HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-05-06, Page 6b
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iir'Y; :4L.7PINedKARD•k '
Claudia Towsead" Meets Dick 1'What:" d' ou" mean?"
Y Moriarty. sat. +.
forward belligerently. "If :' ou're
jokin'—well, you're jokin' wi' the
wrong . party, • see'!"
Braddock smiles -
, .
"Moriart I mi .:'
g gh' t say Mur..
phy!"—he.. watched the other
start—"}gas you' :ever ' i,, Boise,. 'Ida
Alkalis, -at a lackey .game is Seattle
ease .telt, : Her interest la,:Dielf,aw•
fsirlates ;WeIIac, Darnell,rich yealsg
litabumaa, 'wie warts. ba, to mi
'' To' •et ,D I['
g ie.on M of the • WAY,'
Wallace, offers him 'a. job is `ane .of
kis lussber' canape' in. British. Colum•
bin. " lafeanwbile,k Claudia • has. round ho?"
a'; 7!b fop Dick a Seittle. Bo _OA_ ""Hew t once
about Murphy? And Boise„
"Hm l . Let me tell • you that there
ain't :much Braddock don't; know
about the men: he has working for
wa err m ego o, • seep a news
',MM. Dick.. -Dick ..goer , to the !amber'
cam, . and there dueovera that ,`Bar •
Sion company is stooling` timber; Hey
asks 4 for ' an °-ezplanatiob,` but :Bract.
:deck' the boss; pati him.- off and next
for Seattle. , The follow.
iilg anal Claudia' .'tops, in at Bernell's
efeee iced, by chance, overhears Bor.
Hell and'' Braddock _plotting :to' do.
+ li1!raTr with Drcii. , She decides to go,,
• tg'Barna- Lake •herfelf to• warn Dick;`
but: Braddock tees-. her , on' the boat,
• and ",manages ta;' arrive at the camp,
before ;tire does
Nlien'Braddoctc arrived at thea'
rtp, he immodiate,l�v'sent for Jen=
kins, the- overseer Jenkins , report
'edthat everything had` gone on .quiet-
ly' durrrig' his absence
"I ,want to see Moriarty,"' Brad
;dal( 'said.' Y`Tell him. to Come to my
office now, at once•
: ;Moriarty was; the 'man . who : had
been scaler before Whalen had ,Oust-
ust- the job
` "Braddock sat ;down at his desk to'
_,wait.;;'He took a cigar, ht it; then,
felt in," the"drawer at. his hand •for:::
•the 'revolver that he always ;kept
'there, ! loaded "The man,' who. was
coming' in had a, black•:est
..14'1`oriarty'opened' :theOr" and
,peered into the room. !
"Come•;.right ire,' m !" said :Brad
Moriarty came'in; Ieaving,the door
ajar,. behind dim.: "
- Shut° -the• door," Braddock order
ed._ "Lock it ---I want to: speak to
• "What's all this -about,.' boss? 1
'ain't done nothin' "
Braddock laughed.
"Site down ` Seems` to me,'you're
afraid o'm
`soething, Mister, 'oriar-
ty�n M' •
' Yciu're;wrong!" said—the. _ -Man
quickly, driaPpia,g , to' a chair: "I'm
afraid o'nothiu•t" ; What's the gamel"
I'd act° that wtiy,' too, if 1
expected.;to 'nee a,, cod blab& every
''corner,, re,riir.chu g Frne :et.;. my past
7rist'ory said "Bifaddpck.
000atate :their many OcIl.;
'Coital flow ottalitiet: •
, rood OC ihoko qui*,
Pass elinalitotes
"rkiday 114'11160 tram Montreal
•.pooel;,.Plymouth, Havre end P
Liindian at rates which roma
sent substantial saving, ,
Apply to •
. $ a.•,
Sw ey "Reveal. increase of• .12,5
Per Cent. la 1936 Reported
NEW $ORK,. Reporting. that 44
cents of each. advertising, dollar. spent,
in '193¢, went to newspapers; the Bur•
eau Of Advertising of the 'American:
Newspaper Publishers'' , Aehociiation
asserted, that greater+ promotion will
return: greater' benefits to the: ,news,
' paper business.
"Newspapers have the greatest- me
umey:Of advertising; r said' the report,:.
signed' •by Chairman Edwin S. Friend-
ly. "Thin volume."will grow if yve.are'
willing'to promote zit on a scala equalt
to• the efforts of competing;,mediuma."•"
Newspapers generally, he';said,.are
more 'nearly Conscious, of title oppor=
tun.ty.:than; ever, before.
