HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-05-06, Page 3• ••• 1.• REUNION,, BRITIS,H FAMILIE We are prepared to adVanc.o. passage money (without in-, ,toreet or other charges) -to British people **Airing to bring out to Canada their, families,relatives or • friends.• • . Apply for particulars fa haarast Staanuship agent or to , -000601Aliori,- SOCIETY- , (E.t.op.ho;882) ' •,217 Bay Street • Toronto, • ' • talid offic.t.Loryiorij'E4.) , ...„ oUId Deterrnine Man's. Ability • • ,TersintU.:Profesior Believes: 'NY,' ,cliologicel "Tests Would. Find4", • *Right Vocation. . . wittpswe, %,,77 Net tar distant ;a , .. the. time When, every child:youth!. ` :.al'A.a . abd 'Weal -4 Will . he •Paychologie- ' ally tooted. toldeterraine_:tbeirz-nhilit.._, 8., .v7-7.77-4.10e7:PrO,felfSer 3711:''''Levy, of tToronto, • ' Industrial •psychologist, told' inembera "of the -Wipletif-biatichi.• Eagineering .. iiiietitttie. of Canada. " .. -• ••• • ,;" When. that tine , dethea.' he : Aai1,8 . . 'there .WilI•be. toWer, round Pegs in. the :square holes „because •:indiViduids.. Will • 4netv• for 'what "yeeatiens they . are the •,ILiest _suited, , the .tbingf. .'they . can ,de 8••best, and the. typo Of opeapatien „PIO', t •.Will he ; haiMieet C ': .,':.. '• -,, ' 1 . 1.., "PurptiSWI ;PaycliOlogigal tear 1. lii. not .tti find o, t -how inueb,. you do: 1...."-knew;";:'he said, 'inn to 'find 'out•how . "-•: ::niticli--yon,are...CePable- Of r:1410WAI1F-aRfr.- . . ;doing. The,:thina:la,19._liod nut .tylikt•:' • ...i',ipeattion:.`, an individual, is • fitted for.. : 'These days toe Many people,;,"gre.tlo, .;„..4f,iv,./tii.'.,theys-liintiti -iiiit-lie...i/dhe • • For example,..be `,.Said;..a. greet num. - ,..iber::".of . children : : who: :take .cellegef. :.cilers'eS slietild' neVer 462(o•iinlVeraitY; . • %They .ShOuld be :taught, instead ' tO '• 'iWorif with; their !Janda. ,As It. is 'iioiv; - : parents, are•-plizzled! to ' 'determine .just.• • ^what vecatians they Shotild,•enedurage .. , . „ . ; their ',children to tollOW ' . when the _ . _. .1 , _ . _ • whole anestion • can he 'cleared iip 'o.Y ., :" „certain proved tests, ', ... _. . • , . :Professor *Levy explained.„ that there - are ,three 'method:a af detertnining the . : . .. .. .. ; ;Capabilities .of an. Ihdpijdpal;',0e*tIrai,' : . . • , Is to 'silo 'up :the' ingiVidintl •hy, sight; •• judging. 8i,in -hy 'facial and bodily. phpy: • ., . acteriSties.- The "Secood is the. anthra. .PoliCAl method,. Use of ..ineasureinglifs • ,-...r"o,l' thehead' and bedy. The third lathe; ' MAY scientific .methodi • hesaid, and rhat • is the PsYebehivical Method '',:A.' man's" walk is reyealing of.; his '.1pake-..‘1 mi.,: he. eentinued .'"It you gOe.,,,,A..: APAA.;.,..,3nloa.WAlka.....with,:. S. strut,;,.Probably; r itb his thtinib 'that. • •le hooked in ..the ., -corner ' of :his'. Vest; Means he has' if p6pitp.a,aglifiulit . .. OCCOneelE and pride.- . Th.e Criminal, ...0ase. have .••a• peciillar ..Walk.',' They.; , 'here .a. 'elotiehing walk- Witii". a .ithock-, •• . big ...of,' the'...ltnees,"' :Professor Levy• ' • • •:, ' :- • Statisticn 'thew that por..per eeht•af the table student „lege an ' per cent Of: the 'female students are' working their.. way: right „through school. • ;1 ,1•••-•4 ' .