HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-05-13, Page 6rFV.1 ; Wir'At • •‘• ••• ••• r 01„.Y.NN,WARD ''• , • . • •• . • Claudia Townsend meets Dick - Whalen at a 'hockey game in Seattle one night Her interest in, Dick in. 'fudiates Wallace , Hornell, • ' rich young lumbers'nan, who Wants her to ' marry him. To get Dick out cf the ' way, Wallace offers him a. jobein one of his 'lumber ,camps in l3r4tish Co- • lumbia. At the camp, Dick accident- -Iy-discovers that ItorriplVa. min are • 'working., stolen timber. lands. He asks for an explanation, but Brad- dock, ,the boss, puts him off and next day leave's for Seattle, The follow- ing dos! Claudia stops in at I3orneles • office, and,by chance, overhears' Hornell soisd- Braddock plotting to do amity with Dick. She decides to go to Burns Lake herself, to warn• • Dick. larsiddo'dit` recognizes her, on the boat going noi'111„_however,,,and he manages to reach the camp the via3L.hefoke_she arrives, !night:, ,'be • .awkWard," but, Claudia had come too far to W,errY ceitV,enticin„al diffiCulties. S e • ' wakig. iii::the,,,mcitning, at,the,sta.ttob,' ' 'of:the inti4teeper. on' thedoor. to fell her thesleigh would be there.,, in; half • an:11024 • ' : . ..•• 'AO' Wbalen had done, ,,Claudia left he gtips at , the inn': and: took' With • her 'only. her ,mountaineering. bayer- sck with night -things, a Smollsilver • flask of ;and:, a•stardy •,,`,7,ays, on outdoor ,lng up her .skis;' she elimbed,.iiite.-the ",'fient ' ,,. The ',driVer looked at 'her with Her, brown 'felt ,hat fitted , ;clasp:Jo her 'head and tarried beck, ',over tWO wings that gave her the look eta; Mercury. She. Wore a., rod: -scarf, 'Short. beaVer, 'coat • .dark' corduroy' ' knicketa. .and 14060 1/0' to, ber knees:, •:, ..Her -dark.4yea Were -alight With in- • terest as' She teak in•-thei"yest,...ini,• Mensity ',•of-. the: ceinitty,..and-. asked manner.of 'questions Of.tiM.drINP : et.- The Sun. rose, „tliining.•,all. the .•,:inoWs,about• theinto-a-toSy•tiink,:jiiid •• Claudia, ettelairned-, at ,the beeetyof it: ." .• 'Pretty.. -:enough,: pretty enough to • agreed,,,,_ the 'driver, • long's . a' person don't haveto be 'milt the jarring screech' of', •the long h.efore they reeeh, ' '• .ed the cainp, When the 'sleigh•ptilfe . . , . • , , ed.;ep., near :the office -cabin ,Clandiat Was chilled ilticiugh. • The men alitait tamp glanced t her curiously, should 'sheask' about'Dick? • But Braddock, was Waiting fer her • He came out of the .offijee;,gtivti hed a sniffing 'geed -Morning and :asked • what ,Ite could do fOrlier..' • ' *ant: to ;speak 'te,I1r. Whalen ilehete?" • • ,` .• • , Whalen's out • at, werk. be baik.along,,abeut tea -time." . ,• Claudia 'got ' 'down out of.. 'the,'•:, "sleigh and followed Braddock "dde,.7fitere Was„,a, rostring4fire4nAbe- . Stoie and she held out hands It& the 'warmth'. "le there' no Way • l'eotild'2.reacn Mr.' Whalen now?" she asked.. •, Braddock with .easy , • ,faniiliarity, "it sure *St; he import- ant te: bring youall tills "way to 'See bite!" ' • • • Claudia knew raddock,had recog- nized her on ..the' boat. , 'Did he Peet her of laving' overheard his talk. with Borneil; If so, le wds double - •-• Orossing her. She Mustnd out, where. •Dick"wasfrOlU someone find out at:. once. ' .