HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-06-03, Page 1-aizt i"1.,,,`—"Nr..1., ,:•"" T,C,44.- • • ..41711,111,T.. 0,00 A.YE4lc..41..60, ADVANCE, --500 EXTRA 110:6. s, A. . • ' " , 11770 •-,_ , DENTTs.r . TELEPHONES Office 5&W, • Reaulence..41i 061V.V11- • Dr. Wm. Fitvileri PHYSICIAN St7sPiGgelv: Office flours: 1.0o,-4.30 P.M." 7.00-4.06 P.M. ‘Sunilags:—I.30-2.00 I Or 1).y Appointment • 'Phone 06. .1 • cupRCII-SgRNICg SUNPAY 4 I Atfeliclea -Gtil 'Guide Rally 'In Owen , Sound On:" $aturdak t•hirt).icknow ,COMPanY under, the direetion, 4qaiWiaigher Kate it mitt n a .• . Ts:t THURSDAY JUNE 3rd 1937 etS tena •••••,, PETITIONS :BEING CIRCULATEI):XHIS..w.pEK'-cylp-f, A ,:srivv, TO •„:HAVIG'. 'ARENA AND. ICOMM•l/NITY HALL TED .TO A VOTE OF THE RATEPAy4RS -- SIX • THOUSAND and Misg Marion. Johnston, Guide oap• lain were in. Owen' '8011n4 .011 'S'atur, POLL. ARS ASKED FOR --OBJECT IS TO P1/4ANE •UNWEAK-- day afternoon at 'a Guide rally.„ Com-. ING „WITHOUT COST TO THE TAXPAYERS panieS from Lneknow,,' Walkerton.: ' • • • „„------•T Hanover Meeford and two from bir.- • Deeided impetus Was giVen tq the' erection of the building and the light.. • en 'Soundrwere,.P.resent., .. ...ax,ena 1..ici aommunity, hanilmovernerit big , of it, ,. ' . . •-• , . , • : VETERINARY 'SURGEON ' l..„.1„..alcl'olow at a meeting .of the BOtos-,.. ..Ta a, IcT ,t, !Air, ''t a " ' . • On'this 'IsSue the' eonal, Annual' pay- , DR...0 C. YELY ,E. ,. On Sunday, local ' Guides :and Brow- ..nr • : _ nies attended . wors•hip, 'At the. , . .• . . . ing sers'Tice • in SL ,Peter's Anglican •ters'. :Club 'mi. Monday . eveningwith ., ments • of principal... -and, inte-rest :civ•er 'PHONE 145taliCKNOW'Church. The two companies were h.. or • that twe..nty-five in attendance 151 -lame or .. ', • . ; .. •05...-...n. 5 .5, ........... , - ...– — , ..177.,, es'' . '-egg'Sr, .'ra"trua=•m ••' ' The eeting,was Unaninious • in Sul?- p, . . • W _PORRIAIT—Coinfort e six -room .. I: house, fowl) water —Temple 'Clarkeand MitVIckirn . , jeggie HendeNs011' Marlon Johnst,;'n ouarig.:pa--motion 'Iry "A. E. cKi . TUNING Expert Piano and organ tuning"and .repairing. Leave orders it Schmid ,Jevirellry, , Yost; Hanover. ' OR sAtig OR Rtrrtr-comfort, 'able frame house- with garage, hard and soft water. Apply ;to 'S: E Rob- ' ertson. Kenneth Farrish Dropped Diad. Monday Afternoon Lifelong Ashfield Resident And Town- ship Assessor, •Expired Suddenly • WhileAt Work -Leaves „Widow „ . • And Seven. Children. ' :HELP WANTED --Girl or -*Man , • ,'•for generalhotisewcirk. dead :Wages (ASIIFIELD NEWS) - 9freredto. eonnie.tent PerSen:•LI- '''.` - • • The peeple:of this ' eennuunity ifere 1),KAAina,82.1_4unda&,,Stt.,„.Loriden-;01.-K-kec.U.0.1e-atnLf4tiPi•-•:&41-dan4,-egli of Mr.:- kenneth Fari'ish• nO 'Monday.' , „. . . . . NOTICE I amprepared to give yair proinbt- service in all lines of Pitimbing and heating at reasonable rates.