HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-04-29, Page 3•
• ...17AT LAGE
.'.1fow'Do:!•They Get; The. Ent -;
Revelverit are -et. no against
,•clinachine-gtms; and, an . the Mntintles
will bo oqtiijped WItk. • rif,100,• ' to" deal
„ ',gangster ,thtigf4. .11a bow do the
Ptiblic rats- :get . ,.the inaOhlitegunal.'
T:terer :should he . closer enpervisien,,
over the , sale Offire-arnie,_....on this 'con, .
litient.4 :Chatham.1, • • - •
„ .
. ,
An Unusual' fatality, •
An idleoliise:".C.roWd of people at;
...tendeti a funeral in /Auden. Vgg, to
'do honer to the memory of an Aus-
tralian seldter. who bed ',been killed
' In a :peculiar manlier ,white. in Eng -
as ,a ineinheir. of the Austrellaii
:He was bit by a'bickelist•;o4,•13irdgateVaTk, •
, outside ' Wellington • barracks
. Where :the, ,Atistraltan contingentis
-.quartered; ' ,
' The .simplicity' Of the accident that
took this ina,n.'s :life. illuetyates • the
'•• ;;-anoinaliezi ;that are 'found in .the aV
•'fairs, 'Gunner Arthur
Percy Who Was ' the
• ,victim of; •the..'initi.halr, ..weri. 'the.' VIC-
. feria '0'08k:in 1919, Whew he, .res'eued.
.,four comrades from a Russian
heavy fire.; After an :experience -
of ;that • kind,•• th.0 'newt -nal , cenoluelon .
.would be. that the 'Onbject •would have.,
••a.'. reasonable Chance',to Pecni?..i• the
'leas speCtitcular- hazards of • the
..theyEl. IS 'nothing certain 7
In that epaneetien• ittid„-:hunten .beings
Must be Prep.ated:!.forl..;..thi.tiwx,pet!Ited
airTaii"Fr •
Nanning The Baby I ,
• A poychorcigist issuee Iva:ruing
• to „parents.: not to - give 'thetfi,:bild:
nettles:: TM's- also,. applies to •what
!night be. Called the ".period nantOs",
assigned' to girls, It •Will be as: easy
to compute theages* of the '!Marin-
as"' of the present day as it was • to
• comPute .the 'agei of ' the !‘'..,iinias"
and ".Victorias" of the last. -- Brock,
ville ;Recorder and Times. • '
•' ,Bought OWn., Baskets
Giving the !boys. a Cent -,f9r.•everY,
fruit basket returned, local grocer
,fetind, 'hiniself' getting, On a btiyhig
• ' canipaign that 'rather • •astounded him
at thc unlintited supply 01' the basket
-market. 'Beeeniing „susPICIOUS ; of, the •
never -failing ..streatii-Of:- -you WWI lie.'s,11.
- 'Atet vendors, 1i made ..'helcV one. ,day
to thotheile.,of gathor-
ing the enipties and one leas
.elited 'than the 'other let hini•Intik the
' secret that ..they were recruiting- .their
supply from. :the Stock,..eoptainedia
his bach warehoude, o1 ji;."oter
Words :he was buying, the Sailie haSit,
.fiverHattd- Over again. 'fhe buy,
oampaigi, 001)0,4
.abitnitnettr of a.: tilt:down strike In
• :an aminunition, factory' 'during ,a• •
bombing 4 • Walkerton Ilertticl
• •
• •Geod.,Thing as 'Carriers
,Th9 Guelph Me.rcury ' points ,ont
1 hut happiness'is centagiotts. It is,
and there are. seine' peeple Weis• `
[them.--whe are !i•carriers", of-- it. .shoujd It
not regarded ,aa a„."d„ife;
ease!:Of childhood, or even of 'ycnitli,
.No one is more tci be, pitied than the
man Or Wciinan
an immunitY"f TOronto Star,
- • An In'diistrY. Grows
"'lie • Vold -well :Linen Mills estaly
lished at Irocitip.ii, furnish an out-
standing 'eXample of . an . hidustry,
grOwipg and flourishing r lathe-
pfitario cOMMUnitY;
• Plant; Staiting, .in a sinall way, las
• • Ht'.".
' •
o 46470 p012,. icriod741:11s4t 1411.!411.41,ec.a461:41104k
ities will use t. — BreekVille Reord-
er. and Tintea. '
' Dean; Inge 4m8 Prophet,',•
•. Man, :Wee' has PrOttuce:c1;:7attothert
book 1n *Weil- 'be dismisses many
thinga. One of libi eioplieCies -.fa that
there will net be a devastIng: EtiroP;
WI war beea0e of the lack of •funds.
