HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-04-29, Page 2*w.
4> .
, ' •
Claudia••• liaWiniffid meets.; • Dick
•Whallea ,nt,'11;hoekey game 'in Seattle,
:one night. Her interest in Dick in-
-foliates Wallace Bornell rich young.'
IuMberman,.who wants' her to marry
him.,To, get 'Diek. out of ,the way,
Wallace Oki* hint; a job iw.One'of his
' lumber camps in British Columbia.
Claudia, 'meanwhile, goes to VictOria,
• . •with-her'father. to bee about. n
• . " 1'0174 -e--.Tvires him that the
Job is his, Bernell manages' to'inter-
tept the telegram Dick the& accepts
;Ionia's offer and •goes north..' At
the lumber camp he discovers that
the Borne!' company is Stealingtim-
ber." When he asks the boss. Brad-
dock, for an explanation, he put him'
, off and- next day. starts for. Seattle.
.„.! The following :day •Claudia stops in at
• .Bornell'a.office and, by .chance, -over-
' hears, Bornell- and Braddock 'plotting •
to do away ••with ,Dick. '
:dia4dia: had her.; Witg about
:sharper: now. than ever. She must find
out more.
4 .7 'Or be eff it. once, or ,-yd'Olt,.iniss the
' 'boat flinn Vaneetivei:" .
. ,
boattonight," the the
Swareit.• "'have "to wait 'till 'to-
stiOrtevi:;"' • . f.'.
They hadlopened the door and come,
. out: into • the, euter.,:effice.,.as, they
". Spoke. ' They, .1 stppied:. Short; as they
• Saw Clauda., But" Ihe.,", Was, leaning
, back ,comfortably • in a chair, ;intent.
on her hand-rnirror, ber,..„eowde*'putT,
. •
and her nose:, .,' • , ' •. • •
"Why, :Clandia!" Wallace'ekelaiated, ,
•sUSpieionelY... "What 'on earth are you
. • • .
doing'. here?" ' •
She flashed 'a smile at him. and look;.
. 1 •
.ed back into her mirror„ :
"1 thought I'd 'surprise' you, Wally! •
cold and hungry, I• just thought
bOW nide a 'cup of tea weuld.'he-Hwith
'There' was a Moment's dcid. silence
as the two .nrien 'eXchange:I. 'glances:,
'Had ,phe'heard anythingl.f..The seetn-
innoCence Of. the girl, her 'titter,.
• .mere than ,delighted,--".,,'
Bernell; diamisSed Braddock.2 .with
Mad,' and the ..big man 'Walked heavily
out ot-the.,,effice--"Where shall we
;gel ; To"what.do 1 ewe this Most un-
• • usnal. invitation'P' : •
• "Well -I haven't' seen: :yen for
• . , .
:three 'whole days 'Wally' se J. thought
" look in on My • •Way.•.• heine to . tell
yon that ,,Priv,geingl:up..to Banff. for
the *inter .sports in a day or so, with
the ' Hodgetins,1 you know. In fact,. •
".they're 'there already."' :V •• 11' • • •
• •had risen' ...and*.*as',••••• walking
• casti,ailk.. towards the, „dem.. • Bornefl
followed, putting an..arm •areurid•dier•
..shoulders.• '
. •
47Ost one 'little uss. . . . She
pulled away ' from • him -Oh, how .3he;
hated him! But she tried, to play up
to him a little as they left the of.
She drove him in her car to a
fashionable restadrint.
a good. mind to run pp. to
When. they had ordered tea. -
• "Why nett. It would be -fun! You.
must _knew. British Columbia
well, Wally, you have so much 'prop- •
eity, up 'there.", ,
"Why no," he smiled.- ",13anff is
s in file' Reddest"
. • ",Where is it., then? Anywhere •
where there's ice and snow and
"Pait of, mill. holdings are in the
far north.":
:"Couldn't we go and ki up 'there,
a Dirty. of us?,' 'Whet town is near-
est to :your, properties; Wally?" • '
Fort Geoigd and a" littl
Called Hurbs Lake? -i'-' • • ,
t Lake! That Was what • slip.
quite. sure they had ',been , talking •
about. ' Dick 'Whalen.
After 'tea 'Claudia saidgoodbye, to.
