HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-05-27, Page 77
.; •
t '•
I,r10.• ;
. 00,if.0.01 .510.1r,
5033 MR 5.11/C'N
lietter-.thitn. the •nilleage- -stated,
7me the thee •11 ,purchased.
ntY, new 'Maya. is not 30 miles
to a Closer to 40t. and,
am so. well ' :Wetted that Mrsi,
Stifel will select •color and up-
holstery tor her Nei, , ,
W11.19e can fave• Yaa PP to $P70, •
the first, •year-,...np la .0;9 in .
price to,caoy• gn,ineach pay...!
meeteed PP tt?'•eleethlY 014 gas. • •
•. . •
rPul!PeciroffigPos im4•Jos
leo change wishournoske.
Tun .GLW.
,•11111411 IrPos
• • • De Luke'
• •'Eitra-
. • .
" Termslas tow.as •
- nie.00 &isms and $24.00.m9hth1y .1
kilarriage leer
Cannot Be Mixed
. .
.Societr Beauty. Outlines' Itenann •
Why.. One the Other Mus
- •
NNW YoaK. „7, • A.sadia Newnian
tried,mixing marriage..and. a carder, ,
)t: didnt work, 44(1 POWF.449. fe•e14/•ehe•.•
.1(1zoWs, the realenswer, -to the ages-. •
old feminine, 'COntrerersy-,-the.'werrian
wlid-,insfsts, that
: , . -
ifrage7-ainVe7Career sirecesararirM 1.11H
710714-aki.iTef 11-Orffigiff7arifid7 a1IiiW
.dabhier„,at,one Or the...tither.
'••• ...!!Women 'who, are: married,.. and la:
leve,,*ofit .often dabble • in theirpre,
• fession," ,aseerta':•the., petty ,poitrett
. „ . . • .
Who.. has-been .'`ealled, the.
l'greatelitwenlan 1.znter ol tlle. Any.,
wifejo, receneile her marital duties,'
.and.these. 'of. her •,career. One or .the
• other salferifr..Whether. outsiders' are-
, • •
aware of it or Mg:" " 7 •
. ,
.Attractively , and 'Curly.,heacV
ed, Miss Ne.wman explained .that., tier
,p.cyr4 parriagp • was most ...happy up
;until 'the liMo. she .hecartio absorbed
• in Art. Then she .,fOund She „ryas too
-tired after a day's work to:go otit er
be le Charming ,fitifitest• and.Often.she
833 BAY ..)TREET
. TORONTO • RA. 2119 •
Distributors - Dealer Franchiies Available
Willys Vsed Car -1153-55 Bay" St., RA. 7000 •".
• .
Hal" -Isn't • Maybelle's evening
. . , „
.gown • n' perfect song,7", •
'Su41Ve. sweet' aritl'-'IoW !"•.
...But if cOdiliVer oil E!trtiltis. up' the
•, •brain; . Why .is.' -the cod Sudker
1:•enOugh. to ..take the hook., .
• • • •
„. . .
, „Did ...anyone . ever find:.anY ...meat
.on of 'Contention's'? • •
• Offieer-:-:"What's up".?" •
M -.--'My hands.. 'I was just yob-
. bed,"
. A desirable ' neighberhOod • is "a „.
'place where' the rents are: too' high,
. .
' New,. 7'ypiat (following rapid-fire
dictation )-L-"Now, ..Mr. ,JoneS,' what
dicl.yon say between..Pear.Sir'.`and
Sincerely yours'?" •
If you don't think Someold side-
• walk .crnsher ,is. :wide-awake, sjust.
Watch: him ,when.a 'pretty girl gees,,..
lt Oi..„•Net-'7,Seeling :Wax' Con-.'
, • • The Parson 'Of ii snail chticli was',
flock' .'and•
Ang.thevegetable garderr.',!:
, you. have there:Jen/I: You.' mustthank
the'1,Ord fer, that:" . • '•••
. . , . .
.• • '
John—"Yes, pais' •.
