HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-05-06, Page 4•
• 1Frons all Stations ln.Eastarn Canada
GOING DAILY—MAY 21-31 inclusive
Return Limit: 45 days
•40tQACRES at'faren aitproxiniat'clSr lc oar Inge, .
TOURIST SVS.P, ING pARs fares approilinatch,clUe Per ralla
• §Te.isaiSnri si.g..gpitip; CARS at 'fareniapproxfinately 1 3ic par mile.
'04.0,PACTE, chec40... Stopnycla, atot Arthur, Aonat,rong;chiCago and we6L'
'Tirdeeis:•§0ePixtare: 4i0 ; .nof0;Maii.04 jr0711 ageni 4.41C PORI=L4ND3414
IAONUfrAENIS. flit toit'•
Having , out factory equipped with
the: most ;Modern ,machinery 'for-- the•
executionof .high • 'Class •work, We,aalv
YOu to see the largest disPlaref mon-
" iimeets. of any .retait;leetery in on,
1tario. All finished by sand blast ma:
. chines, We 'import a1I�rn,' granite
,froiii the -'01d., Conntry quarries:
ect,"-lethe 'rough..-Ycni can save all
s ,a en a .an nn.",
profits :by 'seeing. us." •
E.J. Skelton'
At West trid`Hridge:L:WALKETttON
eorge • Bess has returned • to
his, home here, after being, in Lon.
don taking treatnieneon' his arm. We
are glad to. report the ..am t�. be
Much 'ininioVed. •
..Miss Olive Garton of Lemington
Spent the week -end at her honie here.
Mrs.. 11. Snarling retiitnet...
onie-'iCo hngwoodifter.spending
a few' Weeks with_ her parents, Mr:
and"-Mts, Toin:"Moote. •
A coronation, service will be beld
next SundaY morning. May 9th,, at
11 O'clock in the Presbyterian church
OUNT here,• pre.tYbotlywelcorne: •.•
• •Congratulatio t M m
r. and Mrs Marvin &indent:inMr. and Mrs. Andrew Smith • b
eauighter ,ditl.i...:frem..-Torpnto; ',were
Weelc.4rild:Asitots with. •Mr. and Mrs
Jainos •
MacDonald :: and Mr. and •Mrs
Robert. Hamilton.
• COOfitRigS!. CORNE:145
visited with Mr. and Mrs: David
141°0* Kenzle W§hh and sail Duesell
I:little Iasi.' •weolc, (DuNGANNI0N . NEWS)
Mrs- Tante,. Fairish'e aunt, Mrs.
Hanes, is -Visiting with her at pre- BORN -Wednesday, April 28th; at
,Se*.,," • ,• ' ' Alexandria *Marine Hospital, *Goder-
A -farewell inirty, was held leh, to Mr. and '4r0. Thos• Webster,
day , evening, in the et" ifouse for ;a •b,abY daughter..`"coaitratelatidns•
Mr. and Mrs.,..*Jainea Si/Matt, they Misses Cora Finnigan, Whine, and
*Ire moviNr"to•a IarriVat Eelgrave. Leis Treleaven and Lucille and Irvine
Mr.. Wilfred Fattish read. a farewell EedY, enjoyed Thursday and Friday
,address and Mrs. 11`. Lannan pre- visiting the bitters' cousin, Miss Ferne
sented thein twith •.a token in benalf Nickel" Stratford. •
• ••
Raise, oneY For •
Fire Equipment
. Mt. "litorgan Dalten'a• frame "hoilae,
,Was Suriday'zafternoon, On the
th edneeesien. „Mrs.: paltop , was 80
years old ,,onanda and, a, number
Of :friends' Were-visitink him, when
sniolle weseirieli and,discovered the
south-east. aection. of 'Vies
in' eelninun.itk extends
sympathy to Mr. Dalton and:family
in their
• Mk. and:Mrs. Frank Johnston and
family visited twith• friends •111.• Len:
don 'on Sunday, who were ?victims
of tie flood.
Mr. Dunean ,McKay ' visited :with
his brother Donaliik, in ,LoedOn..,
Miss Vivian_Courtne
e er eme here. ,
•,lgr. 'Albert McQuoid visited With
his daughter,. NUL- "Janies 'Little. .
,111-6% and Mrs:. ckrit. CamPbe0 and
familY. Visited •Olivet friends.