•••• y GORDON I,. SMITH. • In the siiialleir typs. of easily grown grewa fieVvers. Are the alyssums.. Thy are MhItt-RTAft..4.PAY.'-`4,4(1%-pee,-- • r 4.01,'eug1ng; .1'hese, ^ partial shade and Make oNellent edging plants. , Pprtulaca is also re- commended. It i5 a spreading plant •with bright yellow, red. and pink wax -like flower. It thrives :in dry . Aolf and bright sunshine, ' and requires little 'care. '•111;the latter category ' so coif°nasturtiums, marigolds, 4ge- lendulaa and.'petuhleei., •" Zfinnin • ^ giant, Medium or dwarf size, offer a range of bloom that the' • busy person can plant with pertain satisfaction.cf a big display of blow* These, except for the tiny affair wftti :•blose, buttonlike dowers, are: large plants,. The bigger ones willmake a 'height Of .15 inches to two feet or ver -a ---w e range. from dull•ted, bronze and -yellow to bright. red ; and, pinks. The •blOOnie • se*eWhat, reseinblethe rose. They grey.,Well', in almost .anypart of Cap- , •VouSual Vegetables hxPerienced, gardeners often ' make' ietiq'4.-vegetables every year. FOr the "greens!' enthusiast, a few 'Plante of `Sw,la'schard will provide an abundance of: meals.' It is wortiriri- vbstigating as is ti)gi broad beans,„ , which come' along about mirdsinninek and Sort, Of , ed, iauljftel▪ *er:ICeli Rabi, ,refl./led... eurnip, and red cabbage and Yellow. tomatoes wilt lend interest to the., revile* types andprovide a slightly diffeient 'flavor. In many places egg Ward's and peppers can. be grown and will be appreciated:" ' They mustbe , . started early ••indoors. " The red type of „the lattei can be produced in a surprisingly . wide' area. of Canada; there is also; • the . little,. Individnal. Acorn or Table Queen.Squash which 0,venients,iather_. wa ery ancestors. Leeks add variety to the Onion .,family. »,,Tender • White radish lengthens the seasohfor this vegetable, and Some of the extra early ,bantam type' will do. the same for .corns. , ' '1 . • ' —P•pe• • P.N5pmmw=m5N.4. • Oe ; ericoUragfhg. zgns of the times is the decline in•oratofy. ; igarry for '.;:mbirey' :end repeiit ip yoti believe: . Friend-,-Vell; 1 should s4ir. I:do. See that; fat Woman in the ;big hat and thered dresa? . Well, 1 once , sled her 'to ,b.e..My wife. '• • Just •beeikitse ; a slee,pirig man • bleS, 'Nome 'ifilss :sweet Daddy;" does' : •hot niean he is viy• fond Of • • , dren. „ !.• Man.7-That, mao dor can taik by the:hear on:Capit • *Priend--,That's •strange, He has no: VersAh'al-agetiaintance•'-with-either..,' • " '818';' • 48 • • . . • "AY 'loafer who lege' Amend • loaf- ers is not as 'bad. as thel loafer. Who • loafs... around ':businesd' Ctn.` , .reachei':,-;-,Tornmy, name 5 thinga that contain 'Milk.' • '` :,,•Tommy—Butter, cheese, ice 'cieam- and two cows. - • ' -Hope ie 'a,, fine' diet ,when freely mixed • with .1-m1.d Work,: prunes and detifiSh. ' • ' • ip ' • • •• • i• 11. . GREI•DIPPING lb/RULE:TER EVERY EIRRE OF EVERY cone AsAftisr .imsaNALl FR ICY16,14 'AND'HEAT' "116111 (101)1105 OF PuOt RUBBER ARE sooqe. TO Et(ertY 4upweEp •ociuribs.Oro conc. eAsiut. You Get 58% Longer ' Flexir.tg Life at ,No Extra- Cost I • . Dipplog ,makes , Firestone tires stronger and -safer. No other tire has this, extra process that , eliminates internal friction and heat—the greatest enemy of tire life. All Firestone' tires are Gum-Dipped—and ' your local Firestone Dealer has one ,for "every • purse and Purpose. Drive in • • and let him take care of yait needs. • . • * °Ft restone , • NotefroM. teacher On :fiettY's re- pozt Lard: morker;',. but talks'. .too tritigh:!! ' Notefroni. father, over'. ' signature on back Of .card: `icome `uP, some timt-and.nieet,her, -mother.", , • • L•••:„LI.ufloIa-Pour_Majjai! She is .