HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-06-17, Page 3HIs eumatiiin:-Lk Him - ..nfierer.fcillov;r5,0ood-AdviCe • Takes Kruzchen • . , "The writer.' :cot the; felloWjnelettPr had a bed Atte,* pf rheumatism,. and ya ads ed te . take Kruschen,' • did. see, and describ,ei his experienceSt "About„.,twei.yeare'.egO,I dev,e1Oped eseVere Attack of_rlienniatiini--017-MY-4. left 'Shoulder 11ade. J triedall,Sorts • of reined les,. but vith o:results,, . one '‘; day my brother-in:law, On • hearing 'of noY. Suffer'ng, CxciatinedP 'ophere only One. thing; for rhea - Matin! ' .SAltsl; deded to .purchase a bottle, and ' for the first 'week took, a teaspoon- • f:111 In a g1as �f bot water eaeh morning. The 'pain gradnally disap- peaie.1 and has now `gone entirely. • I ,am still taking my early rnornipg dose, as 1 fea-cinivinced .thAt it is helping to: kLep me fit."--j.G.B. lthieumat'o conditions are freduent- tlid0,,restilt`.of pi, excess of 'wic. acid( in the hody. sTwO of. the ingred-* lents of Icruschen Salts are notable "reetlieirWi-,`Tir didsolving7f5ric acid.. Other' ingredients Of these Salts as - sit Nature to otn*ithe . dissolved acid from the syStetn.' '.51110r galfld &thy For*CC N. -E. Ofili.,:a1,..eatrY has come to the • On- tai,i4 ,,Assgeiatil5n, Which con- ducts -band, teurnernent at the Cana, iman :National Exhibition, f rem the •-,ImPerial, Silver Band of Hamilton, 13(-mUcla: Secretary k L. _BobdrtSon. 'of . the ',asseciation,..Saye' that not . . th&„ past fifteen' years:have, there been as many e.ntries 'at Vhs, date,., • ...qr. Henry • WiitItngtoti, ..inaYer .of -a.r,artspeata• tion for 'the baTtd'IrOM"Bertnoda ta New York.: 1 tTe has 4s6 .concio.dek arrangements, for a aeriei :of ..concerts in the Terrace Grill : • of , the .Hotel Ilanhilt(yn:for the Purpose of ,r.aisilfg . additional funds': ,With .•whieh to de- fray' the. expenses ,' of the. triii:tO the. The Imperial Silver Band. is 'under the baten. of S. Clayten Pys Who had a wide 'reputation as a :Con.' .• . ',•.dti;ter and composer... Mr. Psto Was.: two 'years 'Age in, the' ce peityi, 'of:I:guest ' conductor , at.. the :head...cot/Met/Nen ' ,The.:1,3:ermadi.01 . will enter the.. hiass. Section with an. ensemble • of twentY-seven, Men. • •.,:Cane' Molasses .Eqr Piga , .A: test .,,earried. On at the Mnnc- seta EXperiniental: :Station showed that'• pigs' weighing .165. pounds weight, fed on, .ground corn ;alone,: Old not make as economical gains' As :when fed Oats' With 25 per cent. cano molasses Was .used,. thus - while, you. cannot get sugar -cured Pork by. feed- ing •Molesies• to sWine you can get ;feeding •profits by using,:theCaneme-,.' .laSses plate of part of the corn. Molasses is led to allclasses of Hit • stock and ,besides being an excellent 'feed is also an appetizer and'aids in • conditioning the aninials. Saskatoon. — Alfred Wella'. Barred'. ,Reck-.White Leghorn hen •produe-, • nd. . double -yolk 'egg every -third. day, • One egg was seven Inches , In circumference, two and three ilar- 'ter incher long and two inches Wide' • ., • 11 ature's•Own SOH rood *, . , int.icAnLis_"Ahe---tierfecfr...Leatuial • soil plant food; free, ot,harnifUt acid• . " and *gad.: seed.. Unlike ,' plant ,foods ; and fertilizera •Ltetalns, • 'It.q amnionia' content; its fertile quail, *ties therefore .far. -Outlast. all other sell conditioners: 2111-1,f5.11 retains -•as high , Jul 7O moisture,.ii an ideal insulator, • and WO no a nittlirarlicaveriger.'; „ ; • . ••• 'Thei30: • and Many ether' reasons haVe, • *toyed HU-51A.R. 