--raistl'aiict-- ' George and
Mrs.' Donald FOWler.:: metered', to
,•..tF.16.101esil)1:nrIteerenSaturday an4 was ac-
ck• .by Miss
ler, who had Visited three weeks. with
frienos St;,Flesherto4
Visitora." zifithe timid of Mr and.
. Mrs, :Wirit*,: Bray` on Sunday 143
two ;WSW*, 8.-..1Yeller and 'Ms.
Copeland! and Mrs:
Thes...TabV.and grandaughter, Mies
Berl Sanderson." all ofGederich:
Mr.. and, Mrs. • Frank Glenn '''and
family visited.4/r, 'and Mrs. Wm.
0001r, On Sunday. "•. • ,
The Benefit concert :which, was held
r APrik 13:twih tolinitziweid of
Dungairinon „Fire' equipment; Proved n
ceide. which, 'amounted to over ;30:00
:gaVe tb.rise:whr;"• patrinized.1miite
an interesting -evening.: 'Chas.
Alton" did well aa: chairlitin and ha'd.
iote a varied prtrawfor the aud-
ience, The Dan*anrion ,puhlie school
favored witle-1-,,,-,,twoliatt chorus, Se-
conipanied by .their''Singing inetriic7
tress; Mjss: MacDonald of laucknow.
Following•that wet a vocal ttio. by
Miaaea• FeggY, Helen and -Marion Mc
Donald, reading' by'Gwendolyn'Finni..
ae*teite'hy pupils ,of the ,acheol,
Treleaven. A very.pretty number was
'fr-rivenrhY-I0-Inglrachoorer1i7or c-
. ,
know, a. folk' dance,:..dreased yel-.
low crepe paper ' dreseei with:bonnets
ach having iiiiiiiye•:***Inga,-earq;
ing baskets : .inat the
AOse Of Ole. dria,-141is„ripiie Alton,
dressed, in MauVe:in the 'Style. of ,the
othets,‘, appeared .and Caine (Mt - and:
.-iang 'plensing %Telco 'Who ': will, buy
.My .laiender.". This nuinher" by the
girls:,"waS very. .prittLMISS Ettrabeilt,:.•
Webster gave solo and lila/3 :Film-
Ces :Montgoinety recited one of Paul,
ine Johnston's 'poems. Several seleo;
t•lons, on the „concertina:, by ..,Mr..:Geo:
Hedge ,were Aeeemintnieti.
-it the Pianciby: Mrs.. Donald ,FeWler.
Mr: Martin...tesichor :at .CreWe 16
4chool boys well ,trained aerobaties
and" did eleVer,...itunts and liOie C.
, ,
Drennan, smallest them, came Out
. .
er on celebrating . his 83rd' birthday •,
Canacia's largest fainilY Mr. and
• on Saturday, Malt .
• ' Mrs • f
Friends and relatives gathered at ilem'el?tn.e,nzeillare Exeter, nond•Ptrheellireli- twSet-
••the home of Mr." and' Mys. Thomas ty_on• e hildren ims,,,,heen formed einil:
. last Tuesday evening an •
• • a • legal -partnership An -Order -that
Onit"Ca hiltn13er'irpm. 'here attended
he•••.:presefitation for and 'Mrs
rack'"*"fteeharlest• end-Albrirlait
night, , ••,•
Messrs John ' arid Fred ,lifartin
ei)eite:seinr,dai Guelph and Fer-:
, Week -end` With and
Mrn.• John Januesoh *ere .their neiee
:Mrs!, ;,iTeilrir:`"PnCtide :from Montana,
Mt"; and ffigf,'"'11.0waTd.Harrig from
Holyrood and 'Mr; and 1 Mrs. Gordon
Isabeile.and, Stewart from
Mies • Rire.:MO.Donald spent Tues-
day. With ''Itieride at Woodstock.:'
' • A :auinher • from here -attended th. e
shower'. for 4ielliS NO'S Plietalilaee at
,the home of Mrs.litacqarles.
Mr Norval Itivhards is engaged.' in
.Geological work 'for the „AgriPilti,irat
'College at Gueiph for the 2 slimmer,
'Mi.-. and Mrs: Wm. MacGill were
recent ;visitors, with Mt. and Mt's.' L.'