Newspapera •received approximately
288 000 00
0 en
i , . , . .,, i , n .. rav ,ue from national
advertisers` In 1936; Friendly : said. as
compared; to16? 00 000. n
3 1935, a
of 12.6 per c
Dividing the a age.' advertising
dollar,,1•he, said, ; newspapers received
44 'cents, magazines k3.6. • cents;. :ear
cards 15.10 et a cent, chain. broadcasts
14 cents and outdoor advertising .me-
diems. 7.9' cents •
.. ��nr-tail=¢ir•��cn�•-A-�1,-� ,
the admission of 15' new: newspap-
era to In 1936, and the
resignation of '10;
Moriarty' was cornered, and he
*knew it.
' "Well, :what are< you• going to .de
about , it?"
' Moriarty stared. at; him, astonish-
a great -man to :iniad my own
business,_`Moriarty..!= If -another- man-.
feels -it best to,'take--a-change ofvair,'
—and a _change. o' name along With:
it -why, :I'm 'riot interefering. L. But '
L expeothim to'.be grateful enough.;
o=:do me favor one • in pit
`'Favor?"•;'said =•Moriarty gruffly..
".What's your price?"
"I'm , thinking,'' Braddock said
slowly, "of sending you ;alongwith
that fellow: Whalen to look` over. 'some,
timber wepp'g�ot at',.the4;east end •o;'
Tchesinkut 'Lake " ,
"Whalen! But`I. hate the sight' o'
"You hate t • hire? • Well, that'll•
make it easy=-" Braddock leaned
,forward over the desk.. "That's 'the
favor;' I'm aslsing�you come„ back-
• The other' man's • face - changed. A;
sinister: smile twisted his mouth.'
"So that'`s .the game,. eh? Well,. if
I put hind.where, he' rightly belongs'•
what do I getout of it? . I' take all
:the 'risk!" `. .
Braddock., -frowned., "Noll,- he
said: "I'11 give you•a thousand dol-
lays .and . your' time %when, ;you come
back' and report to me;here."
"One thousand-",_
"That's get!- NoWdthen
get down to'biaSs
.This thing ,hai.'-got :leek: like, air -
accidellt, see? have:Jo' report
trait and 7get'llim in his sleep—or-
.or. ail -tethered,. or -;--well, I leave it tot
yon.- -You collie home and it
ta'-'rne_in great excitenient; dye.
blight . and .early, ,tomorroW"-Morning..
',Row theiii:,tivioriartsi,•40 tack •to;ilie4
',ariYhody about seeing me... In
rP1' telt you • both yeti to gO•04t
tee? nothing:1K,
this .before I tell you 'in:front of.' him, .r
:,,qen minutes later, Whalen was
•Wanted .the• Office.: Hastily
Wherekt. that other.:IelloW; Mort!
' 'ii'atle VVldt� Canac
OTTAWA., --Canadian trade with.
I3elgiuln, which' totalled $30,000,000
',last year, will be' more than doubled
it is believed. as a, result • of the
forthcoming visit to 'Canada 'of some:'
twenty_ or twenty five representative
businessmen ,-frond' Belgium. • tinder
the' guiding hand of''Baron ' Silver-
eToys, the enterprising young Belgi,.
an Minister, who earrme; to.•llttawa• at
the ' News - Year, the party will ' visit'
Toronto, Montreal and other ;indus-
trial centres of the Do_ minion The
u t.�•rl
..,. . ,: rte;... a�_• ... V... Fa.�LU++rYa1,V 4I'1L`,.;.
foundation , for enduring relations:.
between the two :countries and 'Bar--
'on Silvercruys aces, ;no reason why:
an.. Annual. twoTwa),!+ trade, of $70,.'•
00;0,000 Y'should,not be: established:,'
or: Stan 'Collectors
Siang) actors:':
Stamp collectors: wilt bo Interested:
in brie, epeeial •offer of the Colonial.•
Dlstribetore Wmite4r, , Toronto,
Coronation "Souvenir stapwpa _ stzty:
-a11 different for 25c,:'All engraved
in ; four calors.
The 'set contains sta,nps' shOwing
crowning ;of': King' 'Harold in 1066; •
William .the Conqueror,. King George
the IP. Also iertrayals�___ t .ot theKin..'e-.
--ebamplon,. Merbera.` the' Royal
g>� sa
Family and Historical Points of In-
eanni Giri' In Lacy Cape of . Laura Wheeler
attera Number 1463.,
Wide,pattern-each row is Vt. goee' quickly. And
it's, :just:the thIng:fOr',dressr:up ori cool evenings. Pattern '1463. con -
sit and Of, all•stitchea lined; material requirements.
