HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-04-29, Page 74, 17, , — 4 • ww..-••••,•••••••••••,,..4.mr-f-7, FORMER ORPPLE NOW PLAYS TENNIS , Feet Relieired „ fliero s a StOrY of a, young Man. Who. 'hadalninat given np hops of taking part in active sports with his. ,fellows agaja. tale .bnvi belried. . ,one remedy after.enother and how, , • fleallYaformer s4fffiT:put hiju en the Way ta• recovery: .Years. ago. I. started with • pains in the feet.whith gradually got • ..,WerSe, I, tritid ieVerYthing ftnder. the --, • •--fr- •• lnr ,treatinent,one evening, an- , ',other patient advised me -46" try„ Keusichen •Salts, That 'was, .twelve imonths ago; t,he relief 1.was.not. mid- ': den, but the pain find ' sWelling jeft". my .feet, • and in •six• . Monthti. I arnaied• my ;friendsby. take •hig long,..,wallcy :into the 'Country. :1.Tbii:y'ar1 bare played a- toed deal of, tennis,' a think IsMehI had begun to ,think ;I shdtird nevef do again."—. • ' Rheumatic pain •and swelling , is -frequently eaused:by excess uric acid • aectuntilating in 'the 'body. Kruschen, , contain two ingredients Which are• • notable for their we*, in dissolving •uric acid deposits. Other.ingredients' in, Kruschenassigt., the internal or , • . gang to expel this • dieselved dad from the. SITIen • • Oi8coveryflade In PirifyinjFood Pulver;zed,Carbon Attracts Un • wanted Tastes and Odors' " • NC. T..T.he"; ias". 'Masks of. eVa time have resat tett in the • dineoVery • ef••ii 4'Magnet"..:that extracts ' • the bag tate a atid fla‘4orsand writited „Tiers. .dt•iek. Cre'lhe . A inOl.can,:'(;.liemiclit: Society jOinithe,'Vest,;.Virgiiiia: • se's. same kind of carbon. as. gas: 18."tictivated", 'that ,is.it •ls ,given. ate thrtiatitit, nower Of . tie, - t'0,,,sti.•74 an e ..by ptilvi‘iiizing. the , • • bittelt".•-hiateriat- into nantieles :So fine . thatthe: carbon is- virtieill'Y all. sur- ' face. In tlynt• eon it, ucqtrires. the ., electideal' forees...eoininort to the, car-. • aterns that forth otte .of the be0c. ,,•Sithstaitaes or r al,the'lliiing •i.J.se••• of the taste , magnet. limited , to food whftli can ••te telliPorarilY ' doced to .a 11'0,01(1- or a. ift s 411if1g 'the ' • trP;Ttnnt. It Is'lila° 'Ifin •tor;',the • taSd,ddrs •due telinpurities. . • . said- flans!er„.".it • ie not possible to' Make edinine.,,less bit ter...by . tree linen t,.Witli acti,vated car - hon, because ,bitternessrlis a physia- eheiniCal'primertY., of (Minnie. I-Iow- i.>ver., if .8 )ieuid 'h.:aline/is. lo',,contain then activated'cai bon will r(iovethe bitter tast6by. " actually "' 'absorbing." the and reinOviag, • it arom t're. Solution. ". . . . said, th�t .the, :carbon' magnet : ; takes Unwanted f1avo,s out Of 'Sorg- .: ,....huni,.earre,ancil coin :sytuli.e.- PineaPPlel jeiCe.„' Ve.rions drugs, It .is.! • . for cleaning up al win68,..,glYcerines and dr It -ell (Tit ..qt4,'.0r. In .the case of - • ?bon re.move, virtually all ti-ices'oran.- iniar odors. ' • • • :Wart cnre diven • A method, of absorbing. Warts,which he .said may :be of .us .1» soine Fan - .or .pre,caneeroas ekin_condi- tionswaS .rFPorted by John tt; • of: Ohio State ':I.TriiversitY. ..•;nOW the to'imeseee Eastrrlan oorpPr- -.. ation. ,•• ' ,TJ1e water . Is first ''treated: !the .the PraVerbial, bo3r Who .8 tip be: catisehe drank; ieater. iitter over -eat, ing. dry 'apples. ,Sedium.-hydraiiile.Js__•-, ....niece., on aFtiFili7.r,therenpon,. fills itself ftile-of•wi.ter. and' tiecdtries • : .-althormally,swellen. , • • • . .• •• • .. • • , , said I)i C aIdu e11 'a wart • ...swollen ;by. the action Of ,seglitm ,.hy-, •.? . dioxide , is imineillittelY treated with- .