Thank the -.Lord',1rir those, tee."'
• ...:Johii"Yes, parser..." , '•• •
Parson—'Indeed,.a*.'very,.nice gar -
all the Way .1uouiid,J�hn.XOti•
; 'Must thank. thei good • Lord for•thee'-
• (-silent ler' niornent.; then,.
sisOWIY) i1 y�ueVer,See-thiS fit8 '08
• :Of ground when the Lord'hild 'to
•-hirnaelf?"-- "
• This thing, we knoW'. as Wisdoni is
; fit. reality. 'only rceminonsense in an.
-410go m mon', deg'ree..," •
„_ • .
' :14'.OWlyWed--4NOW ••:`dear • .yett.',
pO,,,Z;Owfigo.,:•for„ Jealousy; :What- .1
that gui 'refuseil,Arne.'fOur.,
fable: .4-ff-.011Ce 'fita,rtia'd Man tried
didn't' telt.;
Ir .,
• . •
NeW• Bob -
.you ever • 'peep 'tftreugit . the,
1k:§111e. when •yein, sister 'and -nro
„ Bobby,-"SOnietimes, Mather •or
sister ain't peeping." ". • .
. • , • ,
cargo completely to the
devil: Without exercising a good deal
*Of deterininatiOn. • •'• f
• a hain• sandwich at a drug store'.
, cOnnter and Was peeringbetween the,
iliees of., bread when he turned
•;said to the . • .
Indian 7•:. ".Ugh,, you slice 'em
• Waiter, -.r -"Yes;:. I sliced. the 'barnr42.
• Indian ..,, -r7 "Ugh! You near miss
'on." : "
. • . •
, It ia .good.,.to . Contemplate- it• times
what we 'we. h -ie aceemPlisheil;:Out.,we.
must net %expect . our Yesterdays to
carry, Us. to ' the Ind..: Of our
• • Life :ineena eternal 'striving.' .Raise
• your hat' tb the past if yen:wish, but
'take off your Coat to ..tne future. •
• . 1 wartan o'ffice hoy,',
•;:Do • yeti :Smoke?" ..,
•-.. Iloy:---"NO, thank you, sir;
don't cmind 'having' a'n, •:fee .r�am
CollegeFor l:Men
Thousands Needed in New . Trans,
.'•Canada Air Service Says Hewn
-1441.ArAx.,..-,•.The-gradhating class..:
Of ..bilhoilsie .tTniversity•receiVed . their• :.•
degrees. last:: Week,. and ..conteinplated-
the 'bright ilicthre' painted.. at an • Al...,
•.'liynni'.,loainniet.. here.- h"Etanspert;
nisterC. D Howe. .':.• •
. .
.,:Oradfiat of, 1927 have as many.,'
opportunit:ies, of4alling into their alk.•,
:lotted spheres' in. :the, life ot, the �oun-
try as
graduates 20 'or 39 yeara..ago
the: Tranapert .Minister • Said,. reiriew,''
Jng .Work• of hisdepartment as he re-,
• turned 'd th‘. UniVersity .where '• he: ,
.Onee. taught ';engtheeiiiii.:, • • •
Thousands of youI college grad-:
tiates.. were 'oreeded'fk.the proposed
Trankanada an Traii*AtlaRtio,:Air
1,in„ affiliated .radio and ineteottogi-r,
• cel'hrencheS, k.setvice be-
7tiveen ',..1%fontreal and:'''VaiidetiVer
•IOXPected to, he',Inatigneated befOre, the,. ,
Su miner • was over, lie' said, • .. '
• .-.The ne*aiiSeirleewOuldrequiret
at least ,500-"Meteerlogleal statiens .all
,throughput.,.the country •te repert bil
-.Welitlier:•Zentlifiens.eifland. and in the ,••
„air;radio:.•:.heaeons' 'carrying a beam
in.epast; 'enierg,ency lend- •
Ink, fields net More MO to 10.0
inilek Lipari., Re•' Sala • cd,1.1,ege• men
were reottired le 1I theSe'.branches.
ttititg in Ihere--niene?"