'the. World's finest 0011 nditiOner. , • • • „ ',MAR is ;the *trade name; for a• pre- , • 'duct ; :Mind on the .HeVerley; proPertlett ..• In Ontario, ".. •• 'Wrlto for our .deseriptlVeleolder. ;,,, ••4, • tilEVORT4OREN, LIMITED .4.417(creleicle:Bfreet• •Toronto i ;•-• Hairy Chest No More Proof Of a He -Man • • Gradually, as 'they are 'attacked by .scientific study, many so• -called se* differenceare Melting Away. It was • a • shock to Many persons when the develoriment. of standardized „ intel- 1gence tests revealed that men are not Superior mentallyto. their' wo- menfolk, Is it possible that •ImIry chest ancl'-',fgprilla shoulders'? will • suffer a- similar- fate as criteria. Of ntabc,11111ntry7.4aitelr*iSIIVer4e1\'ea" lioward,,Gilkinion,UniverSity. -• of inneiotap-s-Telielokist,' raises the'' question .end provides a. surprising.: •Paytial anSwer-, •'sex ts`iai!i0lOgieal •felte Which :man or Wonlen can be thought of as 'haying, in 'greater', or, --less -degree—And .if .,ths ,force, finds outward expression in such iteMS as. beardsor pitch of, voice,„ then you , might expect''`• the heavily,,liearded • man to have els& a deep, .masciiline. Voice and bread shoulders, ;points out Dr. Gificinson: . Yet examination' of more than: goo college men show- , ,ed. these "secondary se* characteris- tics" • to • exietquite independently , of each ,ether:. •• , And Only one•Of the Physical mea - 5Q5, , tc44ve- any significant relation, to Maseulin- ity, as 'revealed by test or by: rat- ings?.of ''associates. • Hair abundance • and , hip-thoulder measurements . do not correlate withthe....Maseulinity• . test or with voce pitch. Rip mea' - •:,suits do . correlate positively with ' Shoulder Measures showing, perhaps, • that the . man with the gerilla.shoul, dera might, he expected. to have "feminine" hips'. • ean -Advantage Take Of ‘Ia: Cow *Omar ,`Vinole;i an: Argenine: poet,•' • .adopted a "Sister".4a 'Cow Tpu ap :iirrtsrr in ..Buenos: Aires- to, arouse support: his ....catill5nign• of ..Be ,threw • convention to the winds and Was dubbed "ekentric" ' because the. Argentines; he. said; • with theit inereaSirig .preeperit,v; Were drifting' . from 'vulture and forgetting the :"things of the sprit". ' Standing inanaculately, ettittd; by the side . of :the cow, the' Other day, . a citylecture hall; he declared: ' 'al May, 'teitiperarily at least, have , . . • lost my:dignity, but for twenty ye4rsi have: been ,preaeliing :the .cause }of' -,culture, and society has , ignored me. .attrace.publia.-ettentiOn I .hed, to adopt -my 'sister'.. I. have had to Taupe a nubile commotion, ainoit a • revolution,,• to intereet.•my• country - "I 'itarffl for the :reawakening opit • an:old idea—the 'perfection Of., mani am trying to Create a' philosophic temperament.' My estab- Iish ' open-air universities at which • philesophical ideas will he taught, • gether swith physical training.;?.. • • Publicity. succeeded, • with • • Senor Vinete, for which he has to thank his', . "sister"; • He chose the cow because ,it was • illustrative of .the Argentine, peopler..-a cattle -raising race. • •Ont.: • sidera laughed, but for this •poet the cow is A wonderitil:animal, . the only. One, according to an Indian 'Parable, that does notletManstarve. kte ..feels 60,t he will Soon have to let his ,.'sister" go, but be will al- , ways feel indebted to ,her, For'the CeW has brought him sufficient at- .. tenticinto' expounii;his-:gospel:7 f','The reSt is 'up, ,to me—and , the inassee," says Senor Vinola. • • , • ' Meaning of Peace ‘'''When •politicians in Geneva have been discussing; peace, ton often they meant by peace a vague wOrd, the- . state of