The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-06-10, Page 3stf,:rfit te•-•7;e:1,,to.7.
as, -671.1Y.` On& Thought in mind, be
knoWeehe must hang On. • , •
• Father's Par
.. • .
MY •
gOt:tbe best ,d4d! in ;the ?rorld.r....
4,,* .17 tw•00 a fol,!0W say,.
(-• bold A candle- te:, the
• dad' I 'greet today; - • •
He don't know whatI think of him,
• it's awful hard to
• I • hang around-- the words Won't
tette; but, gee, my dad
Ilo say!' ''‘Get at , Your lessons—tarn
off that radio r,
..;.make, a fuss --,-he ,thinks I'm • Mean
- —gee, how I . hate to go • •
'11p. to nay* room and Study. WIth •pro-
grams • on •the air. ' ' ' •
" •
- MYdad: didn't -care?
:And When go, outwith my -clad oh
"boy,' d9 we have fun? •
He knows the things that I like best,
I'm glad*I ant his son; • ,
'He's kind o' hard ,on me sometimes,
but just the same I'm glad
That he and net some, other guy
• turned out to be .MY . dad!
• —Fred . Winslow Rust.
A woman attended a.• lecture on
the Pilgrim Fathers.. At the end of
•" ,the lecture she said:. "We have heard
a lot about. the Pilgrim Fathers.,
What about the Pilgrim Mothers who
had to Put, 'LT': with,.' -the • Pilgrim
,Tbe"re re two gr o arc
. insect •eneinies•••,-these that eat holes
in ,the,foliage"'and -those, tthat suck:
out the juiees.••;Fer :the% Ai:at:named, , ristmllyeapnlied.--while the:
suckers,:are '.attaulted-.with a burn-
ing spray, „Which .nehetratest, :Often
• When••,:kotli are ',present,':„a' _fear:1146,k'
sition''Of Wilson and "schnething :that
burns, such as lime Sulphur and ar-
senate, 'give the best' 'results, 7,.ba,
•dattage fromthe biting insects
: usually quite apparentbut the pres-,
enee' of the other kindis only shown
at first by a Wilting: Or :withering of
the 'foliage. Per „sucking pests, chief
Of which are the aphids or plant
Spray with. Whale oil soap, - a
quarter p'ound. Of soap to A gallon •
and a, half; of; water r. nicotine *-t
Frem 'the Los Angeles Titles 4=we
clipped: "Life's hardest ups , and
,downs are keeping up. appearances
,and .keeping down expenses," - •
,•Master—Why haven't .you learned.
: your geographY?. ' • , . • • ••
Jones Minon,4 heard dad say that
:fhe, World: was changing, every .dAy; ,
so I tho gh I'd Wait until it settled
• ' •
Read It Or Not —Bristol County,
Rhode ,Island,' with . an area of 24.
square miles, is the smallest county
--Anthe "United States. • . • •
If you own a .22 rifle ...
" that" will,bsterett YOU I :
From coast to coast, yceing Men
and; boys .are enthusiastically
'competing for the prizes offered
In the •Dominion• Marksmen
' Competition using •.22 calibre
' rim fire sportintrifiesi-
Whether a beginner or an ex-
perienced marksman; you, too,
should enter this contest And
try your skill. The rides, are
SimPle'yeu, can win a prize'
with your .present rifle: .No
charge to, join: Any shooter
over 12 years Of age is eligible,
Application blanks, rules and
targets are free: Send for yours
'to -day.. Mail this coupon nowt •
. .
Dominion seirksaien; • • WLI
P.O. Boa 11260. Mintureal, _
• I am iatereited in your trim cateoetidea
for :22 calibrerifle ab90.3404.i.Plitatam
tre •T or "-..aOr..-
other zrepellent secured from, a relia-
ble seed store. • .
