HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-06-17, Page 1eee or; - „ $2,00.'et ADVAN04-5be EXTR4 U S A. • tyvr,-,11.44.‘ 47,--vrtiOrtre. tw•-•• ' - •••• 4. • • . e eavefi' DENTIST TELEPHOqES ee '53 W 1 Residence 53 J. f •TMr.7.4' .-!13/4iirsT6AN & SURGEON . • . s • Office Hoare; •1 .1.00-73.3.0 P.M.. 7.00,8.00 P.M. • ' Sundayse-e1.3.0-2.00. P.M:" 'Or. Bly Appointment ' Phone 86: • DR. Cs' Co; EY,Ell •VE'l'ERINARY SURGEON PHONE lee. LUCKNOwe , ... • . , , FOR .SALE -6 -foot, cot - Fleose & Wood Mower. .-7 Apply. at 'Sentinel • Office, ' , HO:0SE .FOR SALE — 6- room 'house, .good repair, , newly painted; hard • and soft water, %eacre Mr§ John Darrow. •• • , • COTTAGE FOR .RENT-5-rearned cottage at Bruce Beach', fully' fen high - ed; hard . and suft Water, .2 geed stoves. Call'. 41, Ripley. • ' FOR SALE—Purebred „registered hereford 2 -year-old , bull and rnienhee`- ef Pigs, and some calves.—Jack Cur - rah, R. 1, Dungannon. . , • e -e -e . :NOTICE- Prompt • ee'rviee all lines . of. 'plumbing' And heating: Repair Shoe in rear of Maeseer-Ilarris: buildirig.— , Allan MacConnell."' • ,FOR RENT OR SALE—Cottage :at Poiat Clark, Ont, Five rooms,. large verandah; Water in :kitchen; aetrattive ideation. "Apply to Mrs. A. M. Spence. 8$ Alexandra' SteOshawa, Ont. e • AUCTION. SALE--ectf farm, stock, iineilements, „ etc., . at -Lot 71, Kinlas.7. Twp., 1.1h. miles ,31're§t of, Lueknoiv, Tuesday, June 22nd. See 'bills 'far list eie And t' S. Exceptionally good „line of stock; - Absolutely no resetve.---e. ' James T. Webster,Prop:, Matt.7Gaynor, Alec. ' . • ... . PERSONAL , MEN! ;GET . 'VIGOR AT 'ONCE! NEW OSTREX TPnie Tablets Contain raw oyster invigorators :And ether stimulants One .dose Pepe up organs, glands. eif not delighted; maker re7 efunda.....priCe_paiseei-11:25,4a113nte MCKI1VPS DRiJ STORE PARAMOUNT. DANCE , Dance in the Paramount Hall on Friday, June 18th. Music by Hogan's '67piece. orchestra. Admission: , Ladiee 15c; Gents 25c (tax induded):' The-PARAMOUNT PICNIC. • The anniiat Paramount All -Day picnic and e snorts, day; will , be held at Point Clark, this •Saturday, June. 19th. Eyeryboey leigleome. 'Please. bring lenehe COUNTY- CHURCHPARADE • • Members of. West :Bruce Orange Lodges .and Ladies? Le 0. A. A. Led-, • ges, will attend ',Divine Worship in ' the Luekneyv Presbyterian :. Church, this: 'Sunday evening: June 20th. All members to meet, at the lodge iceint. • at 6.30 "o'clock.• • • GARDEN PARTY : The annual Garden Party of ' the ' °Ashfield Circuit :W.,. A. will be held at •Hackettes Chueek on: Friday, June 25th. • Supper 6,8 p.m. The play "When Hinkley Came To Towne will • be, presented by the Young People : ofeelielgrave Church. Admission: •. Adults ' h 35c• Children ,20c. • . . . 'ST. ',HELENS': GARDEN • PARTY The, ,annual gatdereepatey of Se: Helens' :United ChurCh • Will be, held on the church grounds this Friday, • June 18th. Runner Served from 64o 8 'o'clock, followed' by the 3 -act COIF,: edy-draini""Mether • Mine", presented by the. Young People of Whitechurch , United chueele. Supper and 'play Will be both e under c ever if Weather' • is linfa,vorable:A. mission c an PERMANENT WAVING $3.50 — -$5.00 — $7.00, SHAMPOO, FINGER WAVING MARCEL . Make •Appointments At A if 1, .CULD E• SPIRELLA „ FOUNDATION GAR ENTS _ Designed Exclusively For you Only in this way it is pos e for a foimdatjon garment to e coninletely satisfactory, u perfect fit arid lovely style , See 'Mrs. . lelanInnie, orseteiete, LUCknoW, • WHEN IT IS 'KNOWN - thatabouthalf the peonie need • " eitenie sere of Ali eye seritiee; it eeeiner reaseehtible that eroii MAY he". amen* that number. Doubts should be at once removed. • AkilikitS111-044"6 Irn.