Hornell outside the office of • a rail,
way ,agencY.• Ostensibly she was
going to find • out 'about trains and
fares to Banff, but herreal' reasons ••
'Was to; find out the whereabouts
• turns Lake. I. •
.'Wheo §he'retained •horne, she
found •:a letter- waiting for -lierH.a •
letter from , pick •Whalen at Bui.'ns*"
Lake! •
She gasped in stirP-ris'e when she
'Saw it. -Put her surprise deepened
as; she read it. Here Were eXplana- •
tions enough to damn for. -
• , •
It was Bornell Who. had Offered
1-Iiiek a. lob in his eamtJs in the]
' far .rierth! 'Borne!l had sounded none
•too •' fond. .Of %Dick When he had
.spelten of blin-to her. He Must have
'wanted ...Diek .Out Of the way! Quick,.
.ly t!he,,Metive for that suggestedsel to olaU0i----:j4191..!Sy;ni her
ac -
Dick' had never received her tele-,
There Inuet be 'some. ex-
planation. No '.wonder DiCk hadieft
her in silcnce. He thought she had
Jet hin.down; failed in her promise.
g'reat load: was lifted from tier
heart he could have tried, aloud for
joy and relief:. New she., knew that •
Dick , "as all she had first thought
of him. He had neither failed her
nor snubbed :her.- • •
But Dick Was in danger now!
13ornell and that big 044 were 'going
to "'get rid of him'''. because of sortie-
. •
ea Towels Bubbling VVIth Charm Are These By Laura
PAT'TEkfq r 1305
n • ;
• '• let these take • eliarge' of yew'
• loteheti, for they'lldo a dno job of drYing youi dishes, Right outof
the:Senn :bag-thetr bouffant skirts: and poltd-bonnets,..for,each i ii
„siriMie Patch to be 'ett. arid appliqued, 'then' ,finiShett bit' •
tind glfttitelf If yoUlfrefqi:16it'C'dii$init ther4Ull'otte. oria-,Joe,t
bmhtidor'theSn:.;_ratterft:180;$ contains. n.transter pattern of, sovenr
• Motifs, averagingt.1%. eolo'r illustrations Or ail'
stitches Used; material retruireinents. , • •
" Send. 20 tents in. Stanips or cOin, .Q.0111 p14401.1,6d) this
'tern ,to, Needlecraft Dept., : Wilson Publishing. eo,'
., 7:1 'West. Adelaido
'Toronto. Write :Plainly Pi'•1."11,I,:ltN• Nifl‘f10,llt. your .NAild Pl..and •
At;b111.18$., .
s• •
:be, War4.44-00Me(Itat0171Thb. Oitrs
dormant levy Or hint 'bettNette sur-
ing .up afrcsh. Her wits
aafi alt at OnVeT, the 1.04
tame to her. She ti'realtlgo.' tip there.
herself! . 'It would be ;eater' 4114 414,17e.
eertant' than 4.47 • 'Wire • eoeltis be, Or
` letter • •
She had fOliett, eltt".":thet.'Burns
Lake, could be reached-.* either, by
taking.. the, heat. to Prince' Alipert
444' . thee.going aeresa edttOtrY :by
train,. or by go,iIig north 'frotn; Van-
Ceuver' by. #011. 4.714 then westward.
long train journey. The '.big
Hradjack ' .Whom :Claudia had leen
4414 d USLLtt S114U cdhl is. v.
be just as, cipick to wait for 'teniorrow's boat.
She would go upby boat. Iler
WOP14 think she Ohl', going to
Banff.; •tliet .Weiiitt Make: it :easy.: for.:
her to take abliiH.-with. her.- It. vfOnld:
not .be altogether lie, for she *-001t1 •
turn vp. at pang': some time
Making. .rOund-about. journey., •
• • • • •
• .-ClOOdia knew •nothing,: Of logging,
camps, except by hearsay, But • the
fact. that .abe beenbrought up.,
in the laP . of luxury had net de-
prived her of initiative; • of One .iti,ta
of . her natural • spunk. She aimed
herself with all the 'money iihk..Cou)d
TaY hinds on, her Ski 444 Winter
chlt-44, and set out inf.() the World
Iven, ,re7P er.-any•;
On the boat. She came' lace to
Tfaeg Wali2117-*4(T.T.ROPg4l4108: Mtn
• 'initnecliately .but lying AO .0,g0 of
• ,.it., fie, ON e 'her 4 stare,, then, tee*
the cigar out of :his 1414Ptht t4r4ja
it •Pvcr and eVPr tiglug,14.f4.11T. ' Brad.•
dock was a 'sbreWd. 44:1 .e4anipi,T,
: man, by .no„ineOnsoa foul,
Her was the girl be . had seen
4',41,ting:.isn the ,:flornell ..,o.fAce, a... i4:..,11!.