'Mildew or Other Fungus'
When fungus attacks the plants.
the foliage •usually turns yellow: or •
brown, or white , spots like v Mildew
cover the leaves. Fungus is most
;common in wartn, 'murky weather.
Spraying with Bordeaux Mixture or
dusting with.. specially finely ground
sulphur is.: advised. Sulphur- dust
will also protect hollYhocks and phlox
• from 'rust; if applied when the dist
ease, first shows itself: An ordinary
tin can with the •top ; perforated. like
a :salt- Shaker thalies a giivoci duster.
Slew Growth Disastious to Certain
, Vegetables ;
have been grown quickly. Especial-
ly With' such things as radish, car-
rots and , beets is, 'Slow growth
astrous as the . roots' become woody '
and filled with objectionable fibre.
thing used for 'salads,- On:•,rthis,- act'
count',experts. Advise .pushing ., growth, ,
. With frcquent eultivation, • And • ',ap-
plications af a-
"Should7;be' eerried.,.,anE
tieerirdittg to,Preper direetiOna-- • : ' ,
Neon 1 Lights On Farms?
! Red rays make plants grow fast -
or. Plant .physiologists have known
it for years. -Blit it is not easy to get
, a lamp which, is bright enough: Then
the harsh, brilliant .-neon Whew that
pierce the night of every Main Street
;came 'along. The physiologists tried
them'. Sure enough, the: 'Plants were
stirhulated. I3rit ,not in the right way.
•-Stahl- and stalks were king.
In Holland two engineers of , the
Philips GoniPanY, J. W. M. Rootlen- •
burg and G. Zecher, , have ihade, '
some new experiments' which' show
• that neon can be used to force ••
:plants ' properly. if the dosage • -is
right, the stalks do'noiahoet Up too
far,' but become ,• thicker end hence
. • - • ,
- stronger. ' • • .•
The ordinary neon tube u
advertising will not 'do:Roodenbtrg
and Zecher 'found that . the gas had
to 'glow in vapor "lamps like those
used for 'highway lighting.•EVen
then ' the glare blackens :at the end
of 2,000 hours. But the results
tained with vneon , in growing gorge-
ous flowers and .hig Strawberries in
• niidwinter-witli-exposu-t� red rays
.eight houre'a night, peke this oh --
server. wonder hether sOme day we
shall:see' bits of cOuntryside ablaze
• with the steady, relentless ',red of
0 ,_17,4t9-114
' An Ontario buSineeinen, feeling
• the need of a. changeandhaving at
- lest beeothe interested. in how the
nation's affairs. are ,rnattiged, went
•'down to Ottawa during' the sessieri
For two clays he pat in the putilig,
,gaJlerk and listened,continents Mac-
lean's Magazine. .
'ffist disappointed in the speeche.s made
on the floor of the ,House.. v„He : had
.expected. to be . elternately -aeethed
and; excited by oratory. There wasn't .
any': e was tiered.. •Now he "waptS,.
to knoW where, all the si1ve tongues
have got
ti.9T:tO theA Ce;i•'l'a:: 'Pi' Of"
1VIontreel recently, :Hen. J. L. Ilsley,
',..Minister of National Revenue, sup-
plied the answer... •
, The House of ..Coninions style,ofaid
Mr.•Ilsley, is the Mot difficult thing
in the world, to acquire and the lieus'e
, of emelt-iota is . the most Vfictilt
forthin in the world in „which to Make
a :stiteessful speech. These. who'. make
deed. Pn
:arliame. terialle are rare in-
e- a
This 1)04,ble:Aiito*J10-5o0
Means: DoUbIe , •
Poultry Yard •
,Parsite Pests
Keel:). a, Conitint Look Out tOr
" Them
Ilsley are .these:: , • •
,A speaker • cermet be . too serious
.and aepkccisanYnOt he , tact': facetious.'