-11411IPt SrUlt-VI6te • tileknOW eaiffy-7t-roa A", ; Tr 4C k: e Scale. WeigheSceleeeDemaged Ae".C. Station' Monday' Eveniag :AS Police • Weigh.: hie. eleavilee • leaded . Log' Truck Iti Carrying Out Instructione: To Proteee- "truce -County Roads„ -'The *Farmers' Co-Operativc 'Com- pany 'Weigh scales at the Q. N. R. yards; in- „LucknoW were considerably ,daniaged 'on Mbhday evening, when a 'heavily 'loaded log ; truck of ethe • " , Goderien IVIanufacturing Co., broke through the platform, . The 'truck driver was ordered onto the scales by Provincial "Officer Mc - :Cleves and Constable 'Archie *.F.erghee ore, Who •• were .carrying out County' -tieni•iciles bedew:Ilene. tae*beek pie' on 1i...tickers,' in a • campaign against ov- erloading 'with a viewefo protecting Bruce County's roads. e. - , -The truck wes encountered' corning froin, the, north, by the officers, 'who had Spent the .day in this locality working on a new hide 'stealing 'Ceee The load exceeded, the Weighing cap- acity of the scales and • as .it was about to Move off, went through " the centre of the platforni, , Winter and sprenie dainege to the. Le cicuow,Blackherse reed has left itili„ poer. conditien. . At Several; points -'along the ten -mile stretch. "Soft spots” :haVe been dug:„ out And filled with , • gravel, ..-And :it is in an effort to protect such roads that la. close . Watch, heingekente • . , „. • ILIDES TO. EN Proyittcial Officer !MeCievis and Constable.•Ai'cleid.. Fergieson 'Were- in town on. Monday co-operating with .Censtable., :PeeJ. Mciere„, in: „the .most. recent robbery.: J. L. Mc- Millan Was , again the . victim, thee. covering thee. first of '• the • Week, ebat• halfea• dezene hideshad ...beeei' stolee fioni his slaughter ' house, •juse- north of town. Virden ....MOwbray • is• .aled :stated to have heere relieved of the tarpaulin e off his truck, evehile 'other- petty thieving -.Was reported,. Police did net disclose, whethee or. not, there are imniediete prospect S of :an arrest ' being made. • • Vist In New York' • .• . • :Mr: and 'Mrs. B. • Peaelman'end pine:von ..MacDotialele re7 tarried by motorearlyTuesday motile Mg, • •aftei marc than a week's Visit: in New York , City. On Sunday they, attended !the Wedding af liere..Peatl- man'S °niece, ' .Silerernian, to. Jneenhe:Solidek,e_which_etook-Plaeeeek elloteleConimodneeeeNeWeYeekeeityeeee • ,. TENNIS .CLUB . . . It _was' sincerelyhoped by the ex- ecittive .ileat long before 'this:our two courts -- would ...be in geed , pia " g condition,. , '13Of the -difficulties • an.. dal and e otherwise have' been fe en; elis aee..unforeecire IJONN'airO,', ,we are beginning to See the results: of many weeks of labeure and headaches .since it ' was decided to le.eurface them: with ,ciayeeed we believe that at lasf we can announce With certainty; that thee sfitfeee :Will be fit for 'Play:, bY Monday' the, 21st., On Friday, line 18tle, there will be an Open i eating : of ' the . Chile ' at 'the home of e president at 8.30:pen. l'Iwre are committees ' to be formed and plans to be. outlined for the eea..: sews ipeearare eq.; activities. If you ere in. any way interested in .tennis; we want. you to "Lie nee.sent, and any 'suggestions will beeappreciatede '. . The •fee for membership is ;.$200 for eaeh..neambee or $5400• for 'the family; They may be Paid to any of ,the • exeen6ive: itatiih, •Hoteon, secey.ees treas.; Frank .Maeleenzie, . vice-pres.; and • Dr: Fowler, president. . Prompt payment of fees will' greatly .assist me in our 'efforts te, have a fillet •rate tennis club. • ' ' • ' ' , • BA'SEle tie MON DA Y LucknoW ee aiming ' their ' 4th •straight win when they: meet Te'es- water in the local park next Monday, .Jurie 21.st, at 4.30 O'clock; zin a sch&l- tiled Brace • League game,: • • . CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP 'CLUB On' "I • I) account of Preparatory sere - ices ;in the Presbyterian Church this Friday evening,. the Cldistian ,r'Fel- lowship Chile will not hold its re- gular meeting. 'A week fiorn •Friday evening, , the 'program ' will be in -charge gef the .girls of the Club' and a splendid progearn is being :planned. All erating.neolele of High Se:1160i eft and over are . cordially invited to tome and bring their friends. For the next ineethig please iced second Chapter of Acts and. be • 'suit and bring your Bibles. The Meeting opens' 'With a Gospel eitigsong at 7.45 p.m. sheen: We 'hope you Will. be On dine. SON. OF FORMER LUCKNO'.WITE WINS" SC,HOLARSIIIP , Snit Of. 