HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-04-29, Page 60 71'4.1412'0 ,1,9 • i -to the fact that thia. whale Page, heit week, will 14 Voted entirely to the Coronation•- we are Including next Sunday School Leson rn this; lasuee LESSON V. -May. Ve-4tar ABRAILAM A MAN OF PAM • menesa lit 27-20) 184 . Printed TeSt7-4esseatii 174- . • - • .1.3;': ' • ' OOPPPI.TBICr4.43T faith.`Abrahnini, • when he was 644 o'bpsiaft:to ga- out nt�. a phietsOiellitli' he was to receive. :for an inhoita1ice.. Ile- bre*a -Ali 8- •• it is vain f.,Or„ ns , 000144... , We Can he confident that GO appeared*: . • a._a4 a Tia;i'''-tiSt, 4hrSat.:4iieW,that, it . 74..°04: who .•94a 10404 with Though the • Prete/se. of the, given. te Abram. ho never PaSaisaed'Vanaant'...tlit'a,Wlis ieft for his seei, to f9110* some hilndreda of *Ca'ra., later .(See' Atte 11.; . • ".1,ta4,ii 'he retedved.' treat' •thOilge • •:dato.'the .frailintain. 'on Olo• east 447 The ii4voiloa't*Oa.*..014 , 'Bethel, and pitched his tent, heviog. Viiiie-7Abrabain, • was bei'a,,.• Bethel on the west, , and Al on the ....PO and reached Canaan diumers.."Tebont' B.C. east; and there..Iie, neaaaa an altar 1928. U. aePiaratted, train- Lot- four onto Jehovah, and:called' upon the years later and -rescued Lot 'karat of Jehovah. .-- 'And:Abram: Oar. • • .S4.1:94 was ..41aStr4:04 'B:Ci 1904' 'Ping on .stilt toward the P1nee'T,X14,4citiof Ur was in, South." 7 -Bethel ;nouns 'the. house of innthern C,1104pa ,,Itoran,• was. In' 0.94; andis to he identiOeit,With;t4. . and m most important..part the :lire or •seeineCin the 'Tar:distance, grandson,..,'Jareh (Gell, "sh 'duo cicising 10.7 vv :Miro* tentinuek!. move .G944tie*el.Yjee.e .the -4;crY. et the southward We: aronot tOid: il• udden' the wife,.en&the These pti Weald hare traveree the en- Were .the criee which,liad 'entered inte re land which he had promised as a the ears of 'the' Lord God. fech. : ,poisessien, .for: his "deseendanta., has a.:tty. • ,4The 'velee of thy broth -. #Arid 'Unto' ,Abiern,er'sriot -crieth .unto We Matt: ude frni the phraso1ogy of after "that'Lat'..Was.- separated .frem.these two verses that Go. did not him, Lift place where thou art. north- knew , the actual Condition. in .,SoclOm th, Lift up - new thine:eyes, and look • • southward and eastward Prevailittg at. this tiMe;Co exatesward and. ...-, 4isltni:14:.:...a*tx°iv.11,2;rb,40.14:1'jua:t.eionendtoand westward For all the IanrIwhich , thou seest, t9 thea. will 1 give it, and . decisions, :and to: inform us that_tothy, lteCf9t: ...Gaija.nevet-PiniisheS7anrheing-Or:-anr secoad: prOmiSe• , been , eubwaanitY .00 that, he , fury..juatified • in so- doing. -, • Gen. "And the men., tatned:'•froni. thence! and Went toward: Sodom: but. abrahali ' stood Fat, be- fore Jehoyeti.: 'Ahd:.Abraharn drew rneat: and sad, Wilt thou consume the righteous : mith, the .wicked?...Per- adventure ' there". arefifty tightepus. within th city: Wilt then .consume 'end not .snare..the,place for.*the.. fifty righteeusthat arc therenti:i ' That .be , far rain: thee,:to • da .:After tt ia man- ner. toslay: the righteous.' WIth, the • 'Racked:" that so the ,riOlteeuS•.should be as 'as. the. wicked; that be:. far front . thee:. 'shall 'net 'the' Judge Of, all the ' earth . • do • light ?",'...7. -This ',p.i..eyet • of Abrahain'a • arose .front, • Ain-alit:fres: e .knowldge• of Gads purposes. toward • • . . • • . Sodom, and .fteni Abiahams own •• lecke. for Let., and .his feeling: of d.eep reepansibility. fear Abe.: s,. of : his .;de; 'ceased. brother,' with whom for so Panay yearshe had lived and labored. Furthermore, Abraham ..'knew Gad.. He had absolute cariAdmice in Gad as one ,Who heard -.prayer, . who -airkeYe 'atted reaeoziably..ancl• justly,and to . :Whom. he :couldfervently pohi, out his. heort'S. desires. • ."Aild Jehovah .paid, If. I.,: Anil .in Sodom fifty', . the City; , then .1. wilt,',Spere ali the Plate 'for their 'sake."