HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-06-17, Page 51 . • ' R LuptswTINE , 7 , .1" • r• "t • , .KINL011,G,H Mrs, Arthur Graham: and M.1§-."1.`'. A. 'Blackwell,spent a'40", laSt week -Withi-11,1rV-Frank-Jonliston; '• • Mr. Harold Hdldenhy has, been eon- iid tni the honse with.'Poi4on- ing1VOis:110, 'hIlssfibebiaJn-odo'liguis a 14. lienlcnOW Sent a few daYa3ast 'week With' Miss' Jean Anderson; : • Miss; F.,,IVIeLelland of Mich;..SPent bhe' welt -end t Jas. HodginP% • Mr Anci.., Mrs,. Thos. AnderSon PAM .and'•-ef,...,•Mate,l511,1Z3 -. arliir:'"VciVWWH.:r3j-'3,44•41, 'The PrePhYterian. W; K. S. met at the home of Mrs Rev.' Ynung- last ' Wednesday i,afternoori, • . • • .MrsB.S1cssora *ode& the "'Shier; Siegsor''Wedding,..•laSt Saturday. ,.: • Pierstni''.of -Briied is ViSiting •with Mrs, .;11,,,L. McLean. : • a Miss,. Jean: Anderson' has been • eiwitges).as :teacher for,* the.";corriing , year. , , ' . • . • Mrs. ,Cei: Sr.; and Mr„ Levi Boyle' have gone to Bennington. Kansas, to attend the wedding- anniver- sary .of an Mrs. J. S. Boyle; ' .• Mrs, .14., Stringer • Of Kincardine, visited, last Week With her ister! • Mrs. Kaake, Sr. - SE T BAJOIN.: moy !Ay; Employees,, as well as;: employers, !find many go9d:, uses for 'their' bank. Men and woinen whose sole :or principal income is. from salary or wages con. stittte •,the' large , majority 'of 'the•customersthe.: • ank of Montreal. They use a wide-vriety of the Bank's services as, forexample:.: Personal , chequing accounts, saVings, accounts; personal loans,. banking by mak 'safekeeping o valuables, such as bonds; Stock 'certificates, •deeds, -4-insurance policies and jewellery; letters of credit ,,no , supply fundi as needed when travelling; money orders and traXellers cheques. • \SIRE Al ESTAIi1.01•1/113•18 1••'7 • }EA1roIrIcE: -ritcirrREAL -71‘f0•13-E1l.-g,t •EXTEATENO7D B„A;N-i.K. LNG S Eit.V ct :h' outcome .of 119. years''..iti.i-OeSsful: operation . . . • Lucknow Branch: V. N. PREST, Manager • .M20111•111:g2=1.11111111111= 401aa .7eataAta Sask., and his sister. Mrs.' Robt: Goan of Blyth, fernier residents of thiT conamunitY, were recent "guests With Mr, and Mrs: Isaac Andrew, whii now : oecupy , the former. Murdoch home. .., • .• •,' . Best washes are extended • to Mr. •and, Mr. Alfred Ritchie; hevvlyweds,. Alfred- is at, .present engaged. with Mr. Harvey Ackert of Kincardine. ; Mr.; and Mrs.. Geo. :Hunter v,isited •With Mt, arid Mrs.; Jack' Bradley- of Laurier; on •Sunday. • Russell ,Ritchie has been suffering from. an .attack•of,,tonSilitis; with :•ear: complications for over a week, We hope for itnprovement shortly,'' The W. M. S..held their June meet-. ing at flip heins, f. Mrs. Robt. An- drew.' on Thursday, last. : large 'number" from 'here attend- ed the reunion:,Pienic .-01' the . Help • dantilys,Tat.-..,--"Kinc.ardin*,pnia,Tupsda- IVIessrs. 