Ho dePiCta Germany in such had fin -7
andel.' shape .that he doubts Whether
the Hitler regime ean last teri Muoh
longer, and Italy; he ayers,' 'Is not in
nnich better caeo- The revertnid gen;
tieman has freonefitly proved hiniself•
a good forecaster. It. is: to he honed
that he. hi also one' in thls :instance.
u Small Farms
George 4,14°41ili:Coh474.F11;!: '61:1'C:3:4;;C*Itnel:
• and Happiness
7TPRQN711,.., .Cenadei• hadattempt.
ed ,to; halict 4 Pabel, tower 41r4t,- Was
"41V. Materialiani.".. and that embodied
.1; d'groOt e0Pfueign. to tOngiie$,," Said
• Georges Bouchard, m.-to„.•froin. Quebec
to a reporter,.. makiog• 4 plea. 00 .the
small:farm; ftnd ilia fostering' oL_the
beteliard•, who elaitna lie is
telleettiallyr.. a ;tiller, of the...Sell, and
.Peinte;':Oat..,that hh fainitY 'liaVebeen
part Ortli;e, Quebecsoil -for. ten gerierf
before 089•••"...arrived
In . Torontoto,;•addresS. the liandieraft
AsSoetatIOn of Canada, 4;14co attend
the eXecittiVa4ineeting.- Of the ;Caned,.
len Asisociatton Education,
The member .for 'Kamoutiislio is e
professor 'in the Agripultnial• College
at . SaInte-Anne-de,la-Vocaffere;. wag
the: founder, Of • the Proneh-Canadiaa;
•WOmen'S.TeStitutea• and has made It"
hebbk of • 'handicrafts for 'more .„thaia•
twenty years.- -.
. „
.bellet!es", that- if Canada,' is to
'enjer, stability .and employment,
as -
well as contentment and happiness;
there must be a lot of Malt farnis
!0.-/argy:14-anst hit,. tom .has led to
instabilitiy, over -production 'and
pinpliiyirOut.. In his, part ' of, Quebec',
as ;uniforift a oil, and. „where the
farms. are not; ,cloSe,' fa ,the large!
Centres as .Soiithein Ontario the
people are closer to * self-sup,porting
Floods and Droughts
• The •Creeks. .and strealus-
•whiei 'are now se full to oVerflowing.
of 'Water will be much tea'sfull a .f.p.,W
weekii ;*-lietice aud mid -Summer :MaY
' them: ,altnost bone-dry • with,' the.
farmers ,dePendent• -..'upoil for
moisture: complaining, ofthe dretight
and being' Compelled to ..hrthg water •
for, perhapti Considerable ,distence 14„
Stinply, their stock and carry' on- Other
farm: operations. This :is I one of the
Penalties that we. Inns,. Pak fer tlie
liberties Whieh have (been ,taken,,With
the standing forsta ef•• ether days
:and With the' auchtaiis that once stored
•tip'• nidistart, fo,c...ettininer use. ._•;.,•
of existing swainps, together with the...
"breation ofs.additional',.otiesi Might
CO1U:' if' ,there is; te be: an
&Mule suPPly 'of water: Int some parts.
.the United "States;' be patinted Out,
:and the land r neon. Whioh 1110)' stand
Is 'being turned ,tiick into •inarSheeto
Proteet ..wittersheda and enir:floods
and drought S. Drockville •Ilectircler,•
, ,
. Barrier' to riappireat
One or the chief bars 'against .hap°- •
Oness, Is ' tlie eqipty mind. People who
,heyet• retired from, lnisitiesS,or fter .
a nlifetimeof%:labor with lie' hobby or
interest', aro' bOt.:nd, to .1.)e...throat back
in themselves, .:and tho botise , of' :life,.
IS not" intendedfor one sOlitary ten-,
;. ant. , It: shotildhave._ a :welcorne-fdr
friends': andhobbies and service 101P7-
-piAters..,4--Cartetcitr-iPirce Canedien..