• ' • • nrelPle Boraeli a frienid • yours. too??? ,Braddock ' was' saying,. 4.`Th t's like ,4 .pretty girl., to •o strings ta• her bowl" ' Ulandia, 'regardedhini ieily. , "If Whalen i;then 1 ustgi and, '-nd someone Who WilL". , "Just: a caoment;"' said Braddock. ,"I'll be right ,baek.',' He went out. t • '1' .understand Why • y-.111 should take it uponf yourself to dis-. miss my driver,". she, said, as Brad- dock Came up, ' ' , ' • : He feigned surpriSe:. ":' • "Poor....chap'oeuldn't wait hereall •'day., 'Yeti :said you Wanted to, Wait for,,,Whalen so ,'1; paid, the, driver and, • told him lieNotild, go., When Wheleti.; gets -bac, yob, ,cturgo-in-With one of our €his Look?i here P11 go sivOr:'-to',the epelc-iniase, end tellthe Chink . to YOU' 43oinethi4 'to-, eat. •-,:y1.1g11,abring-it-,-oYek," Ina "PlV comtr,"e'Ver to the. teolthouVI't Apt' ,gpt, . Anything to escape tfrom - this man and get:ohano* tO,...spoak to some- one Who 'might give her some infor- mation. alient.Dick... • • "}o Ching!" she 'heard Braddock •shout., • "Ho :there, Chmg!" The- Chinese came running from theAcitcherrilber, ;7 - - •, ",G6t.••this lady:: a Cut(' 0' hot Coffee and '65tnething to eat: I get' t6,4; : to the but be beck in". a • remote. , • • • Claudia' watched him "JIM; his. way across the •snow to .,the null If shewent Outsidet, to: speak to 'any , body nOw, he ,woad sea and inter-,..: ••cepther.: at:: once. • • • ' • "One velly cold day, yes' Mimeo dlink up iiiffee;\be'hot!" „• The cbele:s ''kindly invitation re- called liet..to, the fact that he. had set "food and drink on the table for her,: She 'thanked him •and began :to _,LP.017 oot.: aMip. Of_ coffee,_:.'Huddenly •it .stiuck',• her that '1rnight kjuiNv ' 'where' Whalen. was. ' • ' • 'Yon know :every • man in this place,'.:Citing?"_. • • .° "Sure, ."1 "knew all. Missee • look •torl-sonteone -". •• "Yes,"' she. said„..impelsiYelY; looking. • for: , Mr. . ;Whalen, do.; you. know where' he .isr. '• Mesa eleju one •.,velly• geed Mani e m7.',1ife one tiinerr ' • -' "Nes, • h&j'nice. know$bilt can. Yon tell Mewhere, he. is?" •. 'He: go out in .woods today; svelly early Morning, Go long with Mglia,rtY,' they conie „get' lunettes Ago • take„.43O Maybe fari'WaY they go,: Mo- • Harty, he ene velly, mkt!" : Ching. told her. Somehow :.. she truSted Ching. 'Be „ had '•said that . Veit 'wad. "one vellY good znaii":,so he was .Orobably :Correct. abont the. been Sent -Mit alone with. hire'!" ' The *cads she had overheard in the Bernell office Lime' bA0c .te• clearly, "Get .rid of • hint- somehow and' quick,", •, had riaid.,• •'•'E,asY enough, .there's ...aplenty , up . there with a:grudge against Whalen. 'iSOecially 'one fellew;'#and 'its it :IntO- pens:I'Ve got something On him . . This Moriarty mriSi the man ,Hraddoeh, htd Meant! . (Llo' _he ,dentinubd). - „ • , : • • t. • 4 Des or Living ,SIiouId Be Goal Of All Education Ever,-Inereltiini Need to Direct LifelOng'LLnleneueecfeFitness I • , TULSA,. Okla. ,:,,,,,ptincation for' the, task4-Of•-modern iiyin$ was .held today as 4; goal of. thought and. Oetio'u. for the General- Federation 0 WPM. en's Qltdm. , 'berta; 0i11ifmei1 ;hat -1064 - si'dent,in: her' pre,sideutiai^ address prepared, for. deli,Veryto, the, •year)Y.