-. Gad accented' the 'test proposed by • Abraham, ..thengh- . •••• '• , not necessarily thereby acquiescing( in the Abiblete soundness of :his' logic; God iald• he would 'spare Saciona if, fifty' iigiftepua .einifd be found; not as an act of judgitient,„but As an ex-• efeiSa. meliY; beCatieei.u.fL.therL :dairies ;upon . his 'nerdy Which. :grate 'admits the iighteohe to prefer. • "And •Abrahatnanewered and. speak :Mite the. Lard, Who am but. (...duit. and ",ashes. .Peradventure therc. shalt leek :five' of" the fifty righteous: Wilt thou destroy all the city for leek.' ••af fiv� And, he said, .1 will not dea..•-• Trialhere-tOrty and "Abraliani • must .,have known 'the. ..city • of Sorloin intimately. and he . probably :was convinced in his nein heait theV: fifty' iightioue emild:'net be fbahd within the eirchinfer.ende that city. Ile iniiiself Certainly: never. • heard" of fifty righteous .rightemis, Menbeing LESSON V1.-Mny 9. there: yet his, hae.rt is inaVed....aci, pityfor his oWii.fieell and blood, Who `eertehilY would.' be destroyed in such att-auagnie1t-tes.-.4s-e-beett-M"-tleste1d-7 upon this city. • Accordingly, h eaka. God . if he "would not entire, 'the eitY • only., forty-five,-righteoui. be. • :Setting feand, and :god ,nneweted.' his .Setond. • The Lesson In . Its petition tie he had: anerketed the .fitat. intercession for shouldbe noticed *dom. &tarred '0.0) 1904). ' • it ' :thiS, opt petition, AbialiaM appetite O'ren •• Pace -Hebron, about twenty nilies ifl deePer:hurnility thanin thc°t'St soath, of 4068616p; •• ' ' ' neitien, as, though behad no rigid to , Ask. Gad anything, bcing but dust and te dustatfirst and • "And he spake mite: him said; Peradventure there hal1 be forty •,fauncl there, , 'Arid he said, I. not (10 it ret, :the forty's Sake, , And he Oh let not the'LeriCW angry, and I Will lineal:: petadventinid there hs11 thirty -56.'60a there. , Ahd •..thirtY• (Lily',,reducing • the ,,tinrober 'of. those ..Whe; ,it ‘tetthci,, would lead tiocl 'te 'Pt.trO the di4Y4 •dees. Abreliam pr•oaelt, God oil: behalf Of Here:Ag Artie pqrsisterice prayer, 'net letting ge, of God Until our Whole'. Nett hag boea.Dotiioa out ereatee. in 34.4,4 319119' that 010104 444' rit9rt*--Ii!hirVa4.1'14iewn him1 Io Lheend' that be MaY Panaraand:r.hia‘ ehildren and his• household .after nim, that; they .MAY keep•the way • Of tleheaah, •t9 de, 'righteousness and justice; the pact that Jelitiatik may bite; 4Pen ;Abrahaie that Which' he: hathk snalien. of hi." -As it was only L,y obedi- ence righteousness that Abraham 44d, his seed were to. :0Atlane in God's -fever, it was fair thatthey 00414 km. encouraged to, do ao`. by seeing the fruits: '.of Unrighteousness. to that whole bistory on their borders,. re - *non tb„On, of the wages :of sin,. they -mighttastsr fail rightly. ta:'„in- terpret its, ,nieghing.'''' and -IA every -,gread .thc lesson. 4g141:0;:tg•ayt*Oi.:.:44ngt;';'' ye shall all like- TheY'',P0414:Ovir at- tbute to:chance. thia..prediedlialga • : ' Jeh9veli. Becanae.' the CV of Secle19`. 410 GeMerrah is great; and because their' sin is very grievous; 1. will, go down dew; and .:see whether the have 'dona alto- gether according to the cry or. it, ' ,which .is eogie thrift) me. and. if not, I. will know.' -There, far down .