— • • Allan .Ma.cConnell. • , COURT : IF REVISION A Court 'of, Revision .on the AS- Sessment , roll Of West WalwanoSla TowiishiP • Will he -held at the Town-: shin- Halt, Tuesday, June 8th, 1937, at Ii30.o'clocit. ' Durnin Phillips, Clerk. CEMETERY ,ASSOC. MEETING The .annual meeting .of the Smith •Kinloss Cemetery AsseCiatien. will be held in "the. basetnent. of Smith Kinloss ' Presbyterian Church; on Wednesday', . 'June 9th, at 2 'o'clock in: ICintail Cemetery.' ' p. in. • Donald • MacLean; '.)S'ee'Y• •Lot Barn By Fire - Russell Bissett' had the 41111. ,fortune to Riseone of his barns by 'fire on.: Friday last. JTe had ' set; :fire to 'a, straw stack .• and, lied :watched it, until he . thought itT,..%/11.'1(4,17 go lila. Work 'in the'. flelci: .!.lust • a 'short. timeafter leaving it he noticed the Orn had eaught fire frOrn it.. Mr. ' and 's'Irs..R.:Spett and de:ugh... ter,: of •Windsor, y4sited 'w ith' , Mrs. Macl.erman ovei. the ' ;Alias Isabel .MacLean spent a few days' last week with ,friends ' in Tor - ,Rev. J. K. MacGillivarY and John Cathcart are commisionerS to the General Assembly Meeting, in Qi- , • time this week.. .May 31st: He 4a.d, been, in his usitat health :and ' was 'helping Mr..: Di R. Mackenzie Lochalsh -to shear'his ..sheep, Mr. 'MacKerkie left, 'him 'far only " a: few: 'Minutes • and. his, re- turn him lying 'oril_the ground end'V:slien be he, 'he Was :dead: Varrish had' been a. life -101g' res.- ident of Aslifield, 'except for a short. time sPerit; .He was a; son. 'of.the late Mr: and: Mrs: John Far- rish ,and is •SurVived tY.h.tr wife who before her -Marriage Was Florence., Maobenald of , Lothian. and a .yeutli" ftii. ..of feiii:1 sons.' and three danghters; A160 by three; Thd funeral .has been,Arranged 'Thursday, June. 3rd, with- interment NOTICE RE BALL PLAYING • In the interests •ok• safety playing ball on village streets is prohibited , and parents are requested to see that children abide by this, ruling. • ••• , By Order' Of , THE •VILLAGE COUNCIL GET. VIGOR'. AT "ONO! .NEW oSTREk' Tonic 'Tablets ...Contain raw oyster invigorators . and other Siirairliats. One 'dose peps ;up organs, glands: If not delighted; malcer re-, funds Priee ,paid—$1.25. Call;, ";:Write ,McKIM'S DRUG-$TORg.-- TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD: Tenders Will be, ,reCpived by the under9i-gried 4g,fo:43.36 p.nar on Juno 21st, 1937; for: the: 'Construction et , concrete anfollovits. 9 feet span bridge on siaeline 6 and 7, C9n. 10; 8 feot 111. 'P. .MEETIN,G . • • TOWN 7HALL., FRIDAY. span it.Port Albert; a retaining wan David Macparen; B:A,, Will address at Harris bridge; and wing on • bridge , tile. Town., Hall on 'Con. 5. Towns:11h) to furnish steel. t°111OrroW eVening (Pridey:) at', 8 ;4_4:narked' cheque for 10 per vent 'of- 0'°1°°k• Ur.'MacLaren/ a • special , tender to accompany tender. • Herb Curran, Road R. 7. Luckrow. .c., ma)ohakh,..'qerit, R. 3, • Lucknow. PARAMOUNT DANCE: , Dance in the paramount Ilan on FricinY, .lune 4th.: by Ilogan'S • 6aPiece • areltestra: , Admission 'Ladies' '15e.;,Gent 25e (tax ineiti4Cd). • PLAY• :"Mother will be' presented by 'Ripley A. Y., P. A.. in the Town •Hall, LucknoW, Friday, Jtitie .1,1th; at 845; tinder Lilac -no* Joint •Club., auspices& Adinission 25c:, . ,This. play .1s,ttermed •'dranaa that : grips the heart:, • • • tvgLy.N .NIXON'S. „ Beatify Parlor Permanent, Waving' speciality. Waves; Waves; Canibin- , titian Waves, ttad $6.0in also • Finger Waving, Marcelling and Hhamiiooing. !Phone 19 for , aPpoint- talent, • " The Benefits To YOU 'ag reault Yatir befog freed froui the hampering infitiente of strained ;4Yeig-16.14-11hitelsr greater than, to il,ny• • one else iaterested: the Case, F 'T 'ARMSTRONG . gitt Sialat sEitArleg, tuektiowl VIII be: at hia Stand, In LitCkilOW .ieeh WeilliesdaY and aPPOirithierita at store tie OW., ' and W W. Hato the effect that e . , petition be circulated in the village asking the Connell to submita' by." law to, the :to 1Aise..$0000. toward building an arena and emri. 'triunity hell in LackneW • this simmer. The petition must hear the names of 51% Of the ratepayers of: the •ilJag before it can he, •presented. ' The 'village was divided ;intothrec wards petitioning ' Coraniitteds appointed as; G. H. Sinith and-,Robert,:•Rae;Land Ilerace Aitchi CHAMPIONSHIP AT 11RA'Ntt'oR0 studentri Of;'„Stto0,1 Per Th ,e Blind •Hold Annagl' Meet,-;•-fielyfeed. Girl, •''S`iv,plit 'Practically ,411. Het Claaaes.' • • Gwen 'Ackert" .daughter Almer Ackert 1?!'irolYrood; 'Won the Senior girls' championship at the :an; nual track and 'field competitiOns,'sta- ged at "Brantford by the Ontario School for the Blind. • 'Miss Ackert' teak first.,,praee in five of the six classes °Pea to her,. Her mark in the broad -jump waS. .7. It •S'aus:•", :and her. time '81/s -Seconds for the 60. yard. dash. Other eventsshe •vier thre consecutive -*urn s be roughly $425. The aim is to raise. this amount annuallY: and relieve the otatfit.xpeyer shouldering any. Part „ • In this- regard the building be controlled, limier • the .Comthunity, .Halls•Act,.:by a board. of seven meta- . hers; twa.beingkmembers of the CourrA ,cir for a ter of one. year and- fiv appointed outside the CoUnCil for term of two years: remaina with „ , this Committee to Provide for ris- ing,'thiS: Sum' and already the,,Fire Company has pledged .themselves to raise $100 in any or every 'Year is",re-, sor-I•A!1,F...; M.: _tterso_n for, the two, and. n nOrtbeirirdivisieni:.In the :south, A. 'Arena:, Club -' in two efforts ,have-,raiS7, ,Two • hundred ...watt • bulbs ' K a ointed.Witli 'other re- eci ssh and could' rid would raise Plaee the present 1100 Watt :lamps n Mere. than. ,31,06. per ear., With ease. end -s iace • 1 "T. .-g1.147044Health :, 'e Bread of flea - . •, • ' . • • , . . . OUR '1VIOTTO:91;TALITYPc634A-SERVICE,'' SPECIALS, CREAM 'RUFFS' •, . CHOCOLATE ..,'LAYER'CAKES •PIES . • -RASPBERRY TARTLETS • • SPEcIA4 "SIMS JELLY DOUGHNtITS, aous •(3;4 SOY .BREAD 0.!..1.1 /A N,'S Q:11.f.AL "AKER !PHONE 36 LI.TCKNONV.,, . LIBERAL . 0C:Aisipfp.ivrE .B.- C, :ELECTION Street Lighting To : Mr. J.: NI; •BYran whowas born in Be Improved:At Once Lualcnevv,. contested the MacKenzie, Stronger Street Lamps And More Of Them To.. Be USed- On Main Street In Preference To Coloured Lights —Reeve Conies, ,In 'Fol. 