• And You'll.Jurnii Out of Beath the'
Morning to ger .• •
•The llver houd pour out two pounds o ,
' ylitir.liewel deity; Itthin bile
• is net flowing freely; your feed doesn't diked,
• tt,ittat dernye in *fife/ bOviele. GOO blots
,. out .6tooldeb: YOU gbt,tolistliihted, 'Herr/Ifni
Poblone.go into the body; and Voir feel dont, •
dmiik and *ltd world loOkeptink. • I
• •Ilt mere bowol nioVentent g • .
• Itetheenuee. YOU. need something "Mit wiirkti.
• .int' the liver on *OIL It take e thotte':gond;
•peiunde of, bits floWitig freely and triake you
feel "up and ,u0"4littratles0 and gentle; thOY
ronke the bile floSv freeliithey d� thti*etk
at eultireel ant lutLe tie entente! or nttduryId
- shoal. visk1ot Csiair's 1..Ittis.Livef Pills by;
' • omits] Stnlilaernly 'ref* shing.eIpe. 25c..
01 N.LSPeaking at' Guild-'
halt, benO et, LOH% Horder, • toted
physician said esqdlitials\loi health .
Weltyenough of tho right food,
proper shelfetv fresh ait,n oeetipw. •
• tion, Seine leisure and rooms t�k plaY,'..
r • r
• Nailed to the Colours; 4,An :Ana.;
MaureCho,o1.teacher has been sitenc-
te:tWo niohtha iniprisoriment or
maltreating • children. In `order t�
bring them tip in a,..,?lierole spirit"' he
ordered 'ebeinto swb.ithw, 'MA 'netts..
'The Moet heroic bo Y awaliowed 12,
tie One of ilia theewtocksi farmers; to
-gei a bilthd now l9ti7
atainlesa A1•11(1'R41t)LTH IsePatittori
-FR0E-reef' peietal 'Toi-Efitiy"-ttraick
and "Flow to ent,aep•oating costs in
Haft"; nothing to pay;stmply i),tPress.
.ysur Addteas ANK,Elt
it0011) I.:3' Settle Onti
.trait'••• just . when per husband wante•i;
togoon a- cruise -or A trip. tO...Enrope. •
4.4Besides," Miss."NeWina,n Continued,
."I:.discovered that-'. husbands then' -
selves. originated, that, old saying that
• a .woman's, plege: tieing in the, florae. '
mat Wants his wife's. interests ,to ',e
, centered 'entirely .aroAd „him. ,
dislikes: feeling . that she 'finds work
• as interesting looking .after.his
needs, planning, hie inealsYearing for
his childrAn He helieVes marriage :is
fullrtime. career. in itself, And 'it 'Is.
• No:.Wonian can be :a wife,„ In every
sense • the . terms finplies; aid have a
.dees creative. work.,•„ '•
• •
.Interest Stimulated
•Still in her, tWenties•-the. titian- -
:AIM daughter Of one. of 'Washington's
, -
eldest ,•sciet families. In .19'32,- she
was ;married'. to William 17, A, Herr-
man, and for .fottr Years she,lived the
ornplaining Is
-AnAdult FauIt.
Children Are The Most etiiloo,
, .phical People 'on, Enrth
Children. 0;4* pare- *h otherA
or encrwih b1�s,Or• shine,, they are,
_the metht. presoplIto411 people O'n the
TheY ,get: ear,aches,- and .0,emae. 7
2,49•4e,;-.70twhen.- it's all oyer: do.
Rot talk ahnrt it..for daye.,the "way we).
or „men n offfces reconimending4,MS-
. truina to eaen'other.ror acid -,syitems,•
„ Suppose. the , meat money ruse . Out. ."
, ,And we have to bny
...next pay, day,v.We, grovel's, and.act .4110: ,
-babies. overthe losti. •tenderloin but
„.Jph.nny. picks, *1» tus ork .,and sane,
..right in. He **up ft., and likes' it.