•the. velley, lay the-gullty Cities Still and Talent ,seoets, 'from the Totten -13107 peaceful, No sound :travelled to the': thre studios Are suspected of doing , • 6.1faoY1-1.4. a.' uldridanniuYril. r;1119'Be'• r, ItollywoOd• Is in a dither, over the child ' erodiglea, If you did heat stetty„•Jayees:: Crosby's theeraattt:aerpe' oier:Br wjal .opera .. few weeks ago,'. just before... she • eterterl ivoric ., Metro - Bin g crash. z: Gmoatycl why:v.. emYeariyeyitiehd at her .talent. the practieellyo hada • compared to their . -..•--eatad1ettiveryr-fcit-"the-'.i1niv--1-e",ceitther ' Pr,sYsr,ia. Suzanne Larson, aged• • who wilt be- featured ili a innsitel Above 'High which "gives. you taaa of. her. voiceaAnge.a • , _v•ft...ruimm•• it SS, . • • weemeaumaewai„•DgRopay resewowimearraa. 4'444 •:',14' 411'4 ner Brothere have released "The King and the chortle- itucl United Ar- itiste- have pat out "Histery Is Made .."at• tlieY: are both giddy '19d`. relna-40e and bOtie, ,aat .ekerrand ':to. argnin,q,APITO- who is. the greater mat- • ised•td01,-.Per#1.14 graVet Or Charles Boyer. They -ere. both gr4,04' .rea*atiq heroes. King an'! •the Chorus Is something et -a tithe day -•won-: , der because • it ia a Warner Brother:I.- mueical" without a higirodettien num., her to totort'Upt the gaiety. And "His- tory Is Made at Night:. is coMpletelY baffling ,because It [nixes spectacular scenes and. giant tragedy :with Oxen, Mal situations. Palestine'. ,Sedoin • it the northern end 'or the Bead Sea.,...the plainofliamre,' which is. gebron, is located twenty mike tomtit' Of Jerusalem. -giver was. ,nine niiles sontlime,at of Gtza. . • •,.4.Now :Jehovah said unto 'tint° Ahram4 name ''Abram" • lateens "high father." Liter in the narrative'. we shall find the name' changed to Abra- ham -'(17: 4, 5).. "Get thee out of . thy country, and „frein,:thy kindred, 'and front thy father's house, unto the land - that I Wilt Show thee This • is. undoubtedly the . ,sedond. 'call in , . „ , AM -lines. life. The Oat One: he had is nlyrapartia11rObeyedq*et3-7r3=4 :Pr Abrabam has in wrath, . God knew ,that Abram .h.aCaMar.•tO'ItiVen\ regarding the irltintete, pesses--,, an hear ,whenahe was ready to more fuily obey God's, commands. God never tells us to givehp anything , that is clear to us unless, at the same ,tittie, he -gives us a promise of same- 3,thihg, even more precious that he will • bestow upon .us: (See Phil. • 3: • "And ' I will: Make Of thce a greet nation' -The Jews have been .a :great • • nation hutherimillY, and are greater . ' teday,'. than. probably ever :before: - They have been great in commercial• : life;,they have been ,greater in :arts sciences, hat they . have.been ,s47 nreniela great in their epiritual. in- fluence. ingiving as the Holy Scrip- ; tures; and the -Star at Gad "And I will biess thee, and --make thy name, great.;:and be thou a 'blessing," .A6ra7. ham ..*as bleseed••in being the the . father • At the.11ebiew people,in • of Walking withaod, in receiving' ,-.mighty promises from. the father Of „the feithful:. Out all ;the'. Agee . he has been honored ' by !Tow and Gentile, . by Christiana and Mohammedans: His, place.' in .•Chriatien truth thay .be judged, by •the Ifact that he mentioned •more 'than seventy times in the New,. Testa- Ilion'of Canaan, only only ,tbis „time -the - promise, has A greater aweep, and ite., eternal aspect here first.apaeate.'gad. • deck, not .tease oS by giving:ow: souls visions of ultimate accomplishinents,% desires ftir. service, but he -71eadaus, and schoolus ;and equips us for the. attainment of that whieh he has un - unveiled. to .cur souls; one vision. one., and another: to .another,': • "And 1 Will .inike thy Seed as 'the • dust of the .earth: so that if A_ rna::- can flainl3er: the