HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-05-06, Page 6b .;ei.-n .!�.,y Y k• iir'Y; :4L.7PINedKARD•k ' Claudia Towsead" Meets Dick 1'What:" d' ou" mean?" Y Moriarty. sat. +. forward belligerently. "If :' ou're jokin'—well, you're jokin' wi' the wrong . party, • see'!" Braddock smiles - i'ormight , . "Moriart I mi .:' g gh' t say Mur.. phy!"—he.. watched the other man start—"}gas you' :ever ' i,, Boise,. 'Ida Alkalis, -at a lackey .game is Seattle ease .telt, : Her interest la,:Dielf,aw• fsirlates ;WeIIac, Darnell,rich yealsg e litabumaa, 'wie warts. ba, to mi '' To' •et ,D I[' g ie.on M of the • WAY,' Wallace, offers him 'a. job is `ane .of kis lussber' canape' in. British. Colum• bin. " lafeanwbile,k Claudia • has. round ho?" a'; 7!b fop Dick a Seittle. Bo _OA_ ""Hew t once about Murphy? And Boise„ "Hm l . Let me tell • you that there ain't :much Braddock don't; know about the men: he has working for him!" wa err m ego o, • seep a news ',MM. Dick.. -Dick ..goer , to the !amber' cam, . and there dueovera that ,`Bar • - Sion company is stooling` timber; Hey asks 4 for ' an °-ezplanatiob,` but :Bract. :deck' the boss; pati him.- off and next for Seattle. , The follow. iilg anal Claudia' .'tops, in at Bernell's efeee iced, by chance, overhears Bor. Hell and'' Braddock _plotting :to' do. + li1!raTr with Drcii. , She decides to go,, • tg'Barna- Lake •herfelf to• warn Dick;` but: Braddock tees-. her , on' the boat, • and ",manages ta;' arrive at the camp, before ;tire does CHAPTER VD Nlien'Braddoctc arrived at thea' rtp, he immodiate,l�v'sent for Jen= kins, the- overseer Jenkins , report 'edthat everything had` gone on .quiet- ly' durrrig' his absence "I ,want to see Moriarty,"' Brad ;dal( 'said.' Y`Tell him. to Come to my office now, at once• : ;Moriarty was; the 'man . who : had been scaler before Whalen had ,Oust- .the ust- the job ` "Braddock sat ;down at his desk to' _,wait.;;'He took a cigar, ht it; then, felt in," the"drawer at. his hand •for::: •the 'revolver that he always ;kept 'there, ! loaded "The man,' who. was coming' in had a, black•:est ..14'1`oriarty'opened' :theOr" and ,peered into the room. ! "Come•;.right ire,' m !" said :Brad dock Moriarty came'in; Ieaving,the door ajar,. behind dim.: " - Shut° -the• door," Braddock order ed._ "Lock it ---I want to: speak to • "What's all this -about,.' boss? 1 'ain't done nothin' " Braddock laughed. "Site down ` Seems` to me,'you're afraid o'm `soething, Mister, 'oriar- ty�n M' • ' Yciu're;wrong!" said—the. _ -Man quickly, driaPpia,g , to' a chair: "I'm afraid o'nothiu•t" ; What's the gamel" I'd act° that wtiy,' too, if 1 expected.;to 'nee a,, cod blab& every ''corner,, re,riir.chu g Frne :et.;. my past 7rist'ory said "Bifaddpck. 000atate :their many OcIl.; 'Coital flow ottalitiet: • , rood OC ihoko qui*, Pass elinalitotes "rkiday 114'11160 tram Montreal •.pooel;,.Plymouth, Havre end P Liindian at rates which roma sent substantial saving, , Apply to • . $ a.•, Sw ey "Reveal. increase of• .12,5 Per Cent. la 1936 Reported • NEW $ORK,. Reporting. that 44 cents of each. advertising, dollar. spent, in '193¢, went to newspapers; the Bur• eau Of Advertising of the 'American: Newspaper Publishers'' , Aehociiation asserted, that greater+ promotion will return: greater' benefits to the: ,news, ' paper business. "Newspapers have the greatest- me umey:Of advertising; r said' the report,:. signed' •by Chairman Edwin S. Friend- ly. "Thin volume."will grow if yve.are' willing'to promote zit on a scala equalt to• the efforts of competing;,mediuma."•" Newspapers generally, he';said,.are more 'nearly Conscious, of title oppor= tun.ty.:than; ever, before. Newspapera •received approximately 288 000 00 0 en i , . , . .,, i , n .. rav ,ue from national advertisers` In 1936; Friendly : said. as compared; to16? 