• • Mother says; "My. Door ..darling,
;haVe•to Wear that .sae •old• -sweater'
for another, nienth,!!. .• '
• And. son Says, What'S...wrong with ,
this sweater?' always. Worn.
.haven't•I?" ' ' .• •
• babies' babies, wbat ',mat '
• things yon,:cotfid t us' if we would. '•
only.listeni and li
Most 1,InportOt
40/e Won'Wn.: Pay. TOO Little At,r-
POronrial *Grpifinings
• .:"The majority Of' Modern •worrien
• wbn,. live) Alenr • (IVIiPther they likg•
sonal'groomine• or else far', too little,"
say an artist -(male, you can be
these who:
-With hu'iba'nds and chlTdren-learn to
fly way of .evPlanation., iriy" irate:
j.l'iforalaiit :Painted. 4::114,: that he eel'''.
;ta.inly would hate 10 be:fereed,
' have .a.secontf„date[„.Wittanywinran
vo spends so timely tie doing her
'face, and PailSo.fakrag.,,4ath's;,
cfothes." and • ..yitasbirig her heir
that. She never • can manage to read
the1daily paper; and read -it
a feyt_ne,w,„factemow and then,.
• find something' interesting to taM'
about, ' Also that be wOuld :deet
• jut • as much the idea Of •having tJ
date more than once an` inikem ,
untidy, positively dowdy 'girl, re•
igardles -of lier brains or personal'
The .artist -t -the. ina'orit of men
an.• s o •ec een ,an
neat, dresed „in good taste, of course.
But they have .•ne patience with a
• woman who makeS a fetish, of, and,
overdoes: theubusiiiess of beauty..
If. Your home and, time\ are your
own once you :haVe finisliecl a day!s'
• work, do .figure .Ont a way. to „keen':
hair ;clean _and shining, • nails .per-
fectly 'manicured,. clothes Ole and
'sPan •and skin smooth 41nd still have
time to read • and enjoy our leisnre,;••
And' don't discuss your • beauty,
rontinee with men. .They want us to
31Oootrlt uN‘t,.!aee3; nt._
- wat
plisbed. the :lea,,O,r the: lurid:details
of what.Would'happen if did not
, certain preparations • a Certain
• way. • ,
• y.9.t.tbet—it's truel6_9cien's_fi C'e_Lt
.1.911../.nclo.nco you ItYlPgderi'Syou 11
•.know•wh4 rollyour.ownerprote'it the
vou, love' theipciteries you roI
?With. Qgcien', .Onct • 'Clicintecier.' 'or
'•Vogye?'':poPer1.4 „There's, 0, bigger
poFkoge of," 0 den'soW .for,
• •
• Cut
ewer ,
e a ers •
ff,orty-eight fewer •certifiCates Were,.
issued to. Ontario. Cheesemakers by
the dairy, braileh last year than in
1935: ; There' was a -slight . decrease
:in the 'number:of factories, but that .•
'does not begin to aacount fet• the
falling off• in certificates *.which' is
most 'noticeable in. the. Category of
.first-class certifiCates. • These were
down 'front. 523 f to f480. • 'go'me • of
. these makers .evidently , dropped into
secend class, • the.tOtal for which' Was„
would•be due to the abriormalfy hot
Weather .lest •Suminer, with consequent
••difficulty in turning' out a Arst-c1aS3
produet TO :get a.first-class.c'ertifi- '
than 95 ' per. ;cent fi'rat. grade %cheese, •
and &score of not leas than 95.points,
for Workmaiisliii...-.--Woodsteck Sen-,
epeats Daring Ho
Glenn Martin,,,,air' iii,Aifufaetnrer,:, and one of tho,fiyst
it fretrilhechiainfatidTtVit-2-541,hiliniyetiaryr df his firat.,filglit'oVer Seine
route. ,•
happy gav social flf of.a lweaithY
Young niation; • Whirling • ,alo,ng•
Aide of partieS and trIPS With her hut
.ettidying paintiiig on the'. side.