*7 ever,:increasing '•/le.9„1 for OOkatieg Wing: ',It is g peed' for:. the '-sort. Of 'Once - tion that ,Will direCt.eutt:L•iiving info the :rea,lraT,of:.calur .attd. o otir rona1 fitliess and , checkup On the .infitieace we. ra .to those., about . • The national president: .use4 ,that PoIlle to direct tho delegateei'.'.atten- • tion to • the . foremost matter before the federation, g reselution takiu a. stand on President• „Roosevelt's Plat!: . a,te on't Eat With - ' • Part of Deportment For Fair 5tx: of. Century AgO, • • . ' • "777' • f 14,43NDON, Eng., Have cUstoma and rannocre •changed . cellsItlerobly. since the Ceronatiou of' QUeen.'Vlc..: tori i in 1837? " • • deportment haridhocilt, : that _ 4date, ',Dedicated to. The Fair. $ex of Great Dritatn,',' :makes • ,amtteing re417. licorlY'' 10,Q. Oars after 'its purtli- Ar,140,1887. had;:te: remOlpher*tt the good table •Mangers'wereesseatial, to- sollo,Ltho $ucie.:%sse,;•egrto,,cizi6yoa il,ov;!,at.itiiplo;0•ett,,ht: your...imifo',4.4- It 'ie to be usecl as a divider rP"te Otef ho,i1?:r•a gt'iO.cl'" • was. 'also •in eluded" lia.;.a social editdatien: Evidently. thTyP. %VAS . nothing "sq. hratally'sliookiPg; norso fekiven, a 'seeming', inatten• .tion to the 'person, flint is speaking; to , deblit4i1..t.e ,Or•wag-mit„ en ceuraged to .make casual friends: dies usuallx ilave a proper ,§cuse, of their own., itnportance," one chapter states, • land therefore it Is, ba.rdly ne- cessary p say that if a gentleman presumeT to tecognize • .o'n :la , y_ , haying' danced: ;with yori at hall, you , will .tket %return his salute; but will clevetly ayert, your, bead, so that he will reeeive tine cognizance Of Your rebuke." • • • • 7 Whi?.,D6 Tooth Decay?. .for -reergani;atitat, of. the. ' Pelted ' States Supreme Court. • 41ducatien', ger' woel4,, be a shale, without. rem 'knowledge 'of the 'frewora: ..of our.,:governmeut," „ 'he Storing, Fe,er , • 1 a1,1, yearning now Tor a summe't :day And O lonely weoilland trail : That leads me t� hollowed spot In a :cool, sequestered dale, •.."' • Where, ,the: whisn'iing of • lazy' stream, .Befits my, wanton owed . '..And. bids 'Me shed my Worldly care 'Ere I onterA$Eiture's qaietude. enelianted • For. ftis.,k, mystic,: magic. • Wherb..bird-sengs and echoes Mingle: ndiel),113'-randL-4tvines4.entbracia;., Aldtitsottirlifwextlitisitevaliettat , , . • ,P,OrfMna theYory sad, . ' And iii witli deepest: reVerely.e, Por T.IcnOw thet meat. it" God. Montreal: • 'Anne Ponietoy, Why 'teeth decay is still an unsely7 . ed problem • to, dentists. The search is being constantly ' carried ,tofind some • factor that may ' beheld te- sponsib1etnit-4Wiptent ',ant -definite: - the mOst ,recent test is Afar Made at •Itarvatd ',Dental •Selool .4,Ite.ye ,Lorseli,. instructor 1•14).p.aratiie4lentjatryintlA4, ..plifrffertre-SiStarideSS •Medieine; • made. a , detailed' st110 bf 110* Cases of children ,*ho cattle • ur- der 'their," observation '•for caries or tooth deeay These ' .i.nVestigators .Aeyteiso ' delicious 1.. • Crisp,dainty little *Cies of inaelting joy that ajtettially make •• •'soups, salads and shacks taste', • ,better. 414 eres 0 ristie Biscuit for evely taste found: Statistical evidence that hi:vs suqer more that!' ,girls from,. toot decay, EXaininatiOn oinet4f;eigh vases- showed • that..