who Ungnt. Or alight not have,4gPft!
hi.41."4:ndBernk '441414g• This was
'41P't tb*... tourist eeasoO, and to :Old
her:, I:eye, iVas 4' coh14,41C4ce 'tQco
.sti,•ancre to be. by chance. • If she
1 weie7bPtind for the same destination
,as -be,--wab, it, ia.Porzlell's ,inteiest,,
. against i 9 '
1 - —.1ertitr.844:inignv-nam'fatrtheie'ratilS7
• in the hollow 'off her little' hands.
•• .13r2.0(.10Ok. was not the 4144 tO.leave •
• anything to, change: , „ : .*. • • ".•'1
, He:. kept. 4n.' 037..e ori Claudia To,Wil.
.: gend, When they.*reached Burria-
...Lake lei* ' after,' darkshe of4..%i;• hel.,.'
'.,.step ..-oitt Of ,the •Thillman...faif ahead'
'' and ''' 'hu-kl d ' • - . watched:,.._ her
; A A •
. standing. there alone, -looking about
:her avto,nslY a. bit bewildered: . at.
the immensity , •of the country
around her, the lack . of, a Porter of
aril'? sort, the :few lights that came
.from the scattered dwellings, of the
:Vil.faite:' .. • • ' • ' •
He fitirried: over to . theinn, book,
• ed a sleigh to fake himi it once down
to the canif,i, , and "etiVif to it that no
other- sleiwght-r, IvnoeuxId'olbeermantg.Cis '
• (To. be Continued.)
• • •
• • •
that; are Pni*Uritql; inct 3"e1lO;Wed4
• trein• the Solniner'S un?
.4. They,. ean-•bo made gem by Ajp,
P.Ur.n.P4,sPdtgt P,OVPTe0
':Proinogin.;iliwi 411 721!!: 4S P.. 1:PtfitQ ne; The and '..k°hP.441.:
Q. flovt:', ,can :I "take proper care of
!when the curtains Were white.,.."
.ti , . • "••
•• • ' •cleaning
werl7 •
tingormoJ4.,'And if ' will, be -impossible
for OPm to aeeamaiate dirt,
Q. ROW, can. 1 iren .table • linen' so•
as to giVe. it a Satin: '
Q. HOW -.fen,..,1.` remove ail...On-ion:in-
then on the right. • .
sctswhen preparing ;greens?:
sprinkling some baking /3".0da:
on the greenbefOre, pouring Water
on them -for the first washing. .
'11104t1,1.4e. this by -
wiping a clotli dipped in water;
to :Which, a .little kerosene. has ;been
added. : ' •
• Q. How 'Lean I • reineve fee Cream
fronti a can withent:diffieulty?
.;Wre e hot .C1 -9th around the.:
Cap :and the •Tereain` will :slide out
• .4,1=e411;edir-0
Bathe the 'face in fresh butter-
milk, ,.or 'mix two ounces'. Cif eourfinilk,
Or butter:bilk,: with: tWo-•-drams Of
grated horseradish, and• 'six drama
of cernineal. .. Spread • this 'Mixture
between thin n;Juslin and apply to the,
affcted 'parts at night,, leaving onas
long ..ai possible; ,but• be • careful net
to ,get the eye.s. . :
'Q, How- Can ` 1: prevent leather
ShOea from hardening after being
out in a heavy ram?. '
A. p.r.":washirii leather , With
werin, water and then rubbing tluite
thoroughlY with .easter'
, Q. 'How can I • improve the flavors:
o f gooseberrY `'Pie- and • 'elderberry ,
A. •AcI'd`' a ..11,41e salt • to the'. goose-
berry- pie, and:. a' ,tablesPeOnfar. of.•
vinegar to the eldetberry •pie, to im-
prove their. flavors. • •
• Q. IIow e'en I roMOVe vegetable ,
stains from the lien&
Try rubbing the • juice of ripe
Cucumbers over. them..
•Iere is a cake that 'promises : to -
,be a hit this season and 'reank, other
Seasons toe.' It's 'a. new and entirely
different cake, and, of course, you
want to be the 'first in, your • crowd
to serve It. :but it won't be ,your
exelusive•-•recipe very hingbean*
everyone I else will. Want to tryit and
after serving ' this cake...once,' it will
become' an, :::outitanding -favorite..
