HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-05-13, Page 8T. ff • et End e :•i l rSAuare: Deal • Corn ......'10c ciAniitrY Kist Peas 1O_ e Peas No. 4 ....:10c 23. c►.z. Libby Pork and Beans , , -• •'; rge, Kern.. Salmon, , . , .. Oile Libby'. Tomato Juice,' 1v4i./ z lk U t 2'. cans,... , , 15c Dates,; 3 lbs., .. .25c Prunes, 2 , . ,.. 25e Fancy California; ' ' _ ' Apricots, .:lbs. Red `'Rose "Gaffe . �' •! ..,21c �2S •ur. Specalx •'•i lirod tlm r :NEW SEED" •; TURNIP & MANGEL $EED ••'ALL, FRESH • BULK 'GARDEN CORM, PEAS ,'AND BRANS ompson 'Phone, 82 i'. ' 0 THE t.t1CKN W;SENTINEL, AKA N"G'._....',a • Mr. and Mrs Jim,,Blake visited' on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.; Will Alton Mrs.. Finlay Shackleton and little son Norman,, of Arthur. spent •Satur- da• y at the home of Mr., and; Mrs.• ,Henry Horton.. . Mr.:' and Mrs:' Jip Craig raig of St., Au- gustine, spent Sufdaywith Mr, and Mrs Will ,Andrew. Sunda cheol• . ,ill .be held ,. next Sunday. S w d Sunday morning at 11 Lin. •.Rev, Mr, Tucker .of • Service at ' have charge; of the service at Hackett's church:' in the -afternoon • Provincial SarP. reater Than At First. •Announced Full Pa •�— • ge . 'Advertisement '" In This: .Issue :Reveals Province's Fatrorable: Financial, Position— Surplus Of $9,313,938• Much • Greater Than; That Which WasFirst Indicated. The balance ,sheet of , a'' bust nesss in which every person, in Ontario is, interested, noteworthy for a substan tial, surplus and an equally substan- tial rlebt reduction, is .brought to the atteiltron of the Province • •today with t • a' a � .e rt_ '_ our We: are gl d tp..rPo ,, that the- publication of the Government's 44*.'4;.t t..' im-;'rbt li,n4il '•":.... ...Av. -, m, ;• � •year aust,'closed.,•• alonb nicely,, after,: his •recent oars.- ,•- tion, .. P?ige" advertisement o appears on a e seve , t . , . �• . ., P his •iss , Mi•" , g' it of ue of Phe. .J`miHenr'.a d'• rol �, i ;,; y, n �a,. ,. d, ` F�•na Sentinel' and is' o • 1 r: -a d• r r i d.; f interest and im. M `M s. , eo Sau er n G e. n s s e d. g' P • �, E�artan�e :to merit the attention of 'all IIall, • Kincardine.: , ; . Subject • • ; ., . ° .. . ,ole t to Vitidespread favorable 112r. `h'' h .. Itic a�• -a w JOY; of • d ;C. ,.m I?ungan- ..;oi5nnient;'when .-Hon. Mitchell ::F. He non, visit' d>. durin :'theweek With his'urn• Pri i "' A , , g ; g', ., , „ , . , me 1VI'nister and Provincial: t 3 daughter, M,rs ,;Milton pKilpatrick • Treasurer; `presented his" budget-' in. Mr. ` Tom 'Reid' of Seaforth': Mr.. 'the: Legislature, Ontario's showing Wilmer•:'Keyes of B'eyfield- and Miss `:�f: an ,:est4mated'°surplus of $7;000, Elsie Ritchie of . near- ,Bayfield,- were 100 after .pa ing •a xelie bill o 12 - visitor $-y 100;000; . was . considered: rein rk ole with Mr: and . Mrs. •'Thos. a .on 'Sunday.." •.nasmuch:' as it• represented -'the first Miss; Violet S urid 'rs f Zi balanced... budget in Canada since the a e o on, spent lepression.' The complete picture,.' as Sunday at, her home' • • revealed in the figures of the Pub- :. Miss Cora Thompson- is. assisting 35hed •statement shows: the ` actual ,her aunt, Mrs. Frank •G,len, of Dun-- surplus to be much larger than -Mr gannon at present: ; • Hepburn .indicated, namely $9;313, Visitors at the home of •Mr.' and. 938; and this 'after taking car o s :Richard:' doh stop - �0; �1 a .