• fifty-one girls, With an aTerage age .of 7.8 years, had . tuf average . -:,of 8.1 -cavities an ith an ..avetage 'of ,6,0 year, had art average of 13.7. efirities ,an vidual. "fWenty cus.0 including the five best and five Worot among boys and girls 'slioWed'that thehigh caries allinOg boys average, 32.2 and among girls 16.8, the • 107 caries group. the boys "averaged 2.6 while' the girls. had' no. cavities. • Heredity,,' diet and a large • number pf. other • factors ,,were Studied without fiiiding • any positiVe Correlation with jto.oth • decay.. The OnlY item that seeined to anr---conneetioni- ho"' causeO;- • *etc whilfira'fir-cliseases involving 'prolonged, fever, the ' presence Of eciduric bacilli in the Mouth; and to Li e e .r c eta'. eakl r Coolas For All Occaaions. unlucky the cbild of four or : fortywholives' in4 house . Without conk/ jar., And 'unlucky : the conk. whonever • knows the thrill of, 'Inal0 " hig 7.--a-r;Vaitlety7-OrYlancY7tindt7Sterf taity. Cookiee. There are, so many. oectiaiens when 'yen; will be glad that • the coakY jaris full. These lovely Spring, days, for instsive;_ when ,...tho children p3M0 home from salon' 'ray- eitously •hungry., -give them; COOkies 30 eat. • They .pan take :the* Outside and oat while playing. l.ong, sunny' • afternoons •,'bring. • many. of ,YOur • friends •tti year •door strolling and with a host 'of , daintycookies ori , hand, You. need have .no haSitatitort in , asking them in tiar lyet,ip of tea, •'comOanied'Of course, by, any of the, •.coOkies for:Which the.. recipes ate ,given‘ below.: These , dainties,weJl ztiade, vvhicii necessitates- Using . the . finest , and . best cake flour ' -on the tion, not :only among , your .adult ' friends .but ariong your, :younger ,acquamtances.• - • , • Cookies for paltiescoOkies for ' elier.Y.Aayri-Lco_saidett...fOra:aabigh..,4days- d ' these •reeipes With :the pia of a few' • fancy ,Cutters and a little imagine-. tive decotating. 'Nut Florentirieli , . • ;1'14,mpg:sifted cake. flout; 1 tea- - 'Moon baking, ,poWdet, 1/2 teaspoOn salt,' otio bit* oz Other' short- ening,: .j,° cup sugar, '2' • eggs, %Vvill beaten; teaspoon tint meats, chopped, • ettpbroWa• .: sugar, firmly _patked,l'A__'..tedipoon_ vanilla;• 1 egg•Wbite, tiffly , beaten. -7-27Sift'flour-ortee;ineasure;--miti-blilr,-: ing pokier ,and; salt, ;and sift again Cream butter .thorou,glilY, add .,sugar •, gradually, end' Cretan together until Hot and,Jltiffy,. Add eggilind, van- : and beat - well Add flour 'grad;',' heating Until stianoth,eSpread 014 in tlitee greased Dns, ."8 8.• izielte,s: Sprinkle 'with' ' tints. •!.• • . Ileatbream segar and•vanilla beaten egg White, and continue •• beating Until inixitire. thickens again'. • FREE CREAM. SEDTORS, Be' one Of the three May farnieri :to get a . brand new. 1937 streanilined stainless ANKER-HOLTIls separator FREE; sand poetal for Entry 'Blank. d 411 t' 6 t separating t an Ow o u cOs s in, • Half' , nothing to pay, simply expresS,. your Iopinion..' Address AlsIlaini, ITOLTII,, EOM 1=a;',8oroto; Got, , , lame 5; 41, • ,Spiead thinly ons4rface:Of dough. ':Bake. in slow OSten ',(225 'degrees F.)•. • .39 minutes,. 