HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-05-27, Page 1,4 -•••. • 1 .1 • I • , .$2:1 'A YE' AR7$1,50•Iir. EXT :` • Treleaven ' TELEplIOIES: Office 53. W Reeldence 53'4. • . • r. Wrn. Fowler • : PHYSICIAN ° 8c,,SURdEON • .- Office Hours: 1.00-3:30 P.M. 7.00-8.00 P.M. , Sundays—I.30-2-00' P.M. • , Or By Appointment 'Phone 06. • ' . • DR. EVELY 'VETERINARY SURGEON , 'PHONE 1z1A.; :LUCK/sTOW, 0. Band Has chaiSiCe,. , , . , Kinlough Boy Contacts Local, Hand 'Oncerriing. Engagement- to . Head Toronto Orange Lodge In -414 Mile -7 irade, In T'll"..at • 'OA July. .12t , L ckno* Pipe Band kas. 'prospectS. ,of • receiving , an outstanding engagernet for the 12* of .JulY. .the Bend is. engaged' they will lead Sen.; tinel. Lodge No.. 2988 Of Toronto in the Monsterand colorful ,Twelfth of July '.parade in , that eitY, ' .Mr. IS.' Arthur. Haldenhy; formerly of, KinlOugh, and Worshipful Master 4 #• LUCKNoNif ONTi THURSDAY MAY 27th 1957 ARE -ELECTED' DISTRICT I TO HOLD:PUBLIC MEETING Ihr.z -.,• . • • TiAt-the districtirinual-inieeting'etiVer194,-,-15fIc "T;;;771Vill Be POW thq Wrimen'S lnstitilteheld at Explained At Meeting, ;Here, Friday , -Oran last Friday; MP.• , Abner Ackert • June '3rd, •• ' of HelYreod,• was; r,e2eleeted.Lditriet.• : - , l'I'esident. Mrs. Archie- % Patterson Of • Mr. George tAlleall, in charge of LnCki-46* is lst, 'vioe4lresicie,nt. Mayor -the "EmplOYinclit'•Otrice 'Stratford, 'Canipbeli Grant welcomed the dele- was sin town last week, arranging or gates and Mrs. ,Temple Clarke replied: .4 publie meeting to be held with 'a • Mrs. Ackert,.. Who commences. :her view- to inferroing local and distriet fifth term as district • president, pre- home Owners as to advantages offer - sided over the sessions. 'speakers ed by the Hanie ImProVeinerit•Plan. eluded 'Mies Collins,Who spoke on ' • The *Meeting i -is Set for the even- '.."Hoine Economies". and Mrs. .Sain nig of .Friday, June 4th, in the, Town 'ells,. 'Federal Representative, "who Hall, LUcknew. The , 'Speaker will be spoke on, the .p's, i'oCoTeperatien, . Mr. MacLaren,a special repraieliti, Coarteouinass 4,+ and -Cons1deratitm."! tive"of the • LI, R.,. COMmiision. • kr:'!Patterssia,LAgriculturaL repose -n..2. ta we spozike--•-oii--136Vine.ftibercular; 'arid -4-76r a; .large.turnent.tri heir this _ Reports from; Holyrood a• nd. Lucknow interesting Si:waiter and get first hand branches Were given • by Miss •Hazel,inforrnatjon concerning the H. t.‘ Percy and Mrs. Clarke: which WaS' designed .to pr- . , vide easily available loans • for , pro- perty hriprovement and at the Same DURING OWNERS' ABsAN0E• time Many unemployed back to work. • ! r • POH.HENCOMfertable house, 'town water.-qampie Clarke.' . • • • . . , NoTics . am prepared to give, you prompt serve. in all lines of plumbing' and heating at :reasonable , ° :MacCorniell: SEED CORN • . The following varieties of Vance • Broi. No. :1 graded, IniprOved Leani- in& --Whiter pap, ,Yellow ',Dent;.'EarlY. , Bailey; Gelden'. Glow ' and .:Vanee's Sweepstakes, for :stile,:at r -L G: rs reit o- o e as commult-' qeated with the. local 'hAnd, fife f5iS The. -march covers 'a, 'distance of isoine 414 • miles from Queen's Park ,to the Exhibition 'Grounds. , Sentinel Lodge of which gr..' 1141- . • , , denby is the •beat,L.Is4eterred:t0 as "Daylight Lodge"; that many ' of its MerriberS work at night, and .4,18etings. :are ',held in.. the afterre:1•011; It is the onlY lodge of its 'kind in British Ahieiiea.. • , •In past- years Sentinel:: Lodge has ehgaged NM:market, Trumpet Baell of sonle sixty pieces E'ir tl_innia1-- "walk", but this 'Y'ear have. decided to.1 Make a change. For five year ii ergairizatinh lratiap-,..