HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-05-13, Page 3•
Now — .tbankii Kruche.6:
: ••-• •
Not a TrOe; of ,ram:
• T•41.1S WOnlan'fi life *aa mad•Et
'.ery'by"tbe Pains. of backache. .Theli.
her. father, who, lad prond the value;
of Krnsciren ,hinieelf,; advised her ,to
fry • if, "She'did, and,,her,e,:ia, her
• grateful letter
"For, "years 1 have peen suffering
with pains in: the back"At times 1
; not' •yik,..or, even ;stand., 1V1y.,father...
' was, Using •Nrusdhen, Salte, • for the
same thing.", He,' toe; used to suffer ,
ha'alY., and 'IruSchen relieVea ,hirn,,
ncltised me te trS, it. 1 did so,
*end' did; -.mit' get':a pain for three'
,yenrSr I then fiegleeted niy chtilx
tlbse fer,4bollt 4x.rnonths,%•and
nimiths•• agel:', the ,pain:" rettkried,
tried. anotherremetly:-.4it fai1, se
'again. Started; .i(rnachen., No*: '1
have net, a• trace, of pain, 'thanks to
.,1(1rudcbell.7-4(Mrsi.) H.R.
Pains in the heck are usually doe
to. impurities in the:` bleed waste.
'products' which Oe interne; prgans•
-are failing tol:eitpel fiom.the„,system.'
The, numerous salts'. in. Krue4•hen
sist in 'Stimulating these organs ' to
healthy,' norixidi activity, nhdso tlelp•
to keep' the..,system • free 'from
• •
1 hr.7,.e" New 1937 Cream
SePareters..Tcl, Be, Given '
Away to Contest
The Manufacturers of: the • Anker.
Holth •Ckeatii:' Seliarater announce a'
noVel contest in which ,the ;company'
give away • three of ,its 1937
• •
streamlined Chief Models 'With Stain-,
,. lois Stebl.disds, and White. Duce
'thooe who,. partidpate in the
contest %need not buy."' anything', to.
. -on tp-r-7-it--ls-oPen.'::-Ttto7anyorre- exceptatitheir
• loyees and employees Of Anker-,
oftli--Manufa.cturing Cori -Many. .ip
Each•'contestant iS..to, :State in his.
own .ids,.
likes', why he wants his ne2CoreaoL,
separa or •to have a •. self -balancing.
bowl 'and . be'guaranteed in writing •
, ,
to be -self-balancing. , That is all
there is to it. To each of those'send-
ing in the •three best answers, .the
• Manufacturer will shij. alt charges'
paide one of these neW 1937 model's.
During the early art of the season,„i
a little eultivation, ,every week will
help 'plants aleng wonderfully. The
are killed. -and', valna,ble. moisture 'Is
conserved. growth- Is hurriel along.
Later on as file' flowers or ve etablee
'cleyelOP it will IyOt. necessary, 1.0
cultivate' ,oe often. Sonaefimea .a
nuileh of • short,' stray'', or `grans
ping A is', used to •:retairi •moio taro Mir -
*lag the Simmer. It keeps ,,the nader- •
jying sell Minot, oPen.and .free' from
weeds. ••
Seed 'as a, Foundation
Tbe•importange.".ef+good seed Is lxn
possible• to • OVer-erimhasize. : dthee
factaro-., mac be beyond.' control ; • but
the garde,ner,:has abOolUte check over
thls foundation.' Weather, sol and
• lecatioa : may , be ideal, but -without
gooeed, Oeliedaily• selected AO shalt
Cand1ItIonJhe garden_ is .
, guarantee that .,a, flewer which has
given wonderful results in .Great Brit-,
ain or the Southern States will 440
equally well in this Country, and •be-
cause ' of this. the, average gardener
•••,.. • ,
Is well •advisect:to gepirq, his „Seed and .
ilnreert stpck from a reliable C n
adia.n.source. "
, •
• , • •
Many fine point can be considered.
. when 143,11Ig out a ,flower garden.