non -war. It is a state of in- - ternational mind; it is a plan of na- tional- living, not passive inaction, declared M. Hambro, President of the Norwegian., Parliament and head of the Norwegian delegate's to the• , Leggue.of Nations Assembly at Gen - 1t ' It s essential to ,prepare p ace. You. will find in every , country in Europe and in America 'ft War .0f- fice; but no. Government until ,now has bad:a Peace Office, a depart- ment 'studying the possibilities of fu- ture conflicts, trying„ to neutrakze " them before' they Are born, studying the ways and ineani of friendly co - :operation among the nations that will IE A NirED • Td handle Beverly HEJ MAR, nature's Perfect soil and plant food. • iir.,SPIY Pure, nentrel soil' conditioner arid rectifier known; • A real, honest opportunity to handlp,afine profitable pro- duct,' backed by national 'advertising and unsolicited,testi2 .inonials, • AgenClei ,alletted on a mutual approval basis. canital, front $200 to $2,000 required to carry itodk."'' it, The Company gUarariteesto refund purchase priee'd ' • charldise lett on .•,hend at the termination of the agreenient' by -‘either ,farty. • ' . :'E'REVOR-SORENLIMITED 73. Adelaide Street • ilVestp, Toronto' . A Healer of Birds • Marjory Shear, bird •physician and surgeon, preparing one of her feathered patients foranoperation in, her modern clinic in Hetiaton, " . • promote international.; iyinpathzes. , • • "Peace is pot only absence' of war, , It is a 'Willingness to join z•l.hands across the„ barriers, of race, religion, and langtiaie;-4 traditions and iffiti;" : tutiens. It is .an active and, fruitful. stateof and'of well-wishing, ' And the actions of 'eace iu t be prepare ,• careffillY: • "They-,myst be made .:as ,interest- ing, .as adventurous as the actions of War. They must be 'made so inueh',. more, romantic!, than actions of war, . as creation', is' more- romantic tha-x. , • destruction. And this aim Cannot be , „. reached only by. accepting gifts: -,It - is necessary to pay thelirice in every country, thefullor:6e. of •peace." BebliY Hoga, nineyear-old, xfitraeu- ously %escaped. death %,Wheir he .fell from a tractor in the path' of*.ntrail- ing dise.at Vulcan, Alta..: His poay, becani spdeeply, iMbedded. in the soft earth that; the,alierp disci pass- " ed over him harmlesslY., He sustained.; a •broken arm tioo hip in the fali ,An explorersay i that he Will nev- er marry. • This rollin,gestone intends , to gather no boss. ---Montreal Star.. The.pUrchasing. agent .Wartt to: See this particular saleintan and instructed his 'secretary to Make •some • • • .SeeretarY-.:(to--salesman7):—"I'm .gov- rir, but Mr..f.limes can't...see ..you to- day. "1,40r:has a •SPrained .peroistent go -getter) -7:7 "Very well,- deari. '06 hack ;and tell .Mr. Jones Ibitt 1 didn't come her0' to wrestle 9th hiin. I only ,want to talk , to him." • ; • •••. Knights and 'Daze' . „ , ID:piniOns-very.as,to,,whielt';take us to : 'greaterAibights• . days, withskiee'Of blue, '• Or its delightfUl. nights: ' Some argiis that refreshing • 'winds • • Corebineti With ••oiidday . sun, " • InsPire, acil,retitureS and cause ac- tions.to he pop.6:,'., • ' . While Atbere say, when ineotilight sIiedi its, beanie On. listless Soule, • •• Thelr Aires take on dew. ineaning,?:and • •• :•,,,tbpY staff toWard higher. goals. I • ti.ebny'tiointneON:ti...n.