Maelteith, Lethian. ;
- May; 'through 'letting ,eontraets fe!"
.house. We . wish thein 'many haPPy
ear ' 4.pirie.41.iss;:chtis.
1,nglip, of 41"oregto, wins 'home l•for.
the oetasionaintalsa '10: and Mrs:
Alex Inglis' of Stratford.
Don't forget., the W. M. Presby-
terial to Meet' liere on, May. .1.1.th, be-
ginning at 10 o'clock in. the morning.
1Vir., Jack McCharles and family
are moving to Mr. Wm. J. Fisher's
house. . on the boundary. Mr: Jack
1VIacMillari has the .ferni 'rented. t
•. Dr.. Torres? of 'Stratford and Dr.
Canipbell of lieyisall, were in this
coninninity. hlikid, testing cattle this
• h, there goes ,our new peighbm
She'S a business woman.) ,
Oh what kind of. businesa' is sh
interested iii?EverYbOcisei
Geralti-That fellow is .a
rsitice he hadan eagle
7::11.7: rms.
• •
;am.. ea. ea a; moan
...A.' •
• '' . .
o so• .•
ploo...;Am000• . .. . /0811011.•Mi* . .
.;•04. 4.° . • m.o...
. . .. ow.-- •
...4or imam 64#
/OP di AT /AV
` ▪ •-•
avir 00 • d •
00%40 •
it .
, °fir Naive,
.It 'paysto use a quality iegu,a'ranteed
i i . .
in •Writng.when you' buy: Afaitin-Senour. 100% Pure .
, .
fajnt. No useless adulterants Sr used in the p'repar;a,
• tion of ibis' sterling Obdtitt; The inire .white lead arid
, .
Zinc' oxide base gives, you protection that lasts, cover-
age that•saveS you friortey--=-heauty that does rodade '
',,ttnooth flOwing-quick dry,inghih gloss'
• - enamel. Good lot inside and outside.:. 20*
glorious colors, • plus the . revolutionary!
. "Crystal,Cleat" finish;
advertisiit ,..2riear.p:Aieircdden
narvesflorseen by :friends and. rela-
tive. 1,
Under, tris :of: the agreeMent for
partnership, Oriezinie Masse Is pres-
ident; Rev: rather Leo Marchand, ,P.
P.,' of French. Settlement" treasurer,
and Frank Delbridge, insurance :agent
of 'Exeter,,-, proineter and business
manager : The 'agreement haseenr
approved'. by His Excellency Rt Rev.
J. T. Kidd,' Bishop,. of the :Iterimn,
,Catholic Diocese of London. •,
A pie--t,ure of the :family together
has been -Secnredi: and will be, fin,:
warded by. Bishop Kidd to Rome':for
bestowal Of the PaPal" blessing. When
this message .. from. • the Vatican-: i.
.received it will lie read brIfis Eace
.leficy•at a Special service to be held
.in Drysdale church. The day follow
ing 'there ,Will be a monster* picnie,
at which to Officially,
•launch 0 Masse & Company on its
path to fame:,
Mr., and Mts. Charles Sheill;•Doris
and Jack,ivere. snfido visitors at
Charles doligraiii's..'
Mr.• HoWard- Legge of 'TiVerfon
sPent...the• Week -end his kerne here.
'1VIt: and Mrs. D,uncrin, Campbell of
Kinloks; spent' Sunday even:trig, at Mr.
on top .every -time.t,This-°.performanee
Wee ,especially inter -eating" to. both the
youn, g. and old,yand "much credit is
dile' to „their. teacher, who has pat-
IentlY,Irained- them. Mrs. G. C. Tre-
leaven hied daughter Wilma , gave a
piano' instrumental, Mrs. FlatZer
AirbUrnnsanga few Soloi3vhich were
much enjOYed;:alse:a • "1,Te4ingibyil4s."
, Donald Fowler:.' At the eoncliisioicei
"these numbers, :Mrs.,- Wilbur Breviii
president Of the W. I., Who ,spensored,
the entertaininent;.7tendered "a - !iota of
• thanks to those 'taking Part; seciiiided
: 1 4ameo Baker's. -. . .. •. ' • .4 Mrs. Bert. Bradford. the. National
gr. And MrS;'lloWard. Hatris".sperit Anthem was. then Sting. .