• The. •death Azadia's :mother, who .
alWays:. had been in ',faVOtir of An , at% '
tistie, Career' for her:young datighter;
'caused 'the .;girli to take her ,painting'
more seriously. When the M4Onointeed
1,11er:intention of heving.'Jt career, she
ahOelte:1 ali wlio knew 'hey;,
all her, .family, Which:- has ,,been
wealthy.: 'for' ten .genefa,tiOns:. HOW-.
• ever, WasTowrnitn was to PiOve her
Self to be not ,Oxilitseif exception, but
an eJnitiettlY...:•Sitedesaftl 'One. In:1935
she' had 'ail exhibit at stlie-Y•CorcOran
,Art Galiery and ' the. etities: :gaVe 'it.
lend Prelitte, The 'Seine Year, she had
• .a one-lneri iihOW•in•St. LOUIS. 4f '
• "During;that liS'Itidd I , Was, ,striving
to :keen, My, Marriage' going. nut At
was (Whet:lit. Often 1 viofked so late
at the. studio ' that nly liair•to
ing eVeaing clOthea, tO me there,,iti
• order that I .Might tlreSS itnitnieet rn
hnewind fo*.'eocial ftinetiOni.
• Was 'Oh the :verge of a nerVotis •
leaking flying "'ffitia on.
‘bbahleati. Otit of tostri and attempting,.
*,to" heel* hiY,
`,brings' ,:tte
t' ati-
�ther fotth011: *lisP 'inhrriage and:* alic6
edi' There iinist, in A Career, be 60'4.
tai .indepentienco'in dine', 'One liniat
iretdnov0 abOtit end' nPreet
theSelf at a ;iiitithent'a nottee,:' "
•.."So, as •soon . as. realliad,,tenclUs-
lt,e1rthatItcould net: eat.niy take and.
' haTe it; 1 .had to 'Make chOice4-4or
the sake Of • beth' Of, us.iI indneed: my;
,hustiand to:divorce' me." '•
The, ,differerice ifi'. the • sides on
which eclipses 'of' the stm and ;810011
b6g18-18 SatiaeLly" the -fact that• -t
sim's ;movement in the. ecliptic 15 only
apparent, Since it is the earth Which
nioVes,• .while the inoenls movement
is rat
,• , ,
. 4711e Antarctic is land' arid land,
wherever it is; is valuable,"—Lincbin
Ellsworth. • '
ervesWent to Pieces"
• Nv 0 E,N who
suffer' period!.
• ;tally,. wIi inay ,
have . SideatliC
f!icadaclie, 'and' e
• those about tse'?' be-.
'come inothcr, vilt
Imd. Plotce'g
•• VaVorite.Freactin,
tion it,_dle
Rell(1 WIVIt•
IL kelly_of .'iloont 'Vernon, Olibtl trail; •
• 'roncikorig. theltileth.,,bd lob "‘t eolt „
to bb Up, thy' tierrek Want, pitets„ t
began fr<ini the first
• bottle of ne, rtdrce's-nis•,,,,ertid presciletiot_
a1'btjt wlY. tbstild tht • illOrt. nttybb
yerC calm, tAbbilit Atrogte trod wss ht
bosith,"Sold by thuggisis,
•fluy now Nsw 'slic;. tit § to tig,, geoid
1,-OrgOeirri, tabs. -or.litmia; $1.35: •,
-'•• • • • •
Cattle Exports: in
• U.S.-Canada Trade
'-New• Retord „Set During1936
• 191;600, Head Everted
The Canadian cattle trade in 1936'
With the ,Chieage, Buffalo-, ,St. Pap1,
and 'ether •markete':in the United
States' established 'a tisw.'reeerd. for
recent: years .in, Volume and'' value,
• states' the: Seventeenth Annual Mar.,.