* ' 8S6'. • afraid that George -marrying :her. for her"hiOney, •' ..•• •l • ',,... tend shb's Ipst. it all? • , • ' afraid': that he. rithibt -believe : •fe),..the • Wall Street 7 •'4Icitirnal; a...Certain crbiiyinan remind- ed '. • his.'congregatior.i that EVe'",did not realize she. 1a -ked clothing untfl She . afe, ..."Atid," he -suggeSted "ii Iniglit be, a' go!Oci idea for some of th ladies in. my congrc tion,.to bat iti apple too.''• , Wonder %v at. . he meant? .• '.„ • ass Housett Coni* So_ W#1.4, 'AFc.e.ss:*fes to Mitch.; • It You '•would be (lit', res,.an,bt la' al: ter .4914c 8 'tiui gW p aa: e U. we w` e od IleW SPrIng: .ererar 'for ' the :gentle- , Wlieii IhI ll ti.y These 'latest, dev,elOPMents in the, ' Otiaranteed te catch the eye are with •glass,•thread, eggs ;iii be boiled ,itt glass' •Pots and fancy' sWeate1.8- c41) be knit ot 04A8. per the'.,ifeme. there Tevested, -hy Dr woliaat re,Seareh' exPert of CoInhIig, -• lii Inst "Yeare-:or: laboratoryreseareh • Proiring., today that- .there Is no end to the multitude inclustribi in. whieh: glass •can„be"ada:pted,'. he • -Two new processesalready , tiave been ,'`ellecoveied for the bogie,. They are now on the Market: The first is, the Construction ;block m'ade' of .glase type 3r,b q.h..":n9t;,'en4b lY.,'rokay,,;. more light," .he sod. ' "Then there glass -liar In appearange_tacottOn- .ue-e- 7TO asp a on purposes. resiati all types :of Weather." --He explained'a': fibrous glas ' pro' eess.Whith; ha U.. ,thr'ead rePe and eloth. . • 'The ,.,glaaa; is ' melted' in huge t-anks fithritheyIrma doe': elnu tt(;) tilhoroeogohbivtchaotheeande thousandth' Of any 'high • in diameter, approximately toiir,ilichesth length and e pOSSeSing ''Qxe,eptip41il strength. Although. thelirmieilfe toddy' inaY bf?'.41teree tothe Use et s glaps.'pOts • ;awl, •pans, glass curtains ' and di -aper.. tes„_Alr„eadie--A•re,--ip-8:Tieine-Aitrines-,and A're„.pvecatition.;-...ShaVer Said. • " • . ; Of , sPeCial• intereit,..`he Added, i -1 he 'gossip •fs .a. Person who talks to you about others;.' •'• bore is one ,-yb'ho,..talks about 'hiniself .; " 'y • A..brji paNt' conversationalist is :one% Who, talka.to you about • yourself. ' . • , . , • • '. • Madam do.. you insist oil 8."•1$9.-vitig-qho'after yeti, have lbeen here.. _ for thirty :y . . • „. ear? . ; f • log , , see, „ ' is tbis , way,. iiia!ani, 1 don't liketo get in 'a. • • The' man who is always waiting for.' business:..to' turn Up is a squash. . , . The Jud --Father, how goon will I be 'old enough to •do as I •pleas.ey —he'0,14--"Ma ow no- body has•e•er. lived.: that long, yet • Towns. that ` pridb tilen)selVes bn „their ;beaRty 'might eemenlber ' that old. pretty-is-es-PrettY.rdoe.S` adage,: Fitst Cacidie--4What's youtt, Man' „ , . like,qketQl.* 7 •• • • .Socond .t,'t.itldic-.,•'-:••-1.eftbandd e., and ,keeps hit chang•e in-. histig'ot-ha • • Sa.'d •.• Tlid) 6..." 