•. dilated 61666611e b.ydrbelilo1-1d6 • aditi, • the, proteins in the wart are ceagulat, . , . • • A. poytion of the Wart cenies Off :after a day :or . two ;spy re'neating the process at liultahre intervals -the watt,: • usnail; be, .• veil, llttIe acer•.'i' • - Inc', -;..o; of the trotibles of hey. fever • foi•ers• whofail to -get- relief ft�n Proteinii Wlitise. Injection is 'Intended to imintinize them can be •aVniiieti„,bY • . . discovery. vepOrted,14. five ;•NeW • :**kera. • :•.% dere, 'in48 'been ,i.routile, they .said„ • 11•..eatise 'preteine Sometithea..deterier.„ .'ated' lifter *preparation. • 'nzyrne alvay preSent with th• e. ..proteins'...are responsible. The, .stien- .;tiate', kill the ,.entynies by' ` heat or, ter... fil'eld,ellYde,' and report that thin' in. till ' eases leaves. the Way. fever .Preteitu• r • .Liflje,j " . , , • v GORDON. 1„ 'shunt., • • If is a good plan, to use started an- nual fitment Plahts. 13,00nred'froni. any :seed ,atctre„. greenhouse„, fOr Panting' nindlIFItilinn• and others if th6; SPring'llawering hillbe which 'wif? • 1),Q pastthei1 lest 1nafewrnoe Weeicn ' as tlietle hide the, gying foliage. Tfien, .itga1nrcluIrgtu*4114' ,iv.i13,,ii1:),(y 'Useful ler filling in 'any bilnd :Pots 11.1 . the Perennial beds- Wliere,„ Winter bag, been ,uirUs'aa.seetTerb,, , AND pEONNIM...13 TOO It is not tea late In most parts of • Canada to order ind plant perennial flowiers ?Intl . even shriths. and Tines. often .towards the end •Ofthe ileasOn.; prices .are lower and while the, selee- • lion is not ,as.•.wide as earlier; 'there should be eygood choice. TH.E NEWLAWN • Unless the •ground••,was thdroughly ctiltiVated end' then aIiowed to lie idle the year before theLlawiti_waS-, retswirthere-tirbinmelee he a 'good deal. .of Weed se id in tbe 011, andsomeOf I1144 Willgerminate• after the lawn. Is , IM`e.il, Stich.;:weeda Sho4h1 • be teMOved ,-.centittritO, "..eeneeiR/1”- -41*--•hr., '1,4"-.1,'"."4"' . •:etegee:, - A7iOod' 'lawn. feit'liier , every ' ...Year will. Rash the grass alculg apt:. qicientiv• te"chOlte qui: Moat of these ..„ - • .. . „ . 0:tenders; The ;first ..eirtting, of: the' grass in the 'sPrieg,'Is made with' "a • T,QTY ellUrP .1,40Wer ; t'e...evoid pulling'. out ...plants:. yawn the, gr6hnd,h1 soft.; `Frequeritroliirifi'is,alsa-ad.vised it •thie 'thee'. ','-' ‘". '.• .... e ' ,', ' ' :•,, • , - .For persanent..laWng of Ileep, green. ; colour e0Cfine texture, good quail& .package...Seeg is ad•visable: •• KITCHEN GARDENS advisable eticouree, to keel) a plentiful. supply of salad material like :leaf .and, head lettuce, Onions end pos-. ' etblY • eeleryin. the kitchen garden. The latter is net out in the garden as well: started plants: usually -after: all; -412AUW-Afstlgaitt51)imq,-r: 1-Q141t11--8 age; • planting takes Place in One 3„t• • 'even July, ' Holstein Sales In . Canada at NewHigh . „ • • . That live stock ;conditions through - Put ceP444 are showingIn4r1i90• 1111.4 prOvemerit,partienlarly in the:on:rye- • 'Tient of purebred tattle iS, evidene, edii by the' shako increase, in reVentie •, as -shown by the ,quarterly -staternent ty •Ceerge'-'11. Clemons, Seeretaryr. Treasurer of the lielsteiil-Friesten : Association CI Canada., From .the /latest fignees, • recorded • •„, . 4, tqk 01! the eerrent 'year bev,e,4leached- it new: all-thne high 01 of • 1.•;9'.