Certain alladee bioul; well .together
earl' often' a 'whole bed be, select-.
tt•-virith lending 'J111111140. i•
course,- 'fOr-t-bis,Sort," of "thing Oil 'the-.
Plants tpuet. hlOont • dtxring the 'same
, ',,,pragrahee'Slio.nla. taker.
latq.'aceount there 'a. i;e4 Sete 'Sack.
things.. like Evening centecl•
Nicotine; .Mignonette, Sweet Satan
and Verbena. • which, , ,While lather .
,plain a plants, fill "h'e• whole garden ,
AlelightfUl incense, more Os-
' .peeit41Y in the evening In, shaded
quarters, 'Tuberous. recited Begemiasi
'Pansjes.and Wild'flewers dO. well.
In 'feet they prefer this location to
any, other. In :Partial 'Shade nearly:
'every annual can be grown. On ,poer•
sol,Portulaca,^ is
Linurn, . Calendula% Cajliopis,:' Sun-
flower, Selfizantluis, • Salpiglossis,
•Marigolds, " -Petunias • ' and manV'.
"others. Theo wifl also successfull
resist dry weather.
•• „
the facts,..brutal thenpli they May
be . Leisureis a by -Product, of
efficiency. .. • . tverituallY everyone
yin have..to settle delVil to thq old
rind . Brains aren't everything,,
but they're important . . If you're
lying about your 7/110.:, ,,f112/C't
-yea.4.eollege-,-year----•111'.. Girls
who Can't add or count change have
no right to get married,. Cencen-'
, trate,.en.: your "jebarid' you ;will • for-.
ur_. Other -tremble.
Cuffs of Mei Wind.
reeddistorts the ion'-ofviseven
the most' careful investors ••. . The
only two who can live as, cheaply as.
one are a. flea and 'a dog . ..,,>Life -
begins When you are told- that you,
ire going to be a father Weare
'beginning to- suspect that a. large
Part of the uneinployed did not'vork. •
even wben times ..vvere 'good .
• It is four o'clock before Many people
*ACIte'ircin' For You
. •
• ' The:, last 101' Complete set, of the
.tanioei teld4telt.1 Poultry Contae-,7..
O 10 b'eleared, at a •sacrifice.,
tinuitiff the 'Course.. It wilinot he
•• rc,rinted.
It . . .
• Sre ,O.11 4 tiMe• to get a
Rractieta,2 authoritatiVe Course, in
lrv etnis'd-lawelt
..114ndie,c1e of puttessful' .PoulltrY' Parmerea
• . ..11-consis1.e1 nf en lessons aan.4natrieptloaa, by .
CUrreSpondeoce. ' • ICIQVV• we are :•;dlicontinuing,
the,. Celine 'and . offer, the se' lessons,
Lund 'neatly' ay a Wok item, tor only' $5.00.;,
There are 30.7) sets' left and We are
" clear* 'thern ...hit quickly. !Send firStly 'only
• to- cover: Iphstag•, `aud 4 handling. • Wen
:send y.,:u 'the nomillete.pef eit.X) lessons..'Keep
- tiero 11) •Iiya'und It they are not 511 Weelaint .
• .thein .tp be, just.' mail. them Miele:. It they.
. please, you, keep' them and .een4..K, further 51
every month. fb.r..5 nionths: That's. tar. cnotin.
Dept FW I1O Cay St Toronto
theii. hardest wet*. it the iottem: of
:the :ladder, not at the top
-thoughts and .good things .do survive
in this World.. must agree
-With us before Are'' are. able .to
mit. he is tt, sensible .person GAY '
paiiies•:•alwayi...Se4m to ',come in
We Oitiet" do
.: at _.,;stfee, :but;We an de something • et.„.:
Once". • • 'T Nobo.i.4'-”Akee,gaott Botha-
ly until he learnt" ti5 ladle inter4ted-
wheilie`cs:;b6red Genius ,.ilbei
take short cuts, but it 'rarely escapes.'