3414 4 niiti in 034,17 t'•,-4-;, IVO. ,••• 0'141)1j): ti,e tight ,he %!.s.s • t4ise.'„: , Ire ; velleyj • ho'e'r .and tlierOy; Itngs a tale-- Ilis ki.t3W:18 scq Sale.".' • , •• * \\7.4nder why tbey.'.(•:dt • , this hotel c:e. ijv' ; seen a oaliu placte..; Seeoad, fore you alit • •It is apleastuitliftle " surPrise 'the `c.sliole staff, keens :1•0'y tho g.fist.011 the'.1.asi day . . .• • • * - Be arc64yhe pasiia who tries to 'Mph into 'a. 'ilecisioni, titpa.11Y„ he , IS afraid' to ,you time . to Study thepropoitioir , . . • •• •SPecell is, what keePs diverce conrts' orkii• . oVertitne. NEED .191/1.11Dik? HEN you are Miser.; able and per. htip, itt,tteed of a •,geed Wergitt,..b e 1,p W noxinal,-andyou: ce1'‘ivi tratiki -ifeott, . 10* 616 .liciViOt • •A:::?r:',14 of .Nro •. , RhArae. of 141 diurnn, . 1\ a gthertd• 0:1 -down Condition, ' ,,hore for me olAmne, rime's Onidea' • .icaI Diicovi;i).,, • Mailer it, td,int anti• it tertainly Iid help. rrie, * • Mk '''othole'ill'oti• and. telor Wert bid 1 Teo 'weightt.itt iid. Ivor. digettioit,• • After taking it jei terale• tt. Of tii-c-,T,tsceytty.'„,,.aly • ;lion were ratoh illiproVed .and .1 gained 111' evetymtipi 1,1•IN Jz . ow cellophane.wrapped to keep it factory fresh. W'th the easyopening DIXIE PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO eIopmen „ 11q • 11',9ik- when: iircupedi''He-•aeiecii: strated thls by dropping Several hibits from a heigyt' 4:4 five feet, -P•—•TT5. • • ••••••••,•••• • ,TTP THUMBTACI( YOUR '.DRAPERIES TO A.toAkb • By Ruth, Wyeth Spears „ A lnioqtvery'-hoine.7ninker . ,has `read ;at,...iii•rne :time, or . other that, if .^ . . . i • one ivisbeS e.yer:dra.pes' td:114':e. 44a.11,(I'Md...20pida'ranqe•., a. valance .board--..:- „ must 'he. used, Then the'ro "follows a „deseriPtio'n ,cf 'a' complicated'. •• vti 1 a nee .board.,' that -in USC:he ., dile•eifilly...niade to': fit .'ea'ch.•WindeW anti..., . . , , . i.,.and immediatelY'''beOmet,',diScouraged:'at the,:thoUglit or the 'pxpense: . ,•'• Anti, tyouble;',.4,.Yet, the idea Of A Vtila Let • 11060 is ,.g,x_cieepne-aM.F7yen-7... • • '''':'•ea'n obtain •tt l.'ey• ':..sinaa...f..-a.-ri41--fAtisitelterfeTE.....'1,0r, Yettr d ra pet by" using'. : aie hytvo fr,ch heerd AA. 1011g Os tlie"width of 'our window: .• .• • . • in' the' th Win.dew. catini,near. c."yes 1)faeg.,41 O(.11' the t61)•.o.f the-'lieck .of •the 'n.lanee, • 'hoard.; "L11 he; hoaiM in 04tce. as 'sliewn here nt A. Itis ev • to Iiit.ftv; Rewrei efrike...haik hciii,011 .wi.`511 to 'dust ;42r..S1iake ..the eu1taitis4 ' • 1. • • yeti' ,WY11 lithf-it., a joy to he able -to. fatten,, , .(11(4-N s, hong no. Plats'and ;:v.4 ye u %%ishw ith lthe cutotis stretehed,' 'out' f8(I0 vhich 1S eertdin!y .eaSier Abtin Iiflibfig upand down, :a la dtier •do,',.4fO it'. • '• ••• ' . ' • ' ``i"en' will 'need. several liw`icsof tacks ,to tastinc the drapes ,te,•;t1;6.,, Firs't.16Tipge the :.4(.i'e;diltt.les•in ihit,:plaits' and tltck thorn to and, iterbss the fre'lit4the, board....'es'She'Wn herd at 13. Now, .1. Aid the c: c, f tho ela n cd-elear evened to Elit;. bad k of .tife, board ,S0 11. • L411401t po'ss'ilAT l'7'1.16‘\• A74144.66 to the:. top • ,of the"board.uS,Srown .tiere at C.' ['in 1ackin, the valanc,e. should' he • Strete,hed...just tight 'enough 'so: th'!t it ,Is perfectly' The ' •valanee'shOWn litre IA' qad< 01 g1aze chiitz an,d, tetiSS tht, gr0gelf. ChO, .cd'geS` of the side 'drapes.' , The gitiss etilYtain.s •hutv,1 iurp'just 1.1'0I71t:(4 :to the bettoM ., 0 •toevalance '.'