'Criticism • —To Return' SurqyCo. Bond.* • ' Iiirtipinieotae ttehaction is to be • taken to - E: Me P 4, , assistants named if. agreeable to net• The petition . reads: -9Ve the un- dersigned: Freeholders :of the",yillage Of Lucknow in. the County of Bruce, respectfully request you • to submit a By -Law to the -ratepayers of the Village to provide :for the,.issue of debentures to the ;amount Of $60004 repayable in '2'0 etinal annual instal- ments of ,Principaland interest to' be •used foi the purpose of • erecting a ConaraliaitY..11all in , the ,Village and we are in favor of, and deern it. a n •• cessity, ' that a CoMmunity Hall '•' be •erected; ;ThisactiOn resulted when it ap- peared qnite unlikely that .provincial "' assistance might be ferthciiiiiiiie Ac- cordmg' to Present estiinates 86000. figure Will amply care Lor the ' • resentative of .the4-lorne Atinpfovenient-,. ComMission, will ,fully , explain the working" of this plan, 'which, makes loans availa,ble, . to all proper- ty .ovirrefs,'.for the parpose ef,imprey, ing farM and:' residential ,:ProPertY. A rnultittide• ,olf improvements: can -tie carried ," out 'tinder this plan„ and Mr. MacLaren's address promises to 'lie an interesting and inforinative One. . • Lady,.Bowlers•Orgainized :AT-Mtiting.friday Mrs. 'Wellington,,,ilenderson: :Elected PreSiderd Enthusiastic Meeting • Lady, bolvlerS' met ip the -Town Ilall ..Friday'• evening :'an enthuSiaitie re -organizing Meeting. ii.Viliert plans . Were laid for the Season', Sehedttled..to open this Thursday efte,rnOMI With a. mixed 3ituoy. • •. ••• Offiaata. elected , Were; Hen: Pres:, Mrs: Huston; 'Poi.; W,. Holder -1' son; • iSee"Y:, • A. 'Pattoouit4. C. Agnew.; Games Coni., Clerke, Mrs..,Steward, IVIra.. , 801 • Won, • Mernbefghip- CO111,4 'Mit,' 'Wit-, .V0; P.0,440iirai'.Mrs. AA'aev4, , . .11.etteehateut, ,Coia., • affs. rielW, Mrs. J. Jaynt, Mrs': hustbri . It was tieeided, to leave tho•feea un- chhged, will bo ;1;,i6t each Ttleadat.lourriempat dateg, Were • • use • arid,• a few• addrttenal lights.. aike. tage ,So, the ;matter of ',financing this to be .Placed at points of a dvan coreinnaity.' hall, • as an 7 arena, ••agi_ along the street. •This iwas,' decided cnituraFhall and fOr. a Score other Council on Tuesday Plarposes--;appeara to be a rather. night in preference to using, Colored trivial .inatter and if Such a 'needed lights as Was" first proposed. , biiilding -in the village can be erected 'Robert Rae, who waited on the at 'little nil; Cost to ,the taxpayer, Council, 'stated that twenty-seven epPosition",te .the project should, be merchants had signed a petition practically nil. greeing daring the. -summer, to PaS' not more than ,40p Month: for .the, Po:sat ;of current to ,light, ,two parallel strings .Of cOlcired lights freni Fin - la ysenN to , Hollyrnan'Sstnre. These. would be o r, four , hours,/ oqy Wednesday . and Saturday nights; • A eaniTasser will