'Dave Anderson �d W11 Hunter,: Spent the week -end in Tor - .onto. • . Rev.; ' W. J. Patton : last week had a, number of , men from Hacketts ;and'. Zionassist him' in tearing down the house on :the former Doyle farm at Paramount. Mr., Patton purposes us- ing part. of, the material in finishing his slimmer cottage at .Sauble Beach: • Mrs. John is;• visiting her daughter,• Mrs.' Jack `Gardner; with yam* she intends sPending the suin• mer months. ' • 'Remember the •Ladies" Aid Garden, • party at Hackett's' qhurch on Friday evening,- Julie 25th. Supper 6-8 p.m The' play "When BirilFley comes'. to. Town," will be 'presented by •BelgraVe young •people., s. • • Mr,' and Mrs Alf. Ritchie of ... • • • Kin- cardine,,visited •with , gr. ,and Mrs Ernest Gardner 'en • Sunday. • - BERVIE Mr. :Jas. Elliett has iniPTOved, the EIPPearan'ee "of , our ' village. by. cutting the tall ,grail along •the roadshle"and • : 'Mrs. Sarah Harrison of, Virmitieg is Visiting her sister, 'Mrs: Jas,..Hun- ter. .Dr.:: and Mrs. - avess of 'Chicago were also gUests during the week -end. • : Mr: Mercer of Merida preached in Knox .Church. last SundaY : • '1Viiss Clara, Peter is impteting.her residence with 'a fresh coat of Paint • Mr. andlYirs. J. Kueneman of. But: fak'CREWE Spent a few days, at the lioine. of Mr. •and Mrs.. Jas, Arnold. ' Visitors of Mr: and Mrs. Wesley Mrs,' Wm. Crozier ,returned 'Mine -Monday,_after spending the past week • with her parents; Mr: and -Mrs. Wm. Carimbell of DonnybrOoke. • Rev. James Wilsonvisited :This' ' niece Mrs. Will Reid and Mr.- Reid.. , • . Mr. and Mrs. James McWhinney • and Marjory of Dungannon ,spent . • Thuraday evening the , 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sherwood. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Drennan and; Mr. an r y . attended_Lthe_.:Trusteesa_and_Ra_tepay.7.,„ prs. nieetifig -eV Brussels. on- Thiarsday-.1 • k Miss Winnified..Blake.• who SPent the past few monflis with Mrs. Mat- ' iheW Shackleton'," has .returned to •Anniversary • services 'in...the• ,Pres- bYterian 'Chin* next Simelay;, June 20th, Avill". be '-cohilticted, 11,Y_ ROI A. MacIver of .Tiyerton. : • , The • • trusteesand. seeretary Of Hernioek 'City: /school •Spetion,. •attend-; ad a meeting of.' the, • Trustees' • And 'Ratepayers - Association' held :in Bilis!. gels :last.. Thursday: ' •A we1l:attendedmeetth o the 'K.' tail Brmch of th omen's In- stitute was held last. Thursday evenz. lug .7.at--11:1e--hoine-:-of-s•--Mrs; TRobt: ' Scott .With the new officerS in Charge. The. :Presbyterian 'W. M; S. meets. this Thuraday'afternoan. at the nianSe . _ her home. at Mafeking; . •• • ' Mt. and • Mrs„ McConnell and Beth;. silent 'FridliY: with .: Goderich • friends. • ' • • '• • Mr. Orville. Purim, Was 'in, Hensel! , on ' Sattirday,., where'he purchased 'new, car. • . . ,•:' • . Thirteen niernbets and visitors .net • �n' Thursday, June 3rd; :at :the 'hoinol Of 'Mts.. Wilfted: Drennan for the re-' • gUldr. monthly. Meeting '.of, the.' M• : S:7---The--H.President,' Mrs.. -Groiie,wa's; ••• in the • Chair, %and conduetecl the de:.• 'Votional . part; aftet"' whieli Mrs, Mc- • .Colaiiell took charge the following Progr ; readings.: were, .given by . MtsritiVett, Mrs., Treleaven, .' Mrs.• . Shaelcleton and , Miss 'iMallock on Mi.: . Sionat. Ila . tioite gave ' a TeniperanCe reading, .,and "The: Open Door" •:was• • read by. Beth .McCoonell.' An itiattu.