-opt included—Mi, un Hiran3 •Moffa4",but' of 13"270 000., and:ttyo sous,. Keith and. Donald`' of.'„ This more have justifies the 'emit= Union,.. Mrs, Thos. Alton of Lucknow,.• merits .which have already been 'mad Miss Alma and Mr,' Tom and. Harry not only in' regard -to the successful Alton, financing. of the Province's business Satut•day ,ti ith Mr. • and •Mrs, ,!Thos reader's. � ZION Miss Violet ;Saunders spent Sunday with her parents; Mr. and Mrs. -Geo. Saunders, Mafeking.. . Mr. and Mrs. ;John, Gardner. .and! `daughters, visited _on ` Sunday with Mr, and' Mrs. Lorne Woods, l' Mr. and, Mrs.'Joe .Friibma n, and family of Leeburn, were visitors, with Mr. and Mrs. Will'. Gardnex, recently: ' Messrs, Chas. Anderson and . Win.. Reed •'were among the guests at the - home: ;of Mr. -and :.Mrs.; Will Reed, Rapid' City,, on. Friday evening, in honor of their daughter Eunice's seventh°birthda yam. • Y” �tL Ul� artr. pastor,. Rev. Patton was taken. ,,• oto Goa r _ e ich hosgitaI on Wednesday „of last week .'‘Or. en append*, ., . , ., Pp pd, operatio�i frorri which he'is (hung. as` well • as - could: . b . e e e d: . t . �. c e 'Rev. Tucker,A.,.of: Lueltnow Dnited Church, kindly: offi- diate j on Sunday in thelafternoon ac` n . Ricketts'. and. Lion ,at • ni htr:e Text Sand g ay*, Mr.' -Tucker: will:, " rase " `.at -'Haclfett's' appointment at • 3 p.m.. Mr.. •and . Mrs. ' Ernest : Gardner Cecil- and Marion, visited- friends in Wing -ham Saturday," ,evening, i. for ,a year,' but also .with respect to o `the resulting -:effect on :Ontario!s ition•'. in the; financial' markets of- the world,, as,, well as%�the'substantial re- lief it, . becomes, possible to •give ' ,tc taxpayers. ' of all classes, ' ` Action of the, , Treasury' Depart'. .meet in, Publishing 'thea—state-me .-t- .k ire—press ia- a teparture in;govern Ment' procedure' and one which is. de- signed to give promptly;, 'all the, facts e. of the Pay As -You -Go policy• to' the persons most interested ---the , tax- payers. • • • ti AbrOre-Oldsmobile Six Coach Fvith.•Trvnk' "' � � aR .*WNRS WILL TELL you that this bigger and finer Oldsmobileis unusually thrifty on +gasoline and • oil—and it' is: the wisest investment they.,ever 'made. And Alio; longer you own-._ art Oldsmobile the'more:' ' dehglited youwill. be with pits .economy for: Olds mobile ?is quality -built •to save you•money ort .upkeep.. Compare this great new: Oldsmobile :with . any 'other Ns " '', Car 'and ou'll realize. that 'it••offer9 ou more features; ��:ESS: ,,for•': ur money=more ollar-f' Y. tit y� .. ?' •., .. d... ,, or dollar vale=at today's low..prices: You -can, own a- beautiful mew. !ER MILE ' Oldsmobile' on low,: monthly payments'. through the General Motors Instalment:, Plan: ..• :.:THE• -CAR .THAT 11A EYERYTHINGfOR 1937' Lontiie'11V.kelbste Blsser, Rowel* Bodia HIah.t-Powered Enslnu • .1.- 'Improved asteh New PAIS' Tenet iOW Rollie by • .Fisher Suo r,Hvdnille Bnhes '` Nsw,hnpreved War AsIs Comimcdos: NeW Dual SistilJisen Knee Action •whsele. Fisher No-OranVeaaleao,, e New Cs* Control Stssdni • PRICED FROM 1N i6-oyL; Sppoort Coups with Opera: 'Seats/ Delivered qt factory, 0bhex�'a; —Qat2-Go►ernmen!"' taxes, license and':frei4hf ed.'