initial drudgery . .n tasks .requiring
mental ietk.v.itY, 60' :i.laide4,',P4fla'
When Man Ia.':
resigned to his ''f0,e,• his resignation;'
ictisually .aedePted you make, ,
it easy.. for' piople to -reach you 'they
habit.will form tho-l-of busi-
ness yith•Yott . . ' Seine: hien' bUrU,
their candles' at 'both :ends in order,'
to fl'inke both ends Meet . .• Face •
.in se , ollriiffei•ent
(Ail. engraved :in Four Color's)
The Set eantaitis,stamp's showing Crownings of King
illaroki in 1066; William the:Conqutorj King: George
rttrittlyals' :of the .Iting'siChamidoi;
of the ,ROyal, Fain* and Historical raints..
of. jntereOf.
Obsidnake From •
it ettant: sallp0;,4end ''c' to
Colonial Distributors Limited
253 Queen St. West
for'.' the,
:Tdog offered by. a New, York young-
ster. 010,,,a visiting .P.nglioli lad, �f-
fcred $5. Tho other; •Et boy , from
'PhiladelPhia., offered Only $,3; buts..hiO
„..offer was'accepted. •• •
.English /Ind (afterwards-
-I• say,.
-.old ahing,, who . did you, sell the .deg
to that Other .dhapPie for ,less money ? .•
• CNeW Yark,.•' YeAng_ater (grinning
agerlythe•-q-bg. etyr&-wactwic-.7
torii PhNoeiUbiU,, but: be' would have '
' a beck of a time; swimming the
. .
All the. seasons •in Malayhave the
Sanle teMperattire, and the sun rises
and-- sefsiAt the Siyne 'hour the. Year.
••areurld... . • '• •
• .1...VerY •ba3h",1.:, ttiting•mari Was ,
vited• to a dinner, parte. .He Sat text
eh • '
„ a aruairg, yon g ady., but cesid
**vet think of say..to start
the, conierAttion., At, hist he., Veti-1
• • . • ...• • ,, •••• • •
'hired •
Young 4a4,0'• despise i;
mar -.I•oes,.'•yol.zr ..,hfether.
1.6 .--• :
.hare • tio, birither;
he ch,ils•k117.,.:,. •
• ' d aec. rot 'v' id tile ladys
.•• Will the ,Psi;;I: Years Lead Us
1144• Way?
A •• little' ino.,,re tired at the close of
•A hittle less•anttiotts,to. have .nut,ivay.;•.
A little lesq read/ tt sold • or blame;
A little' niOre car*, for another's
A --broader7view!--apd--errsanermindr-
A: littlelMore laVa for ,all Mankind
A little. More 71..harity'
views; • •
A little 1-isS thirStl'or the daily •newg;
••(-i little More leiSare, to..sitand
„.' dream; , :
'‘.3. little, mere. oat' the. things "uneeen
And sa:We,are faring allOvvn•the wny.
That leads to. the, gateo. Of 'better'
• '
JaraisOn'----- u•••:lul to sell under -
things t� nudist colonies/ - • „ ,
Jackson -What ,kind of under -
things? .”
A let Of time is wasted,41101!i
stead 'of using, Our heads and .• analY- •
.our probleins,.we to argue
," .
that bur first. guesa
. The electric , Motors Of ft; triodanr.
battleship nave the energy of
'OD; men. '
'Full Or part ..thrie to repre.-
sent us in ,the sale Of••higli
class. 'Mining' 'issues' 'which
will stand -the Most rigicisin-
vestiOtions. Write With full'
Particulars. '
357 Bay Street b
t A h
egetable Seeds
_ .
cfn.i1Prehensive schenie. fer ai
' eXtendion of trial: tests Of" field • root
and garden Vegetable seeds io to lie
Ina in Operetiari. 'at ',1‘facdone1d Col
lege, Quebec, Manitoba *Agricultural '
CoJ1ge'•Witinilieg„ the 'University 4
Bkitish 'Colombia . yan eau yer,
and Vineland §tatimi, Ontario, Tloiiii-
eulturisti." 4.t ;these staticnis have, now'
•t •%441 • ,.•••••
ting or pnrprOSe. ht Apart
• 11,6,:i,neV,es of land., k,; 'fhe, hiav' So'
agreed tosupe r ti se lhoc 'necessary,
prenaratirn, , the:, sOWitg :anti
,the 1.14flei-'4racluato'!'
gwitic,.•ie::17.111 be anPoliiied: , • co eh •
station ,for periotl, of et leaSt;
• 1,11,oltil31 l'.5) take. .pl1a4g,ef' of :tile.'