%•;.ever•sales' for thee,or- iesporiding perind ExpOrttrade lin. breeding, irniMal• :showir;a4,770 Februaryand Marcbof being .,the.' highest, 8 -month period hi the histly of .the Aseociation. Registratit:n total 10;2P3, a . gain Of 2;18.7% in the number, of animals recorded; 'while Association receipts, • , .derived from registrations transfers end mernbershiPs, are up . (*est Tree'#reeding, - to '.pay More attentien tE thepeiii- gree of ,his stock: Much of the bad .plantations that we have ate due to the fact that we have peen planting trees Of • the wrong kind or "race." There are quite obviotislY.. trees of .bad form and trees of good form; in :Lany,forest, and the .trees bad' frm' 'have 'been 'found to. remain. trees of bad forrn no Matter'. how carefully ; they are tended. and Managed. , ca'tise• he 'btiole acter.hia :father. • ' , • The young, 'salesman, travelling, f�r 1.the first time •in• the baCkweods sec. tien'of the ceuntry, .carireddwn to the proprietor'. 'of a •connti•y hotel,after a • wakeful night, with a.' coniplaiht. „ Y•othig ',I saw tWo rats • fighting in ray -room fait night." Landlerd What.: do you.eic• pect .for:a. dollnr .- a' hull figlitT?„ Love •and i budget are the two most ••• important factors -,in. a•-•succeSSft0 riage,ipaYs one well-known Weman,.:lh • other:. wards, .Vie,..rnating and the esti.' 'mating.. ' 'A !few. fello ws,lut re been .concluCtirig. • a •sit-down strike.Icir• years.:They ,are not asking to be unionized.. They, have jtist., been strikingAgainSt.all ' labor'. in 'general.' . . , It is .good to drearn it is :Tar .het-' ter' to dreatii "and :then work to tern your: drearna infci. realities. Faith • is, Mighty,' we are .told faithplus. action 0 resistible. - Desire must: be backed' by .the. sterner 'vIrtuet,b&• fere•achieveinent is possible • •_-_,..142and.416theiL(atiher-sort--ivar.-s tart -7' :ing• eft to join the .navy)'--.."NoW my • son, 1einembet.t9 be vow, punctual in, rising, every morning, so93'0u Will not keep the. captain 'ilvalting. breakfast for: • • , : . . • perience: teaches • nihrty • things. we would rathcr not know., , • ••Rastua 14Wh8t do you think of' -my new. gal, Sanibel." Sandi() ,Hat giti,'S • en . right; : 'miff,' but her :figger. ies' don't 1:h3,nre, , dat's all, -• • I ' • • • • .; • ,Sonione said an old. maid Is., like a'n. eleCtLia., bulb WithatIt the curreat on. - 'Teaeher, (hr; geOgraphy dais) , Now can, anyOne tell me' Wh,ette ,we find -mangoes?" ; • " „Knowing Little Boy - wher,ever women goes!! Hard work and ne Play may ci.eate a dull boy, but, very likely' he will have • some nniney in the bank. . "The paper.„says the nian Waa shot by his wife at doge- -- range. klOsband "Then there in --1?nen-7-Powder--marks---eir'-t- ' Wife.-- ?Yes, thet.'S why she ..so have • A man's first •attempt to hold., 'girl on his, knee,. might be palled a • • trial balance. . " 2 l'OhriSt. "The,.. climate • there • ;,salubrious, isn't itl't NatiV- -"Say, friend,. just Write ,thet Wind* for,.ine; wi117 you? I , get Aired of swearing at this climate in •tne sante That's a new " .9 • • it -la• a great deal si':totaIkour ti dig , . •. First dine 'Factory Employee. (enti.- erging."froin factrtry);,--':•. eWh;tt. is that tunny smell ??;' ' ' ' • Second Glue Factory Einp1�yee., "It's• the 'resh air." ' • •Thinking; to . stop' woeld prevent • a lot of Stopping to abink„ "Nurse! N in•se believe, My 'breath Is g.etting-shorter!", • Ntuse "just.take thingS easy, the do.ctor will, Soon pitt a, sten to •that."'.: • The •cOldet .Y9n •treat.'.'soine people • . ;the hotter' it n'ikesthern fie Didn't Wan This .Print "-There ,are People who are anxious to•have something put inthe paper.. There .are.qithera ..tahe.• .esa:eti . the ,OpPosite'attitude;,aadthis article : haa to do With. one' Of the latter. . 'At . the ,risk ;of trouble later on we hegi3O bY giving,.; the. 'nian's .nain,e-w: R. Par he4-is-iii.--the•e't4torns-,OffretH` end' resides at 622 Charlotte Street.. ' That, We , believe', identifies him: 'so there can be no error. . Mr. Parker,. niants 1iii1bs'..