.hCoird, • .„ ' •• • • ••• An's.; -Spear& new book "PEIVIN(.1.,',.fer, the liiterier Dec- ' 0:y;htor" edntains "1.7. othei, ,fasoilatnigJhinga te-tutiltif„for phe No 'ready 'fol. Mailing; upon ve.Oiot eT 14e (1.0t plu 4c Oestage). •Actelaide St.:. West, lerehro. . , . Ntirstry:StOths. ;I1 tnitirS-1'i a.fettNISill'111.10 "rulps,. ili ' handling cf, 1,rod .shd. 'shrubs ,Its; they are reeeiVed . trent. .the ,nursers', lnauY 10S808 •41011.1 neWit plagted niii sery stoeks. WOhldbd' etee1te naeked• to•;fas 10 reath the .62181:0.1110011,goo4 Condition', S001 1, the bo' t)i*I''bifildk is detWer ed ft, should be bne11011, etl•snugly takel,b6r etre) Iho planta ,Often overheat, Delay Of or two dtti'4ng ticrin Spring spelt I`YE11Y.'0.e,u0Severe% 1113116; feeth thiS cause; This ft' „liartieularly • tftle • ISUe No 19--37 grOffet and 'strawberries. If .beeauSe of:, tiela• to. transit, oPfor othei' reaSpnii tho sleekHis shWeled; .the 'Stock Milk fAKE,.Upyi -LIVER: Bit' Aleinpbui Bed in die . • ,Morning Rarin! to go • Tho liver Should pont out two,•Poutictii of • • squid bile hito your toWela•dailY. If. thitrbila . iv (1: 1, (lowing 0,0(0, fbodrldeftret tItgett, 4 lt jllt deeaytih the bmvels. EGA0' bloats Up • • Sraur stoiriach. You get 'itdn'AtiDtite‘L. Pat:tram pOisoriS go into tho hotly, rind StOU tgJ 461/4 • and Ilid world looks ptuk,: • 8A rboe bowii tiimforrwr,t;•44.;tigs't rdwhygret '• at tfie.e;Mie, Yon need somethingthat works 'tin the liver nal Well, It tnkett thee.) good, old Intrter's Little Liver Pills to 'get theSe two peurichi of tile flowing freely and Make you feek"lifi and lip", Ilarmlesa and, gentle., t heV • ••1 Make Alm bile ttmle l•reiy. They tra the went( tt'ailoalot bo ak,,e 115 calomel or merelify 111 thOin,Aka( Cafteett Littlo,Livo iisof Stub ()filly tanacatlythin,g else: • --be7-restared.etirlreeirels-ihry seakriW •water for seVerar•hofira by planting, or bY'buryirg•.beth roota.and tops for -a short time,' „;',...Itthestock can be iite.04,atioice, • 0,', Inheh t better; but if it cannot,1 it, gah he held, in'goed eiMilitien • Sy' 'heeling that ',is,by digging a.. ."shallow trench in 'Setae sheltered spot and setting plants ' an angle, ,.euct• coPriug. the .roots :With -.sell. cOminori method Is to threw' the dirt on: the far side, • 'when digging :.;•the • 'trengh: The stock is pigged, 'Slantwise' in the trench, with: the tops against . tii,e; shoulder of • fresh dirt,. •Then ' the . :,.roets are covered'.by digging a'vecOnd trench ]p,atal.lel. to ...tbe first; ,thistime "throWing oit" ahead no to the', root. The plants ,nia3; be lift in 'this condition 'for.Weeiqiitil'.the ground is reads; :reeeiv.e%t In; • ' • ..rat ring`tbe• 'planting, Operations, 'un - du: .exptisure of the stock, should be. 'Avoided. A piece of:burlap or a shov- eltul of '''earth thrown Over••the•roOtt will'help • materially in -;redticing. the • ,:losSes,cfrorn drying :Out 'ef . the. roots. , , . • . • : Classified Adv`ertisin AdEN WANTED 4reAde; , , • enteti: tie. Ot.,,OraVats, Yiange strget. ogNT. • P..oa, S, E. ATION,. NEW. 