call '.,upen you within , the next few days and. your signa ure e o service in givIng .Lacknow a public "'building that will 'be a decided aiSof to the community. Canvassers are ekpecte,d to cen- •clude their Yerk w'ithin. a week, ,When if the petition is gaiiitaefilillf signed it will :be resented to the iilage -Council. • WEDDING,113E)a§ ' IIELM•RITCHIR A quiet marriage Waa, solemnized et the 4.shileld Parsonage, on Satur- :day, May 22nd, three, o'clock; when MiSS Myrtle Ritchie of '41on daughter of . the late ri" Mr: and Mrs. Jellies beca e the bride 01 Mr: 'Robert". S. Helm, son •,of Mr. and Mrs. josepli•HeInt ;Of ,LuckhoW.. Rev:, W.. J. Patton' officiated. , • After a , ,short wedding trip. Mr. and Mis.' Helm have taketi:u15 'regiAenee on tne grdem'a farm. Concession 12; Ash- field. . ' MOLE—SWAN • he Anglican . Chureh Rectory,. • Lucknow, ,was the scene of a pretty; wedding , WednesclaY, June 2nd, 'when Laura Bell,: eldest. daughter ' of Mr. And Mrs. 'Saintiel of Ripley was united ia,narriage to Mr.°Harsiey siniTar Irr;-:Wiiliph. 491e al• LIBRtRY NOTICE „ , 40n. `adeOlint of the ,,iT.eeklY half - holiday, the toekilow. ruhlit `12,11)Pary. will open lin tVedriesdni_ei 'eliTrigi during -rnsta u s ay Dungannon. and the, late Mrs. Mcle. The'.cereinany \yea ,Pe.r.fOrined bYrRev.. J.H. : bride Was pretty in a, geWn of„,Ceionation blue crepe 'with white accessories. The bridal 'couple' were unattended: The Wedding breakfast swaa served at liorrie , of the' byidetit..agfandparentS; Mr., and Mrs...Arehie johnstori,:fAS11-. 'field • .TOwnsliip. ,;; Later, the '•• happy. coUple, left by- meter on a , wedding Wit to °Wen -Sound. and Pin.ritS_natit±_r.„: On their return Mr, ;amt. Mrs. Mole reside Ono groam's farra ,north Of btingatinOri: •, • Card Of'Thanks , The faniitir..n.f. the .late' Mrs.'. Wm, Charupion 'wish' to Ociiresi. gratefully, thaulie 'to: friends:, and neighbois.T4 their kindness and sympathy. at, the time of their, sudden liefeaVernerit. 'FINE "TULIP . DISPLAY, •'113Y HORTICULTURAL .SOCIET)' . • . „ W. J. .display.• Window ,as .a": scene , of beauty on. Saturday, afternoon and ' eVening as bundredtt 7.ietwe4 „the.. Creditable tulip •display by members. of the local ifOrtleultur- Ttilips of Priri- Oipal 'part •of, . this' gorgeous, display of soinei twenty-fiVe. baskets •of ..flow- ers 'ettinetiVely arranged in the. spa- cious • (window: It was a sight that was' Yell Worth seeing and one 'that did -credit, to, and faVeratil 'adver- tiaed. the local. flaral societi; moMber. a which are continually ,,Striving ,.to• ititet6t pedple in liortieultaral work. . GRADTIATS •AT ,STRATFORD • , . . Exercises 'Were held • for the 1931 graduating, .class,.f Stratford ,Getir • era12,itospital. ;:iri..the • Collegiate'YOta: tional • Institute on . Wednesday after- noon:, Miss ,CatIterine"PatterSOn, R. mie ,of the, fifteen Mein - ter; of the 'graduating ;class:, I.ONE-;WE13.11. ItgtEtvgb • DEGREE UDTURg ; • • ' 1VIr. Lorne *eb16,son of the late and 1VIra George Webb of Wrest' Waw,auosh, wfl one of