He cannot Afford to quote too many,
'figures'. read from too Copious notes
'• He cannot give way to'outbursis
,of 'temper. • , '
He must avoid talking tee ituch
or too little. ' • 't
ge, cannot' be guilty Of purple
patches, pedantry, display of • learn-
ing; bookishness; over -preparation,
inaccuracy, sloppineas of. construc-
tion, Slang, funny istories.
, In: short, • he. veAnnItirg4oPy the.:
technique which makes 'Many a good
lecturer, Do-
miiilon Day,
eVangelist,jury lawyer, Appeal Ceiirt
lawyer, Or professor:. ,
Our disappointed friend will I re-
call, that on -entering 'the galleryhe
paid no amilaernent tax., •
Doctor. (who lied for•a •
sandwichl-,t What s the matter Old
, .
• Timer?" , • , ,
',•• Pinkest (gruri'lloling)."I'M'. im•
ply wort 4ut. • Far some urteiPlained.
reason 1 have had Mere calls for
medicine this Morting"then I have
had in: six ;Months; and. I'm jnearly
frantic trying to locate.' „the • .ifool
drugs We stuck *away when the .Sthre
went yestanrant.
I '
•Life -is at best A zig-zag when We
with most of us ' ,siggihg when we
should be! , • "" •
Ames Tash—"Is your -son Hirani
going back to college thisi.fallr
Pariner•Xoe--"Yes; it'll cost some-
' thing to tend him, but It'll be worth
a good -deal to keep him from inter-,
ferin" withoractical wore around the
Can. a wife help her husband in
his work? in some ways . . . For
instance, she canhelp to keep him
neat. clean, and ciressed-uP:=—
Jenet-,•"Gb, Proffy, what do yon'
think- of rite new that you've' kissed
Life has many. proldenni;• You are .
probably One, of them.
Teicher--,--"What excuse have you
for being. late?" , '• • '
Johnny (breathlessly)_"I ran so"
fast, teacher, that I didn't_ have - time .!
te\.'think:-up' cite."
14114nee arroiella" ••
' •,• • • ..76 . . 111144:, 14A4411)
444,444 444. . 4444
SPOPSOre(.I by
Cel -L'
In the.iy
cenritrchicketego henie to
In the city they go home to reit-
• • • lailY; (at Party) "Where's' that
Pretty gid who was passitg the send -
Fiches, a little While ago?"'
Hostdss--"Oh, are yeti -reeking for
Something to eat?" ,
Lady—"No, - I'm 'looking for my •
husband.4' •••
• rie Comment•
. That $,80;000 loan by the Domini-
on , to rehabilitate Alberta's :jobless
youth might be palled a Social Ser-
vice Spectator.
A Pretty *tartan owes her greatest"
debt to nature, despite the fact that
stores and beatity 'parlors get more •
of her; money. -.-Guelph, Mercury. •-•!1':
T s o o
• "Mined and prepared On the. property at, 13EVIMLY,,. near
, the Village of Westover. , 4
1 A A,111 IS a non-acid sell and plant food that will
••11,11^11V.- • retain-aSchigli-as-,40*-Z.noiptUrn:.--
HU-MAR, a'bath/Al scavenger,; purifying titself Of fungts:
_ ,Lgrowth_ and .wedd Seed.:_alse acte,as •ati--instilator •'tesaihet„
•• excessive heat and -cold.. , •
Exclusive .Distributors
Trevor -Soren Limited /3 Adelaide' S. W- Teirdnto Can.
• As 'warmer weather ,approaches
keep a, sharp lookout for poultry
parasites. • Birds are subject to at-
tacks from Mites, which are very
dIficult tov eradicate on they get
established in a poultry house.Birds
, .
cease to thrive . in Mite -infested
'houses. These insects are persistent
"blood -stickers during night time.