'the, Late ;Prattle 1, , 'IlheMi)SEM,tias .A1;eth;g0"; Matic Of .• :06.20 (eVer Poet Yea,t, Cont,S6 : • Robert "ThoMpeon; son of :Mee. ileleefeeleteeheellliompseeie-af -Wa s leinten Wieeensin, litie been named Vaiedie7 tOriari of the Wephburii, 11101 Bglio(il graduating elasS!' Of 1(./1/,, ITC a Son Of the late Dr; Frank ,I.:rhe.reimeti, batted leieltriaW, and-WI-14*e: 'death teeetirteci inifte feW. years ago', tivr4r#0#0106VIRF,S404 DIED 1N ORTH 1;i4KOTA. elre. eltolieit ',Hunt; A Sifiter • Of Mrs. . James peke'. :Of 'll9134.094,.,Peeses. . In 71st Year • ,• • Ward.: has. been received of • the death ',Of Mee. Alice. Ifiente,•which .curred on June 6th; at Revela; North Dakota. Mrs. Hunt; who iwas 71 Years: of age, 'formerly 'Ned At Holyroed, evhete she is well remembered by old- er residents. . , • . Mrs. Hunt was born in Northamp- ton, England. In with her sister, Mrs.. James Baker; they came to'. ,Holyrood to 'make: their home • with their aunt and Uncle, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Campbell:, ;who kept store there. Following ' her :rnartiage to, Robert Hunt, who, lived on the 'farm now own- ed eleet Mte Georges White, 'theee MOVed to Rewla, North Dakota, where ' Mr. Hunt :passed itevay some twenty-two years ago. • Mrs. Hunt is survived by two son' and a. daughter; also two sisters, Mrs. James, Baker, Holerreeel and Mrs. Lillian Leavite, Boston, • QUARTETTE APPEAR TODAY' . CONCERNING BLYTII HOLDUP Two ;Months' Old Robbery Case Is Believed To Be ' Nearly Cleaned UP—Trio Of Local People Involved According toreports from ,Goder; ieh, developments in the $800 robbery with Ali• violence of Jesepli. Coalter, YAL,bslie,,IP:reelieateee that . the affair ,mey soon be )cleanedl eThe. .first of ' the Week 'Provincial Con§table 'McCoy of Goderich, 'who las been handling the cdee, arr.estece, two brothers, Freak and :Cecil Garniee of Toronto, and •their cousin, Allan Gainies. Also alleged to be iniplica.ie (id is -Caswell :Hackett, recently Sere - fenced. to two years on theft charges. " The qtiaktette appeared On Mon- day. before a • justice of the 'peace, arid Were r-ilema"nded until Thursday without bail. The report statesthat. three of the party are alleged to have Made: statements. ; . • ; ..The Conitet rebbetee oecuried, after Midnight,: on April 10th, 'when it is' ,. alaimed Coulter was held .up With it , car handle, used toirnitette a revelyer. He ecuffied the trio, 'who staged the visit, ,but was overcome, and the Pocket 'containing $800' was teen from. his trouser. The robbers Made ;their escape in a Waiting auto, ,We can supply: you with Congoe: eenii. and Linoleum .Ruga. • at peiee§ -that ewill-eave: Yoneinohey:--Ask itus eeefelleereneerefiTer-idpee-7-e'llIE-TivrARKE1" spoRq., . • : THE BIBLE MEMORY CONTEST., .• , Will thebeers and. girl e Who have „been chosen by their teachers; to at the :Demonstration:please ' meet for practice at the Lneknave Town Hall, this Saturday afternoon, • at three "o'clock and will the . teaChere, kindly report. as soon as " possible' the names', of ,' the , children in the schools who e have inemorized twenty-five, .fifty, seventy-five ' or one "„ hundred: 'verses perfectly:. The contest will not ,be held, Until 'after school is closed.— Lucknowi Wins:, Third 'Straight Ball. Game Defeated:- AllenfOrd • On Tuesday By 6-5 Score—Game From Behind.' TO Take Victory ,In , Thrilling Finish -e- , Teeswater Here Next Monday . • , • Lacknowe SepaYs ' again .did it ,the hard •way on 'Tuesday, onthe, hoine diamond. They, gave Allenford a'five- run !cad, then shut them out for the list : 5• innings. While . they. „went ' • to, work to collect six rune; erie a thrill- ing 'finish. . • " •' • • : . ' - It, wee the ,honiestee'S third straight . • victory, with Welsh .going the route iIi all, tel•ee tussles. 'The. Sepoye ..will i.v,i,. 'be go lin. . to make it four etraight IWen 17,i ...,lecaw,!iter, :conies ,.. here next ili Twa iefield hits, a stolen :beee and --nerer-reat-elset-gaere-Allenford+eriin- in• the, opening inning, ' With ' two twee.