-.' • Mental: -was --given:- 13Y-. Mts,...,EttetinatTi., • " .,and Mra. McConnell then. gave the • study book On "Trinidad": • Mit. Cro..'. •:met., dosed the ..meeting, with prayer,' • • „ , ii 4ifirtor4 KINLOSg: • . 1% Lenit'and :George , • spent the Week -end With Mr. and Mr. ,HoWatd. 'RehinsOn. .MISS ',Martin is apend)pp:, :••if le•W' daya:-Yvith.• her • ,':gratitiftither, Mr, WOOdi 'of, St.. Helens-- SAM' . NichOlOotr:1,§ renewing Old triendiliffie on .the,66:411d. Atlt,f, • 1V1r;:. Jack, AteKinneri, spent .Settin! , T, Kennedy of WOOdateck, • 'nen theWeek-end • with., his aunt; • The joint, •hleethle", tq :.the • Patti, 'end the K-airthea CitihAnet, ait • Tuesday in, the. "Ortinge.1111011, Liek flb• • Mr, and Vita, Meltinnon,, siient fluttleil thw...1ftttbez.,Inther44.111t.'. •.$1004M14,..4,:tit: " ' • • Miss Maud' IVfaCKenzie • and her friend, :Miss • lIavvkins,. both of De- troit, .spent the week -end with friend • The 'beef-ying is .getting underway for this season, with Mr. Henri, MC-, Kenzie and 'Vb."; Frank Hamilton hoteliers. They killed their first ani.• mat ,this wee!: M AFE.KING ,• Wyldes were Mr.' and Mrs, 'Henry • Wyldes S'. of Ripley,' and Mr. and. • Kit. Allan Wyldes of Toronto. Mrand gra.; Melville :Colling "arid. faritilY *or Hon.--Were-Sunday visi- tors tiwith Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Johnsen.: • . • :'• „ • Miss Kathleen' Wyldes in Wa,lkerten, Saturday, writing an ex7 animation on xnuaie. • • • Miss. Evelyn"Sleiset, eldest daugh- ter. of Mr. and E. SlesSer-, was ',united in marriage on Saturday, • last to Mr, John Shier of Armow, 11,6V.-1,:. S. Mott officiating.. Following the wedding:dinner, the -happy .'couple left ,ona motor trip north. We join . co grattilations. ' •, Right 1.014.01010i. Not . - ReY;--0---.0-d-PiCkins9n,:-IlOok -Steward- ',United •Charch, Personal Atti,” • , ttlde IsIn,SYMPathY" With 'Reas- onable: And Law. AlrarlS!, Of Labor Organizations To Obtain Satisfactory Working, .•Conditiens. And. Rates .0f Pay EmPloyees • of .the *United 'Church 1)1,41 gejoi00 -,.4X.gainatfgAA:A0,4114 ti-aify76t,:rind10-471,11-4/=---vr1orce;:::".rte ,„ .Dickingen, ''wly• appointed hook • steward ' the „United. -Chureh ••• of •Canada, told tile,' To.torito Conference if the Chdrch, in what 'he termed, te be. an effort' to. elor pp -a miStinder7: • itanding 'sin', the ininda ' of -the. nnblic -.egarding, the rela,tiiihs'..of' eniployees. themplilisbitig.,huse •.: 'Our pnblishing house hasno flrd whatever . te forbid': or prevent 3ur 'eniployees „from belonging , • to my union Organization of their Aoice," he said, '"The men' and :wo- men. knoW that." •• After pointing ,out that 22 out of eiriPloYeeS • 9f• •the house. new • be-., longed to a union, he presented • Mr. and Mrs. 'Dennis Donnelly.' .0, Pinkerton, viaitthl on, Sunday at the hotin e Of: Mr. 'and Mrs.- :TheS." Andersen. • Mr: and Mrs. Jrici. Blake epea Affetiloen: with •Iind Will Alton, • MiSs Mary ':1-letton • Of Arthur spent. the week -end at her home., • • .W, M.S. hold, their 'regu4 nion•thb, Meeting on Thursday afternoon at the honle of .Mts. Rich ard Johnston. '• • keep in mind the Ashfield diruit , . „ .Gatdotif Party :.at Haekett§ • Clinrcli • vrf ay. evening: ;Tune ,26th4 See Ad- fArerfieetilen't elsewhere in this leatte:' Mr. and Mitr•Ervin 'Henry and RoSS. 