-and he :does itf so -Fatefully ; and. thoroughly -that they 'Seldom :fair to grow ' and Wein.. When they come to the Stage of 'biderniag they 'seem .to enjoy it 'SO thoroughly they . bloom' .for a • long ti,, H•: dffodi1sjook4jke young gunfloWers.'and,..lie grows' taliOs. and hyacinths. He searches for, the .fer- tilier iie warits;', he eats and 'prepares the earth he •prefers, and in. the 'Falllie-: :,Spendsentire evenings:;.working.; with . his bulbs. •Difring...the, Winter he keeps them ,ip 'pet8,- cool ' and dark and nioiSt;;:and insists they .get well rooted befot'e. }fringing thein to :the This , Year -he had-in-'afl. 25 pots filled • With .flowering births. . . We .de net belieVe Mr. Parket Will, olifeet to anything thih has been -so fat 'gritterbut ,We must continne to he. point -where heinsists thatnoth, ng be 'printed. • He doesnot sell ilia 'ewers,. but gives theni all 'n44 -.- MI he has been doing ithat for 't a ' ,,The man afyaid of his fingers never drives• many, nails. . . _ . Jeweller • 411)1d YOur winch 'stop When. you dropped ' , ..CoStOtner.' -Li "Well, ii•didil'tge• all. the way through -the floor." ' • ••• The Saivatiori Army nnual $elf - DenialAppeal • i.ingy 61:Erpieis'e.,yaii! . . . ,, 1410-A;(-1•1-Y-4:llen-kr-nly -opei,a6s-.-ov&i,--4,,, 50 0-Soe1---, - - :Sof yiee it)s,titutions, Out of this fitinibr 52 .8fre.lal„,..;.: 56rVice histuutiom, are scrvipg Oin414,f;s,,tjeedy. , • • , ....... ...., , Your SuppOrt of this work • 'will be •approctatEicl ' ,;,4'''-tonfilllutions.may. bcr n'cldr'6,oLi‘ t.;... ' Tflt 8ALVNTION ARMY' '20 ALBERT ST1,1gET . •.; ,' , ,' ' ,. ' TOtiONTO 0 :The •Xeinitier'• first heard a it inan.Outeide_the cityLwhii, was • in hospital here. He knewino person and; round .the aitis rather king, until Mt.., Parket arrived :with -8 pat Of Ilowets.'". %HOW hianyjck folk and .slnit-in; people, have .ben treated'. sintilarlY ali these ••17' years -we •1do not: know, but, the ',number would find to,tafitY,orily iri n long and • ••intpreiSive The 'idea seemeti..to, be to 'entirety whelesorne, that.. the. EXatniner felt it. ' was right that 1Vtr4 Parker's request: thatfnothing• be said' abut it e�d be, Pet t� no 1;ide ,for. the inement. LiVing as We 'are., in. an age when a good. inaiiy folk orflcgven tO. thirk- ing Of tliemsolyes it Seent.ed right arid ..just filet the deeetion et an ideal which' Mr. 'f'arkerbas held for 17 years, • (end ne'rhan's '18`tion).,:ofctut(L. -troltirorglirlittifixtho open.. 8o there:4,- 14 is and wc. .beilavo .otre a dors; Wi)1 opr ,tb:s ease .• was•eerreet,-.4440 reteyb,rotre•14ix.,' ' igstte N�4 13—'7 . over -th0. precise : frO.4 ly101; P4ch_.tykke. ' . • • • The plants from .different pidgins_ not only how differences; in :Shap,e an4.10 the ua1it. of their: tiaibe.;.' bOt.,theY; sh-Qw.`eiations in such POrt4rit things as fr2st, hardiness and redstanee l thseaSe: In 4ofne, kinds, •the•b'nels tlush too early And ai:e riipt)bd, by late frosts; or 1110 Carry!, op:their growth. ta2 long .in, thq:late' Antump, and are kilted by early" urgh Seeltaman:•.1?:, • f. • A r,voiAugionr-tve,qtnare-mucr------- erap..,w4f,tos.d..,noncgair40:174y.yit g1ass,heeslt?r,i. p:.eplieacts.losf' pd. •Ottrans, it into a pit. •, te 4.ret$st7friaiY.ffit11:4::pPrrl'Inteds-s:474iie4; • ta;P: eg htel 4ve .d. ra LY. forWard: against .the rh'Sping ',1)aelcs ,ofr, and 'the Onee'sleeh aUta• eelnes ot-it Of the pit, SOUcezed into e ion* of meta about the size Of An orange' crate, The ' ponderps mechanical monster 1.0s° 'relisheS bed springs; ,oil -Wastelminer PaslietS.' or, any. sheet:- AA.A.,,,Ax4,0•44,4.044444.4•Av40,1474 yvvrti-AvA44,4."4:,*•,4". `Nater. to Swill Around In ;GreenEnelirnd' • -K4TCH..IK•ANi kia'ska -,•E • v h • t , e :gt:t Saalf.lho "and gedtetbres the mal- ady, is,- fatal, Passengers " and' 'crew. ....