„.Aet ar, e; livingbuti.friendi,-,this is my, •. • , •Myers. • DO you get .up,. later_ouirnings• and have to .rush your 'orasTek, .belt your breakfait, and 'dailf to Wiark.?Irso,' that Is a bad habit, and One that will tend to Mike , you suffer, through •ac- • cidental 'injury • . ,Gtiod habita Of - -Work Willi-predtice ,geott','-littidnet, and aCthe. same ,Orne produce. very few accidents, for after all; an tipci., • nt Is sininlY aMlittihe. .4 W11761. ; you hearzoiii,eone brie trying to ex- phin h' unavoidable some accident • • was, say' to blni'; lOrget.tho alibi,' ac, el&ent are de REE CREAN!, SEPARATORS Be One Of the three lucky farmers tq, get a• brand new 1937, streamlinet stainless AN hER-HOLTI-1 separator `FREE;•"Send- peatiti ter -Pin try -,Blank and "How to cut•aeparating costs irt .Half"; nothing,:te.PAY; sitiiplytkpress your Opinion, 'Address AN KEtt- HOLTII, Room 1-34 :Or*, Ont .• • . Wife (Preparing breakfast)—"There isn't A...Slice of bread in the houSe"' Husband' (absently) -"Neer mind,: deei; fast railce ,Sonie toast . . . . , Don't :Make them say : • "X „'spent, year:. in .that.,town, ona, quAclayt' • , Which: '.be..provided • echeol chil- dren, the Chairman of the health:emu,. • • • • . •.. •• Mittee inka:SmalflOwn; is .reported to have saidat,a meeting beld recently: 'What. th•l.,.,,Cemx.o.,„needi;:le.. a supply of .'clean,: frestrImilkFland the' ••• cotMcil ''shoinct• te''). the :bull by the hems:and' demand it." ••• • tiothing",:ibt, me. I'm koing.,to irate .for- tiiatfellow becanae, .1 like,• :.• .•' ilen-L.'5,nnderstand;.YoWere *going eice VOod for because,: he. ,iaTey.cin•-: you like a roan who . •gave you $10?" • The Only thing that keeps a.lot et men from .marrYing„ twicakis the fact,,,, ,that their first Wives ' are to clisgnet • ingly healthy, : • • • . • . • Read it Or 'No •:0 In the state Of 'i;..Alabana.. is • against the law"tki 1.)11)f• 'Efeg a_ 13,ck. of peanuts After, Sundown or before ,0.1dulise',of, the next day. It • trary to Iaw to Werk for, nothing: California.. In Kaniai•iin reptiles are permitted to be, eaten:id-PUblic. This, lncludes centipedes snakes lizards, etc, .• Dr. Bottles. met the: Wife cif, A, pa- tient he had •ordered to bed.for a ".few : days': ,- ' ' . . • 1 ' , , • Doctor—',Well, how is yOur husband getti g• on?" •• • . . Wife-7;"Oh, doctor, I., do wish you'd change . hip medicine' , . ' , • , . , Doctor,t-"Isnit it doing , . him, . any ..good, their?" •, . ' • .•• ' - • •ife—"r donkii.o 't ,w,. but we have. sucI a ,job getting hini in, and out of 'the bath'?" • - -' • ' Doctor -:-"Bath?". ," tkrife:-"*Yes; sir. It savs on the hot- ., . • , tle of medicine foil sent: 'One, tea.' , spoonful t� 'be taken three timed a , . day , in •Water',": • •• Husband - "Well, I suppose- you're plenty, angry because I • came h.onie. With a black eye last night.", • ; • Wife .(Sweetly)Not at All, .dear, •beciiuse When you came home you didn't have that black eye?' • , A lot of men wake up td appreeiate great truths—after its abent ten years• too late. "• Lack of Money Ai To True Smartness .1f 'Extravagant Let It Ile 14.-Aecessories - " HOLLYWOOD, ClOthes''bild.get has nothing to do •with 'being smartly ,attired, according to 1 Adrian, famous M -G-1,1 deSiiter, As 'Matter, of ftic,t, he helieVeS. lack 'Of:- . Money is :g.boen to these Weinen wh , Seek- tune Shiatiliesee . • just •Maney, to 'spend,,', Adrian says, "ifiett, will get 'the siMple frock..taittible'te, -Many ettasiiini•- • A Woman Who ,datt bend as Much as ' she desires Will Often, buy too :much) jeWelry, tee many ftilt, and sPoilthe simplicity:Of. the costunic. • 1113rOPer Carriage f t14,head 'and ; . body ,can giVe ati inez.pensiV,i frciOlvof 'goodline the appearance, the sinartest Creafielt • tine of a gar - Merit Shotild be the *first then..fabrie., ...tabrit_is. portant to' lined, inferior* tabild 'strallites'erid letet,shape.. it is 'poor,' etenOMY :to totiaorVe OAS WAY, ; 'Courtesy On Highways , .Science .Caunot'-Prevnt'Accidenti Without 'Help of .Courtesy • - A Vita' .Challenge .TORAFPCI!. Sounding a strong warning that the heavy 'tragic in- prease on Ontario highwaiis expected , this stuniner will inevitably regult,111,, • yiellteiten, Ontario, -.highways. minister, ,has announced" that his de- partment is lanidhing,' for a ,seeOnd' . a newspaper , campaign 'Urging every:'ene.