•Now, however, is yeur. • chance ' to
make a name for yourself by being
Choedlate Almond 'Cake.; •
Because it is so good and for .fear
• semeolne, may not ;get a slice; the pro-
portions• given will Make an '.elitra
large Cake and you will appreciate
that when :the , cake,':begins to disap-
pear. .: It Will prove ideal aa, your
contribOtion towards a supper Club;
a church dinner or at your -own bridge
Party. : • ' • . • .
,It'san e.legarib. looking :Cake too;
and the combination nf.
chocolate and almond, and the com-
bination of the rich brawn' and 'cream
colors will please el/cryptic.'
. •
Chocolate Almond 'Cake' .
23 cups sifted cake flOUT.
.teaspoon Salt
'2 caps . Sugar
'3 e(igares unsweetened chocolate
' ..teagrioons Vanilla. '
', 1 cnp butter or Other shortening'
1 'teaspoon soda
' 5 eggs, well beaten
cap stini, milk or buttermilk
Srft float. Ands; mealitte,, add the.
soda end salt, •- and sift 'together 8.
times.- :Cream butter' thoroughly, add
sugar gradually, and 'cream ntiyil.:it
,light and' fluffy. • • , Add ekgs..':!ztiid.
beat well, then .:chocolate and blend.
'Add flour, alternately with milk, .
'small amount at a tlind, beating after
each - addition Until, sinaith. Ada
,Batto in greased loaf, pail).
.15 'Izi.'..inahoinu-sio*-oVen---(-3-26:7
5ego t )'50minutes,- until '1
lmYtivd Cake Irdno Pan,-,cift..in belie§
c•rosswise and ti-iin 0 Sti..tigliten,tho
Issue• Nil).
Almond Tilling between layers and
Mocha . Chocolate Frosting .,on 'top
and.sides of cake: Decorate top 'with
shredded toasted "almonds, if de- .
sired.', • .*
' tToasted Almond Filling
Cook I.• cupchopped blanched al-
monds Slowly in..4 tablespoons batter
" until, well toasted, ,Airring tonstanV
IY. :Recomve from fire : antkiidd a
• tablespoons topmilk. new add
cups sifted confectioners' sugar,
gradually, beating until sliroth. Stir
ia_dash_af salt and 2...tableaPoons-cf.±
vanjJla. Cook until thick enough :to
,Spread. , (For less. Juxuidous 'filling
•use ih or 3-4 of this recipe). .
' Michas Chocolate Frosting
.Cream ,2 ,tableepoOns butter; add 1
.cup lifted confectioners' sugar grad-
hlending; thoroughly. ' Add, 1-8
teaspoon salt, and .2- squares- of un-
sweetened chocolate, melted; and mix
well. Then add 4 'cups sifted confec-
tioners' Sugar; alternately with
Cup strong .coffee, until uf
sistency to spread., , teat after eaCh
',addition -until antiooth, "
Tew-Questions .
Q. How ean ; treat, white curtain
_ , • ,
ma year dealer Wiest
• Coleman Staves; that
'tadnitliter enema from
or write The
COMA% Lamp and It.,.
Company. Lft• 040•.1%
lomat*, °Merle.
Says Hockey Rival
Of Music In Canada
ary Ramsay Praises Canadian
Audiences After Recent Tour
NEW YORK -Mary ,Rarnsay, Scot;
tish, pianist, and Anders Tiinherg,
Swedish tenor, ; thM week .applauded
C,anaditia audiencesas "appreciative
and responsive to music."' Theyare
returning to England after a toUr. Of
. ,
agowever, 1 nfurst' say we had: one
great rivalHand. that Was: hockey,"
added Miss Ranisay .whimsically; "We
had to postpone One concert as 'there •
was a •big ' gathe the same evening."
She 'went' on to tell' of arriving in
ja • Western Canadian . town for a con-
cert and being met by the ..manager
Of the 'concei.t"hall' With the warning
that the recital, it given; 'would' fall
Upon • empty Seats as a hockey genie
Was to be , played that. night.
"We finally ',went to the game our-
selves. and held our Concert the next
night," she ,said.
Direct frim Montreal
a'ASCANiAr i"ANTONifin •
l'ATHENINt• “sotrrriar,
Papillae Steamerst
, . offering,
Individual attention r and
' ConligefetPortenal service to •
I A reonipleht,
relay With n ieming helpful.