duet Of the earth; then may thy send also •pe number - cd" -For 4 fulfillment of 'this prom; ise.'see, Nem: 23: , Duet: -1: la:, 28: 82: in Gen. 15: 5; Abra- ham is promised a seed as. hinnerens as the'stera of the heaven, and it has been suggested that the promise that his seed should be as ,the *1st .of .the. \eerth refers _to his PosteritY.,actord- :Mg to the -:flesh, and the promise tat . hi seed shwa be as numerous' as the stars of the heaven, refers t� his seed according to, the ,Spirit; 'dal.' 3: 29; AO.; "• ' •: "Arise; walk.: through the land in the length of it and in the breadth' of it; for unto thee .will 1 give it....And Abiern• resayed histeht,and came and "And 1 will .bless them'..thet b1ss dwelt by the oaks :of Menire.,' which thee, and him .that threeth thee will are in Hebron, and built there an al- l. curse: . and in thee shall . all the tar tnitt' Jehovah." -Acting of the ,eartii. 'be blessed?- ately, as .the heavenly : voice diretted,. (See Zech. 14: 1.6.-19):L. 'Abraham Abram . reeved .his tents to the -plaid . ,bestameda blessing anion% the *grid': of Memre, who , later became his inbeing the Arai great character of : friend and ally (14: 13,24), near Ile - the trne. God. Through ,him came ,bron, twenty-two *niileSeinith Of jet- •: that whole race tace people .whp have usaiem, on thewayto Beeraliebk.a. •'so - blessed . hamanityby pawn of great. antiquity. Here- 'he builti-,iiifiltat to OW. It is, hot .said •the • Lord Jestis Chriat:. anYiVhere. that List ever built. an altar ' "So Abratteni went; is Jelioriehhad to :God Erecting an Altai for the ' spoken unto -him; and Lot went with worshipof' where Abram journeyed may be tom- . • :years...old when he . departed out of pared . to • christiaia People; immediate, .1jareit... And '. Abram C•took.. Saraii his ly Seeking. a Churth heine when they wife, and Lot his brother's ihni And Move to a new pity; or ai travelling their Isiibstanee . that they had Man attending divine ; service ',every , • gathered 'encrthe stalls:that, they had Lordsi 'pay, he matter how farfrom • gotten ihilitan; mid:they went' forth ',. hOme-he•Might,be; or Christienpeeple - togo into the land of Canaan; and net allowing themselves, • in 'strange •ihte the, land of Caimen they taine.- eitie5, and when living living •in: betels, to - Canaan IS Supposed to Mean 'felt asleep at .night Without hearing chant". •See, 23: 11, . the the ,y,olgt of God from the, pages of „ HOIY, 'pture. " • Ahtanr 'passed' throughthe, land unto the place of, Shethett.'" This is the. place 'Where .Abi-aiti first, •nereeted• an altar: Sheehern lay 111 the pass . which 'Cuts' through monks .-twenty-five miles'cllrectIy • north of • ..letimaleta,' in a valley' which A. P., ,Stahrey has called '1‘the most beauti- ful, Perhapi'it Might be 'seld,',theainlY "VetY beautifui stint'? 'in: ceritrei. Pales - tire." • , ., "trite tlie oak of bforeh.,.• „Mardi, ,Tefara, to, the Owner of the oakgrove. tia the Canaanite WaS,then in the. •ln1d,. This :simply impliesthat the and was clot open for 'Abram to eh - tet Upon ihimediate possession of it without Cliellenge. It ,a1Ses intiniates or admits; Of the kippositiefthat there . 'had been previous inhabitants ' who ipayhaire'beeh subjugated 4:the in,' voding Cailaahitee,• . "Arideppeated unto Ab- ram,', lord said, tijito thy .seed give this land: and thore'buidcd he • an altar unto- Jehovah, Annear- • • td Kele, for the first tiafei3Oediiri A pliraie thaeis to have uch'itteat, significance throughout the Old; and ,NeW Testaments, 'the.. . • • • tord,eppeeted,' Ito* he netually ; • • ptated to Wefare not told, ova, • . • „. PRPFFSSOR. 