•Of the' c°0at,',• Ktf4i'0 :entter tyane tes 'tilled .tiponlarrii:al, two goldfish' died • others became ill en route. Not nnt'il they ;were taken from ,their glasS. 'bowl and .placed in a lien sus- pended from:HO beams di.d the othet fisherate. • • • ; Benny Eats Old Cars' JUSt isoW junk. has a new status in the wericl and now we shall, knot • v.Ohat .to. do. with, our old eutOmohiles.' ' -vette-. and --.bodies have eye; •'sores in many. cities in the 'past few years. If they. ten be removed by • the mer demand for :wrap iron the civic outlook land eonimunity pride will IM inspire , ff' we lived 'in' Buffalo, , we • could attend quite decent ,obsequies O'our :faithful Old :cars and see how • maehieery deak with Stink in the '! mass. The.. trouble' With old'automoi' ' .QUILTED CHAIR PADS LEND A *QuAiNi. TOUCH Py RUTFL yVYETH SPEARS, . . -Many a Chair •tliat is now picturesque,. „Vet decidedly .14)cent:fort- ' able„.9might• kain both in comfort _ ankenainineas Neith 'the,addit"ef• quilted 'chair Pads'. Out •gteat, grandmitthers used. suelr:Pads on lad- • .1der-beek ,ehairs, and chose the • gayest of; Chintzes both 'glazed •"and... negibieg•fol•-..them.; ' • • , • • • • Today -ean use duplicates of ..those fineold chintz :patterns, "" "'' and What eharla they add to our robrn color Schernea,,..., the p, ;quilt block designs:of, C.Oloniardays„ with all their toy mlico pat • . terns,are repioduced in chintz' now You might .like •to.,,use one Of these for your'chair .pads, and if -you do suggest that you :let yOur -quilting, follOW the ,Qiitline of 4fie quilt block pattern in :the chintz .. instead of . Using the diagonal: quilting shown in this aketch. • . You will find that in making such small things as Chair pada the ' quiltirigi_may„,h_e`ilonev_ery. elficiently_cin, the ,Seveing-inaeitine7'-kle-et- peeple .haee time : to de hand .quilting .• any more,: and 'cleoraters are' using machine quiltirig for really putposes. • :;;•• • ; :The' pads ;Shown heroware. made ;With. One layer of Sheet wadding betwee to laYera of china. ,;T•he--edgehind.ingrairdtfies e're made •, of •:bias tape: %Cut the-thlye layers of the 4140., material: exattlyt the SICaand. shape you want. ibin to . he when ':finished .' Place the ,sheet wadding lactween the two layers of hitz, as 'Shawn here, at, A. Eitlier. Pin ot baste 'hi this position and then quilt as. shown at . Make the 'ties by stitching: the lengtirwise edges; of the tape:together Haiati then, tack the ties tothecorners of thepad 'before it is tid Miff shown.hre At C. r NOW; bind the edges' et the,pad as atp; :sewing' the:lies right. in 'with the bindingNOT —1is . '• . . . • , '• Spearss‘new-48'.pago hook Of illustrations apdi.dilii4isttlo Tetionis. 7 1 foe.; Making eurtaini; slipcoyers; tables,an . d huiTieo itein ir the borne :Will be :sent 'upon receipt Jo 14o, (IOC plus 4c . pastage).•• Ask •for SEWING; 'for the -Interior deceratbr. Address:, :' Mrs. •Spears,,ROo.m 421:„:7.3f Adelaide St. W., . Toronto. ' hi any. particular' species, say'Scots • pine,' DongIaS fir, of sprue, there as individual specimen's: *bleb develop clean, straight sterns. These .trees • produce seed"-Wliieh will:give rise to trees of similar ' tyPe. There are ethers which ' have • healzy crowns; strong.thiek branches, and iihieh, np • Matter how well they are' reared, never Produce'lean stems with goad • quality tiniber; and their seed gives rise in, tui ri . to..bad ,ty.pes- of plants, • Thesedifferences are -being' noted, and an attertpeis being Made to