'weie• reeent visitor s With;Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Putdon: Whitechtireh. • and Mrs: Finlay 'Shackleton Of Atthut were::,'Weektend. Vititots- with• and', Mrs., .Nornfan Shackleton, , Mr, .and Alta, of PaLi- ley SattitditY with MrS... T1100. . • • ,s1.2haSaliken. asssting Mr, ,Thh.it Blake, with the. spring work, ,• lies returned .to his ,hte it • • (-.14a1e7. etiatrepeted.. *hitbi 'telief*.ntelilenf,' 'Mak1id totalled and it appeaN that ,Ytirie. ek.‘ .nendithtes iWifl show but ;little • ° Mt. and Mrs.. 'Andrevi Haniiltdn spent • IVIOridaY: evening at Mr. •:Thos. ' .We are sorry . to repcirt the death of' Mrs, kobt.• Elliott in . Kincardine Hospital' on SaintdaY; jime 'In7 ton:ilea was in Kincardine cernetety, • IHVIondayr,Jurie--1,4,th...-Syrnpa,tli-Y extended tefrienda and relatives here.' •.Mr, and Mrs. John Barr and family. Misses Nellie and Matgaret. • Mi„ and Mrs. WM. Eadieand family were ' reeent vtors, i.at Mr. Itobt. MaeDotiald'a,: • , •Mrs; Abner: Ackert • accoMPatijed. bY .MiSs '.Mririe' Pollock of Clarks, Motored- to ,,Brantford o» Monday.. TheV 'returned •Tuesday,. tiecoMpanied• by Miss • GWendlilyn Ackert-who, Will $;pend the holidays at ,her home here: Mit: Wm. Elliott: :of Hilton, spent a. few d eys °Oda' week 'at Mrs. Abner Ackert'. . ' • ,• • • ' • • • • •"' Mr..' troinn SPen..t: Sunday with 'his slater, Mrs. Cliff Yontig, • Mrs., • James Baket*reCaiVed •Vitord on thfursday, of. the. death Oilier 'sia- ter; Mt44:':Allee 1,1unt; Of' North pa, kota,, We Wish to :ektend �rsyn Mr. mid Mrs. 'Kt:10er 'COitiOnn; and Annie, Marie: and Mr, and . Mrs, Vi1ad, ip,eiit StiridaY ith friends London, .•, • • MiNAMd•Mrs,,.14ark Johnston, s eut Sunday.with ,Mrand, Mrs. M�itis 'Hodgins. '.. • ' MVS., COX..:..Sto"....s Viiiting..V0... ,tziends-in Kansaa City4 ••• .:•;; , , 'BORN' •• • • n KirdosS, Mi may to' Mt. and Mrs. Prank Ilaechler •zant.Oltir • • J:,: Bui1L3iearL MiSs Chisholm-- Fit leacher,"--Thir ty Teachers. Have Succeeded Her. - Mr. Levi Boyle Ws SecreterY For Some Thirty 'Years. Ab loeQt ailte s 4853 the fleictitah.9er ..t%enl(Itibegn o gtte.:' larliest families wei-e,' th'g.. Gambles, Boyles, r•Stanleys.' Hartbolirries., Durhgm hidrej „ , _ ,11..10,:mliesLlie:rt,o.w.0•171minti;enhe, AT 'JUNE•26-tolORONTO' ' Bratitford,„.; Chatham, • from • the ''west' part • of ,:tthilee toont!,. eetion Attended' a log," Seh9O1 "nn .Cathanhes„ St.; Mary's, :Sarnia; .Solitha Pton, StratfOrd,-,Strathroyo, Walkerton!, WiartolnWirig.liar/i;..Wo4gt ck., ' , "••, For Fares, • • Lkiltsr,,- trgrn. eonsult•: neareat "Agent Se0 handbills for complete list of .4eStinations. . ••.....47,'ATT.EACTLQNS ••.