- .ered \the siivevenP.,..ivhieli rieW 94,4,7401•••' d :led a the best mare, ride. • .. •. COthri OF REVISION.; , A' cOurt. of 'revision, t� ' hear - 'receive complaints, on the assessr roll of the Village of La w,,,,... II:, . , : . 1037, will be held it the, Municipal Office, Tuesday, June lit,. 1937; at 8 o'clock.—Joseph 'Agnew, Clerk. ' ; FOR SALE OR ...RENT --100 Acre . . farm, E. %, lot 10, con. 6, Ashfield, , approximately , 40 - acres 1 ploughed. .Rest44;pasture' and bush, running • water: Frame :harp, newty. shingled. -.APPly to Mrs. L; F. Stingel, Dungan- non. Phone 96: „ PERBON A L MEN!' GET, VIGOR AT ONCE! NEW OSTREX Tonic Tablets contain rate oyster ,invigorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, , glands. If not .• delighted," :Maker re- ' filnds price paid:—$1.25.. Call, write ,McKIM'S DRUG STORE. . • PARAMOUNT DANCE 'Ranee in the 'Perifurif -Hall on Friday, May 28th. Muile hi Hogan's 6 -piece . orchestra.' Adinission: Ladies ,15c; Gents 25c (tax' included)... • " BASEBALL WEDNESDAY .. Next Wednesday, June 2nd,, Han- over will plaY.f,in Luckneie uled 'Bruce League •.fixture. • Support. : the Amll, telim , and ..eneourage,,the, boys who twill make, an improved showing next. Aweek.,, • LADY' BOWLERS': ATTENTION .A meeting of lady b,criilers :will evening, May 28th at 8 O'ciric . t. is . be- held in the Town Ball this i'llpijiday • important that every lady Intereited, - in :hiving .a club. organized this year. be in attendance., Special prices on Linoleum and .Congoleum Rugs. Curtains, Draperles. Etc.—THE MARKET STORE. . . EVELYN, NIXON'S Beauty Parlor, Pernianent. 'Crag. :Waves; SpiralWaves;,Combin- Wlirn • ation Waves,: 63.50 and its*); also Finger Waving, '•Mereelling and Shampooing.; 'Phone 19 :fpr, appoint- ment, " 1,, . e Increased : 'Enthutsiasm , for both: Work and play is to be eipedted ,by one ivOlioSe abnorrnal ..\ . (Vision nes been Corrected in the modern 'way: And it Taxi, isn't, Attoro *hat is? 'IRMSTRONG1 EYE (SIGHT SERVICE LueknOw It_111SINESS IS GROWING HLGR Qt1Aptett, `stItoiNto, WEATHEit - SEASONED' PLANTS,' ,Orir4Tonsato.ea are till early Varieties, heatiy, 44ppeo"tiP to Frost. • '-.4•Weet itad Peppers as .easily . grown toriiatoei, 'lint to, '•much • less •space. ' . • 'MMUS earl* 236. • STEWART TIRO S., mita:sit NURSERIES' 0 "V, • •:".,(4e0) :age an improving , Mrs. 1,V.