thc. ,uceess- iul for the degree of. 13AeliPlor of Scientific Ag:ricaltnr, given "by the •IIniveraity of Ildrorito for' those graduating" in Akritultute *from the Ontario Agricultural • Ocilla ege. Loirne received his degree at the yearly convo'catipri held' at Guelph- n shaft, time ago, - • • ' • • . PRACTISE ..hiOaAlloie,,:at the .01tIteaW Bnnd toz'.6 AotiAod' bnnd taCtrie inAIT6 to‘ii.,11d11„:td:„ t --,('Airs ay At,•8 • . PipeBandToMak� , First Appearance Saturday VireehlY Saturday Night Concerts ,Coinmence This WeQk•—• Expect Hand T,,uanciw. Pipe Rand' vi1l co,minefiee., their Saturday :night Series-, Of Sim- mer 'boil conceits this week: Mem-: bers Of the ilaufl- ere to, be at :the Hall .at 8.30 :oYclOeiteediness to , _ eernmente• the parade at; 8.45; Spring training, flierengett" numbers and new ,tates,,,Shatild Make*. the band. 'Mere popular ,than . ever this season. 'Joe McCoy -his a no* and smaller drum and Will he title togiveI•even .4"' het; ter ... perforniance ..iir ."sWiriging the ticks Scots Fusi1ier till be n ton SitUr- .of the !beat band going to canap With. the rogialout 'the' end 7t'lle Inenth. It fq • expected that ;Ila will , bring "ti few ineinbera of the ititchener band, With hini to take •part in the Vita& :.;that.' evening. riding",,as •a Liberal • eandidate 'the. British Coluratia election .eif, Tues; day: byran served A previous terin in the legislatare from` 1924-28. 1.1e, has .been • reeve of North Vancon- .ver'DiStrict,. chairman of the, hospital board and •A ',councillor of the ,tlistric for, foul.. years,• • Mr, 'B ra •Stablished.• e,•:ne paper, The 'Review in 'North Van- eouver: in .1926. He has ,,•been-- active in trades union ciikeleS all bia' life and Was Niceapresident of the Typograph; ical, Union for two 'years.; FREE' BOOl<1.ET • The Sentinel has available a MIMI-. bei-, of booklets, ',free .to . anyone , re- questing titled ;"Stop .Guessing." Th P •booklet deals With. standard, rules, gpverning :Motor ,traffic, is issued :tion Association, with a. View to les - by ,the -Industrial Accident s. Preiren- : hs:'io-111*.a.ctellideentit711. waste () life; hts 'health :a n4 property from Motor .ve- To strin the lines,' it .,svas estimated that it . 'would ; cost ',Council': upaTardt: to $150. and it was decided 'that the, other method' of iinproVing the 'light ing, woald. be, more • Peri -nal -tent anc Word has been 'received here of no mere costly. the death ofk Roderick : MacKenzie, .• • , It NN;a--g hectic .Session hat ,laated which 'occurred pi' Abernethy,. ,Sask., till after midnight, and oPried Witt on Friday, May ,28th. Mr. MacKenzie Council 'Sitting as ,a Court of 'Bevis- who: Was 58 years of •itg6; is stirVived _ tn.iFouaseS"1.1'.;P,P"s7.7ebYi':Yife'At;fi3r.:dau!iterea rceved. WOaP7e:1:Wrosostad:wellasa'brotlr'aidtv•SiSteis f and on two others, • aSsestMent, reduc-. this, :distriet, Annie ,and Laughlin tions of '$20,0 and $1r,50 were granted. , • . Mrs., J: W. Joynt. and Mrs.' W. 'S Reidpeseflted *b Petition bearing 411c. 