• •
, For A time their presenee, may. be
unsuspected, so that it is •necessary•
to keep n constant There
are Veryfew poultiy. farms' that are
perfectly 'free frrint pests They
must,'however,' be ;kepi in cheek if
the Ihens are to contittie, preduchig
ek.6.When present to any great '
istgdaylight the.; • leave` the
fowls and -seek, shelter increvice's in
the walls. perches,nest boxes, or any
dark: corner or • creek: returning to
the. birds after dark when they. have,
gone to roest
The roosts require special atten-
tion .• These Should never be 'per-
manent, and on no account ebenld
branches of trees with bark covering.
be introdhced into a lien house. The
roosts should be planed smooth and
scrubbed periodically and the sock-
ets saturated With a• Strong cresol
Solution. Don't neglect the neat box-
es and burn and changenesting box
litter frequently. Lime wash item.-
ior of henhouse 'threetimes daring
Summer 747,, add soap and kero-
sene or :carbolic • acid' to the •Iime
Influence on Utility -
Of The Horse?t'
Good Horse Cannot Be Of A
Bad Color," a Maxim That Gives
-1-alituck ,for Discussion
as‘Q17in4rwhether it has
an influence onth0uyrfitness
'for work on the v farti ,under the
' tremee of heat- and cold of a Cana-
dian elimate. In-Stiite of the facty. .
:tthat geed horses: come in all.: colors
',. experiencedhorsemeh •• -have certain .
' lr define&-Lpreitidided-
. . rer1t•
color. Yet, if e horse is unsaitable_.
in color to the pinnate, a great deal.
Can he, done to mitigate the ef-
fects, " •
Bleck and White
. In Very cold weather, for instance,
the black horse needs neich warmer
housing than the 'White horse: A '
black horse must be 'blanketed vrhere
a white one is.' perfectly comfortable
• • . , .
A Sparrow was kiqed at the, Lith,
gow, gOlfcbure, when a c,
, player, drove a ball, striking, the bird,
and kilEng it instattly:.'Thebail;vvas
,deflected, only 'slightly 'and stepped
• within .five yerdeOf the hole., The'
' ball :covered a. distanceof • 120 ,yards, .
.4....the „bircl. beihxl_tkett3herIalUbeg
gone, 80' yards.
Bv.riteit's.:wealth IS .estimated to be
£40,000,000,000. The 'average man's..
share is 'represented by the lest 10
figures.--IJondon Punch.
• •
agiiifiCent Musical, Attraction' for .0 14 E.
,First: "Foreign" ‘Tour of U.S. Navy Band..
It, was necessary for the Canadian National Exhibition to get the Personal approval :of President Franklin D. Roosevelt •permit the ,
famoits band of the United States Navy to appear at Toronto- this year., This favorite mtisieal organization of the AriteriCaS, North' and
'South, will appear. twice daily in the great new 'bandshell at Exhibition' Perk under the baton of Lieut Chas, Better. . The entire strength
of the band, eighty-five men, will be brought to Toronto. This is the first Occasion its history of almost one hundred and fifty Yeara, •
that this famous organization has appeared outside of United States territory. ,
New Industry •
Is Developed'
Visit 'Paid bv Government Of-
ficial to Marl Beds
• • • •ROCKTG, • • • • .
specter of the federal ,dettertiment of
.mines At Ottawa, paid a visit tri, the
'ziew'•plarit and inine'tof the Beverly
Holdings corporation , :in • 'Reyerly
swamp, near the village:6f Westover,
and expressed himself as surprised
kr,Itie development of the new fer-
tilizer :industry .Which was estab-
lished under direction Of Amon
general manager; who was a former
°filar of 'the mines- departinent, •
- Much Work Done
Over''' One mile of poles has been
erected thiough the swamp to carry
the Hydro to the plant find nearly a
Mile Of -narrow. gauge railway: has
•been laid to Carry the consCtuents
to the mixing '
Not al 61 Beverly swap, com-
prising several thousand acres, con-
tains' •the organi,t 'matter that Will
go to make up the'foritibla of the
fertilizer. It is authoritatively stated'
that in no other part. of the tevin-,
ship haetthe Same formation as that
comprising fin Area of 144 tots been
• Send us your beret; afid receive
absolutely FIZI:lt; sample of our
• tary Naprdns Hygeia proattet0,
Lolidon, oritAtio, •
Issue' NO. 2
found."While all parts of the swampmay look alike OW,the surface, it is
in the; marl bring., belovi,:the„,thiek
Covering of leaf ould and. vegetable
it -letter that the difference "occurs.