• ditionel: : (Prices. eubrect 'to change without notice)' :8 -Cylinder Models also AvIuabls St •; • wo foraN a• LQCA • hand GENERAL :.Mr . s George' ;$�hit e y ,of Toronto is visiting with . Mr nand Mrs, , Harvey Webster. •, ..Mr; Greg Leith of •.Peterkorongh; spent the.. week -end tli o ifs:the h iii hi-. rs pare. R. •ntsD. '. , Cameron has returnedto: her home here, ace ` anted • . by Miss Dorothy s BarrY.-:..: , Lv Miss `Jennie' MacKenzie of Toront s week -end ex►d , , spent thewith Mr., qq and Mrs. It V. .Ma.cKenzie ' :u tYS .wh - n i .,fy,: O y ori`'soine time has: been ,living in Saskatchewa n is, now residing at Georgetown. ' GET THE VALENTINE 'Chief of Police: Boots. ' J. LITTLE'S at. •W1 Shoe ' Store. -Guaranteed waterproof; Make our, garden grow better: and Yodr ;flowers,blgom earlier, by Using Two 4k Qne :Plan Food;-.4. WM. MURDIE & SON,: t1 Coronation Bali • in the :forin,� of a prograih dance, is being held, in the Town•,lIall. Wednesday evening, spon stored by the Arena Club, • Mrs,. Brabs`on ,and' Jack. of Windsor accompanied .by Mr. 'A:• E. Collinsi of Detroit, spent the laeek.end with Mr. and Mrs. , David Huston:•• ORDER 'YOUR SUIT for May 24,, all new 'samples,; Tailored strictly up $22:00, . a up. 'TEMPLE CLARKS; Merchan illor, Mr. E:,W, Rice' ofSt. ,Helens, •has. secured a -petition in the ' grist ' mill at Londesborough and?.he .and Mrs. Rice left on Tuesday for, Blyth, where ' they 'will' reside for. the present'. :DON'T MISS'. THIS 30c tin: of Utilae (any „color) and a :25c brush —both for 25c. This.. offer •• is good 'only till.; May .31st—,WM MURDIE After four.° ears in : one of the Jey,'nt apartments;' the 'publisher` and” Mrs. Thompsontook up residence the: _first ' 'of the month—•-in---Mr,--W J, Spindlerrs.::house,' across: from:' the Po r,ed : Two carloads of meif berg •;of United • Church T.134. S; attended the Bruce Presbytery Young Peo on On Or •:night, When .. Stewart Oollyer was elected vice president -. Public :.and High, •,School' students were on Monday' presented with', Cor °nation .medals purchased by the ' Municipality Ani+ surplus medals are,' being ',distributed to :children- of pre-school .age Arm ° Mitngled •Sam McNall,.'an employee of ' the Goderich elevator," and , formerly, of • Lu' know;''had his -aim badly mangled in an accident last week while un loading the steamer Bricoldoe Armstrong W.ilskdn is .: at present • delivering ';C N R .freight,'. which• business for: •the''last seven years- has; been: 'in charge of 'Mr, Allan McTav ish,- ' ho with 'his',fainily is residing, on: and operating: the Miller 'farmon the :'.'Second; •Concession,' West. The permanentappointment"• for :freight cafitage 'has not 'yet.' been' made. • Mrs J A. Robertson,-,accompan-, ied her ' nother,Mrs.. D. -Geddes, came up from M. .nt Foreit to sRerid' a ,fe' days at th . old home Mrs. Geddes, wjio` has `nQt been enjoying. good'health, had :only been here a .few ', hours, wbeii' 'sihe .became quite poorly and it was : necessary -to re- move ,tier by, 'ambulance ' to Mount :Forest Hospital. • • KINLOU_C:H Miss Winnie Perey of Kincardine is spending a few days;at her..• home here. 'Mrs. Toting of Culross: visited with Mr acid Mrs. Wm :.Pinnell 'on Friday. evening , r . • Mrs;: M ,.•McLean.was in` Kitchener S' day: last week. Mr. and Mrs. • Blackwell . and 'dau. ghter . of ,Listowel, spent Sunday with, :• IV rs :.P _A,_ _Blackwell. • M•r.: and Mrs. A. MacKenzie • of Embro: spent;; the , week -end -with•-rel• atives here • •W -e are sorry to report• -"that Mrs H .Bell is in' very poor health' , and is at the home •of her daughter, 'Mrs. Geo Iialdenbyi -'"q� .. , •Mr4 and Mrs Jsil .of Chap leau and Mrs, H.