'signature Of ten ..hYdra users at the southern outskirts of the -village, ask. ing :for; street. lighting ee'rdce, Cdun- CANDIDATE •Cil decided to look ,the situatiQ,,n ever: and expressed wifflngness• • to , instal know, ‘",:aToNsvolen 'a light at the •boundary limit, but, had . no pmVer to carry the lightsfurther Towle, will be: one.. of the candidates_ out ,Unless the petitioners • tv'ere-agree; in .the forthcaming Provincial elecr T:sattllett.i00..nnacyas, costs. :the ser..i tions in British4Coluirtbia, ha' s es; i4 POUSed' 'the..,ealise of 'Social • Credit , • • Allan McConnell. was granted a ., • , . . • pltrinber's license on Condition he open . . , „ a: shop:,in the 'Village and pay a bus- iness .ta-x and license fee. . •. RODEFICIC:MacHENZIE.: ' PA§SED- AWAY AT: ABERNETHY MacKenzie, . Concession ,10,. KinlQs and Mrs.. Walter ,pay, Concession Cuireag:: • . ,,` FORMER LLCICNOWI'l E tieven ninbor af the local blind WereAn kiteheito last ThutAdy to join the Fusilier the ieghtioht,g. falloWed .1)V. a" )eriod t e arinourze V•14 and'Jwill• run iii the interest of that • . partY in one of the 'Vancouver "kid hags. The election Will he on 'June 1t:, Cant 0LThanks • , standingbill• of, $5r75, totall'ed' The' of the late Mrs. David $16,47: . . , • s ' 0; , • Parrish are -deefilYgratefut.to friends 'night's business, Yasyinterrtip;""and.'neighbora •for, their kindness' and ted for corisiderable•timo. when Ceti- Sympathy:at the time Of their recent neiilor 13.tig1iel1.,,regiSter'ederiticiaM .bere,aVernent, nnd 'these Who ' go. the Reeve` in • acting in certain `Mat,: theughtfulry, rensembered their,-MOth- ters,:'.withent:,consulting :the. Beard. er di:1ring :her' leng illneaS.Mr,' Buhcilts niotion 'to • • 'this effeet. — ' : • • , Was lest, , triamtained trat". the silverikoOdv Add. nth6oa.rl'ody:'•wi ;4p '''ta1;endin, the ratepayers ,i Modern.10;.CrearnItuck. he for .eno„ knew nothing aboutout untIil • • • .• 't1iv7h41-.:-;cirworesentect: Nab ;.slippoited • Mr, ;l3tialiell 'iri! this That .Keep lce Cream At` Zero' •to, a. iiograo,, stating . that itt two ' or And Sob. Zero,. Tenineratares," Iur- thiee instenets,'Mattefa •handled b ing Day's Tfiii the 'Reeve, should have • first been .• . brought to ,the attention, of the, aotza- 'The latest ..'and most modern ',fee eil intinIsPrs. , • .• 't, 'cream track, which is really a cold Anderson'defended, his, Eta' .storage plant on whoele,. has, been de; • tioris,.:byl.V6.1titing.etit" that. in many • liV..ered to. the;local eases mattersariittg had to be dealt W'ood's Dairies,:', The, truck:. is a .b.eavy with at epee and As .Cauncillors. Bush- du.ty Chev.With an' ice Ordain ,,capaCity ell and „lVfeNeir Were; frequently out Of of froii 400 torN00' g011ons•• .„ town and theothertwo. nierriOrz,s The truck'i' eqpflved. with not have phones, it Was , rieeesearYially inSuleted that' for hiin to nssume i'eMiOnsibility. at night is e'ttnelied compressor 1•. He Stregltd :the fact -that it is to Mitaitt the garage, and itt the the Reeve that eVer•Yene'ebnieS),Vith ing the leaded' "velllele, ',itatta out - ,on 'their troubles and Wants and, e would the road with: the', stOrlige- rodo at..A .be only teCt,' glad tO, have the::Vario,O. teinfielkniui'e ti?