Nearly four feet ofhleck Mould cov-
ers the Marl .below, :about
three, feet ithick '..and is, said to ceti-:
tain chemical constituents, peculiar
' to itself,:,, •
It is,said that in no other pert
of Ontario or Quebec has such a'
deposit ever been Adis -Covered. • Gov-
ernment, officials and ethers yhe
have been. on the ground and had
.testa rnade,„•belleye that thee is a
wealth of plant food in Ilie',atea:tht
'only requites development to ' make
it available for tigrictilture.
id:To Press
By Empire Union 4-- Britain
'Found "Cold" to Dominions'
. 1,400D0140 '01$. 011001:
Pres :Unioh conellided its seetind" . an
hitel-eetferenCe• laiit'Week:after-atiOPt-
trig a resoltiiion uttineifi. touticil tie
everything pissble toward • lottitOigae
facilities ter „..EttiPire -correspondents
Within: the titited KitgAtiti, • whose
• ,task Is to tieirtrey: fOr the d011tliniontl...
, "complete and aitthoiltatite,it9 well
'.:a0 .016110 A)leture, :of lite in tile
, ' •
it 'yet sAid ihaeltieferit 'ree'dgfiltibit .•
'kts given ,Ohtelde neWityaoertheno•
wIise wok fieqtiently was tootoit
with • liotoOogsn.ty pi e1ubit1tns' and
:to,,Okratiott,! • „'.
.the • OdlifeltilOO: WOO• IntttliOd by
bitty 'the itoWspetter W6114,
Igedertl• tedholtiake ,iateit •
rteelOhietit -iltedeii6ct7
itieludittg .the "Wh'elfhotd; WI.i;616§'S 4114
,.•,' • • 4 -, •
theiabet.4 g�tttlty 0:gtooti:wItti
t1f6 sobtikoht .tototiteti by ":01:e
4 I
• ley Reed; "Of the Times.India,; that
-without. an • inereiiing setae. 'of re
sprinsifillity, faith and; forthrightness'
all fantastic inventions of the new era
Were. but dust and '
,Members 'deplored the 'trend toward'
• intruSiVe ..reporting.% It was suggested
that if' the; press to ':govern .'its
. own. enterprise :with deceney, .and • dig-
• nity .it 'invited gove.ritmental_legisla
-lion' WhiCh Weild• he, a Mrive .againiC
• fre:odorri o_f the. mese: •.;; • .
: A';'Sperider; editor of , the West-
inhistdr gazette, supplied the keynote
to the itentiMent Of the ebtferencerth •
the 'dna! addressi•,- • :
"The restiotisthility of the : press;"
he said, Pivas never greater today
, ,eptintilea ' where. it remains free..
To defend: this;•part 'oft. rencletlireat-
ened, field'. Of liberty:An, our speelid
:perogative. Ai' We held our ground
In the British 'ContitionW,ealth we Shalt'
help - others reeever what. they have
-litatif We fail we iiiird rbiing de&
SIIiicItO1i. On. many heSides, ontrielvese
Membersy.ive coMplimentary din-
ne,r it a west etirl' hotel last:hight for
the president of, the un,Lot, Meier' J.