. •
• 71114...EMP.141
7.• • itaian Defeat • . - • •
vor 11.IIISSOljfl the wo*,:ok, it Is
that his troops '•at Madrid reallY, were.,
: defeated. :The 77rout,,tor-,it was a rout;
was on a limited scaie, and n�' one
iated episode or ,.whether it was chap .
iteteristic 'of.' the 'fighting quality of
' :the Itaiians with Franco and .ther&•••
fore likely tik..reenr..• ,But'"within lls
Iirnits. it was :,,,serions;, all the, 'more
, serious • becauSe it is 'mutilating .and ,
Divus Augustus is his Own • 'CoUntry,
mist not be hunailiated. That fa why.'
tit; ./talian ,peOple are • told nothing
of: the defeat. by their.:OWn preeS.
That is why. Signor "Gadd; :;Mustio:.'
'lies mouthp,iece,;•fi felling•the Pnblic
that the Itailan „Iroops atMadrld
have been otectifying•. their i'front,!'
that old, --hypocrisy ;Which became So,
'stale jest 111 the Great •War.L,-.M*4-.•
;cheater Guardian •• •
• Mine I:3st, John 'Bull
Theway in which Britain Manages
the Coronation will colour, ,foi good
,•or bad the beinions • of scores of
thousands of overseas, Visitors' abept
• 'steadily expanded as .1tS,• preduCtsh:' 117,!".
.coanianded an • .e'ver-grintring-
.,,sharo,-of. 'the ',Canadian market,' Arid
J.111101;110' 'large -!additiett 121,001 10 be
bmm 11 ilitistratee-•tho. Continued ,suecess
Whieii .13,, a.ttendiag, ,the -.Undertaking.
Not .1.• • ..
, . • •
The moth 18 not it.Seciety faVorite.r
• , , ,
• 'evew)fli dOeS, frequently epliette in
• dress;S1 11. --,',Otta•Wvjettritaly
• ' . • . ,
• .• Van Bet: Your Cite
a ibami W0IO tO 'bet $17,060;000
against :$1 that lie colild tess. f
'let Into 111e.'111t4 and tate!' it Salt falls
le • certainly. Would be thotight •tO' be ,
. .
faolishjte :7probah1r Would win, but',
••thesinall gain OViluld• not be WOrth'•
'the' tremendOue risk,:by the.same to‘l
•lion,' the. nedea,tritin who Oaks all the!' ".
his llfe. jiiSt :to.
a single infinite: by crtiiisiiie the •
-street. •reeltiesily; in an exCeedinglY,
a booklet, "Iteti Bet'
fuu.1.4fo'i that,. it has het taaped,
Proniiiimit,qnstiraliCe contpaitY inlet
abeve ilittStratIen anlong
'Cani3ganithed '
flt•.t•pite of marked •Wogress
• •• vq.pciat c ai s ag-,k eattit of immnu1)
caiiipaignat. We' CannOt P, tlfet•
diphtheria bite been rettllY tOtintiered..
lehg 1 as the .elsoty§o.
..d1t1na.160 ittrelt in.threet.,1110ith8, as
• ilia .lattiat tt 'Of' the, bureau 'Of"
btatiatieS, iI0At�, btit the Means!
tha•capabillik of ocr PeoPle. If the oe
casion and our, pageantry :itre grand
enough to bring the world flocking,
otir •hospitality 'Must g0arantee,•every4
body' comfortable and 'fairly ',priced
quarterp, This 'respensibility now
being. shOuldered, 'With the ''•iteleioval
of the Government,by an AcCOMOda-
tio Committee set no by the Hotels
and----Restatii=ante AShoghttion-.-thii-
Residential Hotels 4ssociat!on an
the Travel • and Industrial • DevelOP-
ment Association,. Their eittOrPri80-7-,
'Which deserves .all praise - will se
cure A cepsus .of the, aVallable rooms
for Visiters. -- London Daily Mail,
War Trophies To.
Be Used as Scrap . .
Kiy,:g Takcs Lead
bY the King, .4t
,movenunit:-is sweeping , England to
.Serap the proud, trophies won by the
British armieson the Add of battl.C...
,to help. finance' 'Britain's .$1i6.6o,00q,:.
060 pregritin for new titnittments,
.1fie WIttiestrY itar'ted the. caimpaign
, With an �i'dcr to reimive two German
field .pleceS frOmi the 'east terrace of
V.IpdSor .Caatte: ;it Wits; lie toriSider,.
`ed. Sueli :.kelics not in keeping
with the' beauty' dt,the tei•rftOd andits
' faineba Stifikan .p;ardelia. ,
, Other hard. Wen trophies,',11- bc'of.
toted for sale flS 30 iniith'.'sdralcdtbti,
to helti' finande .the 'rettrinetnent pre, ,
.. •
Must Stop Motors
WhIe Filling Pink
• '
,legtilatiottsover the Hand-.