'PAT-. • • 'STEADY : EvEitYc DAT A pAr' Pay supPlYitig. :ihoUSaud_ . %I:tithed, 200 ;08F•antood necessities. Make up to .135 week. ly. No .,,-.Exp4letace•7unneeessar talogue and Details. •Familes CoMpany,' 570 , St. Dientent;•.Montreal.. , • • • ' • .. Book's Sale is SuPpressed Volume WhiClf Aroused,. fr.e Of • • Duke of Windier. ..Is .'Witinfrawn • LONDON --A seratable. to obta'o copies of Oeoffrey. Dennis' book, • PCoronation Coinnientary,'.' tit which' the Duke a Windsor objected, ,°P4, r,"; '7W14;$.!: -4`" thwarted by. bookshops' and lending.; libraries...this 'week, 1: ' • Deglers asking for the cemmen.' tary were told:. - "We are not issuing it atpresent1: . The Duke . of -Windsor 'reportedly • demanded, thionghchis soheitnr, that„'; the book be siMpressed .aritl that the pobliiheis .Print an:apology; -Heine, • mann,:Limited, refused to Say wheth- er they would' accedeto the „Duke's,',.. demand. ' - • eVeT4r,ethaPtli• btliesbfilisirthallend°itInone,d074•".111C7r-- . , • onen Comrncntiry" is out of print and that :no additional copies will, be ' Published.• • . has not been decided whether g,' .ftli editien,depieting• the • • offendin• ehiPtere; wiJl be printed:, O -For, Trend, • To Family Life Canadian Peeress . Sees , Good Omen in Princess ' as: Heir- preanniptive LONDON--Prominnt ifendoti *a- men dismissing' Coronation' influences deeptithan those.; of . ,fashien, ;and trade predictA ,'IleaUltallt trend to wards. "return t� -family 'life." .tUes 'almost -forgotten : beeorne smart, these prophets predict; The Canadian:born; Narelno" h Tivit hing active chairman of the _Canadian WO. men s'Club in London, expresses this point .of view: The simple and happy home life' of our King and ,9t.teen • : . and 'their twO. little 'daughters' will ' ; • endear them • to all . and create. 4. special bond throughout the Empire.. That the ..heirto the throne: 'should' be a, princess is a. geed augury. The reigns Of geed's :have been great . periods in our history and we should ' • therefore,. 1ok forward. :Cot;Adent1.3F-,, to :the future." ' * ntai'io 'Seeking New Game Birds as Secured Eggs of Two Species Of 1Finnish Grouse EXP-etirilexit'ing with , the developnient beer..'tYpes Of "::• game 'birds the .province, the de, ;pertinent:: of .8gaine'..ecd .fisheries .- .-•,,,cemPletect. negotiations' ,with : Finland.' ; rer • a •shipnientet two new species . '..oronse; it was Announced last, week. •-"The. Shipment. will consist ; of 50 " -Leie4-4ifilfienvet,:thf. eggs Sh.,4750'hIse , .cock eggs. ' In Addition, ..it was Veale.d • the. Finnish :GOVernment", Will, likely consider. 'sending a few` live • ' _Iiirds of .eagh seriest• ,.` w` The: goek7ef-the-Wcieds.'is Sized grouse; ...between: the ,site of a.. hen and' a ^turkey, while'the black, ` cock is- smaller .and' Somtimes• refer- .• red, to , as a heath ous , ••• Both Sliedies ...aft inhabitants ofFina{id and , . Tare-160nd, in arOat :ten- • ' • taining ,pine • perfaiV . Ment'yoffidkals said theY"'conT51, ;See no -Lrea'sun .Why. the birds •eduld net. .• GENTS: 'WANTEti,'•TO .SELL. WELL-' • known 'Ilne 4:it-Met:VSwash- able ' apparel, • 'coMplete' range as'. aged by l'••Restatiranth,. • Taverns, • Hotels, . ilospitals, • • Rirtchers, •••1•13,ettuty - Shops,. ',Soda Pdtiritains,•, ..i.Darriga, • Doctors, Waitrestiee, . etc.' 20 4, Com•- 'thissiOn,„1.' volume' and • repeat sale Apply tft,i•lity •darnienta,. 