'or: :-"- done. ' tirely cool, cut' into strips, 1% -'*'3 • inches. ,itemoita from Pao. ',„'Makes about 8dozen , When': en‘. : COcontit. Cream .Jumbles, , ' Three, .aup'v sifted, cake flout, 3 , , teaspoons baking'powder, • tea.„ spoon ,sedaiirteaslieen..salt, 11/2 eupe sugar, ,2,eggs.,--:7Svel1 beaten, 1 cup .beavy:seuepream, .1 teaspoon vanilla, .2' cups- 'coconut, premium 'shred,: Sift flour once, measure; add bak- ing Powdet,„ Soda, arid salt, and sift: again; •:-/leat sugar into:" beaten eggs. 'Add creard,•', • Vanilla' `...and • :cocaina and, mix until blended. Add . flour 'end lift well Chill:thoronghly, , Roll 1/2 inch thiCk.on, slightly floured • board.' "Put •with flOnred cooky cut- ter into eircleS. Place far hItioPtgr---oevilene---4,-Cb4a0k0i!-1:dgefirsheeeefit--V-i-d)± 7.1.2-111-711.5 nuniites, , or. until • done: •Makezt:30;•"coOkies. •.(One cup sweet, ;:treany :May ',1zo.substituted. :for sour cream and: soda in this. recipe.) ' "rourups' sifted cake, fiour, 1 cup :sugar, "2 'i,ups ;hutter:. 1:,egg well .,beaten, 1 teaspoon' Stft flotzt. once; measure, and sift• ' again: Cream butter thoroughly, add sugar graduallY, and cream together until -,iigit and•Aidr3r.. Add, egg and beat Well. Add flour, a small innotint'• at a 'tittle, mixing 'thoroughly after each 'addition.. Add•-'yanilla . and • blend, SbaPe into 2' refit", 1% in diatneterv4iill overnight, ;or un- . . .41 firm, enough to slice, and cut in • -rthin7eliees.,--Or-press-dough7through- cook3r .-press. :t Hake ` on tingriaied „ cooky sheet in. hot Oven , (400. gives F.,) 4 to. 5 minutes, i, or, until done. *ekes 5 doten, 'cookies. . These,' rich coOkieSare especially dainty: for refreshnientg.,. • .VVhen they May be decorated attrac- tively 'with .kits of - canilied. cherry, angelielt or citron, hopped nuts, eel - bred sugar, or decorettes. • . • r Pot yeiiii; ' . sttot• , .,. . led .2, ••• SAR1)EN SUPPLIEt :. • Remoinber that: "You jind,the bOet , - at.PERRONPV. a 8PECIAL . tariii o..,; • ,..i..... . .. ,Send :10.1ii.Onr.,ips Ind you .will:recelvs St,. ; tilialidei O. Sikilehni tioiliss No: 2640..alid • , our macrons/tat leseleetaiogue.fuayrituo- a .trated. 172 prides, *0641 In. natural coloitrille tii le. finest and moet ' titillate*. ht•Canadai: 0. ' ' VitlIPl 114)N were's.. seen44e.,s,. E.,n past aymom '0654t),kwatairgowa.140t4Y140(.. - . , . ., .. , . . , cco Mer4 Get More New Agreernent in. Quebec, •Also cutaWW' • . -,. WW1, MCNTAtAL; Chairman Guatave .‘17143,:ilea •,the Quebec .Wage Beard . announced' last, week 'a .cotiferonect :Of workers and employers In the province's tobacco; cigar and cigar_et .MannfactUring' ,inditstry proved: new :whge`yates' ranging fkoM one .to four penis lionr higher.: The, new: agreement,: effeative, Ang- 'not 1; cuts two, hours .from ,the induo- trY's 50;1one week •and .provides •that. at :least tw,o-thir'de of all • eznploye'es 'filetta-e-Of present, Inuit •teceive$1.5.0,0, week • wage paid workers `•*,ith two y • expet'enCe... • 4rila -w oeet#, c;ri Prittiag Clock : 'Bvery ,anivetsilz man ••inust hence.' ir,th honotir by. sabre '!:An..ttfFair 't,f, honOur,'? it is ,,.offie (ally :etatet.;,• "tnay, Elea! with love,' end' rapi. ta,tion of self; fatit:: The" sabre is :••; ftlongwith tf,' quarter 411chl tents& Itaio , 1.