Cocents-ln stamps or coin (coin preferred) for this ,pattern
to': Needlecraft: :Dept; Wilson Publishing Co., 13 Nest .Adelaide St.;
'''PerontiL". Vitite plainly. Pattern Number; your 'Name' and Addriss.
7,bit"---ef'tillibir-craising for. us -'-
r want "Yea' td Start -4 daWri dr befere
:e" :teheeinitiit latie:s::Thesi want fig-
: tires deWri in -Seattle", right aWay: I
„earl be back here "at.tight. The.'ear,
back to. bed now antl„get Seilie. sleep;
V 'Dick felt turprised
thoW it; ter did he- let either: Mari
; 'see ,how elistaitetul tO 'hilt *at. the
chesen Ear hiM. Was ail.
in the daY1s .wOrk, 'he supposed: .'
',.1110riai,cty seeing at Yea 1kno* the, lie
feeling Mach curiosity: or even An-
terett • The trip Weald. relieve : the
Imoriotoai:' -The fact that tbey had
picked ....hilt for the job sheVied„
, and 4o.ize.ri their value for theth.
. When :Claudia, Townteifd reached
at. inn Yat tarts Like, she
atcly asked ;ttio' *Ay.. to 'the' ilotneil
*S3 • Rillte 'fnIPOSsible for, her 'to get
thero 'before:the next morning.' '•
She chafed at the delay. If:Bra&
idocit had gorie straight out there,
pick • was in iriiiriediate 'danger. But'
,110'bat the man go see is 1,our locateigetol.
2if "Street (Elgin 3471) iiiitoratdp.
Issue No. 19—'37
there, was nothirig to he. done;_abolit
journey So she, decided to get 'a geed
night's sleep arid ,ordered. a sleigh to
• down there! •„'Ne' women in that
(TO he centinded)
Moscow .
Jelly' Comes. to the.Rescue
Perhaps you have always thou
only to make glowing: dessert dish
or, in in , a pinch, a" molded. salad.• '
• are :out to dispel that idea• and :he
ere •{ some, 'recipes. whk3l,; prove. that
auick-setting dy'1Xy:' had";: an lnf11Fi
variety of uses';w,hiieh will ; -endear
to„ the• hearts of • busy . honremake .
These .packages of jelly Inl,bri ht
Y g c
ors and various flavors 'tan come
your rescue on,� numerouii oceasie
when. yon .tieryou just' can'
;.. , . ,1 t make.
,Heal out of What is left over , and y
you, can't throw the scraps, away.
Here are two.'deli iu'u3 recipes
,.• c,pea that
can , form the • main 'courte , of ' any
Meal,: company or otherwise, and -yet
they are so cheaply and ; Basil pre,
• wired. that it will :Astonish . yob: But.
'once you have, tasted them, it'won't
astonish- F ' to-fi
Mair M. Morgan
rs a thick iron ogrearid is
�' kept ex=,
ght,' .elusive! fo
_ hem -..'
r. t. akin
_ o m
Y o ee
.,, .0 1.
+..et.-.•.rw--v..l.- lFi.4 Wa ,1 Y 'Y �.
tt car' y
use; r,1tr Y. ja
es simply • wiped clean', with a` cloth -or
We, . , tissue paper:; ' .
re its bottom'is perfectly flat; sohat'
, it cannot reel .about on the; gas -ring
tQ' r over.:whatever hot:flame the- Dane
it, let is going 'to be cooked,• The, fl e
•• must be .,hot and the pan ;must. be
of hat, because speed is•the essence of;
to . good omelet -making.
• '
Slow' cooking a ..
.. ., 8 mans toughness,.I
a For. this reason; o ••not° lint, or.
et p , .fid..,.
eggs' into the pan • that'' will: #vrm;' a.
' thinnish;'layer'on. the bottom.
' A Plain One '
Since:" the' plain'omeiet i th
„. s the, basis
of • a thousand. others, 'We will make
ant, them again and .age
Piquant Tongue, Mold
1,' Package quick -setting" lemo.
jelly,; .1 •,,pint warm' water', 23rd table
spoons vinegar,' 1-8 teaspuon salt,.1
teaspoon :scraped "onion, 31Fa 'cup
boiled tongue—finely., chopped, 3'
•cap, dill pickles --•finely chopped, -
cup mayonnaise..:.. ;
Dissolve jelly in .w.,arm` water, A'dd
vinegar and: ' salt. .Chill 'until ;cold
and, syrupy, Place in bowl of crack=
ed ,eo_ o doe water and: whip -with
rotary • egg heater `until fluffy --and
;thick:"hke`-•Whipped cream. 'Fold
onion tongue, pickles :and • mavon-
The Tempting Omelet
' There is -nothing terrifying about
attempting in omelet. '
Ornelet-making is not an over-
,erowded prefessien; and any 'lone
showing marked •gifts in that three-
aliapst to wizardry.
