••
1,1*...7crot , Marnhall,
Peen who bapp.ens tt be ari5tand here
those', da, has • ncit., Io'st one boat
'11c wrestling in' f obr•
yeers, . ,
• Jack, Corcoran, Who Plans 'elle 'Of
hk. gr,..:ntest shOWe for. this .Vock;
.telia us, that: Ms.. old irienry-roaker,•',
tioward 411Anginim" CantonWine • is
ruitning'', a, it adlioUsc , near•
tAnvles. • ,
:volt 1tnow that „CentbrWipt
'`'orfad:Aota' lied-thile storieser ;the
r.frsm Totem to Now he piita
tO Steep Witka,thiart body,slahlt.
I .
... • . ..
ov.611. divitie notables tee A it tan oeunt theit.lioaiiiie _through: the. alr. together
'4‘11,,,,^174,t -t.;i14-,',4*.rd'Ils61 4t itil 61,4-4 441 ,-, .• '. ''' ,'-'-o-
• .
., 4 v
t , •
duos t� National Ata tie.Shiivi 3 the.
Women May Soon
Control Wealth
. air See714Already U. S.
s, Per
. °Funds
• , • ,
.'iltiSTOT--:-.'.:17tetrien'e.:01ace in the
industr:ai world, undet.,•disenesiOn'at
.o l.uncheon.
'Cainhridge Industrial • Association .
iieadquarters'. was • qtleSt!oried by a....
• Male .ittistori, University professori,‘ '
. and •justifiecl• by ;a female 'judge.
bfeile'ir Iliegia who at
the art of his talk admitted:; -he --was
Abdut.t the bedfiest iiioundsitesi in
the--Int'ai7na ire
Ring Kong Cline, who hits it 4
Ad • WA
viThe ,thifitr in 146
'World Is to 'et a ,Wile • , /tithed' A
' •
• afraid'''. he was: begihbiiie.,..a:
World of ..hie.tewn,..' aerated`
,..thav weal eri are: reel:411S f or, 90, per
cent' of the,..;cerifesien..ineenteniper-
ary business, and that .•Witliont-.X54-•••-••
. Men, business .would be free.dt.,, the
effects: Of , the',..hnsinesi .,cycle.. • '
.The prefessor., :predicted. ',wet -nen, •
'control praC1ictill,y..100';, per , cent of •
.the tountra,ptil;fate.,;weelth' Within
the„ next ASHY:• • .,
•'..;,,...lenii:e..1.J.;Ratten, Special justice of
i,the West..NOrfoll< "DiAritt, Court,. in-; '
sisted 'that 'aIthOugh .WOMen %$11•Cddy •
control . 70.. Per --cent Of., the IstAraTtel.:"
weelth:‘,Of-. the country, the'.fact!ia. not , •
beeausb inn usually nanage or con-. -
trol wonien's business affairs. • . .
s, She declarecf,lhat' the •confusion .the
wernerk..CanSe iri the'bilsitiet's world. by
ther :Calistant :desire ,' for changirie.,
:styles; and „Other s'Anilat:tastee,.,Waa
:. basically• caused by Waniente'.deeire 't� • '•
...please -men: • ' • , • .•., •••• • .
:entitled :Women 131.1..rt
• WhY. Should She?.','. sajd that Women:.
controlled...70 per cent ',Of 'the private... ,
• wealth in :Visited Statte, :were•..;
•beileficieries.. of 80, :per '.:terit of the
• life.," insurance: poliOts, inherit ' Pet:•,': •
cent; of the. eStates' 'probated., • •.hold•
• ti tie; th (1:5. per cont of the sasilliga
40:Ter 'Co,11.1; of 0.0 rea1otatc'•:
of: the. .couniy, and.444.; Per'. d.ent of •
the ..ptibi:c. utility stcieks;.:
• ,
, Tho• , Pon Of • Joliann'csBufg is.
Wed- .
6 ie h ' tile in: IJQ ooncs, re
Srplenden.. anit: the bride sill a ic:s and
;lieges ,`.iiiipear 'arra V• ' '
in,c," such ..(9renionies l'etravagent...
'euci -teWdry.P 'What then e,soild he
?, Not, surely,. the': Elrah;l'oAs'•of
a register office? Solemu veiwstill
110l.'be.bouyd.,.1ess.r11\Tertntry it those ,
:ot.the ;sitar are •tjeYouery. 'tat ir.<1 for' •
nl'ost joyoi-S. day.. Ny'i;11
riasge and finstitgY:
iyby,li'a''weer happiness in •ctlic.; dress
aswellas in the hetfrt'l L,`
num., . e -pee "all* this itlW (.14,v
tijrns ,1ia', itiil het
'Wish is that the '-teeelleii1613::
ho gay ahafpleashig.
WI '0d be as inetinruort.. 0:`:. f
peip4sivenesi tit weddings, A 0, it
4116 belleas, the bride' iontsputl.'
, •5 .
Reis, bd..ZottiAd.,:they'• ate
etiPeettition. AbAt doiit hot
'About, is•
POSe, 'but iArbetter gdid.ed 'than niott
bltds. ' • *.