: heti allnilnatIng all cares'
.The lowest 'rates Of paStigil
, .
:A. high iktandairel4f-aceina4,-
ItiOdation irt air eriastes,
' APpty:lo 7
21 IllasStrret (Elgin 3471) Toronto
dist the Mari itrage is vats" local agent.
,Orke 'whit:offs
atLoyrsyrocutures4baersioaunti o.,01%,171,suip;g01104.7:st
or•PERNON'S", • •
, . —,....
. bindoso in.ataiqpi.
'-:;171901:1- Ya.litirli•70°Io,1?..02°'euice'4',':41Fdt, ,
,4:1r*OVOY.4:1 '.90r0014' .. • ' ."
end eataloom( ' . , Olaset, . Zlnides. .
'1'' '14-aritzt7,-", CPPF'-'. '',.-'!6.7i'pr. Vr'. • ,'
- 4.1v•tia'ci:i...tiii4, .1101d,. ta:.i.4,1140 elsfOit .
,. anie°0110.4P.Fa Okira41,.f.f:4.!4‘C' al llt- .10oa.7.1 Ne. 3214, .: .
.1, „ ErielOsecd agree c,15, ogiatinstta4mmensmoritii ''.2.14.., ,......
, .
WIll_fERR 1.,c,i1. .
NI *chit leant' seed
catalootovi•fullY Mee= •
1 `,a,everal in natural co-:,
, lours, . the* finest arid:
f ITIPSeepniplito aval14.
abla, '''''''' '
• London's growth is so rapid that
it has been. estimate'd,there are a
half Million people living an its bor-
ders -f, ha a a 1 I ''ClIViltir€11t4
s always
You getet!ery ',cake of
Royal Yeast in an air-.
. wrapper -7-: :L.:sealed
aganut contanunatton
:Or bake A loaf, .that's
Tflayereit ,fip`e-tex4;te4,:apd .
truly appetizing, You need'a good
yeast One, that's fUlLittength:.
Royal is always dependable. .
'Each cake is protected by in
tight to insure Absolute
...freshness, FUJI Jeavening power,
purity. it's 'the oz:ity dry yeast
with- this special protection,
, For 50 years, Royal has been Chested&
std. Actually 7 out of 8 Canadian house.,
Wi•Ves today prefer,R4a1 when•they bike •••
With a dry`„yeast..TheY know they can
al*aysdepemien Royal for goodrresidie.
Gct a package.ef.ROYal today.
.s:e:llap.FREE. booklet'
Toilet Wiliam reanite Whited:baking, it ..
• fe important to ateep t?SespOngcat an even
!lir:914/01°4:21i Thc
Beok",, Alves . •
altucticine for •the
t.are of denim, Send
coupon for freieepi
of the bOolio giving
• 2; teeted recipetter
teniptina breads,
coffee eakee, • bune
and roll,. ' •
77:Frailer. Me., 'St Liberty:
. . .
- :lose iiiat die i5ef tied:he-in
:Vcast . •
totvn•,,, ,
°man Can
Combine Business
And Fly Life
Mil4red Folinsbee New Believe:
Question of Sex SuPerloritY Js
, Nonsense.
EDMONTON -i. is eritrely P°4'
t:71(1 W.T4iedlle for a W,913/411
c.,Oec intereitssatisfactorilybp,
tweet'. home and career id'en if he.
akewir4ie,',etiort-4.,. •
•:.cred opiiiions of Mildred. •FOlinsbee
'Newell, a praetising physician in
: Ed-
nionton sinee 1922, 'Dianiniorj
•:Wrier of• heal*
.Connell,":of ,WOMenPand one 'of the '
PAC4Cers in the fiel4:
' Dr: IsT0011 has fin liking tOi• an
attitude of militant feininisni, she,
r 'made, dear. She sees 116 need for
it and she is not, alarmed:, for.,Cana-
dian .women on that score; as women
don'tneed to defeud their' rights, 4
• question of one sex's superiority over
'another, she indicated, is. all non-
sense; Bach hks its • place and wo-
men Will always .have. theirs., ,
. . ,
. As 'physician. and "heme.:Inaker,, Pr.
on which to ,base her opinions. ;And,
av convener's.of health for the Na,
tional; Council, of • Wotnen, she. oc-
cupies a recognized place of invert-,
ancearneng her sex in the:Dominion:
She represents that body, tee on the
Canadian. Welfare ,Council, , •
Last " summer, after presenting her
report' at the',annual meeting Of the
couneil- in I-Ialifax. She stopped ofi
Chicage for; a fortnight, •,to-; observe-
metheffs .in , treatment , of maternity
caseS,2„. 'There, :, she • explained; .the
Practice •has been clefinitelt
ed.;of ..confining women2rin maternitY.
cases -in their onres. she;Ie-
lives,, is the -better Wayfor all
men; and • 1)at.:denial:1Y .
objection of doetore arose :from lacIt•
of hospital cenvenfences in hoines:.