• • Afttittneth.: It • is nearly twentY- three VP ats Since, the .War Started and ,yet 'kat year 'fourteen new ea'ses, were sdrajiled, to :St. Dunstan's—alI tlsef. per wbc. have now gone • biin as:a re.stil/, of:haying 'been ,gaSs; ed. Durine.:'.the...rart five year near-, new cases have been: .! • rxpen?ive :Buttonhole: An ,English •:Ntiniition tattled' ,at. :11,00Q: caused great.interest. io ,disPlay, in New . York. Thr -.•-high ,prica, is due. -tep the. bet:used, :es the seeds. • seldom .liFed,,..tTue• It :about five 3.4 -ars to'dvtlop: • • t Want • • • ' . • , • NeerlY 80,. ...000'“Unclaitned accounts exist in the ..POst :.9ffive..'Stivir'gs 'Bank. They:. range iron a fon shillings to diedOf, p ninth the .average work 'ing out atohont £10. . „ ' .; roe, Plantin ublie. enefit •. • . rglia 1L. 4OeltigaA, Cb1tiago,1;.*rite8i' 'AeOgIliXt# In3; erly llfe in C4±1.4flaas g pioneer eurrountied, by thn racist ' 'beautiful 'wooded districe in Aineriba • tre..q,.;)yottlerfut trees in ever., dAec- • tion ;Ontit th ttdVegt, or, the Se.i.ttetVN ,• then the- destruction Of the trees yes ,the principal industrj, now•.set.... • •',The 01)11)0 Was ,;Sold at a low' pri6.6 6, hurtled' and the" ashes. madd 1 040y 1,11 & 00LftNU04' Jr • Pett)0§, . • , • .• • • . It. tiet tintbci e10 10 ;•iistqiice• to- day 3,791i...svpula, have all S5et c'w(itrta. en,sr,y lyIp out- debv:444:•10,1,;(3..ropr shlistantial . • plus sr' 'to: my., .native „. ss the flaaatititui wooded .d:strictS that fOrmerlY . . . it. Now t .tind :to7ns -And•reities • better , wooded than, the -..tarinf. ale- • filets: are, . . • • The time hits arrived 'when th.c.sqb., • jet of tree nlanting,and- tree priOtInc; tion sliQuhV.be of first im,portanCe to eNery lOyai citizen 'of Canada. 'EVery farmer .shouw. 4ov,03 44, the. least 'one-fourth. of. -his land' . the • - 'prciductibn of trees, In the jet* of a, 4-s0,10-0,-,witiri.nrin-ei °us ehat,-io trees in other. seetions.:' .„ , • . , ' suaprier 1,fooded !rseclion -forms a,...corrifOrtahle shade fot'; "the farm Utobk"Ood. o ,h000tifol hooloVor,„ . bitds and other wild lite. #ad.inyilic winter.' they , term apiucl1. Wind -break • aad atornisThey ilso.,•Proteetk. the wiloW from :StItldett .thaiver ithris preventing. • the, Cause . of Many' diSaiztretw The' fallingyleates every year iiitiVide'• a valuable 'fertilizers -which ,.1 muieh needed: at this.. r „,..,---„Tree:_p1anting„Antreaus.:Lsh0utd4.-be established -4n' evei.'Y, .Ortivinee;., .Ca: • Yriada. And trees should'. be •supOlieci . free of 'Coat,..te• eVety, individual 'UOration • 'or who , will' Wage ecale are sflg ty owerouts Montreal About.„4,000 women 'worliere ake af. fected by the new 'schedule.' • 1_•• A car :that :is stiteanalined Oer- . • feCtly, 'tor ,a sped �, ,30• 'miles an hoar ts not streamlined perfectly for • a'sneed of 60 miles an 'hoar: , -.Ash,.your dealer 'gent ;the new 'Coleman' Stales that mike their . • own gas, or write — ThsCo!amaaLainpaed Store Co.; Ltd:. Wt, Toronto, .ffrvek„got tosciub��t, the laud 'bind 604,1 heti •41Befteri use _GILLETT 't:L Y_LaUct_ilusls _oft tlui-Stales'• ptotectiOn ' for...a. stated: time .toriro- perdev0loptheflt. • • ,••••••,' :In the, establishment �f tree plant. ; in tbureettit, ratiare :judgment 'shotill' be used :itt,'the: Selection of the hind t:. of trees; 'ia , just :is easit..