'fiENRY. • ,Con44404. with the rea-oaeratjeo of the viri99i: 4eroOments Of Ontario Agricultural Collego W'h.' 41.4i E.ItsoTP11°Itioo' fs7Ittfr fro4r1•1'. 17Or: ..Phrit48,1;itlic07I'ligetrV•1414)4erte7Cro?';:r7 uPn'tfLQ:itligs,e1;•,, phate? 1 i'ciaS oIu1ering jf Itwas 0.14 fe..r.tillist at the rate: -1 Tien, ntlee that e'r.e. its farm: We wa9/4." 'Oohed anprOsittistelY:, mho.; to, now, grain. egatti ontand which ayn7:;.g757,:,0 17Superphosphateseutwould k • co.q.iliseli „ order. Our jand is sandy and gravel reeethineatt 'artw a anYthinVbut t'siMeneraifle,..AettTtits - 20%, tilioaphate.,elohel-tiOn': -sgi•ett14it t the,: kiniK:ef,;:nieetteaer.adaalk aRarippote In. :eettjanctlea wlth a light .9:0r. ..ritiening..4`.342-0. will , add' :Nitregen. o-nianuro. or wouhl you 0$1i4,9°.‘4.(1 'Whiee'giana POW :ore**a0(1 potash,. lOne.'.0.•13i.S.regOtar fOrtilAnrOe. , ANSWNit;', You aay that you would tio4, tests,, we have Nona that both ifite,t,o-eoli grain, again.On lead. which Nitrogen' and potash pay well well under • had .graih lost year. You also say that condltlofls which you Meatian,:eopeci- -the lima is .sanny,- .andgravelly loam. ally, if you are, seeding down withnif, oaatfees, ,are: the: • ievet. ' elf*: or grass ,u114,ure;. l3eet applica- • laitittgen. Plioapboria Acid. and - Pet, tion, of this fertiliser • ot -course, 15 ash wili be fairly 1cm' io 044 mat for'. ..threugh. tlie • fertilizer • SPotiOrt. •of the this :,yparat crop. It -.yen -eau apare it, -combined • fertilizer. and gyain. drill. , light corttiflg 01Hinanine, .1, believe The analysis of the ' soil would et 'would be good. In .tichlitiOn: 1 Weida °a:Mime, help tie In reaching: nefihite reeMemeod . that. ,yoi apply ',250 .lbs. knowledge of the -fertility Ievels ,ot, per acre of'242-6: or 2,12.1.0.• fertifizer. Your soil, but •alrite you say it Was, in • would cost o lltUe rnor& a• gravely kiam scil, 1 liefieve.,you: • 242-10 , has given excelleht results • • arou,ld,lin„.,aate., in • following theaug- In our demonstration tests tests ,Over 'the : ,keetien. that a.. have given. 4 ' . • • , Setting a igo4d. ocapipla Cana- dians who. bavs -control, of sroVvit lands:of Which evergreen trees aro, the natural erop, :at Washington, w aro told) the government forgets are • coining more.nnil, 919r9 to he. regard- ed "ttother faints!' and the rosth,, • ,ods of 4e2Tentifie farrnlers. That is to •44, they wnt fcc 'plow ;Ow well their ceops, ar.440i9g, and 'hy what methods they can produce the r • Test: wood. in the letiat time, ..0•ISD§,,AND FNDS Freddie Baia thelemew stayed up pesi his bedtime to see the 'ereVieW of !Caniali Cour,: ageons."., the sereen versimi of fing'ilittinortal novel and the Iad's . greatest' .picture :since coniirlg to Hai; ty,WoOd.,-, yranchot, To,u.a. recently ois- • • lebrated. ,• his , birthday.: with -a party at at• a' papulatlionywood night dab: : her earrent picture,: "When toke, Is.. Virgina, Bruce :Wear's' dreSS„ that required 10 yards of piaterial; "Ant:holly Adyetse''.':.got a..cool, reeep- thin: When it was kiyen . its nterniere • In Pails • recently. . The- Parisians were 'not at pleased ' With: the:.Way Nap .