00 000. n 3 1935, a gain, of 12.6 per c Dividing the a age.' advertising dollar,,1•he, said, ; newspapers received .., 44 'cents, magazines k3.6. • cents;. :ear cards 15.10 et a cent, chain. broadcasts 14 cents and outdoor advertising .me- diems. 7.9' cents • .. ��nr-tail=¢ir•��cn�•-A-�1,-� , A: the admission of 15' new: newspap- era to In 1936, and the resignation of '10; Moriarty' was cornered, and he *knew it. ' "Well, :what are< you• going to .de about , it?" ,"Nothing!" ' Moriarty stared. at; him, astonish- a great -man to :iniad my own business,_`Moriarty..!= If -another- man-. feels -it best to,'take--a-change ofvair,' —and a _change. o' name along With: it -why, :I'm 'riot interefering. L. But ' L expeothim to'.be grateful enough.; o=:do me favor one • in pit While `'Favor?"•;'said =•Moriarty gruffly.. ".What's your price?" "I'm , thinking,'' Braddock said slowly, "of sending you ;alongwith that fellow: Whalen to look` over. 'some, timber wepp'g�ot at',.the4;east end •o;' Tchesinkut 'Lake " , "Whalen! But`I. hate the sight' o' . "You hate t • hire? • Well, that'll• make it easy=-" Braddock leaned ,forward over the desk.. "That's 'the favor;' I'm aslsing�you come„ back- alone!" • The other' man's • face - changed. A; sinister: smile twisted his mouth.' "So that'`s .the game,. eh? Well,. if I put hind.where, he' rightly belongs'• what do I getout of it? . I' take all :the 'risk!" `. . Braddock., -frowned., "Noll,- he said: "I'11 give you•a thousand dol- lays .and . your' time %when, ;you come back' and report to me;here." "One thousand-",_ • "That's get!- NoWdthen get down to'biaSs .This thing ,hai.'-got :leek: like, air - accidellt, see? have:Jo' report trait and 7get'llim in his sleep—or- .or. ail -tethered,. or -;--well, I leave it tot yon.- -You collie home and it ta'-'rne_in great excitenient; dye. blight . and .early, ,tomorroW"-Morning.. ',Row theiii:,tivioriartsi,•40 tack •to;ilie4 ',ariYhody about seeing me... In rP1' telt you • both yeti to gO•04t tee? nothing:1K, this .before I tell you 'in:front of.' him, .r :,,qen minutes later, Whalen was •Wanted .the• Office.: Hastily Wherekt. that other.:IelloW; Mort! ' 'ii'atle VVldt� Canac OTTAWA., --Canadian trade with. I3elgiuln, which' totalled $30,000,000 ',last year, will be' more than doubled it is believed. as a, result • of the forthcoming visit to 'Canada 'of some:' twenty_ or twenty five representative businessmen ,-frond' Belgium. • tinder the' guiding hand of''Baron ' Silver- eToys, the enterprising young Belgi,. an Minister, who earrme; to.•llttawa• at the ' News - Year, the party will ' visit' Toronto, Montreal and other ;indus- trial centres of the Do_ minion The u t.�•rl ..,. . ,: rte;... a�_• ... V... Fa.�LU++rYa1,V 4I'1L`,.;. foundation , for enduring relations:. between the two :countries and 'Bar-- , 'on Silvercruys aces, ;no reason why: an.. Annual. twoTwa),!+ trade, of $70,.'• 00;0,000 Y'should,not be: established:,' or: Stan 'Collectors Siang) actors:': Stamp collectors: wilt bo Interested: in brie, epeeial •offer of the Colonial.• Dlstribetore Wmite4r, , Toronto, Coronation "Souvenir stapwpa _ stzty: -a11 different for 25c,:'All engraved in ; four calors. The 'set contains sta,nps' shOwing crowning ;of': King' 'Harold in 1066; • William .the Conqueror,. King George i; the IP. Also iertrayals�___ t .ot theKin..'e-. --ebamplon,. Merbera.