• ling and Storage of:Gasoline •
....TpRONT0 ,Regu1ationa..!govern4
ing the lia4dihig 'aa0, Storage, ot:gaso-
' adt„.•,passed at the 'reCent.. session. ef
•the legislature comes ;under the :fire.
•niarslialS1 departinent.. ,•
RegtilatiOna' reqUire handle,ra of the
gasoline to not .4r,noke:. tanks. of more
tham-50-,gallens, capacity used lor the -
transporting of gasoline', trilist. be 1)9177
ma,nently ;attached .0 tiles'. truelc ebas
ais; trucka used ,for the transport(i..
' tion. •of• gasoline must carry:: fire ex,.
; finguisherS: „sPeCialtypes 0! vaives.
and n,on leak tanks.. mtfat:. be ON
Service' 'Stations eie " warned against
the, •use of: visible ' type Of' pump
Avhere gasoline is displayed in a glee.a.
container: Of .more than one :gallon
capacity• one of these she.11 be, in '
,stalled, after ..,Ja.nuary.„ 1942 and by- '
erY Such.punip Must.. be taken out :•of ,
'Service by. 1947.''PntripS now installed.
on--inib1icLatreetaLl1ne5...0:. highways-
ont .of -,service also by 1947.
And ho..purnp Shall heneeferth be .in7'
stalled in such a, Weir: that'ift"'Velficije:
sits :upon the street or highway While;
.being serted.
•••,,,x4,4ters of automobiles 'mist „ torn
• off ,the engine ,wlien having the gaso-
:Iine tank filled. ,
No petraleitin Product; fetch as the
crank -ease oll .shall be, to en,
71iStemi Officials of ,:the departinent
may litnit the number of •empty gaso-
line drunia stored, any one place,:,
Spice ,cans and syrup jays in the
'kitchen cupboard; play a big Part in
giving 4ertain-- cigarettes their
tinctive flayere., • Foster., D. Sneii,
inc., 'industrialchemists, report; that:
"..eineng•the flaveritig •agents common-
ly added to :cigarettes are Coedit,
'chocolate; licori-der ginger, cinnittion,
vanilla, Molasses, . rum -„Lai. ritadY;
"maple syrup, ails of 'anise,. juniper,
cloves honey' and Sugar, . •
, ,
Wheat in U.5
w1N$11.0.3 0.-- btrui:oished,oeuppll
Wh4•6t, aVallable forex -
pert at the 1.4akehciad.andin Eastern
ports has resulted • in Canadian: end
,foreign eXportela :•purchasing • Cana,"
• than wheat at 13tiltith, Mion., grain
ra, eti said hero • .
.Ropnrchase of ?00,000.
• ot:t.ittra•-*
;dian'iriterests liot week . was confirm,:
" only ' 1,899,320 ,,hasheis of
Canadian Wheat' 'in ' 'sto're at413tilu
•Wcorev,er, bttying gannet 'lielarge. •
;The.; openIng of ,
last week -end broughtthe prIdJIelfl f:
lOw ‘•vtvnVa.hie'auPglies of e;cporahre.
Wheat into.theopen.,•-• WILh aPprovl
inrately 38,000,000 htishell of Can;;.
(lion; *heat,in store at Fort'
. andPert Arthur and Eaatern Cana-
. •
lan and Vnited States porta,. Cern,
paredowith" 108,000,0.00 last year, ex-
porters are :new markets
;seeking, wheat to nieet comniitnient.is
abroad.' ..,
• • OT5TPAIACa:L,!trdatirt
aspt2iMilinoisUrtest C.
ter •consulting :President- S. J. Hun
gerford of the Canadian. Nationa
jtailways on the projected trans -Can
.acia airlines 'Which will he controlled ,
,bytherailweY. ''111(! Minister said he
still expected •the -transcontinental
serViee 'wonld stirfrietit fall;adepend.:
ing„on .the 'delivery of planes and the
cOnstrifetion of,;; emergency• landing
fields, particelarly in ,the West.