" The" See't.l Y.:ranch, f111(1 Ulf! ,,Exprvri3 '
41011tat Farms. 1.3.taiivb, f)olnioloir
pni'txn�nL of f;grieult ere and ;the, Grin -
adieu :Soot} ;OroWers,'•)‘siiicialion.., are, .
20.0,qieratitrg Nvith the"se stations in
• the tests. tills, extenr!ipn.,cf festo is :
raz'tinhIy the outcOnle ; of „the
.141011 and resolution ..by thm: EfortiCul• -
tiiral..plant, Breeders' Cominittee „of
, the ..Canadian Spec]; 'growers' ASsocnt-
t:ion theidea of' ther'Conalittee..lsoing
. work were to co•operate and • the.
triali' extended to, s •nearest
the ...wholesale see,' deentres,
• tion .of MoStimable .vain.b ' to all'WOuld •
be oectired.' .. • . • '
• The :extending t,f the 'purity of var.-
'IelYteetS, is also intended RO an alter,.
natite.16,the licensing Of- lie*, variet:
les% of field reotar, and . garden tege-
table seeds being omitted •When the
,Seedo„ Act,' comes for revision in
'Parliament% 'daring, It is* hoped, : the
• • . . .
. •
Better Papers in the::
DOUBLEAuiomatic Bobk1,01
Just .the right. pocket
"tsize the QOU"B
atomaic is et everybody prefers.
. :
; 1••"•.
• 4
'. •
0 0 IAD
presenE,:session'Of. P.arliatnent. The
workium, out. of the 'detail's bt, the pre -
'grain 1,:ave • been •tenta,tiyely agreql
the • Ifortieult,ural Pirrsian ' of
the, 13'4erimenta1 Parrns. 131,anch be,
Ing ilaegated to collect aPproximate-•
SO -sannYles new rreewfunendett
va'rieties for • merit; teStS, and the
, Canadian; Seed: GrONVeri" Asseciation•
having% abeut '100 ,saniPlei. Of Canad-,.
ian=grown registered • seed .sto
hvb1ir1cut1�11‘tests.-These sainples-WiTr
be forwarded t? the office ofthe chief
of the Seed 'Division,.• DeminiOn , De, 11Pon• was I'oPortacr to the' Federation
Partment, -Agricu:thre,p for , 'entry at Ainlleorican. Seate'ties: for experitnent-
Ner Drug, Eases -
Fastva, Walking
Sientjat ,
Hear' • of, • Horracap
Which 'Aida . Exerti'ort,
MEA1PillS Tenn • A ,drue.v,,bich
incroaoes the ease, of fast walltmg by.,
. Abe* 14, per* cent and: ',which upsekji_
."mal per'rectitin,' .eannot bo:: improved
and trensmiStimi. to; the, trial grOunds.
. After allowing for these teSte, ..e1SO
there ivill he :more room flat each of
•the grOnfidi for about 150 'sam-
ples •of " garden' Vegetables taken, bY
the 'Seed Branch 'from the trade
Purity of variety, test's to check the'
truth in ;advertising Under-ISettion. 10
eeils Act.. " ••
HOW' 4.7.9,S4,
614,re. •••
t. • .*0.1
.t. SS,
' , • •
44 • 7 t
' • ... • • 14,•,,
al bogy.,
• •
-m 1_ sc.ienc surp,rise wa-s fur-
insbed:by CO1011. a hOrir1041.0: produc-
ed by the ' adrenal 'glande; to
cap•slia,ped' bodies' above tlie kidneyS,
Some: 'of thiS hormone., tibtai•ned from,
the .glands of beet. Was given to eight;
men ond;thtlee wenien. by. • fret), .•A
IIitcheoek, and R. qi•tibbsof the.
department .'7.Of '''physiciology, Oliio
• ,
. The effeetS Were' tneastved,, in, the '
ehangeo--.10-1,,heii.' breathing:. While ly.4.