- Reed, Sr., Who bus been donfined to Eer, bed .:Most •of the'. winter, at the home of her' grand- daughter, Mrs:, Eric Fairbairn. Of Detroit, is,.considerably improved -and is able to • sit 'UP once,: :here. Reed is in her 03rd• Year.' , Will •HaVe.T0,.13ehaVe'NOW' ;Weinberg.: of the local . braneli , of the Women's institute:4'0e attended the Aistriet" Meeting. . in • 'Walkerton, /were .;shown through. COunty• ' ings,' including the jail, where • thay had their 'finger ',prints. taken. The ladies,' will have. to be en. their • g behaViOur now, for it will be just, that much easier to check 'Up.. on their: ac- tivities. . I ' "S.TOWAWAY" 18 wEEti;.ptio. ATJERa•teTION-7*T1, YUIIM irley Temple. in - "Stowawair is the week -end 'attraction .at the :Ly- ceum theatre. Its a. Stery- of far-off Shanghai and 'Shirley everiqalks and sings in „Chinese. • ' LOCAL GIRL GBADUAiifES Miss JessielifacKenzie of.,Lucknow; Was ohe of l the )-631 g'raduating class of •Hospital, Loildon, receive ,her diplorna,,at ex- ercises at the 11. 13. ,Technicai• school last Wednes-dar evening: There' were 43 members' in the class, • Miss. Mackenzie' "cenipleted her three:year_ 'training' coursesanie time. 'ago, . : South Kinl�ss Church '- - Marks Another Milestone , 811'ear-Old, 'Congregation. field ,itn niversary Services On Sunday With Bey; Gordon. Taylor Of Kincardine •Delivering Inspiring 'Sermons :To 'Large tongregatiens.• Sundae- w,as. anniversary- time a .South'. Kinloss Church, the tirSf: e'S- tabliOted 'coniregatioit, in this • cern- iminity 81 years,ago. The history.. of• 'detail churck. whieli was , outlined in detail npon the ,-80th. antiiVerSOrY, a year ago id', indeed an interesting one. and service of song at the morning .,worship : ••condu,Cted.:.by the precentor, Mr. .1'. S. MacDonald, with. out organ. acompanimeht; • • The present pastor, Bev, G,..M7. Young, IS. the tenth resident elergy- tian Who, has "miniStered' to the con- . . gregation of the Clinrch” in the Mote than four score 'Years.. " • On 'Sunday .large congregatiOni: at= jerided,lioth .services to heat eloquent and: inspiring SerniOns ..delivered hy Ito?. Gordon 4. tayler, OfKincardine,, the gilest'., Speaker frit', 'the occasion'; Which -maisiced the t,wontr:Iifth, anni- versary 'since the, Of the pre- sent • t1,0,4A1W 110itit aeeatmt, rit the WeckiY hi- h�1ida ,the,I.,rialtilaw 1,PSyttrY. 61.j.att WedileadaY eV eiliogs &tithe, itiateatl of. thritaday, '0' • ..., 0111J. !SAt,. To Su.pettest .COt-poration,. Dealwas,:,..Concluded. t,gast.,we0.!:::And. 'AucKnAie; siaor.nY Re- Seve4.';Ye0:1•••• A -business deal lof considerable in terest,:fhat hie'been 'Underway foi a time, .was, concluded last week when Mr. J. S. M.acICenzie.'clisPosed Of his service station and garage to the Supertest Petroleum .Carnoratien. For the past oven:years, Mr. Mac - :Kenzie has conducted :this business, and 'during •thattime has 'featured Supeslest products,...ramLhas....hee iff7th--4.7Corporation's cirstomers, in this • district Mr. ' 'MacKenzie iS BeloVed.Old Lady ANOTHER II01We'LOOTED • • 0Pon. .her return • from .Torontd a few Clays' Age,. where she had 'spent • the ,tinter, -Mrs. M. Cliff. discovered that during her absence , her • .place had been ransacked and Many' articles takeh,4*.hicli-se-far 'have -mot -been -re- -covered,, in. •the• week, police iffiecrs joined Moore • in e • further 0, a ;. R-tal---residence, en silverware,and" linen -were diseo;irered, which are claimed ,,;to be the Of,514994,1,7,hurehes..":" An e• lectric '19 'Ea" believed.,.. to. IOS''-thford;rn. issing,;;;Orne Aline ,ago from the me' Of,..triC4ateihifili.:Paifl Reed: , Bittkit, wttsTE4:--,I11 wirigham Ilbspitat. on ruCidaiiMay. 