- Of Ontario's`700 000 drivers •to Try Courtesy", • „. .• , ::11,he steady., inereaSe , in *nader. tratc," Mr. igeQUesten declarcd; opresents a vital:challenge- to every 'neer oi our streeti, and • highways to., . aid .in Checking and reducing the IzOr, - rible • toll of Hires whhit inotorf•traf- fic' costs us each , ' • Travel • In Faster • • • , `modern; Motoring, he pointed Out, Is - "geared. higher .• than . ever,. 'before and -this 4,infittence ,of ., Speedy travel is itcadiIy increasing. "Every resource • of science has been .applied* to Make ,thiS, fasters.. pabq it:feafe7-orce•-, Skitter - proof glass; improved, four-wheel brakesovider and smoother highways, more effective -day and night .road ' Mar1„kerf4.iiew designs and constrne,. • POO in tires, better- lighting equip- ment on .automobtes rnd streets all these, factors have made their 'con- ' tribution to 'safer inotering. • L'..`rint no 'Scientific • facter;,",, Mril.,'XC't 9neaten insisted,,no matter hOw.. eV ficiene or 'fool -proof. 'can. ever have :the ,slightest, Chance of success unless the*simpleat and &eat fuidethental •.principal of human relations is thif;,.elenient..,can be express - cd in manY, differearIvt6;:,•• It can he- :caned-COnsideration-ior others' �r. 'do as .yon, wonid, be. dime. '; ; '14 93•1k newspaper:?;9a4aign 'this year, as,lait:Year':we ale ur In • drii; o try courtesy"..The dictionary • aysc courtesy is'."peXitelieia: of man- • kindness" and we .',believe the sincere •application.Of this 'biinple :idea by every In On- tario can eliminate' death And .destrue- tiOn freM our streets andhighWays, and paake• thein safe and useftd. ser - vents ;of mankind' they sliould be... .• . • • • • • , Tourist Doltar • Is Divided- Up • We have'bOenreading' reports of. the amount of, ' Meney., that tourists :spend in ;Canada, ,theapproimate nurnber of Vlaitors :Who. c.oine to Can- ada;• each hoiiday season,- TAW WU kii•oWs" how, where aid Wher4he .• elu- sive dollar rolls'arOUnd the country and. Who benefits. the most, writes •the• , Oshawa ; Thies. ,• • ' • • After travelling .through.:.:sOnie.of „the,Canadian.taurist resort areasfor' the .past three. years, one is hi, pressed With the fact that thousands ;,pf lyisitors, de ".Corne to our lakes and . streams each year :and they return . year after , year to ,enjoy : the Mere . . favorable *Cliinate and scenery which Ontario ; • . , • .• :Recently.. "Motor ..Magazine" bat, • .made n,careful survey of the chan- nels throughwhich, this .:much cv- eted dollar passes. Here. it. is: • Miscellaneous Purchaiei. at 'stores 25, per cent: • Transportation, 20 per Cent, • • Hotels and otherlodgings, 20 per., _ • .1.2.eitaara:nts . and, other . ;eating. . .houses,' '21 per cent. ...Amusements. 8 per cent.' Confectionery, 6'per cent.. 'The widerspreakl bene,fitS'ibeStetved. by :thleSe imported •spenders, .the! tourists; are inibreSsivelY, significant. Scaieely ,any. interest in :the luekY totiriSt; connitunity 'that' does : ,not share4hebenefits-brOught by ionrist expenditures,.'The fact that 66 centS •••of. 