' 3. .Astor and Lady VioletlAster. 'See
shitta Of the conference were held
throughout, the week ,••at the . Aker
EIVER .BILE..---.: ,
And 'You'll; ;.Iu4 Out Of .iiiii in the :
: • :: :, tdoiehig Ristriti'46 go!, ' • .
tlio iiiierjliOnlikt,out, out two town& of
•fieute beelete•Voer tiorrela tiallY.. It 'this bile
"id not flonintfreely: yotir fetid 'doesn't digest:
•It'ittat,,dedAyirlii the boat -Std. Gad. bloats Op' ' :. pitegAREA4t;$,Aoki.tiits.
,ydilt Manta: YO'd ea taliatiPtited, Haririfut
paikefis SO-.iete 'tee loo, atid you •16el 0 hour, ,,,
0‘; Oil& of 'tfve.thteo,,w,e4y,'fati'llot8,t6
•stink, Mid:the:it/Mid biokaiptitik, ' • . . -
' •• MistroibtitiMI-tireeriMMent-dootOtitlitint--" 4git-,-4---tyititttl • riese-49-44P-Streanifinec
, ,iit the Cliiige..Voti toed riOniethirik that Works ' , : StnirliN. t§it , A ',J.Eittl-liii...TH ,seParator
,oni the liver tta VIrell.. It tinted thode irood,,oldi-, •0• fs
Vorter'it Little : LLiver.Pills.t&trot_tbege_ted...t i_ :_-...rft 1,1N :. Send .bpgtaj: 10t 16.-ty,y:lleal_
: 'Itytiiiiii: Of bile 'WM40 •frcely Ond tsAke yeti at d "1-'flitfiy to chi Sepatiting cOStsin
teers40.1fild lip',ITarrifletia.arst Otitis; they .., Ilelf"•; nothing to .pa,".•.' s1tii01$ .eNtlil.ek4 •
iiritt140 the bile. flonflreetydritey AO firs tiAirlt
of COMMA but IMO hdpiliiitet :br5i6fdtieSritti :•" yOttr '• '6iti i On. ' • .All d'I'OSS • - ANK,l111; •
-' thatin• Aek: for Carteed Little,. 1.4v6r pise by , •- l'IOI,;.TIL, R•Otitit IA. •:St'iriiitt, 'Ott. -;• ' - . :
rititikat StlibtrOftily, kande' anYtnintrelad, 26C., " , 4t • , • --'
To, 'Say a :persot .is,,Well ,ktotin is
;not 'necessarily a • coMplitnent.-
• .,
• '
perfenced collection . Service. Dailiffs.
StaIr Shig., :Toronto.'
,,,• , • • .• •
malsolor, prices.: -Pulleys all sizes. -711,
Petrie Co .Lirnited, iToronto. '
. . . •
MONEY TO: two,/
.„ . .
• OUR. CASH youn cAn. ••
• • contract or, • advance iiddltigna, cash:.
immediate service, •,contidential: Special , atten-
tion to outioretonin cutiforners. . '•'
. WEST. • *
. ,
To train as Diesel Engiiieere-fer.
trains, buses, trucis, cars. poweri
planta; etc. Must be interested, in
Diesels aticl furn:sh good refer-
ences. For details,regarding qual-
ifications, course Of instructions,
andltansportation to shops. Write,
stating age; • •'
Chicago Institute of •
•Diesel Engineering
.205A pandas '8t.
1 • ,
7--uncov, erect'. -Weather, pa mu-
lerlY in the grilling- days of a hot
wave; a, black horse will not, endure .
the. hardships of working in the noon-
day heat9f the sun as • will a white,
But inside the sta:ble he. will, stand- '
-heat under 98 degrees F. better than
•a white horse There are a few men
who know this 'peculiarity in the
black 'horse and they cover hia, body
with a thin White cloth When he is
working in thelbot. sun, and this, pre-
vents biln from overheating: The •••
black-: nativeS of tropical ',countries itv
dress in: white, for theJsame ,reason,.,
that ef'peflecting the sun's rays out-, • •
deorsi.Aridoers, :a black . dress: is
heat. "
The whole ;in.atter of. horse color
tnaY•be reduced to the following gen-
eral ru
W;herd are to extremes of •
heat or cold the •dark colors arebest;•,-
hut the greater variation the lighter
should be the dolor, the wh'tes :being
beat for the hottest and, erildest,
:• they , are J.extremes of heat or cold.