Parliament ,:paSSed,• legislation last
-sesdien to, •:;s?,t up; the .6,90.0,000
poIato(r control the airlinp, 51 per
cenk.. Of the 'stock being retained by
th:e. • C.N.,R.„ ; :The ininOritY stock will
; held Ly i cern pa tiieS .operating
iii•geTheisnet:rinvuti'Lie. pinusero. rnmc aoi 111 • etrehi t1.61::: ov.vaenii;
7-couverr-reliWitVthrist 11t71 -t -g47'-*
,and ...arriviht.'`at' the West driest nt
2'pan. the following: ciaY...A: conneet,
in, iink ,Vvill be flown from 'Montreal
to Halifax, Making a tran-Canada
flight' :of ......tWenty,one.' or _t*Mity,twci.
Man to.Protect Fisherman'
WINNIP:kG4Formation,l'of a creci,
. . . . ,
, if agency in' New ;York: for, the pre-
, .
taction of fish pioduc
ers fiom uriscru'oulons, -1.1.ittyere..wes
'diSepased at a conference betWeen
prediicers' and repreientativs and the
Manitoba Department Of Nati.ral• Re,
sdurces,..., Ilon J S. MeDiarmid, Min -
....later of Natural jieSources,. said the .
agency Would „keep 'a check 011 buyers
with W.d, of :the Com, '
7-YO:ik.: • --`"
_ .
Quints Will Wear Canadian Wool
TORONTO --Next :winter :the. five
little sisters at Callender are gong;
to 'wear 'sults ,made rof,Canadian wool,
, spun in, Canadian. hehiei.
That is the :plan of. the Canadian
Wool', Growers' Assoemation, revealed
..ouraske".;" Quehee', 'a director of the
that the ,ksiociation, intended to ,s1Pori.
sr ' a \competition ''for the • best suits
of Canadian 'tt'oot,: '.ior the, 'Dionne,
quintuplets, He asked 'the :Hand,
mitts Association of Canada .for- as-
sistance . in ,organiling'' the: project,
weuld, not only benefit the *661:
growers, but alatiE7.theharidcraft-work-
ers. • •
-Saskatchewan Fanners ;Start
Work In Earnest
, .REdIN4=Seedipg is gener41--
• niost districts of Saskatchewan,. ac-
-• •
Best. :Musical Edoc.:-..tioxi..7--Wot-
can- Qffer Awaits' Winpipeg. Lad.
to, app. 4; Teggett, 24!tg.” • I h • flenjanmbn
stet! Agrieoltnre- ''Surface .;iPerscittlivin:ee'enkt tEe!ligg'il'isa.Nrc'irti/taiCIP'eo7-'7:11Pr3;P;:a•Prs:;
Pre •seciftdit.:Ona ai'e rens011
ably guo-1 • thOttgh 'there.. 14',1q1,cigPc)!nid lLorzie'iSIV,IgUPgrg:tittuovi,t9hP3e
of siibsollmoisture in AgAIA Areas.'
Between thirty-five and . forty pen • , .
"beat Laalcat, ea'n,
are 'reeving, goki.p4 .r4ify., for .farm rt: ,
Worlf 14141('- 4:
, wet, Jbe. boy play -4:.it...„.once4. I'M al,
•,most -,certah: h Scholarship Weald be
asui, the London
adjudicating at the- Manitoba
'Ea. 007004n' Eggs per -.Head at • )30bisalin.;pfreied taker„.11orne: te
Oshawa.., , . England with, hint; provide, 'him, with
'Ostiawat..iiiitarto;•:eata, 7 'p'oa.;.,o aud;. lodging • 'his oWp horne
u see that he is given the Best
Musical edOcatioy 'possible • if 'pi Win7,,
nipeg7service ; clubfrwould undertake
it1,000 .ational .naaintenanbe eXPenefla,
The ,Service,, Club is considering the,
..PkPYcduzing the winter pionths un-
cle? :the ;farm berms •sehenae are re,
maming on farms.
„ .
, more eggsth4n any other .city, in the
Dominion. Th:s •fact is retreatedin
the YeCerit. studies of the consumption
,,at•jous. food products indifferent•
cities and rural districts of Canada,
'carried out by the Eeonomies Branch,•
Delninion Department of Agrieulturef Leine 'has studied only •In ;Winnipeg'
in Po -operation with the PrOirincal he. wok. his first Celle instruetion
:when, he .wasthre,e years of age and
hotirs of daily practice in reeent
With,' regard to the: annual cofl,. years have. • been ' Under directionof
sUruption of eggs„. ,the , City of Csh, his mother a_ pianist r
_aw o a ace 13:::-Muuroe; commer-
74-int John, .N.,111., and Quebec- City
sCoied a draw with ,.17 ,dozen per
head .in each. City, • and. the,
tanti :of Mantre,a1,._ were; responsible
for 16 dozen s per persOn. The
Chi -
11030 . in Canada' ate 12 dozens of eggs,
per head during the, year; and the;
Japanese :consumed .16 ' dozens .per
... • ,
!increase Prize'List m CollingwOod
,:•',KHOR,1s1/3,i.tf1Y-1 The ag ctiltural•
-seeletY efCoitingwca4., townships-, de;
.eided: at 'a Meeting to •Itave a ,steel
•ro.Cf. put ori: the horse sheds: in the
•• fair greunds:.::••They,ndded a,,separate.