'A girl shouldn't' really 'undertake
,the study Of 'Medicine UnleSS'She
the . urge tode. it;
Haying it, :branches of the prOfeSSitin •
eMbrScing.., obstetrics, gynaecology
,and Chi•itiren'S diseases WiThalway0 be .
PPO'ni to her, ,
Bertrand Russeir at
64, A Proud Father
Philosopher Peer Has Ha.5•World,
Attention for Sccial
. • ...f.Views • . •
• 'ycliffo=iO4(1:'
-Iews'on'4 sex, Marital relations, bow
to bring up children .atid';;;Internation-.• •
-al' affaij's,',was 'Pica Met. week lifter ••
beconif g -fathei4,...cit: the .age
, . , •
‘'very pleased very,"... the;
'philosopher peer. said at his cOuntry •
..home after annouticitigr•-tlfe., birth of..
Ron...;‘',."•The.., H • • (his third;
-,•;Wiariiiid :former., •secretary),and,..t he: •
baby • are, doing Lextrendeir. '
• .. •
But Earl 'Russell... whose .pen bas
. flowed freely . to advise 'other fathers ;. • ..
how to rear :their sfamilies,, tnsisl d
the' Upbringing of. his .fonlly was.; a '
"privateaffair." , ' • ' •
.• • . • . , , •
He once 'ran •a. achool yoitre :the
. 'children: 'dould .do. . just ' 'what they ,
'pleased,' go 'naked ',when, they felt I::
..the-iirgei;swear;--and -attend- elasses'a:u- •
• the • Spirit. moved them. ,
• ,Atitisell Succeeded to an earldoni.
In 1931 •when ' an Older ;brother died -
but he has _taken Iittlo. -part in the -
.deliberationa of . the .House of •Lords.
'1)30sideti. 'being a :ii‘aeitiat..: 'favors
total,disarinunient ;andtne.;',Sur,rend7
erof all.-colonieS, 6the League :Oi : •
Nations:,• ".1.,
on ,borill'7. to; Itt,sselrei
'third wite,..hie :21 -year-old 'termer set,
retari,. who was named correspondent'
- When the companionate mar,riage
,ropate's Beet:lid. Wife sued' bin( ,for,
vorce in. 19,34. •'
who 'ttnete on cotepall:inti; •
ate inarriage. and other Secial 'views
. . . .
vie*ts, havelbrertight hiin.World' atten-
tion often has beenin legal hot:water.,
; for , ids opinions. • , ' '
Ile Was,Oned,10.t.....iss.uing_painnhiets
•against ' :the 'pritlish gOVernMenVe
LtealnienL ,of cthiselentioUs' , vbIeetOtb•
•to 'Military ierVice. and deprived Of
.his leetureehiP7at Cambridge' Uni:Ver
:fifty In 4016: •:
In 191. Russell was sentenced lig'
4 London Magistrate ; to six niontlis,
..iniprisOnment • for niaking published ••
'.statements 'atiJudgett' .preludieat to.:.
,%ngiO4Meilean. relations,' ti,e
,inated, tinited ,States military Tiered:I
were being 'sent to kngland Oar
Pre:nee to intl.:Id:had stflitetittn Oe-
eiipatiOn to Wfilek tile AnieriCan•a'cini: .
is 001st:0ned at hunle,"v.„
• Winnipeg Alder:then VrfAiirn
manaitOr Ih
.W014.Per .Of :Winnipeg tedelyed lit..
tle support froni his city aldo'rmon
for a P1401)0Silt to hayd aeity, (tana-
ger and, mit, the Council ;down ritim
nineteen to, tiine MeMbers, Ile 'Aug-
8e4ted theeity ;Manager .idea- at
luncheon, b'ut`of fifteen alriermeu
tevicwbdOhe apilrov
' . •