• • TORONTO—SAT., J.LJNE 26,7-13ASERAW'' Rochester ye. Toroite..:.,• ' •TORON'I'04LSEN., JUNE 27,—Canadian Corps Assoc.' • Annual ',Drumhead Service ItiVerdale Park •. ILE—R d Trip RARGAIN: FA ' 400N7F---k -7---thodren -4111e): TTFT.iUCKNOW 1g To Oshawa, BOwrna ille; Port Hope, Cobpqrg,-, 1. .9‘,M,111 "if' AO' Trenton Jei, BeIIevilie, Napanee, • Kingstok • 04nel199ne: Brockville, prescOtt„-MUrrisburg, Cornwall; ilXbridgeA Lindagy, •Peterboto„ tampbellford, Nevvrilarket, ' 'PetWAlig. Collingweecr Meafoi•d Barrie Otillia Midland' Gravenhurit Brace - bridge, Huntv2fle, Callander, North Bay Parry Sound Sudbury, all tQW1l$rn Nev Ontario, on line of Teiniskaming and: Northern -:Ontario Rly,. NinissIng Central illy. KaPnsliaSing:4,4on*glac Gerald-, iht}„concessiOn;, one • and one -guar-. amileS::;West of l-191YrOod, ,Tbe Cell”( ral 'part attended at Kinlough, •1,1„hhcoroynepoirifrscierrihogtille , o''east• n4li4; paigthtrhdej "Zulross.• . • • . • In .1874, a 'frame • school Was erec, teil on the farm of John HodeinSilot concession 10, Miss' ChiSolm was, 'he first teacher.. There were double a 1ug well, .The:e.... were ,the days 'alien grown men attended • 4cliVol • and • the attendance, averaged report on • the hours • of work and, •' Following Mi§s' thisolin Were Mr. Wages reeel.Ved, asconiniler Turvis, ,z•Mr."•-iEtichanP' nanagement; which. studied shop coil- in, Miss Rutherford, •Miss Walker,' ' *ng ' Trades Comic -it:: The . report" 'had: VacKenzie. Mr: A-.71cerr. and: Mr.. 'leen prepared -because of,a misum-. "Iiidsen, While Mr. Kerr Was teaeh- derstanding which, suggested that vhile the ; General Council of the Ohurch , expressed itself as concurr- hig in the _right • of labour :to colleon. tive . bargaining through, imions and trig a° cone.ert was', staged,: from the lroceeds of •which the_hell WaS:' piir- -based, Ylr, Kerr. is .now a dribtor in. :Thicago. •,..'...: ,17. ; • • • •.• • ' • • : ' ,, Mr. james :Henry •Hodgins, a pupil .•epresentatiVes of its on choice; the if No 3 Served 'in the .,NottliWest, minting plant remainerLan open shoir:- • Rebellion. • . ' ' '' '.' •. •••: • 'le said, . • ,, .• . ' ' : The ..sellocil was .. remodelled • in. • Th 6 cOnimititee hadfound; he said, 1895. The, cOritraCtor was John Y., that "there is no manifest desire on Scott The ';•board of trustees NiTere . the• Part of our: employees to' Join the Tarries Purvis, • W. 'James" • and . L. "inion," and-that:the • men ..received. BOY1e. The' teacher at that tithe lwas 'ietter than Uniell wages and "their . • 6 hl embers' of the Dun an- whole,'working conditions are Sucb ' -.The next teachers • were Mr ' W. . -eY-r-,-• rn., , • :7g• that they see no reason,/ for paying Lane; MisS :11. W61sh: Miss Murray, non Juvenile. hall:team. laavp signed Unit* fees unnecessarilY. • • ' • ' Mr..C.*Walker and Miss Rutherford: a - up with the Dungannon 'Maitland 1,f•• the -ehurch's Printing n • business, ame. She' is now principal league : teain ;and '• s; team..., is unable; • :Regarding the size andi %' llinOrtallee ni .,7e,e6 a' a,the s , former teacher ,o,oa:fm: iles. tP P.e.. rdised..tO ,PlaY the'lecal. jtiven1 •• • ince 6,000 books; a day and in,as .the 3,'COliliil°61-MinISS.CIA°11111;arn,ed—MMiis.',I.E..41Mouasl: . NI'. Dickinson' said that it could 'pro- ' ,,-10:'-ei=1:11;i:ol-hig:41.10,ntnad,44-40 n,,sucegecled.,TheAatterdis,newlnat Ausive of .dailY...newspapers. , . • ried ' living near Moosejaw: ' . "We operate" a ' wholesale . *depart- , Miss ..E. :Stanley, :' Miss MclVforran; nient.iwbioh, during 1936 Sold 400,000. ',Vika T.' Culbert, Mr. I. J.. Needham onies 9f. 4,000 titles,: making a ,turn- and Miss McLean taught for 'varying over -of $229,750„ 'Our library depart4 periods, ! 