dis• , • • AKE UP YOU .1.11IER Anit You'll .Tunati. OuI of 8ed in ttia , . mereing. Karin' to "go. . , he hver.should pour Out two 06unt1a nt. , bile in ene botelcaolyat,thimiao -r0i.)d:1114e11147.4.' digest, dreayrrie the :bdivels. • MS 'bloats Uft • your stothaeli. yilt1 Vet adnatiltatra, Tat.nrfol. • eoisona. go 'Jae the hoe v, nnr yoit feet eopiy • tent; and the World. lotilia Panlf• Ntiiere hoWeilnov4n4t. a dettn't:tibetlfyit get the Ca0Se..Ye0 ft etti solnethinif 'Ont. Wolter fin the li4er.tte•W414t• takes thoac gond, old 'cartretaitile • tit get tliceo tAiod pottntia,'Of. bild diming' freely. and Wake Y(11 •teel. ‘,00'ititt1-ap`t.4 Ifillinhitta• anti f atlo, Melee tbe hilditoitt h•otly, They do the Work • • ' lot eitleinel but It:Wend •Cidattiel-nt nicretity 11X., thein, Aare. fat .Vartat.'e lath, etert Pins by ' eninet;Stahhothiy feitual ithything tiger. 4150, .•4 • ff" •'biles has been the great loss if the • ear bedies Were pitched into: a ern- : ). cible porcess or furnatei for '.'recoh- •' ditioning. Borate, has a- giant auto- stnas nig machine, quaintly. "big' 13„ehtlY." It•aves the :1os It , crushes ' old car bodies -and- .btindlea theml„intp neat packages to east into the steel i Iniriaces- to reduce more -P1.1)TiihiitsbplYO.11;erful'auto-ertincher WOlfs," down 30. ear.. bodies. in an hatin. The operator Pushes a biltton, amagnetie ' ervesat Breaking Point.. Nit) need for girls ▪ • Or women 'to, Suffer • freer petit . odic painS„' lice( - • a'olic • or 'sith..au. •, ' ,1Slany foul filet 'ileree's • . • • '34ei-erh-a-ietl-''.'is,--tr'l \0t3' htIafliI ton-•' • iv, 1 his is -what j". bi • ,$10. 1i3O- it,, 1 Chtl ,'.'N'ell'4•0;et. ••• ..1 10t Weak, 11111 • 4 nilituni IIy 1.. 44, 144 (11.C- 10.110,14, * • mint, il.i• t.,, 0 •-•-r.t.,Ti 1 ii - 1 t10l o,1 t k , 4.0 r 4• ..11; P,oid 11 .mca( 1 w • '54.11 :1 1.141,14r 14vor4t••• Ptt mat .• ranhcier 1141 FO ;Ala the 1.( ;lam lite, ',and .4 Oda, r trou ntlY now! ' • . , . ..„ , ; • le et9U.prePaj ,z7ha; e.1 0o t 1 eirr.r.0 etia re irt, the exceeding r'greenness ,of h3ni, There is n • evergteen that can eomparg with gras, What' im-, mense areas in Other • lender are sur- faceder,4b: rtilsckpfatt2 eno.ugli l'eSemtiles .the starved. stuff '.deseribed by Robert' • Browning in. • "Ciii.Itie Roland', to. the Park Tower Cw7Inhe:;wa,11 It tf °447..e7sl. aliikll'e1; t',i1Y• starred golf.' course by the old..puteh settle• • Merit . of Swellendam in Cape Colo- n; , hirt the ..greerriand. ' made .of grit. • How pleasantly the grass in niest • English fieldenottli of-Sciuthampton; elsewhere; 'snuggles 'up '"'t6 liedgerews. • Weare forced as „Agri., • tultural theorists to eondetnn grass es..the 'thinnest, the least intensive ,intin. of, Cultivation, yet what natur- • al wealthi in it!: "Ie.. is, a widow's cruse, it store S wealth; and while the capital inereases„. the dieidendS, if ,s.thalli,are never intermittent. • •lt .is •a free gift. What pleasant. tteading as well • as 'feeding for .stei.,#R; and- Bottein, tree. Ertglisib, man, 'theugh•tenihorarily an 4§; was riot enottgh. in his pariegyrie.; • Geed. ,hay, 'sweets„litry-enath *tilt&fietellei-it-1or.?nrvA1T&.".#01tic.ri1M'the.'••-. trussed hay; remains' as green as the , 'growing' CroP..• .'Vet; the greatest of all giftsgiVeh by the grass field 'and 01111110.n L to the eye S: Nv'hileg,rass gree -s the • inhabitants of this i,eande will, live.•.in 'il,green, and therefore , pleasant' land,,LIOndort Spectator., ,• ••• • .Queer World' COnderrineg to ,,the Zoo: A New: York -.elevated trail) ,driver 'has bee - sentenced by a Magistrate to take Lis!' wife to Zee obserVe the "mar- '• ried hapOines4 :Of. tigers eat! Ireri8;1' • ,Cenfes,siontA wornan. coefeesed recebtly• that in August. 