%Mg ..standing end walking ra
pidly. In all .teses:;.their bodies; reqUir-,.
This' , was notice:able!'• 'When. -11),R.
--wa-lked4t1. ,a, : sTire'd of nearly ,fenr.
Miles ,.an •hour. In thatcase' there was
.an 'ayerage 'decrease. of ex-y.xen that
was breathed., of about 14 .PeP, cent.
" ..•
• • • ...? .‘
---- n, :Crazy; fate.liwiekTe-i'tinome..bi-e‘,1Ciedeelia:SiiPrli
• • The crazy patch is the oldest Of quilt patterns yet there ,is some-
• thing "amazingly Modern in its angular lines. So •whetner;-your.livi_pg-
' . ,l ,
.rooni, is traditional in Lotyle or hewer lharf_tornocre*-Yen.....w.7" b..:.e
W . ,
--interested-thrreviyal, of crazy Patch Work for What our grank-,
'Mothersand. great grandmothers called a. 4dslutnber throw". •
-,.... ••
.... • • A Corner Of one et these-eld,. silk- Crazy quilts is: shownhere at. ,
' the loWer. 'right. The pieces were small—many not „more than lli • •''
,indhee wide or long. A.vaKiety. of embroidery Stitches jeln,the pieces. •
Both plain and figured silks Were used, the plain patches often 'being •
embroidered -With flowers, fans and Other amusing motifs—not the ..
.beetle embroidered on one patch. Several colors of „Silk enibroidery ••''
'thread were generally used: but in -the trioSt artisticef-Alfes-e'radilta'- '-
'• ;one color', predominated in'. the embroidery. . '. : ' ' - , , : • .,
Larger patches with 'shit* feather stitch and. herring-6one stitch
at the jpinings; also give a -, geed effect. Thepieces. are •seWett to '•e•.••
"Iiiiiiicratioii Of seine firm soft Material. Outing flannel, or an old 'wool . .
blanket are good. .Pip a piece in, place over the , space to be filled,
trim we edges to-the'right;shape, as at .A, allowing ...enough to turn - •
, tintler,..as2,.at_B,2„.wherethe-patch,'Iiips-over-the-tene-ndiatTio-Litr.--Baste't-
' the turned 'edges down, as shown. . 1 When • a number of patches_have
been basted innlate;--eow then down AO the foundation with the "
. '
embroidery stitthed.- dna"' then ' remove . the: ' biistirigs.'' The backing is.. :
, 'tied to the front with silk embroidery read -as Comforters Ore, tied.
is effective: ' citiari
' Little or no' padding May )3 used and plain band around the edge -
'NoTE:—Mrs. • Spears' new b k, "Sewing . For The Interior
. Decorator,".. 'contains 47 other • fascinating things.,to,• make for ' the '
home. , NOW ready for mailing upon receipt of 14c (10C plus 4c post. '•
1. , .
age). Address : Mrs.' Ruth Wyeth Spears, 73 Adelaide Street •Weat,
•Toronto ,, , , . . .• . •• , , .. ,
inks, Children
Like' Discipline
well-konWn educationist,. lecturer and
anther; think.: ,ehildren
line.. ••TheY., like the security that
donies• ,freln Parents who - take respon:,
• sibillity 'and 'Make.d'entancla 013011
them. They May Objeet,'vigorottaly at
thetime, and VocifertinSlY, • but they.
like parents-Wli,o.take decidedstands
dn all.things,0
tor,••• 'Mead has fittle " patience' *Ith.'
the hind 'of, •Scbtioling that finger-,
, a , • •
• pOUts • or the kind Of. discipline that •
„i.coutitenatices'finivise freedotto for le,
thialtit that the 1)0y ninkt glen ',puffer'
tie -inevitable', "ctineeati.enCes" .61! "suCh.