'Miss • McLean 'died • a, few Merit serv&I, 690 publiclibraries., and 'years ego,. Miss p, McQuillan taught 100 school libraries with 5.0,000 beoks from 1923-25, ',In 1924. the • well was if 5,000 ' titles, The educational de-. drilled..by, L. Davison; of Wingham. pertinent, under :the direction: of Dk." ': The succeeding teachers were :Miss 'editor of the house has developed an. Mr, .M: McLennan and Miss Gladys 1*.:orne .:' pierce,„ . who: is .the •• Meta*" A.,. Johnston; •Mis. s., 11,..,,,IThompson, .,-, '• d extensive business in :schooltext mills, The • present , teacher is :Alias hooks and 'educational publications of A: Colwell. " : ."' • , different kinde. You May be, smile- . The, ilrat: inspector was Mr. Camp± hat amazed to learn that2.4e :print-. bell; -folloWed by Mr. Chiscilnr,-' both 'et lelt year: just ',under • 600,000. Vol.; of Kincardine. The latter was SUCCed- liTlIeS: . . • ''''. .'" .. .. , . ed.. in 1.010: by Mr. ,W:::F.'• Bald, who • i'llfay I state that, mii• personal. at4 held the position for twenty-four titude is one of ' entire - synipathy with ,years. :Pe was suceedded,in Januar the reasonable Nand .law abiding efforts 1935 by Mr. G: ,C. Dobkin :of Kincar.7 of labor. organizatiOns'to „Obtain' sat-. dine. isfactory iworking„.,conditions and ..' The first secretary was Mi. E. rates of pay'....Wlien•honoyably eohdad•••, Thoninson, followed , by: Mr.. James I ted It is. a wholly1 ' 'honorable enter- McCall; Mt., William Boyle and Mr. ' •NIAGARA FALLS—SAT, JUNE 2.6—Royal & l• eavaPlicnAiserc'. Annual • . • •• • p „ • „ • TIMM I NtS, Silver Jubilee & "Porcupine Old Home Week June 28 & 29 • •,14, Use Canadian National Express' Money Orders. V.294 -B• • KIDS' KORNER (EY C. W. T.) [MONUMENTS:at first cost" . Elavin'g.9in:;.faptoyy, equipped' ' the' most modern niaehinery..farl,*- eXectition Of high elasi work, we ask • you to see the largest. displayofmon. .uments a any retail factory in On. fano. All finished by 'sand blast ma ehineS. Weimport all outi'*raititet :from the Old 'Cotintry quarries,. dtp;. ect, in the r�ugh Yoji,eajj save: :all '• local dealers', agents' and middlernai'- profits by.: .speing us. Allan Treleaven had the liganidats of his leg ' severely . strained •last Thursday and was , unable. to Walk ,for a :short BIRTHDAYS—Glenn Hackett • * •*' *; -1; • •."WARNING" DO: ' . net.' throW• At West. End Bridge—WALKERTON% , . . . • isto..: 5, .Ashfield • Form V—Jiminie Hunter:,• 'Sr.. IV—Standing obtained . in Ed - trance tests.-• Possible' marks Kathleen Gibson '1536; LOrna. ,Reid .527; Kathleen Gardnee503: . •.1 stones. Last Tuesday at a 'local: ball- .. Jr.. IV—Keith ackett 76%1 •44a.: gaine,.a young lad threw a stone and aell, Ritchie. 74; Keith Ritchie 04.'' hit another boy in the 'eye, and, might Ritchie 74. Allen Rit- chie 72; JOhnny•-Hunter 01; Eric Hac- kett 52. •" • Jr. II—Lorna Hunter 68; Lois 'Hun- ter63; Marion Gardner (absent. for Partr..