- in the 3rd, Welsh Walked Lan- gilld And MeLellah; with. Nevvenaies single driving' Langille in: A . single,. a Walk and an error by Welsh load-. ed the sacks in the 5th withehene 'away..Laineon rolled .to short, Fritz.. ley making: a., Peer, peg to alicher "Pick"e 'Millerto score. Wainsingled scoring MeCulloeke btjt .Telten . wes caught •at,the. Plate.e'L iigille flied to• lat. McLellan singled with Lieneon; seining, and Wain.. w e* throWri Out" going, into third; • •1'', ', . : • , :.:Lucicinive broke into , the run doi...' unin in the 4th.' • Arthur singled, Clarke doubled and Welsh drove Wein both in With the .second two bagger ef the inning. In 'the. 611i, : Arthur drove a hit of 'Seeler'§ glove; 'Clerk& s'. ifegled , him to: third and Irwin back- ed -:the left fielder Against thefence, eta take his fly With ,Arthur scoring after the: Ptit' out. ' ... . , ' • Clark Finlayson .started the 7th with a single and. beth ;were Safe as -$441eVeLirideeeel---(1 1)-7-1/0Y----Fi 0,1 aerienese grounder: IVIdCaetrieY etnielt Out; Sue-- deSaive singles ,bY-Ft'ite_ andArthur drove-in-the Finlayeari, Bros, Arthur Wee caught going , to. • seedid ,'AMI Clarke flied to centre. . • ' •The' Winniiig kin Wee. eCoted in the leth. /iWin grOnlided •te, let, Weieh, "Itebert'e airdeige meek dining els :singled: And sceied frefil firet: ..tief , , 1. .65,Itt„..z,..0,-ii..:..,11v.4..iiiii„...:-,,-,-4.-,u,6/.:,,,..,;„46,..:...,,,,..4...2.1);...,,,,1:?,1”:11dt...t...(s...11..c.t1.:z1,71.:„.a.,-,-10t.C..,. which ,we'n iet,-.,gia,ilie,,,Whig7.87bet;a Lq6"1 tott *iia. plifleysekValk-,," arelelei eileFeCto (Kee and ' A Ilitei-aliee le . e. 'tittl-116441€" tbF.4.4111011.1' '' 144 tuition in any of the State: schools. (Ctinthined On:Page .,4), ' . , O. eltA)C8 AT Au3pRT, •dOLLtOt .106, Patton, Son , Of: Rev; 'And ,MIS. Patton" of Aphfueld circeit„. Won "Aeerraktla eIne.""junioe - Matieguletion r At Ztlie. Albert College Convocation Exercises h June 10th in the, Col- lege Mernorial Hell; Belleville, Joe Patton, son of Reverend and Mrs. W. J. 'Patton,, won two scholarships Junior' Matriculatione work: Joe was awarded the Shaw Scholarship for highest proficiency in Middle School as 'Well as the Holgate Scholarship in Canadian; History. ; Dean Joh Matheson, M.A., Fac- ulty of Arts, Queen's University,.:yea the special Convocation speaker, 'Phe: Convocation exercises this year marked the Eightieth Anniver• sary ,of „the College effel were Well 'atten(lee by • parents: frien'ds Of the College. • * • . • . " • • J. 1). MURDOCH ISITS • IQLD'110M ,LAST-"VVEEk. Mr.. J. D. Murdoch Of Zealandia„ 'Sask.; visited With relatives here the latter part of the week. It is thirty':?. nine yearsince Mt. Murdoch left the Old home in Ashfield, thefarm new °Wiled by Mr. Isaac.. Andrew. Some 'eight: year's later he •went west, after being. in business at St: Helens and at Goderich. MT. Murdoch has visited here several times since then, but last Week'S:vesit was. the fleet, foie seyeial. years. 1 • • , 1-l'eleeen gaegii a i-T-'e-a---urr - ego veyan eing business in Zealandia; and is vice-president of the :firth- of leinahan, Magill and Mereloche finan- ciat agents,' of Saskatoon. T. H. Kin- ahan, president.' of . the firm; is A brother of . Me. 'Gus! Hinahan of pt. Augustine. , . • On his vieit heee, Me..Murdochwas, accompanied by his sister, Mrs. R. C. McGowan at Blyth:, • MARRIED AT LiecieNoW ; s Ritchie - Burns e. • A quiet :Wedding :was- solemnized en Tbereday. Jane 10th, *hen Ellen Buense daughter of • •Mr. And ,Mrs. .Jemee:BuenS of Lucknoeir, became the bride .of ••lelre Alfred Ritchie of „Zion, son of the late -Mi. 'end 'Mrs: jaines, Ritehie.: 'Mr. . and ••Mrs. Ritchie will isesiee .: neat .. Tiyertan, • .‘Noore..._tife grooM has been engaged by Me: Harvey •Ackert. ANNIVERSARY AT ASilEI,ELD': , PRESBYTERIAN -CHURCH '80th ahniversary.:of 'the Ash:. field 'oPtesbyterian, Church • will he celebrate'd neXt Lord's Day, .1 20; wheri :the Rev:, Angus MacIver, 131) of ,Tiverton„ \inn deliver the. atine-: •Versary serreenee,et •aan. and 7:30. Special arrangeinents; are being inede' in ..corineetion., Withthe service .of praise, in 'twhiClu, the taldited, dme- glitere of . the 'Rev. 