.If.a child, s ,behaVuir ;irritates,. an ad,,
jilt, 'it May '‘OnlY be thelayntptelir Of a •
COnflict•that tIle clllid hinuielf s'
euguged 'fif when te:61og to do
Is : expected of hitk tInti) tbth teii•k• ;
flint IS Underiitetid,).fittle telt be de,.
'tOMPlialted in Settling :the child 'Ott
the path 01! tidinstititinf "te things allabout him
. • • •
tr, tharsb Irian be1iOo a happy
iniiSPhere at liooils
40 Carpenters Build
A House In One Way
PORT :ARTHUR, Te.7.0,S,•••'-'Spenk-'
. „
ing of *sneeiLL.._. As,.1t-CO.untesyXo_StrO..-
J.van Vick, widow, ef a ellOw union
member, the Carpenters' Union .built
her A foUr•nroctrit house in a da3e,i
time. Construction was begun lit' 8.
a.m., arid finished by nightfall, !orty
carpenters did the work. , '"
A;uileouli.Jdn4 Out Of lied its the
• MOrnitig-FterIn' to go •
The liver hodld pour out wo_poun s of •
!timid bile into Year batiiele: daily. If this bile
is not flowingfreelY• year feed does&t digeht.
It jiiet dheitysIn the bowel,. Gas bleats tut •
.;Yeitir itometelt.Yoa geticeinstinated.Barmful
poisons go letterthe' body; and .Yoti fed hour,
'sank:Mid the world leeks peak, ' •
A Mere tiOtrel niergeinent doeSn't idttteyi get•
at the Miele. You heed isoniethiht that works
ItIt.the lie& as Well; /1 takes those. gook Old
• catter's,Littto LiVele Piga to .,get these twa
pounds of bile flowing freely -and Make.you`
reel "Ott and up". liermleas ainfleatlee thek
, Maker the: bile dOW Web+. They': da the Werk
of ealeitiel bat havn he 'esietnel.or mercury in .
theta: Aek foe Cetitter'S Little Live,. Pills by
Samel I.:Rabbet:0y refisseT anythinO, 25e;
, ,
Building During
March in Cancidci.
• p4ociiiig
aWarded in Canada &wine maieb as
coin 1 ed b
ports. Limited. totalled ' $10,058400 as
vgaiPst-.:$3,728,:g00 in February and ,
.2.59,100 in March 1030; 'Total., yap'
of . contracts for ,the -firstthree.
month5. of tbe..year wa'S• $31,4159.169 as
e.opiparfAt with • $32,127,200 last year.
Ontario's lcontribution to the Marehi
totalas $8,870,00: ' •
• Aniong, large .constryietionscOntraets
was the international 'bridge.l•at Ivy
.C? flitribT $2;110K0Z:p.-
• • •
. •
• water, in "- in ..7.9
• plant dally, ciVer .300 crops , yearly; Wonder-
ful'. nealthfood., •contains'. all known
Vitamins) end an mineral's needed •Tor .$UMUn
'system. Men, and 'women Can :handle. sample •
„package seeds; full cultural 'Marketing cook-
' directions, 50 cent ' postal 'note... $11n:
:beam Sales. Yarmouth, NOrth, •
Artists ig!)111t°'..
• SalesT4x.:
1;',1,elalie Their'Works ',/" Not
.. Mere On:4Oct, tiko *P.orkty:o4!;
Beans ,
NEW YORK, -.'l1ose riewey-eyed
glrls on magazine eoyors it aP.P9arS.• •
',are `Oust mental' - -whatever
pig:Sleet chernts.
, .