26th, to Mr. and Mrs: .Harvey Webster:,,, LtiOkne*, a: ion, .Geerge, Richard. ' • FIRE. PALL, tuE'spAy:. 'Fire which..threatened, the' residence, of :Mrs: Dam:ail IVIacDonald •Thes- day afternoon,. gave :the Fire Brigade their firsti run for A .smouldering blaze 'on the: front por-, lion •of the. roof, near a newly built chimney was soon ,extinguished be- fore makink initek .headway.. It is '_beti'vect.:4' spark ,fronl. the chimney' hurtled a hole through the :shingles anion service a , • Glamis the , . • and .was making- headway between Oe sheeting; all the Way Up', the, roof; when extirignished. • • . FIRE EQUIPMENT: .WANTED ' 121., SUDDENLY . • The death of Isabella Milner, wid- ow of.. the late Wm.,' 1$ " Champion% oceurred-cniite:-:-sutiderilY on.,'Wednes-: da,ratfternoon, th-e• home of :her daughter; Mt. Alex 'Havens,: from where 'th Tilinera Friday afternoon, 1..30 o'clock, to Greenhill Cemetery. Mrs. Champion Was in her 70ilin-year: .„ 'Special S'peakers. Occupy . • LoCal Pulpits,Sunday Representatives' Of Temperance Fed- eratioe. Spoke In Prekbyterian And, United Churches—Rev. C. IL -* Dick- inson" Deliverea " Inspirational Ser- , mon-At. .Morning Service:In United Church. I . The evili. and :exceisive expendi- tures resulting' • from mix. existing liquor and biverage-roein, priVileges, were emphasized at Sunday .serVices. in leeal and district churches. Dr. Hazen of tondon,Lapoke in snp- port, of the • Work -of the Temperanee Federation, in • the „Presbyteriarv- Chqrch on Sun:clay.'niorning, at Dun, gannon. in the, afternotie. •and . at. a After every 'fire call the bid ,erY is ;raised.. that new equipment is .ne,cean sary—soMething 'that will , get the At the • evening service in the ted •Churcb, F. Q7-114-eGee; 14Y1 Man Of Toronto', representing the. Federation,. brought out many as-• tounding facts, his plea' to Support this organization .in their efforts :to counteract these -evils :and Stein the growing. trend , of youth and women in Particular, to patronize', the bever- hose reel at least, to • • the Seer1e, With- -a-gAe °t9brile sin...or/link ;service, gev,. speed,. and eliminate the killer -job Diekinon, boa ste*ad, of the' Uni- that it is. atPresent, if a,„ ear or ted Chureh publishing house, delivered truck is not: loaned to draw it.' • iereeful•serrnOn to . a large' torigre- . On Tuesday afternoon, three 0,:r • eheoo'ng thent,.th6 im- four- "boys', • who . might, be aceuiSed, portariCe: of icieals 'in living: worthy .lives. "Ideals are as necessary in • onr. lives';as spark , 1)11.1„gs• are ,in a carp". he stated, and exhorted his listeners% tb.i.leti. ideals govern. eur_-interests not our interests govern our jdeals. -Rev. Dickinson expressed his de- light in being heni and having • the, gation,. but net in an official Capacity priVilege'. of speaking • to the - as hodk Steward. Mr, • Maleolni. Watsen .serig a solo at the morning service, with, Miss Margaret Rae as soloist' lin the 'even - •••,5 of ealth mOtTiaguAittir' ,Ap,iti SERVICE:. . . , , . • P , , 'CREAM' PUFFS ...CHOCOLATE. 