• ket.'Review, 1935,,jst is'sned.by'
Dominion..Deriartment ,of
ture..'Altogether; more .thin 191
000. head; valu�dat' a:hout $8,579,-
..006,:,of 'whichit136,53: had came
under _the. reduced tariff, ,rnoved to:
•the United•States,•ai compared with
102;634 head; . valued :at about $5,-
935,300, in 1935,. 7.• , •
• VTI ieduction in 'tariff •fi•em 3.
cents per pound to 2. cents per .
penial On cattle weighinr.700 Pound&
•or ever .for. beef purPoses, .and from
:Cents to cents t on similar
Weights, on 7 dairy. 'eattle;'
stimulated the moYernent, in. spite, Of '
:the lower prices rilling inthe United
. States as .coMpared with 1935. Of
quota ,for, cattle .of 700 Ponnds,
or more, 'amonntilig ; to 155,700'
'head; 'Canada' had 'aboiit 86.5 per
cent, and, Mexico , 1.8.5 per cent.,
;..which' for Canada repreSented about
her., average Pereentage of. United
States ,,importations', ever- a number .
• of:years. •' „: .• '
Of the onetti cif .2.0,000 ,heed
dairy cattle, all ;frein. Canada, ••• the
DOminion"filled less than 30 percent.
Thia,ctidic...ates the relative:conditions
of„tlie markets in the tWo 'countries'
for dairy ',,cciwis 1936: United
Stafee statiStico •give • tile' calf. 'lm.
portorn. Canada aa, ;55,694' .heati.•
quota .�f 51,093. head;'
• calyes,not,Weighing 'over, 175, lbs:,
• was filled by!;..AilgUst 8;.' 1984;
With, regard .to the present Year,.
alniosttwjde as Many: 'cattle , aridCalVes ,Were exported froin Canada
. during ,the' firsttwo months as dur-
'.'g the Corresponding period of 1935
and Since then the exports have gen,
:tinued sUbstantially highef.
Pays• $42,19 Tax ,
. In 13ialIcY Cgopers
ICITCHt,NER.-tWith qnly
gin of One' day to get -his takes paid:-
. .
before the penalty Of one per cent
goes into effect a local IieuseWn
• into :the', taX,:tollection
;3•1v „ewe! pt 1113e s sitx-hcelpiaor,tw-ebraxiSk4e;t2Aon...Q6'il:
• them te, . his first ihstaIthnt
totaling $42:70. The rhan's Waa
• Witbbeld hy the collectors. Porturi-
ately' they were' wrapped in regula
tion hark relit Which •made `Counting,'
. Ladies
Send us your' ,riaine. anti teetiVei
.., abaolutely V.IME,; sample of-outl:
Flighe.t Quality, A1es'pita.1,, 8ani-
tary• 1\lapitin5. ii ygo I s Proquct.s.
1.,011tv,r.,"oiltrivi:O, •.
• lasne No.
e`Ftire.0 Fiatroly
. Alter 'a
tt'ii,ng• eoemtoin4g• es
• ' readiness, te take to the air to keep.
• in fleck the deStractive fires that: • ,•
annually .menace the great •forest -
• :area 13eY0Oci the. of laid:
Sit4ietn71.;•• thes°n e fireet
•iztaligOrated. by the ,i1PrOY!neia1 gPV,'
. • .
ernment has Proved- of the greatest .
value in the protection of the.for,
• cbol capable and effielenf:aviatora ' •
74,cever, a wide t'erritory In tifOir daily
flights, keening An eye open .fe•r the'
aSOuttlitig 'spirals of iniokeor • the
flashes of flame' that' announce the
presence of fire,in ,the dense • woo!s
'wjih which ,t129 • greater :part "of .
•.Nbttrierti Ontark is clothed:"They
, are the scouts, the advance pickets
up on the front „line, who keep -the
rangers 1e1Ovi informed "of the pi.b;,
greas of the :battle,.
• .
• Viliage'.Chureh
Is Iirap9it*t-it''':'
One ofthe important' thing's, in a
*, of them • in POrt. Rowan,the Baptist,
the English,' the Unitd:, and . the • •
Free Methodist;',, observes the Pert
• •Rewari News. These, four gleriVnin.
litions have' good, substantial efiurch
buildings, that" will net soon wear. .