'Mr. MacIvele. Sheila and Catherine; have 'kindler . • , , • . . coneented • to • assist; The minister of the cliur.ch will .sepply. the "Tiverton, pulpit in the, absence of its :Minister. .&n unusually gereerotes offering at , this time will be Meetly .appreciated. LAYER. 'CAKE pART Op LOOT AS , LocHALso STORE ROBBED • , .:1Iuron., County .poleee reported, that the store of, D. A. McLennan of Teechelsee••••-was 'heaken into at the* week -end and a • quantity of cigar- ettes, tobacco, 7an0 socks , taken, as well , as one elayer cake. No arrests „hadebeen-inaee-eeelyeinetheeweekesEpe: trance was gained by breaking in a door. :e • Card Of Thanks • _ . • , To the friends and neighbers. vie° were'. so kind 'And: eolisiderate at the time of the, death ef our father, Mr. W. J. 'Fisher, we extend our sincere gratitude and thanks. Sone'aed Daughter. iiucKriOw HIGH 'SCHOOL • ',‘ , Subject teethe 41•Trefe •, £h Dee students have been .tecciniMended in nt 'af.....'Edec.iitio,h, the following svrk.the, subjects leeichtect, on the 'yeritee •. , . . Upper Scheel. R,Bot; Zool R, Phys. R. • ; , . • Finlayo, Cainci-oi—Eug Lit. R. MaePeneld. Marixen LeeeAlg. Fr. Au. It, Fr. Cotne, R., • MAdHeneie, "Ctitheeitige,-Mod. .Hie1. "Geonie coo.' R. • Maelceeile; Prank—Atge It, Hot, R. MaeLencle Leonard—Eng. teinn. R. Marere-Eilee Lit. Ai: Med. Iii•st.„R, Trig. R,11 Bet. R; Chem lee °Fee •Au. lee Pe. Comp.' R. Ritchie, Dori—Fr. COMP,,eR.' • , . Middle.:Selieol- .- Ai 611.. larilleAlg. • R,, Chem.' ;Re . Blake; IVInfiel—Eme. Lit. R. • ' "Caesar, "Madeline --Eng. Lit; R, • Gook; Edne-ePhys. R. • A,•olelattoti,ver)i.ioelliiesIttiiildliclift,t17.0mCLittite,cit?;:s•.1bientI;171:L,.. • 6.1m, doinp. Reelllige hit; ll„. Alge R; • ' ' ' • • MacDonald,' MatiOn. 1.t. • 'MacLeod, 1eeonarel-7LAte Au. R, Lek. Conine Re Pt. COMP,. R. •1. gts, Mot:64n, Ptioe, JUN.: 17th. 193J7 It!(, Inc etre,417:. Gave Long. Service • • A ., Mr. Frank lienry.,:Resigned. After' Al. most. flalfeA Century AscSecretarye . Treasurer Of Whitechurch School •Was One Of The 'M r. Frank Henry, secretaryetrea, Lsurer of S. S. No. 10,, Kinloss, at Whitechurch, tendered hist resigna- tion. at the 'beginning of the year. This drew the curtain on 'almost haef a 'century of service" in this eanacitY. The first school was of leg con- struction and opened in 'January 1860.. aernr--3f was one -of the -fiiste-ichol- are to, attendeand for 'sixty yearshe has eever,rnissed an annual• meeting, Aa•a. boy, „he Caine...with hie .pare enteeto • this section, ' which was then eelid: hush; and has, eeseded. On the same farm for 80 years. He has al - Ways shown an active , interest in everything that pertained to the wel- fare of the community, serving fif- teen years • As Township councillor o,k4a..R.e6N:e; and 52 years as Finan- cial ,secretary .of Court, Whitechurch Mr, Henry has won the respect of all in the surrounding 'country; by his honest, straightforward and bus-: ineseelike characteristics. lie. is still hale'end heart and moves ° aboutewith the Agility, of a man in his early •"fer- ties",-• It is the wish of all their friends, that he and his wife, :who leek year celebrated their golden' wed- ding anniversary, may • be blessed witheanierfee,einereee-yea'rseofeehapPinesse '.tegetheir. • •, • ' COUNTY MEETING 'HELD' AMBERLEY TUE , _ SDAY, e • • The senheannual: meeting of . Wes Bruce' ,County Orange Lodgewas held at Areberley °en ' Tuesday night 'Withfifty members: in attendance and County e Master John. Miller' presiding The 12thof: Julywill be •celebrate ip .Ceinten, .,eveth .