'LAYER A • PIES • ' RASPBERRy TARTLETS . , „ „ SkECtA BUNS • .13/9VGUTS * 'JELLY': ROLLS . SUN •;SOY: :BREAD,. 'PHONE 36 •: still in charge; but will retire drom the business shortly when 'Mr. Clair A.grieW Will take charge, • The building • is th&. ground floor of what was, formerly the "Old Tolvn Hall. It is well situated for a serr Vice Station, and preient plans indi- cate ,that the •SuPertest; Corporation will remodel the • building to" make it 'among the -most 'attractive' and mod- ern service stations in locality.' Mr MacKenzie durhig ,agsoeiation with -the. rnotoring7pnblie proved genial and Obliging, and as he severs this association he (Will- tur is --a en on ITas-STOlirifii..s-en-',Ed in renning.their farm in Einloss. . • .. . • . CHRISTIAN F,1,1,,,Ow:§1,1xp. cut:p A' Christian Fellowship ' Club for al) young people ,of High- School 'age And over Will 'Open in:Mo.-parlor abrive, the ExPresi, Office, . Friaai evening; June 4th; at' 7.45. , The 'Club will be Interdenominational. in ' nature but positively 'Christian., the, progi'arn to eensist'ef phoral. Singing, .Bible Coni- ptitions, Sermonettes, •Meinoriza- don ; of Scripture, Public Speaking; Bible StudY, Topics of the Day, a Question, Box Special Musical num- bers, etc: All Young. People Of the. Own and . . sari -Minding Country who ,have not appointments. in . their churches On Friday eyepipgs are derdillyi invited . ,to. cense and bringyour friends. A, bappy • and _profitable tiine is :premised to all whei. attend:. Please ,remember• to ,bring your Bibles.. --;P. E. ' "BIBLE ' MEMORY-. CONTEST , The boys and girls. who are enter- ed in,the ,Bible Memory Contest will .,, • . , be • encouraged to :knew Of the. inter-. est that, Outsiders, are- taking in :the coming ,Bible ?Memory 'Contest:: This Past •week substantial , gift of in.oney to 'help Pay for theprizes was received :train a Luclinow, girl. who 4 working in Toronto. The Con; test, will be held D. V. in Lackhow,' Tuesday evening', /..'Jtine 29th: Watch the ,•sritinel fer, farther • infermatioti. • as the • saying is "of having:a strohg back 'and,dr.'71-gre Niinci"..:endeaveured to ..drag. and •Plish.17kni ,the hose, Feel. No 'cars were afforded ,for_ theT-Job," 'blaine anyonc. for!. that, arid -firial§t • .ap' the:, three "horse ,POWer'' reel ,reached poiat, about half -way to: the ifire;; touple 'of 'Ashfield • men' -lent band to, -help-eat the. nearly exhatssteil.triot., On. a Serious outbreak the Minutes „ lost..4. getting. to. a,fire ibiS! iter:would be • important: On Tuesday It ,so happened, it didn't matter...- • ' .' • SECURES 13...A. DEGREE • interesting itein that we have previbusly—oVeriooked, Wis • the .suc: cess achieved by Malcolm Watso who recealy, completed his year :at, Queen's University, Kingston; where. .he., received his 13. A.I• degree taking honour standing., Maltelni Who Wai teaching Waterloo, resigned. his position' last yea k to enter.Vnivrsity and complete 'studying 'for his; •degree tle: took a 'specialists „coin* in biol- ogy and cheinistry.., • ft . • Goi16•attillitions •were in order when tht.s. plettire ,,Was snapped".t'olloWthe•graduatiOlVeXereiges for ,tlie Joe' .ottg§ 8t,,, Joseph's Tropical; t! of 'WWI; JetSio citen Zio 'Pietared left to tight: is, 111e iMaegeotte,, family a 141611'6W,, tittieltdoie,' Toronto., •A • MiHeptiO 4 - Passed Away Tuesday Mrs David•Farrielt One Of Ashfield's Original •Settlers, Passed' Awa, . On Tuesday In • Her Oth.. Year— Wa Kindly Mother Of A Family OtIEleven, Who With 'Her Husband : Hewed For ThemseiVes A }tome In :, The Virgin Forest -6R Grand: •children And •Great, Grandchiltirea 'Survive, • . ' ,.