SttridaY at ...Mr, Jahn ,,Tainiegoires Of : Mi.. and Mrs. IX.' F":". Mee :and Mr.
Paramount. . , , - ,. n, , snd Mre. blorMan, 'MacLeod of '1*,
. Mr. and,. Mrs.. Austin , Legge. and, •troit, spent the week..-end,at thehonie•
- flaiiiily,-Srpent SilifclifY.everring:•at._Mr. Of' Mrs; Minnie Jones ori.the:4th...:.rif
1 John :149etg(?)"nerr8 of Tiveitaii:. '' ... Ar- Wawanosh.
. Mr. ,Lealie Hattie' •''and Mr.. :John - . Mr. ,Cecil, Orser of .petieft•,. spent'
____1.._1Ar_iight-of--1Strathroy,-,--ealledtat71V1i7 ,theme4:iiiii; with „iiiii parents, • mr.
---m-o-ii. neiriroi..e-ii• Satntdity.-.. ', snd.'Mrs..L. Orser.
1 ander 'Pierce; were 'recent' callers at ..york. horse* thiri Week.
• ' .111ise, Jennie.: PierCe; and .Mi-. • Alex- :2 Mr. is,relson. .dtill?.e# 'bit one of his
• I Kr: ,r.iihos '. ' Batrie'. . : '..74•04 ,.- of the farmers . are rnabing
'',$/ith•making ready tor the spring See.'
OF , moTpg crtAm INJURIES wyEgspAtt GIRL .pIED .. . ,, lini4g.,...vate,,..v.ilielieenktifmu.;11.keswi.tr:iin;;.*. beesitialiveet
ipring really. is "here. :
. Miss Viola Young,,who is employed
At the,'Irinee of Mr.,Wirt. Helni- on the
, .
12th 'of' Ashfieldpr ,tOrti Miles :fresh
.ucktioiv, 'agent :Sunday at the Parini.
.4tal Aionie of Mr.. and Mrs. J.' B.
. A' motor: 'crash that caused .. the
• 1 I%ideath . of 'Miss' „Helen .M...:geharttech.
' aged 28,' of 'Riversdale,. and 'Which, re
eidted. in the, OeriOns inlirStof .11fiaa,=.
t'll.azel, - :Cassidy; ' .Sfsa ,of ItiVersdale,'
..1, While ' tWa .Others: • of the:. .Greenock
" hanilet, Jack -ScharbaCh and Miss
• Hein O'Hagan i sustained .T*11161.
, east -Of the Arthur, intersection ; on
: King's,....Highway No. r;9.• about 8.:30
o'clock ,on Wednesday afternoon :of
.last Week, When . A hew :1ST Ford V'1.8
•, ;Coach :bringing the !Riveratiale 'quar-.
n tette: holm •from, Toronto, met' head-.
•• , Pri• With a. new 1937 'Ford :ton', tr1.14
•1 • in 'Wbleh two ", Toronto leSis,'".*erre.
'Iriedittiely '. ahead 'and, swiing,,' it, is
'Clainie4 right intathe Path of the on
coining Rive'rsdale inachine, tesult-
ing.iii a tektiilic impact that redneed.
the!, iliveiSiltile Charlet, to debris iint
hurled, thd'7font occhpantswith sue
- ' 1 ' h
feree onto the•paVeinent that all were
.pieketi: up. in nil ' tiritOnSeidita State
and after; iitat.,aid had been adiiiiii,
')Store.d. by, Atthiat ',40Ctora, thek. were
all .7ra,41ted'..back. - to.. the "Orangevilln
'hoSp.itil , for treatirient; Mbis 8:char-'
acli,, who had her 'skull trualied• in'
over the left', eemple„ died tWo' ,IlaYs
14ter ATMOSt to: tha.mlittitet.:frOM heth.