• Te'eewatekdecided as the ;.Celebration centre il 193$. Atrangeraerits were made , to hold a e.County • Pitied); peeade', ' in LucknoWethis. Sunday evening, and niso to attend servide .,,in Teeewater the failuwing &index' ev- ening., • :SALKELD RE UNION HELD , :AT GODERICH ON :'SATURDAY . • • . A mithbee were present from ••the St. Helene bean/minty, as the Salkeld den, descendants Of the late John and Martha Salkeld, gathered at Harbour leaele,__Oacieeicheeree...SettirdaYeete:_eet- ehrate; the 1:04th annivershey of the. den -dint of , their ,foirefathers to these parte:: One cif the best !known of Heron- Cennty. pioneers, was ,Isaac .Salkeld, son,of john,: wiece_anee leroWect and Oiled eS,farmtand what • is now Courthouse Peek, in • the heart of GodericheeThere were :125 . present, including Mks/ R. . of Ste' Helene; • who eelebrated her ; 81st .birthdasie on Monday, and a great - greet -grandchild, Ann Todd, frienibeie of .1he fourth gengratiene Member - of the clan -.came* 'Item eTeren Guelph, ;Milton, , Stratford„ Leaden; and fro,n heady- every section of Huron eCeenter and-essages were ereeeive•d'. from Chicago, mo, North...:Da- keta, and Alberta, Sohn W. Islunter;' of Gederich, retiring president was the: chief dinner speaker. Women's institute Offers ..Assistance ' To:. Arena . • Agree To Reiee '$25.00 Each Year if , ;. Necessary,e_Towarde....Meneing_Conie. mitnity -Hall Debenture -- Forty - Four Members Present • 4.• , :The Women's Institutel pledi gede themselves to raise '$?e.po each year for tiveotY years ifnecessary) toware meeting the annual debenture payineht' oh the Arena and Commune ety Hall. This decision Wks-, reached at the' june nieeting at the hoine of. Mrs. \V. V. Jehriston 'an Friday With forty-fouis members• present: - Mrs. Clarke presided and 'after the cipening exercises, an invitation Was eivederefrereeetlireeTeesevatereelost', te. e • to :have the 'tidal branch meet with ,theln 014 Ally el3tine, Twenty - flee cents ' transportation: fee is to be "peed by each metriber When they hand eheie name te "the transportation conunittee of Mrs: J. C. McNab and Mrs, L. C. ThonipSeri: 'Mrs. McNab gave a report on. the • sale of quilt tickets, elie draw " for which will be. nriale At the 'fleXt Meeting. ' The report of the- district lahrinal • read by Mrs., • W.,' Henderson: The Woad "A Woniail is no elder than ;she' looks," was taken by Mrs. L. C. :Tlionipson."Cointniinity.' singing was followed by the 'reading of. tieen lVfaey's message to the We: then's Institutes Of the, ,British ;Doe inkier's. The tepid on the. religious intolerance of Ilitler`e eefeinle "Wag taken by: Miee, .YoitteXie, and t 'Phillip ' Stewart sting :ee solo, tame-. cd social • helf Abet. ' „ PRIN.CIPAL ; AT THAMtSPORD • F•riende. are eeingratulatieg Mr": ..Wittecin nttor. years ot stieeeefifill teeehhIg 'et Beifest; hes seatred: ;the principalship ' • ef•••, l'oeilied echocil Thetteeterd. atid Mte. old letilly WM, be greet& miseed from" the Belfetet r1+.•••••,1••,,,,Ke4rker.,...ir;4.4 10, • ',.frit.•lie.01.01.- • , - • The Byead of Iiptilth: OUReM9rr°,741J•e4..LITY: AND SERY.1.9 WEE-Kii-END:SPECIALS ' 'CREAM PUFFS . • . ' PfOCOLATE, LAYER CAKES : : PIES • 4. :RASPBERRY,. TARTLETS . e • : SPECIAL BUNS . :DOUGHNUTS.' • JELLy ROLLS, SUN SOY BREAD 'PHONE ' 36 , _ • : 111,A T BAKERY , . • Bruce County - (ouncil Lops ne Mill Of( (ounty *fr s• ,LEVY OF 8 MILLS POR COUNTY .PURPOSES IS LOWEST IN 17 , 'YEARS. BIG ROAD. PROGRAM FOR 1.937: EQUALIZATiONOF ,COTYNri, ASSISSSMENT SET OVER '; R .YEAR. Misy SUMMER PEssIbii• CONCLUDES A T: PORT. 'ELGIN 'ON FRWAY NJGHT .•th4 .COUntr, Counc , ,.,w ic specie --,gra sa werema e•• 5.8. No • 41e1"14-'1SI:inini"ittillg'"6426i414E1irl' Ed 1114dillind:S111:$ 1 '80 10 f,..Et ,Monday night to Friday even - SI S No 3. Lind- . . .,. ing ;af. last. week, . featured very. l'eYe $100: and SSNo„9EnatIlOr, •4'74.71t busy' session, -intertwined' With Sonie The usual grants were : Made.. to. pleasant social functions, by reducing .Libraries 55 to each rural • the, County rate .to -8'.rnills on the dol- school library having 100 volumes or lar, the 'lowest in .seventeen : years, Over; $15. to each Public Library have. 0.