-. plant : And. raise as it is 'to raise trees of; '00 ,0111b0 valtie One a lthbility and.: the other . an asset , .There Is a ..' wonderful 'imbuing • Canada 't for the.'inedattietz, of tr°4.6, ; You have milhons Of acres ..1,,,Nwaste "land .in every:. province the •nerth,west rirOvirices-EVery col Jegeand, schol.:In Canada -ShoUld hlive • • Its troo planting department .: : year ,Bp*, Peouta 'it ;chance ..to:plant -trees,:a nerthY Object for any Orci; . oreistir,O orgooli4ot1oo., What better monument :can any: ei- • ilzen leave than .tt, ,beautiful tree better still a grilsteof beautiful•treee• ' vhiie *6 all rea4e that, epnry; 9od ' can produce a tree, stilt we ilis peo „Ple OportunityLO 'assist • 'itt,. their' productienand tht:0 'an leave not Only a life recer.d or • otirselvett but our action' will ie of a wonderful benefit- to all future =genet.- . atiOns: ..•American Mothe tse Gillett's ihire Flake Lye once a Week takes Off .yellow.stains, in a, jiffy kVelS clogged drain' • mi going.. freely . banithun- , odors Use GIlletes Lye in: c,lution* for all ,kiiida of heavy cleaning taike. It islet 'Washes. the • C„itt away.;Stives you' howl! Of.hard • work. Alwaya keep handy. *'Never 410014+001a h�twa,ii.* Tha Oclicla; ofdi. try ifteil haat; the rater. • „ •F REE BOOKLET -The IyellOoklet tells tow to 'use thls Powerful cleanser lor,d0Ont Of tasks. Send for , • free copy to Standard Brands ltd., :V`raSer Me4 and liberty St., OtantO, Ont. ' Chosen 1931 rs::cGrity, of ii0mahai.' Neb., Selected by ,Golden Rule. •toauditlori " • whoshelped-: her- has• . lianfl rite 06ark70-04=tooneli. Si5b as ..taihead, telegrapher: 'te ' . . •• the Aailtoad :was non-' • • ed.lhe ether :,.dayc, The 'American • • :Nether grandmother 'of -five and -great grand- . . mother of mile; .stie'lvas-seliefed 1)-Y.:, • tioolininte,l•itiPeeiea fy':",1•:el?i,lyoleiliin Rule founda- in' ' YO.rk on Metheriabf,y, May Oth ••• . • The Fottildation s tomoosed:•:. of yeligionS, 1vnt Onif:BOtial leaders : Its . com itieb: de, cided that VIAL' GrAy: ot 67. :best ..ro, • pi.000/ited tlie"typiool Mother: AThe .if. , the 'chief , fat:tors in Making'Ile was that Mrs. -Gray placcs. a -sUccesS-1,-,and, sciijI-VOsitiOn 'secondary, to character and Service:, 'She .has taugh,t Stlittlay sc1boi clear:tea Hfor fifty years and was the first. WO.: , Mrs: Gray's three .:s0118:, .".rc Raymond. Gray„ Jr, ' 46, Of. ':§t. ,•• Minn., Who viedr.preSidetit and gor= 'oral • Manager. Of the Chicati8t, Pali); Miniteapolla !tin], , ' 11,1111NYttd;, • RUSSelf,D6rIS Gra', 36, of ,I3renX,0110, who on5 th Gray.'Boat :Shen. at ."I'litnitaitop; Mo., and., Is edinnier- • Oil' freight, .o tho ' Western' ' Marylitnd 1 IrM .and .rie; 1-1oviaM. •Ic., Gray, 34, a StiecialiSt"ltri eanctr• , ,surgery ain't it staff., nieniber01 t1 May,CItr • • Mrs, &AY' vilJ re:Present. the • • 'In't •Ori IVIOther'S bay'," Mai:, iirograni wthich, WilI be bleakest horn New:Vet:ft, ' •"/: • ' • •The' i.ca plant 'grows' t� a' height of, AO feet in its native, state•., lk is an evergreen tree, which bears 'long narrow, leathery leaves and 'beauti-:: ful white or rose tinted flowersi,fol-, lowed bY woody capsules/containing threrkround seeds each. Kr• ; A • 1r •