And 300 leathrift •ai,ttfot., and illustra-
.,100::,001a -ed thetr paint brtmllee liko
014 in.tax on the redlipo
"glatnar-glri .creatiOil
:Nev saisia t:4.k
1•1•041.cn In "'rat,;Xing iiiwrfon articfs„,
'as .a neW seUrce;p;,'revenne;.
;•'!4"?..4„f• ,pcille.ot;;:,:oald At, '
',.11111r. Mlliara.13rOwn,„dOtetl• filAStrftt ortha :
crthel nriny. .• ','" • '•
• • Alrea,dy • cit,g" by the tax'CoMMis•-
, .Sion ter; two .years'' arrears,' f.lrown.
ipo10 h'ooding' <1!'chaos on "Mt,-
' ParnasSuO,". it the tax iS,•enforebd.
"ArtiStS. aren't ,-.12aolzkeepero,."' ho
Asaid, "end' ,,ret these revenue °agents. :
come up and sat,"You gotta.
1400ItS; YOU gOtto 'keep o0 YOU
C111) pay tile tax/.
told this •revenuer right 1
, • •••410.-•
•ooks..'iil keep' books,. all right,
, if .you'll 4,raw pictures, . :that?'
Ho InSt, •said .1 was an...
othier bne of these cucitoo, artists: ,
••• •N),e paint -a picture. of a ..pretty
girl and sell it to, a magazine; and the,
ei.tY says we are'llendersi, .77 just ille
a. Mitchel.; ,er:•balter, or grecor
that we bay; to Pay. a to$er. tent •
• 7•.-44•4.--7 . :
,He ;winced. "It isn't the litoneyi • It •
ie.the idea. It's the idea ,of calling an
artist's creation a !prodadt..,',' That Is
what hurt. A product- as thongh a
‘Vork-81' on ;was a can of pork -and -
beans! •::••••• ' '•••
'1 it's the artietrniii-d-fhat has the
value - show he • interprets .ideas
n,Wlmoel..erieLmetter,he,Ame in,-,
Portraying. -those ideas:r
Snggests Game
Be Protecte
Otherwise M.L.A. Forsees
tinction of Wild
' Animals
, Pur -bearing.,. and 1.4
ganle .animIils' wihl heemnaextinct in
• Saskatchewan, unless measures are
taken.fOr theiri protection,
Lilteral •mettiber of the ,AtOkatcheivan ".
Legislature . ter. Athabasca.. ',declared. '•
' ••fte...p7erlicted Wildlife Would not •
last. lone. ..wifen • civilization get into,.
'the far: north... At the new northeyn
nining camp.U.t,;.'GeldfieldS' during
had been 'slaughtered due • tO, shortage
of food stimillei. One man was ,
ported to, ifaVe 500 and, anather.
• 600 of these animals.' • • . •',
Thg fiir situ 11071 in the north; this' '
. year was %the, worst it had .ever been. ,
byer:traPpie-g-'Vae...PartlY '1i,"einonsible".'s •
and there was also a:16* ebb in, the,,
fur-bettrine'ninial .cycle. , •
' Mr. :ftalf•suggeSted 'a' game pre-'
, , •
serve near Goldfields ,to ,protect wild '
• ,
• . ' COLLECTION, sEnyx,oFf.. . , • •
Stair Ridg., Toront,‘.
. opn Seryailiffs
ice : R. -
. .
A':' WELL, ---, .' SLEEP ,' WE'LL. ,'TAEE.
Elite . Mouats:lw Mineral' Water. . tienerous
3.0a : sample:. 'Address Illae• Mountain ,..Products'
LiMited, • Toronto. . ' . . '. : ' •
One applieathm ,stoiis • Itching; stainping,
'tilting $2.00. Itempville , 'Ontario.
. • :STA.14S'• •
• . Bobby ef ,A1ng8 •
tfflf-or Bircls. 'Victoria, 'Vic:Arthur. Jubilee. :Air,
pommemoratiims, 25c. ,Bediroith, 200• Olivet.;
port ;' Toronte;' Ontario,. ' •
. •
Rub on --pain gone,: •
Get the new large econ-,,,
otny sire -Also'. avail.
able in sinatler,regular,
. .