•:Class .for.:, Peroheron' horl:e:sk, .the prise..
1,2Lktgl J-11.4te-.4417.315--
Arrazigentents were cem.p.leted 'far .
, field crop corn.petitions in barley. The
plot Will •regitire four .acres of ground
and :entry 'fee .will be 1. The pro,:
vincia department :w111 pa -y• .60, Per
reut.;-of the.'cOsts;. ' • .
„ , , •
,ciel .artist, still toadies Lorne musio
theory. .
-Both 'mother...and sea: were. pleased
with ..1tIrs. Benjamin's Offer but
neither looked: with "particular 'excite-.
meat.on , the , prospect, of. Lorne going.
'to London,, • • •
• 1ike.to see 4Orae 'atakLun this
continent,P, Mr.' Munroe said. "N,Ve'd
like tO...have him ea to sarae Mtisitat
Centre .,.in the United States.. ,I••• don't
• 'want to Stand in his way but he's
. prettyTYOuni; te be op ,the other side
of the 'Atlantic froth Iiib family.
• Neither•.-'ntrother nor father Made
any.-,statethent . Whether': Abey *Mild
'permit- the. 'boy . •,,Lendon.
,sheiiid., the ••oppOrtunity..niateriallie.It wauld ,: "
he'lonely, '7411 right," Was
-home's 'only, eauguen. rk,vellee-se. gg
"•tion he mtudy. OverSeRs
Leine does dot. find :long' hours. 'of
. practice tedious.' A Eurdy, quiet . and,.
self-pessesSed boy, he:, likes to • tifly
..hiS chPseii instriunent/ • "
Dielatic.:Chtich on Cattle Disease'
L01p0S--.E.I0 elan:nine:, has be- '•
Conte:the ihrCat of the dreaded Bang's
disease ameng,-..Canadian ' cattle that ..
the Western Fair; along ::wi'th other l'•
leading exhibitions may adopt the ;
. precaution of compelling 'blood .tests .
pf animas :entering, Alia sheW.. ,
Bang's disease! is Said to be *featly
worrying 'sgrictlatnral •authOrities in
tin:, Province: If. Unchecked.,inany
herds inCy, fac 'sctiii-desetrUCtion; •it
te this iS:the
tention. that Bang's disease 'eauSes
rthilent.fover among humans.The .. •,•
disops'e--- Contagious abortion
-aniong cattle — is 'also hlaine!i• for
reducing the butter • fat ,'Content•ef
•.,Sees Soy Bean
A.—V1) -Source
Jackson, H: .V.' 13ar,
nardc, research director for the Darin
Chennirgic, Council, told the Missis:
eippi'Parrii Chemurgic, Conference to-
ady that soy beans; .,,,,vhich'Ilacst Year
attained% the•ranking of the ArleLican
f'ariner',s fourth . largest cash ere!)
may become the Souroe of an artifi-
Italy , The Protein of soy ',jeans is:
very.simrlar ir composition :to'," the
, casien of iik1jje added. ;
. • 1
How Coronation Invitations Appear
• VAikoori
. •
Iteteofith* 'aohSr, Or One of the 7,706 invitatimis to attend. tiro CereilatiOct' Viiiielparestrow, being' lAtied.
,Vhey b�i the sigtature' and; totti.of.tittiAt''Ot, the btike Of Noilfolk, Berl' Mer,alial. L1hd itiVitatiOna,„ are
7 Printed Ott ds, 1014phY black,
• ,,
.-.0),.. KEN.: E:D.WAR1 •1. :
..... , ,
,. klo„. unt,l• Some
, peopte..,get all.,the
• brealcs.', if they're.
• bad. they turn
out good, anyWay
tliat'a ,Wliat.•Ilatilc
Greenberg% found
• . It appears: De•.- ,
' slugging • ... • first
•. baseman broke a
.wriSt nt the start
of last, season ;
and drew hia-fiiif
Salary .. all .y ear
• ..