'eveltir 'dO#ar:finds ;access to the tilis of the Ibeal merchants; the Ito- ' tels and the .restaurants, should ini- presS, the obligation .these•' various elasse.s, of 'buSine'Ss OWe.in Encourag ingAnd,' fostering the tourist trade. , - • . • " School • •Princilmal. Pleads , For More Men Teachers Plea' for :greater, influence in7pu ic schiol to guide growirig.lioys'Wai made hero bY, J. J. .Wilkinson, Winnipeg school principal: He tom a service club that'. "win -nen teachers outnumbered nwn .40, to 1. in junior high schOels. and ! 1.60 to 1 in elementary ,schools of „ ' DANDRUFF and FIllng Mats, use Min. ard'e exactly,sa you would any hair tonic.' ,Do ,this 4 times' i week end aha maul! 241 wilk be a Clean liaad and Many Flair , Itlue A..1 k: Iassified Advertising AGEHTS„ VVANTED, •WE slam. ,HAVVE, f,t. FEW VACANCIES • . v v left. You:can make good .,'Money too,; •,.selling! motor 'oils, ftractor. oIIs machine Oils, greases, and ::roofing• cement your locality. , Writs.Warcs Grease, and 'Oil Lt1,. TorMith.• - 411.:.RISH „vaEoKLE. FREcKLEs *1ST .00 WHERE "FlIECItt, •leen!, is used:, see that rough Or frecki- edskin' change to lovely, clear' smoothness. Or.; dee' now ldoneY„ back' guarantee: 51.00 , Per Bottle Elinor Tdiletiers Burnaby fit.„ Vancouver., B:C:` • '•• botal.ketioN stav„ • ONTAR10 COLLECTION AGENCIES,' 'EX • perie9cecl Collection Servlce Batliff - Stair • Bldg:, -Tordnto: • ,•• • • • • . • : .11aXenixtirty AIw stiknats B0V.IERS, V.ERTIGAL„ AND HORIZO/siTAL Pm ups kinds. :Write fdr. BM& list. W. Petrie Co., Uitaitedj: Torento.' • . " kiniTO0aA,ITY, • iorn...AndElapistr .FREE • WITH •EyEgy '25: '.v.a cent order: Roll, films -developed and elght printS:,' 25 .Cents• reprinto;-3-centreachr-Bright= ling,, 29 Richmond' street, Fast,, Toronto.: : • .• Minte-Fighfs Drought T.A.FLECH.E, Sask.—T. H. 'Pour- asse has decided to 'handle his own drought 'problem. He planted 1,000 , trees and arranged an ingenious ' pumping system to d:stribute river water over his land: ' • . In 'Switzerland, melting glaciers • feint the chief :imeans of water pow- er which furnishes' the country ,with electricity. • wr . Tho 'Cohacillan:.:Service.y .• viosselt of :those great, .'Steamship companies', offer individual attention and a. Cornplete personal. _TE:p6rsel::16tO 1 passengers.iretv'_.e11 I a0ystso - addl- 'tlenarfinoqualltiest •• • .POOkl: of Woke tiosilty , . • served hi accordanceWith. • • . the hest standards; - 'A couplets shipboard hejouta.' - nest eihnifithis all caro. . FrIdayta !linos from entreat' 11" 40 Belfast, Glatgow,, • poet,. Plymouth, Havre And Loh den at. rates 'wh lett repre4 ' sent • SUbsta utla I savings In -,.. 'travel 'coats. .4/1,14 to ',11,1311Y;Iffeet (ttlitla 04,1) l`coosito it,' -Y114 hiait i'd"11.0e Poen, f. O'ort andmothers Fine `Get-Toge Twenty -Two thoneeis, of West' Recall Trials" and Joys of Years . •• ad gave • Mothers' had apartr. the Local Wo..' pen's, Instititiebylted, the .2.2. to tea oldest and .isra;lt. 41- Ile 1.1k-Thihil,i17,7:itIrtlZ-411t1,-1:'t:T-76°:i:ig6.'e6i.ci:‘,e=SVt:-Il'i'fy-ef-,..N111'.'ii'61iiit:scr;. 9ldest great-grandmother was 1'.riss J. cSiTroft,. "Magiral alehelny, preserved for one(hair as black as:, a, rairreS• , 'wing; ; ,.allothSi:'s of shniIal• ake, was . nbir sott said. the SeCre- tayk, , "if2ne beloved i 'little old lady with , cheeks,, the boicr of a Canadian.' wild rose and the gallant spirt of a Viking, leaned on her ane and 'spoken ,to•thet, delight of everyone." , . the eandrnotliera tecalle,d their ,.• Tist impression of Manitoba." ''Ono laarsiad'by i s.:SIe' gern1,7Pb•I'selite7tannOilaniii was b:T. 