179 Craig ,SL • • Mon-. • tritilY, " • • cOr-rxerioN AGENCIES, ,Ex•-•• Aerie:toed ;Colleetion Service. Reififfs • .• •?-.•• • Stain 'Bldg., Toronto, • , • ' • • _ •BARRED PLYMOUTI3 ROCK' iiitEEDERS • . . 111PROVE STOCN BY • ADDING • norther,n bload_lroin heav•-p•--71a errtani&-- registered :slres . Buy sig to ten weeks old • coettergls at.' arty to seventy I've cents. Also • started. .rfulleta tit attractiVe • ogee*, ' Montt inagny Elotelier'y (CI'rtlt(et)f 2S. .M0T:itmagny,' •'7,111N1-:S1.11.1•ErIETA•q1E OSSTEnS • • P12,0E1'.I'ADLE, -IN • epiont ari 21 i.,%\%:elli.rrit3010.,111,1.0.,1•Irsett,d,oyzi:t'liny.. • • lij,i4terri., „isfeil and 'welnen egn 15,1;t41.0, SaMP10,- - vrianlins., 'and all ,was,461- for-- human '• VIII itelfol, contqMs ltt3own, PA'clmge bcetle fuli Jultartli nunt•I•g:•"-ceok- Ing - dirvetivas: ,sq cent, postal tr.:7%,‘". Sun. ' beam 'Sales, ..Y1l1hiont11, North N..T. AT notan AVIV IiNITTER K.:6719, Yot 0)ttarr s. Ilohl el terrna and pages.' . . • Paid,wr•ite, now. W. Denartnent Toronto. • 1.;1 .41' • D:n ••B-.4 Pluo Mountain Mineral, 'Waten, .elehertnla ,10,1 sampl'e. A ddreSs '.Blue:,MoUntain Products • '1 Imited,' Tor,tnto: L.-- '1 RE.MEIDLES , • flg.MtdA i ITtP Q01, applleatior Storni itching, • •stainiling••• , ' $P.; 50, Nemptville,. Ontario. ' • ' r : STAMPS •• • , The '1104 ol iaios • • A t'S tn. A rt 1 AN .I.7-12 •/ 0 R. A 132.12.1tA, t 't) niraffyt ietoria, ,McArthttr, Jublle Au, (2,..mtri( Mutati0e:3. -280, 13edWenth;.-310,0 Daven., Part, Ontario; • • • . . • BOfl LOITT. . , • - 11•lilt t IT,,t0 ES 14ott Ot.,t) NA DIAN .a sulmN ntrii81:limped 3' 18 .•thithedi- ate cash paw. Nrarlgold 8tamp C0 77 Victoria, 1or.h1O: ' ," . • ROODCAIFEEN tAkNettlEY' IN NOSTR14.... JJE4jozz $1.25 AllDitiggidt traitor( tar st.regud Also ticeDent foe tenibbrary Deafness and 'lead Noth.eti daleto isaukstition eanicd,br team, ?to -and ' A r O. ,I,17:0NARI); Tee, • 70, rif oi e.Few ,York City t propagated: in Ontario., . .,the ,100 "eges;,...:tho'..14nitioont; tir.51,- consider' itself forttmate it; get; 2O.hirds, it,lwas said. • • „ • . . , et 75Cents, For Each Tree. Sum to, 'Be Paid After 3 Yr.i by Pctiartmeilt of 'Hik*vaVe., • . • 13814L18.7 RIVER.Pavinent Of '75 fveach -t-ee .phthted highwily l- 0e innae'• to.. the. ,nelio" 3'041•4„ C61, 61. • .1%31144444i(1, • dentengineer.; forthe to...,---zrtinell't of infotnied 'Crte' PytInting of il'eeS, along the him44y, -in Bolle 1ier w1I be arraaged..short.-. "IS", OfficiaIS of the' dePartinent. have ,riSSUrecI nteinberS that tlioy 311 'eb• .opt,ratep,te- the fullest extent. • . 'the .dentl.rtmont. suggest's., ,Ibat the' ftWar- stntt will bo gladt'46'birk : the" spare into Whiellthe troet.are to... be p3nite0 A go aera :iilzI1 Is pittnned ffir In 1a-.,st • This Seetts C4 „ Fpr:Paddigt . . • • . . • • • ,•N 0 VI MA N Ohra.r--The. • title • Vt)ti :810 1144,0T, do, .not.t:p, a M,c11.1:--.-.;itf,'-lt,•.(hoW. a nintell.',; is 016 ad‘ ice of Dr.' ..4';`-'3; • C.Arlst'On# •ralversity of Chicago • 1V'eli1:4`10.•4,0: *professor, gave e.olleagues.•4 forepce "CheW e1tilf1'4; stht. strawi,-, or 4 nyilling thin% gthws • 71i'etter.,4; 1111 418- o t of, .111,1.fiihir, and "appetiVe ,• mechanising... . • • . .5