• (neon ayes presented in the pititire. Olotia Swariscuils..rethin 'thei. , . • . .". . films bus hit a•tengporary •snag,,those •the' say„ an the nreeent. . , . diffi- c'1ties will. sPon... be . ironed thit. a.,-; De - wino 'Durbin" is jab:oat • the -.budiest . young lank In Hollywood, ,Just as Somi as ehe. completes. "One Ilandred: Men and •a WA,'" she will:" go frito prodite-. „ „ tion ABRAHAM A . MAN ,OF PRAYBR (C,hapter 18) Printet Ge eais_.18: DEN TET- The supplication 'of a righteous ntan availeth Mach in its workitig. lanies 5; 16, • Things Every College - Girl Ought to Know • • , ST. LOUIS -Walter B. Pitkin,' author and member of the faculty of Columbia , University, asserted in an address here ."we aren't properly pre- paring people for life when a, girl • leaves • college with so little practical knowledge she gags out and electro- cutes herself with a curling „iron by making an Improper electrical. con- nection." ' "And Jehovah said, ;Shell I hide from,. Abrtham thtt,Whith I do: Sec- ing ..that ',Ahialtatt shall, 'surely be- come a great and mightnation, and .alt thetriationa, of 'the earth Shall be, blessed iii ,always knoWs Wbet he, is goineto •d6. in tv,ery, cit. cutiStance concerning every iridiVida- el and everynatioh. Some of these purposes .he has revealed to 05 iri his Holy Word, indecd thoifstndi of Often pryer atd ihIcl'ing, - in the will of (.40'd we,:eorae to knew ° 6oi1's „specific. purpeses for, its, at Specifig times, as We face certain' dir-, etubstant'es, Our knowledge, of what God will de' strengthens- us, efigettr- ages. us to greater fervency hi Chris- tian work, delivers, us' trent. fear,.. and beforeIfni, pleading' with ,hia as a man would plead with A friend: • How wonderful for A mere creature to 'be , 'on 'Such terna,e with God as Abrahani , here revealed, to have ,heen, and 'Yet 'every Christian believer in Jesus Christ has ati•Aven greater right th..: exercise in entering' 'into the hely 'Place by the bleod-of Jesus, 'by. the way whith It dedicated ,for ns.' (Heb. • 10: 19. 20), •'.• • ••• • i.t.A.Act' he 'said, Beheld now, , I • have taken upon updh to Speak unto the staetdi---p'etadkehtere there Shall, be twenty 'found thre And he said, , will not destroy it for the twenty's sake. And he • said, Oh; let not :the., , Lord- be angry, • and, I will sPeak yet but thiA .6nde: peradventure ten Shall ':. be .fouhd. And be 'said I will not destroy it for the ten's , Twice again; still .elingyig to tad . for Sodom, does 'Abraham- plead that Ood Might not deatroy. this.. Wicked. • city, Once askiitg.' that it. Might „lie ;PreserVed it only twenty crighteous should be found, and, fine* 'asking if God wetild preserve it ifonlyten • righteous' shonld h loatiti-kild, both 'times Otictrans- d Abtenatti .the.1 affirmative,: ' • not told, that God,. detnaticied • 'Abraham (Tend his •intercession foy ,Soderai• we may fiSsaine .that.,Abrehern,sienply thoiight 'he dared not 444 God for 'for higre than ' he had, 'Already requested, end that, -Attrg,o;4, the, .,mlerey t1 Jehovah.. Abrahain • ' "felt that be had reached the ,Of that liheity Which 'Goa accords the believing suppliants *athis . , Set ,To Fig4 at Drop Woe betide ,,the Intrepid rain •dien that should venture beneath . the, •umbrella':sheltering this Eng-, :ash • bulldog, truculent. entry • in Melbourne show. •. • insuance Et4ics reiViiiYatfonef,4relFeritiregliiir furnished intereating information on the rites Of.groWiiig pines left stand-, . . in; as , seed trees,: after ATV:area' has been lodged' i4i." • ,These 000 0.40i,v-e.,4 tor-ktii0a$4* after tho. clearing tralCitais- great'ea for the „eethe length' of time before ,it. The observations extended.,over a period "of .15 years, and showed. that in general the -greet - est acceleration in :growth came dur-- ,ing. the last live years• of that period: " 'Willa piece- of information is ex- tremely ititerestiagand important;' 'incense in the natural • nibred- forests .evetgreen and deciduous trees it takes two-thirds of a centnryaio• de•:- ' 7,7ftil-the- pro. option of 'lumber. • This interval might be materially:shorten- : ed by planting, the -trees . in. groves , 'suitable distatices