1t11. sbe • tetik a dog from Suttonort-Sea to ' **heat paying its fe,ref fv• she vgartted• •to elear. her 'Consci- ranee.. ,,rifhe, T, N It-, (411-`-e.04.- et: Champion Par cake* .Eater A , young AniericaC „dein,* ,panca1co7, eating title vf. the, COliVer7r tit1(11 h' ate panahe, 400, wide”rn ninuteS'• •-• " • ; • ` •, •aloag, the 1,aotzth nnif'south;east'coasig., ' built- to renel. possible ,invasibp by , Napoleon, are1eTng. surveYeti the , Office f Works, w.hioli states : that the 'toWera "are Kif .c011.1/j0q.4134 in- terest as ,-,lorining Spite/natio' scheme for .the.defence of tract's of • e'oast, agaiast hole landings." . „ Bathing ii Beer: Because ,they are so pleased that it is rainine, peasant:SI. , in the'State a :Ceara, NOrthern..Bra.- are washing' their donkeys in Egjs •Th�:niDneiffWit";I•dsit below are" c6iisd. eyed the :Most 'difficult •in ti•te English '.1. 2.',,Trans441Jstantiationa1i.ts. • ' • 4. Dispi7oport;o0abletics'ses. • • 5. lritereenvei•fibilities. ' 0. :-HiStemerphelogically. •, • 7, Interdiffventiation. 8.: SupereensitiveneSsesc Q:,:flypersensittveheSscs: • Classified Advrtisrngi ' AGENT • W A NTED AGENT Fg.R. SENSATIONAL, •• NEW PAT - entad . T.110: ,Crayats ,...tiongs 'Stret. e reacle. Tt;runtot• ".• • • .•. . . ; ta- Day-• stiPplying- tnuusad mantles ,2(J' ,.....guararyteetP•ifece01up u• 45 week- ' • Nd rise. ". • Experience 'unnecessary. Free" 'Catalt.rgue and, Detella. Famtlex Company 070, St. CICraeht. Mon trsal.• ' • • •ti AGENT4 WAN'TEI:k Ti;') SELL WELL. line nt Idea's and Ledles'•\wagh- • apparel, ' complete range aa, usea bY Restauiants.. T'averhs, Hot els, HosPit al s, nutehers, Beauty She,ps, Soda Ponntairis,' puctors, Waitresses, etc.* Ll'intlisisitlyrin'20aYrGnIluemotes, ,n1d79 r'OePraeal• 11'dtVOni3:- " 15 A I Ir IFF S AND cot,er,crrulls,.. Ac,ENeiEs, Ex, retietieed• •oolleetten Service.' Bailiffs: --•• 'Stair sidg., TUrttrito.••. CHINES.E--VEGETABF.-.1,y4;;TEaS, -WONDERFUL! . DELICIOUS ;• NOVELTY! • •vw •Or"ow in. wnter,' Ready Ii) 10 "hours. Out- sell potato' (hips' ten 10 One. ' Uniftniteel Vossi'-' ' •'id title's 52•00.00,. weekly „cr.. inPre: ' Faselnatiag"- _year •round ..whrlf! e: Wise! Se ;first • In y.our.' 'th locality. te 'handle is new ' "muffey,., Maker. ' • SaMple, full, etiltu al and :' marketing (tires-. t ions . , stle' postal not e.,"-:Sitn beam sates.'yar ,aitiiith Nottht .,N.s., ' • , . ......• ' ,'Ilil.hi, ltACYN•Ey ' eVile,t1#., . , • .. .• .. . r WITH - THE AUTO HNITTER ';‘'10.15;114Cl ' v v ' lnan's sbeks • for 'us; with 4rnall -InveSt. ' .'ment, start thiseteasant employntenti for • ittlifroved ferills .. and *Agee'. eald.• write..'new:.• —Ault. Ipiitters,. Department tiO3, •Toronto, '• ' . .. . , ' " POIJJ4TRY IGItUkF ORPINGTON COCHS, 'PEHINS AND,. :Rowen drakes, ponem, watireary,'„ • Pletto Ontai•16... • ' • • BARRED PLYMOUTH , IZOCH BREEDERS 1MPHON* Votn ,•wrods.... 'BY •ADLl1140 .teeftwitioe- from heavy10„•erti r and" . registered .etiris. Its to ten Weeks old • SOckerelVat arty to diyeaty ,fite cents. Alto !darted fltilleta. at 'attractive' Priced:. •Mont-. ..xnagny' Hatchery' (Certified). 2:28; Montmagny; • , REMEDles rta.. McGAHEY,S LEO ITCH 'REtiEDY, "—• One application' stops .,ttching„. stamping • biting; ' Remptyltle, •Otitarib, A . . . ,• 'artiis tiotionr . Hetir, eludes , oeb enADIAN . SterriPS and'Stamped .Plavelopet. lhinteOt •cash halo. 4-- • marigold Staibp'7/ ' . Vieteriti, MOt•ptita,' , • 113 U:R N S Mix equal parte of 1Cliner4r'e end tweet .oil; eafter oil. Or • ortaepoom,I•J S,,tporpelity*dt6.0. 1th: tileiriraL,4_ f p6iitfui smattIng g *Pg td,4-430•tory.••;16iip-or-! , . „. 