` the' Royal g>� sa Family and Historical Points of In- terest. eanni Giri' In Lacy Cape of . Laura Wheeler Crochet attera Number 1463., Wide,pattern-each row is Vt. goee' quickly. And it's, :just:the thIng:fOr',dressr:up ori cool evenings. Pattern '1463. con - sit and Of, all•stitchea lined; material requirements. Cocents-ln stamps or coin (coin preferred) for this ,pattern to': Needlecraft: :Dept; Wilson Publishing Co., 13 Nest .Adelaide St.; '''PerontiL". Vitite plainly. Pattern Number; your 'Name' and Addriss. 7,bit"---ef'tillibir-craising for. us -'- r want "Yea' td Start -4 daWri dr befere :e" :teheeinitiit latie:s::Thesi want fig- : tires deWri in -Seattle", right aWay: I „earl be back here "at.tight. The.'ear, back to. bed now antl„get Seilie. sleep; V 'Dick felt turprised thoW it; ter did he- let either: Mari ; 'see ,how elistaitetul tO 'hilt *at. the chesen Ear hiM. Was ail. in the daY1s .wOrk, 'he supposed: .' ',.1110riai,cty seeing at Yea 1kno* the, lie feeling Mach curiosity: or even An- terett • The trip Weald. relieve : the Imoriotoai:' -The fact that tbey had picked ....hilt for the job sheVied„ , and 4o.ize.ri their value for theth. . When :Claudia, Townteifd reached at. inn Yat tarts Like, she atcly asked ;ttio' *Ay.. to 'the' ilotneil *S3 • Rillte 'fnIPOSsible for, her 'to get thero 'before:the next morning.' '• She chafed at the delay. If:Bra& idocit had gorie straight out there, pick • was in iriiiriediate 'danger. But' CUNARD WHITE STAR DONALDSON ATLANTIC LINE ,110'bat the man go see is 1,our locateigetol. 2if "Street (Elgin 3471) iiiitoratdp. 444. Issue No. 19—'37 there, was nothirig to he. done;_abolit journey So she, decided to get 'a geed night's sleep arid ,ordered. a sleigh to • down there! •„'Ne' women in that (TO he centinded) Moscow . Jelly' Comes. to the.Rescue Perhaps you have always thou only to make glowing: dessert dish or, in in , a pinch, a" molded. salad.• ' • are :out to dispel that idea• and :he ere •{ some, 'recipes. whk3l,; prove. that auick-setting dy'1Xy:' had";: an lnf11Fi variety of uses';w,hiieh will ; -endear to„ the• hearts of • busy . honremake . These .packages of jelly Inl,bri ht Y g c ors and various flavors 'tan come your rescue on,� numerouii oceasie when. yon .tieryou just' can' ;.. , . ,1 t make. ,Heal out of What is left over , and y you, can't throw the scraps, away. Here are two.'deli iu'u3 recipes ,.• c,pea that can , form the • main 'courte , of ' any Meal,: company or otherwise, and -yet they are so cheaply and ; Basil pre, • wired. that it will :Astonish . yob: But. y 'once you have, tasted them, it'won't astonish- F ' to-fi Mair M. Morgan rs a thick iron ogrearid is �' kept ex=, ght,' .elusive! fo _ hem -..' r. t. akin _ o m Y o ee ts.. .,, .0 1. +..et.-.•.rw--v..l.- lFi.4 Wa ,1 Y 'Y �. tt car' y use; r,1tr Y. ja es simply • wiped clean', with a` cloth -or We, . , tissue paper:; ' . re its bottom'is perfectly flat; sohat' , it cannot reel .about on the; gas -ring tQ' r over.:whatever hot:flame the- Dane it, let is going 'to be cooked,• The, fl e am, •• must be .,hot and the pan ;must. be of hat, because speed is•the essence of; to . good omelet -making. • ' • ns Slow' cooking a .. .. ., 8 mans toughness,.I a For. this reason; o ••not° lint, or. et p , .fid..,. eggs' into the pan • that'' will: #vrm;' a. e ' thinnish;'layer'on. the bottom. ' A Plain One ' Since:" the' plain'omeiet i th „. s the, basis of • a thousand. others, 'We will make one. ant, them again and .age Piquant Tongue, Mold 1,' Package quick -setting" lemo. jelly,; .1 •,,pint warm' water', 23rd table spoons vinegar,' 1-8 teaspuon salt,.1 teaspoon :scraped "onion, 31Fa 'cup boiled tongue—finely., chopped, 3' •cap, dill pickles --•finely chopped, - cup mayonnaise..:.. ; Dissolve jelly in .w.,arm` water, A'dd vinegar and: ' salt. .Chill 'until ;cold and, syrupy, Place in bowl of crack= ed ,eo_ o doe water and: whip -with rotary • egg heater `until fluffy --and ;thick:"hke`-•Whipped cream. 