Catch hold of this frying ,pan. It
Let the pan get bete. and' place in:,
,cover, the isottirin of the pall,. Three
end heat theft just enough to mix
the..Yelks and the. whites; adding, a
into the' pan arid let them :spread
'Shake the Pap ViZtry gently to 'pre-
,prit sticking, And. 'Ihen the' Ander;
up its edges wi* 14:-.thin.140fe and_
'let we're liquid,: apper part rUn down
' Serve it instantly. Commii tiny
- other. faux, pes you like, but never
keep an omelet waitink, ,
-.After all, it, has not kelit you
waiting, fer an 'omelet is quick mag-
le-. Two or three minutes does' the'
-"There is still one place -in 'the
vvorld where. we 'can 'find peaCe-Lthe
--George .Tessel.
, package 'of Parisian pansieS.•No.' 2549; and .
stated, Inpages, several in natural colours, •
ass st.LAWRENCE EllyD..M0NTRKAL ".
the streete of the capitat The deOree
'istged. by.' the:. • Council of People's :
Coinnaissara: Oict Cara are talk), seat
to t4o, provitteek Ownera will be re-
quired ter exchange' their .old antthrin
biles for, a ne* model and. thedeeree ,
.'eitelids: credit tar two. yeare to in,
"My rules of diet 'are .fiked in the
-sense that am ahnott:, mtclusvely
Highest Prket Paid s.Weekly
Bratfich or
The, UMW Partnere Co,opsratlVe CO.,
in set oll different'
(All ,engraved in Four 'Colors)
ihe Set contains stamps showing Crownni' gs of King
- Harold in 1066; Willianiihe Contjueror; King George
, the' IV. Also. Portrayals Of the -King' chani$On;
Revenues ,Lagguip .7,-,, Question
ofijoials- .said Ault week the pace ..4. ,
%Patine:Oa in the -next few montlia-Mai
she* whether new taxes, will he neetti
' Should present activity .be etepPe6
Up, they said, It May apeed titt.-flow ,,
, Roper amid that, although husiness
.:way 'frOm. full prodaction."' With -no.
need:, le eViViinalOt' Methods. Of stop-. .
.. ReoseVelt- said in :hie' budget :message • .
' the• treasuryi will suggest- new levied
I° the 1939 s,ession.rit,Congread.. :
: :Wad ;circulated, ..,In• edam . fiscal: -,,,
haVe been Considered. one. method: of ,
;which :UPset 'both domesticjiltir-?
:threat paid foreigners probably, wohid.:.
Why s Cline
Afraid hi aria a
Suggests It Is Uniform Law
• For Dominion -
heading On ''an article in,-.7he Coin.: •
'one:':of Canada's. best
NO. extrailitian. No, confliethig
, that' the .fact , that the,•Criminal
, plies alike across the Coniitry: *tie' "
reasot for ,:the, better, enferee:,
tient :of'ciiminit this.' cow -All -
include the" feet that the jadiCiary
The question ef..'inlifo.rm...laws:
trao,tiag af-goed.aleal.ipt. attention. end
aelform:. wage'. utiferin- them!
-.law- enfereement in Canada :into not -
lee ill 'the; Vlirt-eds States and. the
."Foo: lotg time it: -.has • been coma"
mon, opinion' that :the peOble Ot. can -
so clear.mmanation is la the' proMpt
actioti. Of ,OntatiO." authorities.. With to'-:
.‘ferencei to. strihie• le the 'motor ear' •
Be Given A
'Veteran ..Indian raistion
„ary of, ,Saddle Lake, -90. itilet north-
east Of Edniontim, hat,. left, here ter
conVtioatiolli Of .Victoria
' Steinhauer la believed the only
elicitor or Arta degree and itTrIfr •th
, who -ever receli7ed•
florn. in 1§.6.1; Cree 'parentage,
„attended :Vietoria 'wiles it .
'was Ideated .at.Cobourg, Oat., find gto.4
-one Iii,1930 Wet ordained,' trite the
nistrY.. ritinitterial that bee::
Ttieo ,Yeare lige be
'Odd glve,ujifpetehO .`
to the e,Olt Offithe,Veite'd'tputoit