* rnPeetet .0tElghien eisicitttnntjeteaeli Public Library havrng over 1500 ded.ai.statty9als ;waenld-ir.g 300 to 1500 volumes and $30 to: WalkertonIn return th'e Coun- As .. is . makingPlane , ' for , 'Terilitue4tdaainsredidgttetms. . ijr,P6rlianiOnt madeethe lakeside vil-, the inauguration Of a V,Intofian Nuri- lege the ,usuef .special grant Of $i50. iIg sereice,e'ineleding a seheol:mire- . TCOleten-;:epiiiec;,.edriereg'gilerset-dnoessd.waya•oriiegnhevathne-' ivt:iags.,sesvreroincseortleudrinbgy tRhee•eYveease.,w inter of ,db.1a.,1n.seeinue,atroanTdarfaii riptV.iileoerlgeit•iCotiihnedilitiert'itna Ncluaolsi.lietiegtOna:Aonodunethyeeetithoriof Brant re - Chisholm eapilal.' • . • • ritnideincto.trforbie'Ework.ai.t..,MBrr.Bruce, appearedM..G Game. Tbe. OPeningenieetinge.exas.. begun so With. peayer" by Reeve J. C. Tohnie before the Connell and Madea strong e .of Southempton,. Iii w 'brief adelteise appeal in .favor of • the. grantee -How- to :. the; Coronation • of "the: And, Wardee ,leanDuSee. • Made re,ferenee. feitieyeworaret.bhireeimite.e:tavuabetsetrts'helisoldf:.w.ttioest..0•Iimo.otue,;atenilaxths..: Qiieen,..alid meinbers' 'Of. the,' 'council :Nee•Rptlioeriss4eifi.Atneitehienife.a.,Ity.by.,eli:Oging. 't.be liceonudityura.ae 7aithwhg:inee,rbaul.tin„wteornelscit boef,:tthore,,., Among eoninhinicatione received 'the" benefit of only Walkertonand. the ;Was' approval of Ilon. 'I', B., Mcques- imniediate vicinity, and if any such rlielinoistesti,605figh;oHn_foxyer_yfoe lns oiriteeeriannecao, 4ihic_optielnititbeateiel:aWreedr!..b-1.3rtLatabitoline7asdeto. it -'.4dreTtintou„ bililding, of roa.de..tliroughout in•., the County. urban and rural alike. Bruce., • • , . • :gLaavteer niont.1.46,tSheaeteioant :Rteh'eeereColtiviosmhoblemt,,... Levv ' • . • •County session :he: 4Ould Move that a 'trout • in 'order to meet alt the estimated expenditures, ef the Oeuty: daring .9'f'810 be made to each ruraldaSs'• oraerermi'edan.:.:.$5.. to each, urban eelasseatm class - the the County. tate was Axed. Wieeee a school nursing eetericee all at 8' Ingle:- of which '2,%e mills," is for County reads and ' ,etheee'reirpo.seS. This is 'a straight re- • .•• Grants duction of one..iiiull, frohi 'jest.y.ear's .TheefolloWing grants were inadee, rate, aril enakee.tbe 1937 'levy the Beuce..Courity Hospital, Walkerton,'e lowest • in :17 years. This reduction $3e00; Kincardine General Hospital Wee' :Medd, possible: b the Province $2500, in addition to a special grant • ' asseming the •County's share of Old .of $1000 toWaidsthe cost of ConStrudee Age ,Peesions and Allow- ting an elevatore'Liores HeadeOutPes*. Ances, hY..a. substantial • decrease : 'in 'Hospital 5800: Children's Aid Society-. the•heepital ectoiints .of indigent pai-. .$2500 Bruce Count Educational Ase. edits and by the: IOW -debenture -debt .eoeiaeion; ..$10e. Village of .Port Elgin of ,the County, which now stands. at $150; Inspector J. M. •Gaind. towards ' $9,510.94. The total amount of :the the eget, of displaying scheol. exhibits ' County levy for :120.37 ,is .$229,11224,, from. his Inspectetateeede the, "Cana - hut 'as , -the :appropriation for County •dian National 'Exhibition, 1937,:$50.e highways 1 .$165,90(1 'of . which the te.eaeli. of the four District Women's - Govereinent • pays one-half, the total Institutes in the County • 525;-. to the • •expenclituire „for County perposes.dere: Ageictilteral _ Representative to . de- Mg:Alm year will he about $311;009.. fray . expenses of young people. rep- -fi6.v ••di..3.iEngee'6f7t;alit ehen,s, .21,1.10..un• resenting,. th.e County at lnter-Coun- The and Ptoviaeial competitions, $175;:. e1nee3e1etoe.$44,.7.e3-4,2-45'. 'Were-1114de to the_ to the North and South 'Bruce Plow- various- High ...and • .:,cemereeiheiqn menes, AseociationS. $10' each; to each ,. . schools inti4„,bounty to nay for the Horticultural Society holding an are. ceet of,ehe edudatioe of County oepae, nual eheiv .$26.; to the -Massey Sehole that is, pupils- residing in the Town- . '' thee., o ehipe out§ide the limits of the sdhOof ''eti:)erpsheini)se'sFouirida7fithrsWta-rlesat:. P,satuYdirlgnt, at ' eieettees. , : ., ., ...