-1.9fPI°dneth). Pr.—Freda Hunter:, f No. on . real 15.. '• ' •• Ada M. Webster. hayeseveraly fairt_lurri....irthe stone had been larger.. • ' , * * *. * * .* . . • Beginning. yesterday, :because •of the High School Departmental exalts. thePtIb1icchoQi 'receives ,no,recess: but is let out early.. r• • • ,. prise, and must inevitably be pursued Jaines Purvis Mr L Beyle. thengews Beef Of Fainous: PamilY • so hang and.,,Wherever unsatisfactory: held the .position; for . about - thirty • atrangements :critinue .to exist A years, when: Mr! P7A. Murray took • Th Associated . • Screen New of hinny working, basis: of life is, the es- over the yclati•es, Montreal have been "shooting?' sehtial foundation for the building • Two 'prominent • •men, Who spent''''tilites'•, of the famous'. Masse• family of 'character 'through Work ;chine their • Seiniol days in 'NO. a are . :th h k ib•'..d " • the creation. of good will, and the On- jeynient Of all the.7fruits of . labor;; spiritual .and material.": vertisenieht for a device to keel) 7 • - . . ,"-You seem. disappontted. itkyourpaekage ?'L ,Husband;'• "Yes, r:anSiwered an ad D .`onovan, of • Chicago, and Rev. Ben- • : twenty-five years. An New York. , these pictutea first, shown :at Exeter. sent me a paper •weight. •• son cox,: wile has spent the past prornetter lids arranged to .have grocery bilis down — and the iirm. ' H H : STEST SELLING L It:10K at its bigness, its beauty; Its Matchless •edontomr.-,--and you'll agree thatChevrolet • Pertai,n1r,d'egerves its present sueteai as ; ...'Canada's fastest -selling, ear! • Measure' the Wrheelbasel thevriOlet • you a lonv wheelbase:—fOi.: extra ” r.rooni inSidei bs.lanced weight, 'eogier. rftn Comparelne appearance! :.,Chevolet is the , • only lewestqwiced cat with IJnisteel Turret 'Top Bodies by Visber —net only the best-. -PRICED C 10414 bodies, but the sturdiest and safest' as well. Compare the econOmyl-.. . Chevrolet • cOsiS you -less for tas, less tor oikle'ss tor u• p., • Iceeple*elcuseit'is the Mitre' itSclasSW.ith*, - ' the famous Vaive iti ITea qUOlity. engine.: Many OWtiers report mere than 25.iniles to the. , , CoMpate the features! ; •. CheA;relet.iik The , Cothpiet6 ,..taaaY-Prit,ed eat. drive it today and you'll never he SatiSfiettWith less! I for econonzicai 1rntsportatioi Al"..-L01TE EL,' At La ., • ; SILENT BODI[SBt„ FISHER . . with solid Stool; uSset •Top and Unl stealConstruction .U,Ider and roomiar • I a st-,-in ,overy • Utitidow,', pERFECTED,. H Y 16 RA 0-1 I C BRAKES • safest, smoothest,: most dep:ondable ,ever put on a lo‘vist.. priced' car: .. . KREEACTION • ING RIDE . on all Minter D. Luxe 'Models' .fOr.tke'ricling Com= fort only° Knee -Action cin V A LVE.114-ti EA D • ENGINE,. . • 'the fam�us • design that giros moo• • power, mom ,atc•leration, • with uneqiielled icorioiny. FISHER,NO-DRAFT • VENTItATION eliminate: duifts, anoke and' windshield clouding: .; PRiCED FROM Pktioists C640* ditivitOtd as 14400, , 46.164, • imd Peigkf, ..-a•daeo • Prim inefetridch-oke 614).tootice),. M54ihriy ile001 • ;0 ;Pat yeur: boo.)0 su eirre---rof Aloters 1,0,rriam • Plea; • a 7• 4% •