No heed:for
Mater girls (0
suftcr fovety tnenkb
front , ,l)cri0dit
pams,'headache or
.11dtV(II.IStie.8 (fhb to
'disturb,. •
ances Dr. Pierceg
.Favorite Prescrip,,
don. ig '
.clicial ta▪ int,. 'Ting'''.
is wilat 1Vit.S.0, Ma Olsg of 1$7, FronO 81,,
SerAfford, olit„ tail: 'i"T-got o Modown,.
' week and ,tipsci had to gi've' , arid
go to, heti, r tififered. severely, 'frontphing
in thy gide and wag a fillygiehl Wreck ;Whet'
1 began, eig h laAt. l'es6TC, taltnig Dr, Pierce's
• 'Favorite 'rrt$crilitiolt• ;•regtered 1110 la '
• . • •
fkai,•:lif yinvr neIgiihnifoodl driutist '
:Xcut siz tablet, 50e, Liquid Si.00 :did
• • • '
. _ • ,
eeded Revival -'
In Spring
ts:they0. a revival in spelling ,..talt•-• •
ing'•nlace••10, the United..Statest
it would appear • that the Oa...fashioned '.
Spelling bees are ,Coniing into vegue
' Once, mare- and this is taken: among
• • other, pieris to indialte -that "the emu),
ti y is .e,t. last 'emerging frOm the era' - .-
..of ivendetful tOnaense,"; Writea, .,the
; Brantford; .Expositor. :It • is to be hop -,•
':•ed" that such is the-ea:se% but the atiws
Is' almost too :&otiel-..t,o be •true. 1-14Ow`
'-"eirer-i-• it 'is •-•iitite*OrthY•:thai,.. mashy' of
the spelling" •contests bav..6 ' been held
and their ,Pepulailty .appears to • be I
..grewing,.Por •nlanY keel* It was pop-
ular 'td• Contend that :children . should
net be subjected .too rigorously ip
the 'onerous 'task of learning to. Spfll,
:aCcurately. Some of,. theinOSt agres:-,•
;sive& modern •ed,ucaters declared .the
• OMOhaais placed on Spelling'..waslOot,,,
, 1811.6.0 uncalled for.. It was even held
that the old ..tnethed of -teaching the
children' te read and write WaO.enttre-.1
Why.!learir the alaabet , at
-4u1-2--instead teaeh-tlie--ch-ild-(s'-recog-
'Wol'4 by. pelt',
fleWe'ver, the results of7thiS .effort
,satnellOW,.,• were 1)Ot satisfnetory. , A
••enteration erocrgi,t1 front ;the l'ochoolol.'.
that iloW 'it) spell. Ap'
'pallecj bl1fill1;085,',Iii011.'1)6g011. to
-or that ..they were:esked to etnpleY'd
;bright'. solittg gradunee'S.
.as stenogh6iter'S' and,filing
who ould not wiite Cdrec,Ct'lettcr:,,'
• . . • ••
'Ok 1.11011 p.oettion$.'try si... 4
, kinditions...:Prov.ttilea in Caltaila ,
alitt it was • titsCoVerect that the. ,
Writer,. was; not
those hat! gepd •
••• tc;14;!is1r nithf.earect, 'epe1nn,5-, toonor:
ate it; Those who tate 'pride in tbe-
. tiSo •65:!reet'Iingt41i htie•
'these eign$, ntul haVe'llolloWed:theSe .
40.1111tg ,„ initebee!. betNtisen
teetta'Of, colleges keen fritereat.•
Too Ithi,oit emplmsls, :canoict bt pine..
ed on"the.,OttulY of EttgliOli•Ilterattwe.• -
COMpooltion., .§Delifilg • and witithiV, •
• 'Boys 'and oat. Wbe .beetnne. Ot'bficient
Iii theod'aultjectt, With. teAtojii.616,
knowledge"tit ninthetnaticO, itets
lfkd to,f111 good 11061t10115',