• orthattge. of,the lirain„ Without,'.haVing
...k. 4 .- ., ,
. Mrs. J. Barkley; had as guests Sun-
day, .Mr. and 'Mrs: Aid.; Gardner,
• --IVIrsi-thosi7--liezirrandlitn7-JortBrotiltr;
:torn near •Lucknow. •••• ^ ,
Mr. Ben Park his gone to .asilist
Mr, Rich.' Gardner With the spring
, THURSDAY,. PkiltY 8T0o "19371 '
Publfc School ReTortS
- - 110o • -
Clitse-rlionoura--Zoonalda, Nreh-
olson, Mary 1,ouise Forteolia Pass -
Mark Lorraine 4ohnsten, •arrie,
ne, Roy Aitchison, George Chin,
Wilda Irwin, Helen. licCreiglit, Elaine
IrWin. Below .Pass--Griint
Murray. Henderson, Diehard Turner,
Gordon Hackett.: '
elais-L-Ilopours-;-jein.. Taylor,
f4iiurenee Salkeld,Margaret Trelea".
vai0 Stuart 'irettY Jean
McDonald, Ruth Azhmer!: 490.4
Quaig, Betty • Mekla Oriffirii BOMA*
GeOghegan,;•Pies Jean,
McCreight. Forster; .1 Geetge
',.StanieY, Pala MeCarinek; Whim PAU-
ley; joy -Jbluisori, Wilbert. Bell.' Below'
Gwendelyn Stewart ' )0.
' • ' `. aliel
., •
Roma. n ,
Honours --Mae. Webster, Jack 'Tre-
leaven, Roberta.FliilliPs, Jimmie Fer-
guson, 13illie, Johnstone, 'Doris' Tay -
!or,' shirley„ Culhert,. Alma Solomon;
Donna . MacCartneY., Pais• -•.-,Jessie .
'ion, Piztak; Treleaven, Patsy Miller 1
Ruth Wintersteint Ivan Lloyd,- George
ritYlor*,'' Allen J'ehriritone, .", 'Gorden
Wulliric Roy ' Thivens. 'Below .Pass -
Albert chin, Billie 'All*, „Toe -.Agnew,
Allen Stuart Winnie '.,, MacDonald,
:!ellen • ArmstrOng,- LleYd. Gollari. . :.
Those marked 10=missed an examin-
ation.. . '' • A ' il: G* Sheriff.
• ..A.,;SZ.
ifcKirn, Melvin Orr, ortia
'Roas. ,. Henderson, RusclI
-*rag .reit—le7Wiley'.',"Piati-c),tVrie,
.atilomon;'.Lorne,Reid,".'LlOyd Stewart,
Donald MacKenzie, :Ciirmen,,MeQiiillin.
iell •Whitby:*, aim- Purvis* -Jim •Hom....
. ,
.1 Jr: IiI.4-Hetiourst--,Bill • Olin; '.1ealv
'Verna .DahMer, 4,0104.John
Itattri7n Agnew; 'Reggie Fer-
guatni; 'Jean Webster, . Lorraine
guson. " ,.:.Patia7,Genrgina. GeOghegari;
itenald Doreen Not::
Ouin' hfieCittnek, Jack- Mabel
MacDonald, Either ,Patton; Kenneth
Wetuter:, )3eloW.:Pinis,!4tonald. JOha::
I • '
stone,. ',Bill Butten,,,, Warren w n
absent °all" month.. ••• :'. •
Pall of
OM ty •
Honours.-Nydiard--ThomPilon- ,135,i
•Carolyn, Allin-83, Fern Twaniley
$icholson- 67, :. Donald. Johnston • 65,
'Reid McKim 65'; LloYd Wylds. 60. Bp-
-glaloalich.66‘4,S°nF14Gd5:11VdoeiliSt::tel 64, TOinFat-
xeen-'50,-J• C.-°--Johati4577,79.1)01ifu4gellal-sa'
Jr IV -Honours -...Be 'Tailor 79,
Gatherinii"Johnaton 77 lielen Orr 77 '
Cella Wilson , 76, Billy Treleaven. 75.
Pass--Sani. Chin 71, Eileen :Geoghe-
ton, 61, Katherine 'Prest 61.. •13elevi.
30,%-•John1e 'Dahmer 88, 'Kathleen
Reid . 59, Beat Patterson 58, Keith
C011yer.•56, Jean Havens 54,Sam' Mc-.
.6liiiiiiii-ila ' gAniest -Button 49. . .
• • Thrill as 'Tyrone -Power... the "ictrain!s
•new-sensation,.:,makes.‘love to beau`,
A tlfUl Madalailie.Q=0,111.