4 ING Pikittl" . • and.th.A,Clustora of .pourineberrcls: of beer...vier donkeys • i$ carried out beta.use the • anlinali. are able, to go Without water for.long .-periodk. • : Exit ....bhininey; A foot • high• • • chimney.. and a • large •ViSused punip-.• • . ing;station iriCheshire suddenly' disz ;. • appeared into the.' earth 'recently: - Pen -lite. beard ' 'a loud ..tumbling„ • and ' •• on going te..the spot ".1!„..und a large, catity' 'where' the cliinmey and „ pump:- . ing station, had ..stood. • as t�o• „,'deep 'foil:the bottom to :be seen: ....•••Stiaving 1icoia A 72 -'•year-old b ii het 1 lI3ah BeardSWorth, v, host werld t•e,cord :of •50...yep.r5 ode • whe.,n. he .shiii-,e(1 :70 Men. in half an-- ; seinbagker, a ;barber's assistant ,of.Vi- s• enna:: Who or itist, .on an interiifie trone1•• 'sha•&ing Contest.: •After shav fng man in 19 secends Sels- :Senliae.ker declared tiv3 , prefess.ional shaem in the world.. ..." ' rozen Eggs •(Frorn Time) . To.H.t..1)e• 'laYitien, as, Well. , as ta the,. • layer., „a frcsh. egg in its 'elf (if •Cornpletion.. • To a ;kir: and •••', growing seetio e the .it yaiv roatenial•,.. the. ••• : sci..billion'•egg.s' laid • in the. 1.1.S.••• last& • .year.. rio few.er then twohi hon were •:6 .brOkeri... catinesi;:and, • state they. ,havebeen et' Will' be 'per. - chasedand thawed out for .useby...ing • 'manufacturers. of • mayolina•se„:..Maca7 • :•egg's in that, tecy, ai,*,..ipacked mbulk,' •.not in the shell are. net Merely ehille' •ed . but ,•ractu.ally ,..frozen •at. Ssub-zero.., . . . „ -ten4perattiree-artilluS , pre, . • . .• ...seryeel"frOm rone..-to to Years, vellere-..:: eoid-storage, egg:. are • 'usually' -keptnet mere:than Si* •mqintbS.-ILAst. •• week • frozen. 'eggs: beeam a ,fii117. • fledged' ,Comrhonity ' in ',the • .Mictweet when the.- `.Cli:eago Tereiiti1. , Ex-. ,-,change No LU S heztaci*t•t.Prs for 'egg. Speculatibm•• 'admitted -.them • spo And • future •, trac4r.g, , ,s.„.r.Al1ntist,excluSiee1y..,a,1US-iirid eCg fred,zing,' is done by 'alight 200 companies. With 'plants. in ,the egg.,belt • • of Indiiinn,-'•111ifieis,' South. Dakota, Nebraska, IcaiiTirs7afidtTeXas.,: 'Their' "breaking which •correSpends• • to -the. 1- ng • ge.agoli ' for hens in th • earl Y :spring and suirirrier; began early .;thia :Year because:of .unseaSontible :winter •Iliggest• . • freezers ..are Standard Brands' and ,Ovseii 8gir ',Co 'Of .ChiCago, a National Dairy 80.: 'diary Proudest 'is, 1.)VsOn's. of the. '`tOvs.ort•prodesS,.••"•Itessien4iorri Presi-;. . • . • dent 'Merrisl QVC nowi• 5.3,lja been. in- the "frezen egg business sinee.4902,1" hell" he, went' to 'work 'for ,.13oSton. l'Eggniart• Oheof the first ''...Peekers" to7., eSeneriincet • 'Aid: egg • fteetir.ig, Keith Solt Ovsot.,,.to 'to'open an egg -freezing .plent n collie petition .with, ' Methods of preservation', Tlfe Ovsoti: p./ant »1 Shanghai,: now, opened' •by. )3b.rderi'S, 'is the largeSt in. the •Orient. OVsen,'. and 'Keith ;later Well& • into partnership in' the. 0.: k° ,E,gg 'Co:, Of ,Chieago, 'ef e•hith t preser'. eeM; • jaOy is An. entgrewth. . ' yrifr, ' OvSon'S • hundred8.. of . ellile,stitOcked orkers/ at •SeVeir • 'ilatits • Chicage, ;St. 1,01.1;.s, thivenport,mo., ;Great •14611a nd pol,§oli•,,,a1*., 'w trackaboui egg:g by .sent.ornbe,;'. • .0";,-• pit : othereeggS-freczert; , to cni. .a nd • tO'n- 110t, Mfite 1..e..forO• • (reek .s110.1fr1p.: • them , f„ I.* • 'IttAlTititr•larre -.MM.: o leprAl into ,val.1.••.,treinet1 ha,P1 . )A,"1•0:1'Pi11 atm: (.1 ,..st't .111,t y'' ; hurrte,I., „Let rl n hroegli proacss., `I; n • 1•••• ••0,. 8t1eit:1.10:g ,d, \vn "nnisece:aet•l'y Stared 1Vn(1-..4.,'6,:i 1'ia riger.nting, IS ,