-4'botit 20. 'tebtinittet.6 deal .8vith andag'snirie the low toro, and after an ,.„041day.• trip 'duties of their,. •department : ever its route,. Still fettling; n terliper• • Tile: :tnatiiiii td."r6tiirti 'the .0tIte;tv.. atuie around .the :zeta -,Matki,' "the Coilipany'S Bond ' on the,'secondary , track Will be . in, charge. of ,,IIarvey, Well, carried witli Cimuelllef, llushell Treleaven, and - : also .be used ta'atiuk a ilfsghtIO:vata. beth when eilnegettio.this,a11‘tielig,and I'in not going to, ''bitek. dbWii.tidvor lte Said, •Council'deeided todi • r„, • 4 , 44.1.41;s0autt,40,1•40.40.:„4,,,414, Ji14,i,Attitia40,4404,4 all on . thia, orratittt to the'lactant's :distributing pointrtit •••ivhieh ;serves the fairt •ot th, peninsula, • ptical Service HAVING 'SOLD MY JEWEL- LERY ''BUSINgSS • TO WM SCHMID, I FROM NOW ON DEVOTE ALL my. TIME TO • OPTICAL WORK AND WILL BE AT THE 'OLD STAND ON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY'OF EACH WEEK, ' ',MADE THE'• STORE Oft BY 'PILON - NG 92, LUCKNOr. Tmstron ._.OPTOMETRIST 7,1 nouncemen I • • UPON' AAKIN.G OVER • THE , •JEWELLRY' .AND WATC .:REPAIR 13USINESS, OF ,MR....' F.." T... ARmsTRoisio,.IT IS MY Ap.it CONTINUE TO CARRY 'A' WIDE :AND •HE,, 'LECTIVt:•••RANGE OF MER- CHANDIE, INCLOpOidi .molsw& wgpiiING RINGg;'. ..4EWELDRY; • bHI/JA1 AND. . . :$ILVERWARE. • ,p.iii7ompT.• AND QtrAkOIEE.) : :SERVICE 411mN IN' ALL KINDSOF REPAIR WORK: • ITRESPECTF0.4LY., :SOLICIT: A' C0N4NUANCE OF Yotm .PAST PATRONAGE'AXD yo:q••P0 VISIT • TRN,, '•.STORE Vcjimiz.YOU.:WILL: FIND,:: A FRIENDLY , WEL- , Schnfid 'Jeweller' Watch Maker PERMANENT: WAVING $3,50 --$500 ---$700 SHAMPOO, FINGER WAVING :MARCEL ' - Make "Appoiiitnienta At •HAZEL .CULBERT 'PHONE 13-w. CHRI$TIA*N7. FELLOWSHIP ` CLUB Please* be mi time for the Sing Sang •,,tit the Christian : Fellowship Club "Which, opens .this Friday evening ',At • • .7 i 45 n theparlor above' the Express Office, All young' ,People of ./High ho. ' • cool age and whhave no :ser;•'. vices ,their church that night tire.: 'cOrdially invited to, Caine and bring their driefid,S to his hour of haPPY,. • fellowship and 'inspiration. The Club, is Interdenominationalin : nature but' 'positively Ohristiam Please remtniber to bring Your Bibles. " k. DIED .8UDDRgtY , Mt% and 1iIrs, Hornell were 'iLdTintheorgontofineial,34:5,fn f. et ts.; ;iyili,6.1ori.T 01,i'assedhu'n'iwadaayyIyft i,ntl:h8otr; t/es,ea.Plie'r . a s Hos tt nff eristroke.. Mr, Xemis, ,2whe waS .in .111s _ "Nas,_ the • hus - Agnes Hornell: The funeral 11,11.„chold en• 111olidaY from his hoine, With .thitinntnierit in POregt Iaw ManSoletrin:• ' M40A,GE1ENT •ASIxol,INCgt• tti4-61d, vnionee. the 'engagement ..efr tki.eiy„ , 010 datightet„ Otahooa, to William titute .Uattih, tbyi oi.tr ort Mr Wil1nn'Martin Of $tratfordi. .mid cativrivivP,Ohtki:iintattiteket-' ceived about children Plquig ..4411 14 •