•'' •
;,:„N.117'.781"kt ..•
starring ,
oad }4a
C Arismiv-iatirvil -V111011tHAArtg0
• A' Nth Cantuirrent, Picture
' "I.Loyns 'OP 'LONDON!' WILL :START 8.10 P•M•
. ADULTS' .35e,, 61-IIhriEEN20c.
• L'mo musicAp COMEDY,
Mis 11 IA.' :Gra4anis Oil:7W -Ail
drithem•,•epent.. Sund4rMrs.
Miss Ethel Griffin Spent Sunday at
hfr: and Mke. Karl Boyle 'attended
the, funeralf of • her' gralidfather, ;the
:late Mr. ,delpan. at •Bayfield on Sat-
urday, .
.A number irons .ire attended the
82. 'SillautsuircdaalY!leOsutirvislehOinoi;Kujilleeali'dtinhee ditn-
ection of Mies Anderson,teacher and
Mr; Ireland, Supervisor , of Music -for
this district, was successful in wrnn
ing third Mace. '
*K. MitePsanald.
•Mr. 'and ilia. John McDonagh. and
spent Sunday' Zion
friends: ' . . .
'7,11.easra.' lititveY 'Ack,eit arid John
Kilpatrzck'•• on Saturday • replaced !,:a
new Brantford. Ideal head on: Will
Gardner's" windmill," which Was wreck..
ad,by :the
.With the: advent Of favorable. viea„
'the!, Seeding is general this Week.
' Ben Parkes of Dungannon is
he seeding
M;sir: Ade Welbster vern,
Mr. V,ernie'llunteryieited on gun-
rlai'with his uncle arid, atint Mr:: and
Xis', George` Minter. '
• , •
and Mrs, Alf..., Andrew .and
;vThe %ty .it. .1i4t4ter)i Iitof, rorth a..wero
president of the Conference froM3rants,4ndmisAndrewm
pruteptid,..:with .Sacrament it;ryinn in Andre*, attended the. Beatty Conven-
the morning. Reit.. T. R. Turner titin in Fengtis ThtiksdaY and Friday,:
. •
plied at -Brucefield,. .
11,1t. Jaw. McWhintiey;.: hrotherLin. Akt • Elliott on Sunday.
law, of Ift Win Mole, Is coining to -7 Miss Nettle SProfile, and her , Mint,
Make lila home :With Mr: and, Mrs. Mtg.: GfiuttneY; returned • last., teee)c.
Donald Pewter. , • trom a, Visit with ". friends at St.
. The seiviCe at ' the Probytitran thin -rine. , .• •' N. •
:Chtireh nod Sunday 1 wltlidrawn, ifre. D. ;Sproule and grandeughters
When anniversary . SetVides ere hid, miss. Winnie 114.6 • 'hireitt .
LUcknow, . . , ,• Chaa. Iltirein, Mrs, Alfred .illefford,
Aft:.Goidie okk, ;bah bold. his An'crilitle SQII,,Douglas, anent Friday
'village residentk forinerly the late :visiting relatives, In Coderieh..' •
Mtn, MethitY's,10 kr. and Mrs. L. F. .Mr. and Mrs: las. Montgomery arid
Stingel, with inirriediate POtisession: flintily have., decided to start s stoke
Mies Clara Sproti,h;•,Of Stratford, at 113eninillOr; mid are tnO411ig this
spent the week=end With her motherk 'Week. ' - •
VitMLis''1:1;.MSaPrig°nuileet. W'ho, ;t: inenottl intitathg , the litOre 'which
Mr MelVille Culbert, who has ,Coin.
' 'bushes's following the ployea with ,pr. VOkes .111ythe. was we burned. is going ahead with it,.
.=.2Wii1keiton ;Herald -tint -ea, • hOine With ha' Piirenta, lite, and 1414-14.1iieb°,11Onie One.
• r
-..-•.A.--number--frem 'here attended -.-the
.funbrai-,-,otthe -late ll.140":"I'hipil..Mer-
gan ozi, Monday. "`" • '
Mrs, Loyi Eckentwiller aij Miss
:Kathleen.Graham o .atiefit the week-
end with their sister, Mrs M John.:
'stone Of :Listowel. '
. Mr. and Mrs..13. McGuire. and fain- KINTAIL•MAN SAID TO
ilY Spent Sunday at NA.: 1lAyE LIVED TO•:,BE '110
• . , ,
• • , t. • ,
Baby Chicks
twii•ipETH YEAR
. Breeding for Size, Large Eggs,
• •,Heaiy :PrOduction "no
Ali ' Blood. nested
Prices ENective 'May. 10tli '
The following prices., are for ..