When. the Church of, ,Englancb lie:- •
• gen s work, it Was • alone ,in the
field, 11..0 •the 'beginningits Clergy
, were not all; educated men,
:.• with the progress -of 'time • the eon-
, gregationa progresSed in , •
6, and, the 'clergi had to add knowledge -
to general fitness for their ,,, Work,
the Methodist and 'Presbyterian. The
Baptiat.Church.•Was _Once, •and still
nermallyit last, the largest '
chareh'in Port Rowan., Orie it mm -
'era , c un
• 'Iasi Sunday there ' were'.i than.
• forty People Out te. lidat• a fine• -look-:
in,g 'young , man, preabb on terriper-,
The:, ..eriited Church. has an excel-
• lent p'reacher. rhe orator Proclaims
itself ,in.,his frarneonly lacking in
frontal contour, ' but his serinon on .
. SundaY night lacked nothing because
et nature's 'neglect, 'the choir, was
' small on Sunday night, and Rey. Mr.• •
• Burkholderstepped 'd,o*n froth she
pulpit and . joined Mrs, • purItholtier
• in . a diet that riveted the 'attention .1
.1-iftlie large congregation: There was
no hand clappin4 but the moisele.n.
signs of approval . were .yisible sign
• and could.beseen. everywhere in the
The Free -Methodist Church came
to ns, fremrKeUnited States., ''. It
draWing to t old Ways of Meth-
•edism• It:Should. grow rapidlY;•' noW
that ,the newer type tYPe of . Metbodisni
iiasn..asnialgarnated ;with the Presbyter,
.Meanest Cruelty
.2 If me had not the - word, of the
S.F.C„A. for it we sholild find it
possible to, eI.ieve' that 'so Many
MOntreaieKs could be' guilty of the:
most arrant, crlielty'. to what they
: would pi ohably call their "Pita. COM:
21huents.' tbetil:o:trac2eal
tioh has 'picked :up 'more than five
:Mr. Innis ,rePorts..that' his orgabiza-,
when 'their owners' moVed to new 7
quarterS.,"• In ,some eases ' ,these
wretched beats have. actually .been
• left, locked up in, the' abandoned.
dwellings, certain, riless new ten-
...ants, move ..in at. Qfl
heard. their Cries,• to
moat .Miseries Oft honge
•'How... Many of theSe.TPOOr creatUrts
' the 'S.P..c1:A has • riot 'yet :found 'find'
may tieverAnd,„ nobody: knoWs;..prob-,
ably' .alot Of them: ' •
Moat• people Will find it impossible':
to tinders:tend' how,: any ,. normal; per-,,,
:sop .cari be guilty of this . seri :of
thing,partienlarly as there Ai:such a
simple and prietically 'ec,stiese rnetri-.
.:ed of ,getting ild•er an animal .which •
he. impo„saible ;to PrOVide, for
titideralte.red denditione; or. of.. winch
'the - Owner- tney'. have ".'quite. simply
:grown, tireel.'40 L'OndeMii a creature
:which -has , been sheltered •and . fed
to: the. Wretchedn - of lonliness;
. hunger; thirst, •ile4t, and cold :that,
the stray : dog 07;cat.,in a big' ocity
' tri4fmidergoi until 'a rtiqrcif death'
•;•reIeasest, is•'`a refinement ofdemi-.
right ,crileitY that cannotbe ,eiplain-,
as 'mere .thotightleaSpesa., ••
or :sorneene
iffer 'Ithe
' •
TO—. See If, crow :Birds
• Have !foaming Instinct
‘EitiNCYSTTOtcf-If gew.liirds.have
• horning instinct, 24': • dark -feathered
immigi-ants. are ,'winging :their. way
'from tchnorten on a2000 -mule flight
':to Wankegan; 1, • ;
,• W. fr..II..;yon,'preSident of the Inland
Birel:B.anding. Aasoelatior 'at2,Watike-
gan; believei cow birds., like. heining
.pigeons;:,haye a' hotaing-niatinet .and
'.,cOnlij. be haed :for; carring qnessages,
•To :test' th*.s,..theory he shipped 24 of
the, birds hin cageS!onel they were.