• Brock;' of, pwen, Sound,-_ spent last week with Mi sj F A 'Blackwell :... Friday last, being Arbor Day,`t e teachers and pupils of S. 5: No's ' 2 THURSDAY, •;14,I4Yr .13th, f93. I ON. • MBi.E . 'S D U L E KNEE. EE• 0V A L - .._ .. ..�..:.... ...., 1.59reom armenec al BOYS'. OVERT•'CLOTH T. SUITS—Shirts with ZiPPer. Pant : Elastic. Waist Yon .boy willl .,,_an these,' Sizes. 24-36t .; : it s Peri Suit 1 50 • _,.D„. O S SHIRTS; T . i1 e COV'eit c.1 tht fu11 cut. . , � .�•' n •x •p.x M y • ' MISSES' STRING BLOUSES -7 -Short S Sh,,.ort Sleeve. Colors isWhite,Pink, .. •, Peach; Yellow; .Green. Green 9c KNEE HIGH: HOSE—Elastic Top. New •, summer shades Full' fashioned:, Pair ... T3 14Fr.'GL O a 5 en g1i a +fia re c ff.' 'Special _ Vi lrsrrUR , • 0 READY-TO-WEAR DEPART • MENT !'VHEN IN , NEED OF A, DRESS. . .' ' ' WONDERFUL ,,, .. U VALUE f --TiTE=LAP RIYOF:ING RIB -ROLL :ROOFING. Thmanen. and low upg • ug:has ' extra keep epercoatof thio cemetal roofinrigThisiditdy thatrable; makesroofinit•pp.art cularly makes itoneofthe moat eco- goodforroofing overalightframe- noinical on the market.. Tete- F workThe secret ~1.1':tipGalysaized ��t ea ah rt ]Rn'o;8irg�`givea- ' bs are only ve inches apart!.. sss greatest covering capacity. The moat copied roofing of its kind „:The end' lap is eo tight,it is on •the.market: Be eure�'.yyou.get . almost ' invieibte; ppositively"•, 'the genuine, •economical' Rib-Ro11 , .. excludes driving Sleet, ''rain; Roofing"! • • bi��inow:: '.• ''Ask yourbaiiker.'fordetaileabout fiend roof 'and rafter measure- re.roofing`' • on the Government: • menta for free estiniates ,backed. Home Improvelaent•Plan. ;• JAMESWAY POULTRY EQUIPMENT c :vac t>em Writs for information on anyatems in the corms, aL A a- • ritin, The plate Jamese/ay line Broodor houaee. heating • ML ,vzp iu, leadrooting.•.The systsm',_incubators %laying .cages..veatalator . a -lead on: the systems. Use Jamesway equipment•forprofts. head seals :: the nail - ]:astern reel p�roldus Guelp6Strest• Jodie Paetinfeselse at PRESTON, ONTARIO. , MONTREAL,and TORONTO GO:;' Any.' time from'noon. • Friday, May' 21, until 2.06 _1 p rn.:Monday May 24•. RETURN: Leave ' destination . up to,�midni hg t Tuesday, May;: 25;1937. N .. �. b ' joret and fi rtber Tnfirmaflon; apply to Railway Ticket Agm j. 74" NATIONAL, 3,.4; 5• held a . happy '.gather ngin • •. ,To ,' APPEAR-- THURS DA' our= school; �Followmg the •lunch . at ; noon :hour,..the .merry party gathered Arrested at: :11,;:,::ionto on the nom$ iii tale,basement ora:::: enjoyed a: hunm ' charge of :ing stolen " good, lser' ofro>ipagtalnes,,.This was follow John a, nd Fr�G;srniss mill; -appear e y a short. program `of charusCs Viii po ice Court<Goderich' ori Thurs ' ' �readings, .:';dialogues, - contests and' - day. According o e a . despatch " from nmusical numbers, ` A softball.". game Goderich, it is alleged • accused •are brought the afternoon to a close. implicated . with . Caswell' Hackett ui . '•. McWt filbert Haldenby' of, Toronto, the, disappearance of many household Spent the 'Week -:end with; his perentti; articles from theHome of Mrs $. D, Mr,•:and Mrs' II; H; Haldenb Cameron while she' • elsewhere during the 'Winter. ' A