and little or he:, sunshine to oveirheab...--/
White, Spots
•.t,'The • white. 'snots an face and noSc ,
so often .found on horses haye.the'r
disadvantages: TheY •Oftere become „:
•.:hliStered ar.d scalded froin:•_a
• of -,,eunlitrit. especially 'after grazing: ,
• • on . a deWY, pa injury
seems to be , due tp the .efct of, ',slit '
on the.:-,unpign..iented skin'. "Thep
4.i ..the 'white', the
lej an • feet, • No ••rine7k-nokvs'
• these .curious patches' anneer, it so
..inany ,b.reeds • of borsee. • . The .
that so often effects the _wItite mark-
'ings: on the face' des not se.retidily!,
cause'.Itronbleon, the, white of the
.feet.' and ,legs. :.Perhens the heavy
heir ,on the fetlocks of the draft anit ,
mans protects :the White- skin • -.from
sunburn, as Well as injury ,froni, •
briers. ' ' • ' '! • ••
• • . The Bay: Color'
• , . •
. In centrast'to.the blacks and grey
.color, • of lthe, Pereheron, bay:: is,. the
• predominant color of .the, Clydesdale
and Belgian. • Many of ith.e•leadng
animals :Of -the past, .and present hik-
to,iy: Of the Clydesdale and Belgian
•• breeds C :mixture • of white, heirs ,
among the hay ones that fiive! a.
i"roany'r appearance: . But the bay
:Color, seems •het :suited to • a f omper-
%ate climate IP whieh itis neither : ex -
trent elV • warm • nor.: ..extreniely
they' fit in a ,• widerr efivironmett , of ,• •
: climatethere-either the extreme -limit-
Of color in black or white animals.
Horses of light .he:y shades reflect
the sun's..heat.4imost as well as :the
' white, and are light enough in color'
,te,• conserve heat in , Winter. They
are better than the whites, er Weeks,.
in ":sp,ite of the fact that ...the white
he'rA- 'is best for the , etreine - heat
of Suit -Tier, and the 'extreine' cold.ef
Winter.,.: or the .black 'horse which '
finds VS niht genitif environment
when the wit is, not shining,
.„• Function of: Color •
••••% e are. we aware, e mw o
, , . ,„.
aderptioti to envirottiett that gni-.
,Infile follow it nature. •,: •:. ' •
Oft-tithea we, .tiear.:'It....explainc0:
that, titimais turn: whi'te in Winter •• •.•
:•so: that, they May, .ecapd, the :notice ,
o their- etentieS throne' , the eel),
tealment thtftr: I'661iib1elido -
to the, baeltgrentd ,' 6:f SneWfurnishes
thetn. :lint the iniportiitit„ fitnet',Oh
of ,color in reffectirig, the heat of.the,'
Silt "esSisting or p Ting t.116 1
tadititiOn 6f., 'body,'hetf his hi
Sontewhat overloOkeel, . Though the ,
laW of tidept'on does ' not 'apply 'te- •
the • cloriestie-• florae, ,Coler- it • horet
has eti infltienee 'et their ttiuik nd '
'fitne.AS 16i; do " d
, - mes IOS tnel
estrenieS Of h tcr,
cold • 6f Otlf •
• • ' •
' • A t1i, falSe-ttet -ftrer.
to his laws' vciofttly',at, '00geh'eftv,,
le»tthrough .11 nilt.with, ilisht.,11
ithd bedi t�ii intk et)c,h,
had te Work 111,1 ;laws. .
Ide 'before' 116
66111(1,np f,hotti,„