:front Inc bench.
„This .year Bank v,tas;talien•spie.11 op,
: $1,00_0 contract, Ilia. W'rist-undergoing
his eld sa1am / . • :
• It'S, a .fa'et thht in 1924 that
:Ruth led the Sim.,ric'ati Leitgua for 41
:first:Am:1'14st' time by bitting 7
' not- •a- good .av.erage . for • the pcb
-many: tinieS he . has exceeded this
•.. .
ThiS•hurimir 'fellow fs Worship
ped.'every who • O'W11.3. a base
bally'hat or glove.,•;'.holds the ‘lifetint
hoine rtin record vith 729
Next to Ruth cOmeS.T,ST.,•:Cehh•on
, of .the 'greatest, •plaYers that eve
co\s and
:chickens, have leen '.iteglec,ted out at
the FeI1i.ferni.."Anyway young: Bob
' be •!able to fatten them. pp, '!1•0 lti`
a ip0,06.0: baseliali.:.centratt un
der his, arm, thatiliA, to 'his. PaPPY's;
hiltRutty, Dus the man who"'driiiits,
u:ancl., eats while slisnendeditt' Mid itir
With rope: 'encii'elingr. his huge...necks ill ,
• , . , , . . •
be back in Toronto doing a “Des-
„ , .
Spec! .for _ corceran in st.
few Ji-., • • 7. .
egetab1.€r.owers, .
titinnsw: for 19 1,
• Raise More Cabbages
...Number of ' Peas, Twice As ,
Many Wax 43enns • in Essex „
' County. • .•
'LEAMINPTO. ,-- Vegetable grow-
ers in „South ghser.are oetimiitic re- • • •
-ggetiitgllein°eT:aarth-e..tiaa• bo
al4P4/.607.•••'1;1-riarliii4i:gt• •
-threnghout. the. 4141.1_0,
„; DROP Ilit•TOMATOgS, ;
. ,
. Figliree.`,POOMiled. :by the South
sax Yaaegg:,!0.4bley' !Li,r°.giitfc17r.!;4.4' c9,7.1°41r1;414"ttv.t7.
ings•ipr.bnit oae'of:"Seyen.vegetables... :
BarlY1 tomato plantings are slightly':
less, than last.Year. but ther productis
reeerti; 4 .substaxiIia1 J0u5.. .;.
Aeza f early peas being .
ed- is More than. triple that.of
Planting figures • for .weic beans are
tnore than double. , ;.
• The 'growers, 'have : dlsplayed.,;ccinfl,
denee liOt only in crap .reiernii, but in •
the '..SOutla Essex 'Vegetable growers!
Co -Operative Exchange ;to profitably
Market:these returns. Latent ,c heck
revegled7timr ,325--rgrOWerC-Ifird11:41170;•
the. 'es -Change, , an increase of 60 'to. -
the. eorresPondingAlate last year.
The tleirilieraliiii-•.-7difyle,,'has yet to
be completed, but , the belie is that
the. tete' Will ,far 'exceed last season's
• peak of 330, ' : • . ,
' The7'exchange eoutFols 'front 80 to •
98 per Cent. of the .vegetable; Crops ft ,
the South Eesex area as follows:„ the::
1 early toniatoeii," 90 per :bent; cactun7
here, 80; cabbage, 95; cauliflower; 95:' •
beans, 95; peas, .98; and asparagus 80.
011 tilie,'baSis Of this, percentage the
piariting- figures have canipiled;T
subjecttorevision as ,the season
. - • ,
, . They, f011ow.:.
..T.O.O.Atoki_•40_5ill.40-•--9044UO-71-5°°(h0UISl, 7789i'
('abl;ag 5.9uO 1,27$;00;422,600
% ',-i4a°c;Qrerj,s° ::7'.14'al6c.r°e9se' .•
45'.2.aebci*eas. 9 :1111,1,
Steady (1.5. Dernand
canadign „cattle'
51,000 Shd *
lppehis Year;,'
• .. Profit otitetimes 630 'Heed...
OTTAWA partieuterly
, pleases cattlethen.:: in -Ontario and
'Western Canada...is ,the' • .steet4:
niand for Canadian eattle, .',tha
•.ketsl-of-the-un,itpd.',-States 7-Ali!eadyy'
th:s: year:Mere than ..50j)00
been 'mark.etpci.' Thank to ,••
adian-EJnjted.States. tradeagreement;
• effiCient. Canadian stock f ceders '•havel
ine'de as. rembh as .$25' aed,,•$30-. :head". :'s
pr.00:•,.eu choice' bed cattle, Sold for
ephstirape.pii .in the Ill4ted States,: .