‘VaS terininated. Tuesday after:- long illness ..Of somewhat , over a neon, when Mrs. David . Parrish, passed peacefully away in Luckno*. at .the, home • of • her • daughter, ' Mrs. Minnje .1.1orne,: Where. she: has been bedfast for the past S'everalmonths. Iii sei•vedl.th, bee 1..s billIrtiLayrbruits4; until a Soot infection forded her .to bed, she enjoyed the best Of health,and was active and alert to a degree; that belied her age.' • daughter , of the late 'Iltomas. :Direksort. ,•Elliabeth. Armstrong; Ann Dickson; 'as • Was her" maiden .nerne, was born in Dnmfrieihire,, SOOtlanci. At the 'age of, i*o•yearS2she' came to, Canada with 'her parents; whorelated how hy grasping „ her petticoats"the little let. was saved ... from tumbling :over the side Of the old •;:saiiirig, Vessel; on: :which . they.. made tEe. tedious ocean voyage.-, The "Dickson' fariiili mune: alnapst irectly to .:Ashfield, 'tatiliag up land concession -01: Ashfield,, bout . three mile's'. west eff: Whatis ow Lanesville. Sixty-six, years ago ait Deeeinker,: their daughter' Atoi. eemrie the bride Of David: Parrish, ho • predeceased her twentY-five Tells- Of CoronatiOn Trip London, , England, , • May 9th, 1937. Dear tvir, I find- it rather •difficult: to Write.' personally,' but it is my ,desire to give you mY,description•of,the:.differ- ent events and places visited by. Mrs.; . toMlinpon. and 'myself, On • our trip. , It is .impossible to .describe the, trip. :down the St. LabrenciTarid acresi_the _Ocean ,by., pen." in detail,. The • boat • - from. -.Montreal, about , noon a 1 ,b .. • , • . years ago: The •young .:eetiple.,tnek lap •the farm now :owned .by her Isoiti-ed. Farriih: If was then virgin forest and Mr. and Mrp: Parrish' epraineaceci the task , ofhewing out ii.:horne for then -elves, in which'Aheir first fun- . iturb was chairs, made of Ilog stumps. Thiswas the bLiginhing :of a Pioneer • . . home, . where .'eleven , children.„ were • 'berm and •vvhere industry: and Igenial hospitality prevailed: •:PollOwing the death of her husband Mi'-. 'Farrisb..remairied,on :the: home- stead ,for:a few years,. moving to. .LticknoW' Some, tWenty...Years hge" to make :•h& home with :her daughter • :(Centinued on Page \ .4) • , Civic Matters Dealt With.By'Boosters' Club. 'Arrarige Canvas To COMplete Equip - 'merit Por7Pipe Band—Street Light- , ing And ,July 1st' Celebration • Other `MittersDiscUssed. . . , • „, Matters of CiVie•importance were chiceised, at a- Meeting of the ,Boos=, „teri' •C1.on Frida night, which eluded a canvassto CoMplete. equip- ping the •Pipe Band; , street lighting improv.enient and the proposed.','1104:: st .celebration. • Farther equipthent i.snecessary to toMpleteir Band Which has ,considerably increased it. Mini- bers and a canvass Was'.' decided updn to • achieve