. •
& CA)ehPrela. resimetive Y.
White Legherne „,, 15 .
. Barked 18
Whit- Rocks. •: 8 ,14
N.:Hampshire Reds 8. .14,
. Safe' Delivery .GUaranteed..
Buy the Best -and 'Be Satisfied.
,Mtite, -.Phone or' Call.
'Fhone•30, •Wingham,..010-
- Mr. W.' Doyle; Mr. Levi Deile and
Karl attended the - funera..2-oftheit - • .
Slt.ieliiidlfaa.:ty, 64: . 4i7 Y.L. e,ttj•nl tjr i7diTy70•In7o;r1a,t etead., sneSpl iltsohne °0o:ldt heAsstbhimot
A. stone. in KiCtail ceznetery records '
that one Joh McLean, .who came to
Canada from Scotland in 1840, diedhi . • .
1862 at the ripe ,old, age of 107:
'ears. `
Debit hik into , Mr, llfactsean's his- •
toty,....one finds •that skeptics of that •
day,. refused to believe he Wee ;107.1
years of age. Accordingly they Wrote, •
authorities Scotland, only to,learn
that. a mistake had been niade and
that ,M4.lioracteali in reality Was 110
year bf 'age,-,Goderich
Z:Ilessor, motored to Kitchener.. '•on•
•Wednesday. . •• • • .: •
' • Miss Verne jCilpatricic Of Mafeking
• , ,
;pent the week -end .with Miss. Jeati
Anderson. ,
• ,Misses Bess. and Jean Lane- spent,
the week=end at their :horise,here.-
Mrs. N'Vm.: liawkshaW rind 'Elizabeth
visited livith Mrs. F. A. «1ackweII ori
Sunday. .
Seeding• iS order of the day in
this neighbothpori. •' 0 "
Mr; and Mrs.' Stephen Stothets and.
tarinly' of Arthur, Mr:. and Mrs.. J. C.
Stotherg and, family of London; and
Mary. liorton. ',Arthur-,, spent
he week,end with the lattar's parents
Miss ;314ernt
parents,smpern„ handMrs. John .er
, Mr, 'arid. Mta.'• Finlai' Shackleton
and kin of Arthur, spent iSaturday
with Mr. anit'lt,re;'11Orinan
Miss, Verna l' Kilpatrick, spent' the
week -end With, Miss. lean Anderson,
Dn.Y. service
'.*Will be ob-
served In Blake ,Chureh,' /1OXt Sunday
111°Mllik-;itfilgrid 5.' pntrjck;Jai:
ited. on Sunday with Mr. 'and Mrs..
Fred Andersen, Zion, .
• The iadies .�f
to hold their annual Garden,. Part3r.
at 'Hackaton:(.Ghtirch. on Jane, 25th.
Tha fleigrayeplay has heettit-ectitek I
" Mo. lave Kilimtridk •Ob Atwood,
.Spent•tlini -week-end nt herljome..•
miss 'Emma Thompson is visiting
With her brother; Mr. George ,ThOnip-
"An enjoyable time was ifpent 10' a
!Urge crowd in Purple :Grove church,
recently, When the Young people ' of
the "GioVe, presented their PlaY, :Thd
plair proved highly entertaining. • ,
M1'6. Stuart, Davey -and .ehilciren,
visited ktet week with her
Mr•. and Mrs; Will Walsh.
-Mrs. Lyon of 7'6ronto, 'spent it few
days hei:' /wilco ifl Merville •
: .Mr. and Silts. Flaac, „NiXon, • and "-
children, and Mr.o ii -lin of Bel -
.1i •
fast; ,Were Sunday uests at Mr. jack .
:Emerson's. ".. -•.-.';'--.= - - -, ----'1.- -•• -. 1-- -'•--------;
' Mrs.. Angus Ginhani of IsieliticiW,
Visited with her parentS, Mr. ind 'Ws. "'
Andrew 'Einetson leat Week. •
• sflfly
• ' Jitst before WO. Be. • ilk
laurtints? ' • • '
'ask enol if. she" luitinft :been
Putting ii