The.' trade agreement; which :- went
uttaefte '
-:- • -7
, , a- year Igo lar.'e, January,.•
41-,=-•-,,proVided7for-a---reiltieti-gn the.••
erican chstems', tariff on: Canadian
•cattit 'from.'-' three ' to two •cents per
os pond' and.fot a qudta 0'06,009. As
ittatter .of fact, hOWever,, .Canada
actnaliy , Sold :,191;000, head Of cattle
• apd'.56,541 calves;in the United States
last year ..or about 36,000C,attle ir
_ excess .of . •-.., • s-
e• BIOGER .,PR6F14; A.T.ApE,
ome-of these aminals were pure-
e bred` stock and; beef.'eattle...of weights
r. not covered by the q.no.ta. It is .esti'
e.: 4!r11dfo'd t -4 -for ,eyet y ..gOod -rsteer . the
Carraian:_fariperc-go• .1-0-4nor-e.'in, the '•
United: States thanhe wciiild'.liaVe got''
• tit:- the reciprocity! pact:. •-•
It is interesting to Pete -that. in •
1934•,•befpre the trade agreement. was
in operation, oCanada lsold:only .6,841
heed of cattle in: the , United States
and only 226 colvei.:, '1'he,Se: in :close ".
• tetiCh with 'inarket conditions. Will. not
be ..surprised if :Well onto 200,000 head
are exported .tei the,. United,: States
50i000 head were ship.: -
ped ,atroSsthe border ,:dnring' the'first,
quarter. . These 'Were. dhiefly..enintals
•Whiell. • had been Stalh-feci, in Ontario, •
orfetteneden feed lots in. the Wet.
Ohtario supplied-: seine: ,15,000 hod,
of the shipmenti,telz-T..irit‘ed-:-Stat-PS
thus •far :this year,. '
• Says--reoronati6n
Will Be 'Dreadful'
Woman Biographer'Left England
In Order to Avnid '
year,old blograPber, of '13arne11"k"was
iu New Yoilt today on halt visit
„Ito North Ainerieit and tut her, arilvil
said 'her , Main triera:Wits ;t:O 'get
away from; London' for • the ' Corona-
.. ,
, •
' "It's going. to '.droadftil,'r• Miss;
"'I ii'e,ver s-atv.:1,anden
look, se ',dreadful, With Alt those
stand10(111s • it p, aimd flielfgonas.' 'of
Austr!ttians • all:
sum d tO -nu) that ilie.Y"ro eaualivg (116
coronatftip 11118, Way.. Tli*e king • is
• iailiposolt tO a Xing.of all (110 peo Pie, •
Uith-tlie P11Cs thov'ro. •olior4ing •
soo,t,s, carie in ly • fovq
neOPIC erea get. a .foell nt
1It.sic 1117311 'AY'd.4 eh C:.61.14 'Iltqf-
ipit. literary' fignre te• thIS'.
.‘yeek to avoid the Coronation, Oh
41donit ittilObty arrived' oil
s.linitat journey, and said se,
Dog.. Watehos::'
. . • • •
Phone Calls
Terrier .11arks
When 'Beit.RingS.Four 'Tithes ,•••
DEEtz .
fOur7yetirs•eld. lioat on terrier .owned by
P. Cumming's( fornier'residetit Of
Eorcheiteri Mass., attends to tb tole.
photte tor•hbr 'mistress,. •
Every tinie it hearp.. fnui, rings
little;terriot •eunitione.11irs1 Cummings. '
by barking,: Etiehess „pays
• tieit to any of the. rings ou
vVItenever .'ecieuV, .1f- MIS:.
'.0.unintings happens', t� 6..'etikSVI111411
ijt the 'house .or out it the ,.„vard, :the
, deg' barks inoto. t1iai$13,' ' 7.
I1cd1gl.d 0i (Wiled by 11r8,,C11111*
.111filgg hayo. WIn 'Mt titi (RI, $ Prites'. 4 .
• the:tithed States, She lies Moro Allan;
13d-1ibbon awarciS.tl17i1 lionne1s.1.7i1u1's
. and i1iwg Jer Canitilan.bre'd
010 Bintinrock and.' Prineess'ljetrivia
have Won Spin pries at the.
New .Erigland 'Pointer