'friendliness, et„,lile,:**SenOrs;o3411.; , acalf Train. the: atniOapliere' wras So• . different from that of the .form'al E'i- lMh •Pinally she decided 'that • the feather in her hat was probably too, giddy.. She removed, it :so as net to attract an' More attention ' • " Grandulother. leap Marertift !Time in 1997% from Guelph., Out., farhicure and faintly all travelling together; Mrs. J. Grenon,, a'',pieneer• told . ofcoming by tam , from .Azithrr, 4 ND. Grandma Frederickson canie:iq.". delighted to get' 'a •Whiff; of 'fish • when•She, tepped from the ,train. Ite- land did not seem: So taraway after • .. all. Grandma W.' Paddock,camefrom Brandon': to Bieton_ileath 'in 1001 with . • 25 . shebo, 12, horses,: eight 'cows rived 14 1900from Southampton, pr;t;. :tawa 25eate ago; arriving, in .4 ' • dernic ef clinhthorie...?ted' ever since" :She's- been, talking and ' Working' for' • ' • ' ouCan't , Be Great -Teacher ,If You're Not in Love ',S1;insteehoOd Is ,"Tf4e •Burglar •':Peeli.ing',Out..Front Under.. ' The tee • ' OkLAA0MA. CITY. Enforced spinsterhood Was describesLto Lovers' 'Church asthel'hurglar-7`iVeking ov.t from under. the,hed of tena, of' thous- • • ands of. women teachers in the'einin '0X..,ove is the great laW in‘teaching,', asserted Dr W. A. Melteeier, msyche- -Teglefaird,-founderbf the ehureli as he describe* .ban Which he said .existed In , inanr. cities against marriage: Of . school teaChers. , About 200 Persons attended. yester- day' e ,session, most of them, winnert Of Middle age. Di-. 1VicKee:vpri ;started the Lovers' Churcli:. to combine 'ro- ' mance, and •religion. • • "There is no great teacher bet..that • lie Or . she is In love •with Soinebddy,'' 1,1?:- said. ' The denial Of lore;means augaish,• bitterness and . a' -frequent threat of'nervous ' • • • . ' HOW Population ,Grows, Letter in. NoW 1927., .the-InternationaI Stiatiati- • . .eal Instittite of the Leagti... OfNa- tions Ostiniated the 'Ni7o yid 's popu a- ; . . _ , tion it 1,860,000,000,::'whiCh-shoWA , . , net .ga n over the fjguics of Brofed; '•,1? .sor ..Irriest George hri.\"r.cnstein, god- raphier' and Statist!cian for the ' RoyaL,Geographie-Spelety, of . .100;600 Sincehis eSt2lnat6..waS Professor E M -East . of Hai'vard.University•Says that 180,000 . are 1.01's evei. y day,' arid 100000 the At that rate the :,Ponylation. :of .the "-earth Will chiuhle'ittelf in aboht sixty: - six .years. , Medieril.science htta .just about perfeeted ,ariangements' • bir'ufan irlAY livefar b,eYond,the age just ",why should want to IS lyeedming, another • ' prohleM,, • In -view of Our . present:day ilaben troubles whiah Continue to gre* ideapite' efterts, to . .the earth easier to live in 'and on,.. :the. :patent increase in, the globe's • • Population, does not seeni to offer : very niany future. Elyeinnis 'fel' the ,footsoro an,d the we.ary,-.--Leighton Benner Rob:nson, Mexico, D. Pt4Ifin.cittrihet 8666- •- • , •, •Paiiiti off a loan 16 the. Home, OWnerS Lou* ' •.(everpaid • bis bill- 'I tent, •• accorabi.g. .to ic•catints. to'..make. the: . • books. Of thtS.corpoi•ation. balance, cheek. for i cent, Was Mailed to ;him. ' •Lloyd thought, he iv,ould keep it as a ibpAtipr.: a latei receive :agitated letter'. frein, the, Lmted 'States.' Treasury,' halting svh, he'lyad- IA castle tt „the-cksektbat the bookS , • i*CtO �tlt bt.b4itthed 'to that eskent. • _Wheit_he Statt:44t-settro.h... for th • che(A; • it was • m's•iing; and he,• to .4fga a affidaVit tli got 'an•other check to. straighten-. the situation., Thr-8:ettetar .ot the. Treasur'Y 'nor- 8tre4t.';16Ur'n,a4,' • If • '