„. . • , . ehe Agricultural' College; •Guelph $50. '' ,•• High ' 'Seho els 1-- . Cliesley $429L72;.4:, ,,e Grants:' were made' to the 15' ttiral Societies in the Ootinter; as . Ag- Kincardine'ricu $5961.43;.' eLocknow $2,- ' fellaws; -,Tara •$170;. Mildmay $1,48;' 070:70; Port Elgin. $4082.12.; Walket-' Chesley, ,$125; ;..Lioriese Head ;$136.; . ton •$7278.e1 e Wiarton..e3439.56; . ' Continuation 'Schools •---- Ilepivoith .Hepworth .$102e Ripley $137; Kincar- dine .$121e Lucknow:$145e Pot Elgin.' ' $1288.$8; tiork,,' .1 -lead: $1442.68; Pais, ; • .ley $2748.57; Ripley • $2640.76; South- $1411 Paisley $133; Pinkerton $8$; anipton $10346e; Tare $154423; Teesevatee $223:', Tiverton 'Silk: Uri, teetwate$4780.61Tiverton 11.97 ' ..; :.. , . . .. derwoo:d, $94; Wiarto!i ,$121. ' . - ..r .... •$.- : With the 'exception . of' ,1.1apl,Vortlh . Council .apProved. , Of the: following ..• - • , •ResOlatio , . • . .. Which teeeivee a large grata feoin ieeolutighee• -3, :; ' ' , • • . Grey ', for inipile ftere • Nit; deeinty; (1). Feoin. the County of Perth, ie. . : • • e the . contihilatieri •ISfehoels are ,:given queetiog the Provincial. Goveramerit., the option of 'gc'cepting the 'above to fix ,A uniform hour for the open - amounts ereenee times .the Legislative. ing and dosing' Of beverage rooms in .. grant; •The 'grant - to Allentord Con- cmthrio., . • .' . ,.-„. , ., tinnation. Seheoe. is 'fixedat. 21, tithes ' (2) From the ' County Of NOrfolk. • the .Legislative grant. . e: . . •. . •: requesting the PreVinehil, avveihinent,„ '...Ac&Matk for the' 'educatiori Of true to peOnipel land. (*bete to tefOtest. at peinils et, schools ' in adjoining Ct01/11- •last. 5% Of all lends ciWried' by then.' ties .; (this being paYable. bY.Statutel .. '(3)' Peon the Counter of Perth fee were prisSed as 40110W:41. 'Girniph Col- Onestirig 'an' amendrdellt to, the:Public,- legiate Institute, $4e.354/, Clinton . Col- Schools Act whereby -no school can be l egi ate ,;.„, In'a,ti th to. $ t le.8n; , -.'Clifeopci dosed, without the ecnisent 'of At lease .COntiteation. School $05.08:. FordWich, '55% of •Ilie reSident ratepayers, pro., CetitletItiori School • '020.12.• ° ' tiding' ,Sitid .reeepayerscontribute at e - To 'aselet certain Week schools e ein. last 50% of the cost Of maintenance ' , the .Brueee Peninsula, the following.. of such school. • . ' '''-:' ' (4)From theUnited Cotintiee of 's ' -:••• eiStorreent, Dundee; arid Glengarry re - GOLDEN WEDDING, AT :KANSAS, „ ....-••• • s • , . . : : KINLOSSLADYTO,e•ee'fTEND' qUeetlifg• the Provincial ''.GOVernnient. to defray the edit of the hespiteItze.,.. I I to attend the, .geden ,.Weddieg Mrs.• Johri COX if Concesemie 10,1.. ., thdigoit , vailentii, . tion of indigent Patiente* e '7 Aim, .: Kinloss, left en. frniaY :fdr K'Ali.g.zti.'•The filli'.for. indigent patients at hospitelseeshowsetee-COnSidettibleeeele-'— 'i76vgitrfal"r'"(itii-6147:76-s'eiiii:' erenee beim fate -the correspond - met' Met: at _Ste-TherniesebYeher elle:ReVesepasgode at" rifiii"Sesifeiii.. amounted" .,te, . G. t4.t.*Ce°•'S (St l'Net,'W' 11014 Mil .&11."61"'''' $5428, AS againtt: $8.246 )3eSeed ° at V°4" * ' ' ' ' • • I PreViiiiii g in . the &sentry fewer • 06., 'pm-Lied:ACV • to ..eithingtbit, ,x,..ithstta., i....0 36§opti tosilo la a. 'other ' ilt *CVO"' Iii,, ; 6 dorenelled'eto tele' ntl *thqjtY: i th jeneeee§eion -108e, Whith ShOWe • i'eele'if el-tiltit:, Tveviel.'LlliV el'iv.'"e.' e'e" it le 'elated thee tild Coniity ...le" tiO V , .!N.,17,0ir- 1(1 l'''°Y! ...11:.°Y.1‘P- ())fil.11:.1.P.-t.„,.: „t 1.113AA,.,°'-'44"f'.•tae':iy`I.,:iiii.li'eSS;--Iii.'"eliieesconetectidii-- - Orn on th ' . ' . iiiii'boeCeSsion. Ile left Kinloss Seine lac'9 !.• 441''.-""r0 Ter --11151.-etn'i*.Tra ur V: acilinir. • 55YeAte or inoed age,' . ' 4Colititted Oh pato ay ,.. 1 BOyle and Mrs. 130Y1.'M*1'8"...16x Aeg petted, last that,yetit. The accounts where ::ehe, luniner• event eiri be diede •thet; eelei better fineneliti*ediditiona,„, dariiinainty; At a betrd meow* ep, I elleeefe A b 4 the now teitcher trent,* list Sixey- two 'eeeletletere ..iieeeetiiig.•'"'.ieei ieet;:iiiiiireeeee'eleteee 4 oi 1 • • -- • ....-, Anplicate0118. ' te • • eve, :Lee,