from one Another,' -so as to secure the sloughing of, the . lower blithe and the forcing of, the trunks to drow. • Upward in the -per- sistent effort to reach the open air . above. ' Every % one • is fOritilar with the difference between two pines' one , grown' inthe open, with...branches' down close to the groand, and the other grewfi in a- chimp of :neighbortr, . -The London ;Spectator comments, Some of the ,Coronation.' .insurances raise ethical :rather •tbanlegal preb• lenia: Thatinterested partite!, 'notebly. peratitie pr institutions lth etiate to .bot, ahopikaiti:antalten., ....out policics. . against,: loss inenite,cl,.. by any ADostc- , , , poneraen( Pf. 'the 'Coronation is natur- al anongli: , -put .00 '70441Wiera Are not alt .• of a standard type. Somel'afere,:ae-orool as to Involve the underwriters .the payment.. Of :a 'specified sum ...Conination Of icing Edward Vail,does ;hot take place .On May :12th," 1937,'.'-,4. .wordn'a that effect,. • " ' The • lahgue,ge appears to .heye: been e niere niatter:',cif,.ferin: No one, that isto saY, was imentiehelly, making', •CrOVIsion, for the . possibility ,that „King , might not he croivned V, May l2th. Wit another king. might. Anta'ahere :is: obviously .tio fear that .seats'•will he left- :empty 'because • the Central . figure :;:is• to be ' King 'George; ...But Mantis •laaite• been ..ieade'unner the• 'pdWard•• --,.and :..paia. ' • .,00e . Of the ,•great hOspitale, 1:be., has 'so :benefited, aiid It hiaa possibly beat:geed. that a hospitalia justified . in 'raiiing• • fiind bv anY A 3, Target of Dynaniiters :-.1ill',:af"Whith' are racing Upwerd, with: districts betWeenthe Nipissing Le ;•and.'its-"riVer,loutlet to the north, and • the. Severn at:at-Tient 'River ,system of the 'Beath,' men* .inilliohe of acres of pre-Catiedian agriculture. Why . should net thcsc exhausted "thither! . lie re -planted • With the two most valuable of; - Canadian resintius .trees ---the white •pine tied' the • wh:te spruee-=on -selected .deep -soil • spots, cleared of deciduous trees,: and. t'ha ' - Plants he left there to light their way up with " tine another in the strtiggle ' for tise in later years as 'source of sea. , eply oxfisitteminbceerthaantd .wydvo,hdfit9d.ptr ki,taitto a.e. , New Hybrid Apples '• For the Northwest ' • , ample; a, West Pncl.chibl. The.question , legitimate lexpedient. But " is, f.0r, ex*. . i it T:iiie ...h1)...esirt, :loiniden :i.ti. ,,Departmentproer6..1:,i1,3y9f41Au produce : iithiltere tells the story tif the hteed. hae arise -ii cohnectiot with. at least. . • one , of them, and - the committee is, .A hardy apple for the the great Canath.. Alt Northwest..; The; tate .Dr. ;William •.... 'Saillitlete..cornineneed the project iri „•,-..„ ..:, '...1881 and A ituarter-Of.,a totiturii:later • he published ' A bulletin' deecribing the .. •teetilte he had obtained...- Di : Swint.: •..: .ders .used.'the ektrernely. hardy "Pp,• ,. . ros Baceate,?4 the ,:eacipler- of. which 18 ii. ' tiot'2.,:rohch .1areek_abah ..a4, good sized Lawrence Dwyer, ,724ear-tad 'United Mine w orkers. organizer, telling- Senate C1vi1_Libert.le5-00m-3 - mittee in Washington of, 'attacks Wade on 1lifl in riarlan County. • Three ' 'Kentucky Mountaineers told ,of dyiutroite 'attempt: . or was, divided. B.Lit.,' the principle seems clear -no loss, no ideranifi' cation. 390A00„P'ecnik: Living Will Mileder6i .