, released b,1 Pr. J. Horning; Ed
• inontOrr•h;rd pander, .
. The,.'..take-off prove any-
• thing, Some' apparently': started on.
their', *ay it1i; others set out 'in
the Igeneral direction of, .-the North
Tole- and the ,reM.ainder lfleW owardS
the 'PacifiV eoast The doctor Said;
• however, . the ':birda ;Alight have ' not,
Obtained'. their bearing's. until' od1
lassified' Adverting
. .
tW?NTaD LADY IN tiirt :13tiljotx,v'h8°871;I,' ;l;'Tottlfi'wtieeN17;:
• ?LLEO'l8S/4 •8E3ftxtlpEs •
gr L'LECTidist`
dolleelion erVid• '
• SPilr ,811g..;;• L';.s:A14.
1 A'„ WELL WELI,” . TAlift
-IVA Mitt, 2,,toinitoln.' Mineral'Wetter, .
16c biiittp1.6.; Arriliress.0 Bibb Pferdubtb '
ThOret nothing to .equAl
111itiat,:i, It "tiiiitiClioi51".
Aftitiseptib, 4soibig, fitaiiom
Give; itlitk relief
Heirsof n 'prominent NewYQrk-
nianufacturer,are heini ..led' a Merry
: chasetrying tetra down more thin • '
,a million' dellarS'left, -indiscriminate-
.:1y, to say- the. least, in: an .unknown •
, number ,of 'banks arid safety :deposit::
'hoices,:threughout the United s.tates: •
•*na. Canada: WhateWdds zest !to' the
fortune hunt is that, they :were
posited - under false • names .in hanks
whose locatibn was Only 'revealed' to
• the, worthy gentleinan':s. sen. The. seri
wes":'Itillecl, in an airplane aceident,
• and:.With. hint Wenti, -the--keYto--4fis
...father's puzzle• , ••• .•
'For yearsbefore he died, th
. . ,
,,.wealty.--Manufacturer „made • fretluerit • '
secret trips, .dopOsiting Ku4ge skims at:
"whatever' place he stopped,: ; Ile :is
known.to have 'Made -several . it positt.
• in ,Montreal, althongh just
'another ,
His heirs MOSt". now e,epie: with,
sitnation which .nfes--,,not' .4.OttOgOtliOV
unfamiliar' to .the.gentlenianlf
,g)11 one ecceaion is ytIt.Stott6dt,fk , ,
•q,ha\1..4..depe4fted.:,'$2611,9,0,0 •
bank -,-and. then itelievegbrie en 1,.%
rk•Iparty,. On higteliepit,Itiehael • •• '
- gotten tho;.)naioe of th41
• • • / •
J".'40 - •
Gets.99 Per- Ceii WHer
t ,\
• o
cut if theirhuSbandSfiefopted:a sugfs.
Veit and put thein 'en said
'Mrs, A. Ketiiieth Mayer today,
Mi.s, 'Mayer is supposed to lenot"v•,. '
She is a ,tilliVerSily lecturer on'honle,
eciononlica and 'a. metnbor, of the Ps
NIttiohill -.COn)tilittee fr3CeiiRni\tee
to'da knows how to get .);)
o„.f. ..the liUsband'A •.1nlary • glio.dd
, ,
"not • nierejy tvege 'that- would- be: •
r•Sdhoil •' .••
Sevtral thol • (oo
11i11110SOft SiltirOd :tO ffirO
if' they ghonld--:aunpotim .
hlayet.''s contonfloti in intetTlee$1,„
.",(ItiritOVes,alreatiy 'ndt
I.0dSeVe1t saki rnt
Wt:s tu
ts'al (min,
ii'14; eee
•Salitiy • 'withenit • • (fui\stInft7..' s.