tlii§.:..Messrs. G. H. Smith and J. R. ,,McNeh were appointed as 4.ean,VASsing. cenlinittee,with:. power to appoint their "'own assistants. Improved Street lighting bY.Use .Of COlered,'•Iights was diSCUSSod, end ..IttpssrS: R. 44e,1 Wmit. 6 ,ell and W. W. tillappointed to take • up. thiS mitter,;COUndil bas.:agreed. to' 'Wire fict.ProVide lights': for .the .'street " and the 'Coninittee 'will determine If the a1ereliantS7-are Iini- f the lighting'. ,costs, The prop6sed 'first of. 4Uty .eelebra- mattae. hielight' fait terieratIscosairio, with patriot: d'enite arranged until it is It'itioW11 Whetifer 'the feature attraction of the da,V,o. Which the. has in e• was absollitelY' no riloV.OhiOPt • to the boat until We Passed' but of the river into the Gulf.-. For two daYs. it was ratherrough and. Severerof the Pas- sengers _Were, not feeling ' well. -How- ever we .niet •no icebergs and onlyran. hit° fog'. pear Englishcoast, which Only'. lasted for about one . day.' In inid Atlantic, it.•• • very,eahn,' in; fact we were in our 'shirt' sleeve's.' The Purer cia• :the:. boat, happened:ito ; 'be file :Assistant. piireer on ihe:'"141S- itania"; that. 'was . torpedoed; off- the Oast of during the great • War, and r autographed niy wife's diary. On gay "7th;,''. exactly twenty,- • two years .aftet the tragedy and ap- proximately, on the Iodation *here . it Sank, ITattirally • to endeavoured to Obtain his story, but he Was 'very' reticent • in .divulgieg, any rifferiria-: • .We disembarked ;it Sonthanipton .Saturday 'morning .at eight...O'clock, • Greenwich time. The Streets' of London. are. 'decorated with Ininting; .fiaga and streamerS :quite ,beyorid 'My power's • ' „ to, describe,. The Seati along .0ie;:. :route .are so '.cOnstriieted. that they :de', not detract from the heauty of.. ,the -City: Al) seats -are •coloured, red, , White' and. blue: The -streets' are all blocked ;Off bY -large gates, .which will • be closed,. Coronation, bay to '.aid in Controlling •the traffic. Our „seats •in Wastininister Abbey; be ,..the. , • , NOrth. Transept -giving es as :corn... plete 11 view of;orther actual, drironatien, 'service as is Possible: • saW ,to -day ' • the ..rehearsel. a :.Buckinghani Palace, - infwriceh-tha Royal Canadian Mannted Pollee participated. The Londoners 'certaip,JY' conimented, on': their per- fOrinanee, They; ....Vere' a „credii t,O: Canada as they :marched' „. I quite realixe that. •ithia. Will be • severa13,days' tefcire ,ietiching . However r wi1l.wiit my ihMiesSions of:: Ceronatien later • ,the Week: • , . 'With' kindest, Periona) regards... . • W. • R. TOMIJINSON,, Bruce, ' • • Custonier—Are • these eggs strictlY fresh? - , • Grocer ( his clerk ) —Teel 1tho.se • - eggs,. George,. arid "see if they'scool enough +to sell yet. • , ' APPRECIATION' HA'vIG'DISPOSEtt OF MY 'J.1IWELIZY AND REPAllt ' BUSINESS, 1 WISE TO, SIN CEREIS. ,THANK Y MAN''.Z, • CUSTOMERS AND PRIENDS TITTSDITRI('T FO1•: '1'1.11t1IR ,,PATRONAC)E . AND PLEASANT .13eSINE,8•804•ASI , SOCIATIONS'' P AS T yEARS, ' 'POti MY, SECCESSOR, WM; SCIIMIT) dr:'11ANOilt:4, " 13g8;141,4k A .'edi0IIKT.r-. ANPF• ok.:11-11S: 1),k711.0.N- OV.T;i:i's176 THAT 1,1A8 AghisTitt)NG Jeweller :tt �p ti-tt