„ Althougb dimly aware :et. thefacts before, because of ' its :niathematical definiteness, We find, aomethitig sharp- ly arresting in the. stateMerif of a Departittent Of "juseice„otOeial that 300,000 persons' now, living in' tltis cOrintrY will 'genie 45 be .murdered, comenti-Alre"--DetrAfit"..:i`qetivs-i Chief Staff " Commissioner John chief of the Salvation Army in Canada, has been:appointed-Aid of staff of the. organization, sec- ond only to Genetal Evangeline Booth. eboked. or bletkiacked, and that „.ap- proximately, another One of • each 400 --1S-7tostittell-7-trb.e ,tifirits our ' untkp,ettied and unpleasant demise. " • • ,.11eSidei preyOftiag :a stitakier at the thought of our awn danger ..*lien Maiking • horde . in . the those figures ,shOuld, inspire ...aohie Very • sober . :au6t, wbat.,tittige ,Of grerath. and • evoluttoh haVe„ huiiiiiii ' beings: telieheilEvidently, it',is a diaemitaghigly lew"one.. • We. talk' intieh• of Prosperity,',.of liberty; .of culture; .and so on, but it appears:, that *that: are -deeper prob- lems .to be . :met: than these, aboit . which we daily raise such argehientet tive hullbnloo, Vhat' et :the finida., mental"ttliicei SenSg whieh is $11.1)nes', .ed t be Of. tivilited :Tna part of our work fhrif ole- ThiS nean54Oat, in spie of.all Inc .vatieri of, the, age we m114,4..4111 go the 'teligiohs back to ''tho olemontary,„ stages and'. tr4lhiok),- the, attempts to iftlPtoiie" .itriNtO ,tO ;Make' eurggiVei,JUSt, simply those 'Social.conditimiS Whiell may. in, inoral. Many of vs, It se; ate (Ally eite Violerice) atid.the of. ein6reiiie fteat.,:seetieata, .fidt-trojA Jutilsturient for *Lir:citrons' .ocIts, One • pithridied anitnathvf,' 'Ana havelehg out of every '10 of us iftioost-ddt- •tt bea'beferg ran, ptutietly , tafn to he tilvt: stabbed,'pcishnedi., 'cbA an6m, • .' The first hybrillSwere"•erossee, be- tween this apple and a. ntinibet of , aottniercial torts: :From'. these crosses ' Were Otainecr.A nuMberof hybrids, : 'all Of crahlike characteristics., about . one, inch. 'ye ..0nelli,ind one-half-- inches • in diameter. - • ' •• • ' • . ' Later on. i. Setend lot bof,•Conliner= , -.Lciennplee-rWliS4intrOdified from ear- • ,leties like 1Vielntosh, Bed, 'Northern ' Spy an .:Optatio... These ': second 'erde, ala : setwete.StiltLiery„crab-liite--:an Liiiiture..--but-pioduced-r.fitiits .un- to. two and " a lialf intbee in diairteter. . . • . From the first crosses , 'the, ont- ".. • 'standing suecesseg • were Chained' OSituin and" Gifitimbia4 without doubt' • - the hardiest i',:rab7appies of, any ,eollt-•, , mergial'sise •growing,' in, Canada and .: they: appear to . fortha foundation - stock: for future devempinent., . the third ereSseS have . heel :dig!, ..trihntoci thkotighout the,Mest „ter a,: hardiness,,test..-..Compaiatitely'sneak- .4.,e,,, ing, there ::is at present. to tggnitter-, ' 4: dal :aurde ..t.ti.fow:i4 in the . Prairie ' PrOvium's, but if the heik hybrids are • .. . • successful the. :itimiy" be much." altered in YeaRate Cone... • ., , ' ' , . The- aaple. Cfoli-:::0-the Darniiii6t1, exelithiVo.• of Manitoba, •Albette:!and Sesicetcliewet, was ,about a% ,aiiiii., art\ barrel:4 lastyear, according to:a, • report Iiy the Agriculture Btliheir. of :the Dominion Bureau-- Of.. Statistics, Department of Trade and OontmerOe • • . Canada Sends —most •,Cart To New Zealand . • , • . • WIN'158613.•--airietensiiig. 4-(1'.";ininatVie‘ :by ,Oanedian ';'iiientirecturers of the '•Antipodean .netontotile ;market, as ' 'forecali by Carman Millward tioft, tallad4th trade comnilashMer to; New Zealand on his 'arrival lier6 CAre,ho said, , form' tlia lar,g4t i°New Zenland, and his vi'r.isit to Nii;fi'n-t;167:-'---:- is theref�re the biggest assghnent of IiiS too.. • , • naring :his. 'years, 441 Aue.kfiip,i,. „ , the, trade eitpert has seeh'eanadiatt , tat manufacturers annek larger slices ' Of the atitomebile basfaess, year by yoli!,;110 sahl,