'Fold onion tongue, pickles :and • mavon- The Tempting Omelet ' There is -nothing terrifying about attempting in omelet. ' Ornelet-making is not an over- ,erowded prefessien; and any 'lone showing marked •gifts in that three- aliapst to wizardry. Catch hold of this frying ,pan. It Let the pan get bete. and' place in:, ,cover, the isottirin of the pall,. Three end heat theft just enough to mix the..Yelks and the. whites; adding, a into the' pan arid let them :spread 'Shake the Pap ViZtry gently to 'pre- ,prit sticking, And. 'Ihen the' Ander; up its edges wi* 14:-.thin.140fe and_ 'let we're liquid,: apper part rUn down ' Serve it instantly. Commii tiny - other. faux, pes you like, but never keep an omelet waitink, , -.After all, it, has not kelit you waiting, fer an 'omelet is quick mag- le-. Two or three minutes does' the' • -"There is still one place -in 'the vvorld where. we 'can 'find peaCe-Lthe --George .Tessel. SEEDS , package 'of Parisian pansieS.•No.' 2549; and . stated, Inpages, several in natural colours, • ass st.LAWRENCE EllyD..M0NTRKAL ". the streete of the capitat The deOree 'istged. by.' the:. • Council of People's : Coinnaissara: Oict Cara are talk), seat to t4o, provitteek Ownera will be re- quired ter exchange' their .old antthrin biles for, a ne* model and. thedeeree , .'eitelids: credit tar two. yeare to in, "My rules of diet 'are .fiked in the -sense that am ahnott:, mtclusvely Highest Prket Paid s.Weekly ' CHARGES' PAID, , ORDER'. CANS NOW • Bratfich or The, UMW Partnere Co,opsratlVe CO., 45 t. in set oll different' (All ,engraved in Four 'Colors) ihe Set contains stamps showing Crownni' gs of King - Harold in 1066; Willianiihe Contjueror; King George , the' IV. Also. Portrayals Of the -King' chani$On; • • • UR: .LOCAL. ,NEWSDEALER'• Revenues ,Lagguip .7,-,, Question ofijoials- .said Ault week the pace ..4. , %Patine:Oa in the -next few montlia-Mai she* whether new taxes, will he neetti ' Should present activity .be etepPe6 Up, they said, It May apeed titt.-flow ,, oll , Roper amid that, although husiness .:way 'frOm. full prodaction."' With -no. need:, le eViViinalOt' Methods. Of stop-. . .. ReoseVelt- said in :hie' budget :message • . ' the• treasuryi will suggest- new levied I° the 1939 s,ession.rit,Congread.. : : :Wad ;circulated, ..,In• edam . fiscal: -,,, haVe been Considered. one. method: of , ;which :UPset 'both domesticjiltir-? :threat paid foreigners probably, wohid.:. • Why s Cline Afraid hi aria a Suggests It Is Uniform Law • For Dominion - heading On ''an article in,-.7he Coin.: • 'one:':of Canada's. best NO. extrailitian. No, confliethig , that' the .fact , that the,•Criminal , plies alike across the Coniitry: *tie' " reasot for ,:the, better, enferee:, tient :of'ciiminit this.' cow -All - include the" feet that the jadiCiary The question ef..'inlifo.rm...laws: trao,tiag af-goed.aleal.ipt. attention. end aelform:. wage'. utiferin- them! -.law- enfereement in Canada :into not - lee ill 'the; Vlirt-eds States and. the ."Foo: lotg time it: -.has • been coma" mon, opinion' that :the peOble Ot. can - so clear.mmanation is la the' proMpt actioti. Of ,OntatiO." authorities.. With to'-: .‘ferencei to. strihie• le the 'motor ear' • IL Be Given A 'Veteran ..Indian raistion „ary of, ,Saddle Lake, -90. itilet north- east Of Edniontim, hat,. left, here ter conVtioatiolli Of .Victoria ' Steinhauer la believed the only elicitor or Arta degree and itTrIfr •th , who -ever receli7ed• florn. in 1§.6.1; Cree 'parentage, „attended :Vietoria 'wiles it . 'was Ideated .at.Cobourg, Oat., find gto.4 -one Iii,1930 Wet ordained,' trite the nistrY.. ritinitterial that bee:: Ttieo ,Yeare lige be 'Odd glve,ujifpetehO .` to the e,Olt Offithe,Veite'd'tputoit